WORLD WAR II Compréhension écrite I. Complete the introduction below : This texte is … It twas written by … in… It deals with … II. Answer the questions: The sides: 1) who were the allies of the British? Who were their enemies? 2) read the text and find out about the following dates 1939 1940 1941 1944 Black future: 3) who was the British Prime Minister during the war? What was he best at? America joins in: 4) what pushed the Americans into the war? The RAF: 5) who were the British heroes of the war? Which plane did they flew in? which airforce was the most important? Invasion: 6) what did the British fear? Who had already done this? What was his nationality? When did it happen? 7) who were the Home Guards England digs in: 8) what was war like in Great Britain? What did people do? How was life during the war? The bombing: 9) describe the two pictures 10) what were V1 and V2? III. Vocabulary A. find the words in the text: déséquilibré: chasser de: s’étendre partout dans le monde: la flotte américaine : B. find the root of the word and translate TRANSLATION ROOT âgé : outils de jardin : renoncer à : lancer (un missile) : WORD Badly Quickly Largely Suddenly The beginning The fighting TRANSLATION C. pick up all the words related to war and translate IV. Translate England digs in: from ‘City children’ to ‘Years’ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) repérez tous les mots connus repérez les mots transparents devinez le sens des mots inconnus (utilisez la logique, la grammaire…) traduire le sens et ne pas faire du mot à mot relire ses phrases en français et vérifier qu’elles ont du sens