fr - FIAP
fr - FIAP
SERVICE PATRONAGES - Romain NERO, EFIAP/g, ESFIAP 22, rue de Tétange L-3672 KAYL G.D. de LUXEMBOURG - Tél. (+352) 621 196 738 - Email : [email protected] / [email protected] SALONS SOUS PATRONAGE FIAP SALONS UNDER FIAP PATRONAGE LISTE / LIST 221 INFO 2014/772 Les listes de Patronage FIAP sont également accessibles sous: The FIAP Patronage listings may also be accessed under: ou/or Les bulletins de participation sont à solliciter directement auprès des organisateurs. The entry-forms must be requested directly from the organizers. - 2014 2014/232 PhotoArt Vision International Salon PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + NAT + Nude CLO: 05/11/14 PAR: € 15.- US$ 21.- first sect. + € 5.- US$ 7.- for each add.sect. JUR: 16/11/14 INFO: PhotoArt Magazine NOT: 20/11/14 Mrs Kristina Stejskalova EXH: 06/01/15 Vlasimska 5, Praha 10 RET: 31/01/15 10100 Prague / République Tchèque CAT: NS E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/233 8ème Salon Daguerre M/CP Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + Elégance Mono + La nuit Color CLO: 27/09/14 PAR: € 15.- 20.- 25.- 30.- US$ 25.- 30.- 35.- 40.JUR: 11/10/14 INFO: Photo-Club de Paris-Val-de-Bievre NOT: 18/10/14 M.Gilles Hanauer EXH: 13-24/11/14 32, rue du Banquier RET: 08/12/14 F-75013 Paris / France CAT: *** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/234 XXXV Pomeranian Meetings with Diaporama AV Sections: 1 T: Open PAR: € 10.- or 15.- for 1 or 2 sequences INFO: Fotoklub Zamek Mr Leszek Kurpiewski ul.Korsarzy 34 PL-70-540 Szczecin / Pologne E-mail: [email protected] CLO: 06/10/14 JUR: 08/11/14 NOT: 15/11/14 EXH: 09/11/14 RET: 30/12/14 CAT: AV*** Site: 2014/235 50° Salào Jauense Internacional de Arte Fotografica M/CP Sections: 2 T: Open M + C CLO: 01/08/14 PAR: € 10.- US$ 12.- IRC 12 JUR: 02/08/14 INFO: Foto Clube do Jau NOT: 08/08/14 Sr. Vicente Joào Pedro EXH: 15/08/14 Caixa Postal 151 RET: 30/12/14 BR-17201-970 Jau / Bresil CAT: *** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/236 RPS 2014 International Images for Screen Exhibition PI Sections: 3 T: Open C TRAD + CREA + NAT CLO: 06/08/14 PAR: £ 8.- per category (£ 5.- under 30) JUR: 21/08/14 INFO: The Royal Photographic Society NOT: 04/09/14 Mr Lesley Goode EXH: 25/10+dec 14 Fenton House, 122 Wells Road RET: 31/10/14 BA23AH Bath / Royaume-Uni CAT: NS E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/237 The 47th E.A. International Salon of Photography M/CP/PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + Horse CLO: 09/07/14 PAR: € 15.- US$ 20,- per section for prints, € 12.- US$ 15,- € 12.- for PI JUR: 13/07/14 INFO: The Photographic Salon Exhibitors' Assoc. NOT: 26/07/14 Mr Chan Ling-Wan EXH: 28-31/08/14 G.P.O. Box 5099 RET: 29/09/14 Kowloon, Hong Kong / Hong Kong CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/238 1st Shenzhen China International Exhibition of Photography 2014 PI Sections: 2 T: Open M + C CLO: 02/09/14 PAR: Free JUR: 09/09/14 INFO: Shenzhen Luohu District People's Government / International Division of NOT: 14/09/14 Chinese Photogrphers Society EXH: 22/10/14 Mr Chen Wei Lu RET: 15/12/14 Talbai Road no. 2009, Luohu District CAT: NS 518019 Shenzhen, Guangdong / China E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/239 8th International Salon of Photography - Banja Luka 2014 PI Sections: 3 T: Open M + C + Life PAR: € 20.- US$ 27.INFO: University Photo Cinema Club & Foto Art Mr Dragan Prole Kosovke djevojke 5 BIH-78000 Banja Luka / Bosnia & Herzegovina E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 15/09/14 JUR: 28/09/14 NOT: 10/10/14 EXH: 07/11-05/12/14 RET: 13/12/14 CAT: **** 2014/240 10th Swansea International Salon PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + Transport + People CLO: 21/09/14 PAR: £ 14.- single fee for all sections JUR: 29/09/14 INFO: Swansea Camera Club NOT: 04/10/14 Mr Phil Elias EXH: 10 Ffordd Y Glowr RET: 19/12/14 Swansea SA4 8ED / Pays de Galles CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/241 2nd Rtanj Digital Circuit 2014, Donji Milanovac 2014/242 2nd Rtanj Digital Circuit 2014, Pancevo 2014/243 2nd Rtanj Digital Circuit 2014, Magdanpek 2014/244 2nd Rtanj Digital Circuit 2014, Zagubica 2014/245 2nd Rtanj Digital Circuit 2014, Petrovac na Mlavi PI Sections: 3 T: Open M + C + NAT CLO: 19/09/14 PAR: € 35.- or US$ 50.JUR: 28/09/14 INFO: Cultural Center Donji Milanovac and the Photo Club Danube NOT: 08/10/14 Mr Borislav Milovanovic EXH: 14/11/14 3.Oktobar 91/21 RET: 10/12/14 RS-19210 Bor / Serbie CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/246 4th VNUSPA International Digital Salon 2014 PI Sections: 3 T: Open M + C + PT PAR: US$ 15.- per section: US$ 45.- all sections INFO: Vietnamese-US Photographic Association Mr Phu Vo 5508 Impala Drive Henrico, VA 23228 / USA E-mail: [email protected] CLO: 13/10/14 JUR: 18/10/14 NOT: 03/11/14 EXH: 20/12/14 RET: 20/12/14 CAT: CD** Site: 2014/247 1st CAPA International Salon of Photography 2014 PI Sections: 3 T: Open C + CREA + NAT CLO: 03/12/14 PAR: US$ 25.- 35.- 40.- (GR) JUR: 14/12/14 INFO: The Chinese Art Photographers Association (CAPA) NOT: 26/12/14 Mr Yuan-Pin Kao EXH: 14/01-01/02/15 No 237, Zhonghe Rd Zhongli City, Taoyuan County RET: 14/02/15 32041 Zhongli / Taiwan CAT: NS E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/248 2nd International Salon of Photography "Montenegro" PI Sections: 6 T: Open M + C + Woman + Nudes + Portrait + Life CLO: 20/06/14 PAR: € 25.- US$ 35.JUR: 17/07/14 INFO: Photo Club Montenegro NOT: 20/07/14 Mr Aleksandar Sasic EXH: 23+30/08/14 Belvederska 91 RET: 20/09/14 ME-81000 Podgorica / Montenegro CAT: CD*** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/249 14th Int.DVF Digital Imaging Competition Blaustein/Laupheim PI Sections: 2 T: Open + Men at work PAR: € 12.- 20.- US$ 17.- 28.INFO: Fotofreunde Blaustein / Laupheimer Fotokreis Herr Otto Marx Mozartstrasse 12 D-88471 Laupheim / Allemagne E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 02/11/14 JUR: 15/11/14 NOT: 29/11/14 EXH: 25-26/04/14 RET: 31/01/15 CAT: CD** 2014/250 III Salon internacional de Fotografia "Ciudad de Villajoyosa" PI Sections: 3 T: Open M + C + PT CLO: 21/11/14 PAR: € 23.JUR: 08/12/14 INFO: Foto Cine La Vila NOT: 23/12/14 Sr Manuel Lopez Puerma EXH: 11/01/15 C/. Barranquet 4, Biblioteca Pública Municipal RET: 28/02/15 E-03570 Villajoyosa / Espagne CAT: CD*** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/251 Man and Work 2014 PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + PJ + Man and work CLO: 04/10/14 PAR: € 20.- US$ 30.JUR: 18/10/14 INFO: Photo Club Bor NOT: 28/10/14 Mr Zoran Mosjin EXH: 29/11/14 Al Spomenice 5/38 RET: 02/01/15 SRB-19210 BOR / Serbie CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/252 "Foto Odlot" 16th International Unconventional Photo Competition M/CP Sections: 1 T: Open CLO: 11/08/14 PAR: € 10.- US$ 15.JUR: 23/08/14 INFO: Wojewodzki Dom Kultury - WDK Rzeszow NOT: 22/09/14 Mr Adam Kus EXH: 04-26/10/14 Wojewodski Dom Kultury - Ul. Okrzei 7 RET: 30/01/15 PL-35-959 Rzeszow / Pologne CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/253 International Photography Contest "Città di Garbagnate" M/CP/PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + Feeding the planet, energy for life CLO: 05/10/14 PAR: € 12.- 1 section (PI) € 15.- (single sect.not PI) € 20.- (2-4 sect.) JUR: 19/10/14 INFO: Gruppo Fotografico Garbagnatese NOT: 26/10/14 Dr. Mario Marone EXH: 15-23/11/14 Ufficio Garbagnate Milanese - Casella Postale 87 RET: 03/01/15 I-20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI) / Italie CAT: *** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/254 International Salon of Photographic Art "Bucovina The IIIrd Millenium" PI Sections: 2 T: Open + PT PAR: Free INFO: Bucovina Museum Mr Ovidiu Ambrozie Borta Str.Stefan cel Mare, no 33 RO - 72003 Suceava / Roumanie E-mail: [email protected] CLO: 31/08/14 JUR: 28/09/14 NOT: 13/10/14 EXH: 08/12/1415/01/15 RET: 08/12/14 CAT: **** Site: 2014/255 Arbella 4th International Photo Contest T: Open + Life without borders TRAD + Colors and Pasta PI Sections: 3 TRAD PAR: free INFO: Arbella Makarna Durum G da Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. Mr Aylin Razaki Yenimahalle Cumhuryet Bulvari 73/4 TR-33281 Kazanli - Mersin / Turquie E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 01/12/14 JUR: 21/12/14 NOT: 28/12/14 EXH: 15/01/15 RET: 01/03/15 CAT: CD** 2014/256 Aphrodite IOPC 2014 PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + Street Scenes + Nude CLO: 30/11/14 PAR: € 20.- for all sections (GR) JUR: 14/12/14 INFO: Velvet Classic Portal and Antici Online NOT: 28/01/15 Mr Nicos Karanikis EXH: 21/01/15 7 Kastellorizou Street RET: 28/02/15 2060 - Strovolos / Chypre CAT: NS E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/257 Belgrade Photo Autumn T: Open M + C + City life + Music, Songs and Dances + PI Sections: 6 Architecture, unusual buildings PAR: € 30.- US$ 35.INFO: Photogram Art Studio c/o Goran Malic Radnicka 36, apt. 49 RS-11030 Belgrade / Serbie E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/258 90° Salon Internacional de Otoño en Zaragoza PI Sections: 3 T: Open M + C + CREA PAR: € 20.INFO: Real Sociedad Fotografica de Zaragoza Sr Manuel Fité Planas Luis del Valle 2-4-6 E-50005 Zaragoza / Espagne E-mail: [email protected] CLO: 20/10/14 JUR: 03/11/14 NOT: 13/11/14 EXH: 16-19/12/14 RET: 19/01/15 CAT: **** CLO: 19/10/14 JUR: 25/11/14 NOT: 16/11/14 EXH: 15/12/1415/01/15 RET: 15/03/15 CAT: **** Site: 2014/259 The 69th Hong Kong International Salon of Photography M/CP/PI Sections: 3 T: Open M + C CLO: 26/08/14 PAR: US$/€ 18.- (prints); US$/€ 15.- (PI) JUR: 31/08/14 INFO: The Photographic Society of Hong Kong NOT: 03/09/14 Ms Lien-Fen WENG EXH: 23-29/10/14 P.O. Box 20716 RET: 14/11/14 Wanchai - Hong Kong / Hong Kong CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/260 Yorkshire International Salon 2014 PI Sections: 4 T: Open C + CREA + NAT + PT CLO: 06/12/14 PAR: £ 12.- 14.- 16.- 18.- 1-4 sections JUR: 21/12/14 INFO: The Yorkshire Photographic Union NOT: 29/12/14 Mr Colin Williams EXH: 24/01/15 Bracken Edge, Westwood Drive RET: 02/03/15 LS29 9QX Ilkley / Angleterre CAT: NS E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/261 36 Zagreb Salon - International Exhibition of Photography PI Sections: 3 T: Open M + C + Collection CLO: 05/10/14 PAR: € 20.- US$ 25.JUR: 12/10/14 INFO: Fotoklub Zagreb NOT: 19/10/14 Mr Damir Tiljak EXH: 11/11/14 Ilica 29/III RET: 31/03/14 HR-10000 Zagreb / Croatie CAT: CD*** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/262 The 6th Chung Ai International Salon of Photography PI Sections: 2 T: Open + NAT PAR: US$ 18.- 26.INFO: Chung-AI Photographic Society Mr Clifford Chow 9893 Caswell Street V3J1G8 Burnaby / Canada E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/263 International Photo Contest "Summer 2014" PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + Street + Life PAR: € 25.INFO: Photo Art Monte, Montenegro Mr Milinko Velimirovic M.Miljanova 46 ME-81000 Podgorica / Montenégro E-mail: [email protected] CLO: 06/10/14 JUR: 19/10/14 NOT: 02/12/14 EXH: 09/11/14 RET: 02/12/14 CAT: *** CLO: 22/09/14 JUR: 06/10/14 NOT: oct-nov 14 EXH: RET: 06/12/14 CAT: NS Site: 2014/264 Flash Music 2014 PI Sections: 3 T: Music + Music (Séries) + Music (Exp) CLO: 25/08/14 PAR: € 15.- 20.- 25.- US$ 20.- 25.- 30.JUR: 30/08/14 INFO: Academy of Photography - Bulgaria NOT: 12/09/14 Mr Yavor Popov EXH: 26/09/14 Post Box 7 RET: 25/11/14 BG-1504 Sofia / Bulgaria CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/265 El Argentino - 2014 PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + PT + Bikes/Motorbikes CLO: 15/09/14 PAR: US$ 20.- 25.- 30.- 35.JUR: 27/09/14 INFO: Nuevo Foto Club Argentino NOT: 11/10/14 Mr Claudio Santamaria EXH: Talcahuano 342, 1 piso "14" RET: 12/12/14 C1013AAH Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires / Argentine CAT: CD** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/266 2nd International Salon of Photography "Woman-Man-Child 2014" PI Sections: 6 T: Open M + C + Woman + Man + Child + Life PAR: € 25.- US$ 35.INFO: Photo-Club Kula Mr Djordje Vukicevic Seljackih buna 37 SRB-21000 Novi Sad / Serbie E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 15/09/14 JUR: 01/10/14 NOT: 15/10/14 EXH: 22-29/11/14 RET: 15/12/14 CAT: CD*** 2014/267 37th Exhibition of Photography - Child 2014 – Zajecar 2014/268 2nd Exhibition of Photography - Child 2014 - Paracin 2014/269 2nd Exhibition of Photography - Child 2014 - Sremska Mitrovica PI Sections: 5 T: Open M + C + Child + Emotions + Life CLO: 10/09/14 PAR: € 35.- US$ 50.JUR: 24/09/14 INFO: Photoclub 202 NOT: 04/10/14 M. Milos Milojevic EXH: 04/11/14 Trg oslobodenja bb RET: 12/12/14 SRB -19000 Zajecar / Serbie CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/270 1st Raiganj International Salon 2014 PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + NAT + PT PAR: US$ 15.- first sect. + US$ 10.- for each add.sect. INFO: Photographic Association of Raiganj Mr Debabrata Sarkar Ukilpara (near Jeevan Rekha) Dist.-Uttar Dinajpur, State West Bengal IND-733134 Raiganj / India E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 03/09/14 JUR: 13/09/14 NOT: 20/09/14 EXH: 25/10/14 RET: 15/11/14 CAT: NS 2014/271 40th Smethwick International Exhibition M/CP/PI Sections: 6 T: Open M + C + NAT CLO: 10/11/14 PAR: € 12.- US$ 15.- 1st section + € 4.- US$ 5.- each add. section JUR: 23/11/14 INFO: Smethwick Photographic Society NOT: 01/12/14 Mr. Roger Parry EXH: 03-11/01/15 25, Wentworth Park Avenue RET: 02/02/15 GB-B17 9QU Harborne, Birmingham / Grande Bretagne CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/272 10th International Orhan Holding Photography Contest PI Sections: 3 T: Color of cultures CLO: 30/10/14 PAR: € 10.- US$ 15.JUR: 01/11/14 INFO: Orhan Holding NOT: 05/11/14 Mr Serpil Soykan EXH: déc 14 - fév 15 Ovaakca Cesmebasi Mah. Yeni Yalova Yolu Cad. No.661 Osmangazi - Bursa RET: fév 15 TR-16335 Bursa / Turquie CAT: CD** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/273 Help for flooded Paracin PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + NAT + PT PAR: € 16.- US$ 22.INFO: Photo Club Paracin Mr Bojan Petrovic Vojvode Misica 33/b1 SRB -35250 Paracin / Serbie E-mail: [email protected] CLO: 24/06/14 JUR: 30/06/14 NOT: 07/07/14 EXH: 01/09/14 RET: 25/11/14 CAT: NS Site: 2014/274 The Al-Thani Award for Photography M/CP/PI Sections: 6 T: Open + M + C + Face the faces CLO: 17/11/14 PAR: € 30.- 35.- US$ 45.- 50.JUR: 30/11/14 INFO: The Al-Thani Award for Photography NOT: 12/12/14 Mr Chris Hinterobermaier EXH: 25/01/15 Postfach 364 RET: 13/02/15 A-4010 Linz / Autriche CAT: *****S E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/275 2nd Olympic Photographic Circuit 2014 - Salon Zeus 2014/276 2nd Olympic Photographic Circuit 2014 - Salon Aphrodite 2014/277 2nd Olympic Photographic Circuit 2014 - Salon Hermes 2014/278 2nd Olympic Photographic Circuit 2014 - Salon Apollo PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + NAT + PT CLO: 05/10/14 PAR: €25.- 30.- 35.- 40.- US$ 35.- 41.- 48.- 55.JUR: 12/10/14 INFO: Hellenic Photographic Society NOT: 19/10/14 Mr Manolis Metzakis EXH: 17/12/14 Katehaki, 11 RET: 19/12/14 GR-71201 Heraklion / Grèce CAT: CD*** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/279 6th Finland International Digital Circuit - 6th Vantaa Salon 2014/280 6th Finland International Digital Circuit - 2nd Hyvinkää Salon th 2014/281 6th Finland International Digital Circuit - 6 Vision Salon th 2014/282 6th Finland International Digital Circuit - 6 Carelia Salon 2014/283 6th Finland International Digital Circuit - 1st Vinti Salon PI Sections: 3 T: Open M + C + PT CLO: 22/09/14 PAR: € 40.- 50.- 60.JUR: 28/09/14 INFO: The Association of Finnish Camera Clubs NOT: 01/10/14 Mr Reino Harnmäki EXH: 25/10-30/11/14 PO Box 58 RET: 01/12/14 FI - 37501 Lempääla / Finland CAT: ***** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/284 4th Gia Dinh Photo Club International Photo Contest 2014 PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + NAT + PT CLO: 25/10/14 PAR: US$ 15.- one section, US$ 20.- all sections JUR: 06/11/14 INFO: Gia Dinh Photo Club NOT: 08/11/14 Mr Hoang Trung Thuy EXH: 20/12/14 MMA Truong Son Str. F. 15 Q.10 RET: 10/01/15 Hochiminh City / Vietnam CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/285 6th C.P.N.O. International Exhibition of Photography PI Sections: 2 T: Open M + C PAR: US$ 15.INFO: The Drawing Times Press Mr Weilu Chen P.O.Box 6285 Macau SAR / Macau E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 09/08/14 JUR: 23/08/14 NOT: 30/08/14 EXH: 11/10-19/10/14 RET: 06/11/14 CAT: **** 2014/286 GaudiRfoto 2014 II Salon Internacional de Fotografia PI Sections: 4 T: Open + M + C + Architecture + Cityscape CLO: 20/10/14 PAR: € 15.- 20.- 25.- 30.- US$ 22.- 30.- 37.- 44.JUR: 26/10/14 INFO: Club Natacio Reus Ploms NOT: 10/11/14 Sr J.M. Casanoves Dolcet EXH: déc 14 P.O. Box 329 RET: 31/01/15 E-43200 Reus (Catalunya) / Espagne CAT: CD*** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/287 Marmaris International Photography Festival PI Sections: 4 T: Open + M + C + CREA + PT CLO: 14/11/14 PAR: free JUR: 20/11/14 INFO: Marmaris Municipality NOT: 22/11/14 Mrs Seida Ercetin Kisi; Mr Mahmut Mengilli EXH: janv 15 Marmaris Belediyesi Basin Haikla iliskiler Mudurlugu Ataturk Cad.No.38 RET: janv 15 TR-58700 Marmaris/Muglar / Turquie CAT: NS E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/288 57th Dum Dum Salon 2014 M/CP Sections: 2 T: Open PAR: free INFO: Photographic Association of Dum Dum Mr B. Sengupta 467/40 Jessore Road IND-700 074 Kolkata / Inde E-mail: [email protected] CLO: 31/08/14 JUR: 19/09/14 NOT: 30/09/14 EXH: 30/09-12/10/14 RET: 30/11/14 CAT: *** Site: 2014/289 XLII Trofeo Gipuzkoa Internacional PI Sections: 3 T: Open M + C + Light PAR: € 25.INFO: Sociedad Fotográfica de Gipuzkoa Sr Luis Pontijas Conde P.O. Box 086 E-20080 Donostia-San Sebastian / Espagne E-mail: [email protected] CLO: 31/10/14 JUR: 23/11/14 NOT: 14/12/14 EXH: janv/févr 15 RET: 30/04/15 CAT: **** Site: 2014/290 1st Murshidabad International Salon 2014 PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + NAT + PT PAR: US$ 20.- + US$ 10.- for each add. Section INFO: Photographic Society of Murshidabad Mr Shibu Bhusan Das c/o Dr A.K.Datta BB - 47/8, Sector - I, Saltlake IND-700064 Kolkata / India E-mail: [email protected] CLO: 10/12/14 JUR: 21/12/14 NOT: 04/01/15 EXH: janv-fév 15 RET: 09/03/15 CAT: NS Site: 2014/291 3rd International Western Ligurian Circuit - 4° Cervo Prize 2014/292 3rd International Western Ligurian Circuit - 13° Sanremo Prize 2014/293 3rd International Western Ligurian Circuit - 17° Trofeo Ranzi di Pietra 2014/294 3rd International Western Ligurian Circuit - 27° Premio Mallare 2014/295 3rd International Western Ligurian Circuit - 30° Torria Prize PI Sections: 2 T: Open M + C CLO: 06/10/14 PAR: Europe € 43.- other countries US$ 62.JUR: 19/10/14 INFO: NOT: 29/10/14 Mr Zurla Marco EXH: 07/12/14 Via G. B. Boeri 1 RET: 15/01/15 I - 18018 Taggia / Italie CAT: ***** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/296 3rd International Photocontest and Exhibition to the Day of Fidelity PI Sections: 3 T: Open M + C + Architecture CLO: 31/10/14 PAR: € 15.- US$ 22.- (No IRC) JUR: 20/11/14 INFO: NOT: 01/12/14 Mrs Gyongyi Hipsagh EXH: 14/12/14 P.O. BOX 143 RET: 29/01/15 H-9401 Sopron / Hongrie CAT: CD** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/297 61st Singapore International Photography Award PI Sections: 5 T: Open M + C + NAT + PT + CREA PAR: US$ 20.- 30.- 38.- 45.- 50.INFO: The Photographic Soc. of Singapore Mr Jack Goh 30 Selegie Road, Selegie Arts Center SGP-188351 Singapore / Singapour E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 14/11/14 JUR: 30/11/14 NOT: 14/12/14 EXH: 10/01/15 RET: 15/02/15 CAT: **** 2014/298 1st International Exhibition of Art Photography - Semberija M/CP/PI Sections: 5 T: Open M + C + Women + Portrait + Landscape CLO: 01/10/14 PAR: € 30.- US$ 40.JUR: 18/10/14 INFO: Asocijacija Artfoto NOT: 31/10/14 Mr Slobodan Krstic EXH: 15+22/11/14 Popovi put Mire Pavlovic 1 RET: 30/12/14 SRB-76300 Bijeljina / Serbie CAT: NS E-mail: [email protected] Site: http// 2014/299 1st Circular Exhibition of Photography "Vojvodina Circuit 2014" - Novi Sad 2014/300 1st Circular Exhibition of Photography "Vojvodina Circuit 2014" - Kula 2014/301 1st Circular Exhibition of Photography "Vojvodina Circuit 2014" - Digital Photo World Serbia PI Sections: 5 T: Open M + C + Women + Man + Portrait CLO: 01/09/14 PAR: € 30.- 2 sect. € 40.- 4 sect. € 45.- 5 sect. JUR: 22/09/14 INFO: NOT: 01/10/14 Mr Djordje Vukicevic EXH: nov 14 Seljackih buna 37 RET: 01/12/14 SRB-21000 Novi Sad / Serbie CAT: NS E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/302 2nd International Salon of Photography "MNE OPEN 2014" T: Open M + C + CREA + Animals + Music and dance + PI Sections: 6 CLO: 30/09/14 Child PAR: € 25.- or US$ 35.JUR: 21/10/14 INFO: Photo Club Montenegro NOT: 30/10/14 Mr Bogojevic Aleksandar EXH: 22-29/11/14 Belvederska 91 RET: 30/12/14 81000 Podgorica / Montenegro CAT: CD*** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/303 Everest International Digital Salon 2014 PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + NAT + PT CLO: 20/10/14 PAR: US$ 40.JUR: 31/10/14 INFO: Fotoclub Siliguri NOT: 10/11/14 H/O Nimai Chandra Saha EXH: 22/12/14 52 cr das Sarani, East Vivekananda Pally, P.O. Rabindra Sarani RET: 15/01/15 IND-734006 Siliguri / India CAT: NS E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/304 2nd Cairo International Photographic Art Exhibition - CIPAE 2014 PI Sections: 4 T: Open + M + C + People + Motion PAR: € 25.- 30.- 35.INFO: Photo Divan Mr Ahmed Abdulazim 7 Elshiekh Elsahanwany St. Hadyk Elqoupa 11331-Kairo / Egypt E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 19/09/14 JUR: 10/10/14 NOT: 19/10/14 EXH: janv 15 RET: janv 15 CAT: 2014/305 Life Balance 2014 T: Open + Portrait + Akt / Fine art nude + Macro World + PI Sections: 5 Everyday life photo PAR: € 25.- US$ 35.INFO: Art Balance Mrs Gordana Hajinovic Dositejeva 19 SRB-11000 Belgrade / Serbie E-mail: [email protected] CLO: 04/11/14 JUR: 18/11/14 NOT: 28/11/14 EXH: 18/12/1411/01/15 RET: 03/02/15 CAT: **** Site: 2014/306 6th International Salon of Photography "Between the Sky and the Earth" PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + NAT + Sport CLO: 07/11/14 PAR: € 15.- US$20.- 1 theme € 20.- US$27.- 2 themes € 25.- US$ 33.- for 3 or 4 themes JUR: 24/11/14 INFO: Fotografsko drustvo Veno Pilon Ajdovscina NOT: 10/12/14 Mrs Alenka Cadez Kobol EXH: 23/01/15 FD VENO PILON, VI Prekomorske 1 RET: 09/02/15 SI-5270 Ajdovscina / Slovenie CAT: ***** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/307 59th International Photography Competition and Exhibition PI Sections: 3 T: Open M + C + NAT PAR: US$ 25.- + US$ 10.- each add. sect. INFO: Photographic Society of Sri Lanka Mr R.H. Samarakone 18 Guildford Crescent 00700 Colombo 07 / Sri Lanka E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 24/10/14 JUR: 09/11/14 NOT: 14/11/14 EXH: 21-23/11/14 RET: 23/01/15 CAT: **** 2014/308 Pannonia Reflections PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + NAT + Water PAR: € 20.- US$ 30.- for 1-2 sect.; € 25.- US$ 35.- for 3-4 sect. INFO: Fotografsko Drustvo Pannonia Mr Davor Dolencic Fodorjeva Vrsta 152 9220-Lendava / Slovénie E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 23/11/14 JUR: 30/11/14 NOT: 02/12/14 EXH: 30/01/15 RET: 01/03/15 CAT: NS 2014/309 8th Photo Salon of Valjevo - Life 2014 M/CP Sections: 1 T: Life TRAD PAR: € 15.- US$ 20.INFO: Foto Klub Valjevo M. Vladan Tanaskovic Moderna galerijy, Vuka Karadzica 11 SRB -14000 Valjevo / Serbie E-mail: [email protected] CLO: 31/10/14 JUR: 08/11/14 NOT: 23/11/14 EXH: 28/11/14 RET: 28/02/15 CAT: **** Site: 2014/310 19th P.S.S.M. International Exhibition of Photography PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + NAT + PT CLO: 06/10/14 PAR: US$ 15.JUR: 19/10/14 INFO: The Photography Salon Society of Macau NOT: 31/10/14 Mr Lam Hin Lun EXH: 22-30/11/14 P. O. Box 174 RET: 31/12/14 Macau SAR / Macau CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/311 121st Toronto International Salon of Photography M/CP/PI Sections: 5 T: Open M + C + NAT + PJ + Pictoral CLO: 08/11/14 PAR: US$ 15.- one sect. + US$ 10.- add. sect. JUR: 23/11/14 INFO: The Toronto Camera Club NOT: 30/11/14 Mrs Lily Markovic EXH: 25-26/01/15 587 Mount Pleasant Road RET: 08/02/15 Toronto, M4S 2M5 / Canada CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2014/312 1st Digital Photo World 2014 PI Sections: 6 T: Open M + C + NAT + PT + Portrait + Woman PAR: € 25.- US$ 35.INFO: Photo Club Novi Sad Mr Djordje Vukicevic Seljachih buna 37 RS - 21000 Novi Sad / Serbie E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 15/11/14 JUR: 04/12/14 NOT: 15/12/14 EXH: 24-31/01/15 RET: 15/02/15 CAT: NS - 2015 2015/001 102nd Southampton International Exhibition M/CP/PI Sections: 6 T: Open M + C + NAT + PT PAR: € 10.- 15.- 20,- US$ 14.- 20.- 25INFO: Southampton Camera Club Mr Glyn Edmunds The Winning Gallery - 42 Beach Road Hayling Island -Hampshire PO11 OJG / Grande Bretagne E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 31/01/15 JUR: 11/03/15 NOT: 11/03/15 EXH: 01/04-02/05/15 RET: 28/05/15 CAT: 2015/002 28° Concorso Fotografico Internazionale di San Marino M/CP/PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C + Tourism in the world CLO: 20/02/15 PAR: € 15.- US$ 22.JUR: 15/03/15 INFO: ASFA-Associazione Sammarinese Foto Amatori NOT: 10/04/15 Mr Conrad Mularoni EXH: 24/05-14/06/15 Piazzale della Stazione, 7 RET: 21/07/15 RSM-47890 San Marino / Rep. San Marino CAT: ***** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2015/003 Force of women PI Sections: 1 T: Force of women PAR: € 20.- US$ 30.INFO: Sille Art Gallery Mr Reha Bilir P.K.7 TR-42700 Konya / Turquie E-mail: [email protected] CLO: 14/02/15 JUR: 21/02/15 NOT: 28/02/15 EXH: 08/03/15 RET: Juin 15 CAT: NS Site: 2015/004 Avon Valley Photographic Salon T: Open M TRAD + C TRAD + CREA + PT + Portfolios PI Sections: 5 CLO: 01/03/15 (Tryptych) PAR: £ 10.- 12.- 14.- 16.JUR: 11/03/15 INFO: Avon Valley Photographic Society NOT: 23/03/15 Mr Peter Phillips EXH: 30/04-01/05/15 1 The Rocks, Rock Road, Wick RET: 27/05/15 BS30 5TN Bristol / Grande Bretagne CAT: NS E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2015/005 47th Howrah Colour Salon 2015 PI Sections: 3 T: Open + NAT + CREA PAR: € 15.- US$ 20.- 1 section + € 8.- US$ 10.- for every add. section INFO: Society of Photographers Mr J C Basu 60/2 Hriday K. Banerjee Lane IND-711101 Howrah / Inde E-mail: [email protected] Site: CLO: 19/01/15 JUR: 01/02/15 NOT: 16/02/15 EXH: 28/02-04/03/15 RET: 19/04/15 CAT: *** 2015/006 23e Biennale du Reflet Mondial de la Photographie M/CP/PI Sections: 5 T: Open M + C + CREA CLO: 28/01/15 PAR: € 20.- 25.- 30.- (Prints) + €15.- (PI) JUR: 01/02/15 INFO: Photo-Club Artec Mouscron NOT: 05/02/15 M. Luc de Pestel EXH: 22/03-06/04/15 348, Chaussée d'Aelbeke RET: 10/04/15 B-7700 Mouscron / Belgique CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2015/007 Vigex 2015 18th International Photographic Salon M/CP Sections: 6 T: Open M + C + CREA + NAT + PJ + People CLO: 04/02/15 PAR: € 20.- 25.- 30.- 35.- 40.- 45.- US$ 24.- 34.- 44.- 49.- 54.- 59.JUR: 15/02/15 INFO: Vigex INC NOT: 25/02/15 The Secretary, Vigex Inc EXH: 28/03-03/05/15 P. O. Box 952 RET: 18/05/15 AU-3220 - Geelong / Australie CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: 2015/008 Maitland International Salon of Photography 2014 M/CP/PI Sections: 5 T: Open M + C + NAT CLO: 19/01/15 PAR: US$ 13.- 26.- 39.- 52.- 60.- plus return return costs (GR/RG) JUR: 31/01/15 INFO: Maitland International Salon of Photography NOT: 05/02/15 Mr J. Smart EXH: Fevr 15 P.O. Box 144 RET: 27/04/15 AU-2320 Maitland / Australie CAT: **** E-mail: [email protected] Site: A U S P IC E S F IA P Les acceptations réalisées dans ces manifestations ne sont pas prises en compte pour l'attribution des distinctions de la FIAP (AFIAP, AV-AFIAP, EFIAP, niveaux EFIAP, AV-EFIAP) The acceptances in salons under FIAP Auspices are not taken into account for the attribution of FIAP distinctions (AFIAP, AV-AFIAP, EFIAP, EFIAP levels, AV-EFIAP). -20147e Salon International Photo-phylles PI Sections: 2 T: Couleurs: pleine nature; Mono ou couleurs: autres CLO: aspects du monde végétal PAR: -JUR: INFO: Jardin Botannique de Bordeaux NOT: Mme Mélissa Garrique et Mr. Jean-Jacques Milan EXH: Esplanade Linné RET: F-3100 Bordeaux / France CAT: e-mail: [email protected] 07/03/2014 14/03/2014 21/03/2014 01/04-01/06/2014 30/04/2014 49ste Benelux Fotosalon Imago Hamme M/CP/PI Sections: 4 T: Open M + C, Series PAR: Print: € 7.- PI: €6.- Series: € 7.- par série INFO: Kon.Fotokring Imago Hamme Mr Willy De Vogel Vlierkuter, 20 B-9220 Hamme/ Belgique e-mail: [email protected] CLO: JUR: NOT: EXH: RET: CAT: 24/07/14 26/07/14 01/08/14 13-22/09/14 24/09/14 13/09/14 Dia Sotto Le Stelle 2014 PI/AV Sections: 5 T: Open + CREA + NAT + PJ + PT PAR: ---INFO: Andreella Photo Busto Arsizio – Malpensa Piere Piazza XXV Aprile 11B I-21052 Busto Arsizio / Italie e-mail: [email protected] CLO: JUR: NOT: EXH: RET: CAT: 30/09/14 ------10-11/10/14 30/11/14 ---- Symboles – Symbols M CP CS DIG NAT PI PJ PT AV T TRAD PAR AM € = = = = = = = = = = = = = = monochrome couleur papier, colour prints dias, colour slides digital nature Image projetée, Projected image photo journalisme, photo journalism photo voyage, photo travel audiovisuel, audio-visual thème, theme image traditionnelle, traditional image droit de participation, entry-fee renvoi par avion, air mail return Euro US$ = INFO = CLO = JUR = NOT = EXH = RET = CAT = NS = --= ??? = RG/GR = reduction Dollars USA / US Dollars Adresse, Address date clôture, closing date sélection, judging notification vernissage, exhibition retour des œuvres, works returned catalogue nouveau salon, new salon gratuit, free of charge non spécifié, not specified Réduction groupes/ Group entry
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salons sous patronage fiap salons under fiap patronage liste / list 182
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SERVICE PATRONAGES - Romain NERO, EFIAP/g, ESFIAP 22, rue de Tétange L-3672 KAYL
G.D. de LUXEMBOURG - Tél. (+352) 621 196 738 - Email : [email protected] / [email protected]