ISO/TC 70 N 799 - SAE International
ISO/TC 70 N 799 - SAE International
ISO/TC 70 ISO/TC 70 Internal combustion engines Email of secretary: [email protected] Secretariat: SAC (China) N 799 preliminary draft agenda and invitation of ISOTC70 plenary meeting Document type: Meeting agenda Date of document: 2015-06-12 Expected action: REPLY Action due date: 2015-08-15 Background: Committee URL: N 799 NOTICE OF MEETING / DRAFT AGENDA CONVOCATION / PROJET D'ORDRE DU JOUR Date 2015-6-12 Reference N799 ISO/TC70 Title of / Titre du TC/SC Internal combustion engines MEETING / RÉUNION th 30 ISO/TC70 plenary meeting Meeting dates / Dates de la réunion Secretariat / Secrétariat SAC(CHINA) 14th - 16th October, 2015 Host / Invitant Place / Lieu CUNA(ITALY) Meeting venue : CUNA(5 th floor) Liaison person: Corso Galileo Ferraris 61. Giorgio Billi 10128 ,Turin ,ITALY Recommended Hotel: Email:[email protected] Please see Annex Ⅱ Phone: +39 059591820 Mobile: +39 3667808240 P-and O-members are invited to inform the secretariat of the committee concerned, within one month of the receipt of this notice of meeting, of their intention to be represented at the meeting, the approximate number of their delegates and their need for interpretation. Les membres (P) et (O) sont invités, dans un délai d'un mois à partir de la réception de la présente convocation, à faire connaître au secrétariat du comité concerné leur intention d'être représentés à la réunion, le nombre approximatif de leurs délégués et leur besoin en matière d'interprétation. Whenever possible, the names of delegates (or observers) and the name of the head of the delegation should also be sent to the secretariat of the committee concerned at least one month before the opening of the meeting. Dans la mesure du possible, une liste indiquant les noms des délégués (ou observateurs), ainsi que le nom du chef de la délégation, devrait également parvenir au secrétariat concerné un mois au moins avant l'ouverture de la réunion. Parallel meeting(s) / Réunion(s) parallèle(s) Meeting Schedule th 14 Oct. Wednesday AM PM 10:00-17:00 ISO/TC70/SC8 Meeting ISO/TC70/WG2/13 Meeting ISO/TC70 Meeting 17208753_1.doc/Version 98.2/98-10-13 × × th 15 Oct. Thursday AM PM 9:00-17:00 × th 16 Oct. Friday AM PM 9:00-17:00 × × × Draft agenda: Please see annex Ⅰ Registration: Please be so kind to confirm your attendance to the secretariat of ISO/TC 70 th by 15 August 2015 at the latest by using the From.(See Annex Ⅲ) Contact : Ms. Liangliang Qiao Assistant Secretary of ISO/TC70 Tel : 00 86 (0)21 2507 9795 Fax : 0086 (0)21 2507 9998 E-mail : [email protected] Annex Ⅰ Draft agenda ITE M Topic 1 Welcome by the Chairman and opening of the meeting (13.00 hr start) 2 Roll call of delegates 3 Adoption of the agenda 4 Appointment of the drafting committee 5 To confirm the resolutions taken at and review the actions arising from th the Japan meeting of ISO/TC 70 held on 10 October, 2014 6 To review the progress of work within ISO/TC 70 7 To review the progress of work within ISO/TC 70/SC 7 (Tests for lubricating oil filters) 8 To review the progress of work within ISO/TC 70/SC 8 (Exhaust gas emission measurements) To review the progress of work in ISO/TC 70/WG 2(to be determined) To review the progress of work in ISO/TC 70/WG 13 9 To review the progress of work in ISO/TC 70/WG 14 To review the progress of work in ISO/TC 70/JWG 16 10 To note the progress made with regard to standards being drafted in ISO/TC 70 and its Sub-committees and Working Groups and to decide upon any additional action(s) necessary to progress the work 11 Any other business (such as New Proposals) 12 Approval of resolutions 13 Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting 14 Closing of the meeting Annex Ⅱ 17208753_1.doc/Version 98.2/98-10-13 Document reference N 779 1. ACCESS TO THE MEERING VENUE(CUNA) The office is at the 5th floor, taking the stairs on the left side after entering. The office is 15min walk from Porta Nuova (the mail train station), as shown in the following map: 2. RECOMMENDED HOTELS You are kindly requested to reserve your room as quickly as possible through the web reservation services(rates are generally lower than 180 €, and may also be lower than 150 €, but availability might be at risk on the long term for those experts who will not be quick enough in their booking). We recommend to use the following hotel web‐sites / web‐services for your booking: NH Hotel Ambasciatori http://www.nh‐‐ambasciatori.html Hotel Dock Milano 17208753_1.doc/Version 98.2/98-10-13 Hotel Diplomatic http://www.hotel‐ 3. TRANSPORTATION FROM/TO THE AIRPORT: It is possible to choose to use either the taxi (around 40/50€ to get to the city) or a coach operated by SADEM. You can find more information using the following link:‐transport/by‐bus Annex Ⅲ 17208753_1.doc/Version 98.2/98-10-13 Notification of Participation Meeting of ISO/TC70 and its WGs I/We will participate the meetings on 14th~16th October, 2015 in Turin, Italy Please mark X in the participation box Meeting ISO/TC70/WG2/WG13 ISO/TC70 Meeting Date Meeting AM 16th October PM 16th October Name: Company: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Signature: * To be circulated 17208753_1.doc/Version 98.2/98-10-13 Date: Participation
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