une anglais 617 a? 2,80 AN:vocable


une anglais 617 a? 2,80 AN:vocable
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16-17-617 AN:ENJEUX
And now, the views
EMPEREUR MEDIATIQUE. Nous continuons notre série sur les grandes entreprises et personnalités du monde des affaires
entamée dans le numéro précédent, avec cette fois un portrait de Michael Bloomberg. Ce milliardaire est à la fois maire de
New York et à la tête d’une multinationale spécialisée dans les médias. Aujourd’hui, il cherche à faire entendre ses positions politiques dans le monde entier mais se défend, pour le moment, de viser la Maison-Blanche en 2012...
(réf. à Bloomberg View page éditoriale,
reprise dans de nombreuses publications, qui
aura pour but de diffuser les opinions de
Michael Bloomberg)
to reach out to tendre la main à, tenter de
joindre, ici établir un contact avec / venture
entreprise / to divine anticiper, prédire, prophétiser / brand marque (de fabrique), ici
style, type / to crush écraser.
2. urging exhortation, pression, insistance /
splashy sensationnel, tape-à-l’oeil / foray
incursion / to churn out produire (en série,
à la chaîne) / column article, chronique /
issue sujet / deficit spending déficit budgétaire / to channel canaliser, ici diffuser.
3. keen enthousiaste, assidu, zélé / to covet
convoiter / to come, came, come to grips
with être confronté à, faire face à / sky-isthe-limit (où) tout est possible, ici illimité /
scale échelle, ampleur, proportions / potent
4. suit costume, ici rôle / to shape façonner,
ici influer sur / publisher éditeur / op-ed
(page) face éditoriale (article d’opinion situé
sur la page faisant face à l’éditorial) / to deepen approfondir, ici renforcer / spotlight
(lumière, feu des) projecteurs, attention des
médias / to recede s’éloigner, s’estomper.
5. realm royaume, domaine, sphère / concern
inquiétude / to overlap se chevaucher / to
avoid éviter / to advance faire progresser,
promouvoir / agenda programme.
6. league catégorie / mogul magnat / to
command imposer, ici atteindre.
16 • VOCABLE Du 28 avril au 11 mai 2011
EW YORK – Over the past year, representatives of Mayor Michael
Bloomberg quietly reached out to the
country’s top journalists with an intriguing
job offer: Run a venture that would divine, distill and disseminate his specific brand of political philosophy for close to $500,000 a year.
After conquering Wall Street in the 1970s,
crushing competitors in the information-technology industry in the ‘80s and reigning over
New York City politics for the past decade, the
ever-ambitious Bloomberg now wants to dominate a new universe – the world of opinion.
2. At the mayor’s urging, his giant media
company will soon make a splashy foray into
opinion, churning out columns and essays
on issues as varied as gun control and deficit
spending. At the center of the venture: up to
two editorials a day that channel the views
of Bloomberg himself.
lapping roles, and the concentration of so
much power in the hands of a single man. It
may require the kind of frequent interactions with his company that are discouraged
by an agreement he has with the city to avoid
conflicts of interest, and allow him to use his
editorials to advance his financial and political agendas.
6. Bloomberg places himself in the same
league as Henry R. Luce, B.C. Forbes and Ted
Turner. But none of those media moguls ever
commanded his level of influence in government, politics, philanthropy, business
and the media.
More Bloomberg
3. The mayor, a keen student of power,
is privately conceding to friends that he will
not be a candidate for president, a position
he covets, and he is coming to grips with the
reality that philanthropy, even on the sky-isthe-limit scale that he is planning, will not
be enough to make him a potent force in national and international affairs.
4. So Bloomberg, 67, is trying on yet another
new suit, that of policy-shaping publisher.
He has told associates that his new op-ed project, called Bloomberg View, will allow him
to maintain, and perhaps even deepen, his
influence, long after the 24-hour spotlight
of public office recedes.
5. The mayor’s entry into the realm of opinion could intensify concerns about his over-
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (REUTERS/CHRIS HONDROS/POOL)
And now, the views
Et maintenant, Bloomberg tente
d’imposer ses opinions
Whatever it costs
7. As with all of his undertakings, Bloomberg is sparing no expense. Offering outsized
salaries, Bloomberg View has poached editors from a variety of national publications,
like The New York Times, The Atlantic and
The Week. And it has begun recruiting a stable of well-known contributors, like Peter
Orszag, President Barack Obama’s former
budget director, who briefly wrote a column
for The Times last year.
8. Not everyone inside Bloomberg LP is enthusiastic. Its news arm is famous for bleaching stories of extraneous adjectives, conjunctions and descriptions, adopting a
just-the-facts ethos that has earned it a reputation for fairness. Some fear that reputation could be undermined if the same news
organization begins publishing unsigned editorials that may be viewed as the opinion of
the entire Bloomberg brand.
Speak up
9. The company seems to be taking precautions to avoid that. Bloomberg has called
a handful of prominent journalists and editors, seeking advice on how to create a credible editorial organization that still authentically conveys his thinking. Much of
their advice boiled down to this: Give your
editors space and independence.
10. Bloomberg’s longtime friend and fellow publisher, Mortimer Zuckerman, the
owner of The New York Daily News and U.S.
News & World Report, said he could identify with the mayor’s desire to put his
stamp on the issues of the day. “It is something I have always enjoyed,” said Zuckerman, who researches and writes many
opinion pieces himself.
11. But he cautioned that the work, for all its
ego-boosting prestige, has its limitations.
“You know your voice is out there,” he said,
“but it’s hard to measure the impact.” ●
Dans notre prochain numéro,
retrouvez la suite de notre
série sur les grandes
entreprises :
la guerre des sodas.
How to become a
This Boston-born son of accountant got
an engineering degree from Johns Hopkins, and an M.B.A. from Harvard. He
became a trader at Salomon Brothers
in the 1970s, quit with $10 million in
stock and created a financial information services firm called Innovative Market Systems in 1982 to sell financial data
and analytic tools to Wall Street. It was
renamed Bloomberg LP in 1987; to which
he added a news service, magazines,
a cable network and a radio station. He
is the 10th richest person in the United
States, having net worth of US$18 billion in 2010.
ESL,, le spécialiste
des séjours linguistiques
aux USA et au Cana
depuis plus de 15 ans!
Plus de 50 écoles partenaires
e tout le continent
à travers
accountant comptable / degree diplôme /
stock actions / tool outil / net worth valeur
7. undertaking entreprise / to spare no
expense ne pas regarder à la dépense / outsized énorme / to poach braconner, ici débaucher / editor rédacteur en chef / stable écurie,
ici aréopage / former ancien / column
rubrique, chronique.
8. Bloomberg LP agence de presse de Michael
Bloomberg spécialisée dans la finance / arm
division, branche, département / to bleach
décolorer, ici dépouiller, purger / extraneous
superflu / ethos éthique / to earn gagner, ici
valoir à / fairness équité, honnêteté, impartialité / to fear craindre, redouter / to undermine miner, saper, ébranler / unsigned
9. a handful of quelques / to seek, sought,
sought rechercher, solliciter / advice (inv.)
conseil(s) / to convey véhiculer, transmettre,
communiquer, exprimer / to boil down to se
résumer à.
10. fellow collègue, confrère / stamp marque,
empreinte / piece ici article.
11. to caution avertir, mettre en garde / for ici
en dépit de / to boost stimuler, renforcer,
Page 17
16-17-617 AN:ENJEUX
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