Artist Resume - Galerie Blanche
Artist Resume - Galerie Blanche
218, rue Saint-Paul Ouest, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2Y 1Z9 • T: 514.656.3272 • [email protected] MARGARITA LYPIRIDOU Margarita Lypiridou is a multidisciplinary artist born in Greece. She works primarily in painting, printing and artist books. In her native country, she studied drawing, painting, applied arts and multimedia. Soon after, she moved onto study graphic design and photography in London, England. In 2002, Lypiridou settled in Canada where she completed both her Bachelor and Masters visual arts degree at Concordia University in Montréal. Margarita Lypiridou’s art works are inspired by the need to create a narrative space that will allow for the exploration of silence, solitude and fluidity of life in a world that contains as much beauty as it contains ugliness. It is the result of a desire to record time, to encapsulate a plethora of experiences and moments and to denote the transient nature of beings and things. Suspended between the figurative and the abstract, her images attempt to accentuate the ephemerality and volatility of being. Entities and places become excuses for capturing a moment of stillness in the continuous flow of existence, where the present is revealed as a multi-layered structure of memory as well as intention and imagination. SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 2011 Drift || Dérive, Galerie Blanche, Montreal. L’Âge de Raison, Galerie d’Art r3 – Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois- 2011 2009 Accrochage, Kouros Gallery, New York, USA. The Layering of Time in the Unfolding of Memory, MFA Thesis Exhibition, MFA 2007 2004 2003 2003 2002 2002 2001 1997 Rivières. Gallery, Concordia University, Montréal, Taxidevontas, ATRION Art Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. Memory Traces, ATRION Art Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. Entropy II, ATRION Art Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. Entropy, Gallery GORA, Montreal. Entropy II, ATRION Art Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. Windows – Recalling Times and Places, Municipal Museum of Kavala, Kavala, Greece. Letters Never Sent, Apogeio Art Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. Pulsa Denura, Irene Marli Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. 218, rue Saint-Paul Ouest, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2Y 1Z9 • T: 514.656.3272 • [email protected] 1996 1995 Aerografies II, Sanders Meubelstat Gallery, Amsterdam, Holland. Aerografies, Kanavos Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 Sculpture From All Angles, Galerie Blanche, Montréal Mosaïque – Les petits formats, Galerie Blanche, Montréal Side By Side - Les Petits Formats, Galerie Blanche, Montréal. Saint-Laurent Artists’ Association, Centre des Loisirs, Saint-Laurent. 1st Panhellenic bookbinding Exhibition, Archaelogical Museum of Messenia, Kalamata, Greece. The (UN) framed Photograph,The Center for Book Arts, New York, USA. Dires Érotiques Centre des Métiers du Cuir de Montréal, Les Amis de la reliure d’Art, Montréal. Artists Among Us, McGill Campus Community, Centennial Centre, McDonald Campus, Montréal. Dires érotiques, Charles-H. Blais Library, Les Amis de la Reliure d’Art, Québec. Artists Among Us, McGill Campus Community, Tanna Schulich Lobby, New Music Building, Montréal. St-Laurent Artists’ Association, Centre des Loisirs, Saint-Laurent. Visual Arts Exhibition, Dollard-Des-Ormeaux Civic Centre, Dollard-Des-Ormeaux. ART ATHINA, Greek Artists’ Books: Contemporary Artworks and Editions, Athens, Greece. Book: Artwork - Le Livre: Oeuvre d’Art, Warren G, Flowers Gallery, Dawson College, Montréal. SIGGRAPH 2008 - The 35th International Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Los Angeles, USA. Strata, Espace ARTEFACTO, Concordia University MFA Studio Arts, Montréal. Le Silence Dans La Forêt, A collaborative print portfolio, Atelier CIRCULAIRE, Montréal. Compression, Gallery Art Mûr, Concordia University MFA Studio Arts, Montréal. La Classe de Madame Garfin, Print Media exhibition, Atelier CIRCULAIRE, Montréal. First Prints, Print Media exhibition, Atelier CIRCULAIRE, Montréal. Print Media exhibition: Album, V.A.V. Gallery, Concordia University, Montréal. 218, rue Saint-Paul Ouest, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2Y 1Z9 • T: 514.656.3272 • [email protected] 2006 2005 111+1 Artists, Art Center–Cultural Organization Municipality of Athens, Visual Artists Associationof Northern Greece (V.A.A.N.G.), Thessaloniki, Greece. Artists’ Books, Qbox Gallery, Athens, Greece. (curated by Katerina Manolessou) 2005 40th Demetria-Annual Municipal Art Festival, Anatolia College exhibition, Villa Bianca 2005 2005 Annual Print Media Show: Clean Hands, V.A.V. Gallery, Concordia University, Montréal. 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001 1999 1997 Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. Art Gallery of the Society for Macedonian Studies. Visual Artists Association of Northern Greece (V.A.A.N.G.), Thessaloniki, Greece. 39th Demetria-Annual Municipal Art Festival. Special art exhibition of Thessalonikian artists for the Association Helping the Autistic Children of Northern Greece, Center BEAM, Thessaloniki, Greece. La Nuit d’Autumne – Harvest Moon, Espace X, Arts N.D.G., Montréal. V.A.V. Gallery, Concordia University, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. Annual Print Media Show: Juried by Ed Pien. Art Gallery of the Society for Macedonian Studies. Visual Artists Association of Northern Greece (V.A.A.N.G.), Thessaloniki, Greece. Twenty Years of Artistic Creation. 38th Demetria-Annual Municipal Art Festival. Woman, Mylos Art House Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. Inner Visions: Gabor Kolman, Wesley Rickert & Margarita Lypiridou, Agora Gallery, New York, USA . ATRION Art Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece. 1st Interbalcan Forum of Contemporary Minature Art. International Exhibition Center, Thessaloniki, Greece. Exhibition organized by Animal Rights Advocacy Group ‘Argos’. EPSILON Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. Female Presence. ATRION Art Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. Vafopouleion Cultural Center, Thessaloniki, Greece. 1st Panhellenic Exhibition of Miniatures. 36th Demetria-Annual Municipal Art Festival. ATRION Art Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. Galerie Idees Images Monnaies, Quebec. Mylos Art House Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. Irene Marli Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. 218, rue Saint-Paul Ouest, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2Y 1Z9 • T: 514.656.3272 • [email protected] EDUCATION 2007 – 2009 2007 2003 – 2007 1998 – 2000 1990 1989 – 1990 1986 – 1989 1985 – 1987 Master’s Degree in Fine Arts, Studio Arts Department of Concordia University, Montréal. Apprenticeship in the Art of Fine Bookbinding at Atelier “La Tranchefille”, Montréal. Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts, Visual Arts (Print Media), Studio Arts Department of Concordia University, Montréal. Diploma in Design and Multimedia, Institute of Professional Development of Evosmos. Thessaloniki, Greece. Certificate in Photography. School of Communication, University of Westminster. London, England. Professional Apprenticeship Program. Graphic Design and Advertising. The School of Communication Arts. London, England. Member of team of art directors, copywriters and graphic designers. Diploma in Design: Interior, Graphic and Fashion, Dimitreli Institute of Professional Preparation-Applied Arts and Design. Thessaloniki, Greece. Arts Institute: Apprenticeship in Drawing – Painting: Xenis Sachinis, Studio Apprenticeship: Olga Anastasiadou. Thessaloniki, Greece. GRANTS / FELLOWSHIPS / AWARDS 2011 2010 2008 2007 2007 2006 First Prize: The St-Laurent Artists’ Association [jury members: Andrée Desrochers, Bernard Marsy, Pierre Wilson] – Prize offered by the Caisse Populaire Desjardins de St-Laurent, Montréal. First Prize: The St-Laurent Artists’ Association [jury members: Claude Noël, Bernard Marsy, René Desmarais] – Prize offered by the Caisse Populaire Desjardins de StLaurent, Montréal. Bursary: The Generative Design Project, Concordia University, Montréal. Project funded by SSHRC, FQRSC, Hexagram (The Institute for Research/ Creation in Media Arts and Technology, Concordia University) and the departments of Engineering, Computer Science and Fine Arts, Concordia University (ENCSFA), Montréal. Concordia University International Tuition Fee Remission Award, Montréal. The Betty Goodwin Prize in Studio Arts, Montréal. Award: Professional documentation of artwork by photographer Daniel Roussel. Award given by ARPRIM-Regroupement pour la Promotion de l’Art Imprimé, Mtl. 218, rue Saint-Paul Ouest, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2Y 1Z9 • T: 514.656.3272 • [email protected] 2005 2004 2004 1999 1989 1988 Prix Albert-Dumouchel, ARPRIM-Regroupement pour la Promotion de l’Art Imprimé. University student in print annual award, Montréal. Concordia University: Award and Scholarship: Friends of Concordia, Montréal, Awarded membership to Golden Key International Society. Institute of Professional Development: Evosmos: Scholarship: Full tuition for high GPA (1999-2000), Thessaloniki, Greece. Dimitreli Institute of Professional Preparation-Applied Arts and Design: Award for designing and decorating the interior of the building of the shipping company Cosmatos, Thessaloniki Greece. Dimitreli Institute of Professional Preparation-Applied Arts and Design: Scholarship: Full tuition for distinction (1988-1989), Thessaloniki, Greece. COLLECTIONS 2011 2009 2005 2004 2005 2002 2002 2001 Artist’s Book: Subway, edition of 6, The Center For Book Arts, New York City, USA : self-published (copy 6/6). Vast-Forward 1646 Art Video Archive, Den Haag, Holland. Video Works: In Between 05:50;14 [2009] Motion <Forward> 03:13;19 [2008] Passing 03:02;18 [2008] Untitled[Shadows] 03:50;16 [2008]Scribing Dance 07:28;09[2008] In Transit I 03:39;00 [2007] In Transit II < In circles> 05:48;00 [2007]Remnants 03:08;29 [2007] Home Within I 4:22;28 [2006]Home Within II 04:07;17 [2006] Home Within III 04:11;27 [2006] Artist’s Book: Escapenot, Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec, Montréal, edition of 5, self-published. Artist’s Book: Memory Traces,Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec, Montréal. selfpublished. Concordia University Print Media Collection, Montréal. Art Gallery for the Society of Macedonian Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece. Municipal Museum of Kavala, Kavala, Greece. Vafopouleion Cultural Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece. Corporate Collections: Nendos S.A., Hellenic Catering inc. Private Collections in Greece, Canada, Netherlands, Germany and USA 218, rue Saint-Paul Ouest, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2Y 1Z9 • T: 514.656.3272 • [email protected] PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2011 2010 2009 2008 2008 2007 2006 – 2007 2005 2001 – 2002 1990 – 2001 1999 – 2000 1991 – 1992 1987 – 1989 Teaching Instructor: Introduction to Collagraphy, Atelier de Gravure Claude-Langlois, Le Gesù, Montréal, Qc. Teaching Assistant of Professor Bonnie Baxter: PRIN371D Contemporary Relief & Woodcut, Fall Semester. Concordia University, Montréal, Qc. Research Assistant for The Sense Lab,A Laboratory for Thought in Motion, Montréal Teaching Instructor: PRIN371C Photo-Digital-Intaglio, Concordia University, Montréal Graduate Teaching Assistant to professor Cheryl K. Dudek: PRIN311-411 Advanced Intaglio, Winter Semester, Concordia University, Montréal, Qc. Teaching Instructor: PRIN371C Photo-Digital-Intaglio,Concordia University, Montréal Research Assistant, The Generative Design Project, Concordia University, Montréal. Project funded by SSHRC, FQRSC, Hexagram (The Institute for Research/ Creation in Media Arts and Technology, Concordia University). Technical Assistant for professor Bonnie Baxter. Photographs and their digital imaging for the artist’s book ‘Rewind’ and the serial sequence ‘Baphomet’. Instructor: Digital Imaging Art, ANAPTYXIS Institute of Multimedia Application Systems, Thessaloniki, Greece Graphic Designer and Illustrator. One person agency: Margarita Lypiridou (Artworx). Thessaloniki, Greece. Freelance projects including contracts with Point Zero Advertising Agency, Apikyan Packaging S.A., Goody’s (National chain of restaurants in Greece), Center of Professional Formation MIT-Thessaloniki. Instructor: Graphic design and new technologies, Center of Professional Formation M.I.T., Thessaloniki, Greece. Instructor: Graphic design techniques , Dimitreli Institute of Professional PreparationApplied Arts and Design. Thessaloniki, Greece. Graphic Designer: for Advertising Companies in Greece. Including Omnia Advertising and Dia Advertising. BIBLIOGRAPHY Drift || Dérive, exhibition catalog, introduction by Erin Manning, 2012, 116 p. Dires Érotiques, ARA Canada, Quebec, 2010. Book: Artwork - Le Livre: Oeuvre d’Art. Arsenault Claude ed., Montréal, Dawson College, 2008. Strata. Montréal: Concordia University MFA Studio Arts, 2008. Compression, Concordia University MFA Studio Arts, Montréal, 2007. 218, rue Saint-Paul Ouest, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2Y 1Z9 • T: 514.656.3272 • [email protected] Visual Artists of Northern Greece, 111+1 Artists, Thessaloniki: ZitrosPublications, 2006. VAANG-20 Years of Artistic Creation, Kiriakou Nikolas ed. Thessaloniki: Municipality of Thessaloniki, 2003. Visual Artists of Northern Greece, 1st Interbalcan Forum of Contemporary Miniature Art, Thessaloniki: Hellenic Ministry of Culture, 2002. Panagiotakis Stavros ed., 1st Panhellenic Exhibition of Miniature Art Thessaloniki, Municipality of Thessaloniki, 2001 INTERVIEWS / PUBLICATIONS th Nanou, Chrissa, Margarita Lypiridou Gros Plan, Sunday / Aggelioforos, October 13 , 2002. Spiridopoulou Elsa, Paintings the Fragile of Being and Things, Thessaloniki Journal, October 7th 2002. th Theologidou Ifigeneia, Entropia of Margarita Lipiridou, Aggelioforos, October 6 , 2002. Recalling Times and Places – Margarita Lypiridou, Proini, April 26th 2002. Kalogrias Aggelos, Recalling Times and Places – Margarita Lypiridou, Evdomi, April 24th, 2002 Mantzourani Maria, Recalling Times and Places, To Chrima, April 24th, 2002 th Theologidou Ifigeneia, Recalling Times, Aggelioforos, March 24 , 2001. Theologidou Ifigeneia, Deeds Begin with Ideas, Panorama / Aggelioforos, March 2000. Margarita Lypiridou, Interview with Maria Hatzimihael, Zitima Style, Omega TV, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 27th, 1997. Margarita Lypiridou, Interview with Panos Georgiades, Polytechno, TV100, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 30th, 1997. Margarita Lypiridou, Interview with Maroula Maliahova, Mera Mesimeri, Greek Television ET3, Thessaloniki, Greece, March 22th, 1997. Margarita Lypiridou, Interview with Christos Dokalis, Kalo Mesimeri, TV100, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 27th, 1997. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS The Ville Saint-Laurent Artists’ Association Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild [CBBAG], Canada. The Center for Book Arts, USA. Les Amis de la Reliure d’Art [ARA], Canada. Guild of Bookworkers, USA. ARPRIM - Regroupement pour la Promotion de l’Art Imprimé, Canada. Association of Greek Engravers, Greece. 218, rue Saint-Paul Ouest, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2Y 1Z9 • T: 514.656.3272 • [email protected] Visual Artists Association of Northern Greece, Greece. Les Amis de la Reliure d’Art [ARA], Greece. Golden Key International Society.
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