32-36, Boulevard d`Avranches, Luxembourg


32-36, Boulevard d`Avranches, Luxembourg
32-36, Boulevard d’Avranches, Luxembourg
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This centre offers tenants 40 fully furnished luxury offices and meeting space for up to 100 people. The centre is
located in a tranquil and luxuriant part of the city with magnificent views of the city below, including attractions such
as the Vallee de la Petrusse and Jardin des Menhirs. As such, this is a terrific location for work, tastefully decorated
with fully modern interiors. The centre offers a soundproof and secure environment so provides clients with full
Transport links
Nearest railway station: Gare de Luxembourg ville
Nearest airport:
Key features
This centre is ideally located between the city centre and central station, and less than ten minutes away from the
TGV station. It also benefits from the Novotel Luxembourg Centre and Sofitel Grand Ducal Hotel just outside the centre.
Points of interest within 1000 metres
Justice de Paix (courthouse) - 251m from business centre
Batiment commun (courthouse) - 277m from business centre
ecluse du Grund (ruins) - 288m from business centre
Cour Constitutionelle et Cour Superieure de Justice (courthouse) - 311m from business centre
Fort Neipperg (parking) - 334m from business centre
Nobilis (parking) - 337m from business centre
Sacred-Heart Church (place of worship) - 343m from business centre
ecluse du Grund (ruins) - 344m from business centre
Tribunal d'Arrondissement (courthouse) - 364m from business centre
Tribunal de la Jeunesse et des Tutelles (courthouse) - 369m from business centre
Parquet d'arrondissement (courthouse) - 393m from business centre
Archives nationales Luxembourg (library) - 410m from business centre
Place Virchow (parking) - 417m from business centre
Place des Martyrs (park) - 511m from business centre
Musee national d'histoire naturelle (museum) - 511m from business centre
Eglise de la Trinite (place of worship) - 518m from business centre
Ecole Privee Fieldgen (school) - 555m from business centre
Restaurant Clairefontaine (restaurant) - 573m from business centre
Musee d'Histoire de la Ville de Luxembourg (museum) - 585m from business centre
Hotel de Bourgogne (Ministere d'Etat) (public building) - 587m from business centre
Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Luxembourg (place of worship) - 596m from business centre
Centre culturel de rencontre Abbaye de Neumunster (arts centre) - 601m from business centre
Luxembourg Central Station (railway station) - 613m from business centre
Hotel Saint-Maximin (Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres) (public building) - 627m from business centre
Eglise Saint-Jean (place of worship) - 629m from business centre
National Library of Luxembourg (library) - 635m from business centre
Chambre des Deputes (public building) - 664m from business centre
Place de la Constitution (parking) - 675m from business centre
Centre Scolaire, Societaire et Sportif (school) - 687m from business centre
Place Guillaume II (playground) - 696m from business centre
Eglise Saint-Michel (place of worship) - 699m from business centre
Bureau des Postes Luxembourg-Gare (post office) - 701m from business centre
Hotel de Ville (townhall) - 701m from business centre
Palais Grand Ducal (public building) - 704m from business centre
P&T (public building) - 710m from business centre
Musee d'Histore et d'Art de Luxembourg (museum) - 759m from business centre
A la soupe (restaurant) - 762m from business centre
Office des Publications (public building) - 763m from business centre
Administration des Contributions Directes (public building) - 798m from business centre
Centre des technologies de l'information de l'Etat (public building) - 799m from business centre
Cercle municipal (attraction) - 823m from business centre
Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain (museum) - 826m from business centre
Ancien palais de justice (attraction) - 828m from business centre
Administration des contributions directes (public building) - 853m from business centre
Bibliotheque municipale de Luxembourg (library) - 857m from business centre
Brasserie du Cercle (restaurant) - 864m from business centre
McDonald's (fast food) - 872m from business centre
Rabelais (restaurant) - 875m from business centre
Quick (fast food) - 881m from business centre
BGL BNP Paribas (bank) - 897m from business centre
Youth Hostel Luxembourg-City (bicycle rental) - 902m from business centre
Le Place d'Armes (hotel) - 906m from business centre
Gare (parking) - 907m from business centre
IKKI (restaurant) - 940m from business centre
Hamilius (Centre Aldringen) (bus station) - 951m from business centre
Verso (pub) - 953m from business centre
Bouneweger Kierch (place of worship) - 962m from business centre
King Wilma (pub) - 968m from business centre
Trombar (pub) - 982m from business centre
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