Search for early predictive biomarkers of preeclampsia


Search for early predictive biomarkers of preeclampsia
Institute and Group: Biologie du Cancer et de l'Infection / BIG
Supervisor: Nadia Alfaidy
Email:[email protected]
Phone: 04 38 78 35 01
Research project title: Search for early predictive biomarkers of preeclampsia: Feasibility study
5 Keywords to describe the project: Preeclampsia, biomarker, prokineticin, pregnancy
Description of the project (aims, experimental techniques, recommended background):
Preeclampsia (PE) is the most threatening pathology of human pregnancy. It affects around 5–8% of
all pregnancies. In 2012, approximately € 2 billion was spent in France to treat preeclamptic women
and their neonates. No predictive marker is yet available.
The objective of the proposed project is to identify new blood biomarkers to detect women at risk of
developing PE, early on during their pregnancy. The starting point is the test of the predictive potential
of the new angiogenic factor EG-VEGF (Endocrine gland derived endothelial growth factor) alone or in
combination with other proteins. Also, a better characterisation of the involvement of this factor in
the development of PE will be addressed.
To meet these objectives, two complementary approaches will used:
1. Using blood samples collected upon the recent clinical study called EGEVE, we will search for
a correlation between EG-VEGF circulating levels and the occurrence of PE. EGEV study was
supervised by Dr Alfaidy ( BCI, iRTSV) and Pr Hoffmann (the head of the obstetric and
gynecology department, Grenoble hospital).
2. In collaboration with Dr Virginie Brun (BGE, iRTSV)A biomarker discovery study will be engaged
based on proteomics analysis. The plasma proteome collected at 14weeks of pregnancy from
PE women (n = 5) will be characterized using mass spectrometry analysis and will be compared
to that of non PE women (n = 5). The goal of this study is to identify differentially abundant
plasma proteins that could represent potential early biomarkers of PE.
Relevant publications of the team:
1: Alfaidy N, Hoffmann P, Gillois P, Gueniffey A, Lebayle C, Garçin H, Thomas-Cadi C, Bessonnat J,
Coutton C, Villaret L, Quenard N, Bergues U, Feige JJ, Hennebicq S, Brouillet S. PROK1 level in the
follicular microenvironment: a new non-invasive predictive biomarker of embryo implantation. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Sep 24
2: Murthi P, Brouillet S, Pratt A, Borg A, Kalionis B, Goffin F, Tsatsaris V, Munaut C, Feige J, Benharouga
M, Fournier T, Alfaidy N. An EG-VEGF-dependent decrease in homeobox gene NKX3.1 contributes to
cytotrophoblast dysfunction: a possible mechanism in human fetal growth restriction. Mol Med. 2015
Jul 21.
3: Brouillet S, Hoffmann P, Feige JJ, Alfaidy N. EG-VEGF: a key endocrine factor in placental
development. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Oct; 23(10):501-8.