final program of the event


final program of the event
EUROMED Invest Academy
Develop Business and
among EU-MED
on EU-Arab
and Masterclass
Gulf countries
2, 3 June 2016
Grand Serail & Le Bristol Hotel, Beirut (Lebanon)
DAY 1 - Thursday 2nd June
Grand Serail, Beirut, Lebanon (Transportation is arranged from Bristol Hotel)
08:30 – 09:00
Registration of Participants
09:00 – 09:30
Industry in Lebanon - Presentations
09:30 – 10:30
Speeches of Patronages
“The role of integrated industrial policy for the region”
Emmanuel NOUTARY, General Delegate, ANIMA Investment Network, MedAlliance
Yehia AL SHEMALI, President, Arab Federation for Industrial Export Development
Cristiano PASINI, Representative and Director, UNIDO
H.E. Christina Markus LASSEN, Head of Delegation of the European Union to
H.E. Hussein ELHAJJ HASSAN, Minister of Industry, Lebanon
H.E. Tammam SALAM, Prime Minister, Lebanon
10:30 – 11:00
Welcoming cocktail
Convention Room, Le Bristol Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon (Transportation is arranged)
12:00 – 13:30
Session I: Challenges for SMEs and complementarities between
the EU, Mediterranean and Gulf Countries
Moderator: Emmanuel NOUTARY, General Delegate ANIMA Investment Network
Fawzi DIB, Senior Advisor, Union for the Mediterranean
Ziad BEKDACHE, Vice President, Association of Lebanese Industrialists,
representing BusinessMed
Dr. Rateb SHALLAH, President, Syrian Enterprise & Business Centre
Dirk VANTYGHEM, Director International Affairs, EUROCHAMBRES
Mohamed BEN YOUSSEF, Chairman, Euro-Arab Business Council
Federico BEGA, Director of Strategy, Promos
13:30 – 15:00
Lunch offered by the Minister of Industry
15:30 – 17:00
Session II: Doing business: How to access MENA markets and
develop business relationships
Moderator: Dirk VANTYGHEM, Director International Affairs EUROCHAMBRES
Business environment and practices in MENA area by experts and law firm executives
Focus on Egypt: John SHEHATA, Of counsel, Bonelli Erede
Focus on Jordan: Omar ALJAZY, Managing Partner, Aljazy & Co
Focus on Morocco: Yasmine SOUFIANI, Project Manager, Moroccan Investment
Development Agency
Focus on Tunisia: Yacine LABIB, Managing Partner, Labib Law Firm
Focus on Lebanon: Karim DAHER, Partner, HBD-T Law Firm
Testimonials from industry experts and executives
17:00 – 17:30
Coffee Break
17:30 – 18:30
Session III: Doing business: How to access GCC markets and
develop business relationships
Moderator: Dr. Alaa Ezz, Board member, GACIC
Business environment and practices in the GCC by experts and law firm executives
Focus on UAE: Omar ALJAZY, Managing Partner, Aljazy & Co
Focus on Barhein: Atef EL SHARBAWY, CEO-founder, Social Innovation Expert
Focus on Saudi Arabia: Hadi MELKI, Partner, Holman Fenwick Willan LLP
Focus on Yemen: Firas DEEB, Country Manager, SPARK
Testimonials from industry experts and executives
21:00 – 23:00
Gala Dinner (Villa Linda Sursock, Achrafieh, Beirut)
DAY 2 - Friday 3rd June 2016
Convention Room, Le Bristol Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon
09:00 – 11:15
Session IV: Facilitate EU-Med-Gulf business linkages – Tools and
Moderator: Diana KOBAYTER, Project Manager, ASCAME
Financing tools
New Funding opportunities for BSO cooperation and SME internationalisation,
Vladimir ROJANSKI, European Commission, DG NEAR
 Synergise with other donors funding opportunities, Dr. Alaa EZZ, GACIC
 Transnational EU-Arab investment networks (business angels and private equity)
Emmanuel NOUTARY, ANIMA Investment Network
Networking instruments
Business support offices available for servicing enterprises, Federico BEGA,
Director of Strategy, Promos
EU-MED-Gulf Chambers of commerce support networks, Dirk VANTYGHEM,
Regional business project portfolio available for organising matchmakings,
Monica AIROLDI, Project manager, ANIMA Investment Network
Support to BSOs through EUROMED Invest Cooperation Engineering service,
Jeanne LAPUJADE, Network & Development Coordinator, ANIMA Investment
11:15 – 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:30
Speed Networking between Business Support Organisation
Shaping consortia for future cooperation projects
Introduction: Esmat ALKARADSHEH, Coordinator, Eastern Mediterranean Office, ENPI
CBC Med Programme
In the perspective of the coming ENPI CBC MED launch of call for proposals, and other
potential future opportunities, facilitated speed dating between Euro-Med BSOs to reflect on
ideas, sectors, and shape future consortia.
13:30 – 15:00
Lunch Break
15:00 – 16:30
Session V: Presentation of successful cooperation initiatives
between Euro-MED BSOs
Moderators: George CATINIS, Muhamad SHABAREK, Euro-Arab Business Council
Presentation of successful EUROMED Invest engaged cooperation:
Cultural and Creative Industry regional strategy: Abdelkader BETARI, Director of
International Relations, Agence de l’Oriental
EUROMED Invest Webinars: Christin PFEIFFER, Secretary General, INSME
Pollutec Algeria: Michel BEYET, Director European Affairs, CCI Rhône-Alpes
DiasporaLab Maghreb: Christian APOTELOZ, President, ACIM
Other inspiring cooperation experiences involving BSOs:
Green MED Initiative: Diana KOBAYTER, Project Manager, ASCAME
TEX-MED Clusters: Francesco PELLIZZARI, Technical Assistance Manager,
Industrial Association of Prato
LACTIMED Project: Emmanuel NOUTARY, General Delegate, ANIMA
Investment Network, & Said GEDEON, Deputy General Manager, Chamber of
Commerce Industry & Agriculture Zahle & Bekaa
Closing remarks et continuation of speed networking
Working language: English with French and Arabic translation