LILI REYNAUD-DEWAR Née en 1975 à La Rochelle, France. Vit et travaille à Grenoble, France. Born in 1975 in La Rochelle, France. Lives and works in Grenoble, France. EXPOSITIONS PERSONNELLES / SOLO SHOWS 2016 Kunstverein Hamburg, Germany 2014 Live Through That ?!, New Museum, New York (US) Vivre avec ça ?!! kamel mennour, Paris (FR) Live Through That ?!! Index Fondation for Contemporary Arts, Stockholm (SE) Live Through That ?!! Emanuel Layr, Vienna (AT) Live Through That ?!! Outpost, Norwich (UK) 2013 Enseigner comme des adolescents - Teaching as teenagers, Le Consortium, Dijon I am intact and I don’t care, Clearing, New York I am intact and I don’t care. 21er Raum, Belvedere, Vienna 2012 Ceci est ma maison / This is my place, Magasin, Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Grenoble. Interpretation, Performa, Fondation Calder, New York (performance) What a Century of hands! I shall never have my hand. Afterwards domesticity leads too far, Karma International, Zurich Enseigner comme des adolescents - Teaching as teenagers, FORDE, Genève Fours Walls Speaking of Revolt, Media and Beauty, Serpentine Cinema, London (performance) 2011 Some Objects Blackened And A Body, Too, Galerie Mary Mary, Glasgow. Cleda’s Chairs, Bielefeld Kunstverein, Bielefeld. Fours Walls Speaking of Revolt, Media and Beauty, Tramway theater, Glasgow (performance) 2010 Interpretation, 1M3, Lausanne. Interpretation, Kunsthalle Basel, Bâle. Structures de pouvoir, Rituels et Sexualité chez les sténodactylos européennes, kamel mennour, Paris. Antiteater, FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims. 2009 Black Mariah, Centre d’art Parc Saint Léger, Pougues-les-Eaux. En réalité le sphinx est-il une annexe du monument ou le monument une annexe du sphinx ? Centre culturel Bellegarde, Toulouse (performance) Power Structures, Rituals & Sexuality of the European Shorthand-Typists, Mary Mary, Glasgow. 2008 Explorations in French Psychedelia, CAPC, Bordeaux. LOVE = U.F.O, FRAC, Bordeaux. The Race, Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea di Siracusa, Montevergini, Sicile. 2006 The Center & Eyes, Zoo Galerie, Nantes. (Looking Through A) Glass Onion, Mary Mary offsite project, 130 Bridgegate, Glasgow. Power, Corruption & Lies, Galerie RLBQ, Marseille. 2005 Eggnogs & Flips, Public, Paris (collaborative project with Fiona Jardine). 2004 Grand Décolleté (collaborative project with Daniel Dewar), Mary Mary Project Space, Glasgow. 2002 Jet-Trash (collaborative Project with Owen Piper), Where The Monkey Sleeps, Glasgow. EXPOSITIONS COLLECTIVES 2015 Poltergeist « Les esprits frappeurs » Centre Dramatique National Nanterre Amandiers, organisée par le FRAC Île-de-France. All the World’s Futures, curated by Okwui Enwezor, Giardini & Arsenal, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy Beauty codes, a three acts exhibition touring : Curas. Basement, Rome, Italy / Fondazione Giuliani, Rome, Italy / Kunsthalle Lisbon, Portugal 2014 Soleil Politique, curated by Pierre Bal-Blanc, Museion, Bolzano (IT) Une Histoire, Nouvel accrochage, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR) All that falls, curated by Gérard Wajcman and Marie de Brugerolle, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (FR) The Issues of Our Time 3 - More Issues Less Time,Artist Book Space curated by Castillo Corrales, New York (US) Interprète, curated by Xavier Franceschi, Le Plateau, Paris (FR) Procession, CAPC, Bordeaux (FR) On Ambiguity and Other Forms To Play With, The Invisible Hand: Curating as Gesture, 2nd Cafam biennial, CAFAM, Beijing (CN) Enseigner comme des adolescents - Teaching as teenagers, (with her students from the eponymous seminar she leads at HEAD geneva) Marrakech Biennial, Marrakech (MA) Quand les formes sont attitudes, 40mcube, Rennes (FR) The crime was almost perfect, Witte de With, Rotterdam (NL) Trocadero, Nesrin Esirtgen Collection Art Space, Istanbul (TR) The Fifth Dimension, Logan Center for the Arts, Chicago (US) 2013 The Fifth Dimension, Logan Center for the Arts, Chicago The Shadows Took Shape, Studio Museum, Harlem Une Odyssée, 30 ans du Frac Champagne Ardenne, Pommery, Reims Frieze Projects 2013, London Lyon Biennial, Lyon Stand In (Or A Glass of Milk), Public Fiction, Los Angeles La vie matérielle, Prix Ricard, Fondation Ricard, Paris ‘Pro-choice’ Kunsthalle Fribourg (curatorial project by Petunia) Otherwise Unexplained Fires, Malmo Konsthall, Sweden The Angel of History, Ecole des Beaux Arts de Paris, Paris Whileaway, Konsthall Oslo, Norway An Anatomical Chart of Love Pains, The Model, Sligo The Magic of the State, Beirut, Cairo The Magic of the State, Lisson Gallery London 2012 Counter-production, Generali Foundation, Vienna Timewave Zero, Ursula Blickle Foundation, Krichtal, Germany In fifteen minutes every one will be in the future, an Opera, Ancient Bath, Plovdiv, Bulgaria From the Beach to the Moon, Luma Foundation, Arles Intense Proximité, La Triennale 2012, France 2011 Jean Genet, Act 2, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham. Sculpture is three dimensional work... Johan Koenig, Berlin Tableaux Contemporains, Le Magasin, Grenoble. The End of Money, Witte de With, Rotterdam. Fruits, flowers and clouds, MAK, Vienne. Le Château, nouvel accrochage de la collection, CAPC Musée d’art contemporain, Bordeaux. Living Room Exotica, Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus. Madame Realism, Marres Centre for Contemporary Art and Culture, Maastricht. Tramway, Center for Contemporary Arts, residency and performance, Glasgow. 2010 Scene Shifts, Bonniers Konsthall / The Royal Dramatic Theater, Stockholm. The Morality Series – Of Facts and Fables, Witte de With, Rotterdam. The Discrete Charme of the Blind Spot, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster. 2009 Elles@centrepompidou, Centre Pompidou, Paris. Je n’étais pas qu’une simple chimère, SBC gallery, Montréal. The Pursuit of Pleasure (with Latifa Echakhch), Fondazione Barriera, Turin. La Suite, Air de Paris, Paris Kerhaus-Abschied von Stabilen Wanden, Westfalische Kunstverein, Munster Les Formes Féminines, Triangle Galerie de la Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille Revolver, Coco Kunstverein, Vienna Latifa Echakhch / Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Karma International at James Fuentes, New York Fugues (curated by Latifa Echakhch), Galerie Hussenot, Paris 2008 Printemps de Septembre, Toulouse - performance. Prix Ricard, (curated by Nicolas Bourriaud) Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, Paris. When Things Cast No Shadow, 5th Berlin Biennale, Berlin. 2007 00s, the story of a decade that has not yet been named, 9th Lyon Biennial, Lyon. Sweet & Extradry, Circuit, Lausanne. Ultramoderne, Hall Paul Wurth, Luxembourg / La Passerelle, Brest. Freak Show, Museum of Contemporary Art, Lyon. Le Syndrome de Broadway, Centre d’art Parc Saint Léger, Pougues-les-Eaux. White Sabbath - Lili Reynaud-Dewar / Michelle Naismith, Galerie LH, Paris. Lili Reynaud-Dewar / Frank Eon, Cortex Athletico, Bordeaux. 2006 Berlin-Paris : Affinités – Michael Beutler / Stefan Müller / Lili Reynaud-Dewar / Alexander Wolff, Jousse Entreprise, Paris. La Fabrique, Galerie AK28, Stockholm. Parcours Contemporain, Le Plateau et les jardins de la Villette, Hradacany, La Générale, Paris. Rachel Tiplady, Musée des Beaux Arts de Nantes. Madame la baronne était plutot maniérée, assez rococo et totalement baroque (A portrait in 3 shows, curated by Emilie Renard) Parts 1, 2 & 3, Maison Populaire de Montreuil, Centre d’art Mira Phalaina, Paris. 2005 Acid Rain, Glassbox & Galerie Michel Rein, Paris. 2004 Glassbox & Friends, Glassbox, Paris. Its Hip to be Square, Zoogalerie, Nantes. Hyperstyle, Loop, Berlin. Oasis, Glassbox, Paris. 2003 Busco Similar, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh. 2002 You Never Know, Project Rooms, Glasgow. PERFORMANCES 2012 Four Walls Speaking of Revolt, Media and Beauty, Serpentine Cinema, Londres. 2011 Four Walls Speaking of Revolt, Media and Beauty, Tramway, Glasgow. Interpretation, Fondation Calder / Biennale Performa, New York. Four Walls Speaking of Revolt, Media and Beauty, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham. 2010 Interpretation, 1M3, Lausanne. Interpretation, Let Us Compare Mythologies, The Morality Series, performance programme, Witte de With, Rotterdam. 2009 Antiteater, Frac Champagne-Ardenne, Reims. 2008 En Réalité, le Sphinx est-il une annexe du Monument ou le Monument une annexe du Sphinx ? Printemps de Septembre, Toulouse. In Every Room There is the Ghost of Sex, Schinkel Pavilion, 5th Berlin Biennale, Berlin. The Race, Galleria Civica d’arte contempoanea di Siracusa, Montevergini, Sicile. Love = U.F.O., FRAC Aquitaine, Bordeaux. 2007 The Face of the Four, Circuit, Lausanne. 2006 The Center & the Eyes, Zoogalerie, Nantes. Queen Mother Nanny of the Mountains, Maison Populaire de Montreuil, Paris. BIBLIOGRAPHIE OUVRAGES “Lili Reynaud-Dewar: Live Through That?!”, catalogue featuring an interview with the artist and new essays by Pierre Bal-Blanc and Karl Holmqvist, edited for the New Museum exhibition. Une Histoire - Art, architecture, design des années 1980 à nos jours, sous la direction de Christine Macel, Centre Pompidou, Flammarion, Paris, juin 2014. Morality, in Fragments, exhbition catalogue, Witte de With Publishers, may 2014 The Shadows Took Shape, exhibition catalogue Studio Museum Harlem and Content Object, Los Angeles , december 2013 Notes on the Magic of the State exhibition catalogue Lisson Gallery, London and Beirut, Cairo. october 2013 12th Lyon Biennale Catalogue , Presses du réel, Dijon, September 2013 L’ange de l’histoire , Bourriaud, Nicolas, exhibition catalogue, Ecole Nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, April 2013 Counter-Production : digital publication, Editors Diana Baldon and Ilse Lafer Generali Foundation, Vienna, 2012 Cosmic Laughter n°1. Timewave Zero, then what ? : Exhibition catalogue. Editor Fabian Marti and Cristina Ricupero, Ursula Blilckle Foundation, Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2012 La Triennale 2012 : Intense proximité, Enwezor, Okwui ; Bouteloup, Mélanie ; Karroum, Abdellah ; Renard, Émilie ; Staebler Claire, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 2012. Interpretation, Lili Reynaud Dewar, Editors: ADAM SZYMCZYK and BENJAMIN THOREL, Paraguay Press, Kunsthalle Basel. 2012 Cosey Complex Editors Richard Birkettt and Maria Fusco Koenig Books, 2012 Conversation with Lili Reynaud-Dewar before This is my place* ed. Yves Aupetitallot & Lili Reynaud-Dewar Exhibition publication, Le Magasin, Les Presses du Réel, 2012 Scene Shifts , Editors : Sara Arrhenius och Magnus Florin Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, 2011 The End of Money, Exhibition catalogue Editor Juan A. Gaitán Witte de With, 2011 (digital publication) The Pursuit of Pleasure, with Latifa Echakhch, exhibition catalogue. Editor: Salvatore Lacagnina. Barriera Fondation, 2009 When things cast no shadow, 5th Biennale for Contemporary Art catalogue 2008 00s, L’histoire d’une décennie qui n’est pas encore nommée Biennale de lyon catalogue 2007 The Freak Show catalogue, Musée d’art contemporain de Lyon , 2007 Ultramoderne catalogue Hall paul wurth, Luxembourg & La passerelle, Brest , 2007 Madame la baronne etait plutôt maniérée, assez rococo et totalement baroque catalogue Centre d’art Mira phalaina, Paris 2007 PRESSE 2015 Mousse, Winter 2015 Spike, January 2015 2014 May, October 2014 Libération, September 2014 Paris-art, September 2014 Spash, September 2014 Kunstkritik, May 2014 Ideat, March 2014 2013 Searle, Adrian The Guardian 16 October 2013 Luke, Ben London evening Standard 18 October 2013 Loret, Eric Liberation 22 September 2013 Art in america, february 2013 2012 Rosenmeyer, Aoife Art In America February 2012 Fronsacq, Julien Spike Magazine Issue 31 March 2012 Moulène, Claire Les inrockuptibles April/Mai 2012 Lequeux, Emmanuelle Le Monde 19 April 2012 Loret, Eric Libération Next 8 April 2012 Bécourt, Julien Chronic’Art March/April 2012 Bonnet, Frédéric Le Journal des Arts February/March 2012 2011 Latimer, Quinn Frieze, Issue 138 April 2011 Sharp, Chris Metropolis M February / March 2011 Latimer, Quinn ArtReview Issue 42 Summer 2010 Chateigné Tytelman, Yann* Kaleidoscope, Issue 7 Summer 2010 Gerig, Karen Basler Zeitung 25 May 2010 Von Aline Wanner Ausgabe Basel 18 May 2010 Vaillant, Alexis Mousse Magazine April 2010 Motgenthaler, Daniel Basler Zeitung 16 April 2010 Fiduccia, Joanna Artforum January 2010 2009 The Pursuit of Pleasure, with Latifa Echakhch, exhibition catalogue. Editor: Salvatore Lacagnina. Barriera Fondation, 2009 Fiduccia, Joanna Map Issue 20 November 2009 Mattarella, Lea La Stampa November 2009 Jeffrey, Moira Scotland on Sunday September 2009 Mansfield, Susan Scotsman September 2009 r Kotzé, Talitha The List August 2009 Moulène, Claire Artforum June 2009 Bang Larsen, Lars Artforum June 2009 Kopp, Céline Vitamin 3-D June 2009 Kitamura, Katie Frieze May 2009 Rehberg, Vivian Frieze Jan 2009 Pigeat, Anael Art Press Jan 2009 2008 Schonwald, Cedric Art 21, Issue 20 Nov 2008 When things cast no shadow, 5th Biennale for Contemporary Art catalogue 2008 Bourriaud, Nicolas Beaux-arts magazine, n°287 May 2008 Didier Arnaudet Art Press, n° 344 Apr 2008 Tremblay, Nicolas Interview Numero, n° 91 March 2008Judicael Lavrador Beaux-arts magazine, n° 285 March 2008 Gasparina, Jill Zerodeux, n° 45 Spring 2008 Brocca, Cecile et Verges, Cyrille Spirit, n° 37 Jan-Fev 2008 2007 Chateigné, Yann Beaux-arts magazine, n° 279 Sept 2007 00s, L’histoire d’une décennie qui n’est pas encore nommée Biennale de lyon catalogue 2007 The Freak Show catalogue, Musée d’art contemporain de Lyon , 2007 Ultramoderne catalogue Hall paul wurth, Luxembourg & La passerelle, Brest , 2007 Madame la baronne etait plutôt maniérée, assez rococo et totalement baroque catalogue Centre d’art Mira phalaina, Paris 2007 Jacquet, Claire Zerodeux n° 40 Gasparina, Jill Art 21, N° 10 Jan – Feb 2007 Jacquet, Claire Zerodeux n° 39 2006 Derieux, Florence The Center & the Eyes press release text 2006 Lavrador, Judicael Les Inrockuptinles , N°. 573 21-27 November 2006 Morais, Pedro Ventilo, N° 150 8-14 March 2006 Demir, Anaid Jalouse, No. 88 March 2006 Moulène, Claire Les Inrockuptibles, No. 532 8 – 16 February 2006
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Lili Reynaud Dewar
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Lili Reynaud-Dewar Biography
Berlin-Paris: Affinites- Michael Beutler / Stefan Muller / Lili Reynaud-Dewar / Alexander Wolff, Jousse Entreprise, Paris, FR
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Lili Reynaud-‐Dewar
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