Albi Pass Bon Séjour à Albi
Albi Pass Bon Séjour à Albi
Reception Service - Information Palais de la Berbie, Place Sainte-Cécile F - 81000 ALBI Tel : 33 (0)5 63 49 48 80 Fax : 33 (0)5 63 49 48 98 [email protected] Incoming Tour Service Tel : 33 (0)5 63 49 48 76/86 Fax : 33 (0)5 63 49 48 93 [email protected] Opening Hours From 01/09 to 30/06 : 9am/12.30am - 2pm/6pm* *6.30pm in May, June and September Sunday and public holidays : 10am/12.30am - 2.30pm/5pm From 01/07 to 31/08 : 9am/7pm Sunday and public holidays : 10am/12.30am - 2.30pm/6.30pm Closing days 1st January, 1st May, 1st November, 25th December Car park area Parking Sainte-Cécile: 250 paying spaces (B3) Parking du Vigan : 380 paying spaces (C3) Parking Jean-Jaurès : 525 paying spaces (C3) Parking Pelloutier : 168 free spaces, 38 paying spaces (D3) Parking de la Cathédrale : 375 free spaces, 149 paying spaces et 9 reserved to camping cars (B3) Place de l’Amitié entre les Peuples : 166 free spaces, 19 paying spaces Boulevard Sibille : 113 spaces Exchange Money can be changed on banks’ closing days. Hotel Reservation At the reception service of the Tourist Office. Bon Séjour à Albi Nights B&B with preferential prices + visits and leisure with numerous reductions + welcome’s gift Albi and its Region Albi Pass One entrance in the cathedral choir + one entrance in the Toulouse-Lautrec museum + numerous reductions : monuments, sports, animations, trading partners With the participation of Albi Town Hall Crédit photos : Ville d’Albi, P. Bertrand, Apa Poux, A. Noël, CDT Tarn Collection Musée Toulouse-Lautrec Albi Tarn France Please, don’t litter. Local institution for Tourism authorised by State agreement N°AU.081.95.001. The public liability insurance for Professionnals is underwritten at AXA assurances IARD presence assurances 56 rue de la Victoire 75308 PARIS cedex 09. The financial guarantee is secured at APS. F - 81000 ALBI OFFICE DE TOURISME ★★★ 2 3 he treasure-troves T The treasure-trove is laid out in one of the upper chapels, a former strong-box dating back to the 13th C., it exhibits a collection of sacred work of art from the 14th to the 19th C. basilica consecrated A to Sainte-Cécile From the 5 C. onwards, Albi th cathedral had owned important relics from this Roman Saint. Ever since, this construction had been dedicated to the martyred patron saint of music. T he Cathars Throughout the 12 C., th the Cathars, referred to as «Albigensians» took great influence in Languedoc Region as the messengers of a new faith. Considered as heretics, attacked by King and Church, they were massacred and burnt at the stake in the murderous times which bloodied the whole of the Southwest of France. Groups : guided tours performed by Guides-Interpreters of the Tourist Office on reservation all year round. Individuals : see on page 16 “French guided tours” 4 Sainte-Cecile Cathedral uilt from the 13th to the 15th C in the old town, the heart of the city, Sainte-Cecile Cathedral emerges like a vessel of bricks. As a testimony to the Christian faith in the aftermath of the crusade against the Cathars or Albigensians, this fortress cathedral, part of the city walls, is a masterpiece of the Southern Gothic architecture. The building was further adorned by the porch Dominique-de-Florence (finished circa 1392), the 78m high bell-tower (1492) and the baldachin over the entrance porch (1515-40). The interior is an astonishing contrast with the outer rigour of its defensive aspect. The vast painting of the last judgement was originally 200m2 wide. The richly coloured frescoes on the vaulted ceiling represent the most large and important Italian painting from the Renaissance period in France. B 5, boulevard Sibille 81000 ALBI Tel : 33 (0) 5 63 43 23 43 Fax : 33 (0) 5 63 43 23 44 E.mail : paroisse. [email protected] entrance " rue de la Temporalité " Opening times 1/06-30/09 9am-6.30pm 1/10-31/05 9am/12am2pm/6.30pm July/August/September Exhibition by Kim In Joong, the Korean Dominican painter, in the grand choir Entrance prices Cathedral free Choir + 12 years : E 1, (E 1.50 from july to september) School set price : E8 The remarkable, highly ornate rood screen and the choir gate decorated with a major polychromatic sculpture together with the monumental 18th C. organ, are a museum of Christian art forms. Treasure-trove from 12 to 25 years : E2 +25 years : E 3 Audioguides available in the course of 2007, in French, English, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch. Free organ concert July-August : Wednesday : 5pm Sunday : 4pm 5 Toulouse-Lautrec Museum Palais de la Berbie • B.P.100 • F-81003 Albi cedex • Tel : 33 I n t e rnet : • he former archbishop’s palace, built during the 13th C., is the unexpected site for the artistic work which represents the lifestyle in Paris and Montmartre at the end of the 19th C., that of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. T hanks to the generous donation of the painter’s family, more than 1,000 paintings, drawings together with lithographs by the Albi-born artist are housed in the museum, including all the 31 posters he designed. T 5 63 49 48 70 Fax : 33 (0) 5 63 49 48 88 [email protected] rom the works of his youth to the world of entertainment, depicting the characters in the theatres and cabarets, the vast exhibition is the largest public-owned collection dedicated to Toulouse-Lautrec in the world. With his swift hand sharp, merciless eye, the painter still conjures up the murky world of Montmartre and scenes from the brothels within it ; the museum also houses a number of remarkable portraits by this prodigious painter, as well as one of his last canvases painted in 1901, representing each and every period of his fertile career. The museum is also graced with a number of older works of art, by La Tour and Guardi, amongst others, and a wonderful collection by modern masters such as Bonnard, Matisse, Marquet, Vuillard and Vlaminck... F Groups : guided tours performed by Guides-Interpreters of the Tourist Office on reservation all year round. Individuals : see on page 16 “French guided tours” 6 enri de H Toulouse-Lautrec Toulouse-Lautrec was born in Albi on November 24th, 1864, in the Hôtel du Bosc, his family’s mansion built on the city ramparts. His father was count Alphonse de Toulouse-Lautrec; his mother, Adèle Tapié de Celeyran, came from the Aude region.Victim of a congenital disorder, Henri dedicated his life to drawing and painting the seedier side of his contemporaries’ lifestyle, the world of music-halls and brothels in turn-of-the-century Paris. Exhausted by the abundance of his creative work, alcohol and disease, he took refuge with his mother in the Château de Malromé in the Gironde region, where he died on September 9th, 1901. entrance " Quai Choiseul " Opening times 01/11-28/02 10am/12am-2pm/5pm Closed on Tuesdays March 10am/12am2pm/5.30pm Closed on Tuesdays 01/04-31/05 10am/12am-2pm/6pm June 9am/12am-2pm/6pm July & August 9am/6pm September 9am/12am2pm/6pm October 10am/12am2pm/5.30pm Closed on Tuesdays Days of closure January, 1st May, 1st November, 1st December, 25th Entrance prices Adults : E 5 Students/groups : E 2.50 (from 15 pax) Children : (less 14 years) free Family : E 12.50 Audioguides 50 works of ToulouseLautrec are explained in French, English, Italian, German and Spanish Price : E 3/pax 7 the Berbie Palace Toulouse-Lautrec Museum he name of the archbishop’s palace is a corruption of «Bisbia», the term in the Occitan language for archbishop. Its construction began in the 13th C. and was finished in the early 14th C. The powerful medieval fortress was extended in the 15th century by archbishop Louis d’Amboise. To make the residence more human, the prelates of the Grand Siècle (the Reign of Louis XIV who was known as the Roi-Soleil) later restyled the rooms and opened the building out onto the most recently built terraces and gardens à la Française. The walls of brick reinforced by semi-cylindrical transom buttresses, a technique used in the construction of the cathedral, turn the building into a powerfully impressive monument. Lapérouse Museum limited access Opening times 01/09 - 31/10 01/03 - 30/06 9am/12am - 2pm/6pm closed on Monday 01/07 - 31/08 9am/12am - 2pm/6pm from Monday to Friday 10am/12am - 2pm/7pm on Saturday and Sunday 01/11 - 29/02 10am/12am - 2pm/5pm closed on Monday T Visit of the exterior and of the gardens 01/04-31/09 8am/7pm 01/10-31/03 9am/6pm Visit of the interior refer to the museum opening hours Days of closure January, 1st May, 1st November, 1st December, 25th The renovation of the Toulouse-Lautrec museum An important programme of restoration has started in The ToulouseLautrec museum in order to present a contemporary museography. At the end of November 2004, the first section of works completed, 3 new exhibition rooms 420m2 large, since then unknown to the public, were opened to welcome the visitors. They form the first part of a new museographic space dedicated to Toulouse-Lautrec. From the main courtyard of the Berbie Palace, visitors have access to the new entrance of the museum and the shop area. The works for the reorganization and extension of the museum progress ; the collection will be displayed in a contemporary museographic environment and offer a m o re adapted visit of the collection as well as the necessary improvements: new rooms for temporary exhibitions, large rooms for educational classes and an auditorium seating up to 160 people. 8 Square Botany Bay • 81000 Albi Tel : 33 (0)5 63 46 01 87 ean-François Galaup de Lapérouse J was born in Albi on the 23 August 1741 and became a midshipman at the rd age of 15. He had already seen active service in the wars with England and the American War of Independence. Confident in the navigator’s wishes of adventure and progress, King Louis XVI sent him on the exploration of the Pacific Ocean. In 1785, Lapérouse set sail off Brest with 225 men among whom specialists and engineers on 2 frigates, the Astrolabe and the Boussole and went along Alaska, California, China, ... His last j o u rney was to end abruptly during a cyclone on the reefs of Vanikoro in 1788. Models of the 2 ships alongside with various navigation instruments and remains from the wreck are exhibited in the museum. LLaboratoire T. .A.I.Artistique International du Tarn (Formerly Cimaise et Portique) ontemporary art centre unique in France, located in the two main cities of the Tarn region, Albi and Castres: it focuses on promoting contemporary art, support for artists, and raising public awareness. C There are two main sites for exhibitions in Albi: the Moulins Albigois, in which two exhibitions are held each year, and the Contemporary Art Centre / Bellevue Education Centre which hosts an artist in residence and two exhibitions every year. Days of closure January, 1st - May, 1st November, 1st December, 25th Entrance prices Adults : E 3 Students/groups : E 2 From 10 pax Children (- 12 years) : free Offices 8 rue Jules Verne 81000 Albi Tel. : 33 (0)5 63 47 14 23 Moulins Albigeois: 41 rue Porta - 81000 Albi Tel. : 33 (0)5 63 38 38 91 Opening times 01/04 - 31/10 - 2pm - 7pm Everydays excepted on Tuesday; Friday and public holidays Entrance prices Adults: ? 2 Students (- 18 years), Jobseekers: free Pôle d’Art Contemporain Ac.C Cité Scolaire Bellevue 98 rue du Roc - 81000 Albi Exhibition 2007 Jagna CIUCHTA Information Tel. : 33 (0)5 63 47 14 23 9 Le Vieil Alby The old city The brick In Albi, colours are part of the urban environment : the ochre varies in hue ranging from the pale pink to the fiery red. In the Tarn Valley, red clay is abundant, carried along by the Tarn river from The Rougiers in South Aveyron. This material, ready for processing is easy to work with. From the tile roofs to the brick buildings the red is dominant everywhere in town. 1 rue de la Croix Blanche Tel: 33.(0) Monday : 3pm/7pm From Tuesday to Saturday : 10.30am/12.30am3pm/7pm Closure : Sunday public holidays January Entrance prices : Adults : _2 Children (less 12 years) : free 10 o straight lines : the old town appears to be a real maze with its nooks and crannies, narrow cobbled streets, porches and courtyards. Behind facades and half-timbered houses often lie many jewels : Italian loggias in the Hôtel Reynes, the Saint-Salvi cloister gardens of paradise and bird songs. Here, you can hear the echoes of a cellar, there a painter or the hammer of a lady wrought iron-maker. The ancient heart of the city, the Old Alby is still alive and animated. To discover the highlights of Albi Purple Circuit 1.30 hour N The house of Vieil Alby edicated to S. Salvi, Bishop of Albi from 574 to 584 A.D., this small church combines Romanesque and Gothic architecture and shows major alterations. D St-Salvi’s cloister djacent to the church, all that remains is the south gallery. Yet again, it was the French Revolution which irremediably damaged it when 2 of the cloister’s wings were sold off as national property. Visitors enjoy the tranquillity and peace of these nooks of greenery, maintained every day by the Town Parks and Gardens Department. A Opening times: Church : Week : 9am/12am-2pm/6pm* (*Wednesday : 5pm) Sunday : 2pm/16pm - free Cloister : everydays 7am/8pm - free Get to know the heart of Old Alby, its historic figures and buildings, its monuments all witnesses to Albi’s glorious past. Gold C1.30irchouruit Discover the different stages of Albi’s development through its beautifully restored old town centre and its 20 centuries of history. Azure C1. ihour rcuit Takes you on a gentle stroll along the banks of the Tarn, and over the Pont-Vieux and PontNeuf, with superb views over Albi. Free brochures are available at the Tourist Office ebuilt from the Middle Age plans, this half-timbered house is characteristic of Albi constructions with their overhanging facades : its corbelled upper storey is an open shed named “soleilhou” to dry woad, the tinctorial plant cultivated during the 15thC. Inside, the history of Albi and the Tarn area is illustrated through exhibitions and colour slides shows. R 11 he park covering some 3 hectares was donated to the city by Admiral Rochegude in the 19th C. It was transformed into an English garden with a maze, ponds, treed alleys, in stark contrast with the ordered nobility of a terrace laid out à la française. The two halves forma harmonious whole, however, with visitors strolling from one to the other almost without realizing the crossing. The park has been planted with superb, rare species of trees from many different regions around the world, including sequoias, cedars and oaks of many varieties, ginkgoes, shrubs and the delicate colours of spring blossom trees. All of the exotic varieties were brought back by the Admiral from his various sea voyages. Waterfalls, ornamental ponds, birds, rest points, children squares : Rochegude park is an exceptional relaxing place. T Opening hours all year round, every day 01/09-30/04 8am-6pm. 01/05-31/08 8am-8pm. Leisure amenities Pratgraussals Tel. 33 (0)5 63 60 64 06 • Fishing • Tennis • Picnic areas • Playgrounds for children • Mountain bike area • The Adventure Route, Escalad’arbres Leisure amenities Cantepeau (towards Carmaux) Tel. 33 (0)5 63 60 44 24 • Hiking • Tennis • Playgrounds for children • Picnic areas 12 parks, gardens and green spaces t the end of the 17 century, A the first bishop of Albi had the bishop’s palais de la Berbie surrounded th by terraces and gardens. These have now been restored to their former splendour. The fortresses and dungeons as well the basilica of SainteCecile majestuously dominatea series of floral compositions and greenery. The terraces have been planted with a wide variety of richly coloured shrubbery. The walks are bordered by marble statues, with Dionysius and the four seasons standing watch over stone benches set out beneath shaded bowers of roses and wild wines. A shaded gallery and two view-points provide perfect vistas from which to admire the unique landscape stretching out beyond the banks of the river Ta rn . ander along the left riverbank to W look at seasons changing, stroll throughout the autumns, wait for the coming spring and have a cool lunch break. Here, countryside is back in town, nature combines harmoniously with heritage, the banks of the Ta rn reveal the border between the city and the suburb. Down the Palais de la Berbie’s remparts, 1 km of greenery spaces to run, dream, idle or murmur sweet nothings. VILLE FLEURIE (“Flower decorated town”) - 4 flowers Season in, season out, Albi embellishes in a great variety of colours and scents. Flowers are sprinkled here and there in streets, squares or corners… Here is the city of Albi with its history and gardens. B2 on map 3 well marked out circuits to walk in the centre of the town (3 km long): • The circuit on the banks of the river Tarn • The wild circuit • The Mouline circuit Along the left riverbank, six panels explaining the history of pastel are marked out along this path nearly 1 km long. These panels explain the importance of this tinctorial plant used as a dyestuff and the major economic role it played in the city’s history from the 14th to the 16th century. 13 most important events of the year January « Week-end à l’Opéra » Zaïde et Barbe Bleue - Scénith February Carnival March Horse Fair - Parc des Expositions “Un week-end avec Elles” (only French women’ songs) Parc des Expositions Big trade and second-hands sales Parc des Expositions Postcards Fair - Pratgraussals French racing circuit’s cup Car racing circuit Rebonds Festival Chorégraphies expositions à l’Athanor April Trade Fair - Parc des Expositions Marathon May French championship of sportdanse - Scénith Festival “Voix-là” (songs) June Giant Flea market - Halle du Castelviel « Place des Peintres » - Old centre July “Pause Guitare” Concerts - old centre Summer big sales - Parc des Expositions Tour de France (cycling) - city center French Championship Enduro Circuit automobile Summer Theatre festival “Scènes Estivales” - Théâtre de Verdure (subject to alteration) Monday Conferences - Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile Histoires d’un soir - discovery of the Old centre by a theatre company August Monday Conferences - Cathédrale Sainte Cécile Religious theatre and songs - Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile Histoires d’un soir - discovery of the Old centre by a theatre company Tarot card contest - Parc des Expositions September Grand Prix - French championship circuit automobile Pastry Feast - Tarn river banks Young film directors presentation - l’Athanor October Antics and Second-hand Fair - Parc des Expositions November Organ concert - Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile Paintings and Sculptures exhibition Salon d’Automne - Moulins Albigeois Sainte-Cécile Fair - Town centre Winter Rock Festival - Athanor «Tarot card contest» - Parc des Expositions Model Fair - Parc des Expositions Le Mois de l’Image - Photos exhibition in the town December French Film Festival “les Oeillades” - Athanor Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas concert - Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile Fair - Parc des Expositions market - place Sainte-Cécile Flea market Pause Guitare The 11th French songs Festival «Guitar break» will be held on Saint-Cecile square from July 5 to 8: a major event in the Midi-Pyrenees region, an absolute must with quite 25 000 persons received in 2006. The 2007 line-up of almost 40 famous artists will provides once again wonderful entertainment and interesting discoveries: Sanseverino, Jacques Higelin, Arno, Jeanne Chérhal, Dan Ar Braz, Idir are programmed and a dozen of artists will pay homage to Boby Lapointe. Most popular for its friendliness with its warm and delightful artistic quality, “Guitar break” brings a true interlude in everone’s life. Information : Arpèges et Trémolos au 05 63 60 55 90 14 15 Guided Tours (french only) The whole year : guided tours for everyone Guided theme tours One Saturday a month (except in July and August) : guided tour off the beaten track… An alternative discovery of Albi through a special theme : history, architecture, famous characters, nature… Detailed programme at the Reception service of the Tourist Office. Photo « D.VIET CRT Midi Pyrénées » Visits organized for children In order to discover in a pleasurable way the heritage and history of the town, visits are proposed to children during the school holidays. Information and reservation at the Tourist Office of Albi. Important annual events Every year, the guides of the Tourist Office propose guided visits and/or works in groups in relation with a national theme such as : • Night of the Museums • Rendez-vous in the garden • The Cultural Heritage Day The visits and animations are free. Information and booking at the Tourist Office. Easter (07/04-21/04) Summer (04/07-09/09) Every day : guided tours in French of the Town major sites. Should not be missed : Sainte-Cécile Cathedral and le Vieil Alby (The Old Town), masterpiece of Southern Gothic architecture. The works of Toulouse-Lautrec, the Albi-born artist who depicted the Parisian lifestyle at the end of the 19th C. The Albi glasswork VOA (bottle factory) 1st cooperative founded by Jean Jaures (only summer). Programme, prices and tickets available at the Tourist Office. River cruises in a « gabarre » From the 15/06 to the 15/09 On one of these raditional flat-bottomed boats, discover the pleasures of a gentle stroll to admire exceptional views of the city of Albi and to know the economic role played by the river down the centuries. Cruises « The heart of Albi » Mini-cruises at the foot of the ramparts 1/2 hour) Half cruises The 1.45-hours cruise time from Albi to Castelnau-de-Lévis castle. Possibility to bring picnics on board. Cruises Albi/Aiguelèze/Albi The 2 hours cruise time to discover landscapes, history and heritage, fauna and flora along the river. 16 Boarding point on the banks of the Tarn river. Access Quai Choiseul 17 monuments and sites in the environs L escure (3km towards Rodez) Ancient fortified village (defensive door 1563). Norman church of St-Michel (11th C.) featuring a beautiful sculpted portal. Keys of the church are available at the City Hall. Saint-Michel de Lescure N otre-Dame-de-la-Drèche (4km towards Cagnac-les-mines) 12th C. restored in 1860, sanctuary featuring sumptuous paintings (1894). S aint-Juéry (3km Tarn Valley) Espace Culturel du Saut-du-Tarn and From water to steel Museum. Gigantic scale model of the site for the simulation of the Tarn river great swellings. A mbialet (25km Tarn Valley) A picturesque site where the river Tarn is forming an impressive loop dominated by a priory with a Norman church. R abastens (39km towards Toulouse) Ancient fortified town, church of NotreDame-du-Bourg (13th-14th C.) : Norman capitals, interior in paintings f resco. «Musée du Pays Rabastinois». Part of the ancient province of Languedoc, the “Albigeois” is situated mid-way between the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic ocean and backed on to the spur of Massif Central. The department has taken its name from the river Tarn that flows across it. G Notre-Dame de la Drêche aillac (25km towards Toulouse) An ancient Gallo-Roman town, famous for its millennial vineyards. Museums. Abbey church of St-Michel (13th-15th C.). In the vicinity, Château de Mauriac (15th C.) L isle-sur-Tarn (30km towards Toulouse) Attractive medieval village (bastide) built in the 13th C. Central plaza bordered with an arcaded walkway ; half-timbered houses. The museum exhibits an interesting archeological collection alongside paintings and drawings by the seventeenth century artist R. Lafage. Chocolate Museum. One of the most picturesque French villages. Ambialet 18 19 Musée de la Mine Cagnacles-Mines agnac-les-Mines C (6km towards Carmaux) Former mining town. Mining Museum : guided tour in a reconstituted mining gallery (special engines in working order). Cap Découverte, leisure spot. armaux (15km from Albi) C Exhibition on the mining history, C astelnau-de-Lévis (5km towards Cordes-sur-Ciel) onestiés M (20km towards Carmaux) Remains of the 13th C. feudal castle with an astonishing tower. V iaduc du Viaur - Tanus (35km towards Rodez) Impressive iron Viaduct on the river Viaur (19th C.) made by Bodin. Norman church of Las Planques (11th C.). D énat (towards Castres) Ancient fortified town. Norman chruch. Viaduc du Viaur R éalmont (20km towards Castres) Central plaza surrounded by an ancient covered walkway. Church of Notre-Dame-du-Taur, quaint circular farm, «la Métairie Ronde» (5 km). raulhet G (21km towards Castres) Important tanning centre. «Maison des Métiers du Cuir» : exhibition of old tools and machinery used for tanning leathers. autrec (30km towards Castres) L Lovely medieval village, windmill de «la Salette». One of the most picturesque french village. Moulin de Lautrec 20 in the environs Château de la Verrerie. Artificial lake of La Roucarié (5 km) : picnic area, play ground, water sports amenities. Picturesque medieval village. Gothic church (13th C.). In the Chapel of St Jacques : Christ entombment (polychromatic group 15th C.). Exhibition of 2 painters from the Tarn area : Bajen and Vega. One of the most picturesque French village. Mise au Tombeau Monestiés monuments and sites ordes-sur-Ciel (25km) C Certainly the most outstanding medieval city in France. Famous for its highly perched fortified site and Gothic sculpted facades (13th -14th C.). Numerous traditional handicrafts. Y. Brayer Museum, Sugar works Museum, Embroidery Museum, l’Art du Luthier (Stringed instruments maker), Palais des Scènes, Jardin du Paradis. One of the most picturesque French villages. Art and History museum Charles Portal. C astelnau-de-Montmiral (30km towards Gaillac) Castelnau de Lévis Ancient fortified town, defensive gates, plaza bordered with arcades, houses from 14th and 15th Centuries. In the vicinity : prehistoric site of Le Verdier, dolmen of St Paul, Château du Cayla. Artificial lake of Cahuzac-sur-Vère and its leisure amenities. One of the most picturesque French villages. P enne (60km towards Gaillac) Picturesque medieval village built on a narrow outcrop dominating the Aveyron river. Ruins of an impressive 12th C. castle, Gothic church. P uycelsi (45km towards Gaillac) Ancient fortified town overlooking the river Vère. Medieval construction (14th-15th C.).Gothic church (16th C.). One of the most picturesque French villages. B runiquel (56km towards Gaillac) Astonishing castle built on a great cliff dominating the Gorges of the Aveyron river. Prehistoric shelters in the rock. Cordes-sur-Ciel 21 Around Albi by bike Circuit made by the Fédération Française de Cyclotourisme Ligue Midi-Pyrénées. A quiet and easy 22km bike ride to explore Albi and three neighbouring villages (Lescure, Arthès et Saint-Juéry). Available from the Tourist Office. Some suggestions to walk : The green footpath Le sentier du train (The Train path) : from Albi to Castres La Boucle de Rouffiac (The Rouffiac round) Le Tarn à pied (the Tarn on foot) Les sentiers d’Emilie Available or for sale at the Tourist Office Bibliography for a discovery of Albi and its region For sale at the Tourist Office Sainte-Cécile d’Albi sculptures, Ed. Odyssée Sainte-Cécile d’Albi peintures, Ed. Odyssée La cathédrale Sainte-Cécile voir, comprendre, Ed. Odyssée. Albi et l’Albigeois Ed. APA Poux Albi, ville d’art (Fr,GB,Esp,It,All) Ed. APA Poux Connaître Albi (Fr, GB) Ed. Sud-ouest Toulouse-Lautrec Ed. Taschen Jean-François Galaup de Lapérouse Ed. Ass. Lapérouse A la découverte du Tarn (Fr, GB) Ed. APA Poux Bastides du Midi (Fr, GB) Ed. APA Poux Le Pays Cathare (Fr, GB, Esp) Ed. APA Poux Le Tarn à pied Ed. F.F.R.P. 22 By road Paris - Albi A71, A75 exit Séverac-le-Château or A20 by Cahors/Caussade Bordeaux - Albi A62, exit Montauban Méditerranée - Albi A9, exit Béziers A61, exit Carcassonne or Castelnaudary Toulouse - Albi A68 Biarritz - Toulouse A64 By rail SNCF Albi Paris - Albi Central station : 08 36 35 35 35 Daily links Direct night train Toulouse - Albi Daily links By air Via Toulouse National and international Airport Toulouse- Blagnac (70km) on reservation Tel : 33 (0)5 61 42 44 00 Distances from Albi Toulouse 75 Montpellier 185 Perpignan 215 Bordeaux 276 Marseille 352 Barcelone 390 Lyon 397 Saint Sebastien 419 Nice 527 Nantes 565 Paris 650 Strasbourg 820 Milan 840 Lille 860 Madrid 880 Florence 930 Frankfort 1 010 Londres 1 100 Rome 1 200 “Interligne” Navette Albi Aéroport Toulouse-Blagnac on reservation Tel : 33 (0)5 34 508 900 (road link car ToulouseBlagnac/Albi) Bus station place Jean-Jaurès 05 63 54 58 61 23