CV (version anglaise) - Université du Québec à Trois
CV (version anglaise) - Université du Québec à Trois
MARISE BACHAND, Ph.D. Professeure ! Département des sciences humaines ! Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières 3351, Boulevard des Forges, C.P. 500 !Trois-Rivières, QC, G9A 5H7 !Canada [email protected] !(819) 376-5011 ext. 3690 EMPLOYMENT 2011Assistant Professor, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières 2005-2011 Sessional Lecturer, Université du Québec à Montréal 2008-2011 Sessional Lecturer, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières 2008 Part-Time Professor, Université d’Ottawa 2007 Sessional Lecturer, Université du Québec à Rimouski EDUCATION 2011 Postdoctoral Fellow, Université de Montréal/French Atlantic History Group Title of the Project: A Drop of French Blood in their Veins: Elite Creole Women and the Americanization of Louisiana in the Nineteenth Century 2011 University of Western Ontario, Ph.D. in History Title of the Thesis: A Season in Town: Plantation Women and the Urban South, 1790-1877 2002 Université du Québec à Montréal, M.A. in History, Minor in Women’s Studies Title of the Thesis: Elite Women and Domestic Space in the Slaveholding South, 1830-1865 1998 Université du Québec à Montréal, B.A. in History, Minor in Women’s Studies PUBLICATIONS MONOGRAPH So Full of Going to Cities : The Urban Lives of Plantation Women (in preparation). ARTICLES “Gendered Mobility and the Geography of Respectability in Charleston and New Orleans, 1790-1865,” Journal of Southern History, vol. LXXXI, no.1, February 2015. « Abraham Lincoln », Argument : Politique, Société, Histoire, vol.15, no.1, automne-hiver 2012, 124-130. BOOK CHAPTERS « En étant bien soumise et douce… tout ira très bien : Portraits spatiaux de femmes créoles à la ville et à la campagne », Guillaume Teasdale et Tangi Villerbu (dirs.), Le corridor créole, Paris, Les Indes savantes, 32p. (Forthcoming in 2015). « Depuis que l’élément étranger s’est mêlé… à la première société française » : Sociabilité élitaire et dynamiques de genre dans l’espace domestique canadien au XIXe siècle », Laurent Marise Bachand 2 Turcot et Thierry Nootens (dirs.), Histoire de la politesse au Québec : Normes et déviances, 17e-20e siècles, Sillery, Septentrion (Forthcoming in 2015). «Dans la maison du maître: femmes blanches et espace domestique dans la littérature du Sud esclavagiste américain», Isabelle Lehuu (dir.), Blanches et Noires: Histoire(s) des Américaines au XIXe siècle, Montréal, Cahiers de l’IREF, 2011, p.63-84. BOOK REVIEWS 2014 Compte rendu de L’esclavage et les Noirs à Montréal, 1760-1840 de Frank Mackey, Hurtubise, 2013. Cahiers de lecture de l’Action nationale, v.viii, n.2, 2014, 27-28. 2013 Book Review of Reborn in America: French Exiles and Refugees in the United States and the Vine and Olive Adventure, 1815-1865 by Eric Saugera. Translated by Madeleine Velguth, University of Alabama Press, 2011. Journal of Southern History. vol. LXXIX, no.2, July 2013, 471-472. 2012 Book Review of Empires of the Imagination: Transatlantic Histories of the Louisiana Purchase, edited by Peter J. Kastor and François Weil, University of Virginia Press, 2009. Journal of the Early Republic. vol.32, no.4, winter 2012, p.717-719. Compte rendu de In the Land of the Free: Le paradoxe racial à travers le roman social africain-américain de Pierre Saint-Arnaud, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2012. Cahiers de lecture de l’Action nationale, v. vii, n.1, 2012, p.7-8. 2011 Compte rendu de New York: Histoire, Promenades, Anthologie & Dictionnaire de Pauline Peretz, dir., Robert Laffont, 2009. Urban History Review/ Revue d’histoire urbaine, vol.40, No.1, 2011, p.58-59. 2010 Book Review of Des berges du Rhin aux rives du Mississippi: Histoire et récits de migrants juifs. By Anny Bloch-Raymond, Michel Houdiard, 2009. The American Jewish Archives Journal, vo.62, no.2, 2010, 111-112. Book Review of First Lady of the Confederacy: Varina Davis’s Civil War. By Joan Cashin, Harvard University Press, 2008. Minerva Journal of Women and War, vol.4, no.2/Fall 2010, p.89-90. 2009 Book review of A New Orleans Voudou Priestess: The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau. By Carolyn Morrow Long, University Press of Florida, 2006. H-Net, 2009. SELECTED CONFERENCES 2014 “In the Shadow of the Quadroon: Writing the History of White Creole Women after the Louisiana Purchase,” SHEAR annual meeting, Philadelphia, July 2014. 2012 “Plantation Women and the Urban South : The Virginia Exception?,” Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, July 2012. 2011 “Places ‘Inviting and Agreeable to Ladies’: The Geography of Respectability in the Slaveholding City,” French Atlantic History Group, Montreal, November 2011. January 2015 Marise Bachand 3 2010 “Confessions of Nineteenth-Century Shopaholics: When Overspending Ladies Challenged Southern Patriarchy,” Canadian Historical Association, Montreal, May 2010. 2008 “A New Gown for a Season in Town: Plantation Women & the Material Culture of Urban Sociability in the Old South,” Berkshire Conference for the History of Women, Minneapolis, June 2008. 2007 “When the Masters were Away from the Plantation: Elite Slaveholders, Absenteeism, and Class Identity in the Old South,” Canadian Association for American Studies Conference, Montreal, November 2007. 2006 “The Southern Elite, Seasonal Migrations, and Sickly Landscapes: Reconsidering Regional Environmental Factors in a Global Perspective,” Society for Historians of the Early American Republic, Montreal, July 2006. “Gender & the Big House: Elite Slaveholders, Domestic Space, and Power in the Antebellum South,” Southern Association of Women Historians, Baltimore, June 2006. “All the Pleasures the Town Affords: Elite Women, Seasonal Migrations, and the Urban Landscape in the Slaveholding South,” Canadian Historical Society, Toronto, May 2006. 2005 “Men, Women, and the Southern Metropolis: A Gendered Geography of Charleston, South Carolina, 1679-1860,” Canadian Historical Society, London, May 2005. SELECTED GRANTS, AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS 2012-2014 Fonds institutionnel de recherche – Émergence de nouveaux professeurs, UQTR 2012 Mellon Research Fellowship, Virginia Historical Society 2011 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Fonds québécois de recherche sur la société et la culture 2008 Dianne Woest Fellowship, The Historic New Orleans Collection 2006 Institute for Southern Studies Travel Grant, University of South Carolina 2002-2007 Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 2002 President’s Scholarship for Graduate Study, University of Western Ontario 1998 History Department Excellence Fellowship, Université du Québec à Montréal Anita Caron Fellowship in Women’s Studies, Université du Québec à Montréal 1995 Excellence Recruitment Scholarship, Université du Québec à Montréal COURSES AND SEMINARS TAUGHT Cities and Urban Society in the United States; Civil War and Reconstruction; Colonial History of the Americas; Gender as a Category of Analysis; Economic History of the United States; History of African Americans; History of American Culture; History of Slavery; History of the American Family; Introduction to the History of the United States; Political History of the United States; The United States since 1945; The United States and the World. January 2015
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