Dr. Franziska Heimburger


Dr. Franziska Heimburger
Franziska Heimburger
Friedrich-Jenner-Str. 17
British and German nationalities
37085 Göttingen
* 13.02.1983
+33 or +49 176-68230683
[email protected]
Language mediation during military conflicts; History of the Allied coalition during the First World
War; Translation History.
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales Paris, France
PhD in history
December 2007 – present
• “Une mésentente cordiale – language in the Allied coalition during the First World War”
• Supervisors: Christophe Prochasson (EHESS) and John Horne (Trinity College Dublin)
• Funding as allocataire-monitrice at EHESS from 2008–2011, then as ATER at EHESS in 2011–
2012 and 2012–2013
Master in Social Sciences – mention très bien
November 2005 – June 2007
• “Un trait d’union est nécessaire. . . – Les interprètes militaires français attachés aux troupes
britanniques pendant la Première Guerre mondiale”
• Tutor: Christophe Prochasson (EHESS)
• Mention très bien, 18/20
• Viva panel included C. Prochasson, S. Audoin-Rouzeau (EHESS) & L. Smith (Oberlin College)
École Normale Supérieure Paris, France
Sélection Internationale scholarship
October 2005 – June 2008
• Three years of full-time funding after admission to the Sélection Internationale
• Diplôme de l’école obtained in June 2008
Oxford University
B.A.(hons) in Modern History and Mod. Langs. (French)
October 2001 – June 2005
• 1st class honours and distinction in French
• Heath Harrisson Travelling Scholarship
• year abroad 2003–2004 at l’IEP Paris, Programme International
Ökumenisches Gymnasium zu Bremen Bremen, Germany
June 2001
• Leistungskurse : History, English, French, German
• final overall mark : 1.0
prizes and
Writing-up grant Bourse d’accomplissement de thèse du Fonds de Dotation de l’EHESS, Paris
Funding to finish write-up
October 2013
Research grant Maison Française, Oxford
Accomodation and funding for a month
Month-long invitation Remarque Institute, NYU, New York
Including housing and travel expenses
Bourse du Centre de Recherche Historial de la Grande Guerre, Péronne
Travel grant for archival research
April 2011
February 2011
March 2010
Prix Saint-Simon EHESS Paris
Significant prize for PhD work
April 2010
Allocation de recherche du ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche
Three years of funding for doctoral research
March 2008
“L’organisation du service de langues dans l’Armée française en Orient” in Szurek Emmanuel (ed.),
Turcs et Français. Une histoire culturelle 1860-1960,
forthcoming with Presses Universitaires de Rennes
“Imagining coalition warfare? French and British military language policy before 1914”, FRANCIA,
N 40, pp.397-408
with John Horne, Préface , Si vous mentez, vous serez fusillé !, réédition d’un vocabulaire militaire,
Paris, Éditions Vendémiaire
“Of Go-Betweens and Gatekeepers: Considering Disciplinary Biases in Interpreting History through
Exemplary Metaphors”, in Jensen Matilde & Fischer Beatrice (eds.), Translation and the Reconfiguration of power relations., Vienna, LIT
“Fighting Together: Language Issues in the Military Coordination of First World War Allied Coalition
Warfare.” in Footitt Hilary & Kelly Mike (eds.), Languages at War. Policies and Practices of
Language Contacts in Conflict, Palgrave Macmillan,
with Émilien Ruiz, “Faire de l’histoire à l’ère numérique : retours d’expériences”, Revue d’Histoire
Moderne et Contemporaine, no 4bis, 2012, pp.70-89
“Using dictionaries produced for interpreters to get at language usage in history” in Penttilä Esa
(éd.) MikaEL – Electronic Conference proceedings of the KäTu Symposium 2010, vol.4.
Publications – Book reviews
Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, no . 3 mai–juin 2013, review of: Mick Christoph, Kriegserfahrungen in einer multiethnischen Stadt. Lemberg 1914–1947 (Harassowitz, 2010).
Cahiers Jean Jaurès, no . 198 (4), 2010, review of: Becker Jean-Jacques & Krumeich Gerd, La
Grande Guerre. Une histoire franco-allemande (Tallandier, 2008).
Cahiers Jean Jaurès, no . 93–194, 2009, review of: Dagan Yael, La NRF entre guerre et paix (Tallandier, 2008).
Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, no . 5 septembre–octobre 2008, review of: Kaplan Alice, The
Interpreter (Free Press, 2005).
Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales , no . 6, novembre–décembre 2008, review of: Lindeperg Sylvie,
Nuit et Brouillard : Un film dans l’histoire (Odile Jacob, 2007).
Presented Papers
“Constructing an intercultural persona between literature and autobiography - André Maurois from
the trenches to the Académie Française” 7th Congress of the European Society for Translation
Studies, Germersheim, Germany
“Ce n’est pas toute la vérité, mais ce n’est que la vérité – Constructions internes et externes de la figure
du passant translinguistique et transculturel : le cas André Maurois” Seminar La traduction, un
objet d’histoire (XVIIIe –XXIe siècles), École Normale Supérieure, Paris
“Framing complex roles – French First World War military interpreters’ visual choices in explaining
their position” Workshop Framing the Interpreter, Innsbruck
“Die kollaborativ erstellte Bibliographie der International Society for First World War Studies”
Workshop Die geschichtswissenschaftliche Fachbibliographie der Zukunft – moderne Informationsdienstleistungen für Historiker, Munich
“The right man in the right place? Interpreter provision for the Allied coalition during the First World
War (Western Front)” Workshop In Search of Military Translation Cultures: Methodological and Conceptual Challenges, University of Easter Finland – Joensuu
“Imagining the Allied Coalition – Investigating Language Policy Planning between the British and
French 1905-1914” Future Wars, Imagined Wars: Towards a Cultural History of the pre1914 Period, international conference, l’Historial de Péronne & German Historical Institute, Péronne
& Paris
“Mapping Language Space in the Allied Coalition on the Western Front” Other Fronts, Other
Wars? International Society for First World War Studies 6th Biennial Conference,
Innsbruck, Austria
“Constructing identity across language and cultural borders in time of conflict – Military Interpreters
in the Allied coalition during the First World War” Flying University of Transnational Humanities Summer School, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea.
“Fighting Together – Language Issues in Military Coordination of World War One Allied Coalition
Warfare” Languages at War: policies and practices of language contacts in conflict, international conference at the Imperial War Museum, London.
“ ‘Intercrossings intrinsic to the object’ – Military Language Policy and Usage as a way of approaching
the Allied coalition during the First World War” Centre for War Studies Series : Methodology
in the Study of War in the Twentieth Century, Trinity College, Dublin.
“ ‘Un objet à croisement intrinsèque’ – conjuguer le travail historien et les apports de la traductologie
autour des interprètes militaires pendant la Première Guerre mondiale”
Traduire, le tournant épistémologique, international conference organised by the Université
Paris Ouest – Nanterre – La Défense.
“Donner corps aux cultures de guerre – métaphores sportives dans la guerre alliée 1914-1918”
Le sport et la guerre XIXe –XXe siècles, 14e Carrefour d’histoire du sport, Rennes/Saint-Cyr
“Of Gatekeepers and Go-Betweens – Testing Hypotheses on Interpreters in History”
CETRA Doctoral Summer School in Translation Studies, Leuven, Belgium.
“Using dictionaries produced for interpreters to get at language usage in history.”
KäTu Symposium in Translation Studies, Helsinki, Finland.
“Mobiliser des compétences linguistiques et culturelles – l’organisation du service de langues dans
l’Armée française en Orient pendant la Première Guerre mondiale”
Les relations culturelles et scientifiques entre Turquie et France au 20e siècle,
international conference organised at the École Normale Supérieure, Paris.
“Bringing together approaches from history and translation studies around military interpreters during
the First World War.” Moving In – Moving On. Translation Studies Conference, international conference in translation studies, Joensuu, Finland.
“Un trait d’union est nécessaire – Allied military cooperation on the Western Front”
Society for the Study of French History Annual Conference, Trinity College Dublin 06/2009
“Une guerre pas comme les autres – André Maurois and the First World War”
International Conference on War and Memory, Lisbon, Portugal.
Other activities
La Première Guerre mondiale, guerre du XIXe , guerre du XXe , co-organiser of the monthly research
seminar on the First World War, EHESS Paris.
november 2009 – present
Webmaster for the International Society for First World War Studies and in charge of the set-up and
maintenance of the collaborative bibliography
September 2011 – present
Co-writer (with Émilien Ruiz) for La Boite à Outils des Historiens. www.boiteaoutils.info
Scientific information blog on IT tools for historians
November 2009 – present
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales Paris, France
Atelier historiographie et langues étrangères: anglais
2012 – 2013
48 hours of seminar-style teaching for first-year masters students, introducing French students to
significant texts and figures in English-language historiography
Méthodologie de la recherche en histoire
2012 – 2013
48 hours of seminar-style teaching for first-year masters students, general methods training for historians, historiographical overview
Atelier historiographie et langues étrangères: allemand
2008 – 2012
48 hours of seminar-style teaching per year for first-year masters students, introducing French students
to significant texts and figures in German-language historiography, coordinating the Franco-German
masters program in History Heidelberg – EHESS Paris
Outils informatiques pour l’historien
2009 – 2013
Conception and running with Émilien Ruiz of various training courses for IT tools use by historians
at masters level (30h per year)
One-off training sessions (30h in all)
since June 2009
Conception and running (with Lucas Morlot, EHESS-SIGA) of training sessions for Moodle
“Moodle for teaching staff ” and “Setting up my teaching modules on Moodle”
École Normale Supérieure Paris, France
Séminaire d’élèves
October 2008 – June 2011
Research seminar on 20th-century fictional war films, monthly sessions (credited with 6 ECTS per
year for students) organised and run with David Dominé-Cohn
Administrative 2009–2013 : representative of junior teaching staff in the pedagogical council of the history masters
responsibilities programme, EHESS Paris
2010–2013 : representative of PhD students on the laboratory council of the Centre de Recherches
Historiques, EHESS Paris
Other Skills
Bilingual English–German, having grown up in an English-speaking family in Germany, obtained
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English
French written, read and spoken at quasi-native level, considerable experience of translation into
English and German
Teaching experience in French, English, and German for homogenous or mixed-level groups
Basic knowledge of Spanish, obtained Diploma Básico de Lengua Española
IT skills
General interest in the field of Digital Humanities, participation in THAT Camp Paris 2010 and 2012,
as well as several smaller conferences and workshops
Scientific blogging using wordpress, among others on the www.hypotheses.org platform
Online teaching platforms, mainly Moodle
LaTeX for all common academic document types
Citation Style Language (CSL) used by various bibliography tools such as Zotero
Databases (using Access) and stats (using SAS ), essentially on historical data