French situation of AD and biogas valorization in 2008/09
French situation of AD and biogas valorization in 2008/09
French situation of AD and biogas valorization in 2008/09 Olivier THEOBALD Waste & Soil Division, French Agency for Environment and Energy News 08/09 Creation of an “heat fund” - Grenelle of environment (start of the year 2008) – To promote the RE-heat use in industry, building and agriculture Report on development of on-farm AD (ministry of agriculture & fishery, and ministry of ecology) Study report of the French Agency for Sanitary Security, Environment and Work (october 08) – Possibility to inject biogas from landfill, biowaste, agricultural and food-processing industry waste into the grid after cleaning and upgrading – Not possible presently for industrial waste and urban sludge On-farm AD tender (ministry of agriculture and fishery, march 09) – 10 M€ to promote new individual or collective projects – Subsidies : from 200 k€ (ind.) to 375 k€ (coll.)/project add. FEDER fund possible – 75 projects (?) Heat fund Biomass : + 3,800 MToe/yr (5,200 MToe/yr in 2020) – – + 1,850 MToe plants > 1,000 Toe/yr + 1,950 MToe others plants 2 systems – – Projects > 1,000 Toe/yr choice after national consultation Projects < 1,000 Toe/yr general grants with selected conditions Domains : – – – Geothermal energy valorized with or without heat pumps Solar thermal energy Biomass energy from forest & agriculture – including biogas With grants for new projects To obtain an energy price lower than 5 % of fossil energy price Etat des lieux du développement des installations de méthanisation des déchets ménagers Calais (biod) Lille (biod) Amiens (OMR) Charleville Mézières (OMR) Chagny (OMR) Romainville (OMR) Bayeux (OMR) St Lô (OMR) Forbach (biod) Le Blanc Mesnil (OMR) Varennes Jarcy (OMR) Tonnage annuel entrant (t/an) Vannes (OMR) Angers (OMR) 300 000 Besançon (biod) 150 000 30 000 -30 000 Charolles (OMR) -150 000 -300 000 Installations en service (6) MSW AD plants (6) Installations en projet (17) New MSW AD plant project (17) Viriat (OMR) Roanne (OMR) Clermont Ferrand (OMR) OMR = ordures ménagères résiduelles biod = biodéchets Montpellier (OMR) - Décembre 2008 - Istres (OMR) Marseille (OMR) Le Robert (biod) Source : ADEME / GEODE / Guillaume BASTIDE - Olivier THEOBALD Cartographie : ADEME / DOBS / Katia BECAUD French MSW AD plants MSW AD units and projects until 2015 70,0 25 60,0 20 22 15 50,0 40,0 16 30,0 10 12 13 20,0 8 5 1 10,0 6 4 0,0 0 1988 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 2015 Mtep nb units 20 French On-farm AD 11 plants UASB : 9 batch (manure & slurries) : 2 codigestion slurry and IAA : 1 treatment capacity : 60.000 T/y +50 projects in end of 2010 : 550.000 T/y electricity production : 17,5 GWh +50 projets : 200 GWh On-farm AD in the future 3700 nombre d'installations 3500 3000 COMOP15 : Animation + aide à l'investissement ou tarif d'achat 2500 2000 ? 2000 1500 1000 1000 500 800 600 40 100 2009 2010 300 0 2011 2012 objectif 2013 2015 Potentiel estimé 10% effluent élevage Allemagne 1000 units in 2013 (mean P= 200 kWél.) question : will the agricultural crops and waste be sufficient ? ADEME studies 2008 – study of the use of energy crops on-farm AD projects : feasibility and profitability in the French situation results in october 2009 – writing an AD technical follow-up methodology results in the summer 2009 – follow-up of an on-farm batch process results in 2011 (3 years) 2009 : – start of a AD study market in France with biogas valorization (cofin. French Gas Grid Co.) results in the end of 2009 – start of a study about profitability of on-farm AD, with revision of feed-in tariff of electricity results in the end of 2009 – national work group (ministries, French Gas co., municipalities association, etc.) on injection of up-graded biomethane into the natural gas grid – (to come) study about MSW biogas quality for up-grading into the natural grid ADEME subsidies on on-farm AD projects in 2008 arround 2 M€ subsidies 16 projects – capacity of OW : 200 000 T/y – 12 on-farm AD projects - 150 000 T/y (one = 80 000 T/y) – 4 food processing waste AD - 50 000 T/y Codigestion first GHP : 17 GWh Electricity : 13,7 GWh.