spiralps label text in english


spiralps label text in english
SPIRALPS LABEL TEXT IN ENGLISH Spiralps® Spirulina + Alps Fresh Spirulina Drink 200 ml e Use by: Find on top of the bottle Nutrition declaration Per 100 ml Energy value 21 kcal / 90 kJ Fat 0.1 g Saturates <0.1 g Carbohydrate 5.3 g /of which sugars 4.1 g Protein 0.3 g Salt <0.02 g Vitamin A 404 ug (50%*) Vitamin B12 0.187 ug (7.5%*) *Reference intake of an average adult Ingredients Water| Organic apple puree (10%) | Organic peach puree (8%) | Organic apple sugar (3.5%) | Fresh spirulina (1.5%) | Organic lemon concentrate | Alpine aromatic herbs extract| Organic grade of apple sweetener | Natural flavours Total organic ingredients 97% 3 gram fresh spirulina per bottle. Coldpasteurized in the Swiss Alps. Fresh organic ingredients. Green. No additives. No nonsense. “Spirulina, the best food for the future.” United Nations Food Conference Ready to drink beverage. Cool and shake before drink. www.spiralps.ch Produced in Switzerland. SpirAlps SA | CH 1963 Vétroz | Switzerland SPIRALPS LABEL TEXT IN GERMAN Spiralps® Spirulina + Alps Fresh Spirulina Drink 200 ml e Verbrauchen bis: Siehe Deckel Nutrition declaration Per 100 ml Energiewert 21 kcal / 90 kJ Fett 0.1 g Gesättigte Fettsäuren <0.1 g Kohlenhydrate 5.3 g / davon Zucker 4.1 g Eiweiss 0.3 g Salz <0.02 g Vitamin A 404 ug (50%*) Vitamin B12 0.187 ug (7.5%*) *Referenzmenge für einen durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen (8400 kJ/2000 kcal) Zutaten Wasser | Bio-­‐Apfelpüree (10%) | Bio-­‐Pfirsichpüree (8%) | Apfelsüsse (3.5%), frische Spirulina (1.5%) | Konzentrierter Bio-­‐Zitronensaft | Alpenkräuterextrakt | Bio-­‐Apfelsüsse | Natürliche Aromen 97% Bio-­‐Zutaten 3 Gramm frische Spirulina pro Flasche. Hochdruckpasteurisiert in den Schweizer Alpen. Bio Zutaten. Grün. Ohne Farbstoff. Ohne Konservierungsmittel. No nonsense. Spirulina, the best food for the future.” United Nations Food Conference Fertiggetränk. Kühl lagern, vor Gebrauch schütteln. www.spiralps.ch Produced in Switzerland. SpirAlps SA | CH 1963 Vétroz | Switzerland SPIRALPS LABEL TEXT IN FRENCH Spiralps® Spirulina + Alps Fresh Spirulina Drink 200 ml e Consommer jusqu’au: Voir bouchon Nutrition declaration Per 100 ml Energie 21 kcal / 90 kJ Lipides 0.1 g Acides gras saturés <0.1 g Glucides 5.3 g / dont sucres 4.1 g Proteines 0.3 g Sel <0.02 g Vitamin A 404 ug (50%*) Vitamin B12 0.187 ug (7.5%*) *Apport de référence pour un adulte-­‐type (8400 kJ/2000 kcal) Ingrédients Eau | Purée de pomme bio (10%) | Purée de pêche bio (8%) | Sucres de pomme (3.5%) | Spiruline fraîche (1.5%) | Concentré de citron bio | Extraits d’herbes aromatiques des Alpes| Sucres de pomme Bio | Arômes naturels 97% d’ingrédients Bio 3 grammes de spiruline fraîche par bouteille. Pasteurisé par haute pression dans les Alpes Suisses. Ingrédients Bio. Vert. Sans conservateurs ni colorants. No nonsense. Boisson prête à la consommation. Garder au frais et agiter avant consommation. www.spiralps.ch Produced in Switzerland. SpirAlps SA | CH 1963 Vétroz | Switzerland