Emails from “”


Emails from “”
Emails from “”: hacked.
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Mario Artime
<[email protected]> Pièce jointe 17 octobre 2013 23:43
À : [email protected]
Cc : [email protected]
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Please pay attention to the following information; i know who some of the hackers are. I
will leave Estonia shortly for working reasons; as the attorney mentioned, you have ten
days to produce a decision.
Today i was again threatened by an extreme-right thug, in the name of French policemen
from the 10th arrondisement of Paris and local gangsters. Prominent (USA/other)
(lawyers /Civil Rights activists) have been contacted regarding such outrageous state
roofing to international thieves and terrorists.
Should you need to get in touch with me, please use (any of my mobile telephone
numbers) and (several email addresses).
Tomorrow i will bring you the documents.
Thank you.
------Uniformed Estonian policemen and (possible) CIA bandits in Tallinn took part in the
following hacking of my company server; a man who claimed to be from Maryland, USA
and identified himself with former CIA director/ Defence Secretary Leon Panetta
“Josephine Foster” email account does not exist in “”; the hosting
company's answer as to how the break-in was accomplished:
<[email protected]> Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 10:07 AM
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: artime
Dear Mario,
Sorry, but we haven't got an abilities to explain that in no way.
Best regards,
Klaudia Lis
Dział Obsługi Klienta
infolinia: 801 33 22 33 lub 12 297 88 10, faks: 12 297 88 08
For the last two days, (mostly) Russian-speaking activists in two STATOIL gas stations
) appeared to be implicated, satellite weapons employed to attack my brain.
**Start of hack
Subject: Annual Form - Authorization to Use Privately Owned Vehicle on State Business
From: Josephine Foster <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: 10-08-2013 06:26 PM
All employees need to have on file this form STD 261 (attached). The original is
retained by supervisor and copy goes to Accounting. Accounting need this form to
approve mileage reimbursement.
The form can be used for multiple years, however it needs to re-signed annually by
employee and supervisor.
Please confirm all employees that may travel using their private car on state business
(including training) has a current STD 261 on file. Not having a current copy of this
form on file in Accounting may delay a travel reimbursement claim.
**End of hack
2 pièces jointes — Analyser et télécharger toutes les pièces jointes Afficher toutes les
This individual is hacking my laptop as i prepare documents for you.
Boîte de réception
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Mario Artime
<[email protected]> Pièce jointe 26 septembre 2013 14:02
À : [email protected]
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Email subject:
“This individual is hacking my laptop as i prepare documents for you.“
2 pièces jointes — Analyser et télécharger toutes les pièces jointes Afficher toutes les
images hacked.
Activer le suivi
Mario Artime
<[email protected]> Pièce jointe 17 octobre 2013 23:34
À : [email protected], [email protected]
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Please pay attention to the following information; i know who some of the hackers are. I
will leave Estonia shortly for working reasons; as the attorney mentioned, you have ten
days to produce a decision.
Today i was again threatened by an extreme-right thug, in the name of French policemen
from the 10th arrondisement of Paris and local gangsters. Prominent (USA/other)
(lawyers /Civil Rights activists) have been contacted regarding such outrageous state
roofing to international thieves and terrorists.
Should you need to get in touch with me, please use (any of my mobile telephone
numbers) and (several email addresses).
Tomorrow i will bring you the documents.
Thank you.
------Uniformed Estonian policemen and (possible) CIA bandits in Tallinn took part in the
following hacking of my company server; a man who claimed to be from Maryland, USA
and identified himself with former CIA director/ Defence Secretary Leon Panetta
“Josephine Foster” email account does not exist in “”; the hosting
company's answer as to how the break-in was accomplished:
<[email protected]> Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 10:07 AM
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: artime
Dear Mario,
Sorry, but we haven't got an abilities to explain that in no way.
Best regards,
Klaudia Lis
-Dział Obsługi Klienta
infolinia: 801 33 22 33 lub 12 297 88 10, faks: 12 297 88 08
Fwd: RE: [V!] Re: Vastus kirjale (inglise keeles ) Artime.ddoc
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Mario Artime
<[email protected]>
Pièce jointe 20 septembre 2013 12:01
À : Artime <[email protected]>
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> ---------- Original Message ---------> From: Mario Artime <[email protected]>
> To: [email protected], [email protected]
> Date: September 20, 2013 at 11:56 AM
> Subject: Fwd: RE: [V!] Re: Vastus kirjale (inglise keeles ) Artime.ddoc
>> ---------- Original Message --------->> From: Kristiina Savtšenkova <[email protected]>
>> To: Mario Artime <[email protected]>
>> Date: September 19, 2013 at 8:38 AM
>> Subject: RE: [V!] Re: Vastus kirjale (inglise keeles ) Artime.ddoc
>> Dear mister Artime,
>> Here is the same answer in pdf. format.
>> Best regards
>> Kristiina Savtšenkova
>> From: Mario Artime [mailto:[email protected]]
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:08 PM
>> To: Kristiina Savtšenkova
>> Subject: [V!] Re: Vastus kirjale (inglise keeles ) Artime.ddoc
>> Importance: High
>> Dear Kristiina:
>> I cannot open the document you sent me.
>> On September 17, 2013 at 8:35 AM Kristiina Savtšenkova
<[email protected]> wrote:
>> Dear mister Artime,
>> We sent Your Prosecutor’s Office’s response to your application from 13.
September 2013.
>> Best regards
>> Kristiina Savtšenkova
>> Assistant prosecutor
673K Afficher au format HTML Analyser et télécharger
Fwd: Urgent
Activer le suivi
Mario Artime
<[email protected]>
Pièce jointe 20 septembre 2013 12:04
À : Artime <[email protected]>
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> ---------- Original Message ---------> From: Mario Artime <[email protected]>
> To: [email protected], [email protected]
> Date: September 20, 2013 at 11:58 AM
> Subject: Fwd: Urgent
>> ---------- Original Message --------->> From: Mario Artime <[email protected]>
>> To: [email protected]
>> Date: September 12, 2013 at 9:48 PM
>> Subject: Fwd: Urgent
>>> ---------- Original Message --------->>> From: Mario Artime <[email protected]>
>>> To: [email protected]
>>> Date: September 4, 2013 at 10:53 AM
>>> Subject: Urgent
>>>> ---------- Original Message --------->>>> From: Mario Artime <[email protected]>
>>>> To: [email protected]
>>>> Date: September 4, 2013 at 8:15 AM
>>>> Subject: Fwd: Urgent
>>>>> ---------- Original Message --------->>>>> From: Mario Artime <[email protected]>
>>>>> To: [email protected]
>>>>> Date: September 4, 2013 at 8:12 AM
>>>>> Subject: Urgent
>>>>> Attached documents were sent to your address last Saturday, the email was erased
from my system. This morning extreme - right activists confirmed they had sabotaged
20th of September deadline
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Mario Artime
<[email protected]> 20 septembre 2013 10:57
À : [email protected]
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Activer le suivi
Mario Artime
<[email protected]> 20 septembre 2013 11:46
À : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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Thank you for listening to my arguments this morning.
Next, you both will receive from "[email protected]" a series of emails sent to/
written from the Office of the Prosecutor.
As I said, literally hundreds of pages documenting international crimes (terrorism,
assassinations, mass murders, huge financial thefts, and so on), some implicating
Estonian policemen and military personnel, are available and at your disposal.
It has been extreme difficult to work throughout two years of nonstop sabotage, thefts,
torture, obstruction of communications, illegal wiretapping/ bugging of electronic
equipment and biotechnology attacks on brain and internal organs.
Contracts with Estonian and foreign companies (printing, points of sale and distributors)
have already been signed.
Attorneys in several countries and embassies/ United Nations Permanent Representations
have and will probably get involved, should this situation be taken to an international
2013/9/20 Mario Artime <[email protected]>
FW: temporary residence permit application
Boîte de réception
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<[email protected]>
13 octobre 2013 10:07
À : Mario Artime <[email protected]>
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From : Liis Valk
To : [email protected]; [email protected];
Subject : temporary residence permit application
Your application to extend your temporary residence permit was registered on
26.07.2013 with the number 1025694694.
According to ї 34 section 1 of the Aliens Act, the Police and Boarder Guard Board has a
right to extend the period of processing the application in order to gather evidence and
clarify facts.
In order to evaluate all of the additional information You have submitted, the Police and
Boarder Guard Board extends the processing time of your application until 08.11.2013.
Best regards,
Liis Valk
Status Determination Bureau
Head of Aliens Division
Email: [email protected]
Cubans involved: French Jewish military mafiosi continue stealing, walking by (attached
image is only an example) and attacking brain with satellite weapons. The operation is
run from Paris, Russian diaspora members implicated (photos and videos available); in
Tallinn, uniformed Estonian policemen as well.
Activer le suivi
Mario Artime
<[email protected]> Pièce jointe 13 octobre 2013 13:47
À : [email protected]
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Email subject:
“French Jewish military mafiosi continue stealing, walking by (attached image is only an
example) and attacking brain with satellite weapons. The operation is run from Paris,
Russian diaspora members implicated (photos and videos available); in Tallinn,
uniformed Estonian policemen as well.“
22K Afficher Analyser et télécharger
Emails from “”:
Riigiprokuratuur info Виктория Муони: Urgent 09-11-2013 05:26 PM 21.9 KB
[email protected] Fwd: Estonian state functionaries involved in the Oslo bombings
09-11-2013 03:26 PM 5.42 KB
[email protected] Fwd: Examples of uniformed Estonian policemen's participation in
crimes 09-11-2013 03:26 PM 76.78 KB
[email protected] Fwd: These individuals are implicated in at least two
assassinations in syria.
09-11-2013 03:26 PM 3.98 MB
[email protected] Fwd: Urgent 09-11-2013 03:25 PM 388.54 KB
[email protected] Estonian state functionaries involved in the Oslo bombings 09-072013 11:36 AM
4.6 KB
[email protected] Examples of uniformed Estonian policemen's participation in
crimes 09-06-2013 06:59 PM 76.05 KB
[email protected] These individuals are implicated in at least two assassinations in
syria. 09-04-2013 10:53 AM
3.98 MB
[email protected] Urgent 09-04-2013 10:53 AM
387.86 KB