Registration Application Form for Allied Health Professionals
Registration Application Form for Allied Health Professionals
RWANDA ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL (RAHPC) Application No: No de demande Registration Application Form for Allied Health Professionals Formulaire de Demande d’Enregistrement des Professionnels de santé alliés à la médecine 1: Identification *First Name / Prénom : ………………………………………………….….…….. Middle Name / Deuxième Prénom :………………………….………………..… *Last Name / Nom : ………………………………………………………….….… Maiden Name/Nom de jeune fille : …………………………………………….… Father's Name / Noms du Père :……………………………………………………………………… Mother's Name / Noms de la Mère :……………………………………………………………………. I.D. Card / Carte d’identité *Type of ID/ Pièce d'identité : Passport / Passeport *ID number/ N° de la Pièce d'identité :………………………………………………………………… *Place of issue / Lieu de délivrance (District / Sector):………….….….. / ………….……….…… *Date of birth/Date de naissance (dd-mm-yyyy): *2Photos *Nationality / Nationalité :………………………………………………………………………………... *Gender / Sexe : F M 2: Contact information/ Information de contact *Country / Pays: ……………………..………………….……State / Etat: ………………………….. *Region/Province/City: ………..………………….…………………….……………………………… *District/ Commune /Town /Ville: …..……..….…..…….… *Sector/Secteur: ………….…..……… *Cell/Cellule/Localité :…………………………………….….*Village/ Village:……………………… *Street/Avenue/Rue :………………………………..………. House Nº / Maison Nº : ……………… *Po box / B.P……………………. Town /Ville: ………………………..…………...….. Mobile Phone/Tél Mobile:(Code) + Home Phone / Tél à Domicile : + Fax : + E-mail Address/ Adresse Electronique: ......................................................................................... Page 1 of 5 3: Education background / Etudes faites Name of Secondary / Tertiary training institution Nom de l’Etablissement secondaire et supérieur /Universitaire Country/ Pays Course/ Section Qualification Niveau (A2, A1,A0,Maste rs, PhD) Date (dd-mm-yyyy) From/ De To/ A .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. 4: Additional training (from 3 months and above) / Formations complémentaires (3 mois et plus) Name of Training Institution Nom de l’Etablissement Country/ Pays Course Qualification Niveau Date (dd-mm-yyyy) From/ De .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. Page 2 of 5 To/ A .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. .../…./…. 5- Working experience / experience professionnelle 5.1: Current situation/ situation actuelle Institution and address/ Institution et adresse Job Title/ Poste CEO/ D.G/ Head of Hospital/ Clinic Date (dd-mm-yyyy) From/ De To/ A …/…/… …/…/… .../…./… .../…./…. .../…./… .../…./…. 5.2: Previous experience / Experience anterieure Institution and address/ Institution et adresse Job Title/ Poste CEO/ D.G/ Head of Hospital/ Clinic Date (dd-mm-yyyy) From/ De To/ A .../…./… .../…./…. .../…./… .../…./…. .../…./… .../…./…. .../…./… .../…./…. .../…./… .../…./…. .../…./… .../…./…. .../…./… .../…./…. 6: Previous Registration/ Enregistrement anterieur Council/ Conseil Page 3 of 5 Country/ Pays Professional Title/ Title Professionnel Reg. Number Reg. Date (dd-mm-yyyy) Date (dd-mm-yyyy) From/ De To/ A .../…/… …/…/… .../.../… .../…./…. .../.../… .../…./…. 7: Professional Titles / Titres professionnels Anesthesia practitioners Nutrition practitioners Biomedical laboratory practitioners Ophthalmic practitioners Clinical psychologists Optometry clinical officers Dental therapy practitioners Orthotherapists Environmental health practitioners Physical therapy practitioners Medical imaging practitioners Prosthetists and Orthotists Social Worker Public Health Officers Orthopedic Clinical Officers Speech & Language Therapists Occupational Therapists Emergency Care Practitioners Chiropractic Practitioners Biomedical Equipment Engineers Clinical Officers Osteopathic Practitioners Audiologists Hearing instrument Dispenser Other (Please Specify) ………………………………………………………………… Page 4 of 5 8: Signature I authorize the Registrar to investigate and obtain from me, any person or any organization such information as may be required in relation to this application. I certify that the statements made by me in this application are true and complete. I am aware that misrepresentation or falsification may result in rejection of my application or withdrawal of registration. J'autorise le Registraire d'enquêter et d'obtenir de moi, toute personne ou toute organisation telle que l'information peut être requise en ce qui concerne cette demande. Je certifie que les déclarations faites par moi dans cette demande sont exacts et complets. Je suis conscient que toute fausse déclaration ou falsification peut entraîner le rejet ou retrait de ma candidature. Applicant Names …………………………………….. Signature Date ……………… 9: For Office Use Only/ reservé au bureau: Checklist Application form Copies of qualifications notified Proof of payment Copy of identity card or Valid Passport 2 Passport photos (3 x 3 cm) Application Letter Police clearance (Extrait du casier Judiciaire) Employer’s Certificate for those who currently working / Attestation de service Equivalence delivered by HEC for those who studied outside Rwanda Decision Application accepted/ acceptée Application Rejected/rejetée Reasons / Raison(s) avancée(s): ………………………………………..........................................................................….. Type of registration/ Type d'enregistrement: Full/Complet Partial/Partiel M.C number/ O.M numéro: Signature and Stamp of the chairman/ Signature et cachet du president de NCB Page 5 of 5