October 2008 - York Convocation
October 2008 - York Convocation
OCTOBER 2008 CONVOCATION REMISE DES DIPLÔMES OCTOBRE 2008 Faculty of Arts Joseph E. Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies Faculty of Education Faculty of Environmental Studies Faculty of Fine Arts Glendon College/Collège universitaire Glendon Faculty of Graduate Studies Faculty of Health Osgoode Hall Law School Faculty of Science and Engineering Schulich School of Business THE ATKINSON-OSGOODE GREEN, YORK UNIVERSITY OCTOBER SEVENTEENTH TO NINETEENTH, TWO THOUSAND AND EIGHT ATKINSON-OSGOODE GREEN, UNIVERSITÉ YORK DU DIX-SEPT AU DIX-NEUF OCTOBRE, DEUX MILLE HUIT TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIÈRES The Honourable R. Roy McMurtry, Q.C. ....................................4 L’honorable R. Roy McMurtry, C.R. ........................................... 4 Mission Statement ....................................................................5 Énoncé de mandat .................................................................... 5 History of York University .........................................................6 L’histoire de l’Université York................................................... 6 The Mace....................................................................................7 La Masse d’armes...................................................................... 7 The Coat of Arms of York University.........................................8 Armoiries de l’Université York.................................................. 8 York University...........................................................................9 Université York .......................................................................... 9 O Canada..................................................................................10 Ô Canada..................................................................................10 Academic Honours...................................................................11 Distinctions honorifiques ........................................................11 Honorary Degree Recipients ...................................................12 Récipiendaires d’un diplôme honoris causa..........................12 Saturday, October 18, 2008 – 10:30am Faculty of Graduate Studies Faculty of Arts Faculty of Education Faculty of Fine Arts Glendon College Order of Convocation ..............................................................13 Candidates for Degrees...........................................................15 Samedi 18 octobre 2008 / 10h30 Faculté des études supérieures Faculté des arts Faculté des sciences de l’éducation Faculté des beaux-arts Collège universitaire Glendon Programme de la cérémonie .................................................14 Nouveaux diplômés ................................................................15 Saturday, October 18, 2008 – 3pm Faculty of Graduate Studies Faculty of Environmental Studies Faculty of Health Osgoode Hall Law School Schulich School of Business Faculty of Science and Engineering Order of Convocation ..............................................................26 Candidates for Degrees...........................................................27 Samedi 18 octobre 2008 / 15h00 Faculté des études supérieures Faculté des études environnementales Faculté de la santé École de droit Osgoode Hall École Schulich des Hautes Études Commerciales Faculté des sciences et de l’ingénierie Programme de la cérémonie .................................................26 Nouveaux diplômés ................................................................27 Sunday, October 19, 2008 – 10:30am Faculty of Graduate Studies Joseph E. Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies Order of Convocation ..............................................................35 Candidates for Degrees...........................................................36 Dimanche 19 octobre 2008 / 10h30 Faculté des études supérieures Faculté des études libérales et professionnelles Joseph E. Atkinson Programme de la cérémonie .................................................35 Nouveaux diplômés ................................................................36 Candidates for Certificates ......................................................41 Candidats aux Certificats.........................................................41 University Awards ...................................................................42 Prix et Médailles de l’Université ............................................42 Awards and Prizes...................................................................43 Prix ...........................................................................................43 York University Alumni Association........................................44 Association des diplômés de l’Université York......................45 University Administration .......................................................46 Administration de l’Université................................................46 October 2008 Convocation / 3 THE HONOURABLE R. ROY MCMURTRY, Q.C. L’HONORABLE R. ROY MCMURTRY, C.R. The Honourable Roy McMurtry, former Ontario chief justice and attorney general and Canadian high commissioner to the United Kingdom, is the 12th chancellor of York University. L’honorable Roy McMurtry, ancien juge en chef et procureur général de l’Ontario et haut-commissaire du Canada au Royaume-Uni, est le douzième chancelier de l’Université York. Born in Toronto, Mr. McMurtry is a graduate of Osgoode Hall Law School and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1958. After practising as a trial lawyer for 17 years, he was elected to the Ontario legislature in 1975, where he was immediately appointed attorney general by then-Premier William Davis. As attorney general, Mr. McMurtry argued major constitutional cases in the Supreme Court of Canada and played a key role in the negotiations leading to the patriation of the Constitution with an entrenched Charter of Rights in 1982. Mr. McMurtry left office in 1985 to become Canada’s high commissioner to the United Kingdom. In 1996, he was appointed chief justice of Ontario after serving as the chief justice of the Superior Court of Justice. Né à Toronto, M. McMurtry est diplômé de l’école de droit Osgoode Hall et a été admis au Barreau de l’Ontario en 1958. Après avoir exercé comme avocat plaidant, il a été élu à l’Assemblée législative en 1975, où il a immédiatement été nommé procureur général par William Davis, alors premier ministre de l’Ontario. À titre de procureur général, M. McMurtry a débattu des questions d’ordre constitutionnel importantes à la Cour suprème du Canada et a joué un rôle clé dans les négociations ayant mené au rapatriement de la Constitution incluant une chartre des droits en 1982. M. McMurtry a abandonné le poste en 1985 pour devenir hautcommissaire du Canada au Royaume-Uni. En 1996, il a été nommé juge en chef de l’Ontario àpres avoir été juge en chef de la Cour supérieure de justice. Mr. McMurtry is the founder and president of The Osgoode Society, a body established in 1979 for the writing of Canadian legal history which to date has published 70 books. In 2007, his significant contributions to the legal profession were recognized with Osgoode Hall Law School’s Award of Excellence (The Robinette Medal) and the President of the Canadian Bar Association’s Award of Merit. He also received an honorary degree from York University in 1991. He was invested in the Order of Ontario in January 2008. 4 / October 2008 Convocation M. McMurtry est le fondateur et président de la Osgoode Society, un organisme établi en 1979 pour écrire l’histoire du droit canadien et qui a, à ce jour, publié 70 livres. En 2007, ses précieuses contributions au domaine du droit ont été reconnues par le prix d’excellence de l’école de droit Osgoode Hall (la médaille Robinette) et le prix du président de l’Association du Barreau canadien. Il a également reçu un grade honorifique de l’Université York en 1991 et a été récipiendaire de l’Ordre de l’Ontario en janvier 2008. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of York University is the pursuit, preservation and dissemination of knowledge. We promise excellence in research and teaching in pure, applied and professional fields. We test the boundaries and structures of knowledge. We cultivate the critical intellect. York University is part of Toronto: we are dynamic, metropolitan and multicultural. York University is part of Canada: we encourage bilingual study, we value tolerance and diversity. York University is open to the world: we explore global concerns. A community of faculty, students and staff committed to academic freedom, social justice, accessible education and collegial selfgovernance, York University makes innovation its tradition. Tentanda Via: the way must be tried. ÉNONCÉ DE MANDAT L’Université York a pour mandat d’accroître, de préserver et de diffuser le savoir. Nous nous engageons à ce que la recherche et l’enseignement, qu’ils soient purs, appliqués ou professionnels, se placent à un degré d’excellence élevé. Nous repoussons les limites et les structures du savoir. Nous cultivons le sens critique. L’Université York partage avec la métropole de Toronto son caractère dynamique et multiculturel. L’Université York partage avec le Canada son encouragement aux études bilingues, son attachement à la tolérance et à la diversité. L’Université York s’ouvre sur le monde et s’interroge sur les grandes préoccupations internationales. Composée d’enseignants, d’étudiants et de membres du personnel dévoués à la cause de la liberté, de la justice sociale, du libre accès à l’enseignement et de la direction démocratique, l’Université York a fait de l’innovation sa tradition. Tentanda Via : Ouvrir des voies nouvelles. October 2008 Convocation / 5 HISTORY OF YORK UNIVERSITY L’HISTOIRE DE L’UNIVERSITÉ YORK York University was founded in March 1959, when its charter was approved by the legislature of the Province of Ontario, and enrolled its first class of 76 students in September 1960. Fondée en mars 1959, date à laquelle le Parlement de l’Ontario a approuvé sa charte, l’Université York a ouvert sa première classe avec soixante-dix-sept étudiants en 1960. York was originally established as an affiliate of the University of Toronto, but became independent by mutual consent in October 1965. York University moved from Falconer Hall (on Queen’s Park Crescent near the Parliament Buildings) to the Glendon campus in 1961, and each succeeding year has seen a major advance in growth. York, qui était au départ affiliée à l’Université de Toronto, a pris son indépendance par consentement mutuel en Octobre 1965. Elle a quitté Falconer Hall (Queen’s Park Crescent) pour le campus de Glendon en 1961, et a franchi chaque année une nouvelle étape décisive. In 1962, the Joseph E. Atkinson College first offered degree courses for evening and part-time students. In 1963, the Faculty of Arts and Science introduced its own distinctive program of degree studies, and the Faculty of Graduate Studies was established. The University accepted its first postgraduate students in 1964. En 1962, le Collège Joseph E. Atkinson a offert aux étudiants à temps partiel les premiers cours du soir menant à l’obtention d’un grade. En 1963, la Faculté des arts et des sciences a créé à son tour des programmes d’études sanctionnés par l’octroi d’un grade et la Faculté des études supérieures a été fondée. Les premiers programmes d’études supérieures ont été offerts en 1964. The Keele campus, which became the principal seat of the University, was opened at Keele Street and Steeles Avenue in 1965. In the following year, Glendon College was officially opened and the Faculty of Administrative Studies (now the Schulich School of Business) was established at the Keele campus. Devenu depuis le siège principal de l’Université, le campus de York, au croisement de la rue Keele et de l’avenue Steeles, a été inauguré en 1965. L’année suivante a vu l’ouverture officielle du Collège universitaire Glendon et la création de la Faculté d’administration (maintenant l’École Schulich des hautes études commerciales) sur le campus de York. In 1967, the Senate enacted legislation to establish a Faculty of Fine Arts. In 1968, the Faculty of Environmental Studies was established, and the Osgoode Hall Law School became the Faculty of Law of the University (under the terms of an agreement which had been entered into with the Law Society of Upper Canada in 1965). En 1967, le Sénat a décidé la création de la Faculté des beauxarts. En 1968, la Faculté des études environnementales a été créée et l’École de droit Osgoode Hall est devenue la Faculté de droit de l’Université (aux termes d’un accord passé avec la Société de droit du Haut Canada en 1965). A Faculty of Science was created in 1969 by separating biology, chemistry and physics from the Faculty of Arts and Science, which then became the Faculty of Arts. In 1971, the Senate approved the establishment of the Faculty of Education. In 2000, Joseph E. Atkinson College was renamed the Joseph E. Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies. In 1990, the Faculty of Science was renamed the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, and subsequently, in 2004, became the Faculty of Science and Engineering. In 2006, the Faculty of Health was approved which brought together Nursing, Health Policy and Management, Kinesiology and Health Science, and Psychology. The non-Faculty colleges appeared annually after 1964: Founders (1965), Vanier (1966), Winters (1967), McLaughlin (1968), Stong (1969), Calumet (1970), and Norman Bethune (1971). York University now graduates approximately 8,000 students annually. 6 / October 2008 Convocation En 1969, la Faculté des sciences et des arts s’est scindée en Faculté des sciences, chargée de l’enseignement de la biologie, de la chimie et de la physique, et en Faculté des arts. En 1971, le Sénat a approuvé la création de la Faculté des sciences de l’éducation. En 2000, le Collège Joseph E. Atkinson a pris le nom de Faculté des études libérales et professionnelles Joseph E. Atkinson. En 1990, la Faculté de sciences a pris le nom de Faculté des sciences pures et appliquées et par la suite, en 2004 devint la Faculté des sciences et de l’ingénierie. La faculté de la santé, approuvée en 2006, regroupe les programmes de soins infirmiers, de politique et administration de la santé, de kinésiologie et sciences de la santé et de psychologie. Enfin, les Collèges qui ne sont pas des Facultés ont fait leur apparition à un rythme annuel après 1964 : Founders (1965), Vanier (1966), Winters (1967), McLaughlin (1968), Stong (1969), Calumet (1970) et Norman Bethune (1971). L’Université York décerne des diplômes à environ huit mille étudiants par an. THE MACE The mace, which the University Beadle carries, was a gift to York University from the City of Toronto in 1964. Each part of the mace has symbolic significance for the University. Rendered in brass, the end section is set with stones of cullet, bloodstone, agate and amazonite which represent all ethnic sources of Canada. The shoulder has 10 projections representing Canada’s provinces. The four arms at the head of the mace represent the paths which lead to the ideals that humans strive to achieve. The arms support an orb whose shape reflects the universe and its truths. The orb is executed in the colours of earth and water: brown, ochre, blue and green. LA MASSE D’ARMES La masse que porte le massier de l’université a été offerte en 1964 par la ville de Toronto à l’Université York. Chaque partie de la masse a une signification symbolique pour l’université. La masse est en laiton et sa partie inférieure est sertie de pierres taillées : hématite, agate et amazonite, qui représentent toutes les origines ethniques du Canada. Les dix projections de la partie supérieure représentent les dix provinces du Canada. Les quatre bras, au sommet de la masse, représentent les sentiers de la connaissance et des idéaux que s’efforce de suivre l’humanité. Les bras soutiennent une sphère représentant l’univers et ses vérités. Le globe a les couleurs de la terre et de l’eau : le brun, l’ocre, le bleu et le vert. October 2008 Convocation / 7 THE COAT OF ARMS OF YORK UNIVERSITY The upper half of the shield contains two lions of the City of York; the lower half contains, on a red background, the white rose of the Royal House of York. The oak sprig in the crest represents the Tree of Learning and recognizes York University’s initial affiliation with the University of Toronto. The York University colours are crimson and white. ARMOIRIES DE L’UNIVERSITÉ YORK La moitié supérieure de l’écu porte les deux lions de la ville de York; dans la moitié inférieure figure, sur fond rouge, la rose blanche de la Maison royale de York. La branche de chêne du timbre, qui représente l’Arbre de la Connaissance, témoigne de l’affiliation initiale de York à l’Université de Toronto et du ferme soutien qu’elle en a reçu. Les couleurs de l’Université York sont le blanc et l’écarlate. 8 / October 2008 Convocation YORK UNIVERSITY L’UNIVERSITÉ YORK “A first task of York University will be to use the great traditional subjects to shed light on the problems of today’s world…No one in his right mind would today oppose the need for a high degree of specialization. But to have specialization and nothing else is to possess but half an education…we shall try to break down the barriers of specialization, to give to York University students a sense of the unity of knowledge.” « La première mission de l’Université York consistera à appliquer les grandes disciplines traditionnelles pour mieux comprendre les problèmes actuels...De nos jours, personne sain d’esprit ne mettrait en doute la nécessité de posséder une spécialisation de haut niveau. Pourtant, avoir une spécialisation et rien d’autre ne revient qu’à posséder une demi éducation...c’est pourquoi nous tenterons d'abolir les barrières de la spécialisation, afin de donner aux étudiants de l’Université York un sentiment d’unification des connaissances. » York’s Founding President Murray Ross, 1960 Murray Ross, président fondateur de l’Université York, 1960 Since its inception in 1959, York University has become worldrenowned for its unique interdisciplinary approach to teaching and research. An education at York University provides an interdisciplinary perspective and a modern approach to the issues facing today's world. York is where students and faculty from differing disciplines join together to explore problems to the fullest possible extent. The result is a dynamic, all-round perspective that corresponds closely to the world we live in. York graduates are enabled to develop advanced solutions to complex problems, and benefit from a unique perspective that is both realistic and optimistic. More than 50,000 students, including the second-largest graduate student population in the province, pursue full- and part-time studies across York's 11 Faculties. York has three professional Faculties in business, law and education, plus other professional programs ranging from engineering to nursing, social work to urban planning, in addition to a wide range of programs in the social sciences, the humanities, fine arts, science and environmental studies. Through York's 11 Faculties and 24 interdisciplinary research centres, we conduct ambitious, innovative research that moves freely across traditional academic boundaries. Multicultural and diverse, with a range of views and perspectives, York's student population is among the most eclectic in Canada with over 100 different language groups represented. York's combined intellectual, social and cultural life translates into an environment in which students can develop a better understanding of our world in order to change it for the better. York is a place where you are encouraged to build your own unique path to success and achieve groundbreaking success. As a distinguished York graduate, you are joining more than 200,000 York alumni worldwide who "redefine the possible" and help to shape change in Canada and beyond. As a member of York's graduating class of 2008, you will carry this hallmark of innovation and excellence. We wish you every success, whatever path you follow. Depuis sa fondation en 1959, l'Université York s'est faite connaître mondialement pour son approche interdisciplinaire unique en matière d'enseignement et de recherche. Une éducation universitaire fournit une perspective interdisciplinaire et une méthode contemporaine pour analyser les enjeux auxquels est confronté le monde d'aujourd'hui. À l'Université York, étudiants et professeurs de diverses disciplines se regroupent pour explorer à fond les problèmes actuels. Il en résulte une perspective dynamique et exhaustive qui correspond étroitement au monde dans lequel nous vivons. Les diplômés de York sont donc en mesure de trouver des solutions avant-gardistes aux problèmes complexes et bénéficient d'un point de vue unique, à la fois réaliste et optimiste. Plus de 50 000 étudiants, y compris la deuxième plus importante population d'étudiants de 2e et 3e cycle de la province, étudient à temps plein et à temps partiel dans les onze facultés de York. York propose trois facultés professionnelles en affaires, droit et éducation, en plus d'autres programmes professionnels allant du génie aux sciences infirmières, travail social et planification urbaine et régionale, ainsi qu'une panoplie de programmes en sciences sociales, humanité, beaux-arts, sciences et études environnementales. Grâce aux onze facultés et 24 centres de recherche interdisciplinaire de York, nous menons des recherches ambitieuses et innovatrices qui franchissent librement les frontières académiques traditionnelles. Multiculturelle, diversifiée et riche d'opinions et de perspectives variées, la population étudiante de York est parmi les plus éclectiques du Canada, avec une représentation de cent différents groupes linguistiques. La vie intellectuelle, sociale et culturelle de York favorise un environnement dans lequel les étudiants peuvent acquérir une meilleure compréhension du monde dans lequel nous vivons afin de pourvoir l'améliorer. York est un endroit où l'on vous encourage à définir votre propre chemin vers la réussite et à remporter un succès sans précédent. En qualité de diplômé de York, vous joignez les rangs de plus de 200 000 anciens étudiants de partout au monde qui " redéfinissent les limites du possible " et aident à façonner les changements qui s'opèrent au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde. En tant que diplômés de la promotion de 2008, vous porterez en vous cette marque d'innovation et d'excellence. Nous vous souhaitons tout le succès possible, quel que soit le chemin que vous empruntez. October 2008 Convocation / 9 O CANADA O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Ô CANADA Ô Canada, terre de nos aïeux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux. Car ton bras sait porter l’épée, Il sait porter la croix. Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi trempée, Protégera nos foyers et nos droits, Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. 10 / October 2008 Convocation ACADEMIC HONOURS/ DISTINCTIONS HONORIFIQUES Faculty of Arts, Joseph E. Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies and Faculty of Health Bachelor of Arts with Honours, Bachelor of Administrative Studies with Honours, Bachelor of Health Studies with Honours, Bachelor of Human Resources Management with Honours, Bachelor of Science with Honours, Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Honours, Bachelor of Social Work with Honours Summa Cum Laude: Cumulative grade point average of 8.00+ Magna Cum Laude: Cumulative grade point average of 7.80-7.99 Cum Laude: Cumulative grade point average of 7.50-7.79 Member of the Dean’s Honour Roll: Cumulative grade point average of 7.00+ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Administrative Studies, Bachelor of Human Resources Management, Bachelor of Science With Distinction: Cumulative grade point average of 8.00+ With Merit: Cumulative grade point average of 7.50-7.99 Member of the Dean’s Honour Roll: Cumulative grade point average of 7.00+ Faculty of Environmental Studies Bachelor in Environmental Studies with Honours Summa Cum Laude: Cumulative grade point average of 8.00+ Magna Cum Laude: Cumulative grade point average of 7.80-7.99 Cum Laude: Cumulative grade point average of 7.50-7.79 Member of the Dean’s Graduating Honour Roll: Cumulative grade point average of 7.00+ Bachelor in Environmental Studies With Distinction: Cumulative grade point average of 8.00+ With Merit: Cumulative grade point average of 7.50-7.99 Member of the Dean’s Graduating Honour Roll: Cumulative grade point average of 7.00+ Faculty of Fine Arts Bachelor of Arts with Honours, Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours, Bachelor of Design with Honours Summa Cum Laude: Cumulative grade point average of 8.00+ overall and in the major Magna Cum Laude: Cumulative grade point average of 7.80-7.99 overall and in the major Cum Laude: Cumulative grade point average of 7.50-7.79 overall and in the major Member of the Dean’s Honour Roll: Cumulative grade point average of 7.00+ overall and in the major Bachelor of Arts With Distinction: Cumulative grade point average of 8.00+ overall and in the major With Merit: Cumulative grade point average of 7.50-7.99 overall and in the major Member of the Dean’s Honour Roll: Cumulative grade point average of 7.00+ overall and in the major Glendon College/Collège universitaire Glendon Bachelor of Arts with Honours and Bachelor of Arts/Baccalauréat ès arts spécialisé et Baccalauréat ès arts First Class Standing/Mention très honorable: Cumulative grade point average of 7.50+ Faculty of Science and Engineering Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours, Bachelor of Science with Honours, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Technology First Class Standing With Distinction: Cumulative grade point average of 8.00+ First Class Standing: Cumulative grade point average of 7.50-7.99 Member of the Dean’s Honour Roll: A sessional credit-weighted grade point average of 7.50 or higher on a minimum of 24 credits or, in the final year of study, a minimum of 18 credits. Grades and Grading Schemes/Notes et Systèmes de Notation Grade A+ A+ B+ Grade Point 9 8 7 Per Cent Range 90-100 80-89 75-79 Schulich School of Business Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours, International Bachelor of Administration with Honours With Distinction: Cumulative grade point average of 7.50+ International Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration, Master of Public Administration Member of the Dean’s Honour List: Cumulative grade point average of 6.95+ Schulich School of Business Grades and Grading Schemes Grade A+ A+ B+ BBA/IBBA Grading Scheme Grade Point Interpretation 9 Exceptional 8 Excellent 7 Very Good Grade A+ A+ A- Master’s Level Grading Scheme Grade Point Interpretation 9 Excellent 8 Excellent 7 Excellent October 2008 Convocation / 11 HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENTS RÉCIPIENDAIRES D’UN DIPLÔME HONORIS CAUSA David Broadfoot David Broadfoot Humorist, writer, performer, producer and director Humoriste, auteur, interprète, producteur et metteur en scène Dave Broadfoot is an internationally known comedian who has probably provoked more laughter from Canadians than any performing artist in English Canada. As a comedy writer, performer, and political satirist, he has enriched the cultural life of Canada by reflecting us to ourselves with wit and intelligence. Mr. Broadfoot is a veteran of the legendary CBC comedy show Royal Canadian Air Farce, and holds the distinction of Officer of the Order of Canada; he won a Juno for comedy recording, and has received 14 radio and TV comedy awards. Mr. Broadfoot’s performances for Canada’s military forces have taken him to Korea, Japan, Gaza, Germany, Cyprus, Egypt, the Golan Heights, Bosnia, Croatia and Afghanistan. Mr. Broadfoot will receive an Honorary Doctor of Letters. Dave Broadfoot est un comédien reconnu mondialement qui a probablement plus fait rire les Canadiens que tout autre artiste du Canada anglais. En tant qu’auteur du genre comique, interprète et caricaturiste politique, il a enrichi la vie culturelle du Canada en racontant notre propre histoire avec esprit et intelligence. M. Broadfoot est un vétéran de la légendaire comédie de la CBC Royal Canadian Air Farce, officier de l’Ordre du Canada; récipiendaire d’un prix Juno pour ses enregistrements de comédie et de 14 prix Comédie pour son interprétation à la radio et à la télévision. Les spectacles qu’il a donnés à des campements militaires canadiens l’ont amené en Corée, au Japon, à Gaza, en Allemagne, à Chypre, en Égypte, au Golan, en Bosnie, en Croatie et en Afghanistan. M. Broadfoot recevra un doctorat en lettres honoris causa. Justice Harry S. LaForme L’honorable Harry S. LaForme Ontario Court of Appeal judge and Aboriginal rights expert Juge de la Cour d’appel de l’Ontario et expert en droit autochtone The Honourable Mr. Justice Harry LaForme was appointed to the Ontario Court of Appeal in 2004 — the first Aboriginal person to be appointed to sit on any appellate court in the history of Canada. Mr. Justice LaForme graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School in 1977 and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1979. He soon commenced his own practice, specializing in Aboriginal law, and in practice he litigated and focused on matters involving the Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He has appeared before each level of Court and travelled extensively throughout Canada, and represented Canadian Aboriginal interests in Switzerland, New Zealand, and to the British Parliament. He was a member of the Osgoode Alumni Board of Directors for almost 20 years. Mr. Justice LaForme will receive an Honorary Doctor of Laws. 12 / October 2008 Convocation L’honorable Harry LaForme a été nommé à la Cour d’appel de l’Ontario en 2004. Il est le premier Autochtone de l’histoire du Canada à être nommé à une cour d’appel. Le juge LaForme a obtenu son diplôme d’Osgoode Hall Law School en 1977 et est entré au Barreau de l’Ontario en 1979. Peu de temps après, il a ouvert sa propre étude, se consacrant au droit des Autochtones. Dans sa pratique, il s’est occupé d’affaires concernant la Constitution et la Chartre des droits et libertés. Il a plaidé devant toutes les instances de tribunal et a beaucoup voyagé dans l’ensemble du Canada et représenté les intérêts des Autochtones du Canada en Suisse, en Nouvelle-Zélande et devant le Parlement anglais, et a siégé au conseil d’administration des Anciens d’Osgoode pendant presque 20 ans. Le juge LaForme recevra un doctorat en droit honoris causa. ORDER OF CONVOCATION F ACULTY OF G RADUATE S TUDIES , F ACULTY OF A RTS , F ACULTY OF E DUCATION , F ACULTY A RTS , G LENDON C OLLEGE /C OLLÈGE UNIVERSITAIRE G LENDON Academic Procession Bachelor degrees in the Faculty of Arts The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. Bachelor degrees in the Faculty of Education Call to Order Harriet Lewis, University Secretary National Anthem Opening Greeting Bachelor degrees in Glendon College/Collège Universitaire Glendon The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words Admitto vos ad gradum. President’s Remarks Closing Louise Lewin, Associate Principal, Glendon College Stanley Tweyman, Master, Vanier College Conferring of the Degree honoris causa The Orator will present to the Chancellor the candidate for the degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris causa: DAVE BROADFOOT F INE Bachelor degrees in the Faculty of Fine Arts Marie Rickard, Master, Winters College Chancellor’s Remarks OF Louise Lewin, Associate Principal, Glendon College Dismissal Harriet Lewis, University Secretary Withdrawal of the Procession Dr. Broadfoot will address convocation. The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. Conferring of the Degrees in Course All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. Convocation Address The Presentation of the Candidates Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: Immediately following Convocation, the graduates and guests of the University are invited to attend the Faculty reception in the Technology Enhanced Learning Building. Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy Graduate Diplomas Master/Magisteriate of Arts Master/Magisteriate of Education Master/Magisteriate of Fine Arts October 2008 Convocation / 13 PROGRAMME DE LA CÉRÉMONIE F ACULTÉ DES É TUDES S UPÉRIEURES , F ACULTÉ DES A RTS , F ACULTÉ DES S CIENCES L’É DUCATION , F ACULTÉ DES B EAUX -A RTS , C OLLÈGE UNIVERSITAIRE G LENDON DE Arrivée du cortège académique Baccalauréats de la faculté des arts Le procession du cortège professoral et des dignitaires entre juniores priores. L’assemblée se lève et reste debout jusqu’à ce que le chancelier s’assoie. Baccalauréats de la faculté des sciences de l’éducation Ouverture Harriet Lewis, secrétaire de l’Université Hymne national Discours de bienvenue Baccalauréats de la faculté des beaux-arts Baccalauréats du Collège universitaire Glendon Le chancelier décerne les diplômes en prononçant les paroles suivantes: Admitto vos ad gradum. Allocution du président Marie Rickard, directrice, Collège Winters Conclusion Louise Lewin, principale adjointe, Collège Glendon Stanley Tweyman, directeur, Collège Vanier Allocution du chancelier Remise du doctorat honoris causa L’orateur présente au chancelier le récipiendaire du doctorat en lettres honoris causa : DAVE BROADFOOT Allocution M. Broadfoot, Ph.D., prononce une allocution devant l’assemblée. Remise des diplômes Présentation des candidats Ordre de présentation des candidats au chancelier : Doctorat en philosophie Diplômes universitaires supérieurs Maîtrise ès arts Maîtrise en sciences de l’éducation Maîtrise en beaux-arts 14 / October 2008 Convocation Louise Lewin, principale adjointe, Collège Glendon Clôture Harriet Lewis, secrétaire de l’Université Départ du cortège académique La procession du cortège professoral et des dignitaires se retire seniores priores. L’assemblée se lève dès que le chancelier se lève et reste debout jusqu’à la fin. Les participants et les invités sont priés de rester à leur place jusqu’à la fin de la cérémonie. Les diplômées et diplômés et les invités de l’Université sont conviés à une réception tenue dans l’édifice Technology Enhanced Learning Building. CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES F ACULTY OF G RADUATE S TUDIES , F ACULTY OF A RTS , F ACULTY OF E DUCATION , F ACULTY A RTS , G LENDON C OLLEGE /C OLLÈGE UNIVERSITAIRE G LENDON CANDIDATES FOR DOCTOR/ DOCTORATE DEGREES FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Communication and Culture (York University/Ryerson University) James Irvine Cairns Dissertation: From Social Celebration to Politics as Usual: Newspaper Coverage of the Legislative Opening in Ontario 1900 - 2007 Gregory Brent Klages Dissertation: "Will the Establishment Finance the Revolution?" Canadian Arts Advocacy Groups, the Federal Government, and Development of Arts Policies, 1963-1972 Ganaele Langlois Dissertation: The Technocultural Dimensions of Meaning: Towards a Mixed Semiotics of the World Wide Web Tina Sikka Dissertation: Recuperating Politics from Deconstruction: A Pragmatist Critique Christopher B. R. Smith Dissertation: A Users' Guide to the City: 'Juice Bars', 'Liquid Handcuffs' and the Disorder of Drugs DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Economics Na Hao Dissertation: Economic Dynamics: Applications to Public Economics, Health Economics and Labour Economics Jianfu Ma Dissertation: Multistability in Neural Networks with Delayed Feedback: Theory and Applications Nikolai Victorovich Slobodianik Dissertation: Model Selection for Bayesian Networks and Other Quantitative Approaches in Stem Cell Research Naveen Kumar Vaidya Dissertation: Membrane Fusion between an Influenza Virus and a Host Cell: Mathematical Models Yumin Wang Dissertation: Mathematical Finance Related to Insurance Contracts - Quantile Hedging and Efficient Hedging for GMDB DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Political Science Jose Miguel Gonzalez Perez Dissertation: Governing Multi-Ethnic Societies in Latin America: Regional Autonomy, Democracy, and the State in Nicaragua, 19872007 Alison Renee Howell Dissertation: Madness in International Relations: Therapeutic Interventions and the Global Governance of Disorder(s) Hasibe Sebnem Oguz Dissertation: Globalization and the Contradictions of State Restructuring in Turkey DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Social and Political Thought Astrida Gundega Neimanis Dissertation: Bodies of Water DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY History Jonathan Fraser Short Dissertation: A Life Undivided: On Agamben's Use of Heidegger and Benjamin Christine Grandy (June 2008) Dissertation: Heroes and Happy Endings: Class, Gender, and Nation in Popular Fiction and Film in Interwar England DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Sociology Jennifer Anne Marie Lofkrantz Dissertation: Ransoming Policies and Practices in the Western and Central Bilad Al-Sudan c1800-1910 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Mathematics and Statistics Sandeep Bhargava Dissertation: Realizations of BCr-graded intersection matrix algebras with grading subalgebras of type Br, r bigger than or equal to 3 Chuanbin Du Dissertation: Efficient Splitting Domain Decomposition Methods for Time Dependent Problems and Applications in Porous Media Qingwen Hu Dissertation: Differential Equations with StateDependent Delay: Global Hopf Bifurcation and Smoothness Dependence on Parameters Agnieszka Czajka Dissertation: The Camp and the Political: Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon Matthew Frederick Hayes Dissertation:Macroeconomics and the Composition of Modern Economic Government: Towards a Critical Sociology of Economics Ian Anthony Morrison Dissertation: The Secular and the Limits of the Political: The Problem of Religion in Quebec Andrea Marica Noack Dissertation: Regulating Adolescence Through National Surveys of Youth Kelly Amanda Train Dissertation: Authenticity, Identity and the Politics of Belonging: Sephardic Jews from North Africa and India within the Toronto Jewish Community OF F INE Suzanne Jean Zerger Dissertation: Infirmary Services for Homeless Persons in Toronto: A Case Study DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Women's Studies Marielle Aylen Dissertation: Modern Vision and National Memory: Jori Smith, The Montreal AvantGarde, and Charlevoix Painters Leslie Alexandra Kern Dissertation: Gendering Urban Revitalization: Women, Condominium Development and the Redefinition of Urban Citizenship DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Education Gholamreza Nasirzadeh Dissertation: The Sameness and the Difference: Americanization of Management Education at the Iranian Management Institute CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATE DIPLOMAS FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES Graduate Diploma in Curatorial Studies in Visual Culture Nicholas Andrew Brown Heidi Heather Kellett Jennifer K. Matotek Graduate Diploma in Democratic Administration Natalie Anne Riley Foster Gregory Brent Klages Tracy Dawn Verhoeve Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education Meytal Daniels Sandra Lynn Giles Byrne Zavette Marlena Quadros Graduate Diploma in Environmental/ Sustainability Education Andrea L. Goveas Graduate Diploma in Financial Engineering John Kwai Ting Chak Jing Dong Haohan Huang Lindsay David Jamieson Edmund Tsz Man Lee Madaliso Nsangu Mulaisho Francois-Alexis Ouegnin Yong Xu Xiaofeng Zhou Graduate Diploma in Health Services and Policy Research Marianna Azar October 2008 Convocation / 15 Graduate Diploma in Justice System Administration Vito Totino Graduate Diploma in Refugee and Migration Studies Serena Eowyn Thomas Karen Leanne Vanderwillik Graduate Diploma in Voice Teaching Richard Clovis Lloyd Stewart CANDIDATES FOR MASTER/ MAGISTERIATE DEGREES FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Communication and Culture (York University/Ryerson University) Karla Amirault Carrie Ann Bissonnette Mark Adrian Brosens Erin Charter Christopher Patrick Clemens Ryan David Clement Erin Jane Elofson Leila Fenc Alla Gadassik Sarah Eanake Glen Haide Tomalee Hall James Wesley Harrison Brennan Donald Stewart Heath Jaigris Nadia Hodson Fenwick McKelvey Tamara Anne Miller Laura Catherine Moses Chantal Petrie Megan Price Gordana Stojanovska-icevska Tyler Terrance Tekatch Taunya Rose Tremblay Lindsey Ann Vodarek MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Economics Alex Viotti Guimaraes Ian Michael Heffernan Syeda Farahnaaz Kabir Yunfei Li Rozalina Omar Carolina Pizarro Md Ehraz Refayet MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS English Westlee Andrew Roy Barichak Marilyn Jean Boyle Julie Anne Butson Shawna Delgaty Amanpreet Kaur Dhami Marcus Anthony Grandinetti Jerisha Falan Grant-Hall Anthony James Hicks Jessica Michelle Huber Sean Peter Kennedy Jordan Laura Kistler 16 / October 2008 Convocation Brittany Diana Kathryn Lavery Taryn Farrell Ortolan Jonathan Abram Vandor MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Geography Mark Peter Andrews Lori Ann Caira (June 2008) Sai Soe Win Latt (June 2008) Meghan Jaye Rees Sally Elizabeth Turner MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS History Funke O. Aladejebi Kevin Patrick Anderson David Adam Brand Erik William Brokelman Amanda Jennifer Butko Nathan William Cecckin Michael Celik (June 2008) Francesca D'Amico Laura Marie Decamillis Katina Renata Deichsel Calliope Sophia Dimitropoulos Edward Joseph Disenhouse Leanna Fong Vasiliki Vicky Giannoutsos Runako Kamau Gregg Mark Joseph F. Gulla Luke Scott Henderson Bethany Kathleen Knourek Sarah Catherine Lebel Brittany Alexandra Luby Andrea Lynn Maccallum Michael Steve Mclaughlin Natalie Marion Mclellan Susanna Meszaros Kristina Leigh Morin Aneesh Murali Mohan Dienes Palmer Jonathan Matthew Reeves Nathalia Lembo Ribeiro Samantha Sue-Ann Sandassie Karlee Anne Sapoznik Anastasia K. Tataryn Catherine Elizabeth Charlotte Wachter Elaine Marie Young Jeffrey Lee Zvengrowski MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Humanities Mark Christopher Ambrogio Canina Ashley Clifford Justin Eastwood Derry Andrea Marie Di Febo Madalina Elena Hubert Jane Hope Hudson Concetta Valentina Principe Naghmeh Saffarian Pour Adele Elaine Spraggon Christina Josie Sulmona MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Interdisciplinary Studies Karen Miranda Alma Augustine Abir A. Chaaban Stella Dorothy Loring East John Matthew Kneale Hayter Cyril Victor Reyes MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Linguistics Leila Asgari Nettie Lois Boivin Kuei Chan Sarah Chen Man To Victoria Cheng Li-Min Eng Karolyn Anne Gruszewski Sarah Macgregor Hamilton Sreemali Madhavi Herath Daniel Kyle Horn Jessica Sarah King Laura Kisielyte Jennie Christine Lopes Angela Jean Meyer Sterzik Gazala Sajid Pathan Nicholas Sebastien Plante Mansour Safdari Christine Julia Scardicchio Nooshin Shakiba Jessica Meryl Soltys Yael Yoheved Stern Robert Leslie Wood MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Mathematics and Statistics Mohamed Abdelghani Andrei Nodari Akhvlediani John Kwai Ting Chak Fady Daoud John Darkwah Jing Dong Yu-Yuen Lily Hong Haohan Huang Lindsay David Jamieson Roman Khaykin Hang Thi Lai Edmund Tsz Man Lee Hugh George McCague Mayra Montalvo Madaliso Nsangu Mulaisho Francois-Alexis Ouegnin Barbara Perez Malgorzata Elzbieta Puzniak Avideh Sabeti Melissa Rosa Troiano Jennifer Ann Woodcock Yong Xu Chen Zhao Xiaofeng Zhou MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Philosophy Timothy Kenneth Gray Peter Edward Irish Matthew Jonathan Ivanowich Dara Hannah Jospe Tristan Alexander Laing Alessandro Angelo Manduca-Barone Adriana Elena Molina Jesse Alec Sabbagh Michael Tyler Stuart MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Political Science Leila Beheshti James Hammond Bishop Cohen Travis Brown Ewa Ines Cerda-Llanos Andreas Charalambous Oana Liana Chivaran Sonia P. Cordeiro Natalie Anne Riley Foster Bikrum Singh Gill Kareem Olando Glasford Nira Lall Robert Andrew Macneil Ima Madadi David Michael Matijasevich Joanna Francesca Melymuk Amanda Mary Micheff Elli Stephanie Nakitsas Vera Nikolovski Anna Piekarzewski Olivier Plamondon Scott Robert Rennick Hicham Safieddine Carmen Sanchez Maria Margarita Abola Sayo Vladimir Shatiryan Cristina Catherine Siviero Sean Kenji Starrs Daniel Leonard Stephens Vito Totino Karen Leanne Vanderwillik Tracy Dawn Verhoeve Brian Michael Weingarten MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Social and Political Thought Baolinh Dang Jason Malcolm Harman Stirling Alexis Lafrance MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Social Anthropology Melanie Anne Hammond Kevin Andrew Charles Smith Serena Eowyn Thomas MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Sociology MASTER OF EDUCATION/ MAGISTERIATE OF EDUCATION Education MASTER OF FINE ARTS/ MAGISTERIATE OF FINE ARTS Film Lara Esther Blanch Angelina Bosco Sarah Ngoi-Man Chu Lina Nicolette Cohnstaedt Sandra Colucci Negin Dahya Meytal Daniels Rosalba Julia Droulias Sandra Lynn Giles Byrne Sharon Frema Goldfarb Andrea L. Goveas Michelle Maria Kosmrlj Karen Naomi Kugelmass Chun Xue Li Carole Ann D. Macdonald Kurt Anthony McIntosh Heather Elizabeth Moore Sotiria Suzy Panourgias Loretta Anna Piccoli Zavette Marlena Quadros Lubna Qureshi Rosemarie Antonette Reid Bharat Singh Saini Adi Sugarman-Maidany Sandra Tuzi-De Caro Charles Mathew Egleston Larissa Fan Christopher James Roberts Miguel Nuno Rocha MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Art History Meghan Leia Bissonnette Nicholas Andrew Brown Heidi Heather Kellett Jennifer K Matotek MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Dance Fethi Karakecili MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Film Stephen Charles Broomer David Thomas Murphy MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Music Chrysanthi Diavatopoulos Carlo Fanelli Etienne Godard Flamand Alison Jenkins Rehanna Siew Marc Darrin Sinclair Glenn Peter Stevenson Candace Sarah Wells Nishani Wickramasinghe Donna Francesca Boucher Patricia Mary Renee Brett Karen Anita Eloise Cyrus Michael Colin Downes Kirsten Andrea Dyck Sheena Dawn Hyndman Jasna Jovicevic Pusztai Hong Diem Regina Lam Vu Emilie Cecilia Lebel Anthony Michelli Talia M. Wooldridge MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Women's Studies MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Theatre Studies Janice Josee Kelly Tanya Sharlene McFadyen Christopher Andrew De Abreu Olivia Delachanal Katharine C. S. Fournier Mary Elizabeth Fraser Melody Hubertina Schaeken Louie Michael Ryan Skolnik MASTER OF FINE ARTS/ MAGISTERIATE OF FINE ARTS Visual Arts Kiriaki Athanassiadis David Neil McDougall (June 2008) Lauren Kathleen Nurse MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Études Françaises Amanda McLachlan Darling MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Translation Daniele Marie Covelo Ramona Diaconescu Anne-Lise Diehl Diane Gagné Pierre-Yves Pouliot Julie Anne-Marie Proulx CANDIDATES FOR BACHELOR DEGREES FACULTY OF ARTS BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Anthropology Stefan Brierley Jay Rankine Castillo Communication Studies (Double Major) Tara Chow Joseph Collings Criminology (Double Major) Lorine Kirkoc Communication Studies (Double Major) Alon Jeffrey Lyons Stephanie Morano Communication Studies (Double Major) Jonathan Muma Communication Studies (Double Major) Yana Shirman Psychology (Minor) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS Anthropology Mark Kay Hooria Nekzai Sarah Elizabeth Sifontes Duran BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Applied Mathematics Asa Shiota BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Business and Society Verna Judith D'Souza Suban Farah Amy Fown October 2008 Convocation / 17 James Gray Lorin Griner David Grundland Joseph Iusi Dhurga Katherval Jianjun Liu Casey Evertove Palmer Jennifer Rambarran Vanessa Regina Saade Housh Yevgeniya Silina Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Maia Rabinovitch Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS Business and Society BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Creative Writing Shefi Sean Asher Yohan Janakan Balasingham Avery Garfield Brown Michael Caporale Eliana Cerlenizza Vivian Ki Chan Sean Li-Sheng Chien Adamo Colella Sara Davarpanah (June 2008) Laurel Janell Gordon Song Han Sze Wing Celene Ho Jason Huang Pejman Kazerani Shaun Lamba Rodney Leung Xue Li Michael MacAluso Jennifer Mantello David Marchioni Praveena Pakitharan (June 2008) Irina Arina Presnova Anthony Rotondo Amarit Sagoo Ajay Samaroo Carson Smith Raymond Tran Johnric Vuong Neera Vyas Mei Yu Zhao Adeela Ahmad English (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Diana Berdichevsky English (Minor) Emiko Hsuen English (Minor) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Dominique Michelle Rabideau Gregory Akos Adam Szakolcai Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Classical Studies Ayesha Mehreen South Asian Studies (Double Major) BACHELOR OF ARTS Classical Studies Amanda Galati Mark Stone BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Cognitive Science Adrian M. Bartlett Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Damir Olejar BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Communication Studies Smith Chungyampin Film (Double Major) Aron Noah Katz Film (Double Major) 18 / October 2008 Convocation BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Computer Science Boris Issaev BACHELOR OF ARTS Computer Science Ian Carlos D'Souza Mauricio Lopez BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Criminology Jennifer Aranda Sociology (Double Major) Andrew Arbid Political Science (Minor) Avin Athari Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Francisco De Almeida Nicholas Charles Marc Debono Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Michael De Simone Danya Lee Dixon Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jennifer Hancock Psychology (Minor) Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Asad Imam Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Zoltan Kertesz Philosophy (Minor) Shanique Maureen Lake Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Dimitra Moukas Warren Patterson Mariya Protsenko Psychology (Minor) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Anna Katrina Quintos English (Minor) Zohra Rahman Balbir Rai Jonathan Teller Victoria Torres Jennifer Valliere Philosophy (Double Major) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Michelle Leslie Zimmerman BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS East Asian Studies Siew Ling Ong Communication Studies (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Raymond Siu Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Economics Besmira Alikaj Political Science (Double Major) Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Alexandra Burchesin Mimi Chang Mario Anthony Cosentino Youjia Fang (June 2008) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Vanessa Fuentes Inna Goldberg Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Vlado Walter Hrubovcak Mabe Vanessa Illah Amaan Ishaq Camila Un Chi Leong Othniel Litchmore Shumei Luo Cui Mao Arsalan Mehboob Mladen Ostojic Political Science (Double Major) Nealyn Pereira Inga Anne-Marie Simon Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Grace Virgilio BACHELOR OF ARTS Economics Mansi Arora Edison Ricardo Brito Larrea Mandy Wen Xi Cai Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Manroop Singh Chahal Ying Chen Yanjun Dong Jiang Du With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ruoye Du Qiang Fu Minling He Yu-Wei Hu Shih-Haw Huang Hui Jin Paul Krebs Wai Shan Kwok Xi Cecilia Li Xiaoxiao Li Di Lian Nick Tsung Wei Lin Jen-Chieh Liu Chenyi Lu Christopher N. Minnis Steven Naccarato Yan Ni Julian Pico Saavedra Mariya Popova Mustafa Saeed Lu Sun Athena Tarkalas Damien Waithe Hang Kit Wong Bing Xia Fei Xia Bo Yuan Qian Zhang BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Economics and Business Chris Onnik Bilecikyan Ryan Desnoyers Jessei Kanagarajan Timothy Schokking Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Eileen Mi-Kyung Sim Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jie Yu Xiong Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Lu Yang Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS English Zainab Al Mutawali Prabhjit Bhogal Jessica Ceci Lee Malcolm Daisley Vanessa Dalton History (Minor) James Docker Camille Dunbar Political Science (Double Major) Degmo Gedi Karen Gore Communication Studies (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Laura Amy Grande (June 2008) History (Double Major) Alicia Halket Anthropology (Minor) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Daniel Johnston Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Rachel Judzentis Kari Ann Le Beau Communication Studies (Double Major) Sean Clark Leslie Samuel Linton Jared Marc Lipton Kristina McCallum Sociology (Minor) Tamanna Mehta Adam Mena-Silvert Communication Studies (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll David Milman Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Diane Nikoletopoulos Stefania Speranza Occhiuto Communication Studies (Double Major) Cassandra Oras Women’s Studies (Minor) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Helen Papantonis Kimberly Rawluk (June 2008) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jennifer Martha Smith Sofia Strimban History (Minor) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS English Warda Ibrahim Abdulsamed Derek Wayne Achoy Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Annette Bochenek Rachael Brownell Danielle Bullen Nicole Burk Jeffrey Chow Eva Circosta Christopher Barrington Dodd Jaymie Karen Doucette Sunyna Dwivedi Samantha Fernandez Michelle Grady Soofia Habib Maxim James Aram Kim Emily Joan McCallan Ashley Murdoch Tina Pantioras Cristina Papa (June 2008) Vedran Popic Lauren Rea Vanessa Reinhold Johanna Routis Carol-Ann Thompson Adelina Bernadette Vescio Olivia Volpe With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS English Professional Writing Christina May Duarte Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Laura Godfrey Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS French Studies Shikara Graff Natalie Lau Communication Studies (Double Major) Abril Martina Liberatori History (Double Major) Jessie Migneault Communication Studies (Double Major) Nicole Newburn Yoanna Murielle Serraf (June 2008) Political Science (Minor) Pamela Wong BACHELOR OF ARTS French Studies Carrie Altman William Todd Gourley Shopan Khandaker Jennifer Mairi Kinnear Julie-Anne Monsalvi Maria G. Virdo BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Geography Robert Michael Bridi Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Gina Cappiello Urban Studies (Minor) Janis Cheung Communication Studies (Double Major) Tyler Andrew Kenopic Vanja Kukic Joeie Hiu Yan Kung Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Tomasz Markowski Sociology (Minor) Rhonda R. Matheson English (Minor) Liliana R. Ramires Religious Studies (Minor) Avram Rotmensz Stephanie Settecase Communication Studies (Double Major) Rudy C. Yu Asensi Jr. Political Science (Minor) BACHELOR OF ARTS Geography Brenda Alesia Dixon Christina Dolcic Nishalini Gunabalasingam Hsin Fang Hu Patrick P. Leo Amarpreet Matharoo Christine Misir (June 2008) Marc-André Daniel Pigeon Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Daniella Ranallo Debra C. Renfro Andrea Sousa Tiffany Stinis Jessica A. Trasente Zeynep Turkcan Aneta Zych BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Global Political Studies Andy Arifin (June 2008) Michael Edward Colangelo Elif Genc (June 2008) Orli Joseph October 2008 Convocation / 19 BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Health and Society Sabrina Zarmina Abdullah Justine Sue Bernardi Idil Hassan Mohamad Rayan Hojaij Joshua Jordan Ledia Mataj Stephanie Akosua Nkrumah Senait Zeweldi BACHELOR OF ARTS Health and Society Katharine Bahen-Watts Ali El-Hajj Louie Isidori Sean Richard Shun Lewis Christina Perin BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS History Robert Beghetto Religious Studies (Minor) Stacey Ann Elizabeth Berry Law and Society (Double Major) Vitaliy Bilous Philosophy (Minor) Mirko William Robert del Rosso Matthew Figueira Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Gurjit Flora Suzanne Marie Gauthier Robyn Theresia Susan Graham Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Gregory Johnston David C. Jones Hanna Samir Kassab Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Derrick Machado Geography (Minor) Sejal Maisuria Geography (Minor) Stephanie Katherine Ostrom Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Anna Parisi Urvi N. Patel Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Evan Rissi Communication Studies (Double Major) Matteo G. Sestito Political Science (Minor) Taras Yaroslav Terlicki European Studies (Double Major) Batia Betty Yagutilov Humanities (Double Major) BACHELOR OF ARTS History Michael Alexiou Norman Jay Belen Shiffu Bhatia James Matthew Booker Jordan Cassady Richard Eric Diaz Daniela Di Battista 20 / October 2008 Convocation Michael Bernard Di Mascio Patricia Dixon Erin Donna Evoy Dana Denise Farquharson William Joseph Franklin John Geldart Elizabeth Jane Groisman Ariana Habib Hussainzada Tanwirul Islam Norm Jezioranski Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ann Kozicka Stephen Lipson With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Vincci Liu Anthony Joseph Margiotta Shannon Merrington Lubna Mohammed Matthew Moore Karen D. Nunez Stefanie Pellegrino Anna Marie Reyes Anoop Singh Sarao Alyssa Marie Savage Alejandra Celina Sermeno Jonathan Gallan Jicheung Tam (June 2008) Christina Niroshitha Thurairatnam BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Humanities Mariam Ahmed Scott Dion Brown Melissa Carreon Robert Thomas Coffey Social and Political Thought (Minor) Amanda Devai Feifei Feng Deanna Lynn Harris Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Laura Harrison Andrew Alexander Hilton-Wigg Francesco Anthony Morriello Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Charmaine Christine Rhoden Communication Studies (Double Major) Jaclyn Saltzman Communication Studies (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS Humanities Afshan Ali Giovanni Di Giulio Robert William Iveniuk Silvey Joseph Mandeep Karwal Bryan Lee Richard Leo Amanda Laura Leone Mei Liu Natasha Madho Robert Sales Carmelina Alexsandra Trimmeliti Adrian Louis Vallejo Rachel White BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS International Development Studies Layla Anabtawi Juan Martin Arellano Sociology (Double Major) Peter Boshra Betro Law and Society (Double Major) Jessica Jennel Butkovich Itai Matthias Chikowore Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Kevin Edmonds Political Science (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Eliza Jane Gallaiford Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Leslie Goodman Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Katherine Elise Hopkins Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Sagal Jibril Martin James Kengo Political Science (Minor) Lee-Anne Morrow Michael Dean Windover BACHELOR OF ARTS International Development Studies Lois Campbell Amanda Leigh Dempster (June 2008) Neda Ghahary Madhuri Hazarika Abdirizak Ahmed Jama Jessica Lee Kubin Maame Mansa Wilmot BACHELOR OF ARTS Italian Natasha Marchese BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Italian Studies Sabrina Vizza (June 2008) BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Labour Studies Valerie Susanna Fisher BACHELOR OF ARTS Labour Studies Cara Mary Bridget Brennan With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Oyinkansola Joseph Tasha Stewart Jason Ka-Lun Wai BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Law and Society Hayley Bloom Oleksiy Vladimirovich Bykov Nadia Cristine Da Silva Katherine Louise Harris Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Shauna Husbands Adam Jason Jarvis Justina Kalicki Anthony S. Kissoon Psychology (Double Major) Laura Louise Macaluso Shafiq Mohammad Gift Wakayi Mudehwe Psychology (Minor) Brian Kim-Man Shum Christiana Smith Omarr Mohammed Syed Monica Angela Visperas BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Linguistics Yvette Christine Bailey Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Kimberley Branicki Shehr Yar Khan Boram Ellyse Kim BACHELOR OF ARTS Linguistics Louise Dikschei Paul David Reershemius Garrelfs BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Mathematics Enkelejda Lapardhaja Economics (Minor) Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS Mathematics Heinrich Steingarten BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Mathematics for Commerce Salman Chaudry (June 2008) Rami Farag Jung Eun Lee BACHELOR OF ARTS Mathematics for Commerce Alberto Chan Courtney Green Wen Guo Wei Liu Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Gayathiri Thurairajah Xuelian Yang BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Philosophy Junior Ali Law and Society (Double Major) David Amin Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Christopher Arthur Brown Sandy Couto Communication Studies (Double Major) Robert De Santis Daniela Godoy Jameson Imola Reka Ilyes Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Millie Wai-Yee Leung Artour Rostorotski Jacek Wiktor Music (Double Major) BACHELOR OF ARTS Philosophy Lev Abramovich Artur Agivaev With Distinction Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ashley Katherine Allen Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Aneta Apostolova Sahar Cadili Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Chantelle Campbell Madiha Cheema Vincenzo Domanico Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Edna Hagos Kevin Joseph Hareguy Nancy Padula Kerr Macy Kim Joshua Sidney Mandel Denna Moalem Joanne Margaret Peck BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Political Science Mercedes Blanca Aquino Latin American and Caribbean Studies (Double Major) Shereen Latoya Ashman (June 2008) Sumiya Baqri History (Minor) Shane Bentham Sociology (Double Major) Vanessa Ashley Renee Brown Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Mindy Rose Caterina-Neufeld Philosophy (Minor) Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Giancarlo Chiantia Sara Chugh Law and Society (Double Major) Terence Colaco Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Hessam Daryani Vladimir Dukic Economics (Minor) Asheda Dwyer African Studies (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Stefan Edward Vincent Ferraro Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ashley Gerardi Alexander Gheciu Professional Writing (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Paul Adam Guaragna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Joseph Hinds Law and Society (Double Major) Aysha Imtiaz Harmandeep Jassy Adrienne Johnson (June 2008) International Development Studies (Minor) Zyshan Kaba Cindy Le Law and Society (Double Major) Mellisha Tashana McKenzie Professional Writing (Double Major) Arshavez Mozafari Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Terra Nemeth Balraj Persaud South Asian Studies (Double Major) Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Siavash Pouyadel Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Tahera Qurban-Ali Marjorie Rasquinha Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Adam Christopher Richards Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Rachele Sacco Fatima Sajan Dimitrios Stavropoulos Letitia Stephens Saeed Suleiman Sara-Ann Francesca Tucker BACHELOR OF ARTS Political Science Mohamed Ali Abseh Lavania Atputharajah Peter Azhikannickal Nima Bahrami Joshua Calderon With Distinction Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Wendy Leigh Campbell Kanwaljit Dang Daniel DeVito Melissa T. Galati Christina Goncalves Ronald Gray Greenway Jason William Hartung Emily Dannielle Javier Natasha Jerome With Distinction Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Julian Christopher Ihor Karaim Rahma A. Kerim Christopher Chian S. Lai Machi Lazaridis Nicola Alicia Lee Laryssa Legault Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Kunal Lilani Chandeep Mangat Lucy Jean Merdjanian Farah Mohammed Kathryn Elizabeth Moore Michelle Patan James Polera Shimshon Refoel Posen With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Luana Ritzert Christopher J. Sammut Michael Sitayeb Sirak Tekeste Daniel Tran October 2008 Convocation / 21 Suganthy Uthayakumaran Steven Versa Zarreen Warsi James Patrick Webster BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Professional Writing Amanda Lianne Barroso Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Kevin Harper Film (Minor) Karen Michelle Jacobs David Micek Elaine Zlotkowski Communication Studies (Double Major) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Religious Studies Daniella Adler Alison Marilyn Amey African Studies (Double Major) Tovah Grafstein Beth Erin Kesselman English (Minor) Ariella Dorit Kleinberg Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Freeha Rizvi Eva Zucker Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS Religious Studies Richard Franklin Cohen Haseeb Daudani Reena Friedman Raymond Liu Dean Rabie Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ralph Sette BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Science & Technology Studies Antonia Sandra Stephanie Issa Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Sociology Brian K. Abraham Felicienne Fabienne Adikpeto Goli Amini-Rad Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Agustina Armani Anna-Marie Augurusa Tara Anne Buckley Communication Studies (Double Major) Josie Giuseppina Cannone Lovejeet Chohan Sarah Cribari Concetta T. D'Agnello Patricia D'Amato Communication Studies (Double Major) Gideon Daniel 22 / October 2008 Convocation Michelle Lindsay Dudzik (June 2008) Communication Studies (Double Major) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ashley Lynn Dunn Sehrezade Dusoruth English (Minor) Kisha Elliston Kamaljeet Fervaha Suzy Filippelli Ashley Flaxman Deiandra Forrest Ridah Ghoari Jasleen Gulati Psychology (Minor) Ferita Haque Law and Society (Double Major) Krystal Kavita Jagoo Maria Elizabeth B. Javier Miriana Koloff Jaspreet Lotay Law and Society (Double Major) Nicole Charity Malfara Nirmala Mangra Vicky Nikolaos Francilia Odame Christopher Oladapo Olakanmi Alyssa Susan Paiement Psychology (Minor) Nakesha Parkinson Tiniel Parredon Law and Society (Double Major) Jennifer Joan Pinter Sonia Bhavana Prashad Anthropology (Minor) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Saddaf Qureshi Sara Razouk Vino Shanmuganathan Women’s Studies (Minor) Ozlem Sherifali Monica Silva Natali Sivak Giovanna Staffiere Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Joza-Lynn Subryan Religious Studies (Minor) Melissa Maria-Theresa Tedesco Raquel Teixeira Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Dharshika Thanabalasingam Anna Toutchinsky Gamze Uzunomur History (Minor) Britney Joy Victor Law and Society (Double Major) Nadia Yousif BACHELOR OF ARTS Sociology Marcia A. Araujo Tanjit Aujla Daniela Avarino (June 2008) Brian Bader (June 2008) Emily Cade Tonia Capone Alessandra Rosaria Cardile Marisa Cubellis With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jeannette Da Luz Ewa Malgorzata Dudek Derya Ercan (June 2008) Queen Espiritu Maria Fiorante Winnie Wei Yie Fok Rita Kathy Furlano Elizabeth Gallagher Sacha Gittens Jesse Austin Seidel Gold Lori Rachel Green Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Andrea Guindon Cassalena Harrison Melissa Hejja Emma Katherine Illidge Myung-Hee Im Pamela Kovacs Krystle Law Sonia Leonetti Kristina Luciani Karen Lynch Jaspreet Mann Meryn Marmurek Michelle Martucci Craig Roy Thomas Mitchell Lindsay Moita Robert Moniz (June 2008) Stefania Moretti Amanda Morra Sonia Michelle Moutier Miruna Naguleswararajah Paula Notario Natasha Onorati Amanda Onorato Patrizia Pannozzo Neeral Patel Vanessa Pavlovic Kirsten Perry (June 2008) Karen Pinto (June 2008) Samia Raja Sonia Kaur Rakhra (June 2007) Seema Rattan Teresa Renzi Tracy Ann Rickard Melissa Anne Sartor Stephanie Sealy Sara Sinclair Michelle Speirs Ashley Spizzirri Alison Michelle Stolf Keysha Timoll (June 2008) Dorota Toczek Anu Prince Varacheril Vithya Vigneswaran Lindsay Williams (June 2008) Kerry-Ann Wint Rosanne Monique Wong Brandon Yearwood Wing Sze Yeung Bushra Zafar Juan Carlos Zambrano Erika Zans Amanda Zeni BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Spanish Gita Maharaj Communication Studies (Double Major) BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Statistics Weihong Kong Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Urban Studies Katarzyna Halupka Zi-Sin Lee Hilary Ross Othman Sekkouri BACHELOR OF ARTS Urban Studies Mischa Gandhi Fubler BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Women’s Studies Ashley Lynn Macneil Linda Christina Rizzuti Kimber Stymest Social and Political Thought (Double Major) BACHELOR OF ARTS Women’s Studies Melissa Allen Valeria Rita Chiappetta Imran Coksurer Jessica Lynn Snelling INTERNATIONAL BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Anthropology Hannah Mayne (June 2008) Dance (Minor) Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll FACULTY OF EDUCATION BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Part-Time Consecutive Program Jai Dev Bansal Lydia Elbaz Lisa Christine Marinis Shyamala Deva Rajah Susan Beatrice Wright BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Concurrent Program Kristabel Rose Merida Barrientos with BSC Hons. (Science and Engineering) Robert Michael Bridi with BA Hons. (Arts) Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Marcia Rosemary Deacon with BA Hons. (Atkinson) Maureen Grace Diwa with BA (Health) Carlo Faria (June 2008) with BA Hons. (Arts) Reena Friedman with BA (Arts) Alicia Halket with BA Hons. (Arts) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Joeie Hiu Yan Kung with BA Hons. (Arts) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jessica Leigh Mallam with BA Hons. (Glendon) Denna Moalem with BA (Arts) Francilia Odame with BA Hons. (Arts) Helen Papantonis with BA Hons. (Arts) Joseph Nicholas Romano with BFA Hons. (Fine Arts) Ryan Murray (June 2008) Antonietta Robino FACULTY OF FINE ARTS BACHELOR OF ARTS Theatre BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Dance Karey Billyard Emily English Judith Anne Skelding Tallique R. Sutherland Tisha Rachel H. Ortizo BACHELOR OF ARTS Dance Jennifer-Lynn Da Silva BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Film BACHELOR OF ARTS Music Meral Guven BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Theatre Michael Arajs Creative Writing (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Alexandra Kenzel Women’s Studies (Minor) Jessica Nancy Redwood Amanda Margaret Swarbreck Women’s Studies (Minor) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Visual Arts Kathleen Ignas Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Andrea Laver Jessica Kotierk Sarah Elizabeth Millar Charmaine Santiago Viktorija Trunova Communication Studies (Double Major) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS Visual Arts BACHELOR OF ARTS Film BACHELOR OF DESIGN WITH HONOURS York University/Sheridan College Program in Design Erika Goettlicher Shera Singh Justin Smith BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Fine Arts Cultural Studies Sandra Jane Carruthers Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Tania Marie Chrysantheum Hakkim Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jeffrey Li Neill Christopher Manson Communication Studies (Double Major) Allana Marie Mayer Psychology (Minor) Kristen Lee-Ann Szykoluk Communication Studies (Double Major) Ingrid Yuen Communication Studies (Double Major) BACHELOR OF ARTS Fine Arts Cultural Studies Giovani Agostini Gillian Lykke Irving Iversen Lisa Lynn Marie Lagace Dalia Sarah Frank Melissa Jane Maltby Joseph Anthony Natalizio Donald Wilkinson Kamran Ahmed Milan Baic David Myles Michael Dedrick Kyle Hardtman (June 2008) Eugenie Yue-Ching Kwok Thomas Yin-Ting Lai Jake Alan Lim Cora Lo Ian McFarlan (June 2008) Galen Kar Lun Wan Veronica Wolba BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS WITH HONOURS Dance Caitlin Sian Lauren Brown Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Teresa Carruthers Stephanie Dainard Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Melissa Malfara Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Erin Merrifield (June 2008) Psychology (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll October 2008 Convocation / 23 Lesley Oake BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS WITH HONOURS Film William Gerard Frank Beauchamp Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Melissa Arielle Berg Michael Boers Joshua William Boles (June 2008) Justin Stewart Davey (June 2008) Amy A. Davis Jillian Harper Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jasmine Lorene Hodgson-Kratky Mehran Jabbari (June 2008) Daniel McIntyre Douglas Lj Nayler Maria-Saroja Ponnambalam Jeremy Proulx Daniel Brambilla Reis Claire Diana Ward-Beveridge BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS WITH HONOURS Music Matthew Allard Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Deborah Angileri Karl Beitlberger Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Zachary Bines Abel Borg Denise Cologna Professional Writing (Double Major) Stephanie A. Ferracane Marisa Foscarini Yaser Hussain Amanda Suzette Jones Selyne Maia Natasha Marion Nicole Noseworthy Corey Payette Daniel Rosenoer Sarah Christine Sackville McLauchlan Humanities (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Teresa Antonietta Schettini Athanasios Sertsis Claudiu Dorel Stoia BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS WITH HONOURS Theatre Jessica Stephanie Atkinson Stirling Bogie Jessica Burke Rachel Burnham Sean Jason Robertson-Palmer Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Andrew Gordon Thuss Ruth Elizabeth Weaver English (Minor) BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS WITH HONOURS Visual Arts Jenna Leigh Arnold Nicole Chisholm Amanda Jill Coish Member of the Dean's Honour Roll 24 / October 2008 Convocation JunJun Dai (June 2008) Tennille Dowers Criminology (Double Major) Jennifer Karen Foreshew Monica Gutierrez (June 2008) Maayan Itzkovich Poonam Kauden Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Michelle Kwan Vanessa Laurin Political Science (Double Major) Ellie Yoonjung Moon Jessica Okonski Hailey Pearlston (June 2008) Joseph Nicholas Romano Liliping Xaythathongsack Min Yang Yin Yi GLENDON COLLEGE/COLLÈGE UNIVERSITAIRE GLENDON BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Business Economics/Économie et commerce Lidia Belkoleva Dung Hoang Ruzanna Shatiryan BACHELOR OF ARTS/BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS Computer Science in Liberal Arts/ Informatique dans un milieu d'arts libéraux Yves Bugabo BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Drama Studies/Études d'art dramatique Breanne Perruzza Études Françaises (Combined/Bidisciplinaire) BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Economics/Science économique Christopher Joseph Mahon Political Science/Science politique (Combined/Bidisciplinaire) Roma Malik Melissa Pascal BACHELOR OF ARTS/BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS Economics/Science économique Daniel Clemente De Dominicis Disha Islam Yang Qu Jean Bosco Rurangirwa Ronaldo Zeid BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ English/Anglais Leona Rose Burlew Katherine Irene Joy Cleland Drama Studies/Études d'art dramatique (Combined/Bidisciplinaire) Lourdes Villamor History/Histoire (Double Major/Double majeure) First Class/Mention très honorable Member of the Dean's Honour Roll/Membre du Tableau d'honneur du Doyen BACHELOR OF ARTS/BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS English/Anglais Bethany Rose Dainton Katelyn Holwerda Alison Stephanie Mcdonald BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Études Françaises Sarah Naomi Clyne-Sanchez Xuan-Vinh Ngo-Trong First Class/Mention très honorable Member of the Dean's Honour Roll/Membre du Tableau d'honneur du Doyen Christina Ratis Hispanic Studies/Études hispaniques (Combined/Bidisciplinaire) BACHELOR OF ARTS/BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS Études Françaises Marise Hanna BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Hispanic Studies/Études hispaniques Mayte Daniela Morelos Munoz Hispanic Studies/Études hispaniques (Combined/Bidisciplinaire) BACHELOR OF ARTS/BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS Hispanic Studies/Études hispaniques Lucy Goytisolo Patricia Paz BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ History/Histoire George Theodor Florea Hispanic Studies/Études hispaniques (Double Major/Double majeure) Joshua Terry Lafleur Jessica Leigh Mallam Robert Santos Vossen BACHELOR OF ARTS/BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS History/Histoire Nicolas Alexandre Ranchin-Dundas BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Information Technology/ Technologie de l'information Sukru Sinan Colpan BACHELOR OF ARTS/BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS Information Technology/ Technologie de l'information Mehmet Saylica BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ International Studies/ Études internationales Nefeli Adamides Agnieszka Adamiec Rachelle Arpin Political Science/Science politique (Double Major/Double majeure) First Class/Mention très honorable Member of the Dean's Honour Roll/Membre du Tableau d'honneur du Doyen Annitha Chandramohan Prisca Kim Foong Ng How Tseung Robert Glen Perry Andrea Suarez BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Linguistics and Language Studies/ Linguistique et sciences du langage Katherine Kovler Études françaises (Combined/Bidisciplinaire) BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Multidisciplinary Studies/ Études pluridisciplinaires Avan Al-Dabbagh David Martin Andrews BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Philosophy/Philosophie Jessica Nancy Duarte First Class/Mention très honorable Member of the Dean's Honour Roll/Membre du Tableau d'honneur du Doyen BACHELOR OF ARTS/BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS Political Science/Science politique Fnan Desta Kavita Naraine BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Psychology/Psychologie Sarah Margaret Irwin Natalie Mahon English/Anglais (Combined/Bidisciplinaire) Lukasz Natanek English/Anglais (Combined/Bidisciplinaire) BACHELOR OF ARTS/BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS Psychology/Psychologie Rebecca Lee Barron Tara Doherty Amrita N. Lalchan Josée Natalie Landry First Class/Mention très honorable Member of the Dean's Honour Roll/Membre du Tableau d'honneur du Doyen Jesse Lee Vittetow BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Sociology/Sociologie Mark James Mansour Études françaises (Combined/Bidisciplinaire) Michael Soragnese Drama Studies/Études d'art dramatique (Combined/Bidisciplinaire) BACHELOR OF ARTS/BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS Sociology/Sociologie Jessica Rose McAfee Tashna Monique Spencer BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Political Science/Science politique BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Translation/Traduction Lachezar Gueorgiev Anguelov Joel Bendayan Gaelle Misha Estellie Godere Clara Elizabeth Mendez International Studies/Études internationales (Double Major/Double majeure) Jena Kathleen Weber Flavia Zgjani First Class/Mention très honorable Member of the Dean's Honour Roll/Membre du Tableau d'honneur du Doyen Corinne Gazet Biljana Teodorcevic BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS/ BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS SPÉCIALISÉ Women's Studies/Études des femmes Elise Nyirasuku October 2008 Convocation / 25 ORDER OF CONVOCATION F ACULTY OF G RADUATE S TUDIES , F ACULTY OF E NVIRONMENTAL S TUDIES , F ACULTY OF H EALTH , O SGOODE H ALL L AW S CHOOL , S CHULICH S CHOOL OF B USINESS , F ACULTY OF S CIENCE AND E NGINEERING Academic Procession Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Advanced Certificate The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. Bachelor degrees in the Faculty of Environmental Studies Call to Order Harriet Lewis, University Secretary National Anthem Opening Greeting John Amanatides, Interim Master, Norman Bethune College Bachelor degrees in the Faculty of Health Bachelor degrees in the Osgoode Hall Law School Bachelor degrees in the Schulich School of Business Bachelor degrees in the Faculty of Science and Engineering The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words Admitto vos ad gradum. President’s Remarks Chancellor’s Remarks Closing Conferring of the Degree honoris causa David Leyton-Brown, Master, Calumet College The Orator will present to the Chancellor the candidate for the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa: Dismissal JUSTICE HARRY S. LAFORME Convocation Address Dr. LaForme will address convocation. Conferring of the Degrees in Course The Presentation of the Candidates Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy Graduate Diplomas Post-MBA Diploma in Advanced Management Master/Magisteriate in Environmental Studies Master/Magisteriate of Arts Master/Magisteriate of Science Master/Magisteriate of Science in Nursing Master/Magisteriate of Laws International Master of Business Administration Master of Business Administration 26 / October 2008 Convocation Harriet Lewis, University Secretary Withdrawal of the Procession The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. Immediately following Convocation, the graduates and guests of the University are invited to attend the Faculty receptions as follows: Faculty of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Health and Faculty of Science and Engineering in the Technology Enhanced Learning Building Osgoode Hall Law School in the Faculty Common Room, Osgoode Hall Law School Schulich School of Business in the CIBC Marketplace, Seymour Schulich Building CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES F ACULTY OF G RADUATE S TUDIES , F ACULTY OF E NVIRONMENTAL S TUDIES , F ACULTY OF H EALTH , O SGOODE H ALL L AW S CHOOL , S CHULICH S CHOOL OF B USINESS , F ACULTY OF S CIENCE AND E NGINEERING CANDIDATES FOR DOCTOR/ DOCTORATE DEGREES FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Environmental Studies Stephanie Lynn Rutherford Dissertation: Manufacturing the Wild: Nature, Power, and Green Governmentality DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Kinesiology and Health Science Eric Ispanovic Dissertation:Reorganization of the Actin Cytoskeleton Mediates Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Activation Lei Ren Dissertation: Proprioceptive Guidance of Saccades in Eye-Hand Coordination DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Psychology Alba Agostino Dissertation: The Development of Mathematical Reasoning: Role of M-Capacity, Inhibition, Updating, and Shifting Banu Cingöz Ulu Dissertation: Structure of Turkish National Identity and Attitudes towards Ethno-cultural Groups in Turkey Xiaojia Feng Dissertation: Working Memory and Bilingualism: An Investigation of Executive Control and Processing Speed Ernest Kwan (June 2008) Dissertation: Improving Factor Analysis in Psychology: Innovations Based on the Null Hypothesis Significance Testing Controversy Katherine Stewart McKenney Dissertation: Adolescent Girls and their Mothers: A Relational Context for the Development of Deliquent Behaviour Lephuong Ong Dissertation: Predicting Psychological Outcomes and Anti-Arrhythmic Therapies of Defibrillator Recipients: The Role of Dispositional Vulnerability Jason Andrew Telner Dissertation: The Effects of Linguistic Fluency on Performance in a Simulated Cellular Telephone and Driving Situation Kimberly Dawn Watson Dissertation: Mobilizing Personal Agency Through Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: A Qualitative Inquiry Mark Steven Watson Dissertation: The Prediction and Classification of Risk for Future Violence: An Exploratory Study of New Predictive and Typological Aggression Models Using the Violence Eliciting Situational Inventory With a Forensic Sample DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Law Zeina Bou-Zeid Dissertation: Unwelcome but Tolerated: Irregular Migrants in Canada Christopher John Sherrin Dissertation: Charter Rights in Regulatory vs. Criminal Proceedings: A distinction in need of a Difference? DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Administration Yi Feng Dissertation: Three Essays on Executive Compensation and Managerial Incentives George Juraj Gaspar Dissertation: The Impact of Market Conditions on Equity Issuance Activities DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Biology Sepehr Bahadorani Dissertation: The Effects of Heavy Metal Toxicity and Oxidative Stress on GeneticallyCompromised Models of Drosophila Melanogaster Sadia Munir Dissertation: Role of Activin Receptor-Like Kinase 7 (ALK7) in Human Trophoblast Cells DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Chemistry Andrew Nicholas Amborski Dissertation: Structural Investigation of the Protein-RNA Complex Directing the Incorporation of the Amino Acid Selenocysteine and the RNA that Binds the SAM Domain of the Smaug Protein DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Earth and Space Science Zhijing Wang Dissertation: GIS-Based Fractal/Multifractal Modelling of Texture in Mylonites and Banded Sphalerite Ores DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Physics and Astronomy Edward Michael Ackad Dissertation: Calculation of Supercritical Dirac Resonances in Heavy-Ion Collisions CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATE DIPLOMAS FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES Graduate Diploma in Democratic Administration Jeremy Paulus Graduate Diploma in Environmental/ Sustainability Education Krystina Anne Faria Rebecca Lynn Francis Graduate Diploma in Health Services and Policy Research Shayna Buhler Graduate Diploma in Refugee and Migration Studies Zeina Bou-Zeid Krista Lauren Craven SCHULICH SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Graduate Diploma in Business and the Environment Matthew W. Barg Jennifer Dawn Court Dianne Elizabeth Perkin Erinn Joanne Piller Kazi Abdur Rouf Graduate Diploma in Financial Engineering Daryl Gordon Stephen Smith Dissertation: Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics: Qualitative and Quantitative Studies Douglas G. Smith DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY/ DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY Computer Science Aly Nazir Damji Neil Douglas Byron Bruce Dissertation: Saliency, Attention and Visual Search: An Information Theoretic Approach Pezhwak Kokabian Mahmut Muzaffer Kulluk Prameela Ramesan Graduate Diploma in Real Property Development Post-MBA Graduate Diploma in Advanced Management October 2008 Convocation / 27 CANDIDATES FOR MASTER/ MAGISTERIATE DEGREES FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES MASTER IN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES/ MAGISTERIATE IN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Environmental Studies Najat Abdou-McFarland Stephanie M. Achorn Dawnett Cameka Allen Michelle Arroyo Fonseca Matthew W Barg Christa Theresa Lynn Beard Shayna Buhler Rachelle Chicoine Jennifer Dawn Court Krista Lauren Craven Edward Crummey Tanmay A. Dave Stephanie del Campo Douglas John Donald Jennifer Ann Draper Elya Maria Durisin Lindsay Forbes Edwards Krystina Anne Faria Joshua Peter Folkema Tessa Mary Forrest Kathleen Margaret Mary Fotheringham Rebecca Lynn Francis Bertie Friedlander Jeffrey Nicholas Garkowski Melissa Sharon Goldstein Md Abdul Halim Sarah Elizabeth Hirst Alexander Man-Ching Ho Joseph Etienne Homsy Katsumi Mackintosh Howard Ima-Obong Ituen Kerresha Khan Annie Susan Kim Victoria Karen Kramkowski-Epner Chuan Li Michael Nish Lipkus Michael John Long Simon Lunkebila-Mayeto Leslie Peter Luxemburger Farshideh Nasrin Jeremy Paulus Emily May Pepper Dianne Elizabeth Perkin Erinn Joanne Piller Marian Nicolae Pop Neda Poursaeid-Esfahani Lisa Anne Rebecca Ross Fernando Javier Rouaux Kazi Abdur Rouf Latoya Renee Shaw Kristopher Scott Stevens Brian Andrew Storozinski Mark William Peter Stout Erica Tsang Angela Volpe Osnat Wine Michael Zvi Yakubowicz 28 / October 2008 Convocation FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Critical Disability Studies Ilona Abramovich Jacquline Audrey Burrowes Eliza Mae Chandler Caterina Falasca Kelly Michelle Fritsch Antonia Caroline Patricia Hammer Charmaine Amauntine Hanson Md. Sazzad Hossain Fatima Rodha Hussein Anthony Michael Mapp Macey Dale Lissa Markowitz Sinthujah Sivasambu Jason Kenneth Steele Kristin Suzanne Tokarsky Samantha Lori Walsh Sandy Kathleen Washburn MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Kinesiology and Health Science Janette Joyce Brual Crissa Leanne Guglietti Adriane Jane Logan MASTER OF ARTS/MAGISTERIATE OF ARTS Psychology Farah Budhani Carolina Cavaliere Laura Louise Love Connors Ashley Marie Di Battista Amrita Ghai Jessica Susanne Hillgrove Bennett Harvey Vanbenschoten Holman Krista Rose Kelly Valery Kleiman Angela Dawn Lane Jacqueline Mercier McKinnon Kimberley Beth Mercer Ashley Allison Ann Miles Sara Samantha Emilie Miller Ashley Sarah Morgan Caitlin Rose Mullin Ashley Pitch Jessica Helene Schroeder Ekaterina Solovieva Rebecca Winter MASTER OF SCIENCE/ MAGISTERIATE OF SCIENCE Kinesiology and Health Science Sean Yardali Abdulla Daniel James Atkinson Kathryn Amberly Burrows Jeremy Gordon Found Maria Elisa Giannotti Joshua Avi Granek Keerat Grewal Sheena Kayaniyil Lawrence Kazak Rita Labatia Jordan Simon Ohayon Yashar Salek Illia S. Tchernikov MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING/ MAGISTERIATE OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Nursing Marion Brideau Kelly Suzanne Butler Mary Jane Comiskey Victoria Crowder-Bansen Marion Phyllis Lougas Melanie Louise Nguyen Heather Anne Opthof Erin Kathleen O'Shaughnessy Yadwinder Panesar Andrea M. Rutherford Saverina Sanchez Dionne Allthea Sinclair Catherine Anne Surphlis Foks Paula Mary Viscomi MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS Law Michael Antonik Tinni Kaushalya Bannerji He Huang David Terrence Mangan Hanson Njoh Sone MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS Alternative Dispute Resolution Margaret Jane M. Hall Annemarie Romatti Roodal Claire Austin Sherwin Marika Walker MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS Business Law Kenneth Sherman Laimon Sophie Laviolette Josee Turcotte MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution Sarah Wilson Corman Tracey Foster Bruce Edward Kelly Krystyna Louise Kouri Lisa Katherine Morell John Sebastian Winny MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS Constitutional Law Ali Ghiassi MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS E-Business Law M. Janine Elliott Robert David Ford MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS Family Law Steven Doron Benmor Rachel Birnbaum Rachael Louise Eynon Todd Christian Jenney Kristin Elizabeth Knoepfli Pamela Mary Krause Carol Ann Nelson Deann Bernice Nixon Karen Elizabeth O'Keefe Bobbi-Lynn Marie Olsen Julie Teresa Stanchieri MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS General Law Marisa B. Becker Cynthia Carol Brown Marsha Simone Cadogan Catherine Josephine Doyle Christopher Foy John James Keenan Festus Ngbejume Ofume Eva Rostas Michael Ian Rubenstein Jerome Arnold Tholl Adaku Ugochi Uju-Anunobi Sherie B. Verhulst MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS Health Law David Nigel Bruce Jane Marie Fahey-Walsh Carolyn Ann Gora Charles Hendry Hain Kristen Maureen Hallett Sarah Hutchison Michelle Ann Mysak Michael David Newman Keith William Pownall Marilyn J. Samuels MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS Intellectual Property Law Micheline Anita Gleixner Coby Anna Britton Schneider Alex Wellington MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS Labour Relations and Employment Law Bryce Alexander Chandler Paul Hugh Meier Michael Bruno Pitoscia Rajesh Uttamchandani MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS Municipal Law Douglas Richard Downey Jeffrey James Hewitt Brian Murphy MASTER OF LAWS/MAGISTERIATE OF LAWS Securities Law Trent Charles Arthur Mell SCHULICH SCHOOL OF BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Business Administration Lisa Allison Casey Sheldon Archibald Phillip MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Business Administration Raheel Ahmed Baggia Mandeep Banwait Cristian Berejan Member of the Dean's Honour List Hyim Bessin Member of the Dean's Honour List Jun Bi Jodi Lynne Braunton Member of the Dean's Honour List Juan Carlos Camargo Rose Marie Campbell Michelle Mei-Hsin Chang Na Young Choi Charles Victor Andres Collins Member of the Dean's Honour List Juan Hernando Cornejo Aly Nazir Damji Temilola Adenike Delano Adam John Andrew Deremo Member of the Dean's Honour List Xiaomei Diao (June 2008) Julie-Anne Dougherty Member of the Dean's Honour List Darren W. D'Souza Aleya Ally Esmail Member of the Dean's Honour List Hamid Etaei Braden Gregory Evans Rui Feng Richard Ryan Fiala Jillian Freeman Yuan Gao Andrew Milloy Gardiner Akhila Mangu Gautam Burak Ozgur Geyik Marcela Giraldo Kimberly-Anne Denise Gordon Alexander Douglas Grey Member of the Dean's Honour List Deepti Gurkar Imara Hamid (June 2008) Kung-Tzu Ho Chiakang Huang Leonid Jitomirski Member of the Dean's Honour List Shi Ju Fahim Kaderdina Yan Ke Saadat Ali Khan Zafrullah Khan Laxmichand Harshad Khanderia Rabia Tariq Khwaja Seong-Kyun Kim Maria Elena Kobayashi Nancy Korah Kimberly Ann Bayles Krieber Member of the Dean's Honour List Deepak Kumar Krishna Sunil Kumar Naresh Madhav Kurada Catarina Lam Florenta Cristina Leustean Lester Hontie Ly Ivana Lukic-Miloloza Sehr Mahmood Member of the Dean's Honour List Jitendra Mehta Mohan Reddy Mogulla Bareen Zaheer Naqvi (June 2008) Vincent Ng Sunil Mark Obrai Christine E. O'Donnell Peiji Pan Rina B. Patel (June 2008) Sandeep Poonia Pathmakumar Jeffrey Pooranalingam Hanoch Zundel Prisman Jennifer Renda German Alfonso Rincon Marek Robert Rogalski John Paul Rosendall Aviral Saini Aashish Salotra (June 2008) Bhavna Sehgal Deepak Sethi Sonia Sethi Denise Shao Heli Shao Yanfei Shi Shane Patrick Skiffington Member of the Dean's Honour List Braniola Stambolliu Michelle Stephens Jonathan L. Sy Enrique Paolo Villamil Tanlapco Umbreen Tapal Corenne Amanda Taylor Sandeep Singh Tulsi William Eduard Vargas Richard Christian Venerus Adam Albert Vervoort Member of the Dean's Honour List Anirudh Vij Richard Charles Vollering Member of the Dean's Honour List Lu Wang (June 2008) Yong Xin Wang Qing Richard Xu Lin-Hui Lynn Yen Jing Yu Jie Wei Zhang Zhangang Zhang FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES MASTER OF SCIENCE/ MAGISTERIATE OF SCIENCE Biology David Wayne Andrews Robyn Michelle Borsuk Vaqaar-Un-Nisa Dar Nicole Ann Gaid Stephanie Hung Mahira Manzoor Joyce Yi Hui Ni Dashaini Victoria Retnasothie Eyun-Jung Shin Debi Stransky MASTER OF SCIENCE/ MAGISTERIATE OF SCIENCE Chemistry Elvira Bogdanov October 2008 Convocation / 29 MASTER OF SCIENCE/ MAGISTERIATE OF SCIENCE Computer Science Ruwan Wijesundera Member of the Dean's Graduating Honour Roll Honey Noel Wong Patrick Hermann Denis Andrew A.B. German Fatima Omman Hussain Christopher Marian Klochek Hyukjoon Kwon Nassim Nasser Yan Yin BACHELOR IN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Environmental Studies MASTER OF SCIENCE/ MAGISTERIATE OF SCIENCE Earth and Space Science Michael Edward Ilnicki Kongwen Zhang (February 2008) CANDIDATES FOR THE CERTIFICATE IN PRIMARY CARE NURSE PRACTITIONER FACULTY OF HEALTH Certificate in Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Julie Carthew Debra Margaret Charlton Nadia Greco Jennifer Keeler Lisa Markov Maria Teresa Pastore Kristi Lyn Penny Maureen Sullivan CANDIDATES FOR BACHELOR DEGREES FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES BACHELOR IN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES WITH HONOURS Environmental Studies Akasha Fayola Atwell Caroline Deborah Auer Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Graduating Honour Roll Aaron Carothers Alvaro R. Glaser Marika Heinrichs Member of the Dean's Graduating Honour Roll Libby Kuit Psychology (Minor) Anna Laskin Visual Arts (Minor) Kent Mario Minors Geography (Minor) Sarminy Nadarajah Brian Norton Paul Petrozza Larry James Sarris Geography (Double Major) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Graduating Honour Roll Monica Sotter Sundeep Virdi Visual Arts (Minor) Member of the Dean's Graduating Honour Roll 30 / October 2008 Convocation Barbora Firment Riel Hallman-Chong Member of the Dean's Graduating Honour Roll Conall Mc Grory Peter Milosh Osman Osman Mattias Scherzinger Pamela Stanley With Merit Member of the Dean's Graduating Honour Roll FACULTY OF HEALTH BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Kinesiology and Health Science Galina Balagur Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Melissa Basta Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Amy Blackwood Sociology (Minor) Jennifer Anna Buzdon Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Rowan Cainer Member of the Dean's Honour Roll George Charalambous Olivia Yuet-Har Chiu Cindy Chow Perry Christou Crystal Coburn Michael Czernkovich (June 2008) Ashley Nicole DePalma Leslie Dias Tomasz Feret Shaun Filippelli Mandy Flewwelling Dance (Minor) Susan France Psychology (Minor) Alana Goldstein Rohan J. Gonsalves Health and Society (Minor) Josias Martin Jan Bernhardt Hoffman Sean Holmes Madeline Rebecca James Emerson Mengyang Jiang Sasireka Kathirkamalingam Psychology (Minor) Yusik Kim Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Kathryn Lillie Lester Kelvin Ho-Fai Liu Natasha Catherine Lowe Andrea Anne Macdonald Katie Mackay Sara Kristin McCluggage Emily Mikus Humanities (Double Major) Nitesh Rajendra Mistry Mohammed Mohsin Motala Health and Society (Minor) Justin Murray Patricia Catarina Oliveira Stefano Gino Osti Farhad Panahi Megha Patel Barbara Pytel Visual Arts (Minor) Elizabeth Aglae Salas Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Natalie Sim Addiseu E. Tadesse Shironika Thambirajah Emily Watters Jessica Williamson Brandon Ka-Lun Yim Allen Chi-Hang Yiu Kornit Young Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Psychology David Ali Elham Azadeh Kinga Anna Banas Edwin Barstead Chantal Bennett Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Natalia Berlin Arpita Bhattacharya Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Rivka Blau Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Erin Bogomazov Michael Martin Carlesimo Alex Ting-Hao Chan (June 2008) Heejin Choi Tze Ling Teresa Chow Lia Colosimo Christine Dahdouh (June 2008) Law and Society (Double Major) Pamela Cano De Guzman Antonella Demarinis Andrew Devine Mark Edward Domander (June 2008) Philosophy (Minor) Violeta Dubov Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Holly Elliott Agata Falkowska Faraneh Fallah Andrea Fiorini Navdeep Gill Gloria-Geraldine Homsy Cristina Maria Internicola Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Elena Ivanova Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Natasha Jamal (June 2008) Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Lishia Kamini Devi Kalyan Ravneet Kang Sameera Karimi Marwan Kassay Maria Khan Sana Waheed Khan Delnaz Khorshidchehr (June 2008) Allan Joseph Lacroix Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Maggie Vicki Lee Bryan Lewars Sociology (Double Major) Rekeea Lewis Michelle Liu Mary Ah-Yee Louie Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ni Ly Dana Malka Political Science (Double Major) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Maral Momeni Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Louis Adrian Joshua Nadler Professional Writing (Double Major) Dean B. Netto Jason Van Nghiem Ediana Dalila Othman Danielle Pasquariello Svetlana Rakevitch Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Andrew Rapley Stacy Romanos English (Minor) Fatin Saad Jessica Savatovich Elizabeth Siegel English (Double Major) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Sobana Sivalingam Vanessa Soares Aliya Solski Cognitive Science (Double Major) Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Darrell Stoddart English (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll John Leslie Taylor Linda Tomkins Music (Minor) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Katalin H. Toth Azalea Ramos Villaranda Pioshani Tarica Wijesinghe Tyrone Jason Williams Jonathan Wong Shannon Wood Jacqueline Tera Wurangian Joanne Elizabeth Young Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Alfred Man To Yuen (June 2008) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Tannaz Zargarian Elnara Zeinalov BACHELOR OF ARTS Psychology Nevruz Acikgoz Kenroy Kerkland Allen Amy Allicock Gilda Amozgar-Shahidi Keisha Joetta Aqui Daniela Aquino Michelle Armas Arijana Arpadzic Eleanor Arsenault With Distinction Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Indu Balachandran Kinga Anna Banas Nicole Blandizzi Jenny Rebecca Bruno Michael Bruno Tony Bui Noella Byfield Gerard Gabriel Calderon Karie Kathryn Campbell-Allen Michelle Chalmers (June 2008) Bora Chang Daniel Chornewich Adrian Norman Christofides Michael Joseph Cimicata Mirella Coletti Michael Colonnese Raeleen H. Corbett Jennifer Dare My Thanh Diep Christina Angela Di Martino Maureen Grace Diwa Beatrice Bernadette Ducharme J. Constanza Duran Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Christine Ashley Finlay Candis Jenny Flear Bernard Wayne Guitard Jayne Luke Hamilton Dorota Hejnrych Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Anne Marie Henderson Stella Ho Lindsay M. Horton Timothy-Taro Inakazu Justine Breanne Jackson (June 2008) Marlene Patricia Jones Sarah Kalitsky Amit Kapoor Jessica Katz Natalie Kolukisayan Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Noam Kroll Anusha Kumaresan Siyanutha Kuneswaran Hania Aisha Lakhani Christina Katie Lamberti Jordan Adrian Lauper Erica Lazzara Danielle Lehman Daniel Lepper Ameria Mellissa Lewis Lelania Lee Little Yenis Machado Gordana Macura Jessica-Ursula Malkin With Distinction Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Parveen Mann Sumayya Mohiuddin Stephen Thomas Moyer Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Elaina Riad Naber Natasha Narancic Kathleen Neves Vivian Victoria Ng Chioma Ngozichukwu Nwabugwu Diamond Omari Huwaida Osman Tristan Carlo Padoan Sheri Ruth Panesar Nicole Pitoscia Elizabeth Powell Alisha Ramdass Khadijah Rawji Kambiz Salami Tysir Salih Anna Scarlato Radha Sethi Catherine Diane Claire Sevcik Lisa Shaw Gerta Shenker Daniel Sheppard Maryam Raquel Shirazi Soteldo David Silver Virinderpaul Singh Patricia Smyth Michael Stein Amanda Stellato Eva Stepien Jennifer Swan (June 2008) Theresa Sophia Sylvester Ronnie Tal Betty Tang Tanadya Thongdeesackul Gulshan Vazir Joshua Vinegar Janice Waldman Joanne Walstra Member of the Dean's Honour Roll David Douglas Walters Jonathan Weitzner With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Richard Paul Widish Katarzyna I. Wieczorek Jason Jon Wilson Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Cheryl-Lyn Grace Wood Julia Anne Wright See-Ming Yim Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Hiu Yan Yip Mazdak Bruce Zareh BACHELOR OF HEALTH STUDIES WITH HONOURS Health Management Ali Addo Sukaina Alibhai Anne Elizabeth Bergin Atefeh Gholami Hanan Osman October 2008 Convocation / 31 Syani Packianathan Andrea Shiwcharan (June 2008) Trisha Yu BACHELOR OF HEALTH STUDIES WITH HONOURS Health Policy Delores Melva Dawes BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Kinesiology and Health Science Shabil Mohammed Ahmed Dmitry Aleksenko Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Katarzyna Amerska Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Nicole Bafaro Robinder Bahniwal Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Alana Bentham Andrew Joseph Chan Biology (Minor) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Antonio Ciullo Saif Dairi David D'Almeida Ahmad Jawid Ewazzada (June 2008) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ganesh Gajamugan Amandeep Kaur Gill Robert Grzeskowiak Trevor Guy Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Candice Renee Hosein Sophia Kapchinsky Psychology (Minor) Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jannan Kunam Daniel Levi Stephanie Marie Lowe Psychology (Minor) Francesco Lucchetta Natalie Marie Maggio Jaemie Marie McCluskey Rashmi Mehrotra Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ripple Rameshchandra Mehta (June 2008) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Milad Modarresi Justin Raymond Murphy David Calum Shim'on Noorden Son Hoang The Pham Pauline Pioro Misbah Rao Biology (Double Major) Farzad Refahi Psychology (Minor) Helena Samimi Seisan Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Tracy Samuel French Studies (Double Major) 32 / October 2008 Convocation Sandip Shawn Sarkar Ian Matthew Shaw Iva Stankovic Pegah Tavajohi-Fini Ela Tomchin Genevieve Tromblay Sahil Uppal Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Dilmini Thyagya Kumari Walaliyadde Anna Yufa BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Psychology Omololu Abiodun Badejo Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Sabrina Buzzanca Andreo Cornacchia Biology (Double Major) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jessica Elyse Frymer Diana Nicole Hristovski Lamia Islam (June 2008) Eli Miller Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Abdourahman Mohamed Biology (Minor) Adam Ohayon Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Edyta Magdalena Paliwoda Mirim Park Stacey Savitsky Thanh-Tam Truong Biology (Minor) Swabra Twahir Ayesha Zaheer BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Psychology Yasir Ahmad Al-Hashimi Sania Drljaca (June 2008) Kelly Mackay Ankita Mukherjee Raisa Palatnic Smiley Pallan With Distinction Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Daniel Polumbric Samira Saadatfar With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Dorna Zakariaei Kiani (June 2008) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING WITH HONOURS Nursing Adam Aglipay Niurka Aguiar Estevez Carolyne Amiani Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Angela Anwuli Asindi Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Heidi Assi Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Tabasom Bahmani Christable Susan Bernard Maame Carol Boahen Benjamin Boateng Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Laura Boates Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Maria Shalimar Aviguetero Bobila Alicia Keerun Bose Debra Margaret Charlton Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Daeun Chung Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Nancy Yu Dagondon Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Dianna David Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Erica Di Cola Erica Doan Ike Ejesi LeeAnne Marie Fischer Melissa Adrianne Gauthier Navdeep Kaur Ghotra Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jessica Headley Altia Hibbert Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Yu Hua Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Vyacheslav Isayev Victoria Emmanuella Jean-Pierre Moya Janelle Jones Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Lia Juskey Nnenna Egwuonwu Kalu Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Darwin Kang Abubaker Kawesi Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jennifer Keeler Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Christina Mo King Ko Member of the Dean's Honour Roll JiYeong Koh Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Magdalena Amelia Koniuszewska Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Iliana Kraleva-Rachkova Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Divya Suma Kuruvila Phuong Lien Lam Nguyen Rym Lamrad Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Alan J. Largo Elizabeth Lee Grace Lee Jessica Sien-Yee Leung Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Astrid Lopez Sheena Alison Luck Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Tunde Makinde Amrit Kaur Malhi Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Roxanne Elizabeth Anita Martin Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jessica Erin McAuley Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Christine McLean Adela Medrano Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jennifer Metherall Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Amardeep Kaur Minhas Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jekaterina Motova Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Mahrukh Aziz Mukhtar Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Haneet Multani Elizabeth Murillo Jessica Michelle Murray Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Milica Nikitovic Sandra Ntow-Duku Caroline Afua Omari-Osei Jane Ifeyinwa Onyeka Maria Teresa Pastore Hiral Patel Glory Mae Buling Prupas Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Leeanne Krystle Rebello Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jacqueline Angela Rennie Hodges Francisca Sarpong Veronica Segbedzie Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Nadia Nicole Serrao Chintal Vasantkumar Shah Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Sinead Sheehan Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Bethany Smith Terry Rose Smith Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Yuri Stovichek Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Linda Susilo Nima Tahmaseb Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Regina Leone Tanihara Vicky Torres Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Melissa Yvette Valdez Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Andrés Vidal Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jianli Wei Lihua Wen Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Charles Jacob Wharton Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Salome Wiredu Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ying Xu Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Li Zhang Xiumin Zhang Member of the Dean's Honour Roll OSGOODE HALL LAW SCHOOL BACHELOR OF LAWS Law Crissy Jean Victoria Campeau-Lomonte Bethlehem Kibur Sari Raquel Scherer Tricia Simon SCHULICH SCHOOL OF BUSINESS BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION WITH HONOURS Administration Qura Tul Ain Amna Basit Marisol Benitez Ryan Biren Katarzyna Paulina Bodnar (June 2008) Noelle Boggio (June 2008) Vladyslav Boldyrev Mark Baret Cavdar (June 2008) Aditi Chowdhari Paulina Dusilo (June 2008) Meena Fayadh Salome Fernandez Michael Fruitman (June 2008) With Distinction Leslie Golts (June 2008) With Distinction Blayne Lorne Gross (June 2008) Vishal Gupta Lauren Ho (June 2008) With Distinction Silvia Yang Hui Mashkur Hussain Haseeb Kayani Andrea Kiel Lirad Kligman Christopher Mazza (June 2008) With Distinction Antonio Niro (June 2008) Gunanithy Seevaratnam Edward Bruce Winiarz Allison Wong With Distinction Shamim Yahyaei Ammar Zahid (June 2008) INTERNATIONAL BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION WITH HONOURS Administration Khan Ovinna Azad Ann Marie Gadin Nicholas Kanevsky Jingqian Li Ikram Abdullahi Omar Alkarim Shamsy Yana Yagupolsky (June 2008) Kun Zhang Marta Zientarski (June 2008) FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Engineering Dennis Alocilja Dariusz K. Benda Meisam Shahid Sorkhabi BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Applied Mathematics Kristabel Rose Merida Barrientos Mathematics for Education (Double Major) Chan Park Navjot Thind First Class Sonja Vidric (June 2008) Philosophy (Minor) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Applied Mathematics Tsung-Yu William Shih BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Biochemistry Nardin Nano First Class Amanda Luisa Tavone First Class With Distinction BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Biology Hurya Bakbak Amine Bourbia Poorti Chopra Jennifer Effendi Mary N. Elias Richard Edward Francis Elena Gershunovsky Christopher Joseph Hideg Diana Le Hang Nguyen First Class With Distinction Tarun Sabharwal Calandra Stanley First Class With Distinction Rosemarie Staresinovic Mingyang Sun Akansha Tiwari Psychology (Minor) First Class With Distinction Thomas Wong BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Biology Esmaa Benseddik (June 2008) Louie Cabigao Sara Lynn Gareri Sabah Amer Haddara October 2008 Convocation / 33 Linh Hua Rifa Husain Khan Anna Kormilitsyna Aishwarya Najbile Izehinosen Ogun Kristiamarie Pastor Neisma M. Peredo Roxana Rahmanian Narmina Sadikhov Racquel S. Smith Emilia Isabella Stpicki Roger Wei-Kai Su Melissa Laura Theodore Steve Cedric Guifo Tuekam Sabah Yazdani BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Chemistry Anna Burdy Negar Nosrati Rathiha Parameswaran Thessa Prashad Samira Rafiei Sina Salehi First Class With Distinction Sopeia Nerissa Samad Tai Thanh To Tharshini Veerasingam Patryk Rajmund Wojtal BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Chemistry Beleet Goryal (June 2008) Matthew Habil First Class With Distinction Claudia Hernandez Yodita Zemicael Bahta BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Computer Science Natalia Bogdan First Class With Distinction Rahul Arun Chaturvedi Jerome J. Cheng Hyeongseok Choi Maciej Jasiobedzki Mehdi Khaleghi Mathematics (Minor) Ka Chun Lau Zara Razvi Brent Ruston First Class Yusup Yusup Ming Zhu BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Computer Science Rajib Ahsan Kwan Kit Carson Bao Waleed Anwar Butt Viviana Diaz Feng Guo First Class With Distinction Chunhong Jia Jian Zhong Jiang Michael Kreiman Shakula Yang Lu Shriram Narayanan 34 / October 2008 Convocation Hardikkumar B. Patel Cheuk Kei Tam Yong Yu BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Earth and Atmospheric Science Michelle Helen Cassar Nicholas Hill BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Geography Elisa Maria Tersigni BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Mathematics Boris Lishak Physics and Astronomy (Double Major) First Class BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Mathematics Kyung Hee Kim BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Physics and Astronomy Srdan Srdjan Stankovic BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Physics and Astronomy Sajjad Sharief BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Science Sameh Basta Bardia Doroodgar Clarence Lee Boshara Saleem Mohammad Sheikh Natalia Soledad Veiga BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Science Rahim Karm Ali Vanessa Lynn Ciufo Gita Madadi Prerna Mahendru Lyna Perelman First Class Murtuzaali Sayed BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Statistics Hanxiao Lin (June 2008) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (TECHNOLOGY) Applied Biotechnology Michael Sunny Chu Samar Mouaaz First Class Christopher Camilo Nava ORDER OF CONVOCATION F ACULTY OF G RADUATE S TUDIES , J OSEPH E. A TKINSON F ACULTY P ROFESSIONAL S TUDIES Academic Procession The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. OF L IBERAL AND President’s Remarks Closing Gervan Fearon, Master, Joseph E. Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies Call to Order Brenda Spotton Visano, Chair of the University Senate Dismissal Brenda Spotton Visano, Chair of the University Senate National Anthem Withdrawal of the Procession Opening Greeting Gervan Fearon, Master, Joseph E. Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies Chancellor’s Remarks Conferring of the Degrees in Course The Presentation of the Candidates Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. Immediately following Convocation, the graduates and guests of the University are invited to attend the Faculty reception in the Technology Enhanced Learning Building. Master/Magisteriate of Human Resources Management Master/Magisteriate of Social Work Bachelor degrees in the Joseph E. Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words Admitto vos ad gradum. October 2008 Convocation / 35 CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES F ACULTY OF G RADUATE S TUDIES , J OSEPH E. A TKINSON F ACULTY P ROFESSIONAL S TUDIES CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATE DIPLOMAS FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES Graduate Diploma in Health Services and Policy Research Melissa Sharon Kimber CANDIDATES FOR MASTER/ MAGISTERIATE DEGREES FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES MASTER OF HUMAN RESOURCES/ MAGISTERIATE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resources Management Ami Miinjy Au-Yeung Amanda Gayle Carroll Reginald Dwayne Conrod Amber Ruth Emily Cooper Alicia Christina DeFreitas Natasha Miljanov Louise Ann Mary O'Dell Nirav K. Patel Elizabeth Pontes Maria Protopapas (June 2008) Karen Roy MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK/ MAGISTERIATE OF SOCIAL WORK Social Work Zorana Alimpic Phyllis Naana Ameyaw Baffour Asamoah Antonio Pinto Azevedo Angela Louise Bishop Victoria Jean Bonanno Rhonda S. Phyllis Bromley Adam Brotherwood Vincenza Cindy Cepparo Sandra Devi Chignell Jennifer Patricia Chinell Jo Suet-Fun Chiu Brienne Kathleen Winnett Coleman Patricia Crooks Sabrina Della Sciucca Vivian Del Valle Brenton Adrian Diaz Laura Di Davide Ketrina Dilo Donald Daniel Dussault Sheryl Ann Claudia Eiler Honey Esmaili Jessica Flemming Amanda Franklin Muninder Nina Gill Pio Matthieu Giralico Crystal Asha Gosyne Ayallah Greenberg Sasha Emerald Henry Terri-Ann Mellisa Henry Jodi Brianna Hickey Ashley Jennifer Hill Emily Elizabeth Hill Donna Marie Hinds Debra Georgina Hollett 36 / October 2008 Convocation Stella Iyamu Evonie Yanique Johnson Alisha Kara Sadia Khaliq Melissa Sharon Kimber Jennifer Kinsella Sarah Yvonne Kobayashi Brian Andrew Konik Suzanne Elisabeth Koso Susan Kwong Kristal Illana Lewis Man Yi Shirley Ling Lucia Lisozzi Kai-Kin K. Luk Cory Anne MacDonald Olayinka Asiat Madamidola Maria Rosaria Malvaso Nicole Mansey Sandra Ghassan Marji Joel Richard Martinflatt Miriam Hazel McCann Kevin Francis McNamee Ibitoru Stephanie Miadonye Leah Lauren Micallef Denis Vincent Michel Ava Yolande Miller Julie Melanie Muravsky Tara Lucinda Irene Murdock Onyinye Christpetra Okeke Adebisi Oluwayemisi Olopade Corless Marie Patterson Ingrid L. Pereira Michael Douglas Perry Johanna Clinton Petite David Christopher Prete Zolande Cynarra Quadros Karen Margaret Roberts Kimberley Anne Sherman Joanne Ward Short Marissa Lee Starling Annalise Diane Stenekes Deon Cecelia Teape Ashley Sarah Teschner Hoay Phong Tran Hana Varzandeh Eileen Oi-Lin Wan Timothy Woo Tracy Elizabeth Woodburn Sau Ying Yip Long Zheng CANDIDATES FOR BACHELOR DEGREES ATKINSON FACULTY OF LIBERAL & PROFESSIONAL STUDIES BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Business Economics Justine Anne Lorenzon Shujian Luo Minliang Xu Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS Business Economics Rania Al-Khooly Philip An OF L IBERAL AND Afzal Baig Amy Beaven Matthew Chakaza Kar Yin Chan With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ping-Sheng Chen Xiaozhu Chen Thomas Edward Cousins With Distinction Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Huzaifa Farooq Haiping Fei Karen Guyadin Tanvir Hassan Bin Hua Hu Man Fu Hung Meng Jiang Shehmir Khan Yoon Ho Kim Jackie Law Sin Man Lee (October 2008) Sin Man Lee Ting Li Xiaoqing Li Zhiyue Li Jialiang Liang Jiaxin Liu (June 2008) Jing Liu Yajun Liu Abhishek Najbile Quang Huy Jason Phung Faysal Quazi Sawsan Samad Yuan-Bo Sui Guanlin Xie Xi Yang Anson Yasi Meng Zhang Dong Zhao Hui Min Zhao BACHELOR OF ARTS Computer Science Alexei Golyashov BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Economics Yi-Chang Chen Hong Liu Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Muhammad Fahad Nawaz Mohammed Arshad Qazi Victor Skrylev Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Sina Tasdighi Constance Teo Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Chungil Yang BACHELOR OF ARTS Economics Christopher Barran Sally Kin-Ling Chan Mahin Farjana Chowdhury Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Tsz Kwan Jenny Chung Tommy Sin Hang Fung XinYi Hu Song Jia SunJong Kim Howard Ka Ho Leung Li Li Miduo Li Ellen Luu Brett G. Mather Alina-Maria Picu (June 2008) Lixin Qian Shuhao Qiu Mohammed Rahman Mariam Shafiq (June 2008) Chih-Kuang Su Yuan Yuan Sun Ye Tian Phong Thoai Truong Eugene Wong Xingcha Xie Edmond Hung Chun Yap Jason Wai Fung Yeung Jun Yin Yun Zhang With Distinction Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Lihua Zhu BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS English Caitlin Sarah Martella Gean Tracey Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS English Tamaira Naomie Blackwood Eleonora Iafano Ramak Jaberizadeh Suraya Guerreiro Viegas Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS History Nikoudeh Saranjam Jeff Zanardo BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Humanities Giovanna Di Biase Naga Suresh Surapaneni Irene Thomson BACHELOR OF ARTS Humanities Erica Michelle Erdman With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Maria LaPorta Robin Minhas Mahan Navran Amit Puni BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Information Technology Steve Vilhena Aleixo Sanja Begic Ryan Bowler Anthony Costa Lianne Adelaide Desouza Hamid Kalantari Jeffrey Krull Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Haomin Wu Lial Zlatkin BACHELOR OF ARTS Information Technology Oral Aiken Armin Azarbad Mohamad Taghi Beheshti Shirazi Kenneth Chiu Nicholas Dundas Ayaz Mohammed Farooquee Lindsay Wesley Felix Christopher Galloway Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jeffery Hainsworth Roland Hsu Eric Huynh Mazbahul Islam Harikalan Kanapathipillai Pavel Khakhan Ralph Monteath Sivasayini Nithyanandan (June 2008) Lawrence Foluso Oladimeji Sam Sayadi Justin Saynaraine Ilir Shakiri (June 2008) Raymond Tang Atif Zia Ubaid Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Gobitha Vijayanathan Fayan Wang Wei Xu BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Liberal Studies Nadia Al-Khatib Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Marcia Rosemary Deacon Melanie Olivia Fernandes BACHELOR OF ARTS Liberal Studies Kweku Akyempon Nadia Ashraf Kathryn Bunyan Scott James Campbell Bik Ki Peggy Chan Julia Allison Clarke Tonya De Jong Theja De Silva Hortencia Diniz Rosemary Hozjan Vani Jeyananthan Shane Thomas Joseph Cassandra Landolfi Judy Aileen Middleton Arian Mirian Yuri Nelyubin John Robert Pannozzo Jason Rivera Lauren Ross Natalee Georgian Rowe Paul John E. Sayo Frank Domenic Scarpino Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Christine Ann Smaller Alexander Peter Smolka Virginia Tse Sobika Vigneswaran BACHELOR OF ARTS Mathematics David Neil Chandler BACHELOR OF ARTS Mathematics for Commerce Yihan Jiang Wing Shan Wong Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Philosophy Tahmineh Mirheidari BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Political Science Janet Joy Brooks Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Edward Kwan Yan Chang Administrative Studies (Combined) Nicholas Mastroianni Administrative Studies (Combined) Arash Mirian Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS Political Science Gillian Tara Bentley Ana Blagdan Dmytro Firsov Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Himanshu Gandhi Pooja Ganesh Hin San Lee Avesha Maharaj Sana Mirza Nabil Nasim Milutin Rajkovic Jason Reis Jennifer Sioesoewarno Karina Tarapore Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Varshni Thevadaash Lisa Tse BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Public Policy and Administration Melissa Alexander Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Mahnaz Houdi Rae-Gean A. Oneika Jenkins Frankie Judanne Mayflower Keating Little Joshua Flynn Paquin Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Navdeep Singh Sandhar Kevin Snow October 2008 Convocation / 37 BACHELOR OF ARTS Public Policy and Management Mansee Amin Rebecca Arumainayagam Farina Benhas Marco Giancarlo Ali Haroon Anisa Hashi Mazaher Jessa Bandna Lamba Emilio Lisella Nicole Elizabeth Moriah Calvin Muttiah Michael Thomas O'Connor Hojabr Razavi Nadhira Said Soud Richard Thai Xiaohui Yang BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Social Science Laura DiMarco Olivia-Jayne Marie Scobie Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll James St John Teevan BACHELOR OF ARTS Social Science Mohamed Abdirahman Piotr Bauer Dhairya Gala Masroora Haque Nolie Alicia Herbert Khadijeh Khorramshahi Armin Kumarshellah Yuju Lai Ajanthaa Manoharan Matthew George Gerry Rondina With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Tal Sahar Talieh Samadi Mengsu Sun Michelle Wong Angeliki Dimitra Zanotti BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Sociology Michelle Sarah Abdel-Malek Waveney Archer Lordias Asman Fiona Chrislyn Edwards Member of the Dean's Honour Roll June Hellory Gordon Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Kristen Elizabeth Govereau Melissa Jarvis Nick Salvatore Lovano Daniela Maiolo Chantelle M. McGuire Andrea Michelle Kiyoko Mori Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Nelofar Pouragheli Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Terri-Jane Stapleton Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll 38 / October 2008 Convocation Nga Ying Manda Wu BACHELOR OF ARTS Sociology Jennie Evgenia Abramovich Jasmila Begovic Amy Chung Heather Joy Coburn Nadine Marjorie Dwyer Lilianne Fam Suzy Fam Monica Fambi Diana Gatti Curlena Pumaldia Jackson Nancy Ly Stephanie Mandev (June 2008) Anita May Laura Nieto You Jung Lina Park Sanjee Nicola Phillips Surojanie Sharma Jessica Shields Thanusheka Thirunavukkarasu Elaine F. Turcotte Tria Urnom Talia Cheryn Vanloo Rivard Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Sylvia Wiafe-Akenteng BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Women's Studies Retha Ganaprakasam Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ARTS Women's Studies Diana Solakov (June 2008) BACHELOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES WITH HONOURS Administrative Studies Alisha Abji Heira Ahmad Sumera Ahmed (June 2008) Blake Allan Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Mohamed Anklis Michel Y.W.M. Antoun Anirudh Arora Manjinder Aujla Faisal Aziz Amandeep Badyal Rabia Fatima Basharullah Miroslav Beganovic Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Negar Sadat Beheshti Shirazi Arash Jean Boveri Ravneet Kaur Chahal Hussein Champsi Eric Chan Yu Chen Ranjie Chinapen Stephanie Chindamath Mun-Hee Choi Roma Chopra Denise Kelly Costa Matthew M. Damaso Michael J. Da Silva Anahita Davoodi Lu Deng Lucas Diaz Molaro Nuno Do Couto Juan Du Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Aisha Durrani Avijoy Elahi Xiaorong Fan Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ke Feng Member of the Dean's Honour Roll David Feraday Nina Filakovic Kristina Fortunato John Giummarra Alina Gonin Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Michael Gonzalez Sharon Grewal Prateek Grover Eric Gruscyk Xiaoyu Guan Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jenny Ha Zeeshan Habib Juan Han Arslan Hanif Laura Hanko (June 2008) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Phoebe Hanna Waqaas Hashmi Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Jamie Herman Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Gilbert Ho Shariful Hoque Sarah Wai-Yue Hung Felicia Geeta Jaisaree Gagandeep Jajwan Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Anitha R. Jesudasan Yi Nan Jia Yajie Ju Sandeep Kahlon Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Georgy Kapustin Daniyal Khan Nabeel Khan Nasser Khan (June 2008) Owais Ali Khan Olena Valerievna Kholodova Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Erum Fatima Kidwai Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Inseon Kim Rayun Kim Viktoriya Kotova Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Elena Koulakova Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Matvei Kruglyak Datesh Kshatriya Bhavna Kumar Mathew Lam Thomas Lam Thuy Minh Le Jaclyn Sze Wan Leung Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Meng Li Yangluo Li Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Fan Liao Huan Lin Yung Lin Natalia Lopoukhova Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Darlene Lu Rong Lu Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Mathulan Mangalamoorthy Ilia Maor Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Shani Marzin Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Sony Mathew Ulfat Farah Matin Alexander Medow Dena Mehraban Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Deniz Melen Bo En Min Kathy Katayoun Mirzaei Shazmin Mitha Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ana Maria Morim Pedram Mousavi Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Abdul-Hadi Murtuza Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Prashanna Nadpurajah Sarah Neilson Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Josiah Yan-Kay Ng Eugene Nisenker Motaz Nofal Imran Noorani Yerzhan Ospanov Kwame Owusu Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Stephanie Paolucci Juan Carlos Pastor Moran Pinkesh Kantubhai Patel Sudip Kanti Purkayastha Julian Quinones Nada Raza Adrian Nicholas Reyes Russell Robson Antonio Rossi Jihyun Ryu Amanda Saib Taimur Bin Tariq Samad Pedram Sanjari Gisele Sawaya Mona Sekhon Adib Semaan Hariharan Seshadri Yingying Shao Lu Shi Yumna Siddiqui Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Seema Singh Sujitha Sivanesan Adrian Small Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Eugene Sorokin Sabitha Soundhararajah Navdeep Sran Simon Boon-Heong Tan Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Maryam Tavana Anna Taylor Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Mandeep Thiara Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Deborah Todde Duncan Tong Qian Tong Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Linkit Tuyen Mohsin Uddin Lev Uzlaner Quyen Vu Gaga Minnie Wang (June 2008) Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Han Wang Xin Wang Yu Wang Yue Wang Wuping Wei Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Chantel Wilson Gaynor Kay-Lok Wong Ka Ho Wong Diana Wu Runjing Wu Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Grace Xiang Dan Xu Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Zihao Xu Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Li Hua Yang Hui Ye Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ivan Yip Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Dawei Yu Irene Zeras Lan Zhang Wen Li Zhang Xiulan Zhang Amanda Zonenberg Jun Zuo Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES Administrative Studies Irene Akenteng Shamima Akther Hojoon An Fady Aodesho Jaspal Singh Brar Matt Shawn Brown Rongze Cai Pei Qi Cao Daniel Carson Kristi Lynne Cater Carlo Giuliano Lucio Cedrone Iris Chan Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ray Chan Han Feng Chen Hao Chen Xin Chen Yongjia Chen Zhuo Chen Fung Wa Cheung Sangeeta Chhatralia Feng Chi Phally Chim With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Farid Daha Elisa D'Angelo Michael A. De Filippis Anthony Dias Cilei Dong Liang Dong Shahneela Ferdous (June 2008) Cristina Ferreira Richolette Freckleton John Anthony Giannone Bo Gong Yanwei Guan Wei He Patricia Ann Henry Mina Hindi Queenie Ching-Man Ho Stacia Victoria Ho Jingyi Huang Ting Huang Costandia Ioannou Stacey Stratigoula Karabinis Fredrick Adeoye Kayode Lana Jean Kenny George Koidis Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Sean Konar Katarzyna Kosowska Natasha Ladak Hua Li Wanying Liang Lita Lidia Liaouw Fei Lin Na Liu Shirley Liu Simo Liu Xing Yu Liu Yu Liu October 2008 Convocation / 39 Min Lu Long Luong Xiaojun Ma Zihan Mai Paulina Makowska Diana Mao Melissa Mcdermott Charmaine M. McKenzie Barkha Mehta Marie Odette Morris Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Rimma Mouzika Gaitri Nanan Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Ka Bon Kelvin Ng Khaled Omar Jatin Patel Priyankaben Patel Catherine Pham Charissa Politi Ali Qamar Hong Qiu (June 2008) Yun Hua Qiu Pavitra Rai Vanessa Reda Christine Saati Masouda Saifi Aziz Samji Amandeep Samra Jennifer Sepiashvili Mark Jefrey Shaw Na Shi Usama Ilyas Siddiqi Mike Soong Vassil Alexandrov Staykov Geetanjali Subhaschandran Marie Sumida Jia Tan Brathista Thangarajah Ali Torabipour Alan Tse Minh Duc Vo Ke Wang Shuyue Wang Avantha Wijesekera Kalman Nathaniel Wolkenstein Grace Wong Pan Ki Becky Wong Di Wu Hao Wu Hongfei Xiao (June 2008) Ricky Wing Fung Yim Agnieszka Zajac Xin Zhang Weiwei Zheng Chi Zhou BACHELOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES WITH HONOURS Information Technology Bayan Foyle Varun Deepak Sharma Anees Tobaccowala Lindberg Tong Bich Thi Vu Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll 40 / October 2008 Convocation BACHELOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT WITH HONOURS Human Resources Management Zahra Abdulla Sameera Akram Yulia Bossis Pak Ling Chiu Benjamin Lau Perry Chiyiu Liu Irina Ostrovski Gaganjot Sahota Nancy Tina Robin Simpatico Christopher Jospeh Sochnacki Mark Spatafora Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Human Resources Management Suraya Alam Sakshi Bahl Angel Wing Yu Chan Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Zahra Damji With Merit Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Alicia Deabreu Susanna Duran Irina Dvorkin (June 2008) Yuan Gao Indrajit Guhathakurta Qianguo Jiang Jing Wen Li (October 2007) Sharon Jasmine Li Xian Liu (June 2008) Laura Qian Lu Fatima Madhany Karen Hoi Ying Mak Stephanie Beth Martin Karena Nerces Ramya Rajadurai Kashif Raza Rawan Salib With Distinction Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Adrian Cosmin Sandu Braveena Thangarajah Jeanne Tran Timothy Wong Xuejia Xu BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Computer Science Shahryar Syed Ghazi BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Mathematics Maryam Shanehchian Member of the Dean's Honour Roll BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK WITH HONOURS Social Work Shorna Evadne Abrahams Akua Adutwumwaa Sutharmini Ajanth Rosa Fatemah Alam Rita Barone Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Diyanatou Barry Jessica Brunino Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Noelle Burke Pearl Jenette Chrimes Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Maria Rosario Garcia Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Hillica Joana Gayle Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Carol Andrea Gritton Akilah Jaha Haneef-Jabari Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Valerie Ann C. Huang Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Sarah Ann Hull Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Madhav Prasad Khanal (June 2008) Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Caroline Elizabeth Krupica Christina Ka Wei Lam Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Emily Lan Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Amanda Kathleen Finlayson Leader Lesley Gail Flores Manlulu Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Angela Rudogwashe Marova Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Edward Christopher Moszynski Summa Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Fatima Riaz Murtaza Patricia Ayuma Mwita Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Carla O'Brien (June 2008) Stacey Osheroff Jordan Parker Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Tracy Leanne Parnell Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Arlene Joy Plaza Emerald Reeves-Hayles Chelsea Takalo Celine Marissa Tracey Adrian Witkowski Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Tara Lee Wright Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Hannington Bukenya Yiga Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll Nyembezi Zviuya Magna Cum Laude Member of the Dean's Honour Roll CANDIDATES FOR CERTIFICATES CANDIDATS AUX CERTIFICATS CANDIDATES FOR CERTIFICATES FACULTY OF ARTS Advanced Certificate in Hebrew and Jewish Studies Tamara Frankel Basic French Language Proficiency / Compétence en Français, Niveau Élémentaire Inna Goldberg Ikram Abdullahi Omar Balraj Persaud Elizaveta Vasilyeva Certificate in Business Fundamentals Elisa D'Angelo My Thanh Diep Valerie Susanna Fisher Anisa Hashi Aysha Imtiaz Lamia Islam Yuju Lai Ni Ly Giuditta Pascarella Natalee Georgian Rowe Maria Rufo Christine Saati Varshni Thevadaash Nidhi Sarah Thomas Tracy Angela Trotman Certificate in Management Mimi Chang Youjia Fang (June 2008) Vanessa Fuentes Inna Goldberg Mabe Vanessa Illah Mansee Amin Farina Benhas Robin Minhas Sana Mirza Melanie Sekulovski Allen Chi-Hang Yiu Certificate in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Certificate in Marketing Vanja Kukic Marc-André Daniel Pigeon Melissa T. Galati Cora Lo Timothy Miller Certificate in Non-Profit Management Abdirizak Ahmed Jama Certificate in Practical Ethics Chantelle Campbell Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Louise Dikschei Certificate of Proficiency in Italian Language Giovanna Staffiere General Certificate in Law and Society Hooria Nekzai Certificate in Professional Ethics Daniela Godoy Jameson Certificate in Public Sector Management FACULTY OF FINE ARTS Cross-Disciplinary Certificate in Digital Media Allana Marie Mayer Kristen Lee-Ann Szykoluk Ingrid Yuen Certificate in Refugee and Migration Studies Justin Raymond Murphy Nadia Al-Khatib Certificate in Women's Studies Janet Joy Brooks David Martin Andrews Bilingual Certificate in Public Administration and Public Policy Mansi Arora Chen Feng Leanne Michelle Gomes Jiao Song Runjing Wu Nefeli Adamides George Theodor Florea FACULTY OF HEALTH COLLÈGE UNIVERSITAIRE GLENDON Certificate in Accounting General Certificate in Law and Social Thought Suban Farah Natalie Poonai Thanusheka Thirunavukkarasu General Certificate in Urban Studies ATKINSON FACULTY OF LIBERAL & PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Annitha Chandramohan Sarah Naomi Clyne-Sanchez Jessica Nancy Duarte Corinne Gazet Gaelle Misha Estellie Godere Marise Hanna Disha Islam Katherine Kovler Josée Natalie Landry Roma Malik Clara Elizabeth Mendez Prisca Kim Foong Ng How Tseung Xuan-Vinh Ngo-Trong Breanne Perruzza Nicolas Alexandre Ranchin-Dundas Christina Ratis Jean Bosco Rurangirwa Biljana Teodorcevic Ronaldo Zeid Flavia Zgjani Certificate in Spanish-English Translation Certificate in Athletic Therapy Certificate in Sport Administration Matthew M. Damaso Hong Gao FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Certificate in Meteorology Michelle Helen Cassar CANDIDATES FOR EXTERNAL PROGRAMS Rheanna Elyse Holden York University/Seneca College - Creative Advertising Certificate in the Discipline of Teaching English as an International Language Natalie Lau Katelyn Holwerda Helena Wanda Staruszkiewicz York University/Seneca College - Radio and Television Broadcasting Certificate in Emergency Management Certificate of Bilingual Excellence Wesley Danial Roy Jenkins Elizabeth Joan Matthews Rachelle Arpin Sarah Naomi Clyne-Sanchez Richard Franklin Cohen Aron Noah Katz Adam Mena-Silvert Jonathan Muma Certificate in Human Resources Management Certificate of Bilingualism - French and English York University/Seneca College Rehabilitation Services Mohamed Abdirahman Alisha Abji Monica Baichan Tze Ling Teresa Chow Nefeli Adamides Rachelle Arpin Joel Bendayan Yves Bugabo Mariam Mahmoud Julia Mary Elizabeth Smith October 2008 Convocation / 41 UNIVERSITY AWARDS/ PRIX ET MÉDAILLES DE L’UNIVERSITÉ Governor General’s Gold Medal Médaille d’or du Gouverneur général Edyta Marcon Doctor of Philosophy (Biology) Doctorat (Biologie) Faculty of Graduate Studies Faculté des études supérieures Tanner Franklin Mirrlees Doctor of Philosophy (Communication and Culture, Joint Program with Ryerson University) Doctorat (Communication et culture, programme jumelé avec l’Université Ryerson) Faculty of Graduate Studies Faculté des études supérieures Governor General’s Silver Medal Médaille d’argent du Gouverneur général Nicole Samantha Chin Jones Bachelor of Arts with Honours Baccalauréat ès arts spécialisé Glendon College Collège universitaire Glendon Robert Joshua Goldberg Bachelor of Science Baccalauréat ès sciences Faculty of Health Faculté de la santé Altaz Ricardo Khan Bachelor of Arts Baccalauréat ès arts Faculty of Arts Faculté des arts Murray G. Ross Award Prix Murray G. Ross Hassan Masoom Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours Baccalauréat ès sciences appliquées spécialisé Faculty of Science and Engineering Faculté des Sciences et de l’ingénierie UNIVERSITY-WIDE TEACHING AWARDS PRIX UNIVERSITAIRES DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT Senior Full-time Faculty Professeurs et professeures à temps plein Amir Asif Full-time Faculty Professeurs et professeures à temps plein Tanya Noel Full-time Faculty Professeurs et professeures à temps plein Debra Langan Contract and Adjunct Faculty Professeurs et professeures contractuels et adjoints William Gleberzon Teaching Assistant Assistants et assistantes Tharsini Manivannan The University-Wide Teaching Award is given annually to members of the University’s teaching community who have achieved sustained excellence in teaching. Le Prix universitaire de l’enseignement est décerné chaque année aux quatre catégories d’enseignants et d’enseignantes de l’Université qui ont fait preuve d’excellence dans leur enseignement. 42 / October 2008 Convocation AWARDS AND PRIZES/ PRIX FACULTY OF ARTS FACULTY OF EDUCATION FACULTY OF HEALTH HANS CAROL PRIZE Geography CORNERSTONE LEADERSHIP IN ACTION GRADUATING STUDENT AWARD Robert Michael Bridi Joseph Nicholas Romano TAIT McKENZIE HONOUR SOCIETY Katarzyna Amerska Robinder Bahniwal Jennifer Anne Buzdon Andrew Joseph Chan Trevor Guy Sophia Kapchinsky Yusik Kim Rashmi Mehrotra Sahil Uppal PETRO JACYK EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP Humanities Alexandra Burchesin DEREK S. HAU-GUZMANN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Philosophy FACULTY OF FINE ARTS DEAN’S PRIZES FOR EXCELLENCE - FACULTY OF FINE ARTS Matthew Allard Imola Reka Ilyes FACULTY OF FINE ARTS OPPORTUNITY AWARD DIVISION OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AWARD Social Science Matthew Allard Joshua Calderon Matthew Allard JOSEPH E. ATKINSON FACULTY OF LIBERAL AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES ATKINSON DEGREE PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIP Retha Ganaprakasam ATKINSON STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP Thomas Edward Cousins Erum Fatima Kidwai Zihao Xu JOHN A. SHERAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FINE ARTS CONVOCATION AWARD UNIVERSAL STUDIES CANADA FILM AND VIDEO SCHOLARSHIP Film FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING GOLD MEDAL FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Sina Salehi Claire Diana Ward-Beveridge ART HISTORY AWARD Visual Arts WINTERS COLLEGE Dalia Sarah Frank WINTERS COLLEGE FELLOWSHIP FUND Hannah Mayne (June 2008) GLENDON COLLEGE/COLLÈGE UNIVERSITAIRE GLENDON Zihao Xu DEPARTMENT BOOK PRIZES AND AWARDS/ PRIX DES DÉPARTEMENTS ONTARIO REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION PRIZE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PRIZE, GLENDON Gagandeep Jajwan Thuy Minh Le Anna Taylor Lourdes Villamor THE HAKAN BERGGREN FELLOWSHIP W.B. Templeton Annual Award Aliya Solski PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT PRIZE, GLENDON Josée Natalie Landry Arash Mirian THE MILDRED THEOBALDS PRIZE IN MARKETING FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES Simon Boon-Heong Tan THE IVANA GUGLIETTI-KELLY PRIZE Psychology THE RON BORDESSA PRIZE Kimberly Dawn Watson Hong Liu October 2008 Convocation / 43 Congratulations Class of 2008 Congratulations on your graduation and welcome to York University’s alumni community! As graduates, you are automatically members of the York University Alumni Association (YUAA), joining a global community of more than 200,000 graduates who enjoy the privileges and perks of YUAA membership. York is truly an interdisciplinary university that looks at life from all angles. Unfettered by convention and traditional expectations, York's innovative approach has forged a vibrant institution. Our strength in numbers reflects this passionate approach to education, and we look forward to the next milestone: York's 50th anniversary in 2009. As alumni, you are uniquely prepared to face the opportunities and challenges of an ever-changing world with clarity and vision. This vision is your strength — both as a class and as individuals — and I urge you to keep in touch and be actively involved as a York graduate, not just with the University but with one another, so that you can draw on each other's insights. Alumni play a vital role in the life of the University. As graduates, the ongoing reputation of the University affects how others value a York degree, and we have the opportunity to enhance that value by acting as ambassadors for York's education and research activities. You can stay in contact with your classmates and get all the news about upcoming events and services through the online enewsletter Alumni Matters, and the Alumni Web site (www.yorku.ca/alumni). You can maintain contacts and make new ones by attending our special events or by volunteering. You can act as a mentor for current students, get involved with a York alumni group in your hometown or country, or help York recruit the alumni of the future. You can also act as advisors to the University, suggesting new ideas and offering constructive feedback. Your achievement is outstanding! You and your fellow graduates are the best ambassadors for York University. Through your involvement with the York University Alumni Association you will continue to demonstrate that York prepares its graduates to redefine the possible. We wish you every success! Yours truly, Guy Burry (BA ‘82) Chair, York University Alumni Association Board of Directors 44 / October 2008 Convocation Félicitations à la classe de 2008 Félicitations à l'occasion de l'obtention de votre diplôme et bienvenue dans la communauté des diplômés de l'Université York! En tant que diplômés, vous devenez automatiquement membres de l'Association des diplômés de l'Université York (ADUY); ainsi, vous joignez les rangs d'une communauté mondiale de 200 000 diplômés et vous bénéficierez de la grande diversité d'avantages et de services qui sont offerts aux membres de l'ADUY. York est vraiment une université interdisciplinaire qui a une vision sur tous les aspects de la vie. Libre des entraves des conventions et des attentes traditionnelles, York est devenu, grâce à son approche novatrice, un établissement plein de vitalité. Notre force, exprimée en nombres, reflète cette approche passionnée de l'éducation, et c'est avec plaisir que nous attendons le prochain jalon : le 50e anniversaire de York en 2009. En tant que diplômés, vous êtes déjà prêts à profiter des possibilités offertes et à relever les défis avec une grande clarté de vision dans un monde en pleine évolution. Cette vision est votre force, aussi bien collectivement pour l'ensemble de votre promotion que pour les individus qui la composent. Ainsi, je vous encourage à garder le contact, non seulement avec nous, mais aussi les uns avec les autres, et de participer aux activités offertes aux diplômés de York, afin de tirer profit de l'expérience et des connaissances des uns et des autres. Les diplômés jouent un rôle vital dans la vie de l'Université. La réputation continue de celle-ci influe sur la valeur que d'autres attachent à un diplôme de York, et nous avons la possibilité de rehausser cette valeur grâce à notre rôle d'ambassadeurs et d'ambassadrices des activités d'éducation et de recherche de York. Vous pourrez ainsi maintenir le lien avec vos camarades de classe et vous tenir au courant des événements à venir et des services offerts aux diplômés par l'entremise du bulletin électronique Alumni Matters et du site web Alumni (www.yorku.ca/alumni). En participant à nos activités spéciales ou en offrant vos services en tant que volontaires, vous pourrez non seulement maintenir le contact avec vos relations actuelles, mais vous en faire de nouvelles. Vous pourrez remplir les fonctions de mentors pour des étudiants actuels, participer aux activités d'un groupe de diplômés de York dans votre ville ou dans votre pays, ou aider York à recruter les diplômés de l'avenir. Vous pourrez aussi remplir le rôle de conseillers et de conseillères pour l'Université en lui suggérant de nouvelles idées et en offrant une rétroaction constructive. Votre réussite est remarquable! Vous et les autres diplômés êtes les meilleurs ambassadeurs et ambassadrices de l'Université York. Grâce à votre participation aux activités de l'Association des diplômés de l'Université York, vous continuerez à démontrer que York forme ses diplômés à redéfinir les limites du possible. Nous vous souhaitons tout le succès possible! Bien à vous, Guy Burry (BA ‘82) Président du conseil d'administration Association des diplômés de l'Université York October 2008 Convocation / 45 UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION/ ADMINISTRATION DE L’UNIVERSITÉ O F FI C ER S O F T H E U N I V ER S I T Y / C A D R ES S U P É R IE U R S D E L ’U N I V ER S I T É CHANCELLOR CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS The Honourable R. Roy McMurtry, Q.C. Marshall Cohen CHANCELIER PRÉSIDENT DU CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION PRESIDENT AND VICE-CHANCELLOR Mamdouh Shoukri PRÉSIDENT ET VICE-CHANCELIER PRESIDENTS EMERITI H. Ian Macdonald Harry W. Arthurs Susan Mann Lorna R. Marsden PRÉSIDENT(E)S HONORAIRES VICE-PRESIDENT ACADEMIC & PROVOST VICE-PRESIDENT FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION VICE-PRESIDENT RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Sheila M. Embleton Gary Brewer Stan M. Shapson VICE-PRÉSIDENTE AUX ÉTUDES ET PRÉVÔT VICE-PRÉSIDENT FINANCES ET ADMINISTRATION VICE-PRÉSIDENT À LA RECHERCHE ET À L’INNOVATION VICE-PRESIDENT STUDENTS Robert J. Tiffin VICE-PRÉSIDENT ÉTUDIANTS PRESIDENT & CEO, YORK UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION VICE-PRESIDENT DEVELOPMENT, YORK UNIVERSITY Paul E. Marcus PRÉSIDENT ET CHEF DE LA DIRECTION, FONDATION DE L’UNIVERSITÉ YORK VICE-PRÉSIDENT AU DÉVELOPPEMENT, UNIVERSITÉ YORK UNIVERSITY SECRETARY AND GENERAL COUNSEL Harriet I. Lewis SECRÉTAIRE DE L’UNIVERSITÉ ET CONSEILLÈRE JURIDIQUE CHAIR OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE Brenda Spotton Visano PRÉSIDENTE DU SÉNAT DE L’UNIVERSITÉ D EA N S, U N I V ER S I T Y L IB R A R I A N / D O Y EN S , B IB L I OT H É C A I R E DE L ’U N I V E R S IT É DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF ARTS DEAN OF THE JOSEPH E. ATKINSON FACULTY OF LIBERAL AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Robert Drummond Rhonda Lenton Alice Pitt DOYEN DE LA FACULTÉ DES ARTS DOYENNE DE LA FACULTÉ DES ÉTUDES LIBÉRALES ET PROFESSIONNELLES JOSEPH E. ATKINSON DOYENNE DE LA FACULTÉ DES SCIENCES DE L’ÉDUCATION Barbara Rahder DOYENNE DE LA FACULTÉ DES ÉTUDES ENVIRONNEMENTALES DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF FINE ARTS Barbara Sellers-Young DOYENNE DE LA FACULTÉ DES BEAUX-ARTS PRINCIPAL OF GLENDON COLLEGE Kenneth H. McRoberts PRINCIPAL DU COLLÈGE UNIVERSITAIRE GLENDON DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF HEALTH DEAN OF THE OSGOODE HALL LAW SCHOOL Douglas M. Peers Harvey Skinner Patrick J. Monahan DOYEN DE LA FACULTÉ DES ÉTUDES SUPÉRIEURES DOYEN DE LA FACULTÉ DE LA SANTÉ DOYEN DE LA FACULTÉ DE DROIT OSGOODE HALL DEAN OF THE SCHULICH SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Dezsö J. Horváth DOYEN DE L’ÉCOLE SCHULICH DES HAUTES ÉTUDES COMMERCIALES DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Nicholas Cercone DOYEN DE LA FACULTÉ DES SCIENCES ET DE L’INGÉNIERIE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Cynthia Archer BIBLIOTHÉCAIRE DE L’UNIVERSITÉ UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR Joanne Duklas REGISTRAIRE DE L’UNIVERSITÉ C O L L E GE M A S T ER S/ D I R EC T E U R S D ES C O L L È GE S MASTER OF ATKINSON COLLEGE Gervan A. Fearon DIRECTEUR DU COLLÈGE ATKINSON MASTER OF CALUMET COLLEGE David Leyton-Brown DIRECTEUR DU COLLÈGE CALUMET MASTER OF FOUNDERS COLLEGE Mauro Buccheri MASTER OF McLAUGHLIN COLLEGE INTERIM MASTER OF NORMAN BETHUNE COLLEGE 46 / October 2008 Convocation DIRECTEUR DU COLLÈGE FOUNDERS C. Ian Greene DIRECTEUR DU COLLÈGE McLAUGHLIN John Amanatides DIRECTEUR PAR INTÉRIM DU COLLÈGE NORMAN BETHUNE MASTER OF STONG COLLEGE Modupe Olaogun DIRECTRICE DU COLLÈGE STONG MASTER OF VANIER COLLEGE Stanley Tweyman DIRECTEUR DU COLLÈGE VANIER MASTER OF WINTERS COLLEGE Marie Rickard DIRECTRICE DU COLLÈGE WINTERS ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL STUDENT SERVICES, GLENDON COLLEGE Louise Lewin PRINCIPALE ADJOINTE SERVICES AUX ÉTUDIANTS COLLÈGE UNIVERSITARIE GLENDON UNIVERSITY BEADLES Anthony Barbisan Guy Burry Robert Castle MASSIERS DE L’UNIVERSITÉ
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