1 CURRICULUM VITAE Michael Huberman Office


1 CURRICULUM VITAE Michael Huberman Office
Michael Huberman
Départements d’histoire et des sciences économiques
Université de Montréal
C.P, 6128 succursale Centre-ville
Québec, Canada H3C 3J7
Tel: 514 343-6111 ext . 41439
Fax: 514 343-2483
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Place of Birth: Montréal, Québec
3432 Grey
Montréal, Québec
Canada H4A 3N6
Tel: 514 483-0155
Citenzenship: Canadian
Education and Degrees
Ph.D. 1985, Economics, University of Toronto
Dissertation: “Auction or Contract? The Cotton-Spinning Labour Market in Lancashire, 1822-1852”
Supervisor: Jon S. Cohen
Research student 1981-82, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford, UK
M.A. 1979, Economics, University of Toronto
B.A. 1978, Honours Economics, McGill University; 1977, University of California - Berkeley
Languages English, French, German (reading ability)
Awards and Graduate and Undergraduate Honours
McConnell Chair, Université de Montréal, 2012-2020
Economic History Association, Arthur H. Cole Prize, 2011
Chaire universitaire, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2011
Cliometric Society, Explorations Prize, 2008
Fulbright Fellowship, 2006-07
Trent University Research Fellowship, 1990-91
Ph.D. exams passed with distinction, 1981
Social Science and Humanities Research Council (Canada) Doctoral Fellowship, 1979-82
University of Toronto Open Fellowship, 1978, 1983
University of Toronto Travel Grant, 1981
Newcomen Award for prize essay in economics at McGill University, 1978
Allan Oliver Award for highest standing in graduating class at McGill University, 1978
Employment History
Professeur titulaire, Université de Montréal
Professseur ordinaire, Université de Genève
Research fellow, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en économie quantitative (CIREQ)
Research fellow, Centre de recherche et développement en économique (CRDE)
Professeur agrégé, Université de Montréal, tenure granted June 1996
Research fellow, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO)
Assistant and associate professor, Trent University, tenure granted July 1988
Professional Service (recent)
2003-2004 Membership Committee, Economic History Association
2012-2013 Nominating Committee, Economic History Association
2012-2016 Editorial Board, Journal of Economic History
Huberman C.V.
Visiting Positions
Paris School of Economics, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris (May-June)
Universidade de São Paulo (March)
Université Libre de Bruxelles (November)
Universistat de Valencia (September-October)
Université Libre de Bruxelles (May)
École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris (May-June)
Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa (March)
UCLA, Department of Economics (January-March)
Stanford University, Department of Economics (November)
Michigan State University, Department of Economics (September-October)
Trinity College, Institute for International Integration Studies, Dublin (May-June)
Laboratoire d’Économie Appliquée (INRA), École Normale Supérieure, Paris (March-June)
Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, UK (March-June)
Université Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco (May)
Wissenchaftszentrum Berlin, (June)
Institute of Governmental Affairs and the Agricultural History Center,
University of California, Davis
Other Work Experience
Assistant Chief Economist, Royal Bank of Canada, August 1993-August 1994
Université de Montréal
Courses: Undergraduate - Introduction to quantitative methods; Globalization in historical perspective; North
American business and economic history; British social and economic history. Graduate - M.A. and Ph.D. seminars in
comparative economic and social history; M.A. course in economic history and globalization
Thesis Direction: Éric Laperrièrre (M.A.) December 2015; Christian Stohr (Ph.D. Geneva) June 2014; Christian
Belhumeur-Gross (M.A.) April 2014; Simon Vézina (M.A.) April 2014; Mathieu Grandmaison (M.A.) September
2011; Carolina Corral (M.A.) December 2010; Nicolas Sylvestre (M.A.) April 2010; Éric Mauras (Ph.D.) November
2008; Stéfanie Durivage (M.A.) June 2002; Isabelle Drouin (M.A.) November 2000; André Poulin (Ph.D.) November
1996; current students: Mathieu Grandmaison (Ph.D.); Cédric Chambru (Ph.D. Geneva)
Post-Doctoral Supervision: Guillherme Grandi (Brazil), 2012-13; Manoela Pedroza (Brazil), 2008-09 (SHRCC);
Javier Sylvestre (Spain), 2002-03 (INE-SHRCC)
Thesis Committees: 2016 - Marie-France Leclerc (M.A.), Céleste Lalime (M.A.), Alexandre Dubé (M.A.); 2015 Louis Lalancette (M.A.), Loïc Michaud-Mastoras (M.A.), Ouili Idrissa (Ph.D.); Tsoungui Belinga Vincent de Paul
(Ph.D.); 2014 - Walter Steingrass (Ph.D.), Louis Phillipe-Béland (Ph.D); 2012 - Philippe Petitpas (Ph.D.); 2011 David Boudreau (M.A.); 2009 - Louis Neamtan-Lapalme (M.A.); 2005 - Julie Vallières (M.A.); Éric Dussault (M.A.);
2004 - Phillipe Petitpas (M.A.); Miriam Rabkin (M.A.); 2003 - Alexandre Bujold (M.A.); 2002 - Christian Lefebvre
(M.A.); 2001 - Marie Hélène Chayer (M.A.); 2000 - David Le Nôtre (M.A. UQAM); Marc Therriault (M.A.); Annie
Montminy (M.A. HEC); Bernard Densereau (Ph.D.); 1999 - Martin Larose (M.A.); Sylvain Guindon (M.A.); Sylvain
Hétu (M.A.); Réjean Buissière (M.A.); Philippe Dodin (M.A.); Ghislain Mireault (M.A.); 1998 - Célestin Blaud
(M.A.); Joey Cloutier (M.A.); Simon Larose (M.A.); 1997 - Sylvie Michon (M.A.); 1996 - Luc Bouffard (M.A.); 1995
- François Charette (M.A.); François Cartier (M.A.); Roch Legault (Ph.D.); 1994 - Michel Duchesne (M.A.)
Odd Couple: International Trade and Labor Standards in History (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012).
Huberman C.V.
Escape From the Market: Negotiating Work in Lancashire (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
(and Robert Lacroix), Le partage de l'emploi: Solution au chômage ou frein à l'emploi (Sainte-Foy, Québec: Les
Presses de l'Université Laval, 1996).
(and Nicole Fortin), Occupational Gender Segregation: Public Policies and Economic Forces. A supplement of
Canadian Public Policy 28 (May 2002). 250 pages.
(and Douglas McCalla), Perspectives in Canadian Economic History, 2nd edition (Toronto: Copp Clark, 1994).
Articles and Chapters
(and Christopher M. Meissner and Kim Oosterlinck), “Technology and Geography in the Second Industrial
Revolution: New Evidence from the Margins of Trade.” Journal of Economic History, forthcoming.
(and Concepción Betrán), “International Competition in the First Wave of Globalization: New Evidence on the
Margins of Trade.” Economic History Review 69 (2016): 258-87.
“Labor Movements.” In Larry Neal and Jeffrey G. Williamson, editors, The Cambridge History of Capitalism,
Vol.II (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014): 426-63.
“One World of Labor Regulation, Two Worlds of Trade: Examples of Belgium and Brazil.” European Review
of Economic History 17 (2013): 272-93.
“Labor Market History.” In Randall Parker and Robert Whaples, editors, Handbook of Modern Economic History
(New York: Routledge, 2013), pp. 226-34.
(and Christopher M. Meissner), “Riding the Wave of Trade: The Rise of Labor Regulation in the Golden Age
of Globalization.” Journal of Economic History 70 (September 2010): 535-67. Arthur H. Cole Prize for best
article in 2010.
“Ticket to Trade: Belgian Labour and Globalization Before 1914.” Economic History Review 61 (May 2008): 326-59.
(and Christopher Minns), “The Times They Are Not Changin’: Days and Hours of Work in Old and New Worlds, 18702000.” Explorations in Economic History 44 (October 2007): 538-67. Explorations Prize for best article in 2007.
“Are Canada’s Labour Standards Set in the Third World? Historical Trends and Future Prospects for Canada.” C.D.
Howe Commentary (February 2005): 45 pages.
“Working Hours of the World Unite? New International Evidence of Worktime, 1870-1913.” Journal of Economic
History 64 (December 2004): 964-1001.
“When Labour Hires Capital: Evidence from Lancashire, 1870-1914.” In Peter Scholliers and Leonard Schwartz,
editors, Experiencing Wages: Social and Cultural Aspects of Wage Forms in Europe since 1500 (New York and
Oxford: Berghahn, 2003): 53-81.
(and Wayne Lewchuk), “European Economic Integration and the Labour Compact, 1850-1913.” European Review of
Economic History 7 (April 2003): 3-41. Reprinted in Drusilla K. Brown and Robert M. Stern, editors, The WTO and
Labor and Employment (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2007).
(and Denise Young), “Hope Against Hope: Strike Activity in Canada, 1920-1939.” Explorations in Economic History
39 (July 2002): 315-54.
Huberman C.V.
(and Nicole M. Fortin), “Occupational Gender Segregation and Women’s Wages in Canada: A Historical Perspective.”
Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques 28 (May 2002): S11-S41.
(and Paul Lanoie), “Changing Attitudes Toward Worksharing: Evidence from Québec.” Canadian Public
Policy/Analyse de Politiques 26 (June 2000): 141-57.
(and Ruth Dupré), “La cliométrie au Québec.” L'Actualité économique 76 (March 2000): 159-70.
(and Denise Young), “Cross-Border Unions: Internationals in Canada, 1901-1914.” Explorations in Economic History
36 (July 1999): 204-31.
(and Paul Lanoie), “L'aménagement et la réduction du temps de travail : Leçons à tirer de cinq expériences
québécoises.” In José Allouche and Bruno Sire, editors, Ressources humaines: Une gestion éclatée (Paris: Economica,
1999): 89-107. Reprinted in Gestion : Revue internationale de gestion 24 (été 1999): 32-42.
(and Wayne Lewchuk), “Glory Days? Work Hours, Labour Market Regulations and Convergence in Late Nineteenth
Century Europe.” In Giovanni Federico et al., editors, Integration of Commodity Markets in History (Seville: XII
International Economic History Congress, 1998): 135-47.
(and Michael Tessler and S.J. Klieman), “A ‘Zero Tolerance for Overtime’ Increases of Surgical Per Case Costs.”
Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 44 (October 1997): 1036-41.
“An Economic and Business History of Worksharing.” Business and Economic History 26 (1997): 404-15.
“Piece Rates Reconsidered.” Journal of Interdisciplinary History 26 (Winter 1996): 393-417.
“Some Early Evidence of Worksharing.” Business History 37 (October 1995): 1-25.
(and Gregory Clark and Peter H. Lindert), “A British Food Puzzle.” Economic History Review 48 (May 1995): 215-37.
“Testing for the ‘Conscientious Withdrawal of Efficiency’: Evidence from the Industrial Revolution.” Historical
Methods 26 (Summer 1993): 119-24.
“Industrial Relations and the Industrial Revolution: Evidence from M’Connel and Kennedy, 1810-1840.” Business
History Review 55 (Summer 1991): 373-90.
“How Did Labor Markets Work in Lancashire? Some Further Evidence on Prices and Quantities.” Explorations in
Economic History 28 (January 1991): 87-120.
“Vertical Disintegration in Lancashire: A Comment on Temin.” Journal of Economic History 50 (September 1990):
“The Economic Origins of Paternalism: A Reply to Rose, Taylor and Winstanley.” Social History 14 (January 1989):
“The Economic Origins of Paternalism: Lancashire Cotton Spinning in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century.”
Social History 12 (May 1987): 177-92.
“Invisible Handshakes in Lancashire: Cotton Spinning in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century.” Journal of
Economic History 46 (December 1986): 987-98.
Conference Proceedings and Other Publications
(and Christopher M. Meissner and Kim Oosterlinck), “Globalisation everywhere, except in the growth
numbers: Pessimism reaffirmed?” VOX CEPR’s Policy Portal. http://www.voxeu.org/article/globalisationeverywhere-growth-numbers. February 2015
Huberman C.V.
“The 100-year Welfare State?.” La vie des idées. http://www.laviedesidees.fr/. December 2014
(and Christopher M. Meissner), “New evidence on the rise of trade and social protection.” VOX CEPR’s Policy Portal.
http://www.voxeu.org/article/rise-trade-and-social-protection. October 2009.
“International Labor Standards.” The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History (London: Palgrave Macmillan,
2009). 212-14.
(and Nancy Folbre), “Eric Jones.” In John S. Lyons, Louis P. Cain, and Samuel H. Williamson, editors, Reflections on
the Cliometrics Revolution: Conversations with Economic Historians (London: Routledge, 2008), pp. 274-85.
“Richard Arkwright,” vol. 1, pp. 155-56; “Cotton Industry: Industrial Organization, Markets and Trade,” vol. 2, pp.
29-34. Oxford Encyclopaedia of Economic History (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003).
“Travail et rémunération au cours de l’industrialisation anglaise: Les apports récents de l’histoire des femmes.” Revue
d’histoire 15 (automne 1996): 212-18.
(and Robert Lacroix), “An Economic History of Worksharing: Implications for Current Policy.” Proceedings of the
European Labour Economics Association, Vol. 6, 7th annual meeting, Lyon, France, September 7-10, 1995.
Working Papers
(and Christopher M. Meissner and Kim Oosterlinck), “Technology and Geography in the Second Industrial
Revolution: New Evidence from the Margins of Trade,” NBER Working Paper No. 20851, 2015.
Michelle P. Egan, Single Markets: Economic Integration in Europe and the United States. Journal of Economic
History, forthcoming.
Robert C.H. Sweeny, Why Did We Choose to Industrialize? Montreal, 1819-1849. American Historical
Review, forthcoming.
Christoph Hermann, Capitalism and the Political Economy of Work. British Journal of Industrial Relations,
May 2016.
Paul Carauana Galizia, Mediterranean Labor Markets in the Fist Age of Globalization. Journal of Economic
History, March 2016.
William J. Suarez-Potts, The Making of Law: The Supreme Court and Labor Legislation in Mexico, 18751931. Journal of Economic History, September 2013.
Richard Pomfret, The Age of Equality: The Twentienth Century in Economic Perspective. EhNet (http://www.eh.net),
April 2012.
Patricia Van den Eeckhout, Supervision and Authority in Industry. Social History, May 2011.
Gerry Rodgers, et. al., The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice, 1919-2009. Industrial and Labor Relations Review,
January 2011.
Robin Archer, Why is There No Labor Party in the United States? Industrial and Labor Relations Review, July 2009.
Julia Lynch, Age in the Welfare State. Journal of Economic History, December 2007.
Huberman C.V.
Simon Deakin and Frank Wilkinson. The Law of the Labour Market. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, January
Douglas Farnie and David Jeremy. The Fibre That Changed the World. Enterprise and Society, March 2006.
Eddy Lee and Marco Vivarelli, eds. Understanding Globalization, Employment, and Poverty Reduction. Industrial and
Labor Relations Review, October 2005.
David Mitch, John Brown, and Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, eds. Origins of the Modern Career. Business History, July
Pierre Gervais. Les origines de la révolution industrielle aux États-Unis: Entre économie marchande et capitalisme
industriel, 1800-1850. Economic History Review, May 2005.
Robert Flanagan and William B. Gould IV. International Labor Standards. Canadian Journal of Sociology Online,
(http://www.ualberta.ca/~cjscopy.cjs.html), January 2004.
Alan Fowler. Lancashire Cotton Operatives and Work, 1900-1950. Journal of Economic History, December
Joshua L. Rosenbloom. Looking for Work, Searching for Workers. Canadian Journal of Sociology Online,
(http://www.ualberta.ca/~cjscopy.cjs.html), October 2002.
James A. Jaffe. Striking a Bargain: Work and Industrial Relations in England 1815-1865. Industrial and Labor
Relations Review January 2002.
Mary Rose. Firms, Networks and Business Values: The British and American Cotton Industries. Journal of Economic
History, December 2001.
Robert Lewis. Manufacturing Montreal: The Making of an Industrial Landscape, 1850-1930. Business History Review,
Winter 2001.
Leonard N. Rosenband. Papermaking in Eighteenth-Century France: Management, Labor, and Revolution at the
Montgolfier Mill, 1761-1805. EhNet (http://www.eh.net), May 2001.
Gerald Friedman. State Making and Labor Movements: France and the United States, 1876-1914. Canadian Journal of
Sociology Online, (http://www.ualberta.ca/~cjscopy.cjs.html), June 2000.
Howard Kimeldorf. Battling for American Labor: Wobblies, Craft Workers and the Making of the Union Movement.
Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, (http://www.ualberta.ca/~cjscopy.cjs.html), June 2000.
Marc W. Steinberg. Fighting Words: Working Class Formation Industrial and Labor Relations Review,
June 2000.
Sanford Jacoby. Modern Manors: Welfare Capitalism Since the New Deal. EhNet (http://www.eh.net),
March 1999.
Sanford Jacoby, ed. The Workers of Nations: Industrial Relations in a Global Economy. Journal of Economic History,
September 1997.
Daniel Nelson. Managers and Workers. Business History, July 1997.
René Hardy. La sidérurgie dans le monde rural: Les hauts fourneaux du Québec au XIXe siècle. Journal of Economic
History, June 1997.
Huberman C.V.
Stuart Bruchey, ed. Entrepreneurship in Maine: Essays in Business Enterprise. Business History, October 1996.
Claude Bellavance. Shawinigan Water and Power: Formation et decline. Business History, October 1995.
Robert C. Allen. Enclosure and the Yeoman. Canadian Journal of Economics, November 1994.
Peter A. Baskerville, ed. Canadian Papers in Business History. Business History, October 1994.
Kris Inwood, ed. Farm, Factory and Fortune. Business History, April 1994.
Keith R. Fleming. Power Cost: Ontario Hydro and Rural Electrification. Business History, April 1993.
Mary Rose, ed. International Competition and the British Textile Industry. Economic History Review, November 1992.
Adrian Randall. Before the Luddites. Journal of Economic History, September 1992.
David J. Jeremy. Techonology and Power in the Early American Cotton Industry. Journal of Economic History, June
Isaac Cohen. American Management and British Labor: A Comparative Study of the Cotton Spinning Industry.
Journal of Economic History, March 1991.
J.A. Jowitt and A.J. McIvor. Employers and Labour in the English Textile Industries. Industrial and Labor Relations
Review, March 1991.
Stephanie Jones. Trade and Shipping: Lord Inchcape, 1852-1932. Journal of Economic History, March 1990.
R.S. Fitton. The Arkwrights: Spinners of Fortune. Business History Review, Spring 1989.
Hugh B. Peebles. Warshipbuilders on the Clyde. Journal of Economic History, March 1989.
Ian Radforth. Bushworkers and Bosses. Journal of Economic History, March 1989.
Alexander J. Field, ed. The Future of Economic History. Canadian Journal of Economics, August 1988.
William Kaplan. Everything that Floats: Pat Sullivan, Hal Banks and the Seamen’s Unions in Canada. Journal of
Economic History, June 1988.
Peter Sinclair. From Traps to Draggers. Canadian Historical Review, September 1986.
Research Awards
June 2015, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($50,000): L’après-guerre des Canadiensfrançais : mobilité et réintégration des anciens combattants. Co-investigator.
May 2011, Fonds de recherché sur la société et la culture ($372,240): Ménages, institutions et marché du travail dans
une perspective internationale. Team research project led by Emanuela Cardia (Université de Montréal)
April 2011, Chaire universitaire, Université Libre de Bruxelles ($4,000). Belgian margins of trade
May 2008, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($68,000): Labor Regulation as a Big Push
May 2008, Fonds de recherché sur la société et la culture ($80,000). Ménages, institutions et marché du travail dans
une perspective internationale. Team research project led by Emanuela Cardia (Université de Montréal)
Huberman C.V.
September 2002-2007, Initiatives in the New Economy, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada,
($2,900,000 over five years): Globalization, Technological Revolutions and Education. Team research project led by
Thomas Lemieux (University of British Columbia). Group leaders: Richard Harris (international), Michael Huberman
(history), Craig Riddell (labour)
June 2001, Human Resources Development Canada ($110,000): Pay Equity and Occupational Segregation
May 2001, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($49,000): Globalization and the Labor
May 1998, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($23,000): Topics in Economic History
May 1998, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($80,000): International Comparisons of
Consumption. Team research project led by David Howes (Concordia University)
May 1997, Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l’aide à la Recherche ($133,000): Crise de l’emploi et disparités
croissantes de salaires : perspectives internationales et historiques. 1997-2000. Team research project led by Michael
Huberman and Thomas Lemieux (Université de Montréal)
May 1996, Department of Human Resources and Development ($150,000): Emploi et employabilité. Team research
project (CIRANO) led by Robert Lacroix
November 1995, Canadian Employment Research Forum ($5,000): Worksharing in Historical Perspective
May 1992, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($17,000): Topics in Economic History
May 1990, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($14,000): Efficiency Wages in Lancashire
May 1987, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($5,600): Productivity Fluctuations in
April 2012-2020, McConnell Chair Fellowship, research fund $60,000 per year
January 2008, Université de Montréal, Comité d'attribution des subventions de voyage ($1,500)
May 2001, Université de Montréal, Programme SUITE, ($2,000): WebCT.
May 1997, Université de Montréal, Petites Subventions ($4,000): Heures de travail en Europe
March 1997, Université de Montréal, Comité d'attribution des subventions de voyage ($519)
December 1996, Université de Montréal, Comité d'attribution des subventions de voyage ($1,481)
June 1995, Université de Montréal, CAFIR ($5,000): Paiement à la piece
May 1995, Université de Montréal, Petites Subventions ($4,000): Partage de travail
March 1993, Trent University Research Committee ($3,000): Indigenous Technological Development
November 1991, Trent University Aid to Research in the Arts ($900): A Comparison of Labour Market Development
in Portugal and Britain
November 1991, Trent University Research Committee ($1,300): Food Consumption and the Standard of Living
Huberman C.V.
May 1990, Frost Centre, Trent University Research Grant ($4,000): Strike Dimensions in Canada
November 1989, Trent University Research Committee ($2,900): Vertical Integration in Lancashire
March 1989, Trent University Aid to Research in the Arts ($900): Lancashire in 1841
November 1988, Trent University Research Committee ($1,700): Piece Rate Lists in Lancashire
December 1986, Trent University Research Committee ($2,600): declined
March 1986, Trent University Aid to Research in the Arts ($500): International and National Trade Union Growth in
Seminar and Conference Presentations
Invited Seminars
2016 Université Paris-Dauphine
2016 École des hautes études en sciences sociales
2016 Paris School of Economics
2016 Northwestern University
2015 Universidade de São Paulo
2014 Université de Genève; Universidad de Valencia; Univeristat de Barcelona
2013 University of Oxford; Universidad de Valencia; Université de Genève; Universidad Carlos III de
2011 Université de Genève
2010 Rutgers University, New Jersey; Queen’s University, Kingston
2008 London School of Economics; École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris; Instituto de Ciências
Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa
2007 Harvard University; University of California - Los Angeles
2006 Stanford University; Northwestern University; Michigan State University; University of Michigan;
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
2005 Trinity College, Institute for International Integration Studies, Dublin
2004 University of Toronto; Harvard University; University of Oxford
2001 Université de Montréal
2000 Lancaster University, United Kingdom; École Normale Supérieure, Laboratoire d’Économie Appliquée,
Paris; Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris; Queen’s University, Kingston
1999 University of Alberta; London School of Economics
1998 McGill University
1997 University of Toronto; Université Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco; University of Copenhagen
1995 University of Munich; Université de Montréal
1994 University of Toronto; CIRANO, Montréal; Université de Montréal
1993 University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Queen’s University, Kingston
1992 University of California, Davis; Stanford University; University of California, Berkeley
1991 Queen's University, Kingston
1989 University of Toronto; University of Manchester; McMaster University
Conference Presentations
International Trade in Economic History, Paris
Globalization and the Welfare State, Padua, Italy; Disaggregated International Trade Data Conference, Berlin.
Queen’s University, Economic History Conference; Economic History Association, Columbus, Ohio;
Canadian Network in Economic History, Peterborough
Huberman C.V.
Conference on Trade, Poverty and Growth in History, Madrid; Paris School of Economics; Conference on The
History of Capitalism, Madrid
Canadian Business History, Waterloo, Ontario; Economic and Business Historical Society, Braga, Portugal;
Perspective on Work and Wages, Lund, Sweden
Comparer en sciences sociales aujourd’hui, Montréal; Economic History Association, Tuscon, Arizona
European Social Science History Association Meetings, Lisbon
Economic History Association, Austin, Texas; INE-TARGET Final Conference, University of British
Columbia; Cliometrics Conference, Tuscon, Arizona; European Historical Economics Society, Lund,
2nd BETA Workshop in Historical Economics, Strasbourg; Canadian Economics Association, Montreal
Berlin Colloquium in Economic History; Portuguese Economic and Social History Association, Evora; INETARGET workshop, University of British Columbia; Canadian Economics Association, Hamilton; INETARGET Conference, Simon Fraser University
Social Science History Association, Chicago; Canadian Institute of Advanced Research, Montréal
INE-TARGET workshop, Nuffield College, University of Oxford; Canadian Network in Economic History,
Guelph; Globalization, Technological Revolutions and Education, University of British Columbia; AllUniversity of California Economic History Conference, Davis, California
The Political Economy of Globalization: Can the Past Inform the Present? Trinity College, Dublin
Economic History Association, Philadelphia; Small States and the World Economy, Göteborg, Sweden; Pay
Equity and Occupational Segregation, Ottawa; Globalisation vs De-globalisation, University of Zurich;
Belles Soirées, Université de Montréal
Fourth International Cliometrics Conference, Montreal; Quantitative Methods in Canadian Economic History,
Stratford, Ontario
Société canadienne de sciences économiques, Hull, Quebec; Wage Systems and Industrialisation in Europe,
Fondation des Treilles, Tourtour, France; Quantitative Methods in Canadian Economic History, Banff
XII International Economic History Congress, Madrid
All-University of California Economic History Conference, Davis, California; Association de l’histoire de
l’Amérique française, Montreal; Economic History Association, New Brunswick, New Jersey; Joint
Business History Meetings, British and US Asssociations, Glasgow; Integration of Commodity Markets in
History, XII International Economic History Congress (preliminary session), Lund
Changing Workplace Strategies, Canadian Employment Research Forum, Ottawa
Social Science History Association, Chicago; European Association for Labour Economists, Lyon
Société canadienne de sciences économiques, Ottawa; Quantitative Methods in Canadian Economic History,
Montreal; American Social Science Association, Boston
Social Science History Association, Chicago; Economic History Association, Boston
All-University of California Economic History Conference, University of California, Davis; Social Science
History Association, New Orleans; Business History Conference, Toronto
International Economic History Congress, Leuven, Belgium
Economic History Association, Detroit
Quantitative Methods in Canadian Economic History, Hamilton
British Quantitative Economic History Conference, University of London
Social Science History Association, Chicago; Canadian Economics Association, Montreal
Social Science History Association, Toronto
Conference Organizer
2010 Workshop on financial crises: Past and present, Université de Montréal
2003 and 2004 INE-TARGET History Workshop, University of Oxford
2002 Canadian Network in Economic History, Montreal
2001 Pay Equity and Occupational Segregation, co-sponsored by HRDC and CIRANO, Ottawa
1999 La ségrégation professionnelle entre les hommes et les femmes: politique gouvernementale et forces
économiques, co-sponsored by HRDC and CIRANO, Montreal
Conference Discussant
Economic History Association, Vancouver
Huberman C.V.
Canadian Network in Economic History, McGill Univrsity, Montreal
Canadian Network in Economic History, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver; Canadian Economics
Association, Montreal
Economic History Association, Toronto
Social Science History Association, Chicago
Canadian Network in Economic History, Queen's University, Kingston
Société canadienne de science économique, Montreal
Economic History Association, Oakland, California; Canadian Economics and Canadian History Association,
St. Catherines, Ontario
Social Science History Association, Chicago; Canadian Economics Association, Montreal; Société canadienne
de science économique, Québec, Québec
Conference on Census Manuscripts, University of Guelph
Evolution of Labour Market Conference, Montreal
University of Saskatchewan; Quantitative Methods in Canadian Economic History, Toronto
Canadian Economics Association, Winnipeg
Quantitative Methods in Canadian Economic History, HEC, Montreal
Invited Workshop Participation
Wage Systems and Industrialisation in Europe, Fondation des Treilles, Tourtour, France
Innovation and Industrialization Study Group, Harvard Institute of Industrial Development and the Harvard
Business School
Cliometrics Conference, Miami, Ohio
Research Grants ANR-ESRC Franco-British Programme; Canada Research Chairs; Economic and Social Research
Council (UK); Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l’Aide à la Recherche (Québec); Guggenheim Fellowship
(US); Social Sciences and Humantities Research Council of Canada (various competitions)
Journals Actualité économique; Business History Review; Canadian Historical Review; Canadian Journal of
Economics; Canadian Journal of History; Economic History Review; Explorations in Economic History; European
Review of Economic History; Journal of Economic History; Journal of Interdisciplinary History; Labor History;
Revista d’Historia Economica; Social History; Social Science History; Urban History
Various departmental, college, and university committees at Trent University (1984-1994), Unversité de Genève and
Université de Montréal (1994 - ), including undergraduate program director (responsable du premier cycle), 2004-2006
Volunteer Work
Member of the Board of Directors, Viking Cross Country Ski Club, Morin-Heights, Québec, 1998-2004
Cliometric Society (US)
Economic History Association (US)
Economic History Society (UK)
European Economic History Association
September 2016