to our After School Activities Schedule for Middle
to our After School Activities Schedule for Middle
FUN’ei MIDDLE SCHOOL AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM 1st SEMESTER 2016-2017 Programme périscolaire du collège 1er semestre 2016-2017 111 East 22nd Street I New York, NY 10010 I 646-410-2238 I AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS - GR. 6-8 1st SEMESTER 2016-2017 * L’EINY combine le meilleur du système éducatif français avec le meilleur de la philosophie éducative américaine. EINY combines the best of the French educational system with the best of the American approach. PROGRAMME PÉRISCOLAIRE DU COLLÈGE - CLASSES de la 6è à la 4è 1er SEMESTRE 2016-2017 6th TO 8TH GRADES STUDY HALL | SPORT ACTIVITIES MUSIC PROGRAM | ART AFTER SCHOOL PERFORMANCE 111 East 22nd Street I New York, NY 10010 I 646-410-2238 I Dear Parents, We are happy to present to you our brochure of activities for the 1st semester of 2016-2017 for students from 6th to 8th grade. This semester, students will have different choices of activities such as Math Club, Coding, Improv and Test Prep. Our music program will offer piano, guitar, electric guitar, violin, drum and ukulele lessons with Ryan Langlois, Julien Budrino, Allen Weakland, Evan Closser and Rudolph Vernaz-Colas. They will be able to participate in activities from 4:15pm to 6:00pm. Online Registration will start Thursday, August 25th at 10am and will end on Friday, September 9th. The activities of the first semester will start during the week of September 6-9. They will end on Friday, January 27, 2017 (18 weeks). Study hall for grades 1-8 will start the first day of school on Thursday, September 1st. For those students remaining after their activity, childcare is available with advanced registration until 6:30pm Monday through Friday. The 6th, 7th & 8th grade students who choose to enroll in after school activities will have mandatory study hall until 4:15pm on Mondays and Fridays and until 5:15pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. EN: Activity in English FR: Activity in French TH 6 ,7 TH &8 TH GRADES SCHEDULE MONDAY PRICE PER SEMESTER CHESS CLUB FREE Mauro Antognelli EN FREE Vance Wood EN & Rachel Loble EN MATH CLUB 5:15PM TO 6:00PM Chess immerses students in a positive peer group centered on an activity that fosters creativity and develops decision-making skills Prepare for the American Mathematics Contest 8 (AMC 8) in Nov 2016 TUESDAY PRICE PER SEMESTER LA JOUTE $320 TUESDAY PRICE PER SEMESTER CODING $320 4:15PM TO 5:00PM Lucas Shildknecht FR Joignez-nous pour des "matchs" de joute verbale où chaque équipe défendrait ses arguments et le public pourrait décider de meilleures argumentations ! Touché ! 5:15PM TO 6:00PM Marcelo Vita EN The children will learn the basics of coding/computer programming. WEDNESDAY EINY FALCON PRICE PER SEMESTER $380 4:00PM TO 6:00PM Alain Haspil FR Our students will play scrimmage/exhibition games against other private schools in NYC. September to November: Soccer. November to February: Basketball THURSDAY TEST PREP PRICE PER SEMESTER 5:15PM TO 6:00PM $360 This class will cover all aspects of test preparation, including strategies, practice, and review of specific content, especially in the area of math. Melissa Wilson EN FRIDAY IMPROV PRICE PER SEMESTER 5:15PM TO 6:00PM $320 Take part in unique, highly-interactive theatre games using suggestions from classmates and the instructor to create dialogue, setting and plot for scenes such as treasure hunts, mysteries and outer space fantasies. Lucas Shildknecht FR MUSIC PROGRAM Private Lesson INSTRUMENT PRICE PER LESSON PIANO (1-8) $50 for 30min Mr. Evan Closser EN Monday and Friday from 3:30PM to 6PM GUITAR / PIANO (1-8) $50 for 30min Mr. Ryan Langlois EN Monday to Thursday from 3:30PM to 6PM VIOLIN (1-8) $60 for 30min $75 for 45min Mr. Allen Weakland EN Daily from 3:30PM to 6PM DRUM (1-8) $50 for 30min Mr. Julien Budrino FR Daily from 3:30PM to 6PM GUITAR / ELECTRIC GUITAR/ UKULELE (18) $50 for 30min Mr. Rodolph VernazColas BILINGUAL Daily from 3:30PM to 6PM SCHEDULE INFORMATION & CONTACTS: Caroline Bottasso: [email protected] Anthony BERNIER: [email protected] Tel: 646-766-1843 MIDDLE SCHOOL / COLLÈGE (Cost for One Day per Week per Semester) STUDY HALL ONLY $12/H / ÉTUDE DIRIGÉE $12/H (GR 6: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY) (GR. 7 & 8 MONDAY & FRIDAY) 3:30 TO 4:15 3:30 TO 4:30 3:30 TO 5:00 3:30 TO 6:00 3:30 TO 6:30 $162 $216 $324 $540 $648 STUDY HALL ONLY $12/H / ÉTUDE DIRIGÉE $12/H (GR.6 TUESDAY & THURSDAY) (GR.7 & 8 TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY) 4:30 TO 5:15 4:30 TO 5:30 4:30 TO 6:00 4:30 TO 6:30 $162 $216 $324 $432 STUDY HALL & ACTIVITIES / ÉTUDE DIRIGÉE & ACTIVITÉS 3:30 TO 4:15 3:30 TO 4:30 3:30 TO 5:00 3:30 TO 6:00 Study Hall + Activity $162 + $320/$360 Study Hall + Activity + Activity $162 + $320/$360 + $320/$360 Study Hall + Activity + Activity + Daycare $162 + $320/$360+$320/$360+$108 Study Hall + Activity $162 + $320/$360 3:30 TO 6:00 3:30 TO 6:30 4:30 TO 6:00 4:30 TO 6:30 Study Hall + Activity $324 + $320/$360 Study Hall + Activity + Daycare $324+ $320/$360+ $108 Study Hall + Activity $162+ $320/$360 Study Hall + Activity + Daycare $162+$320/$360+$108 RATES AND BILLING FOR THE 1st SEMESTER (18 weeks) Afterschool hours are neither refundable nor exchangeable. Drop-in After School activities and study hall will be charged $20 per hour. For example, if a student is registered for 2 days a week from 3:30pm to 5:00pm (1 study hall and 1 activity per day), the amount would be $964 ($162 x 2 days a week for Study Hall + $320 x 2 days a week for Activity for 1 semester). There are two payment plans available for the After School program: Option 1: Payment in full due on September 19, 2016. Option 2: First payment due September 19, 2016, and second payment due November 14, 2016. 111 East 22nd Street I New York, NY 10010 I 646-410-2238 I