Polk`s San Francisco (San Francisco County, Calif.) city directory
Polk`s San Francisco (San Francisco County, Calif.) city directory
RENT-A-CAR AS LOW AS PER $5.00 ^Y p LUS 5 ^ PER MILE LEASING, TRUCK & AUTO wr,,1, »»jnUIV JACK BARRETT - LEASING ^"r _ TRUCK _ RENT Inc N'G - National Truck Leasing System - Branches Throughout Bay Area Membe, of Airways Rent-A-Ca, <-°" * 13 1-3888 In San Francisco Call UNderhill Trucks 8th and Horrison S. F. | ; MAPPS MANZANARES Co Anselmo VT J retd h243 Raymond av »nne maid Hotel Garland hl470 treas The California Ink W B ' r San I " » (lilornia apt 4a Mitel's Barber Shop (Manuel V flihoma) 3564 San Bruno av " C ktail Lounge {Manuel Fisani) SUk House restr 292 Turk Maiels Pearl F retd r2696 Bush X' h540 Cole apt 3 MaTaeturers Distributor (Jas H and rs Eda O Branham) whol auto rts 560 7th ii •' MWFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE CO ' D OBERHOLTZER, BRANCH MANAGER EtL I. BALL, BROKERAGE MANAGER 11 10th Floor ELEPHONE YUKON (Isabelle) 745 Hyde apt 51 aine M mgr Anthony's Shoe ervice hl455 Clay apt 1 news vendor r670 Eddy " I'O (Martha D) driver h3354 Laguna 11 "ank " ^o (Esma) mech M M Am Can h68 usia Jos h2350 Jones usos Peter A cook Art's Coffee hop li333 Hyde apt 1 uta Perfecto (Pete's Barber Shop) 645a Natoma M ville i520 Gail L aud Geary Californian Hotel apt 201 Miwaring Dixie Mrs legal sec Keil i Connelly r Mill Valley " ios in chge Redemptorist Fathers •3696 Clay Niwell Earl (Margt) hl395 Golden 3ate av " elen G (Victory Beauty Shop) r " Manzelli Edith hl029 Geary apt 7 Manzi Alphonso (Olga) retd h2143 ' Beach Manzini Mary Mrs hl546 Kirkwood av Manzo Carlos B (Tillie) carp Aherne Co h61 Pueblo " Clem (Alean) h3549a Mission Louie r330 Wilde av Manuel USN r330 Wilde " Pablo (Idolly) barber Fort Mason h3565 Mission " Ralph D USN r330 Wilde Shepando B r2056 Mission Tim lab r3565 Mission Manzone Dominic J studt r3563 Jack- •' Mt Peter V (Lillian) phys 1686 Union h3563 Jackson Manzoni Bert H slsmn Kilpatrick's Bakeries r South San Francisco " Joe hll30 Guerrero apt 7 Mao T S hl308 Larkin Harlow Maos Andreas M (Anna) tailor New Star Tailors h879 Sanchez " Anna Mrs (New Star Tailors) r640 Felix C (Virgilia V) phys 655 R100 r680 48th av Felix C jr elk r680 48th av Fred (Aurelia) cook Mary's Help Mapa Sutter " 11 NX HOTEL VANCE HUCKINS OWNER CREAMER, MANAGER OF SAN m THE CENTERTHEATRES FRANCISCO 225 POWELL TELEPHONE GARFIELD 1-7070 J M laby tech Kaifer Hosp r680 48th av Victorino P (Flordelisa T) ofc mgr Philippine Travel Bur h544 10th av Virgilia F ell-. Fireman's Fund h404 Ofelia (See lotel Page 46 Buyers' Guide) Beauty Salon (Mrs Rose Ghent) 225 Powell Cigar Stand Carl M Miller 225 Powell (Mrs Mary and Darlene Rudometkin) women's clothing 2763 Mission 'Wan Arm H retd h389 7th av •iarold E (Doris O) retd h354 30th av ;myanare Jos rl290 Grove inyano N L h2856 Scott apt 1 snza Aug (Judith) tailor 85 Post 2d fl r Berkeley 'fotel mgr l.nya's Xhl7 Service dishwasher r227 3d av inzanares Bernard (Bernie) cement mason h359 17th av Christine elk Asiatic Trans-Pacific rl403 12th av Dora r660 Bush apt 506 Emilia O Mrs slswn Macy's hl945 Clav apt 8 Froylan (Beatrice) whsemn S&W Fine Foods h857 San Jose av Gustavo (Aditia) turn finisher John B Logvey hl71 Farragut av Henry (Ligia) asst mgr Los Altos Car Wash h3425 20th Leo (Josephine M) lubemn Neville Ford hl67 Broad Ricardo (Teresa) driver Walk-UpDrayage h853 Alabama Robt E (Jan) lather Jack Diamond h3201 Anza 3anl mzana Wm Maple apt 7 Mapel Chas E (Vivian A) electn Singer Sewing Mach h218 Harold av Mapelo Eunio A gdnr Oak Knoll Hospital r62 Walter i' • ' L) wldr Ee'.hlehem Steel hl71 Duboce av Gerald mgr Young Man's Fancy r San Bruno Lelia Mrs h534a Guerrero Richd C (Dorothy) slsmn Pac Tel " ii hl46 17th av Thos r2784 Jackson Maple Hetty Mrs with Hayes Park Lndry r930 Cayuga av John h3700 22d John studt h2630 Gough apt 203 Leaf (Richd J Utter) tavern 1543 Polk Library (Mrs Jane Nolan) rental library 3790a Sacramento M H prntr h725 Ellis apt 301 Maples Francis M studt rB60 North ' ' I ' " " " " pi " ' orth " 23d av Jas (Mae; Mar's Shoe Repairs) hl72 " Jas (June) electn Hyde apt " " SFNS h381 Hark- " - Jerry H (Jane Git) cook Alexis Restr rl420 Taylor apt 3 Jew (Sheung Mei; M-J Market) r719 16th av Jimmie (Shew Kee) h855 Stockton apt 312 John Y h622 Greenwich Kai (Yee) hi 575 Washington apt G Kim cook r746a Broadway " " " " " " " 11 Lawrence O (All American Bowling & Trophy Supply) rl448 Leaven- " Albert N jr city police r670 28th av " Marie E (wid John A) typ State Pub Utilities Comn h60 Cook Maraccini Adolph P (Angelina R) ship elk East Bay Restr Supply hl856 worth " Lee Y opr Day Wing Low r895 Pacific apt 32 Jos E (Julia K) mtl fnshr Schlage Lock hl7 Tingley " Lok Sin Cheng Mrs (Cheng Sin Lok " Pizzeria (Vincent Chianese) 1224 " Co) r546 Vallejo Louie H (Sandra) hl449 Leavenworth Grant av Roscoe Thelma W (Ann) h2299 Pacific av apt 21 Chas Cleaners) h3600 20th apt 305 Mapp Jozett Mrs r901 Treat apt 2 " Malcolm gdnr Dept Pub Wks r3519 Sacramento Mapps Ernestine Mrs hI14 Byxbee rl034 Stockton -Mac Lumber Co (Richd H McKannay whol 1 Drumon R202-03 D; Ethel's ' ' 1 " Maracchini Agnes (wid Chas) h554 Kansas Maracci Albert N (Jane Y) insp SF Water Dept h670 23th av Alemany blvd Genevieve G (wid Amedeo) retd h371 Naples Michl retd hll24 Pacific av Marachiello Frank (Angeline) hl630 ii " apt 4 M Young ' 1 J (wid Margt bmo Standard Oil hl025 Jackson apt 5 Mark G seamn r967 Hayes Mew Jun rl539 Grant av Michl retd r795 Pacific av apt 427 Sutter apt 1 Maradiaga Frances Mrs genl wkr Louis Roesch Co rl433A Ocean av " Frank P (Frances) apprentice prsmn Louis Roesch Co rl433A Ocean av " R M r901 Broderick IDEAL REALTY and GENERAL INSURANCE "Courteous and Expert Personalized Service" Realtor and General Insurance Broker 1647 Taraval Street DAVID WOHLMUTH, g 3 , Maraboli Maria C lndry wkr St Mary's Hosp rl221 Alemany blvd Maracr.do Miguel barber rl25 Connec- L ". >S Ocean av Shoe Repair (Jas Mar) 2107 Polk Mara see also O'Mara " Antone retd h55 Polk apt 106 " by Romay (Jack A Buller Howard E Moser) clo mfrs 834 Mission 3d fl " Edw J hl490 14th av " Hermogenes M (Leonora A) lab 49 4th h29 Pearl " John F acct City hl488 Uth av " -Lee's Apparel (Mrs Lillian C Carell) women's clo 475 Castro " Vern (Veni) tchr PS hl247 7th av Mara's Alteration Shop (Mrs Mara Oppenheimer) 4105 California Marabo Agnes Mrs h704 Bush apt 201 (Lanzy; Nam Yuen Restaurant) hl243 Powell J hl415 Leavenworth apt 3 Lanzy women's clo mfrs 939 Pacific av r895 34th av apt 4 Laurence C (Barbara A) supvr Container Laboratories hll37 Goettingen Kwong Lung " soS ,_ J> Fulton Delicatessen (Vladimir Rvatcheff) 914 Fillmore Market (David N Mar) gro 298 " || " Z "Of ii 5 Jas K hi 9 Trenton apt 5 Jan G K mach opr Wilfred C Hall r41 Putnam Livci » Janice emp Wells Fargo Bk r mgr Stracker Co Yuk Hong elk Chinese Center Employ ment Agcy h28 Wentworth pi Mar's Association 737| Jackson Bonded Cleaners (Jimmy Lin) 1480 Filbert ' r924 Fulton C (Kim Y) dept hl441 Clay apt 4 " Jake h567 20th av ,,.„,. Jake (Wong Shee; Lucky Grill) 615 " Wm Wm " " K Mayeda " " r Oakland Pharmacy (David Zisko) 3035 Taraval Walter B (Grace) h267 9th av Wilford mech City hl446 Leaven- Vista h273 Fran- G Nelson pres v-pres Arth R Michaelian sec-treas 325 Fremont -J-Mar House of Beauty (M Teresa Krist) beauty shop 2116 Greenwich Jackson (Nancy) with PO h862 apt 3 Victor (Benedetti Liquor Store) I' -Ind Supply lnc Robt ' a ; hl324 Jackson apt 10 Tony rlll2 Pine Toy h718 12th av " " Roy a Hosp hlO B2 Hong Cho Howard rll6 Waverly ^ Yee (Fong; Ying Chong Lung Keel r53 Columbus av R109 So (Lok Sin Cheng) fcty wkr hS46 Vallejo Steven F (Powell Garage No 1) h796 Pine apt 15 Tom ' =c Sin Ted (Shorna) cook h3779 25th PO L -i Brooklyn pi " T Y rl524 Jackson 11 " Shin Yee h6 56a Green Siang S cook St Mary's II " " " " ' " (Betty) elk 5 Oak- W " Mapes Donald D (Edna n r Hair Styling r267 9th av Coffee Shon)rl208 Stockton Harry (Doris Lee) cash Ling Hing Vallejo Mkt hl237 Hock (Leon) retd h895 Pacific av apt Hosp hl29 Guerrero " PHILIP R • " of ' Polk Motel (Louis DeMarchi) 4340 Judar h852 Jackson apt 25 cook hl420 Taylor apt 3 Quay Quong Pon (Chin Wun Ong) emp Roosevelt Restr hll6 Waverly Raymond L (June H) retd h519 22d av Richd steward St Francis Hotel hl7 Wentworth pi apt 1 Richd K (Betsey J) h2046 Revere av Richd Y steward St Francis Hotel rl331 Stockton Rose Mrs opr Columbus Mfg Co r45a Auburn Sanford A (So Ha) reconciler Bk of Am hl565 Washington apt 12 Sherman rll6 Waverly pi Shew Mung (Restuko) prsr Biltmon French Laundry h5 Nobles al " H L (Jimmy's " W real est 644 9 3 m O s land rl464 Taylor apt 3 Frances ofc mgr O'Brien Spotorno Mitchell & Compagno Bros . 1448 Leavenworth Frank cook Fairmont Hotel h53 Varennes Frank restr wkr hl02 Kimball pi Galina r890 Grove Geo (Louise) waiter Eastern Bakery h743 Brussels Grace H Mrs instr Don's Beauty Sch 1 "ew •gt Mrs mgr Charlotte Apartment rl395 Gold... _ ft-iwill Mitzi waitress Park Bowl hie I QC F Ying r53 Columbus av Foon Go smstrs Bill's Dress Shop ' " .'ayuga av M Morton " " " Edw W (Alice) acct California Primary Producer hl448 Leaven- Jones Salvatore (Nina)driver Bernhard s h2339 Jones apt 1 Salvatore (Connie) seamn h369a Uth Thos (Mary) fishermn h60 Valpa- " • ' ii 1 Mario 11 1 pt 4 S»N FRANCISCO MAR ' 2-1177 Insurance Co Elwin M ngr 2510 Russ bldg " Vrehouse Service (Geo Monniler genl mgr whse service space rasing 340 Bryant M;ileson Earl (Elvira) USN Shipyard 5000 Fulton apt 5 M:js Beulah E sten State Dept of inance Ofc of Admn Procedure ptual Fi ' £ *" -n » > 11 CALIFORNIA, 55 " Henry L (Jo sefa) retd hl274a McAllister r853 Alabama " Jozettwoza rl525 Golden Gate av Victor (Eva) lab S&W Fine Foods Roberta G waitress hS30 Mapson hl405 DeHaro Larkin apt 505 Manzanias Dora r660 Eush apt 506 Mar see also Marr anzano Aniceto C (Fortunato V) Alice studt rlO Brooklyn cook Leo Lehr hl40 22d av " Bill bkpr h53 Columbus av apt 109 Antonio D (Thelma J) cook Am " Bill garment wkr rl642 Larkin apt 1C President Lines hl576 Innes av Building 216 Market "-Cal rl40 Indemnity elk Pac Fortunata " Carole dental asst Albert G Colin 22d av r2046 Revere John lab r32 Jasper pi " Chee Art elk Ying Chong Lung Kee Josephine Mrs h32 Jasper pi r677 Clay Josephine C sten State Pub Utilitie " Clayton B (Priscilla) emp British Comn h2271 Fulton apt 6 Auto Parts h870 32d av Lawrence (Linda) jogger A Carlyli " D L h8 McCormick pi Co h3140 Army apt 227 " Waverly pi Narciso L (Kath L) undwrtr Maryland I' David rll6 David K (Mui Fong; Paul of Hong Casualty hl30 Cerritas av Kong) hi 22 Varennes " Paul A (Paz C) h747 11th av " David N (Janet L; Mar's Market) itanley H(Mary M) marine mach hl602 Powell SFNS hl277 30th av " Dong S (wid L Yeu) r370 32d av Manzella Angela (wid Paul) retd h2255 " Dow hl040d Pine Mason apt 2 " Eddie elk Chinese Center EmployJos (Caroline) h29 Newbury ment Agcy r28 Wentworth Jos V (Michl) fishermn h4369 21st Edw W (Jessie) hi 62 Bronte fishermn h2338 Teresa Mrs hat mkr Sonni Mlnry 11 ii O'Farrell ;8 "V lor S. F. Phone MOntrose 1-2271 >l TO O *0 1 o O m Q m^ Q "* * Tl -°at- *j
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