How to buy a used car


How to buy a used car
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How To Buy a Used Car
(YouTube, 2011)
It won’t be a bargain if you have to spend a tone of money on repairs, so learn how to spot a lemon.
You will need time, patience and due diligence.
Step 1
Figure out how much you can spend. Either in cash or in monthly loan payments.
Don’t forget about the cost of owning a car, like insurance and maintenance.
Step 2
Research the models you’re considering. Car information websites will help you compare both the performance
and long term reliability of various cars.
Step 3
Locate a car that you want to check out. Search used car lots, classified ads, car dealerships that sell pre-owned
vehicles and special used car publications and websites.
Step 4
Ask the seller about the general condition of a car, including mileage, extra features and whether service records
are available.
If you’re buying a car from an individual, ask if he or she is the original owner and their reason for selling the
Step 5
Inspect the car and test drive it. You want to make sure that it performs well, runs smoothly and feels right.
Don’t let the seller rush you through the test drive.
Step 6
Find out if the car comes with a warranty. If a warranty isn’t included, have a mechanic inspect the car for you.
Let the seller know that the sale is contingent on a professional inspection.
Step 7
Get a vehicle history report from one of the companies that sell them online. See if the vehicle has been
damaged in an accident or flood, and if the odometer may have been rolled back.
Step 8
Find out how much the car is worth by consulting online used car guides or visiting a library.
Step 9
Negotiate; using the market value of the car as a guide. Make an offer on the low end. Don’t be afraid to walk
If you’re trading in your car or having a dealership arrange financing, negotiate the price of the car before you
discuss trade in value and financing; to assure you get the best deal.
Step 10
Close the deal. If you’re buying from a private seller, make sure you get the title. Register your new vehicle
with your state’s department and (?) motor vehicles.
If you’re buying from a dealership, they will handle most of the paperwork for you. Just make sure you read
any contract or paperwork carefully.
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Step 11
Drive home in your swank new ride.
Did you know? On average, new cars lose fifteen to thirty percent of their value the moment they’re driven off
the dealer’s lot?
1. a used car
2. a bargain
3. to spot a lemon
4. due diligence
5. figure out
6. monthly loan payments
7. reliability
8. check out
9. lots
10. classified ads
11. car dealerships
12. pre-owned vehicles
13. features
14. service records
15. an individual
16. to test drive
17. runs smoothly
18. rush you
19. find out
20. warranty
21. to be contingent on
22. damaged
23. flood
24. odometer
25. to be rolled back
26. make an offer on the low end
27. are trading in
28. best deal
29. close the deal
30. title
31. register
32. handle
33. paperwork
34. carefully
35. swank new ride
une voiture d’occasion
une bonne affaire
flairer une voiture à problèmes
bonne assiduité
calculez, déterminez
mensualités du prêt
regarder, vérifier
petites annonces
synonyme used car
factures d’entretien
un particulier
faire un essai sur la route
roule bien
(vous) presser
dépend de
compteur kilométrique
proposer un petit prix
échanger contre du neuf
la meilleur offre
les papiers de la voiture
la paperasserie / tâches administratives
avec attention
(fam.) votre nouvelle voiture classe