CAMEROON - BK Consultants


CAMEROON - BK Consultants
Investment Conference in
Construction & Civil Engineering
Central & West Africa
Population - 2005
16.7 million
475,442 Km2
GDP - 2005
USD 17 billion
GDP per inhabitant - 2005
USD 1019
Growth rate - 2005
Inflation - 2005
Trade balance (% of GDP) - 2005
Budget balance (% of GDP) - 2005
Investment (% of GDP) - 2005
Domestic savings (% of GDP) - 2005
Total debt (% of GDP) - 2004
COFACE Country risk rating
Sources :
World Bank, World Development Indicators database, April 2006
BAfD/OCDE (2005), Perspectives économiques en Afrique
Banque de France, Rapport annuel de la Zone Franc, 2006
FMI, Perspectives Economiques Régionales, Mai 2006
Missions Economiques, MINEFI - DGPTE
CIA, The World Factbook - COFACE Rating
A political stability pole in Central Africa, Cameroon is a country abounding in significant natural
resources, both mining and agricultural. Trade balance has been globally positive since 2003, mainly
due to the wood, aluminium and cotton industries. Agriculture and services have a negative contribution
to the trade balance.
The economic activity improved in 2005, but structural handicaps still remain: the relative weight of
public and private sectors, production costs, business climate and corruption.
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Investment Conference in
Construction & Civil Engineering
Central & West Africa
Cameroon performs only 4% of its overseas trade with the EMCCA area countries, thus revealing the
structural difficulty (mainly due to transports) to reach regional integration.
Sectorial distribution:
A prevalent agricultural sector (27.5% of GDP) : cocoa, tobacco, cotton, bananas, production
exported or for local industry ;
A diversified manufacturing industry (30.2% of GDP) : drinks and alcohols (20%), wood (15%),
energy (14%), agro-food (13%), textile and clothing industry (12%), building materials and
metallurgy (8%), petrol (6,3%) ;
A declining oil sector, accounting for only 40% of export earnings and less than 5% of GDP ;
An active services sector (42.3% of GDP) : mainly in banking, insurance and telecommunications.
The Construction & Civil Engineering sector is one of the most dynamic sectors in Cameroon, which
is one of the HIPCs (Heavily Indebted Poor Country) which have succeeded, by their diversity of
resources and their strategic position, to reach the completion point, thus justifying real expectations for
new infrastructure project financing.
This impulse will induce new activities related to major rehabilitation projects and road network extension
as well as an acceleration of public and private projects for the improvement of social and functional
housing and in the hotel sector.
Due to the lack of a sectoral professional organisation in the construction field, able to undertake the
coordination activities, only ten thousand dwellings have been built during the period 1980 – 1990.
The roles of the contractors’ project design and construction supervision should be specified and
codified in order to enable housing programs to develop, a condition required to increase the long term
funds needed in different construction sub-sectors.
This situation has a damaging effect on the housing production. It is totally abnormal that Cameroonian
banks as well as the specialised financial institutions (Crédit Foncier du Cameroun) have significant
available funds which are not invested in housing programs.
The Construction & Civil Engineering sector is supported by various players such as subsidiaries of
foreign groups: Asquini-Encorad, KOOP Cameroun (KOOP Holding Group), Razel SA (Bilfinger Berger
Group) and Sogea Satom Cameroun (VINCI Group). Local companies also contribute to the
development of this sector, such as Bati Service, Buns, Cacoco BTP, Fokou-Foberd Group and Scemar
(Groupe Ketch), as well as consultancy firms, especially: B.E.C La Routière Sarl, BETA Consult, ECTA
BTP, SADEG and SCET Cameroun.
Roads: the road network covers 50,000 Kms, of which 4,900 are paved. The local main roads and
secondary roads often result from a simple stripping of overburden and have neither sub-base nor
stabilised layer. Users are still dependent on weather conditions, with all related disadvantages. The
sector strategy has implemented a network extension of 9,000 Km over the next 10 years, along
with the rehabilitation of more than 20,000 km. International donors contribute to the development of
the Cameroonian road infrastructure, especially through the strengthening and rehabilitation project
for the Garoua-Figuil and Mutenguene-Kumba roads by the European Union (total amount of EUR
80.6 million) or the Douala Infrastructure Project amounting to EUR 56.1 million, partly funded by the
World Bank, mainly for the rehabilitation of roads for the port and industrial areas.
Engineering structures: on the paved roads, the situation is generally satisfactory. Works on the
secondary or local roads are insufficient in number and dimension. Traffic safety is still a major
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Investment Conference in
Construction & Civil Engineering
Central & West Africa
problem. Several projects are under consideration in order to support the development of drainage,
road or railway infrastructures.
Railways: the only operational line has a low track gauge and connects Douala to Ngaoundéré
(approximately 800 Kms North South) passing by Yaounde. The train load is limited by the general
condition of the structure and falls short of expectations and jeopardizes traffic safety. The World
Bank partly funds the railway concession project amounting to EUR 66.7 million, providing, before
the end of 2008, the railway modernisation to be conducted by CAMRAIL and the network extension
which will enable to reach the port of Douala.
Harbours: the Autonomous Port of Douala (PAD) is seriously congested (tightness of the access
channel and bad condition of installations, mainly of platforms and sheds); the new Kribi and Limbé
harbours are meant for the transit of bulk goods and oil; Cameroon Industrial Shipyard (Chantier
Naval et Industriel du Cameroun) is building in Limbé a new maintenance terminal intended for oil
platforms operating in the Gulf of Guinea. The French Development Agency (Agence Française de
Développement - AFD) will fund 44% of the rehabilitation project for the landing works and the
platforms of the PAD, amounting to EUR 42 million.
Urban infrastructure, drainage: the bad condition of the urban road system is a great handicap for
the economic development of the main cities; such is the case especially for Douala. Drainage, often
inexistent, has not followed the urban population increase; this is a major issue regarding public
health and urban development. The Yaounde Drainage Project (PADY) addresses the development
of drainage infrastructures and the reinforcement of operators’ capacities which the African
Development Bank (AfDB) will partly support. It will mainly involve in the construction of a concrete
channel of 4 Kms estimated at approximately EUR 30 million so as to minimize the floods regularly
affecting Yaoundé.
Several ongoing projects are designed for public buildings (construction and rehabilitation of schools,
hospitals, extensions of ministries …) and public sites (buildings, office buildings, hotels, villas and
housings). SMEs are active competitors in the private construction.
Housing: this sector faces a chronic shortage. The number of dwellings necessary for meeting the
most urgent needs of the population is estimated at over 500,000, especially in the urban outskirts.
The demand increases by 10% per year.
The lack of solvency of potential buyers is a severe limitative factor. No improvement can be
envisaged without the implementation of a substantial policy to support low-cost housing. An
objective approach of the appreciation of the balance between construction costs and market prices
is a pre-requisire to launching any social housing policy. The funding remains very uncertain and is
almost entirely provided through savings or the tontine traditional systems.
The SIC (Société Immobilière du Cameroun) has to meet this significant demand by searching
appropriate financial partners in collaboration with the CFC (Crédit Foncier du Cameroun) and the
MAETUR (Mission d’Aménagement et d’Equipement des Terrains Urbains et Ruraux). Many
programs have been launched or are envisaged, such as a site of 10,000 dwellings south of
Yaounde as well as in Douala. Moreover, the SAD (Société d’Aménagement de Douala) has
announced the construction of 7,000 social dwellings. Another major project, « Sawa Beach » urban
centre, has mainly implemented the construction of 10,000 dwellings (total cost: EUR 762 million).
Functional buildings: functional buildings in Cameroon are mainly intended for the needs of Public
Health and Education Services: hospitals, health centres and schools. The local authorities also
build rural markets.
The most complex works are financed through State funds. The local authorities resort to FEICOM
(Special Fund for Equipment and Inter-communal Intervention), a specialised institution with
resources resulting from direct tax deduction.
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Construction & Civil Engineering
Central & West Africa
The institutional mechanism for the promotion of and financial support to the housing
MAETUR – in charge of public operations of urban planning and of the development of sites for
housing construction;
SIC – in charge of the construction of social housing and of real estate development on behalf of
the Government;
CFC – in charge of the raising and allotment of funds related to housing operations, by primarily
fostering the access to housing for the most disfavoured classes.
Cement: the 2 cement plants Cimencam, Lafarge subsidiary, produce over 1 million tons, of which
7% is exported in the EMCCA area. A new cement plant is under construction in Limbé. Some
distributors have started to import cement of variable quality, at more competitive prices.
Other building materials: Cameroon has the required aggregates for the construction of roads:
sand, gravel and laterite. However, their extraction remain complex as a result of the difficulty to
access the pits and of their extraction conditions mainly due to equipment costs. Other building
materials are locally manufactured and/or imported. A local product market is developing mainly for
tiles, paving blocks and loam bricks.
MINDUH – Ministry of Urban Development and Housing
Immeuble Ministériel n° 2, Yaoundé - Tel. : +237 221 99 10 / +237 221 72 12 - Fax : +237 221 99 15
Web :
MINTP – Ministry of Public Works
Yaoundé - Tel : +237 222 87 11 / +237 223 10 30
MINDAF – Ministry of Land Properties and Affairs
Yaoundé - Tel : +237 222 15 47 / +237 223 51 44
MINEFI – Ministry of Economy and Finance
Yaoundé - +237 223 22 99
Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises, of Social Economy and Handicrafts
Yaoundé - Tel : +237 223 23 88 - Fax : +237 223 21 80
Ministry of Industry, Mines and Technological Development
Yaoundé - Tel : +237 222 43 52 - Fax : +237 222 27 04
Ministry of Planning, Programming of Development and Country Planning
Yaoundé - Tel : +237 223 36 37 - Fax : +237 222 15 09
Construction & Civil Engineering Contractors
BP 7422, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 223 08 86 - Fax : +237 222 63 75
BP 1033, Douala - Tel : +237 337 18 66 / 36 01 - Fax : +237 337 67 96 - Email : [email protected]
BP 13 704, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 222 3564 - Fax : +237 223 5303
BP 1130, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 230 68 81 - Fax : +237 230 68 81 - Email : [email protected]
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Construction & Civil Engineering
Central & West Africa
BATI Service
Avenue de Gaulle, BP 5741, Douala - Tel : +237 342 1169 - Fax : +237 342 33 19 Email : [email protected]
BP 5787, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 220 52 64 - Fax : +237 220 52 64 - Email : [email protected]
Cameroon Road Fund
Immeuble SNI, BP 6221, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 222 47 52 / 09 27 - Fax : +237 222 47 89
Email : [email protected] - Web : /
FEICOM - Special Fund for Equipment and Inter-communal Intervention
Quartier Mimboman BP 718, Yaoundé - Tel.: +237 222 27 28
BP 695, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 223 04 19 / 223 11 41 - Fax : +237 223 23 03 - Email : [email protected]
KOOP Cameroun
BP 14749, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 223 41 85 / 43 08 - Fax : +237 223 41 85 - Email : [email protected]
MAETUR - Mission for the Planning and Equipment of Urban and Rural Lands
Quartier Hippodrome BP 1248, Yaoundé - Tel.: +237 221 21 02 / +237 222 31 13
MAGZI - Mission for the Development of Industrial Areas
Yaoundé - Tel : +237 223 53 12
637, rue de l'Indépendance, Immeuble Tamadies, BP 11306, Yaounde - Tel : +237 220 306 - Fax : +237 220 308
SCEMAR - Société Camerounaise d’Entretien et de Maintenance Routière (KETCH Group)
Quartier Ekoudou Bastos, BP 6555, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 221 11 38 - Fax : +237 220 63 46
SCET Cameroun
BP 911, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 222 11 85 - Fax : +237 222 63 17 - Email : [email protected]
Bd des Nations Unies, BP 228, Douala - Tel : +237 337 92 28 - Fax : +237 337 85 11 - Email : [email protected]
The Arab Contractors
P.O. Box 14717 Yaounde – Tel : +237 237 637 6159 – Fax : +237 201 2400 – Email : [email protected]
Civil Engineering and Studies
513 Rue 1577 Omnisport, BP 5009, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 221 55 09 - Fax : +237 221 69 13
Email : [email protected]
Cameroun Engineering
BP. 471, Yaoundé, - Tel : +237 221 10 21 - Fax : +237 221 10 21 - Email : [email protected]
289 Avenue Mvog Fouda Ada, BP 785, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 222 00 87 - Fax : +237 222 91 16
Email : [email protected]
BP 349, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 230 65 72 - Fax : +237 230 41 65 – Email: [email protected]
Mimboman Plateau, BP 7217, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 223 61 76 / 61 70 - Fax : +237 223 56 51
SNC Lavalin Inter
BP. 6111, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 220 01 83 - Fax : +237 221 07 80 - Web :
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Central & West Africa
ADRH Apave
1174, av A. Akwa, Douala - Tel : +237 342 96 12 - Fax : +237 343 03 94 - Email : [email protected]
Web :
BP. 13148, Douala - Tel / Fax : +237 340 58 04 - Email : [email protected]
Bureau Veritas
BP. 830, Douala - Tel : +237 342 12 18 - Fax : +237 342 16 86
BP 13144, Douala - Tel : +237 342 09 45 - Fax : +237 343 22 95 - Email : [email protected]
Web :
BP. 1110, Yaoundé - Tel : 343 30 09 - Fax : 342 61 59
Real Estate
SAD - Société d’Aménagement de Douala
330 rue Afcodi Bonapriso, BP 4747, Douala - Tel : +237 343 1143 / 9387 - Fax : +237 342 5729
Email : [email protected]
SIC - Société Immobilière du Cameroun
BP 387, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 223 34 11 / +237 223 05 57 / +237 223 24 90 - Fax : +237 222 51 19
Building materials
BRIC - Building and Roofing Industry of Cameroon
BP 12093, Douala - Tel : +237 339 17 77 - Fax : +237 339 17 78 - Email : [email protected]
Web :
CIMENCAM - Ciments du Cameroun
BP 1323, Douala - Tel : +237 339 1119 - Fax : +237 339 0984 - Email : [email protected]
Web :
CEP - Compagnie Equatoriale des Peintures
BP 1028 Douala - Tel : +237 337 29 83 / 337 69 88 - Fax : +237 337 88 98 - Email : [email protected]
Web :
Italia Ceramica
BP 6346, Douala - Tel : +343 34 79 - Fax : +342 25 80
Intermediary Organisations
APICCAM – Cameroon Professional Association of Consulting Engineers
BP 5009, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 221 55 09 - Fax : +237 221 69 13 - Email : [email protected]
ANEER-TP – National Association of Road Maintenance Companies and Public Works
BP 327, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 230 33 08 - Fax : +237 230 33 08 - Email : [email protected]
ONAC – National Order of Architects of Cameroon
BP 926, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 221 56 68 - Fax : +237 221 42 86 - Email : [email protected]
National Order of Civil Engineers
BP 20822, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 221 42 58 - Fax : +237 221 42 58 - Email : [email protected]
Web :
MIPROMALO - Mission for the Promotion of Local Materials
BP 2396, Yaoundé - Tel. : +237 222 94 45 - Fax : +237 222 37 20 Email : [email protected]
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Central & West Africa
ENSTP – Public Works National College
BP 510, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 222 04 06
ENSPY – Yaoundé Polytechnic College
BP 8390, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 23 12 26 - Fax : +237 23 18 41
Water / Energy / Transport
Gare de Bessengue, Douala - Tel : +237 340 8250 / 8247 - Fax : +237 340 8252
Web :
Port of Douala
BP 4020, Douala - Tel : +237 342 0133 - Fax : +237 342 6797 - Email : [email protected]
SONEL – Cameroon National Electricity Company
BP 4077, Douala - Tel : +237 342 54 44 - Fax : +237 342 22 47
SNEC – Cameroon National Water Company
BP : 4077 Douala Cameroun - Tel: +237 342 54 44 / 343 00 26 - Fax : +237 342 22 47
Email : [email protected] - Web :
Afriland First Bank
BP 11834, Yaoundé - Tel. : +237 223 30 78 - Fax : +237 223 91 55
Banque Islamique de Développement (Headquarters)
BP. 5925 Jeddah 21432 - Royaume d'Arabie Saoudite
Tel : (+9662) 6361400 Fax : (+9662) 6366871 - Email : [email protected]
BICEC - Banque Internationale du Cameroun pour l'Epargne et le Crédit
BP 1925 Douala - Tel : +237 342 84 31 / 342 42 65 - Fax : +237 342 41 16
CBC - Commercial Bank of Cameroon (Groupe Fotso)
B.P. 4004 Douala - Tel : +237 342 0202 - Fax : +237 343 38 80 - Email : [email protected]
Crédit Lyonnais du Cameroun SA
BP 700 Yaoundé - Tel : +237 222 48 08 / 223 20 19 - Fax : +237 222 41 32
Email : [email protected]
Crédit Mutuel
BP 5801 Douala - Tel / Fax: +343 39 69 - Email : [email protected]
SGBC - Société Générale de Banques du Cameroun
BP 4042 Douala - Tel : +237 342 70 10 / 342 70 04 - Fax : +237 342 40 68 / 343 03 53
Email : [email protected]
CFC - Crédit Foncier du Cameroun
484, boulevard du 20 mai 1972, BP 1531, Yaoundé - Tel : +237 223 52 15 - Fax : +237 223 52 21
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