CV DUCLOS Marine Geology
CV DUCLOS Marine Geology
DUCLOS Pierre-Arnaud Geologist PhD in Marine Geology 28 years old Maried Driving licence / vehicle Degrees Tel : 33 (0) Mail : [email protected] Adress : 3, bld St-Marcel 75013 Paris - FRANCE web : 2007/2012 PhD in Geology (specialty : marine sedimentology) applied to the aggregates industry Employer: Les Graves de l’Estuaire Laboratory: UMR CNRS 6143 M2C, University of Rouen. 2004/2007 Engineer Geologist (fifth year of university studies) of the IPLB “Institut Polytechnique Lasalle Beauvais” (ex-IGAL), approved by french engineer’s degree commite (july 2007). 2003/2004 3 years university degree in Environment Genius, IUP, Institute EGID “Environnement, GéoIngénierie, Développement” Bordeaux (July 2004). Skills 2001/2003 2 years university degree in Earth and Univers Sciences, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Global Geology Petrography, Sedimentology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geomorphology, Cartography, In situ Geology (total 80 days), Geostatistics, Hydrogeology. Marine Geology Sea surveys (10 oceanographical campaigns including 6 times mission leader - total 85 days, dailys survey on fishing vessel - total 10 days), Treatments/Interpretations of geophysics data (bathymetry, sonar, seismic), Courant analyse, turbidity and the Suspended matter Study. Right of the sea (basic knowledge). Geotechnic Workmanship, Geomechanics, in situ and laboratory tests, Plaxis software. Management Project control (responsible for the creation project of a practical teaching of geotechnical test on building site, team of 6 people), Accounts Management and Book-keeping. Language English professional, level TOEIC (700 points), Spanish bases. Informatic GIS (Arcview, Mapinfo), CARAIBES, Matlab (bases), Microsoft Office, Graphic chart. PHD IN MARINE GEOLOGY (specialty : sedimentology) Place : Le Havre- Rouen (France) Professional experiences Aim: Study of the physical impacts of the marine aggregate extraction (space-time evolution of the turbid plume and seabed morpho-sedimentary evolutions) Grant: Employer: Laboratory: Program: Industrial (CIFRE) Les Graves de l’Estuaire (director : J-F. CANTU) – GIE GMN (CEMEX, Eurovia, GSM) UMR CNRS 6143 M2C, University of Rouen (director : R. LAFITE) GIS SIEGMA (Scientific Interest Group monitoring Impacts of Extraction of Marine Aggregates) + Scientific appraisal: aggregate resources, environmental monitoring and administrative synthesis + Teaching: University of Rouen, Ingeneer school. ENGINEER COURSE IPLB, january / september 2007 (8 months) Place: Orléans (France) Aim : Morphosedimentary study and cartography of Martinique seabed Employer: Director : Partnership: BRGM « Bureau de Recherche Géologique et minière » P. GUENNOC (BRGM) IFREMER (C. AUGRIS, A. ERHOLD), et SHOM (T. GARLAN) Technician COURSE, july / september 2005 (3 months) Place: Bordeaux (France) Aim : Soils geotechnics studies in specialized laboratory Employer: ALIOS INGENIERIE Diverse Referent Director: B. AUDIGER Travelling, Hiking, Humanitarian aid in Togo (summer 2006), Aviation (basic licence) R. Lafite (UMR CNRS 6143, Director), 33 (0), [email protected] P. Barrier,(Lasalle Beauvais, Director Dvpt / business relationship) 33 (0), [email protected]