Transparent glass and ceramic glass in a large wavelength bandwidth
Transparent glass and ceramic glass in a large wavelength bandwidth
Transparent glass and ceramic glass in a large wavelength bandwidth (from visible to infrared 6µm) CONTEXT Notre référence : 05728-01 Status des brevets French patent application FR1351795 filed on February 28th, 2013 entitled "Verres et vitrocéramiques nanostructurés transparents dans le visible et l’infrarouge" Materials which are transparent in Infrared wavelength at 6µm are important for optical applications. In particular, glass and ceramic glass are interesting compared to crystals as they could be manufactured in large size. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The invention is related to a new family of glass and ceramic glass, their manufacturing process and their application in optical applications. Inventeurs Mathieu ALLIX Guy MATZEN Sébastien CHENU Emmanuel VERON Thierry CARDINAL BENEFITS Materials are transparent from visible to far infrared (until 6µm) and could be easily manufactured in large size. In addition, doping with rare earth elements is feasible allowing laser applications. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS The main application of this invention are: Status Commercial Exclusive or nonexclusive licenses, Collaborative agreement Laboratoires Laboratoire Conditions Optics Medical imaging Lighting Display DEVELOPMENT STAGE Synthesis and characterization are made at a laboratory scale. Glass and ceramic glass samples were made in a range between 1 to 20 g. Temperature synthesis are in the range of typical glass process (less than 1300°C). For further information, please contact us (Ref 05728-01) Extrêmes et Matériaux Haute Température et Irradiation (CEMHTI), a CNRS laboratory (UPR 3079) in Orléans, France. Mots clés : Nanostructured glass Ceramic glass Powered by TCPDF (
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Transparent glass and ceramic glass in a large wavelength
The invention is related to a new family of glass and ceramic glass, their manufacturing
process and their application in optical applications.