Exhibition Virginie Barré Close Up May 27th – July


Exhibition Virginie Barré Close Up May 27th – July
c/ Enrique Granados, 49, SP-08008 Barcelona
T. (+34) 93 451 0064, [email protected]
Virginie Barré Close Up
May 27th – July 30th, 2011
Press release
Virginie Barré draws her inspiration from the cultural fields of cinema, literature and comics, among others. In this
exhibition, the artist presents new installations and a series of drawings recalling episodes or protagonists that
marked the history of the moving image, in traditional cinema as well as in cartoons. The title Close Up refers to a
off camera shooting
h ti that
th t gets
t close
t a character
t or an object
bj t andd restricts
t i t thus
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th field
fi ld off vision,
i i excluding
l di
contextual elements.
We could say that Barré adopts the same “close up” perspective in her work, as this exhibition confirms. The viewer
experiences indeed the unusual sensation to burst without authorization into a shooting or a show stage and finds
characters that look as if they were misplaced and full of doubts about their own condition and role. Her installations
with dummies of human figures, as well as her drawings that recall the aesthetics of the storyboards or the clear
line of some comics or cartoons,
cartoons present little fictions or rather “infra
narrations” which only unveil fragments of
The situations imagined by Barré operate as the indexes or the beginnings of an upcoming event: they introduce
incomplete elements of information – a character, an outfit, a behavior or a state of mind – that lead the spectator to
construct his own narrative. The protagonists of Barré’s world are dreamy adults or children, “normal” people
dressed up as heroes, and vice versa. These figures resist to identification; however, precisely because of this lack of
characterization they open a familiar dimension composed by ordinary individuals we daily bump into or we identify
ourselves with. In the exhibition, we find a female dummy dressed up as an astronaut, lying on the floor as if she
were lost in her dream or anesthetized, maybe to bear a large space trip. The character seems to come out from
some kind of vintage, timeless, science fiction movie. From an apparently insignificant scene such as a sleeping
woman, we draw up a multiplicity of hypotheses of narration, between the oniric, the unseemly and the disturbing.
Several pieces on show refer to the creative process. The puppet of a child, wearing an old Mickey Mouse costume,
is sitting in a pool of black ink that seems to indicate his origin, somewhere between the imagination of his artistic
“father” and the point of a drawing pen. Perhaps this child is re-creating his own tale and identifying himself with his
hero, in the same way each reader or spectator does? Barré maintains an ambiguity about the identities of the
characters; she invites us to speculate on the respective roles of the author and the character, and their eventual
A series of large drawings complements the exhibition. They are inspired by the cinematographic imaginary too and
make visible the pprocess of elaboration of the movie,, through
g a mix of sketches and written notes. The drawings
contribute to demystify the fiction and the way it is constructed. With a simple though accurate line, and colorfields,
Barré reinterprets in an aesthetic and sensitive way the artificial means that keep illusion and dream alive.
c/ Enrique Granados, 49, SP-08008 Barcelona
T. (+34) 93 451 0064, [email protected]
Virginie Barré, 2011
Virginie Barré, 2011
Virginie Barré Close Up
May 27th – July 30th, 2011
c/ Enrique Granados, 49, SP-08008 Barcelona
T. (+34) 93 451 0064, [email protected]
Virginie Barré, Le groupe du vendredi – Les enfants, 2010.
Virginie Barré Close Up
May 27th – July 30th, 2011
c/ Enrique Granados, 49, SP-08008 Barcelona
T. (+34) 93 451 0064, [email protected]
Virginie Barré Close Up
May 27th – July 30th, 2011
Selected biography
g p y
Virginie Barré - 1970, Lives and works in Douarnenez (France)
Solo shows (selection): 2011 Close Up, ADN Galeria, Barcelona, Spain. Virginie Barré, Université de Caen de BasseNormandie, Caen, France. Virginie Barré, CIAC, Pont-Aven, France. 2010 Le Groupe du Vendredi, Château de Taurines,
Centrès, France. 2009 Simone, Galerie Loevenbruck, Paris, France. Pieces, ADN Galeria, Barcelona, Spain. 2007 Blissfully,
ADN Galeria, Barcelona, Spain. Slumberland, Les Collections de Saint Cyprien, St. Cyprien, France. 2006 Bauhaus, Gallery
Parker´s Box, New York, USA. Bauhaus and indians, Ritter/Zamet Gallery, London, Great Britain.Virginie Barré, Abbaye de
Ronseray Angers,
Angers France.
France 2005 Simple Dames,
Dames Galerie Loevenbruck,
Loevenbruck Paris,
Paris France.
France El Corte Francés, ADN Galeria,
Galeria Barcelona,
Group shows (selection): 2011 Investigations of a Dog, Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, Sweden. Sans Titre: Virginie BARRÉ,
- Pierre MALPHETTES –Bruno PEINADO, Musée des Beaux-arts Denys-Puech, Rodez, France. Je me fais mon cinéma, Centre
d’Art Contemporain, Istres, France. 2010 WNTRSLN, Parker’s Box, New York, USA. The Digital Hand, National Taïwan Museum
of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taïwan. L’art selon Elles, Espace culturel Les Dominicaines, Pont-l’Evêque, France. Arts Le Havre,
Biennale d'Art Conteporain, Le Havre, France. 2009 Animamix Biennial-Visual Attract&Attack, MOCA, Taipei. Suspect Reason,
A l i New
N York,
Y k USA.
USA Investigations
i i off a Dog
D , Fondazione
F d i
S d
R Rebaudengo,
R b d
T i Italy.
I l Play
Pl Time
Ti , Parcours
S i
Germain, Paris, France. Vraoum!, La Maison Rouge, Paris, France. 2008 5 is only a number, ADN Galeria, Barcelona, Spain.
Esculturismo, Sala Alcalá 31, Madrid, Spain. When fears become form, CAN - Centre d'art de Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel,
Switzerland. Every Body Counts, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Oslo, Norway. 2007 Drawing and Dreaming, ADN Galeria
Barcelona, Spain. XS París, Fondation Ricard, Paris. France. Biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon 2007, Lyon, France. Nuevos
Horizontes - Artistas contemporáneos de Francia, MARCO, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Vigo, Vigo, Spain. News Horizons,
La Centrale Electrique – Centro Europeo de Arte Contemporáneo, Art, Bruselas, Belgium. 2006 Cosa Nostra, Glassbox, Paris,
France. Bang Bang! Musée d´art et d´industrie de St. Etienne, Saint Etienne, France. Notre Histoire, Palais de Tokyo, Paris,
France. 2005 WA, Jakarta, Indonesia. Parafraseando al diablo, Alzaibar, Montevideo, Uruguay. Expérience de la Durée.
Biennale d’art contemporain de Lyon, France. WA Surface d´autonomie temporaire, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France. Draw!
Galerie du jour Agnès B, Paris, France. I Still Believe in Miracles, Musée d´art moderne de la Ville de Paris/ARC, Couvent des
Cordeliers, Paris, France.