Bulletin September 15, 2013


Bulletin September 15, 2013
Mass — INTENTIONS — Messes
lundi/Monday, Sept. 16, 2013
No mass! - Pas de messe!
mardi/Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2013
8:30 am (E)
Felix Deschênes
Louis Gouin
Souls in purgatory
par la famille
par Agnes et famille
par Jean et Lise Brûlé
9:30 am (F) Liturgie de la Parole à l’école St. Ambroise
jeudi/Thursday, Sept. 19, 2013
8:30 am (E)
Alphonse Bonneau (1st ann)
by his wife Agnes and family
Louis VanDenDriessche (5th ann)
by Mike & Bern Mullins
Rick Campbell
by Harry & Pierrette Derikx
vendredi/Friday, Sept. 20, 2013
8:30 am (F)
Jean Gagnon (4e ann)
Bernadette Marentette
Cécile F. Baillargeon
Paroisse de la Visitation Parish
The sick...Les malades
by Marcel Comartin
by Robert & Jeannine Belanger
by a parishioner
mercredi/Wednesday, Sept.18, 2013
8:30 am (F)
Germaine Robert (2e ann)
Bob Quick (3e ann)
Paul Bornais
Please pray for…
Prions pour…
Bill Bulley, Yvette Bulley,
Joseph Baillargeon,
Norm Comartin, Pauline Dupuis,
Rita Knapp, Alphonse Labonté,
Helen Labonté, Estelle Lebert,
Gerard Mineau, Ron Sturba,
Thérèse Sylvestre,
Wendy Teremchuk-Hazard,
Timothy Trepanier
School Liturgies:
Please note the Liturgies
taking place in our elementary schools this week.
All are welcome!
Parish Office / Bureau Paroissial
5407 Comber Sideroad, P.O. Box 220
Comber, Ontario
N0P 1J0
(519) 687-3118
(519) 687-2076
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.visitation.dol.ca
Office Hours:
9am to 12 noon…...1 pm to 4pm
Pastoral Team
Rev. Robert Champagne, Pastor/curé
Larry Lamphier, Permanent Deacon/Diacre permanent
Lynn Hillier, Pastoral Minister/Agente de pastorale
Angela Soullière, Pastoral Worker/Travailleuse pastorale
Parish Staff
Marie Tremblay, Financial Secretary
Rachelle Moison, Secretary/Receptionist
Debbie Rubin, Caretaker
Randy Barrette, Maintenance
Mariette Comartin, Housekeeper
Kelly Authier, Choir Director
Weekend Masses
par son épouse et ses enfants
par Ray et Marcella Bellemore
par la famille
Liturgies d’école: Notez les liturgies qui
auront lieu dans nos écoles élémentaires cette
semaine. Tous sont les bienvenus!
9:30 am (E) Liturgy of the Word at OLOA School
10:30 am (F) Liturgie de la Parole à l’école St. Paul
samedi/Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013
5:00 pm (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
11:30 am Confessions
dimanche/Sunday, Sept. 22, 2013
9:00 am (F)
Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu
11:00 am (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
Note of Thanks:
The family of the late Cécile F. Baillargeon
would like to express a heartfelt thank you to family and friends for
their support during this most difficult time.
A special thanks to Father Bob and Father John
who concelebrated the beautiful funeral mass.
Thank you to Agnes Quick for leading the
prayers at the funeral home.
Chère maman, on va vous manquer beaucoup.
La famille
Our Collections
September 8, 2013
+ loose
Saturday 5pm (E)
dimanche 9h (F)
Sunday 11 am (E)
Celebrated once a month
during weekend masses.
Registration in the parish is required.
Preparation is mandatory.
Diocesan Assessment…..…........$135.00
Building Fund
Saturday 11:30 to 12 noon
or by appointment.
Memorial Donation………....…..$50.00
Visitors’ Envelopes……..….…....$51.25
Today’s readings speak of God’s immeasurable
mercy. Forgiveness and compassion are a part of
God’s character and He wants them to be a part of
yours as well. Mercy is forgiveness and compassion
in action. To possess this virtue in your life you
must first be able to accept mercy, and to forgive
yourself when you fall. The way of the disciple and
steward is not easy. Knowing that God’s mercy
never ends allows you to walk the way of
discipleship with confidence and patience.
The Archdiocese of Winnipeg
At least one party must be a registered
member of the parish.
Minimum 6 months notification.
Mandatory marriage preparation course.
Ministry to the Sick
Communion to shut-ins every first Friday.
Hospital visits upon request.
Sacrament of the Sick upon request.
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
24e dimanche du temps ordinaire
September 15, 2013
24th Sunday in
Whenever we gather in
prayer as a Christian
community we are called to
celebrate and rejoice, just as
the merciful father ordered
in today’s Gospel. As we
celebrate and rejoice in the Lord Jesus, may we listen to
God’s word, grow in holiness as He strengthens us and seek
the forgiveness that only our heavenly Father can offer us.
24e dimanche du temps ordinaire:
Septembre est un mois d’achèvement, d’accomplissement et
de prise de responsabilités. Les lectures de la liturgie nous
suggèrent un contexte de joie, d’allégresse, comme si après
nous être un peu égarés, distanciés les uns les autres, nous
retrouvions la joie du retour de tous à la communauté. Celui
qui est perdu, égaré, éloigné est tout à coup revenu et
retrouvé. Et le ciel s’en réjouit.
Next Sunday’s
readings are:
Amos 8:4-7
1 Timothy 2:1-8
Luke 16:1-13
Les lectures pour
dimanche prochain:
Amos 8, 4-7
1 Timothée 2, 1-8
Luc 16, 1-13
Annonciation Cemetery Sunday
All are welcome to join us in prayerful remembrance of the
deceased. Those who were laid to rest in our cemetery since
October 2011 will be remembered in a special way on
Sunday, September 22, 2013
11 am Mass at Visitation Parish
Breakfast is available after mass
in the parish hall ($5 per person)
1 pm Bilingual Prayer Service
at the cemetery in Stoney Point
Please bring a lawn chair for the prayers at the cemetery.
Le Comité du Cimetière de l’Annonciation
vous invites de vous rassembler avec nous en prière en
honneur de ceux et celles qui nous ont quittés.
Le dimanche 22 septembre 2013
Messe à 11h à l’église de la Visitation
Déjeuner suivant la messe (5$/personne)
dans la salle paroissiale
Service de prières au cimetière
à Pointe-aux-Roches à 13h.
Nous porterons souvenir à toutes les personnes décédées
depuis le mois d’octobre 2011. Bienvenue à tous!
Please note:
The parish office will be closed
Wednesday, September 19th for the secretaries’ retreat.
Veuillez noter:
Le bureau paroissial sera fermé le
mercredi 19 septembre pour la retraite des secrétaires.
Attention all volunteers!
Because you are so special to us, we would be
honoured to have you attend the volunteer appreciation
reception taking place on September 21st after the 5pm
mass. No matter how big or small your role has been,
we truly appreciate your efforts and support. Without
your time and energy it would not be possible to
accomplish the goals of our parish. If you have helped
in any way and misplaced the RSVP, simply call the
office as soon as possible at 519-687-3118. We look
forward to acknowledging our volunteers!
Volontaires de la paroisse!
Ce n’est pas trop tard pour nous joindre pour une
réception en votre honneur. Peu importe la grandeur
de votre contribution nous voulons vous honorer le 21
septembre après la messe de 17h.
Sans votre
dévouement et énergie, il ne serait pas possible
d'atteindre nos objectifs. Si vous avez fait aucun
bénévolat et vous avez perdu le RSVP, appelez le
bureau dès que possible au 519-687-3118. Nous avons
hâte de reconnaître nos volontaires!
Seeking Bilingual Pastoral Minister/
Youth Minister: Visitation Parish is in search of a
full time Pastoral/Youth Minister. General responsibilities
include involvement with existing liturgical life of the
community, education and catechesis of adults and youth.
Includes working with elementary school students and
assistance with sacramental preparation at both school and
parish levels. Involvement with current parish activities and
youth organizations.
Please send resume and references by September 20, 2013
to: Visitation Parish, Attn: Search
Committee, 5407
Comber SdRd, Box 220, Comber, ON N0P 1J0.
À la recherche: La paroisse de la Visitation est à la
recherche d’un(e) agent(e) de pastoral/pastoral-jeunesse
bilingue à temps plein. Les responsabilités, conformément
aux directives diocésaine, comprennent l’engagement auprès
des adultes, des jeunes et des élèves des écoles élémentaires;
éducation et catéchèse, les activités paroissiales, les
organisations jeunesse, et de la vie liturgique actuelle de la
Envoyez vos lettres de références et curriculum vitae avant
le 20 septembre à: Paroisse de la Visitation, c.p. 220,
Comber ON, N0P 1J0 a/s ‘Search Committee’.
Parish Breakfast....next Sunday,
September 22nd, after both masses.
Come and renew friendships and enjoy a
great breakfast. Cost is $5. Sponsored
by the Fundraising Committee. This
year’s Breakfasts will take place on
September 22nd, October 20th,
November 10th and December 8th, 2013.
Mon. Sep. 16
@ 7:00 pm CWL General Mtg-Hall A
Tue. Sep. 17
@ 7:15 pm Mission Club Mtg-Library
@ 7:30 pm KofC General Mtg-Hall A
Wed. Sep. 18
@ 7:30 pm Choir practice
Thu. Sep. 19
@ 7:30 pm PPC Meeting - Library
C.W.L. Ladies:
The first Fall General membership
meeting will be held on Monday, September 16th at 7:00
pm. We will mostly be discussing our upcoming Autumnfest
Bazaar. Attendees will also have a chance to win a special
draw item. Don’t forget to bring along sold bazaar raffle
ticket stubs/money, a donation of a Toonie for the Grocery
raffle as well as a Penny Sale item (of $10 value). Last year
there was an awesome amount of help given! Let’s try to
duplicate that effort. Ladies wishing to pay
the 2014 dues ($25) may do so at the
Refreshments will be served.
Hope to see you there!
Bazaar news:
The Autumn Fest Bazaar is 2 weeks
away! Kindly give some thought as to how you can support
our annual fundraiser. The Bazaar committee asks that you
return all tickets ASAP by way of the Sunday collection
basket. Clearly mark your envelope: CWL BAZAAR
RAFFLE TICKETS. If returning by mail, please send ticket
stubs and checks only to: Visitation CWL, P.O. Box 324,
Comber, On. N0P 1J0. You may bring tickets to tomorrow
evening’s general membership meeting or drop them off at
the Parish office. The committee is also counting on CWL
members to donate a new item ($10.00 value) for the Penny
Sale table. Remember we have a children’s section as well.
A toonie is being collected from each member, in order to
purchase 3 grocery gift cards, for a raffle. This may be
inserted in the envelope used for sold raffle tickets.
Homemade Baked goods may be brought in Friday,
September 27th all day from 9 am-7 pm, or Saturday
morning. Please label your baked goods indicating whether
or not they contain nuts/peanut butter.
Should you be
unable to bake, consider donating canned pie filling (This
may be left on the church kitchen counter anytime before the
bazaar) or simply make a monetary donation. Think about
when you could participate in this event during the prep days
as well as the day of the bazaar. Even a couple of hours
would help out greatly. We would love to see you. Check
out the forms on the foyer desk to see in what capacity you
could assist us. Just sign in what time would suit you. For
information call Yvette (519-798-5951) or Barb (519-682-2280).
September 29th during the 11am mass,
for children aged 4 to 7 years old.
Registrations are still being accepted.
Teachers and helpers (aged 11 and up) are always needed. See
Denise in the Sunday School Room for more information.
Cercle missionnaire Ste-Thérèse-deLisieux Mission Club meeting on Tuesday September 17th
at 7:15 pm in the parish library.
Réunion le 17 septembre à 19h15 dans la bibliothèque.
Club de l’Âge d’Or Le Foyer:
Nous acceptons maintenant les cotisations
pour 2014 (8$). Veuillez les payer au club le
mercredi entre 13h et 16h.
Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à tous les gens
d’expression française de nous rejoindre.
Lally Ford presents
Drive One
4 UR School
at École St. Paul in Stoney Point
on Thursday, September 19th from 3:30 to 9:00 pm
Valid driver’s license required. 18 yrs and older.
Chance to win an IPad with a test drive.
Hot Dog BBQ and Photo Wall
Purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win a
TV, Bike, Teeth Whitening Package, Tim Horton’s
Coffee Maker and Lakeshore Entertainment Basket.
Help support the students of École St. Paul
Forty Days for Life will begin on September 25th
and end on November 1st. It takes place from 7 am-8 pm
Monday to Friday, in front of Metropolitan Hospital. Please
come and pray for a change of heart for all those involved in
the killing of the unborn. Call 519-734-8031 to register the
time you choose if possible; or come whenever you can.
40 Days for Life Leamington invites you to
its official kickoff at the Portuguese Club in Leamington
Sunday, September 22nd from 2:00-4:00 pm. There is no
charge. Hope to see you there!
Shrines of Italy Tour:
Merchant Tours presents ‘Shrines of
Italy’ personally escorted by Father
Gary Goyeau and Father Robert
Champagne. The tour will take place
from May 23rd to June 1st, 2014. For
details and a brochure, please contact
the parish office at 519-687-3118.