beyond paris gare du nord travelling europe
beyond paris gare du nord travelling europe
N CT I NG CO v E R OP R U ia E A TRAVELLING BEYOND PARIS GARE DU NORD NE E U R O ST Just to let you know, your Eurostar ticket does not include travel on the Métro and RER. To avoid queuing when you arrive in Paris, you can buy tickets in the Eurostar departure lounge at St Pancras International and on board from the bar buffet. Otherwise, you can buy them at the machines or ticket desks at Paris Gare du Nord Métro station. Travelators and lifts to Eurostar platforms YOUR JOURNEY FROM THE UK To continue your journey on the Métro or RER, walk to the end of the Eurostar platform and turn left towards the main station area. Then, simply follow the signs marked M and RER which will lead you downstairs. Escalator/stairs to Eurostar departures To take a taxi, turn right at the end of the platform and follow the signs to the taxi rank just outside the station exit. You’ll find bus stops at the front and back of the station. YOUR JOURNEY TO THE UK If you’re arriving at Paris Gare du Nord by Métro or RER, follow the signs for Accès aux trains Grandes Lignes (Eurostar). Follow them up to the main station concourse, then take the lift or escalator up to Hall Londres for the Eurostar departure lounge. Don’t forget, you’ll need to allow at least 30 minutes for Eurostar check-in, or 10 minutes if you’re travelling in Business Premier. [6366/16] Bon voyage! E R A G G A R E D SA ’A U IN S TL TE A R Z LI A R TZ E w al k A It’ R s E an a lo M d ng O ta tra w N ke in a TP a s, s lk b A ta o e R xi yo tw N if u ee AS tra m n S ve igh Mé E lli t tr ng w o w ish ith to lu gg ag G e A R E D E B ER C Y G in ut e m G On AR fo E D ot E , it L ’s ’E a br ST isk 10 G A R E D E LY O N CONNECTING TO OTHER STATIONS IN PARIS BY MÉTRO AND RER OR TAXI FROM GARE DU NORD TO GARE DE LYON FROM GARE DU NORD TO GARE DE L’EST FROM GARE DU NORD TO GARE MONTPARNASSE FROM GARE DU NORD TO GARE DE BERCY FROM GARE DU NORD TO GARE SAINT-LAZARE FROM GARE DU NORD TO GARE D’AUSTERLITZ RER Line D Towards Melun or Malesherbes Métro Line 4 Towards Mairie de Montrouge Métro Line 4 Towards Mairie de Montrouge to Montparnasse Bienvenüe. Allow 45 minutes RER Line D Towards Melun or Malesherbes. Change at Gare de Lyon and take Métro Line 14, towards Olympiades RER Line E Towards Haussmann St-Lazare Métro Line 5 Towards Place d’Italie FROM GARE DE LYON TO GARE DU NORD FROM GARE DE L’EST TO GARE DU NORD FROM GARE DE BERCY TO GARE DU NORD Métro Line 4 Towards Saint-Lazare. Change at Gare de Lyon and take RER Line D, towards Orry la Ville Coye FROM GARE SAINT-LAZARE TO GARE DU NORD FROM GARE D’AUSTERLITZ TO GARE DU NORD RER Line D Towards Orry-laVille – Coye Métro Line 4 Towards Porte de Clignancourt FROM GARE MONTPARNASSE TO GARE DU NORD RER Line E Towards Chelles Gournay or Tournan Métro Line 5 Towards BobignyPablo Picasso RER journey time 30 minutes Métro journey time 15 minutes Métro journey time 40 minutes Métro/RER journey time 30 minutes RER journey time 30 minutes Métro journey time 40 minutes Taxi journey time 20 minutes approx. Taxi journey time 5 minutes approx. Taxi journey time 35 minutes Taxi journey time 25 minutes approx. Taxi journey time 20 minutes approx. Taxi journey time 25 minutes approx. Métro Line 4 Towards Porte de Clignancourt SKIP THE TAXI QUEUE [5185/14] Now you can avoid the wait and book one online through our new partner, Cabforce. Your journey is pre-paid and your driver will meet you at your destination station when you arrive. They’ll know where you want to go and all the usual extras like luggage and waiting time are included.
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