emplissez vos tables avec une clientèle active
emplissez vos tables avec une clientèle active
EMPLISSEZ VOS TABLES AVEC UNE CLIENTÈLE ACTIVE Attirez de nouveaux clients avec une offre spéciale Avantages : n n Introduisez gratuitement de nouveaux clients a votre restaurant D estiné aux clients qui apprécient régulièrement la cuisine fine Le programme comprend : n U ne élégante page complète, double face, 4 couleurs à l’avant du Livre DivertissementMD dans la section Cuisine Distinctive – Un échantillon de votre menu – La description de votre restaurant – U ne photo de vos plats ou de votre restaurant (optionnel) – C ertificat facile à utiliser • Comprend la valeur et les détails de l’offre • Faire le suivi – Le client doit vous remettre le coupon afin de l’utiliser 00000000 • Capture des informations précieuses concernant le client (Nom, niveau de satisfaction, anniversaire/Date de naissance, e-mail) n Échantillon du menu - Les prix et le menu peuve Comment était le service ? / How was service? Comment était votre nourriture ? / How was your food? Comment était l’ambian ce ? / How was the atmosphere? Était-ce votre première visite ? / Was this your first visit? Prévoyez-vous de revenir ? / Do you plan to return? Nom / Name: Adresse couriel nt changer. / Menu Sampler - Prices and menu subjec t to change. 12345 Street Nam City Name, ST e (000) 000- 0000 Excellent Bon / Good Excellent Bon / Good Excellent Bon / Good Oui / Yes Non / No Oui / Yes Non / No www.website.co m Médiocre / Poor Médiocre / Poor Médiocre / Poor Date de naissance : Birthday: ______ ________ Anniversaire : Anniversary: ______ ________ / Email Address *: *Au cas où nous envoyons par courriel des informatio ns sur les événements à venir Le pourboi re devrait et sur nos produits. correspo ndre de 15% / In the event we send à 20% du TOTAL de news and informatio This promotional offer l’additio n avant le n about upcoming events is not rabais. / Tipping and products via email. Excludes tax, tip, alcohol, valid on any other discount/promotion should be 15% to or on defined holidays. and some sale items. 20% of the total bill See Rules of Use for before discount. more details. Offer valid at all participat ing locations. 00000000 *Le livre DivertissementMD fait partie du programme d’adhésion DivertissementMD. ©2016 Entertainment® Imprimé aux É-U. 16MR-CO-2168_FR/ENG Offres mobiles –C omprend la valeur et les détails de l’offre sur le téléphone du client –E ntièrement traçable—chaque offre a un numéro d’identification unique –L es étiquettes du suivi mobile sont disponibles sur le site marchand à : www.entertainment.com/merchanttoolbox FILL YOUR TABLES WITH ENGAGED CUSTOMERS Attract New Customers With a Featured Distinctive Dining Offer Benefits: n I ntroduce new customers to your restaurant at no cost n T argeted to customers who regularly enjoy fine dining Program Includes: n E legant full-page, double-sided, 4-color ad near the front of the Entertainment® book* in the Distinctive Dining section 00000000 ww w.we bsite.co - Condensed sample menu m e reet Nam 12345 St ame, ST City N 0- 00 00 (0 00) 00 - Restaurant description - Photo of your food or restaurant (optional) u awaits yo cuisine , tender es rranean n-Medite clude pasta dishe a tradition ia al It thentic ialties in ome experienc Friday and ate in au et spec C The ultim e river. G ourm illed shrimp. tertainment on e. gr acro ss th ps or charcoal servic e. Live en e also availabl lo g ar ial al rin en sc te ng al ca co ve . out and od and nc e 1979 of fine fo turday. C arry erated si Sa d and op ne ow Family UP TO $ - Easy-to-use certificate 20 OFF 00000000 ée ry entr limenta equal e comp of Enjoy on cond entrée hased – se rc when a e is pu er valu 0. only. or great discount $2 Dine in um verages. im be ic ax ol m and alcoh e treet Nam Name, ST 00 0-00 00 .website.c om Bir thday Annivers ore discou _ ________ __ : ______ _ tax, tip Excluding cluded. ex Specials ________ ____ ary: ____ code Promo Promot : Ent123 ion w thru valid no • Includes value and coupon details •F ully trackable — customer brings in to redeem •C apture valuable customer information on the back (Name, Rating of Experience, Anniversary/ Birth Dates, Email) C120 n 16 12/30/20 Mobile Offers www.website.co m 12345 Street Nam City Name, ST e (000) 000- 0000 - Includes value and offer details on customer’s phone 00000000 nt. Menu Sampler - Prices and menu subjec t to chang The ultimate in authentic Itali an-Mediterranea acro ss the rive r. n veal scallops or Gourmet specialties include cuisine awaits you charcoal grilled pasta dishes, tend of fine food and shrimp. Come experience a trad er congenial serv ice. ition Live ente Saturday. Carry out and catering rtainment on Friday and are also availabl Family owned e. and operated sinc e 1979. - Fully trackable — each offer has a unique identification number e. 12345 Street Nam City Name, ST e (000) 000-0000 How was servic e? £ Excellent How was your food? £ Excellent How was the atmo sphere? £ Excell Was this your first ent visit? £ Yes Do you plan to £ No return? £ Yes £ No £ Good £ Good £ Good www.website.co m £ Poor £ Poor £ Poor __ Anniversary: _____ __________ Name: Email Address*: *In the event we Birthday: _____ __________ __ send news and information about upcoming events Tipping should and produc ts via be 15% to 20% email. of the total bill before discoun t. - Mobile tracking labels are available on the Merchant 20 OFF Toolbox site at: www.entertainment.com/merchanttoolbox Enjoy one com plimentary ent when a sec ond rée or greater val entrée of equal ue is purchased maximum dis – count $20. Excluding tax, tip and alcoholic beverages. Dine Specials excluded. in only. Promo code: Ent12 00000000 UP TO $ Promotion valid 3 now thru 12/30 /2016 C120 *The Entertainment® book is part of the Entertainment® membership program. ©2016 Entertainment® Printed in U.S.A. 16MR-CO-2168_FR/ENG