

Publications dans revue à comité de lecture
B. Russell, E.Williams, M. Gosset, F. Cazenave, L. Descroix, T. Lebel, A. Ali, and F.
Metayer : Radar Raingage Comparisons on Squall Lines in Niamey, Niger
for the AMMA, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (en relecture
juillet 2009)
C. Barthe, N. Asencio, J.P. Lafore, M. Chong, B. Campistron, and F. Cazenave :
Multi-scale analysis of the 25-27 July 2006 convective period over Niamey:
comparison between Doppler radar : observations and simulations, (en relecture
juillet 2009)
Conférence avec publication des actes
P. Xavier, J.P. Laurent, B. Mercier, D. Rauly, F. Cazenave : Portable Low Cost Sixport Reflectometer for In Situ Soil Moisture Broadband Spectroscopic Dielectric
Characterization, Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist
Substances, ISEMA 2009, June 1-5, Helsinki, Finland
Gosset M, F Cazenave and S Moumouni Observations in West African Squall Lines
with an X-band Polarimetric Radar, EGU Radar Conference (ERAD 2008), Helsinki,
Finland,1-5 july 2008.
Gosset M, F Cazenave, J Dossougoin and A Kadjo : Application of an Xband radar in
Tropical Rain : Rainfall Monitoring over a small basin, in Bénin during the AMMA
campaign . Part 1: Experimental set up, global performances and QPE case studies
Preprints Int Conference on Weather Radar and Hydrology (WraH), 10-15 march
2008, Grenoble, france
Augusto J. Pereira Filho, Oswaldo Massambani, Paulo E. Martins and Frédéric
Cazenave : An operational mobile Xpol for hyrometeorological applications in Brazil,
2007, 33rd Conference on Radar Meteorology, august 2007, Cairns, Australia
F. Cazenave, M. Gosset, J. Dossougouin : Xport, a compact radar for hydrological
application, 2006, Fouth European Conference on Radar Meteorology and
Hydrology, septembre 2006, Barcelonna, Spain
Gosset, M.; Cazenave, F.; Zahiri, E.P.; Sounmaila, M. : Xband polarimetric
measurements in west african rainfall., 2006, Fouth European Conference on Radar
Meteorology and Hydrology, Barcelonna, Spain
Gosset, M.; Cazenave, F.; Zahiri, E.P.; Sounmaila, M. : Improvement of rain
estimation at small time scale for hydrological application : exemple in west Africa,
2006, Fouth European Conference on Radar Meteorology and Hydrology,
Barcelonna, Spain
Gosset Marielle, Frederic Cazenave, Olivier Le Brouster, Josias Dossugouin,
Etienne Houngninou : Xport in Djougou: First measurements of African precipitations
with an Xband polarimetric radar. First International Conference of AMMA, Dakar,
Senegal, decembre 2005.
Séguis, L., Galle, S., Arjounin, M., Boubkraoui, S., Bouchez, J.-M., Braud, I.,
Cazenave, F., Depraetere, C., Gosset, M., Laurent, J.-P., Le Barbé, L., Malinur, F.,
Cappelaere, B., Favreau, G., Peugeot, C., Seidel, J.-L., Demarez, V., Le Dantec, V.,
Seghieri, J., Bariac, T., Biron, P., Richard, P., Afouda, A., Descloitres, M.,
Legchenko, A., Robain, H., Camerlynck, C., Ottle, C., Zin, I., Zribi, M., Jacquin, F.,
Kamagate, B., Lawin, E., Le Lay, M., Varado, N. and Zahiri, E.-P., 2004.
Caractérisation des processus hydrologiques sur le super-site de la Donga. Haut
bassin de l’Ouémé (Bénin), ORE AMMA-CATCH, Atelier Axpérimentation et
Instrumentation (AEI'2004). INSU, Paris
Gosset, F Cazenave: X-port Donga plans for a radar based experiment to study
ranfall variabilty over a small catchment in Benin, West Africa Hydrological
Applications of Weather Radar - Melbourne 2004
F. Cazenave, F. Dide, M. Gosset : A radar based experiment to observe rainfall small
scale variability and its impact on the hydrological response – Donga catchment,
Ouémé river Upper basin , Bénin, Integrated Water Ressource Management of
Tropical River Basins, octobre 2004 Cotonou Bénin
Gosset M and F Cazenave, 2003: test of polarimetric technics at X-band. In
preprints, 31st International Conference on Radar Meteorology, August 2003, AMS,
Seattle, USA.
F. Cazenave, M. Gosset: Xport, a compact radar for hydrological application, In
preprints, 31st International Conference on Radar Meteorology, August 2003, AMS,
Seattle, USA.
J. Nicol, G. Delrieu and F. Cazenave: RADAR CALIBRATION USING THE
FROM A DIGITAL TERRAIN MODEL, 2003, European Geophysical Society, Vol. 5,
09498, 2003
I Zawadzki, M Gosset, A Singh, F Cazenave, A Kilambi : Developpement and use of
a dual-wavelength, polarization diversity radar system at the J.S Marshall Radar
Observatory, Second European Conference on Radar Meteorology (ERAD),
November 2002, Delft, Netherlands
Gosset M and F Cazenave, 2002 : Projet d’Installation d’un radar polarimétrique
bande X sur le basin de la Donga, Colloque associé aux journées de l’eau, Cotonou
Afouda, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, J.-M. Bouchez, I. Braud, F. Cazenave, C. Depraetere,
A. Diedhiou, S. Galle, H. Gallée, A. Gohoungossou, M. Gosset, R. Haverkamp, L. Le
Barbé, T. Lebel, P. Reggiani, 2001. Couplage de l'atmosphère et du cycle
hydrologique continental en zone tropicale : le projet CATCH, Atelier sur le Couplage
des modèles atmosphériques et hydrologiques, 3-5 Décembre 2001, Toulouse,
Afouda, R. , J.-M. Bouchez, I. Braud, F. Cazenave, C. Depraetere, N. Dessay, A.
Diedhiou, S. Galle, H. Gallée,, M. Gosset, R. Haverkamp, L. Le Barbé, T. Lebel, C.
Messager, H. Onibon, P. Reggiani, 2001 : Variabilité climatique et variabilité
hydrologique en Afrique de l’Ouest : Un système couplé, Atelier sur le Couplage des
modèles atmosphériques et hydrologiques, 3-5 Décembre 2001, Toulouse, France.
A. :
Development and use of a dual-wavelength, polarization diversity radar system at the
J.S. Marshall Radar Observatory , First European Conference on Radar Meteorology
(ERAD), 2000, Bologna, Italy
Gosset, M., I. Zawadzki, F. Cazenave, F. Fabry, A. Singh and A. Kilambi, 2000, Xpolito, a low cost X-Band polarimetric radar for urban hydrology: preliminary results of
the first test campaign. Fifth International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas",
December 10-13, 2000, in Pontresina (Switzerland).
Gosset M. , Cazenave F., Burlaud C., Fabry F., Zawadzki et Delrieu G. Développement d'un radar léger, Doppler et à diversité de polarisation pour la
mesure des précipitations, Journées d’évaluation PATOM 2000, octobre 2000, Paris
Bouvier Christophe, Delclaux François, Crespy Anne, Cazenave Frédéric. : ATHYS
Atelier Hydrologique Spatialisé, Moukeli P. (ed.). CARI'96: proceedings of the 3rd
African conference on research in computer science, 1996/10/09-16, Libreville
Lebel T., A. Amani, F. Cazenave, J. Lecocq, J.D. Taupin, E. Elguero, M. Greard, L.
LeBarbé, H. Laurent, N. D'Amato et J. Robin, 1995 : La distribution spatio-temporelle
des pluies au Sahel : apports de l'expérience EPSAT-Niger. Preprints, L'hydrologie
tropicale : géoscience et outil pour le développement, Paris, IAHS, Publ. N° 238, 7798.
Lebel T., J. Lecocq, F. Cazenave, J.D. Taupin, M. Gréard and L. Le Barbé, 1995 :
Vers une meilleure compréhension des fluctuations pluviométriques au Sahel :
Lecocq, J., N. dí Amato, F. Cazenave and T. Lebel, 1994: Résultats Préliminaires de
la campagne EPSAT-NIGER pour la Calibration d’un Radar bande C, pp. 217-226, in
french, Xèmes Journées Hydrologiques, ORSTOM Ed