Speech from the Throne - The Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty


Speech from the Throne - The Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty
NOVEMBER 25, 2016
Madame Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly:
It is with great pleasure that I welcome all of you as members of the 2016 Model
Youth Parliament.
Cher(ères) participants(es), au Model des juenes parlementaires 2016, c’est
avec grand plaisire que je vous souhaite la plus cordiale des bienvenues.
Au fil des ans, plusieurs rassemblements comme celiu-ci ont eu lieu dans
différent coins de notre pays. Je me réjouis du fait que les 6 clubs de Rotary de l’Île-duPrince-Édouard, avec le Club Rotary d’Hillsborough en tête, ont pris l’initiative d’assurer
la continuité de ce project à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard depuis 1988. Cette co-opération
entre les different clubs est valuable et j’ose espéer que l’organisation du Model des
juenes parlementaires ici à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard va se continuer pour de nombreuses
Through the years, gatherings such as this have been held on many occasions in
various parts of the Country. I am delighted that all six Rotary Clubs on Prince Edward
Island, led by the Rotary Club of Hillsborough, have taken the initiative in continuing this
project in Prince Edward Island since 1988.
This co-operative effort is a most
commendable one, and I hope that the practice of conducting Youth Parliament in
Prince Edward Island will continue for many years to come.
The Premier of this Parliament and his Government are greatly concerned about
the health, education, social well-being and economic development of this province and
its’ residents.
It is the Government’s position that in order to ensure a bright and
successful future for the Province as a whole there have to be greater initiatives on the
part of the Government today. To this end, the Government of Prince Edward Island is
making several recommendations concerning the heath, education, social well-being
and economic development of Islanders, among which are:
The Bridge and Ferry Toll Rebate Act will provide a rebate to Island
residents for a portion of bridge and ferry tolls.
The Snow Clearing and Removal Act will require private contractors to be
engaged in snow clearing on all public highways, except Charlottetown, Summerside
and PEI Routes 1, 1A and 2.
The Ambulance Service Assistance Act will provide free ambulance
service for emergency situations.
The Cap and Trade System Act will provide for a cap and trade carbon
reduction plan for PEI.
The Early Immersion Distribution Act will provide for early French
Immersion, K-6, to be delivered in schools under the French Language School Board.
Amendments to the Finance PEI Act shall provide for a livestock
transportation subsidy to producers.
The Hospital and Health Care Improvement Act will create one large
provincial hospital to serve the West Prince area.
The Lobster Sustainability Act will set a maximum number of pounds and
a fixed price for lobster sales in PEI.
The Price you See and Pay Act will require one price, inclusive of taxes, to
be shown on any price tag, sticker or advertisement.
The Student Safety Act will require all physical education teachers to be
qualified in C.P.R. and First Aid.
The Internet Monopoly Act will require any internet provider with a
monopoly to provide equal high quality telephone and internet service throughout PEI.
The Youth Elections Act will lower the voting age in PEI to age 16.
The Government has been advised that Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition will
present resolutions to this House dealing with such issues as:
Establishing an Island wide bicycle rental and trail system.
Requiring the use of the GESDI system in assessing Gross Domestic
Product (G.D.P.) for PEI.
Requiring the Government of PEI to divest any investment in fossil fuel
related industries and instead to invest in green energy technologies.
Requiring measures to reduce or eliminate the number of fish kills in PEI.
Requiring increased resources to be committed to foster care families.
Requiring the establishment of a cap and trade emissions system in PEI.
Eliminate reference to gender on PEI birth certificates.
Require gender neutral bathrooms be available on each floor of all Island
Banning cosmetic pesticides everywhere in PEI.
Improving healthy food choices in schools.
Keeping small schools open whenever possible.
Creating smaller class sizes in schools and recruiting more specialized
teachers to assist special needs students.
Creating sex education courses which emphasize healthy sexual
relationships, as opposed to abstinence.
Je suis convaincu que, Durant cette session, les jeunes de cette province
sauront soulever plusieurs autres sujets intèressants.
Je suis persuade que vous
porterez une attention particulière à chacun des sujets qui vous seront presents et que
vos ferez en sorte que tous les insulaires bénéficient de cette session des jeunes
parlementaires de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard.
It is anticipated that several other matters of vital importance to the youth of this
Province will be raised during this session. I am confident that you will give careful and
considered attention to all matters which will be brought before you and that you will
ensure that all Islanders benefit from this session of the Prince Edward Island Youth
May Divine Providence assist and guide you in the responsible duties you have