financial modelling


financial modelling
Bulletin d'inscription/ Registration form
Etat civil / Personal details
Civilité / Status
NOM Prénom / Full name
Date de naissance :
Nationalité :
Date of birth
Coordonnées / Contact details
N° tél./ Tel. :
Water for All Chair
Chaire Eau pour Tous
Mobile :
Email :
Situation professionnelle / Professional details
15 AU 18 MARS 2011 / 15TH TO 18TH MARCH 2011
Fonction / Job :
Entreprise / Company :
Adresse / Address :
Tél. / Tel. :
Financial Modelling
Fax :
4 jours / 4 days
1 800€
Hors frais d'hébergement et de restauration, à votre charge
Accomodation and travelling expenses not included, payable by your company
Coordonnées d'hôtels sur demande / List of hotels available on request
Organisme payeur / Paying organisation
Open to all professional from water and sanitation services
Nom et adresse / Name and address
Date :
Le demandeur/ Applicant :
L'organisme payeur / Paying organisation
Signature précédée de la mention "bon pour accord"
Nom et titre / Name and title
A envoyer à Claire JOLIET/ Please send to Claire JOLIET
Fax : +33 467 047 147
Email : [email protected]
Courrier / Mail : Chaire Eau pour Tous - AgroParisTech-ENGREF
648 rue JF Breton - BP 44494 - 34093 Montpellier Cedex 5 - FRANCE
Financial Modelling
Dates: 15th to 18th March 2011
Coordinator: Sophie TREMOLET
1. Goals:
To use a financial model as a strategic planning tool
To become acquainted with the various financial instruments that can be used to reinforce and
develop the service and cover running and investment costs
To understand the policies of financial backers and how they provide backing
2. Programme and content: (subject to change)
Introduction: Financial modelling as a strategic planning tool to bridge multiple goals
Sources of financing:
Covering costs through charges
Taxes and transfers (such as Performance-based grants)
Reimbursable financing: loans, guarantees, bonds, group loans, etc.
Including: Financial instruments offered by AFD/PROPARCO
Financial modelling:
Workshop based on the use of a financial model for strategic planning, followed by a role-playing exercise
on financial negotiation
Financial modelling:
improvement of dedicated services. Her activities have also extended to cover Asia
(Cambodia, Nepal, and India), Latin America and Europe. She has also worked on drafting
or reviewing the feasibility of new management and service delegation contracts to the
private sector for drinking water, wastewater, and electricity utilities as well as waste
management (service grouping, restructuring, decentralisation, etc.). Her knowledge of
integrated resource management and the integration of environmental values in utility
services (she has worked on the implementation of the economic issues of the European
Framework Directive for Water 2000) means she has a global view of water policies over
and above the small water cycle.
Martin BUCHSENSCHUTZ is a graduate from the French Ecole Centrale and the Sorbonne
and a consultant with nearly 13 years of experience in 3 design and engineering firms, one
of which was in Madagascar where he worked for 4 years after being posted by the French
Development Agency (AFD) to Cameroon at the beginning of his career. After studying
master plans for drinking water or wastewater systems in large cities, he has specialised in
studies of water demand, urban sprawl and population forecasts in order to solve the
problems of access to water (in Egypt, Cameroon, Benin and Madagascar on behalf of the
new policy to boost local tax revenue).
His know-how in the financial modelling of water or electricity utilities and in defining local
service strategies as well as in Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) has been increasingly
confirmed through empirical studies conducted not only in Madagascar but also in Morocco,
Mauritania, Senegal and Mali. As a result, he knows how to initiate economic and financial
studies for all types of expansion projects in major cities and how to propose political
strategies that are both viable and sustainable.
Application to the individual assignments
3. The instructors
Sophie Tremolet specialises in economics and has gained numerous
qualifications in this field in the U.S. in particular. Her extensive
experience of the water sector over the last 10 years, during which she
has worked in more than 30 countries across four continents, has enabled
her to diversify her expertise in economics, covering every area of the
specialised field applied to water and services. She has headed projects
for British firms from 1996 to today, mainly as a consultant. In financial
engineering, where she has focused on establishing sustainable schemes
for infrastructure financing, she has helped use new tools and new
financing mechanisms in the field at the national level or in underprivileged neighbourhoods.
She has written many guides for this purpose, such as methods for implementing OutputBased Aid (OBA) on behalf of the World Bank or the French Development Agency (AFD).
She has also evaluated numerous pricing systems based on increasing rates, worked on the
adaptation of different tariff structures in various countries, and in cost recovery practices.
She has carried out diagnostics in order to evaluate the assets of certain operators or
investment managers.
In the field of regulation of services and corporate engineering for the reform of governance
methods, she has been involved in the search for new models of regulation of services in
several African countries and most often for the World Bank, such as in Mozambique, Niger
(where the research included the electricity sector), Senegal, 5 countries in East Africa on
behalf of operators of small water utilities in disadvantaged areas, while targeting the
4. Useful information
Fees: 1800 €
Accommodation, living and travelling expenses are not included and are payable by your company
Accommodation: list of hotels and residences available on request
Our recommendation: Residence Consuls de Mer***
Please contact Mr Ozan Gunduz for booking [email protected]
Tel. : +33 (0)
Course location:
Consuls de Mer – Meeting room
455 Av. du Professeur Etienne Antonelli
Access map will be provided
Teaching language: This specialised session is taught in English.
Please note: there is a limited number of places for this session. Please register quickly.