Licentiate Dissertations in Missiology


Licentiate Dissertations in Missiology
a) Licentiate Dissertations in Missiology
1. ATUEGBU Amobi Simeon – (Nigeria): Interreligious Dialogue: A
Study of Christian-Muslim Dialogue in Nigeria, Pontificia
Università Urbaniana, Rome 2002.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
2. OKOLI Miriam Loreto Ifeoma – (Nigeria): Reconciliation in Igbo
Society: A Missiological Approach in the Light of the Recent
Documents of the Church on Reconciliation, Pontificia Università
Urbaniana, Rome 2002.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
3. NDUNDYA Mainga Justus – (Kenya): The Model of Christ in the
African Theology of Charles Nyamiti, Pontificia Università
Urbaniana, Rome 2002.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
4. ODUHO Alfred – (Sudan): Christian-Muslim Relationship in the
Sudan: Experiences and Prospects in the Light of the Teachings
of the Sudan Catholic Bishops, Pontificia Università Urbaniana,
Rome 2003.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
This list includes only those students I directed their dissertations as their moderator. I
have not included the names and theses of those other students I served as co-relator for
their dissertations (and there are many of them). I reserve that honor and recognition to
their first moderators. I hope these students will pardon me for omitting their names
here. I cherished every aspect of the contribution we might have made for their academic
growth when they were doing their research with me and the other professors. Both the
published and unpublished versions of students’ dissertations published here may be
obtainable from the Library of the Pontifical Urban University, Rome.
5. SSETTUUMA Benedict Binta Akiiki – (Uganda): Human
Promotion in Africa: A Study of John Mary Waliggo’s Theological
Perspective, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2003.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
6. MABONGA Robert Stephen – (Zimbabwe): Mission and Social
Development in Africa: A Missiological Study of the Theology of
Engelbert Mveng, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2003.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
7. GEORGEKUTTY Zaviour – (India): The Church-Growth Mission
Paradigm: A Study of the Mission Theology of Donald Anderson
McGavran, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2004.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
8. TOVAR SANCHEZ Ricardo – (Colombia): La Promocion Humana
en Colombia en Tiempo de Conflicto: En el Magisterio de los
Obispos Colombianos, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
9. TENDEU Vincent Olioruko – (Tanzania): The Missionary
Dimensions of the Diocesan Priests in the Teachings of the
African Bishops: With Particular Reference to the Arusha
Archdiocese of Tanzania, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
10. EBODE EBODE Ambroise Alain – (Camerun) : La Promotion du
clergé Indigéne et la Mission de l’Eglise locale du Cameroun
1890-1990 : Approches Missiologiques, Pontificia Università
Urbaniana, Rome 2005.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
11. KAMBIRE Yéri Denise Rachel – (Burkina Faso) : L’initiation
Traditionnelle Africaine comme Introduction a L’education
Religieuse Chretienne des Jeunes Selon la Vision de Anselme
Titianma Sanon, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2005.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
12. KENUYFOON Gloria Wirba – (Camerun): Understanding the
African Concept of Salvation in Relation to Christianity: A Study
in the Light of the Thought of John S. Mbiti, Pontificia Università
Urbaniana, Rome 2006.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
13. KWANYA Charles Odira – (Kenya): Ultimate Reality in the
Worldview of Luo People of East Africa: A Missiological
Approach, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2006.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
14. DANBOYI Matthew – (Nigeria): The Relationship Between
Evangelization and Catechesis in the Thought of Johannes
Hofinger: Its Relevance in the Archdiocese of Jos, Nigeria,
Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2007.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
15. MASINDE Steven – (Uganda): Sacrifice in the Traditional
Religion of the Bagisu People of Uganda: A Missiological
Approach, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2007.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
16. MADINDA Raphael – (Tanzania): The Role of the Catechists in
the Parish Apostolate: Historical, Pastoral & Catechetical
Perspectives of the Church in Tanzania, Pontificia Università
Urbaniana, Rome 2008.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
17. KAFANDO M. Gilbert – (Burkina Faso): Evangeliser en
Profondeur la Culture Moaaga en Contexte de Maladie: Defi a la
Mission de l’Eglise du Burkina Faso: Approche missiologique,
Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2008.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
18. CHELIMO Richard Kimosop – (Kenya): Reconciliation in the
Context of Marakwet People of Kenya: A Missiological
Approach, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2008.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
19. MUTISYA Bernadette Wanza – (Kenya): The Healing Churches:
A Challenge to the Mission of the Catholic Church in Kenya,
Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2008.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
20. MUHINDO Vincent – (Uganda): Reviving Small Christian
Communities in the Diocese of Kasese, Uganda: A Missiological
Study, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2008.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
21. OLADOKUN Matthew Akinjide – (Nigeria): Pastoral Methods for
Adult Catechesis in the Diocese of Ondo, Nigeria, Pontificia
Università Urbaniana, Rome 2009.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
22. SEYOUM Fransua Noel – (Ethiopia): Formation of Priests as
Pastoral Workers in the Ethiopian Context Today: A Study in the
light of “Pastores dabo vobis”, Pontificia Università Urbaniana,
Rome 2009.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
23. CHIONDJIOFE’ D. Charles – (Ivory Coast) : La Conception de Dieu
chez le Senoufo de Cote D’Ivoire : Une Etude sur l’effort
d’inculturation de l’Eglise locale, Pontificia Università
Urbaniana, Rome 2009.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
24. MAYALA Nicodemus Simon – (Tanzania) : The Missionary
Significance of African Socialism of Julius K. Nyerere : A
Missiological Study in the Context of Tanzania, Pontificia
Università Urbaniana, Rome 2010.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
25. EZE Matthew Otuosorochukwu – (Nigeria): The Role of Catholic
Schools in Youth Evangelization: A Study in the Context of Orlu
Diocese, Nigeria, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2010.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
26. GABA SANTO Samuel Mande – (Sudan): Religious Conflicts and
Reconciliation in the Sudan: A Study in the Light of the Teachings
of the Sudanese Bishops (1983 to Present), Pontificia Università
Urbaniana, Rome 2010.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
27. PEDURU Jeevaraj – (Sri Lanka): Religions and Peace-building in
Conflict Situations: A Missiological Study in the Context of Sri
Lanka, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2011.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
28. IHESIABA Paschal K. – (Nigeria): Catholic Youths as Agents of
Evangelization: A Study in the light of the Teachings of Catholic
Bishops of Nigeria, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2011.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
29. ANAWIA Bédilana Jonas – (Togo) : Defis Missionnaires des
Eglises de Guerison : Une étude dans le contexte du Togo,
Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2012.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
30. MBIERE Fredrick Chima – (Nigeria): Catechesis and Healing
Ministry: A Study of the Phenomenology of Healing Ministries in
Nigeria Today, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2012.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
31. OKOLI Ferdinand Ndubuisi – (Nigeria) : Evangelization and
Mission as Transcultural : A Study of the Thoughts of Lamin
Sanneh on Cultural Transition and Mission, Pontificia Università
Urbaniana, Rome 2012.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
32. DJON LIMAY André Marie – (Camerun) : Mission et Salut
Integral : Une réflexion à la luminére de la « Gaudium et spes »
dans le contexte camerounais, Pontificia Università Urbaniana,
Rome 2012.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
33. GUWEDDEKO Patrick – (Uganda): Sacrifice in Buganda
Traditional Religion: A Missiological Study, Pontificia Università
Urbaniana, Rome 2013.
- Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
34. MINGA Adolf Bernard – (Tanzania): The Participation of
WAWATA Catholic Women Organization in the Missionary
Activity of the Church: A Study in the Context of Tanzania,
Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2013.
- Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
35. SERNA JURADO José Martin – (Colombia): Aportes de la Palabra
africana al proceso de Reconciliacion en Costa de Marfil,
Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2013.
- Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
36. NYIRENDA Alcuin Maurus – (Tanzania): The Missionary Role of
Ethiopian Coptic Monasticism in Modern Ethiopia, Pontificia Università
Urbaniana, Rome
- Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
37. ELIA Flaminia – (Italy): Il concetto della realtà ultima africana: un
confront tra Placide Tempels e Vincent Mulago. Uno studio
missiologico, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2014.
- Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
38. SSEBUGGWAAWO Denis – (Uganda): Evangelization through
Inculturation: A Study of the Two Synods of Bishops for Africa (1994
& 2009), Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2015.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
39. FENG BO (Giuseppe) – (China): Il concetto di Mediazione nel
Confucianesimo. Un confronto con Cristianesimo in vista
dell’inculturazione del Vangelo, Pontificia Università Urbaniana,
Rome 2015.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
40. CHELANGAT Anyesi – (Kenya): The Pastoral Care of the Sick as a
Challenge to Small Christian Communities in the Diocese of Ng’ong,
Kenya, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome 2015.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
41. ASHEBO Tamrat Tumdado – (Ethiopia): The Challenges of Youth
Pastoral in the Archdiocese of Addis Ababa, Pontificia Università
Urbaniana, Rome 2016.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji.
42. EZIMADU Christopher Chukwemeke – (Nigeria): The Principles of
Church-Growth in the Thoughts of Donald A. McGavran, Pontificia
Università Urbaniana, Rome 2016.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji
43. LUTUMBA Ramos – (Angola): A Protecção Ambiental e a Terra na
Cultura Bakongo de Angola: Um Desafio Missionario, Pontificia
Università Urbaniana, Rome 2016.
Moderator: Prof. Francis Anekwe Oborji
44. ZEGBEHI Gnadou Alphonse – (Cote d’Ivoire): La Reconciliation dans
la culture Krou de Cote d’Ivoire: Implications Missionnaires, Pontificia
Università Urbaniana, Rome 2016.