Faculty of Geosciences and Environment (FGSE)
Faculty of Geosciences and Environment (FGSE)
Study Programme - 2016/2017 Faculty of Geosciences and Environment (FGSE) * your selection > Master of Science (MSc) in Biogeosciences TABLE OF CONTENTS Master of Science (MSc) in Biogeosciences......................................................................................................................2 Modules de tronc commun................................................................................................................................................ 2 M1 - Acquisitions des bases.........................................................................................................................................2 M2 - Méthodes analytiques et techniques................................................................................................................... 2 M3 à M5 - Formation principale en biogéosciences..................................................................................................... 2 M3 - Cycles biogéochimiques............................................................................................................................. 3 M4 - La vie et le sol...........................................................................................................................................3 M5 - Campus virtuel, enseignements à choix..................................................................................................... 3 Modules de spécialisation................................................................................................................................................... 4 M6.1 - Spécialisation 1 : Interactions Sol - Végétation................................................................................................. 4 M6.2 - Spécialisation 2 : Interactions dans la Géobiosphère.........................................................................................4 Travail de maîtrise (mémoire)..............................................................................................................................................4 M7 - Projet de recherche............................................................................................................................................. 5 M8 - Mémoire de recherche........................................................................................................................................ 5 > Master of Science (MSc) in Biogeosciences ii / Faculty of Geosciences and Environment (FGSE) NOTICE This course catalogue was produced using data from the SylviaAcad information system of the University of Lausanne. Its database contains all information about courses proposed by the different faculties and their times. This data can also be consulted online at the address : https://applicationspub.unil.ch/interpub/noauth/php/Ud/index.php. Generated on : 30.09.2016 > Master of Science (MSc) in Biogeosciences iii / Faculty of Geosciences and Environment (FGSE) MASTER OF SCIENCE (MSC) IN BIOGEOSCIENCES (2015 ->) Degree : Master of Science (MSc) in Biogeosciences Programme requirements : Program of studies of 120 ECTS credits in 3 parts split into modules for teaching Duration : 4 semesters = 120 ECTS credits 1 ECTS credit = 25-30 hours of workload > Master of Science (MSc) in Biogeosciences 1 / Faculty of Geosciences and Environment (FGSE) MASTER OF SCIENCE (MSC) IN BIOGEOSCIENCES Master / Mandatory / Credits: 120.00 MODULES DE TRONC COMMUN Master / Mandatory / Credits: 48.00 M1 - ACQUISITIONS DES BASES Master / Mandatory / Credits: 6.00 / Evaluation mode: Evaluation à moyenne Courses Responsible person Weekly hours Type Comp. / opt. Semester ECTS Cr. Ecologie et écosystèmes - Biologie 1 Edward Mitchell, Sergio Rasmann en tout 10djb Course Optional Autumn 3 microbiology Saskia Bindschedler, Pilar Junier en tout 10djb Course Optional Autumn 3 Training Stéphanie Grand, Eric Verrecchia en tout 10djb Course Optional Autumn 3 Introduction to biogeochemistry Jorge Spangenberg, Torsten Vennemann en tout 10djb Course Optional Autumn 3 M2 - MÉTHODES ANALYTIQUES ET TECHNIQUES Master / Mandatory / Credits: 12.00 / Evaluation mode: Evaluation à moyenne Courses Responsible person Weekly hours Type Comp. / opt. Semester ECTS Cr. Applied soil science Sergio Rasmann, Eric Verrecchia 18 dj Practical work Compulsory Autumn 6 Practice : Molecular ecology methods (UNINE) Pilar Junier 6jb Practical work Optional Autumn 2 Geochemical techniques Jasquelin Pena, Torsten Vennemann 6jb Practical work Optional Autumn 2 Spatial modelisation of natural data Multivariate analyses Antoine Guisan 9 djb Practical work Compulsory Autumn 2 TP Analyses quantitatives des données Eric Verrecchia 6 djb Practical work Compulsory Spring 2 M3 À M5 - FORMATION PRINCIPALE EN BIOGÉOSCIENCES Master / Mandatory / Credits: 30.00 > Master of Science (MSc) in Biogeosciences 2 / Faculty of Geosciences and Environment (FGSE) M3 - CYCLES BIOGÉOCHIMIQUES Master / Mandatory / Credits: 12.00 / Evaluation mode: Evaluation à moyenne Courses Responsible person Weekly hours Christian Arnsperger, Karl Organic geochemistry and global elemental Föllmi, Stéphanie cycles Grand, Jorge Spangenberg, Eric Verrecchia Stable Isotopes as Environmental Tracers Torsten Vennemann Environmental biogeochemistry Jasquelin Pena 5 jb Type Comp. / opt. Semester ECTS Cr. Course +Exercices Compulsory Autumn 6 Course Compulsory Spring 3 Course +Exercices Compulsory Spring 3 M4 - LA VIE ET LE SOL Master / Mandatory / Credits: 12.00 / Evaluation mode: Evaluation à moyenne Courses Responsible person Weekly hours Type Comp. / opt. Semester ECTS Cr. Microbiology of natural environments Saskia Bindschedler, Pilar Junier 9 djb Course +Seminar Compulsory Autumn 3 the diversity of world soils Stéphanie Grand, Claire Le Bayon, Eric Verrecchia 9 djb Course Compulsory Autumn 3 Soil biology Edward Mitchell Course +Seminar Compulsory Spring 2 Humus forms and ecosystem engineers Claire Le Bayon Course +Seminar Compulsory Spring 2 Biology of the soil - mycology and faun Claire Le Bayon, Edward Mitchell Practical work Optional Spring 2 TP Humus forms Claire Le Bayon Practical work Optional Spring 2 M5 - CAMPUS VIRTUEL, ENSEIGNEMENTS À CHOIX Master / Mandatory / Credits: 6.00 / Evaluation mode: Evaluation à crédits Courses Responsible person Virtual Campus Do It Your Soil - Base module Type Comp. / opt. Semester ECTS Cr. Claire Le Bayon Exercises Optional Autumn 2 Virtual Campus Do It Your Soil - Option module Claire Le Bayon Exercises Optional Autumn 1 EXE Virtual campus "Life history" Karl Föllmi Exercises Optional Autumn 2 Stage Franco-Suisse Edward Mitchell 4 jb Course +Practical work Optional Autumn 2 EXC Soil and vegetation of the Alps Pascal Vittoz 4 jb Fieldwork Optional Spring 2 > Master of Science (MSc) in Biogeosciences Weekly hours 3 / Faculty of Geosciences and Environment (FGSE) MODULES DE SPÉCIALISATION Master / Mandatory / Credits: 12.00 M6.1 - SPÉCIALISATION 1 : INTERACTIONS SOL - VÉGÉTATION Master / Facultative / Credits: 12.00 / Evaluation mode: Evaluation à moyenne Courses Responsible person Methods for vegetation study (UNINE) Weekly hours Type Comp. / opt. Semester ECTS Cr. Sergio Rasmann Course Compulsory Spring 1.5 Phytosociology and synsystematics (UNINE) Pascal Vittoz Course Compulsory Spring 2 EXC Soil - vegetation relationships: excursions to observe simultaneously the soils and of the vegetation Claire Le Bayon, Pascal Vittoz 6 jb Fieldwork Compulsory Spring 2.5 TP Méthodes d'étude de la végétation (UNINE) Daniel Béguin 5 jb Practical work Compulsory Spring 2 Functional Anatomy of Vascular Plants Pierre Vollenweider 18 C, 5 dj TP, 1 jb Course +Practical work Optional Spring 2 EXC Landscape mapping Eric Verrecchia, Pascal Vittoz 5 jb Fieldwork Compulsory Spring 2 M6.2 - SPÉCIALISATION 2 : INTERACTIONS DANS LA GÉOBIOSPHÈRE Master / Facultative / Credits: 12.00 / Evaluation mode: Evaluation à moyenne Courses Responsible person Weekly hours Type Comp. / opt. Semester ECTS Cr. Bio-alteration and biomineralisation Saskia Bindschedler, Stéphanie Grand, Pilar Junier, Eric Verrecchia 6 djb Course Compulsory Spring 2 Geomicrobiology Saskia Bindschedler, Pilar Junier 18 Course +Seminar Compulsory Spring 2 EXC superficial formations and geomorphology Stéphanie Grand, Eric Verrecchia 6 djb Course +Practical work Compulsory Spring 2 Paleo-ecology and evolution Edward Mitchell 6 djb Course +Practical work Compulsory Spring 2 Scanning electron microscopy Pierre Vonlanthen 6C, 8TP Course +Practical work Compulsory Autumn 2 Séminaire interdisciplinaire Pilar Junier, Eric Verrecchia 10S Seminar Compulsory Spring 1 EXC Landscape mapping Eric Verrecchia, Pascal Vittoz 5 jb Fieldwork Compulsory Spring 2 TRAVAIL DE MAÎTRISE (MÉMOIRE) Master / Mandatory / Credits: 60.00 > Master of Science (MSc) in Biogeosciences 4 / Faculty of Geosciences and Environment (FGSE) M7 - PROJET DE RECHERCHE Master / Mandatory / Credits: 6.00 / Evaluation mode: Evaluation à moyenne Courses Responsible person Weekly hours Type Comp. / opt. Semester ECTS Cr. Masters project (thesis) Christian Arnsperger, Nathalie Chèvre, Stéphanie Grand, Pilar Junier, Claire Le Bayon, Edward Mitchell, Jasquelin Pena, Sergio Rasmann, Jorge Spangenberg, Torsten Vennemann, Eric Verrecchia, Pascal Vittoz, Pierre Vollenweider Exercises Optional Spring 6 Masters project (thesis) Christian Arnsperger, Nathalie Chèvre, Stéphanie Grand, Pilar Junier, Claire Le Bayon, Edward Mitchell, Jasquelin Pena, Sergio Rasmann, Jorge Spangenberg, Torsten Vennemann, Eric Verrecchia, Pascal Vittoz, Pierre Vollenweider Exercises Optional Spring 6 M8 - MÉMOIRE DE RECHERCHE Master / Mandatory / Credits: 54.00 / Evaluation mode: Evaluation à moyenne > Master of Science (MSc) in Biogeosciences 5 / Faculty of Geosciences and Environment (FGSE)
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