Rural archaeology in early urban northern Mesopotamia


Rural archaeology in early urban northern Mesopotamia
Extrait du catalogue FRANTIQ -
Rural archaeology in early urban northern Mesopotamia : excavations at Tell alRaqa'i
A uteur(s) : C habot, Jacques ; C homowicz, P eter ; Dunham, Sally S. ; Schwartz, Glenn M. . Editeur
Publication : Los Angeles, C alif. : C otsen Institute of Archaeology P ress , 2015, cop. 2015
Collection : Monumenta archaeologica , 36
Collection : Monumenta archaeologica , 36
Notes :
Bibliogr. en fin de contributions. Notes bibliogr. Index
This book presents a new perspective on the emergence of urban societies in Mesopotamia, focusing attention on
life in a rural village and helping to correct the traditional bias by archaeologists toward the urban and the elite.
Reporting on the extensive excavations at Tell al-Raqa’i (early-middle 3rd millennium BC ) in upper
Mesopotamia/Syria, the authors offer detailed studies on architecture, pottery, animal bones, plant remains, and
other varieties of artifacts and ecofacts. These data provide a wealth of information on the nature of life in a small
community during the transition to urbanism. Spatial and social organization, household economics, and the
significance of enigmatic structures such as the Round Building and a small “temple” are among the issues
discussed. The excavations at Raqa’i, with their exposure of a broad segment of an ancient village, reveal
important new insights on the nature of rural life in upper Mesopotamia and on the role of villages in early urban
societies in general. (Source : éditeur)
Caractéristiques physiques : 1 vol. (XXVII-662 p.) : ill., cartes, plans, tabl., graph. ; 29 cm
ISBN : 9781938770043, 1938770048
Langue(s) : Anglais
Mots-clés :
Sujets : fouille ; stratigraphie ; habitat rural ; communauté rurale ; vie rurale ; céramique du bronze ; sépulture ;
technologie lithique ; métallographie ; archéozoologie ; botanique
Lieux : Tell Raqā’i ; Syrie du Nord ; Haute Mésopotamie
Chronologie : Bronze ancien
Nanterre : MAE - Bibliothèque d’archéologie et des sciences de l’Antiquité
C ote et localisation
D.352/120 RAQA
Disponible /634109/show