January 2013 - Saint Paul University
January 2013 - Saint Paul University
Janvier 2013 Nouveautés – New Arrivals January 2013 Auteur: Marc-Bonnet, Henry, 1917Titre: La papauté contemporaine / par Henry Marc-Bonnet. Éditeur: Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1971. Desc. matérielle: 126 p. ; 18 cm. Titre de coll.: (Que sais-je? ; no 209) Note générale: Première éd.: 1946. Note générale: Dons - BNC. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [127]). AE 25 Q84P7 1941- 209 3ED Auteur: Delorme, Jean, 1914Titre: Les grandes dates des temps modernes / par Jean Delorme. Éditeur: Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1968. Desc. matérielle: 125 p. ; 18 cm. Titre de coll.: (Que sais-je? ; 1147) Note générale: Première éd.: 1965. Note générale: Dons - BNC - DG. AE 25 Q84P7 1941- 1147 ISBN: 9789519264752 ISBN: 9519264752 Titre: Reappraisals of Eino Kaila's philosophy / edited by Ilkka Niiniluoto and Sami Pihlström. Éditeur: Helsinki : Philosophical Society of Finland, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 232 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Acta philosophica Fennica ; v. 89) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies. Dépouil. complet: Eino Kaila in Carnap's circle / Juha Manninen -- From Carnap to Kaila : a neglected transition in the history of 'wissenschaftliche Philosophie' / Matthias Neuber -- Eino Kaila's critique of metaphysics / Ilkka Niiniluoto -- Eino Kaila's scientific philosophy / Anssi Korhonen -- Kaila and the problem of identification / Jaakko Hintikka -- Eino Kaila on the Aristotelian and Galilean traditions in science / Matti Sintonen -- Kaila's reception of Hume / Jani Hakkarainen -- Terminal causality, atomic dynamics and the tradition of formal theology / Michael Stöltzner -- Eino Kaila on pragmatism and religion / Sami Pihlström -- Eino Kaila on ethics / Mikko Salmela. B 20.6 F45 1935- 89 ISBN: 9781589834682 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 1589834682 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Iamblichus, ca 250-ca 330. Titre: Iamblichus De anima : text, translation, and commentary / by John F. Finamore, John M. Dillon. Partie du titre: De anima Éditeur: Atlanta, Ga. : Society of Biblical Literature, [2010]. Desc. matérielle: xi, 298 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Philosophia antiqua ; v. 42 [i.e. 92]) Note générale: Originally published: Leiden ; Boston, MA : Brill, 2002. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [279]-285) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Greek Text and English translation of the De Anima -Commentary to the De Anima -- Greek Text and English translation of Psuedo-Simplicius and Priscianus -Commentary to Pseudo-Simplicius and Priscianus. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 1 sur 114 2013-02-26 B 108 P45V47 1946- 92 ISBN: 9780521750738 (hbk.) ISBN: 0521750733 (hbk.) Auteur: Burnyeat, Myles, 1939Titre: Explorations in ancient and modern philosophy. Vol. 2 / by M.F. Burnyeat. Éditeur: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011. Desc. matérielle: x, 356 p. ; 23 cm. B 171 B876 2012 ISBN: 9788474909074 (pbk.) ISBN: 8474909074 (pbk.) Auteur: Moeller, Charles, mgr, 1912-1986. Titre: Sabiduría griega y paradoja cristiana / Charles Moeller ; [traducción, María Dolores Raich Ullán]. Éditeur: Madrid : Encuentro, 2008. Desc. matérielle: 262 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Ensayos ; 348) Note générale: Traduction de: Sagesse grecque et paradoxe chrétien : témoignages littéraires. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 263-268). B 172 M64S34S6 2008 ISBN: 9781585103621 (pbk.) ISBN: 1585103624 (pbk.) Auteur: Plato, 428?-347 Titre: Socrates and the Sophists : Plato's Protagoras, Euthydemus, Hippias major and Cratylus / translation and introductory essay, Joe Sachs. Éditeur: Newburyport, MA : Focus Publishing/ R. Pullins Co., 2011. Desc. matérielle: 224 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Focus philosophical library) Note générale: Includes index. B 358 P53 2011 ISBN: 9782503530802 (set) ISBN: 250353080X (set) ISBN: 9782503530789 (pt. 1) ISBN: 2503530788 (pt. 1) ISBN: 9782503530796 (pt. 2) ISBN: 2503530796 (pt. 2) Auteur: Aristoteles, 384-322. Titre: Meteorologica / translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka ; edidit Gudrun Vuillemin-Diem. Éditeur: [Turnhout] : Brepols c2008. Desc. matérielle: 2 v. ; 26 cm. Collection: (Aristoteles Latinus ; 10, 2) Collection: (Corpus philosophorum medii aevi) Note générale: Sans anal. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et des index. Dépouil. complet: 1. Praefatio -- 2. Editio textus. Langue: Texte en latin ; commentaires et critiques en allemand. B 406 U55A7 1939- 10/2/1 B 406 U55A7 1939- 10/2/2 ISBN: 9789042925649 (Peeters Leuven) ISBN: 9042925647 (Peeters Leuven) ISBN: 9782758401384 (Peeters France) ISBN: 275840138X (Peeters France) Titre: Identité et différence dans l'oeuvre de Nicolas de Cues, 1401-1464 : sous la direction de Hervé Pasqua. Éditeur: Louvain-la-Neuve : Éd. de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie ; Louvain ; Paris ; Walpole, MA : Éd. Peeters, 2011. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 214 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Philosophes médiévaux ; 54) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [195]-205) et un index. B 720 P45C45 1948- 54 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 2 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 9789042926509 (Peeters Leuven) ISBN: 9042926503 (Peeters Leuven) ISBN: 9782758401612 (Peeters France) ISBN: 2758401614 (Peeters France) Auteur: Narváez, Mauricio R. Titre: Thomas d'Aquin lecteur : vers une nouvelle approche de la pratique herméneutique au Moyen Âge / par Mauricio R. Narváez. Éditeur: Louvain-la-Neuve : Éd. de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie ; Louvain ; Paris : Éd. Peeters, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 420 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Philosophes médiévaux ; 57) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [409]-420). Langue: En français avec des passages en latin. B 720 P45C45 1948- 57 ISBN: 9788495745774 (complete work) ISBN: 8495745771 (complete work) ISBN: 9788495745804 (v. 1) ISBN: 8495745801 (v. 1) Auteur: Guevara, Juan de, O.S.A., 1504-1600. Titre: La fe, la esperanza y la caridad : comentarios teológicos salmantinos (1569-1572) / Juan de Guevara ; transcripción, traducción, exposición y notas de Ignacio Jericó Bermejo. Éditeur: Guadarrama, Madrid : Editorial Agustiniana, 2009Desc. matérielle: 2 v. (1860 p.) ; 22 cm. Collection: (Pensamiento / Editorial Agustiniana ; 11-12) Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: v. 1 (Sans anal.) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index. Dépouil. complet: [1] Texto castellano -- [2] Texto latino. Langue: En espagnol et en latin. B 765 T53Z75 2009- 1 ISBN: 9780199556137 (hbk.) ISBN: 019955613X (hbk.) Titre: The Oxford handbook of philosophy in early modern Europe / edited by Desmond M. Clarke, Catherine Wilson. Partie du titre: Philosophy in early modern Europe Éditeur: Oxford [England] ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 2011. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 595 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. Collection: (Oxford handbooks in philosophy) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. Dépouil. complet: Essences and kinds / Peter R. Anstey -- From causes to laws / Tad M. Schmaltz -- Space and time / Emily Grosholz -- The mechanical philosophy / Helen Hattab -- Machines, souls, and vital principles / Justin E.H. Smith -- The soul / R.W. Serjeantson -- Ideas / Pauline Phemister -- Qualities and sensory perception / Philippe Hamou -- The passions / Gabor Boros -Aesthetics / Alexander Rueger -- Scepticism / José R. Maia Neto -- Hypotheses / Desmond M. Clarke -Language and semiotics / Jaap Maat -- Form, reason, and method / Mary Tiles -- Instruments of knowledge / Jean-François Gauvin -- Picturability and mathematical ideals of knowledge / Stephen Gaukroger -- Virtue and vice / P.J.E. Kail -- Egoism and morality / Stephen Darwall -- Realism and relativism in ethics / Catherine Wilson -- The free will problem / Paul Russell -- The equality of men and women / Eileen O'Neill -- Natural law as political philosophy / Ian Hunter -- Sovereignty and obedience / Ursula Goldenbaum -- Conceptions of God / Steven Nadler -The epistemology of religious belief / Desmond M. Clarke -- Religious toleration / Philip Milton. B 801 O93 2011 Titre: Architects of modern thought : 3rd & 4th series : 12 talks for CBC radio. Éditeur: Toronto : Canadian Broadcasting Corp., c1962. Desc. matérielle: xi, 145 p. ; 20 cm. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 3 sur 114 2013-02-26 Note générale: "This book contains the texts of two series of six half-hour talks first broadcast on CBC radio in 1958. The series were organized by Robert Weaver ... with Professor John A. Irving ... editorial advisor." Note générale: Don reçu le: / Gift received on: 4-Sep-1997. Dépouil. complet: Third series. Underhill, F.H. John Stuart Mill. MacDonald, J. Frederick Nietzsche. Frye, N. Sir James Frazer. Whalley, G. Henri Bergson. Hodder, H. Thorstein Veblen. Duncan, A.R.C. Ludwig Wittgenstein.--Fourth series. Grant. G. Fyoder Dostoevsky. Gobin, P.B. Arthur Rimbaud. Adaskin, M. Igor Stravinsky. Pinsky, A. Pablo Picasso. Affleck, R.T. Frank Lloyd Wright. Grierson, J. Charles Chaplin. B 803 A73C25 1962 ISBN: 9780521772730 (hbk.) ISBN: 0521772737 (hbk.) Titre: Cambridge history of philosophy in the nineteenth century (1790-1870) / edited by Allen W. Wood, Songsuk Susan Hahn. Variante du titre: Cambridge history of philosophy in the 19th century (1790-1870) Éditeur: Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 992 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 905-956) and index. Dépouil. complet: The Kantian aftermath: Reaction and revolution in German philosophy / Robert B. Pippin -- The social conditions of philosophy in the nineteenth century / Terry Pinkard -- The unity of reason and the diversity of life: The idea of a system in Kant and in nineteenth-century philosophy / Rolf-Peter Horstmann -- Attempts to rethink logic / Jeremy Heis -- Some developments in the philosophy of mathematics, 1790-1870 / Janet Folina -- Conceptions of the natural world, 1790-1870 / Alexander Rueger -- Natural sciences / Philippe Huneman -- Psychology / Gary Hatfield -- Language / Michael N. Forster -- The emergence of the human sciences from the moral sciences / Rudolf A. Makkreel -- The beautiful and the good: Aesthetics, 1790-1870 / Paul Guyer -- Autonomy and the self as the basis of morality / Bernard Reginster -- Ethics and the social good / John Skorupski -- Moral epistemology, 1788-1870 / J. B. Schneewind and Allen W. Wood -- Antimoralism / Allen W. Wood -- Challenges to religion in the nineteenth century / Van A. Harvey -- Three types of speculative religion / Stephen Crites -- The defense of traditional religion, 1790-1870 / James C. Livingston -- Philosophical responses to the French Revolution / Frederick C. Beiser and Pamela Edwards -- The decline of natural right / Jeremy Waldron -- Conceptions of society in nineteenth-century social thought / Frederick Neuhouser -- Nineteenth-century political economy / Debra Satz -- The nation-state / Erica Benner -- Nineteenth-century ideals: self-culture and the religion of humanity / Daniel Brudney -- Social dissastifaction and social change / Christine Blaettler -- Philosophizing about history in the nineteenth-century: Zusammenhang and the "Progressive Method" in German historical scholarship / Laurence Dickey -- Philosophy of history: The German tradition from Herder to Marx / John Zammito -- The history of philosophy / Michael N. Forster. B 803 C36 2012 ISBN: 9780813217925 (pbk. : alk. paper) $29.95 ISBN: 081321792X (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Leinsle, Ulrich Gottfried, O.Praem., 1948Titre: Introduction to scholastic theology / Ulrich G. Leinsle ; Translated by Michael J. Miller. Éditeur: Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: x, 392 p. ; 23 cm. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 4 sur 114 2013-02-26 Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 361-386) and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction: What Is Scholastic Theology? : -- 1. On the history of the concept "Scholasticism" -- 2. Attempts at a definition -- 3. Characteristics -- 4. Scholastic theology -- I. How Did Scholastic Theology Come About? : -- 1. Patristic themes and methods -1.1. Philosophy and theology -- 1.2. Auctoritas and ratio -- 1.3. Augustine's program of Christian education and theology -- 1.4. Systematic and axiomatic theology: Boethius --1.5. Collections of sentences: Isidore of Seville -- 2. Scholastic theology: Methods and presentation -- 2.1. Development of the schools, curriculum, and the liberal arts -2.2. Instructional procedure -- 2.3. The Bible and Scholastic theology -- 2.4. Collections of sentences and Summas -- 2.5 Theological systematization -- 2.6. Treatise and letter -- 2.7. The Scholastic sermon -2. The Self-Concept of Early Scholastic Theologies : -- 1. Freedom from contradiction and theological truth: Duns Scotus Eriugena -- 2. Faith seeking understanding: Anselm of Canterbury -- 3. Systematic treatment of patristic sentences: The school of Laon -- 4. Theology as wisdom and way of life: Hugh of St. Victor -- 5. Theology as linguistic criticism: Peter Abelard -- 6. The metaphysical grammar of discourse about God: Gilbert Porreta -- 7. The textbook: The Sentences of Peter Lombard -- 8. Axiomatic theology -9. Towards a standard theological language -- 10. Scholastic and monastic theology -- 11. Learned heresy -- 3. Theology as a Science at the University : -- 1. The university as the home of theology -- 1.1. University organization, teaching activity, and presentational forms -- 1.2. The mendicant orders at the universities -- 1.3 Biblical or systematic theology? -- 2. Aristotle as a challenge to theology -- 2.1. A new scientific model -- 2.2. A pagan view of the world and man -- 2.3. The influence of non-Christian syntheses -- 2.4. The Church's reaction: The prohibition of Aristotle -- 2.5. Theological truth and the truths of the natural sciences -- 2.6 The condemnations of 1270 and 1277 -- 3 The scientific character of theology -- 3.1. Faith and argument: William of Auxerre -- 3.2. Between Bible and science: The early Dominicans -- 3.3. Salvation history or metaphysics: The Summa Halensis -- 3.4. Presuppositions and goal of theological science: Albert the Great -- 3.5, Theology as science and wisdom in Christ: Bonaventure -- 3.6. A proof of scientific character? Thomas Aquinas -- 3.7. The Franciscan reaction: William de la Mare -- 3.8. Immunization through "enlightenment": Henry of Ghent -- 3.9 Augustinian or Aristotelian science? Ægidius Romanus -- 4. Theological Controversy and Church Reform : -- 1. Scholastic theology amid societal upheaval -- 1.1. The development of academic study -1.2. Formation of schools and the dispute about the two ways -- 1.3. Theology, Church, and society: Wycliffe and Hus -- 1.4. Toward a biblical and affective theology: Johannes Gerson -- 1.5 University theology and spiritual direction for aristocratic ladies: Vienna -- 1.6. Scholastic criticism of devotio moderna and Reform theology -- 2. Theological certainty in an uncertain age? -- 2.1 Human action in the knowledge of God: Duns Scotus -- 2.2. Assuring human statements about God: Francis of Meyronnes -2.3. Axiomatic metaphysics as the foundation of theology: Meister Eckhart -- 2.4 What can we know?: William of Ockham -- 2.5. Propositional logic of the faith: Robert Holcot -- 2.6. What can we do?: Gregory of Rimini -- 2.7. God's knowledge and human freedom: Marsilius of Inghen -- 2.8. How do I find a gracious God?: Gabriel Biel -- 5. Humanist and Reformation Theology : -- 1. University, humanism, and Reformation -- 1.1. Reformatio studii: Wish and reality -- 1.2. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 5 sur 114 2013-02-26 Biblical-humanist reform of theology: Erasmus of Rotterdam -- 1.3. University theology and Reformation: Disputatio -- 2. Approach to theology in Reformed Christianity -- 2.1. "Contra scholasticam theologiam": Martin Luther -- ) 2.2. The new "Summa": Melanchthon's "Loci theologici" -- 2.3. Summa of self-knowledge and practical knowledge about God: Calvin -- 3. The Catholic understanding of theology -3.1. Humanist reform of Scholasticism and controversy: Johannes Eck -- 3.2. Cajetan and the new Thomism -- 6. Scholastic Theology: Early Modern Period : -- 1. Development and presentational forms -- 1.1. The university as a territorial and confessional institution for education -- 1.2. Catholic theology after the Council of Trent -- 1.3. Scholastic and positive theology -- 1.4. The development of schools of Catholic theology -- 1.5. Presentational forms -2. The "Scholasticism" of Protestant orthodoxy -- 2.1. From creed to theological system -- 2.2. Concept of theology in early Lutheran Orthodoxy: Johann Gerhard -- 2.3. Anti-Scholastic "Scholasticism": Abraham Calov -- 2.4. Theology in one sentence: Johann Adam Scherzer -- 2.5. Theology within the framework of the encyclopedia: Johann Heinrich Alsted -- 2.6. Reformed "Cartesian Scholasticism": Christoph Wittich -- 3. God and modern man: The debate about grace -- 3.1. Man as a free instrument of God: Francisco Suárez -- 3.2. Natural morality or the effect of grace?: Gabriel Vázquez -- 3.3. God's decision and man's freedom: Bartolomeo Mastri -- 3.4. God's knowledge dependent on free human beings: Rodrigo de Arriaga -- 3.5. Thomistic opposition to the scientia media: Jean-Baptiste Gonet -- 3.6. Causal-metaphysical predetermination of the will: Ludwig Babenstuber -- 4. The difficult assimilation of the new -- 4.1.Caramuel and the Galileo case -- 4.2. Cartesian teaching on the Eucharist: Robert Desgabets -- 4.3. Eclectic theology: Eusebius Amort -- 7. Prospect: Enlightenment and New Scholasticism B 839 L4513 2010 ISBN: 9781589661486 (pbk.) $30.00 ISBN: 1589661486 (pbk.) Auteur: Deely, John N., 1942Titre: Realism for the 21st century : a John Deely reader / edited by Paul Cobley. Éditeur: Scranton, Pa. : University of Scranton Press, c2009. Desc. matérielle: x, 451 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. B 945 D3851C63 2009 B B B B B ISBN: 0253372011 (v.1) ISBN: 025337202x (v.2) ISBN: 0253372038 (v.3) ISBN: 0253372046 (v.4) ISBN: 0253372054 (v.5) ISBN: 0253372062 (v.6) ISBN: 9780253372086 (v. 8) Auteur: Peirce, Charles S. (Charles Sanders), 1839-1914. Titre: Writings of Charles S. Peirce : a chronological edition / Max H. Fisch, general editor. Éditeur: Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [1982]Desc. matérielle: v. ; 24 cm. Note générale: Library has: v. 1-6, 8 (No anal.) Note générale: Vol. 3-5: Christian J.W. Kloesel, editor. Note générale: Vol. 6, 8 : edited by the Peirce Edition Project. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliogaphies and indexes. Dépouil. incompl.: v. 1. 1857-1866 -- v. 2. 1867-1871 -- v. 3. 1872-1878 -- v. 4. 1879-1884 -- v. 5. 1884-1886 -- v. 6. 1886-1890 -- v. 8. 1890-1892. 945 P4 1982- 1 945 P4 1982- 2 945 P4 1982- 3 945 P4 1982- 4 945 P4 1982- 5 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 6 sur 114 2013-02-26 B 945 P4 1982- 6 B 945 P4 1982- 8 ISBN: 9788846721990 (br.) ISBN: 8846721993 (br.) Auteur: Piazzesi, Chiara. Titre: La verità come trasformazione di sé : terapie filosofiche in Pascal, Kierkegaard e Wittgenstein / Chiara Piazzesi. Éditeur: Pisa : ETS, 2009. Desc. matérielle: 236 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Philosophica ; 52) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [219]-231) et un index. B 1903 P55 2009 Auteur: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831. Titre: Reason in history : a general introduction to the philosophy of history / G.W.F. Hegel ; translated, with an introduction, by Robert S. Hartman. Éditeur: New York : Liberal Arts Press, c1953. Desc. matérielle: xlii, 95 p. ; 20 cm. Collection: (The Library of liberal arts ; 35) Note générale: Translation of: Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Geschichte. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. Dépouil. complet: The three methods of writing history -- Reason as the basis of history -- The idea of history and its realization -- The idea of freedom -- The means of realization -- The idea and the individual -- The individual as subject of history -- The individual as object of history -- The State -- The State as realization of the idea -- Law as realization of freedom -- The legal foundation of the State (The Constitution) -- The religious foundation of the State -- The course of world history -- The principle of development -- The origin of history -- The pre-history of reason -- The State as condition of history -- The historical role of language -- The course of development -- The principle of a people -The dialectic of national principles. B 2937 F7P3R3E5 1953 ISBN: 9780195391992 (hbk. : alk. paper) $74.00 ISBN: 0195391993 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Moyar, Dean. Titre: Hegel's conscience / Dean Moyar. Éditeur: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2011. Desc. matérielle: xi, 220 p. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Self-consciousness and agency -- Motivating and justifying reasons -- Holism and detachment -Deliberation and justification -- Mutual recognition -- Practical reason in ethical life. B 2949 E8M68 2011 ISBN: 2220043258 ISBN: 9782220064352 (tirage de 2012) Auteur: Arendt, Hannah, 1906-1975. Titre: Correspondance 1933-1963 / Hannah Arendt, Kurt Blumenfeld ; préface de Martine Leibovici ; traduit de l'allemand par Jean-Luc Evard. Éditeur: Paris : Desclée de Brouwer, 1998. Desc. matérielle: 346 p. ; 21 cm. Titre de coll.: (Midrash. Références) Note générale: La Bibliothèque possède 2 exemplaires. Note générale: Exemplaire 2 tirage de 2012. Note générale: Traduction de: Die Korrespondez. 1995. Note bibliogr.: Bibliographie: p. [339]-340. B 3199 A674A3B5F7 1998 B 3199 A674A3B5F7 2012 ISBN: 9780253355119 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN: 0253355117 (cloth : alk. paper) Auteur: Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 7 sur 114 2013-02-26 Titre: Being and truth / Martin Heidegger ; translated by Gregory Fried and Richard Polt. Éditeur: Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xviii, 236 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Studies in continental thought) Note générale: Translation of: Sein und Wahrheit. B 3279 H48S3713 2010 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Titre: Nietzsche-Studien : internationales Jahrbuch für die Nietzsche-Forschung. Éditeur: Berlin : W. de Gruyter, 1972Desc. matérielle: v. en ; 25 cm. Note générale: Éditeurs: v.1-9, Mazzino Montinari, Wolfgang Müller-Lauter et Heinz Wenzel ; v.10/11-, Ernst Behler, Mazzino Montinari, Wolfgang Müller-Lauter et Heinz Wenzel. Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: v. 1-38, 40 ; Gesamtregister Bände 1-20 (Collection groupée : anal. pour v. 10/11, 13 seulement : sans rappel). Dépouil. partiel: Gesamtregister Bände 1-20 (1972-1991) 3310 N54M65 1972- 1 3310 N54M65 1972- 2 3310 N54M65 1972- 3 3310 N54M65 1972- 4 3310 N54M65 1972- 5 3310 N54M65 1972- 6 3310 N54M65 1972- 7 3310 N54M65 1972- 8 3310 N54M65 1972- 9 3310 N54M65 1972- 12 3310 N54M65 1972- 14 3310 N54M65 1972- 15 3310 N54M65 1972- 16 3310 N54M65 1972- 17 3310 N54M65 1972- 18 3310 N54M65 1972- 19 3310 N54M65 1972- 20 3310 N54M65 1972- 21 3310 N54M65 1972- 22 3310 N54M65 1972- 23 3310 N54M65 1972- 24 3310 N54M65 1972- 25 3310 N54M65 1972- 26 3310 N54M65 1972- 27 3310 N54M65 1972- 28 3310 N54M65 1972- 29 3310 N54M65 1972- 30 3310 N54M65 1972- 31 3310 N54M65 1972- 32 3310 N54M65 1972- 33 3310 N54M65 1972- 34 3310 N54M65 1972- 35 3310 N54M65 1972- 36 3310 N54M65 1972- 37 3310 N54M65 1972- 38 3310 N54M65 1972- 40 3310 N54M65 1972- INDEX 1-20 Auteur: Hudson, William Donald, 1920Titre: Ludwig Wittgenstein : the bearing of his philosophy upon religious belief / William Donald Hudson. Éditeur: Richmond, Va. : John Knox Press, 1968. Desc. matérielle: 74 p. ; 19 cm. Titre de coll.: (Makers of contemporary theology) Note générale: Library has 2 copies. Note générale: Copy 2 published by: London : Lutterworth. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. B 3376 W564H83L8 1968 COPY-1 B 3376 W564H83L8 1968 COPY-2 ISBN: 9780521882293 (hbk.) ISBN: 052188229X (hbk.) Titre: Spinoza's 'theological-political treatise' : a critical guide / edited by Yitzhak Y. Melamed and Michael A. Rosenthal. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 8 sur 114 2013-02-26 Éditeur: Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 294 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Cambridge critical guides) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction / Yitzhak Y. Melamed and Michael Rosenthal -- Spinoza's exchange with Albert Burgh / Edwin Curley -- The text of Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus / Piet Steenbakkers -- Spinoza on Ibn Ezra's Secret of the Twelve Warren / Zev Harvey -Reflections of the medieval Jewish-Christian debate in the Theological-Political Treatise and the Epistles /Daniel J. Lasker -- The early Dutch and German reaction to the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus: foreshadowing the Enlightenment's more general Spinoza reception? / Jonathan Israel -- G. W. Leibniz's two readings of the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus / Mogens Laerke -- The metaphysics of the Theological-Political Treatise / Yitzhak Y. Melamed -Spinoza's conception of law: metaphysics and ethics / Donald Rutherford -- Getting his hands dirty: Spinoza's criticism of the rebel / Michael Della Rocca -- 'Promising' ideas: Hobbes and contract in Spinoza's political philosophy / Don Garrett -- Spinoza's curious defense of toleration / Justin Steinberg -Miracles, wonder, and the state in Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise / Michael A. Rosenthal -- Narrative as the means to freedom: Spinoza on the uses of imagination / Susan James. B 3985 Z7S65 2010 ISBN: 9780415774994 (pbk.) ISBN: 0415774993 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780415774987 (hc) ISBN: 0415774985 (hc) ISBN: 9780203851555 (ebk) ISBN: 0203851552 (ebk) Auteur: Beall, J. C., 1966Titre: Logic : the basics / J.C. Beall. Éditeur: London ; New York : Routledge, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xv, 184 p. ; 21 cm. Collection: (The basics) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Background ideas -- Consequences -- Relations of support -- Logical consequence : the basic recipe -Valid arguments and truth -- Language, form, and logical theories -- Language -- Atoms, connectives, and molecules -- Connectives and form -- Validity and form -- Language and formal languages -- Logical theories : rivalry -- Set-theoretic tools -- Sets -Ordered sets : pairs and n-tuples -- Relations -Functions -- Sets as tools -- Basic connectives -Classical theory -- Cases : complete and consistent -Classical truth conditions -- Basic classical consequence -- Motivation : precision -- Defined connectives -- Some notable valid forms -- A paracomplete theory -- Apparent unsettledness -- Cases : incomplete -- Paracomplete truth and falsity conditions -- Paracomplete consequence -- Defined connectives -- Some notable forms -- A paraconsistent theory -- Apparent overdeterminacy -- Cases : inconsistent -- Paraconsistent truth conditions -Paraconsistent consequence -- Defined connectives -Some notable forms -- Innards, identity, and quantifiers -- Atomic innards -- Atomic innards : names and predicates -- Truth and falsity conditions for atomics -- Cases, domains, and interpretation functions -- Classical, paracomplete, and paraconsistent -- Identity -- Logical expressions and logical form -- Validity involving identity -Identity : informal sketch -- Truth conditions : informal sketch -- Everything and something -Validity involving quantifiers -- Quantifiers : an informal sketch -- Truth and falsity conditions -Paraconsistent, paracomplete, classical -- Freedom, Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 9 sur 114 2013-02-26 necessity, and beyond -- Speaking freely -- Speaking of non-existent things -- Existential import -Freeing our terms, expanding our domains -- Truth conditions : an informal sketch -- Possibilities -Possibility and necessity -- Towards truth and falsity conditions -- Cases and consequence -- Remark on going beyond possibility -- Glimpsing different logical roads -- Other conditionals -- Other negations -Other alethic modalities : actuality -- Same connectives, different truth conditions -- Another road to difference : consequence. BC 108 B347 2010 ISBN: 9782729870751 (v. 1 : br.) ISBN: 272987075X (v. 1 : br.) ISBN: 9782729872571 (v. 2 : br.) Auteur: Saint Germain, Charles-Éric de, 1967Titre: Cours particuliers de philosophie / Charles-Éric de Saint Germain. Éditeur: Paris : Ellipses, c2011Desc. matérielle: v. ; 24 cm. Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: v. 1-2 (Sans anal.) Note générale: "Élèves de classes préparatoires littéraires et commerciales, étudiants en IEP et à Sciences Po Paris, ou encore candidats au CAPES de philosophie, trouveront dans ces cours particuliers une présentation globale et complète de l'ensemble des questions philosophiques, sous une forme pédagogiquement claire et accessible, avec un souci constant de problématisation des enjeux"--P. [4] de la couv., v. 1. Dépouil. incompl.: v. 1. Culture et politique -- v. 2. La morale, le sujet et la connaissance. BD 22 S25 2011- 1 BD 22 S25 2011- 2 ISBN: 9783451341298 (hbk.) ISBN: 3451341298 (hbk.) Auteur: Guilelmus de Ockham, O.F.M., ca 1300-ca 1350. Titre: Probleme der Metaphysik : Lateinisch - Deutsch / Wilhelm von Ockham ; übersetzt und eingeleitet von Hans Kraml und Gerhard Leibold. Éditeur: Freiburg im Breisgau : Verlag Herder, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 285 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Herders Bibliothek der Philosophie des Mittelalters ; Bd. 30) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 283) et un index. Langue: Texte latin avec traduction allemande en regard. BD 95 G85P76 2012 ISBN: 9780195385960 (pbk. : alk. paper) $29.95 ISBN: 0195385969 (pbk. : alk. paper) Titre: The senses : classic and contemporary philosophical perspectives / edited by Fiona Macpherson. Éditeur: New York : Oxford University Press, c2011. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 410 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Philosophy of mind) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Individuating the senses / Fiona Macpherson -- Section I. Classic works -- Excerpt from On the soul (De Anima) / Aristotle -- Aristotle on demarcating the five senses / Richard Sorabji -- Some remarks about the senses / H.P. Grice -- Distinguishing the senses / J.W. Roxbee Cox -- The senses of Martians / C.A.J. Coady -- The senses, excerpt from Perception and cognition / John Heil -- Characterising the senses / Mark Leon -- Categorizing the senses / Norton Nelkin -- Sight and touch / M.G.F. Martin -- Making sense of the senses: individuating modalities in humans and other animals / Brian L. Keeley -- Section II. New works -- On the nature of the senses / Richard Gray -Re-imagining, re-viewing, and re-touching / Robert Hopkins -- The senses / John Heil -- A proprioceptive account of the sense modalities / John O'Dea -- The Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 10 sur 114 2013-02-26 senses as psychological kinds / Matthew Nudds -Tastes, temperatures, and pains / A.D. Smith -- The sense of agency / Tim Bayne -- Cross-modal cuing and selective attention / Austin Clark. BD 214 S46 2011 ISBN: 9788860082145 (br.) ISBN: 8860082145 (br.) Auteur: Valore, Paolo, 1972Titre: L'inventario del mondo : guida allo studio dell'ontologia / Paolo Valore. Éditeur: Torino : UTET università, 2008. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 330 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [302]-324) et un index. BD 300 V25I58 2008 ISBN: 9782757400500 (br.) ISBN: 2757400509 (br.) Auteur: Stanguennec, André, 1941Titre: Être, soi, sens : les antécédences herméneutiques de La dialectique réflexive / André Stanguennec. Éditeur: Villeneuve d'Ascq : Presses universitaires du septentrion, 2008. Desc. matérielle: 311 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (La collection philosophie) Collection: (Savoirs et systèmes de pensée ; 1099. Philosophie contemporaine) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 299-307) et un index. BD 331 S82E87 2008 ISBN: 9781441190352 (alk. paper) ISBN: 144119035X (alk. paper) ISBN: 9781441180827 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 1441180826 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9781441157058 (PDF ebook) ISBN: 1441157050 (PDF ebook) ISBN: 9781441144225 (ePub ebook) ISBN: 1441144226 (ePub ebook) Auteur: Goetz, Stewart. Titre: The purpose of life : a theistic perspective / Stewart Goetz. Éditeur: London ; New York : Continuum, c2012. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 189 p. ; 22 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. BD 431 G515 2012 ISBN: 9780761849674 (pbk.) $19.95 ISBN: 076184967X (pbk.) Auteur: Maan, Ajit K. Titre: Internarrative identity : placing the self / Ajit K. Maan. Éditeur: Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xx, 90 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Narrative identity -- Fault lines -- Comparative analysis -- Internarrative identity -- Repression and narrative unity. BD 438.5 M33 2010 ISBN: 9788474908329 (pbk.) ISBN: 8474908329 (pbk.) Auteur: Brague, Rémi, 1947Titre: La sabiduría del mundo : historia de la experiencia humana del universo / Rémi Brague ; traducción de José Antonio Millán Alba. Éditeur: Madrid : Encuentro, 2008. Desc. matérielle: 422 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Ensayos ; 354. Filosofía) Note générale: Traduction de: La sagesse du monde. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 371-410) et un index. BD 494 B72S24S6 2008 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 11 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 9789048125395 (hbk.) ISBN: 9048125391 (hbk.) Titre: Changing the scientific study of religion : beyond Freud? : theoretical, empirical and clinical studies from psychoanalytic perspectives / Jacob A. Belzen, editor. Éditeur: Dordrecht ; New York : Springer, c2009. Desc. matérielle: vi, 319 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. Dépouil. complet: Past Freud - Beyond Freud? / Jacob A. Belzen -- One hundred years after Freud declared that religion was a universal obsessional neurosis / Ana-Mariá Rizzuto -Religious conflicts in psychoanalysis - a case study / William W. Meissner -- Religious delusion in psychosis and hysteria / Jozef Corveleyn -- Psychoanalytic contributions on the mystical / Dan Merkur -- The adoration of the crucified / Paul Moyaert -- The psychoanalytic study of myth since Freud / Michael Carroll -- Psychoanalysis meets Buddhism / William B. Parsons -- Hinduism and psychoanalysis / Daniel J. Meckel -- The paternal metaphor revisited in post-Freudian French religious psychoanalytic anthropology / René Devisch -- Psychoanalytic and philosophical inquiries into religious subjectivity / James J. DiCenso -- Julia Kristeva and the psychoanalytic study of religion / Diane Jonte-Pace. BF 175.4 R44C35 2009 ISBN: 0465026109 (hbk.) ISBN: 9780465026104 (hbk.) ISBN: 0465026117 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780465026111 (pbk.) Auteur: Gardner, Howard, 1943Titre: Intelligence reframed : multiple intelligences for the 21st century / Howard Gardner. Éditeur: New York, NY : Basic Books, c1999. Desc. matérielle: x, 292 p. ; 20 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [221]-237) and index. Dépouil. complet: Intelligence and individuality -- Before multiple intelligences -- The theory of multiple intelligences -- Are there additional intelligences? -- Is there a moral intelligence? -- Myths and realities about multiple intelligences -- Issues and answers regarding multiple intelligences -- The intelligences of creators and leaders -- Multiple intelligences in the schools -- Multiple approaches to understanding -Multiple intelligences in the wider world -- Who owns intelligence? BF 432.3 G378 1999 ISBN: 9781848762503 (pbk.) ISBN: 184876250X (pbk.) Auteur: Baron, Richard, 1958Titre: Deliberation and reason / Richard Baron. Éditeur: Leicester : Matador, c2010. Desc. matérielle: viii, 286 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 271-286). BF 441 B27D45 2010 ISBN: 0521369517 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780521369510 (pbk.) Auteur: McClelland, David C. (David Clarence), 1917-1998. Titre: Human motivation / David C. McClelland. Éditeur: Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, c1987 (2009 printing) Desc. matérielle: xii, 663 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note générale: Originally published: Glenview, Ill. : Scott Foresman, 1985. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 609-640) and index. Dépouil. complet: Conscious and unconscious motives -- Motives in the personality tradition -- Motivation in the behaviorist tradition -- Emotions as indicators of natural incentives -- Natural incentives and their derivatives Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 12 sur 114 2013-02-26 -- Measures of human motive dispositions -- The achievement motive -- The power motive -- The affiliative motives -- The avoidance motives -Motivational trends in society -- Cognitive effects on motivation -- How motives interact with values and skills to determine what people do -- Motivation training -- Milestones in the progress toward a scientific understanding of human motivation. BF 503 M42 2009 ISBN: 9780691146904 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 069114690X (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Tyler, Tom R., 1950Titre: Why people cooperate : the role of social motivations / Tom R. Tyler. Éditeur: Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2011. Desc. matérielle: 215 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p.[187]-207) and index. Dépouil. complet: Why do people cooperate? -- Motivational models -Cooperation with managerial authorities in work settings -- Cooperation with legal authorities in local communities -- Cooperation with political authorities -- The psychology of cooperation -Implications -- Self-regulation as a general model. BF 503 T955 2011 ISBN: 0275993639 (hbk. : alk. paper) $49.95 ISBN: 9780275993634 (hbk. : alk. paper) Titre: Educating people to be emotionally intelligent / edited by Reuven Bar-On, J.G. Maree and Maurice Jesse Elias. Éditeur: Westport, Conn. : Praeger Publishers, 2007. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 323 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. Dépouil. complet: Foreword / Daniel Goleman -- What this book is about / Reuven Bar-On, Jacobus G. Maree and Maurice J. Elias -- How important is it to educate people to be emotionally intelligent, and can it be done? / Reuven Bar-On -- Development of emotional competence : pathways for helping children to become emotionally intelligent / Carolyn Saarni -- Emotionally intelligent parenting / Robin Stern and Maurice J. Elias -- School-family partnerships to enhance children's social, emotional and academic learning / Evanthia N. Patrikakou and Roger P. Weissberg -Social, emotional and academic education of children : theories, goals, methods and assessments / Jonathan Cohen and Sandra V. Sandy -- School practices to build social-emotional competence as the foundation of academic and life success / Joseph E. Zins, Maurice J. Elias and Mark T. Greenberg -- Comer school development program : a pioneering approach to improving social, emotional and academic competence / Norris M. Haynes -- Self-science approach to social-emotional learning / Karen McCown, Anabel L. Jensen and Joshua Freedman -- Creating an emotionally intelligent school district : a skill-based approach / Marc A. Brackett, Bruce Alster, Charles J. Wolfe, Nicole A. Katulak and Edward Fale -- First steps in developing a community-based teacher training program designed to educate children to be emotionally intelligent / Jacobus G. Maree and Queen Esther M. Mokhuane -- Developing emotional intelligence through coaching for leadership, professional and occupational excellence / Richard E. Boyatzis -- Practice of emotional intelligence coaching in organizations : a hands-on guide to successful outcomes / Charles J. Wolfe -- Coaching executives to enhance emotional intelligence and increase productivity / Geetu Bharwaney -- Emotional competence development and the bottom line : lessons from American Express financial advisors / Douglas Lennick -- Applying emotional intelligence in understanding and treating physical and psychological disorders : what we have learned Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 13 sur 114 2013-02-26 from alexithymia / Graeme J. Taylor and Helen L. Taylor-Allan -- Applying emotional intelligence in treating individuals with severe psychiatric disorders : a psychotherapeutic model for educating people to be emotionally intelligent / Lana Stohl, David Dangerfield, Jeremy Christensen, David Justice and Douglas Mottonen -- Assessing emotional intelligence in children : a review of existing measures of emotional and social competence / Sarah Stewart-Brown and Laurel Edmunds -- Assessing emotional intelligence in adults : a review of the most popular measures / David L. Van Rooy and Chockalingam Viswesvaran -Anatomy of emotional intelligence and implications for educating people to be emotionally intelligent / Antoine Bechara, Antonio R. Damasio and Reuven Bar-On -- Integrative summary / Peter Salovey. BF 576 E378 2007 ISBN: 9780470907436 (pbk.) ISBN: 0470907436 (pbk.) ISBN: 0787949841 (hardcover : alk. paper) Titre: The handbook of emotional intelligence : theory, development, assessment, and application at home, school, and in the workplace / Reuven Bar-On, James D.A. Parker, editors ; [foreword by Daniel Goleman]. Partie du titre: Emotional intelligence Éditeur: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2000 ([2011 printing]) Desc. matérielle: xv, 528 p : ill. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and indexes. BF 576 H36 2011 ISBN: 9780230241466 (hbk.) ISBN: 0230241468 (hbk.) Auteur: Furnham, Adrian, 1953Titre: Body language in business : decoding the signals / Adrian Furnham & Evgeniya Petrova. Éditeur: Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xi, 217 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 207-208) and index. Dépouil. complet: The signal system -- Channels of communication -Everyday signs and signals -- Applying the theory -Personality, emotions and attitudes -- Lying and body language. BF 637 N66F88 2010 ISBN: 9781409406235 (hbk.) $99.95 ISBN: 1409406237 (hbk.) Auteur: Rose, Matthew (Matthew Franklin) Titre: Ethics with Barth: God, metaphysics and morals / Matthew Rose. Éditeur: Farnham : Ashgate, 2010. Desc. matérielle: vi, 226 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Barth studies) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [211]-221) and index. Dépouil. struct.: Christian by nature? -- The humanity of God -- What there is -- The measure of all things -- The sovereign good -- The will to joy -- The imperative of reality -- A Christian sociology -- Humanity against itself -Barthian difficulties. BJ 1251 R67 2010 ISBN: 9780802866752 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0802866751 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Van Til, Kent A. Titre: The moral disciple : an introduction to Christian ethics / Kent A. Van Til. Éditeur: Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012. Desc. matérielle: x, 160 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. Dépouil. complet: What is ethics? -- How the Bible guides Christian ethics -- Moral agent -- Sin -- Virtue -- Conscience -- Moral norms -- Biblical norms -- Moral consequences Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 14 sur 114 2013-02-26 -- Ultimate ends. BJ 1251 V36 2012 ISBN: 9780800698584 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0800698584 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Moltmann, Jürgen, 1926Titre: Ethics of hope / Jürgen Moltmann ; translated by Margaret Kohl. Éditeur: Minneapolis : Fortress Press, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xv, 271 p. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Translation of: Ethik der Hoffnung. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 240-258) and index. Dépouil. complet: Part 1. Eschatology and ethics. Introduction -Apocalyptic eschatology -- Christological eschatology -- Separatist eschatology -- Transformative eschatology -- Part 2. An ethics of life. A culture of life -- Medical ethics -- Part 3. Earth ethics. In the space of the earth, what is the earth? -- The time of the earth -- Ecology -- Earth ethics -- Part 4. Ethics of just peace. Criteria for forming a judgment -Divine and human righteousness and justice -- Dragon slaying and peacemaking in Christianity -- Control is good, trust is better : liberty and security in the "free world" -- The righteousness of God and human and civil rights -- Part 5. Joy in God : aesthetic counterpoints. Sabbath : the feast of creation -- The jubilation of Christ's resurrection -- "And peace in the midst of strife." Langue: Translated from the German. BJ 1253 M6513 2012 Titre: Ma joie terrestre, où donc es-tu? / [par Robert-Henri Barbe ... et al.]. Éditeur: [Bruges] : Desclée de Brouwer, 1951, c1947. Desc. matérielle: 379 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Collection: (Études carmélitaines) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BJ 1482 M3 1951 ISBN: 9780813217994 (pbk. : alk. paper) $39.95 ISBN: 0813217997 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Rhonheimer, Martin, 1950Titre: The perspective of morality : philosophical foundations of Thomistic virtue ethics / Martin Rhonheimer ; translated by Gerald Malsbary. Éditeur: Washington, DC : Catholic University of America Press, c2011. Desc. matérielle: xv, 467 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 429-448) and indexes. BJ 1521 R413 2011 ISBN: 9780674048607 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0674048601 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Stroumsa, Guy G., 1948Titre: A new science : the discovery of religion in the Age of Reason / Guy G. Stroumsa. Éditeur: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: x, 223 p. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 169-214) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Introduction: The study of religion as cultural criticism -- Paradigm shift : exploring the world's religions -- Respublica Hebraeorum : biblical religion and European culture -- From biblical philology to the study of Judaism -- Biblical myth, religious history, and idolatry -- Iranian religions and the idea of dualism -- From Mohammedis imposturae to the Three imposters : the study of Islam and the Enlightenment -- From China to Rome : the discovery of civil religion -- Epilogue: From ritual to myth. BL 41 S73 2010 ISBN: 9781405195478 (hbk. : alk. paper) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 15 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 1405195479 (hbk. : alk. paper) Titre: The Wiley-Blackwell companion to religion and social justice / edited by Michael D. Palmer and Stanley M. Burgess. Partie du titre: Companion to religion and social justice Éditeur: Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xviii, 638 p. ; 26 cm. Collection: (Wiley-Blackwell companions to religion) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. Dépouil. complet: Part I. Major world religions. Buddhism : historical setting / Mavis Fenn -- Buddhism : contemporary expressions / Steven Emmanuel -- Christianity : historical setting / Stanley M. Burgess -Christianity : contemporary expressions / Curtiss Paul DeYoung -- Confucianism : historical setting / Joseph Chan -- Confucianism : contemporary expressions / Stephen C. Angle -- Hinduism : historical setting : O.P. Dwivedi -- Hinduism : contemporary expressions / Anita Singh -- Islam : historical setting / Hussam S. Timani -- Islam : contemporary expressions / Erin E. Stiles -- Judaism : historical setting / Moshe Hellinger -- Judaism : contemporary expressions / Eliezer Segal -- Part II. Religious movements and themes. Bahá'í faith / Christopher Buck -- The quest for justice in revival, a Creole religion in Jamaica / William Wedenoja -- The Muhammadiyah : a Muslim modernist organization in contemporary Indonesia / Florian Pohl -- The role of the chief in Asante society / Yaw Adu-Gyamfi -- Tibetan monastics and social justice / Derek F. Maher -- Sangha and society / Hiroko Kawanami -- G'meelut Chasadim (deeds of kindness) / W.E. Nunnally -- Hospitality / Ana María Pineda -- Zakat : faith and giving in Muslim contexts / Azim Nanji -- Ecumenical and interreligious dialogue / Barbara Brown Zikmund -- Part III. Indigenous people. Africa : religion and social justice among the Diola of Senegal, Gambia, and Guinea-Bissau / Robert M. Baum -- Australia : religion and social justice in a continent of hunter-gatherers / Robert Tonkinson -Central America : a god for the poor : folk Catholicism and social justice among the Yucatec Maya / Christine A. Kray -- Europe : the Roma people of Romania / Sorin Gog and Maria Roth -- Middle East : the Kurds : religion and social justice of a stateless nation / Charles G. MacDonald -- New Zealand : the Māori people / Rawinia Higgins -- North America : Ojibwe culture / Gregory O. Gagnon -- Southeran Asia : the Gonds of India : a search for identity and justice / Sushma Yadav -- Part IV. Social justice issues. Colonialism / Brigid M. Sackey -- Abundant life or abundant poverty? : the challenge for African Christianity / T. John Padwick -- AIDS, religion, and the politics of social justice in Sub-Saharan Africa / Afe Adogame -- Religion, civil rights, and social justice / Paul Harvey -- Human rights : the South African experience / Glenda Wildschut -- The "double-conscious" nature of American evangelicalism's struggle over civil rights during the progressive era / L.B. Gallien, Jr. -- Gender and sexuality in the context of religion and social justice / Mary E. Hunt -- Beginning of life / Andrew Lustig -- Death and dying / Courtney S. Campbell -- Religion's influence on social justice practices relating to those with disabilities / Ruth Vassar Burgess -- Ecology and the environment / Laurel Kearns -- Christianity and nonviolent resistance / Celia Cook-Huffman -- Building peace in the pursuit of social justice / Mohammed Abu-Nimer. BL 65 J87W55 2012 ISBN: 9780754629221 (hbk.) ISBN: 0754629228 (hbk.) Titre: Religions of the East / edited by Stephen Hunt. Éditeur: Farnham : Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, 2010. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 16 sur 114 2013-02-26 Desc. matérielle: xxvii, 513 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Collection: (The library of essays on sexuality and religion) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. Dépouil. complet: Concerning Kamasutras : challenging narratives of history and sexuality / Jyoti Puri -- The cult of the Earth Goddess among the Magar of Nepal / Marie Lecomte-Tilouine -- Women in Honglou meng : prescriptions of purity in the femininity of Qing Dynasty China / Louise Edwards -- Contemporary Theravāda and Zen Buddhist attitudes to human sexuality : an exercise in comparative ethics / Michel Clasquin-Johnson -- Sexuality : the Chinese and the Judeo-Christian traditions in Hong Kong / Adolf K.T. Tsang -- Singing the glory of asceticism : devotion of asceticism in Jainism / John E. Cort -- Asceticism and sexuality in the mythology of Śiva, part II / Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty -- Temple girls of medieval Karnataka / Aloka Parasher and Usha Naik -- Kumari or virgin worship in Kathmandu Valley / M.R. Allen -Social consequences of marrying Viṣṇu Nārāyaṇa : primary marriage among the Newars of Kathmandu Valley / Anne Vergati -- Abductions and the constellation of a Hindu communal bloc in Bengal of the 1920s / P.K. Dutta -- Women, sexuality and enlightenment : Kankyo no tomo / Rajyashree Pandey -Re-imagining the divine in Sikhism / Nikky-Guninder Kaur Singh -- The power to pollute and the power to preserve : perceptions of female power in a Hindu village / Catherine Thompson -- Lustful women, elusive lovers : identifying males as objects of female desire / Prem Chowdhry -- Not this, not that : the Hijras of India and the cultural politics of sexuality / Vinay Lal -- "Like a city ablaze" : the third sex and the creation of sexuality in Jain religious literature / Leonard Zwilling and Michael J. Sweet -- A comparative analysis of Hijras and drag queens : the subversive possiblities and limits of parading effeminacy and negotiating masculinity / Sandeep Bakshi -Transsexualism, gender, and anxiety in traditional India / Robert P. Goldman -- Ambiguous sexuality : imagery and interpretation in Tantric Buddhism / Roger R. Jackson. BL 65 S4R47 2010 ISBN: 9789042922426 (pbk.) ISBN: 9042922427 (pbk.) Titre: Monotheism between pagans and Christians in late antiquity / edited by Stephen Mitchell and Peter Van Nuffelen. Éditeur: Leuven ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, 2010. Desc. matérielle: vi, 225 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion ; 12) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [203]-222) and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction / S. Mitchell and P. Van Nuffelen -'Pagan monotheism'? Towards a historical typology / M. V. Cerutti -- One God and divine unity : late antique theologies between exclusivism and inclusiveness / G. Sfameni Gasparro -- Eadem spectamus astra : astral immortality as common ground between pagan and Christian monotheism / B. Selter -- Orphic God(s) : theogonies and hymns as vehicles of monotheism / M. Herrero de Jáuregui -- Pagan conceptions of monotheism in the fourth century : the example of Libanius and Themistius / I. Sandwell -- From philosophic monotheism to imperial henotheism : esoteric and popular religion in late antique Platonism / N. Siniossoglou -- Monotheism, henotheism, and polytheism in Porphyry's Philosophy from Oracles / C. Addey -- Refuting and reclaiming monotheism : monotheism in the debate between "pagans" and Christians in 380-430 / M. Kahlos -- Augustine's Varro and pagan monotheism / G. Clark. BL 221 M65M58 2010 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 17 sur 114 2013-02-26 Auteur: Leeuw, G. van der (Gerardus), 1890-1950. Titre: L'uomo primitivo e la religione / Gerardus van der Leeuw. Éditeur: Torino : Paolo Boringhieri, c1961. Desc. matérielle: 179 p. ; 21 cm. Collection: (Biblioteca di cultura etnologica e religiosa ; 35) Note générale: Traduction de: De primitieve mensch en de religie : anthropologische studie. Note générale: Don reçu le: / Gift received on: 4-Sep-1997, #9. BL 430 V353P7I8 1961 Titre: Gender in world religions. Éditeur: Montréal : Faculty of Religious Studies and Centre for Continuing Education, McGill University, 1990Desc. matérielle: v. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Includes bibliographical references. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note générale: Library has: v. 3 (No anal.) BL 458 G46 1990- 3 ISBN: 9781570759956 (pbk.) ISBN: 1570759952 (pbk.) Auteur: Ó Murchú, Diarmuid, M.S.C. Titre: In the beginning was the Spirit : science, religion, and indigenous spirituality / Diarmuid O'Murchu. Éditeur: Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c2012. Desc. matérielle: x, 240 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 223-231) and index. Dépouil. complet: Method in my madness -- In the beginning -- Out of the vacuum -- Energising the energy -- And there was life -- The relational web -- The Great Spirit: aboriginal wisdom -- The Spirit of Africa -- The Asian pantheon -- The Great Spirit in Christianity -- The erotic Spirit in creation -- A new Pentecost -- Personal obstruction -- The Spirit who blows. BL 473 O34 2012 ISBN: 9781897426241 (pbk.) ISBN: 1897426240 (pbk.) Auteur: Stewart, Laverne. Titre: Angels and the afterlife / Laverne Stewart. Éditeur: Lawrencetown Beach, N.S. : Pottersfield Press, c2011. Desc. matérielle: 223 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BL 477 S74 2011 ISBN: 0814794157 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN: 9780814794159 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN: 0814794165 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9780814794166 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0814794831 (ebook) ISBN: 9780814794838 (ebook) Auteur: Weddle, David L. (David Leroy), 1942Titre: Miracles : wonder and meaning in world religions / David L. Weddle. Éditeur: New York : New York University Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 253 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 237-245) and index. Dépouil. complet: Preliminary considerations -- Hinduism : signs of spiritual liberation -- Judaism : signs of covenant -Buddhism : signs of transcendent wisdom -Christianity : signs of divine presence -- Islam : signs of divine authority. BL 487 W45 2010 ISBN: 9783406584244 (pbk.) ISBN: 3406584241 (pbk.) Auteur: Obst, Helmut, 1940Titre: Reinkarnation : Weltgeschichte einer Idee / Helmut Obst. Éditeur: München : C.H. Beck, c2009. Desc. matérielle: 295 p. ; 19 cm. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 18 sur 114 2013-02-26 Collection: (Beck'sche Reihe ; 1896) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 288-[289]) et un index. BL 515 O27 2009 ISBN: 9789042921788 (pbk.) $80.00 ISBN: 9042921781 (pbk.) Titre: Holy ground : re-inventing ritual space in modern western culture / Paul Post & Arie L. Molendijk (eds.) Éditeur: Lueven ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, c2010. Desc. matérielle: viii, 318 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Liturgia condenda ; 24) Note générale: "Contains the proceedings of the international workshop Holy ground ... held at the University of Groningen, October 25-26, 2007"--Introd. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. Dépouil. complet: Conceptuality. Place of action : exploring the study of space, ritual and religion / Paul Post ; The notion of the "sacred" / Arie L. Molendijk -- Memorial culture. Shadowed ground, sacred place : reflections on violence, tragedy, memorials and public commemorative rituals / Kenneth Foote ; Public practices of commemorative mourning : ritualized space, politicized space, mediated space : three cases from The Netherlands / Irene Stengs ; Collective memorial rituals in a Dutch landscape / Judith Tonnaer -- Tradition and transition. Recycling sacred space : the fate of financially burdensome and redundant churches in The Netherlands / Justin E.A. Kroesen ; Place and community : the sacramentality of sacred space and the new Cathedral of Oakland, California / Lizette Larson-Miller ; Space for silence : the interplay between space and ritual in rooms of silence / Jorien Holsappel-Brons -- Explorations. Hierarchies of holiness : the Mormon Temple in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands / Wouter E.A. van Beek ; Ritual space and ritual gesture : three types of ritual communication in throwing coins into the water / Eric Venbrux. BL 580 H637 2010 ISBN: 9781443817738 (pbk.) ISBN: 1443817732 (pbk.) Titre: Sacred space : interdisciplinary perspectives within contemporary contexts / edited by Steve Brie, Jenny Daggers and David Torevell. Éditeur: Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars, 2010. Desc. matérielle: vi, 207 p. ; 21 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. BL 580 S23 2010 ISBN: 9782896462315 (pbk.) ISBN: 2896462317 (pbk.) Auteur: Sibley, Robert C. (Robert Cameron), 1951Titre: A rumour of God : rekindling belief in an age of disenchantment / Robert C. Sibley. Éditeur: Toronto : Novalis, c2010. Desc. matérielle: 375 p. ; 21 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. BL 624 S48 2010 ISBN: 193499619X (pbk.) $10.95 ISBN: 9781934996195 (pbk.) Auteur: Alves, Rubem A., 1933Titre: Transparencies of eternity / Rubem Alves ; translated by Jovelino and Joan Ramos. Éditeur: Miami : Convivium Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: 132 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Series sapientia) Note générale: Originally published in Portuguese as Transparências da eternidades. BL 624.2 A4813 2010 ISBN: 9782204098076 (1/1 : br) ISBN: 2204098078 (1/1 : br) Auteur: Panikkar, Raimundo, priest, 1918-2010. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 19 sur 114 2013-02-26 Titre: Mystique, plénitude de vie / Raimon Panikkar ; traduit de l'italien par Monique Baccelli. Éditeur: Paris : Cerf, 2012Desc. matérielle: v. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Oeuvres / Raimon Panikkar ; 1) Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: v. 1 (1) (Sans anal.) Note générale: Traduction de: Mistica, pienezza di vita. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index. Dépouil. incompl.: 1. Mystique et spiritualité -BL 625 P36313 2012- 1/1 ISBN: 9788492416271 (rel.) ISBN: 8492416270 (rel.) Auteur: Panikkar, Raimundo, priest, 1918-2010. Titre: Mite, símbol, culte / Raimon Panikkar ; coordinació del'edició catalana Jordi Pigem ; traduccions, Adelaide Barraco ... [et al.]. Éditeur: Barcelona : Fragmenta Editorial, c2009. Desc. matérielle: 513 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Opera omnia / Raimon Panikkar ; v. 9, t. 1) Note générale: Traduction de: Mito, simbolo, culto. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index. BL 625 P36413 2009 ISBN: 9780415676106 (hbk) ISBN: 041567610X (hbk) ISBN: 9780415676113 (pbk) ISBN: 0415676118 (pbk) Titre: Digital religion : understanding religious practice in new media worlds / edited by Heidi A. Campbell. Éditeur: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2013. Desc. matérielle: xi, 272 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. BL 638 D54 2012 ISBN: 9781441194381 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780826439024 (hbk.) ISBN: 0826439020 (hbk.) Auteur: Merdjanova, Ina, 1964Titre: Religion as a conversation starter : interreligious dialogue for peacebuilding in the Balkans / Ina Merdjanova and Patrice Brodeur. Éditeur: London, New York : Continuum, 2011, c2009. Desc. matérielle: vii, 185 p. : map ; 24 cm. Collection: (Continuum advances in Religious Studies) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [160]-170) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Towards a theory of interreligious dialogue for peacebuilding -- Interreligious relations in the Balkans : an overview -- Interreligious peacebuilding in the Balkans : structural developments -- Major achievements and challenges in interreligious dialogue for peacebuilding in the Balkans -- Policy recommendations. BL 980 B28M47 2011 ISBN: 9780814795682 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0814795684 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Makrides, Vasilios, 1961Titre: Hellenic temples and Christian churches : a concise history of the religious cultures of Greece from antiquity to the present / Vasilios N. Makrides. Éditeur: New York : New York University Press, c2009. Desc. matérielle: xii, 345 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 277-318) and index. Dépouil. complet: I. Religious profile of Greece : an overview across time. Hellenic polytheism, Hellenism, Hellenic tradition -- Christian monotheism, Orthodox Christianity, Greek Orthodoxy -- Judaism, Islam, and other religious cultures -- II. Hellenism and Christianity : interactions across history -Antithesis, tension, conflict -- Selection, Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 20 sur 114 2013-02-26 transformation, synthesis -- Symbiosis, mixture, fusion -- Individuality, distinctiveness, idiosyncrasy. BL 980 G8M36 2009 ISBN: 1405161388 (pbk.) ISBN: 9781405161381 (pbk.) Titre: Religion in American history / edited by Amanda Porterfield and John Corrigan. Éditeur: Chichester ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xi, 345 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. Dépouil. complet: Part I. Exploration and Encounter (1492-1692) : -- 1. Politics / Amanda Porterfield -- 2. Cosmology / John Corrigan -- 3. Community / Sarah Rivett -- 4. Practice / Tracy N. Leavelle -- Part II. The Atlantic World (1692-1803) : -- 5. Politics / Jon Sensbach -- 6. Cosmology / Stephen A. Marini -- 7. Community / Kenneth P. Minkema -- 8. Practice / Martha L. Finch -Part III. American Empire (1803-1898) : -- 9. Politics / Mark A. Noll -- 10. Cosmology / Robert Fuller -- 11. Community / Heather D. Curtis -- 12. Practice / Christopher White -- Part IV. Global Reach (1898-Present) : -- 13. Politics / Charles H. Lippy -14. Cosmology / Kathryn Lofton -- 15. Community / Peter W. Williams -- 16. Practice / Candy Gunther Brown BL 2525 R4653 2010 ISBN: 9780199743414 (pbk.) ISBN: 019974341X (pbk.) Titre: Philosophers without gods : meditations on atheism and the secular life / Louise M. Antony, editor. Éditeur: Oxford [England] ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 2010, c2007. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 315 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 299-301) and index. Dépouil. complet: Faith and reason, the perpetual war: ruminations of a fool / Stewart Shapiro -- From Yeshiva Bochur to secular humanist / Joseph Levine -- Religio Philosophi / Daniel Garber -- For the love of reason / Louise M. Antony -- Life without God: some personal costs / Daniel M. Farrell -- Overcoming Christianity / Walter Sinnott-Armstrong -- On becoming a heretic / Edwin Curley -- Mere Stranger / Marvin Belzer -- An atheist's fundamentalism / James Tappenden -- Thank goodness / Daniel C. Dennett --Transcendence without God: On atheism and invisibility / Anthony Simon Laden -- An Aristotelian life / Marcia Homiak -- Without the net of Providence: Atheism and the Human adventure / Kenneth A. Taylor -- Disenchantment / David Owens -Religion and respect / Simon Blackburn -- Reasonable religious disagreements / Richard Feldman -- If God is dead, is everything permitted / Elizabeth Anderson -Divine evil / David Lewis -- Meta-atheism: religious avowal as self-deception / Georges Rey -- Faith and fanaticism / Jonathan E. Adler BL 2710 P45 2010 ISBN: 0834801663 (v. 1) ISBN: 9780834801660 (v. 1) ISBN: 0834802201 (v. 2) ISBN: 9780834802209 (v. 2) Auteur: Ikeda, Daisaku, 1928Titre: A lasting peace : collected addresses of Daisaku Ikeda. Éditeur: New York : Weatherhill, c1981-1987 (1990-1992 printing) Desc. matérielle: 2 v. : ill., ports. ; 24 cm. Note générale: No anal. Note générale: Translated from the Japanese. Note générale: Vol. 2 lacks subtitle but has statement of responsibility. Note générale: Collection of speeches and proposals originally Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 21 sur 114 2013-02-26 delivered 1968-1986. Note générale: Dons -- Varia. BLQ 8400 I54L28 1990- 1992 1 BLQ 8400 I54L28 1990- 1992 2 Auteur: Lewittes, Mendell. Titre: The light of redemption : a collection of articles and addresses / by Mendell Lewittes. Titre add.: Sefer Athalta digeulah Variante du titre: Athalta di-geulah Éditeur: Jerusalem ; New York : Feldheim Publishers, 1971. Desc. matérielle: 169, 103 p. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Langue: Text in English and Hebrew with Hebrew text on inverted pages. BM 45 L47 1971 ISBN: 9789042921351 (pbk.) ISBN: 9042921358 (pbk.) Titre: Prophecy after the prophets? : the contribution of the Dead Sea scrolls to the understanding of biblical and extra-biblical prophecy / Kristin de Troyer and Armin Lange (eds) ; with the assistance of Lucas L. Schulte. Éditeur: Leuven, Belgium ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, 2009. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 242 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Contributions to biblical exegesis & theology ; 52) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [207]-233) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: The biblical prophetic manuscripts from the Judaean desert / Russell E. Fuller -- 4QApocryphon of Jeremiah C and 4QPseudo-Ezekiel: two "historical" apocalypses / Matthias Henze -- Pesharim as divination: Qumran exegesis, omen interpretation and literary prophecy / Martti Nissinen -- "All these he composed through prophecy" / Timothy H. Lim -- Was the Teacher of Righteousness considered to be a prophet? / George J. Brooke -- 4QTestimonia as a polemic against the prophetic claims of John Hyrcanus / Katell Berthelot -- The dream visions in the Noah story of the Genesis apocryphon and related texts / Esther Eshiel -- Mantic sages in the ancient Near East, Israel, early Judaism, and the Dead Sea scrolls / Leo G. Perdue -- The genre of the book of Jonah / Armin Lange. BM 487 P76 2009 ISBN: 9782204096966 (br) ISBN: 2204096962 (br) Auteur: Renard, Delphine, 1957Titre: Judaïsme et psychanalyse : les discours de Lacan / Delphine Renard. Éditeur: Paris : Cerf, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 367 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Sciences humaines et religions) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 349-361). BM 538 P68R46 2012 ISBN: 9782204097468 (br) ISBN: 2204097462 (br) Auteur: Malka, Victor. Titre: Le Dieu auquel je crois : [sous la direction de] Victor Malka ; [entretiens avec] Armand Abécassis ... [et al.]. Éditeur: Paris : Cerf, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 250 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Histoires-judaïsme) Note générale: "Ce livre d'entretiens est issu de la série d'émissions diffusées sur France Culture en 2010-2011 dans le cadre de Maison d'études"--Verso de la p. de t. BM 610 M278 2012 ISBN: 9783290175498 (pbk.) ISBN: 3290175499 (pbk.) Titre: Streit um das Minarett : Zusammenleben in der Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 22 sur 114 2013-02-26 religiös pluralistischen Gesellschaft / herausgegeben von Mathias Tanner ... [et al.]. Éditeur: Zürich : TVZ, Theologischer Verläg, c2009. Desc. matérielle: 288 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Beiträge zu einer Theologie der Religionen ; Bd. 8) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des bibliographies. BP 65 A1S77 2009 ISBN: 9782762130621 (br.) ISBN: 276213062X (br.) Auteur: Dion, Michel, 1956Titre: Éthique économique et croyances religieuses dans l'Islam / Michel Dion. Titre de la couv.: Éthique économique et croyances religieuses en Islam Éditeur: Montréal : Fides, 2011. Desc. matérielle: 172 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [169]-172). BP 173.75 D57 2011 ISBN: 9783899429596 (br) ISBN: 3899429591 (br) Titre: Der Stoff, aus dem Konflikte sind : Debatten um das Kopftuch in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz / Sabine Berghahn, Petra Rostock (Hg.) ; unter Mitarbeit von Alexander Nöhring. Éditeur: Bielefeld : Transcript, 2009. Desc. matérielle: 522 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Global, local Islam) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des bibliographies. BP 190.5 H44S76 2009 ISBN: 9780252035340 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0252035348 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9780252077210 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0252077210 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Shepherd, Gordon, 1943Titre: Talking with the Children of God : prophecy and transformation in a radical religious group / Gordon Shepherd and Gary Shepherd. Éditeur: Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 250 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [233]-240) and index. Dépouil. complet: Prophecy and change : the Children of God become the Family International -- The practice of prophecy in the Family : a roundtable discussion with the GN team, part I -- The role of prophecy in the Family : a roundtable discussion with the GN team, part II -Producing prophecy for the Good News -- Illustrating and laying out prophecy for the Good News -Activating religious interest of nonmembers -Defending the faith in the cyber age -- Managing the World Services home -- Managing the international flock -- World Services and the contemporary Family International : summary and conclusions. BP 605 C38S54 2010 ISBN: 088141042X (pbk.) ISBN: 9780881413977 Auteur: Evdokimov, Paul, 1901-1970. Titre: The sacrament of love : the nuptial mystery in the light of the Orthodox tradition / Paul Evdokimov ; translated from the French by Anthony P. Gythiel and Victoria Steadman ; with a foreword by Olivier Clement. Éditeur: Crestwood, NY : St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1985. Desc. matérielle: 192 p. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Translation of: Sacrement de l'amour. Note générale: Library has 2 copies. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BQ 1909 U5S33G9 1985 COPY-1 BQ 1909 U5S33G9 1985 COPY-2 ISBN: 904292232X (pbk.) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 23 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 9789042922327 (pbk.) Auteur: Stone, Michael E., 1938Titre: Catalogue of the additional Armenian manuscripts in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin / by Michael E. Stone and Nira Stone. Éditeur: Leuven ; Paris ; Walpole, MA : Peeters 2012. Desc. matérielle: xii, 269 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Hebrew University Armenian studies ; 12) Note générale: Supplement to: The Chester Beatty Library : a catalogue of the Armenian manuscripts, with an introduction on the history of Armenian art / by Sirarpie Der Nersessian. Dublin : Hodges Figgis, 1958. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [217]-222) and indexes. BQ 3332 A75U55 1979- 12 Auteur: Desnoyers, Germain-Marie, O.F.M., 1875Titre: Noble et prêtre, ou, Exercice des treize mardis en l'honneur de saint Antoine de Padoue, O.F.M. / Germain-Marie. Partie du titre: Exercice des treize mardis en l'honneur de saint Antoine de Padoue Éditeur: Québec : Imprimerie franciscaine missionnaire, 1914. Desc. matérielle: viii, 195 p. : portr. ; 20 cm. Note générale: Dons - BNC. BQ 6383 G47N63 1914 Auteur: Newman, John Henry, Card., 1801-1890. Titre: An essay in aid of a grammar of assent / by John Henry Cardinal Newman ; with an introduction by Etienne Gilson. Titre de la couv.: Grammar of assent Éditeur: Garden City, N.Y. : Image Books, 1955. Desc. matérielle: 396 p. ; 18 cm. Collection: (A Doubleday image book ; D19) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. BQ 7453 E87N48 1955 ISBN: 2907629131 (br) ISBN: 9782907629133 (br) Auteur: TSybikov, G. TS. (Gonbochzhab TSėbekovich), 1873-1930. Titre: Un pèlerin bouddhiste dans les sanctuaires du Tibet : d'après les journaux de voyage tenus entre 1899 et 1902 / Gonbojab Tsebekovitch Tsybikov ; traduction du russe et édition critique de Bernard Kreise ; préface d'Anne-Marie Blondeau. Titre de la couv.: Pèlerin bouddhiste au Tibet Titre au dos: Pèlerin bouddhiste Éditeur: Paris : Peuples du monde, 1992. Desc. matérielle: 347 p., [15] p. de pl. : ill., cartes ; 23 cm. Collection: (Domaine tibétain) Note générale: Dons -- Varia. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 294-295) et un index. BQ 7915 C62T5274 1992 ISBN: 9781433105968 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 1433105969 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Wamagatta, E. N. Titre: The Presbyterian Church of East Africa : an account of its Gospel Missionary Society origins, 1895-1946 / Evanson N. Wamagatta. Éditeur: New York : Peter Lang, c2009. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 251 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm. Collection: (American university studies. Series VII, Theology and religion. ; v. 290) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [233]-242) and index. Dépouil. complet: Prelude to the coming of the missionaries -Kikuyuland and the Kikuyu people -- Imposition of colonial rule -- The GMS and its establishment in Kenya -- The People's Church of Christ -- The AIM connection -- Establishment in Kikuyuland -- The abortive Kibichoi Mission station -- GMS Kambui and Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 24 sur 114 2013-02-26 Ng'enda mission stations -- Challenges to missionary work -- Reception of the missionaries in Kikuyuland -Conflict with Kikuyu culture -- Attributes of GMS missionaries -- The educational approach to missionary work -- The pioneering period -- The era of growth and challenges -- African quest for high schools -Problems with the government -- Problems with educational work -- The medical approach to missionary work -- The medical personnel -- The struggle against "witch doctors" -- Other gospel connections -- The government connection -- The evangelical approach to missionary work -- Conversion and GMS baptisms -Persecution of mission adherents -- A time of growth and expansion -- Confrontation with Kikuyu nationalism -- Confrontation with Kikuyu cultural nationalism -Spiritual slumber in Kikuyuland -- African leadership in the GMS church -- Merger with the Church of Scotland mission -- Financial problems -- The abortive GMS AIM merger -- Schism in the People's Church of Christ -- Human resources and other problems -- The road to the GMS-CSM merger. BQT 4 A486U55 1984- 290 Nom de collect.: Catholic Theological Society of America. Titre: Proceedings of the ... annual convention / the Catholic Theological Society of America. Autre titre: Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America. Éditeur: New York : Catholic Theological Society of America, 1947Desc. matérielle: v. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Title varies slightly. Note générale: Library has: 1st-62, 64-66 : (No anal.) Note générale: Imprint varies. Note générale: Subscription cancelled in 2012. BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 1-3 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 4-6 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 7-9 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 10-11 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 12-13 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 14-15 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 16-17 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 18-19 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 20-21 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 22-23 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 24-25 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 26-27 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 28-29 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 30-31 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 32-34 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 35-38 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 39-42 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 43-45 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 46 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 47 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 48 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 49 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 50 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 51-52 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 53 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 54 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 55 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 56 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 57 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 58 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 59 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 60 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 61 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 62 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 63 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 64 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 65 BQT 5.1 C38P76 1946- 66 ISBN: 9789042923997 (pbk.) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 25 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 9042923997 (pbk.) Auteur: Baert, Barbara, 1967Titre: Interspaces between word, gaze and touch : the Bible and the visual medium in the Middle Ages : collected essays on 'Noli me tangere', the woman with the Haemorrhage, the head of John the Baptist / Barbara Baert. Éditeur: Leuven ; Walpole, MA : Peeters c2011. Desc. matérielle: xii, 154, [1] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm Collection: (Annua nuntia Lovaniensia ; 62) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [105]-121) Dépouil. complet: Foreword / by Reimund Bieringer -- Introduction: The pact between word and image -- Chapter I. "Do not hold on to me" or The gaze in the garden: body and embodiement in Noli me tangere (John 20:17) -- Chapter II. "Who touched my clothes?": the healing of the woman with the haemorrhage (Marc 5:30) -- Chapter III. "He mus increase, but I must decrease": on the spiritual aand pictorial intertwining between the Johannesschüssel and the Vera Icon (John 3:30) -Epilogue. Interspaces between word, gaze and touch -Bibliography -- Illustrations. BQT 137 L6A55 1936- 62 ISBN: 9789042925311 (pbk.) ISBN: 9042925310 (pbk.) Auteur: Lambrecht, Jan, S.J., 1926Titre: Understanding what one reads II : essays on the Gospels and Paul (2003-2011) / Jan Lambrecht ; edited by Veronica Koperski. Éditeur: Leuven : Peeters, 2011. Desc. matérielle: ix, 343 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Annua nuntia Lovaniensia ; 64) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Mark and Q. Multiple attestation? : two passages in John P. Meier's A marginal Jew [2011] -- The line of thought in Mark 13,9-13 [2007] -- Literary craftsmanship in Mark 13,32-37 [2007] -- The end of the age : a reading of Mark 13 [unpublished] -Matthew. The weeds in context : composition in Matthew 13,24-43 [2011] -- The line of thought in Matthew 24, 1-35 : a discussion of Vicky Balabanski's reading [2008] -- What happened at Jesus' death according to Matthew 27,51-54? [unpublished] -- Luke. Parables in Luke : a response to Garwood P. Anderson [2010] -"But you too" : a note on Luke 1,76 [2005] -- Luke 13, 31-33 : structure and line of thought : some critical notes [2011] -- A note on Luke 15,11-32 [2005] -John. A note on John 20,23b [2007] -- Paul for Christians today. Paul past and present : five specific items [unpublished] -- Romans. Two brief notes : Romans 3,19-20 and 25b-26 [2009] -- A text from Origen and pistis christon : a reply to Michael F. Bird and Michael R. Whitenton [unpublished] -Eschatological newness in Romans 7,1-6 : Paul's reasoning [2008] -- Grammar and reasoning in Romans 7, 12 and 7, 13-14 [2004] -- The line of thought in Romans 7,15-20 [2004] -- Style and content : a note on Romans 8,10 [2010] -- Ecocentric or anthropocentric? : a reading of Romans 8,18-25 [2011] -- Grammar and reasoning in Romans 11,27 [2003] -- I Corinthians. Paul's reasoning in 1 Corinthians 6,12-20 [2009] -Beholding with uncovered face, yet still in a mirror : from 1 Corinthians 13,12 to 2 Corinthians 3,18 [unpublished] -- Paul as diakonos : the line of thought in 1 Corinthians 16,21-24 [2006] -- 2 Corinthians. From glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3,18) : a reply to Paul B. Duff [2008] -- A matter of method : 2 Corinthians 4,13 and Stegman's recent study [2008] -- A matter of method (II) : 2 Corinthians 4,13 and the recent studies of Schenck and Campbell [2010] -The Paul who wants to die : a close reading of 2 Corinthians 4,16-5,10 [unpublished] -- Paul's foolish discourse : a reply to A. Pitta [2007] -- Paul's escape from Damascus (2 Corinthinas 11,30-33) : its Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 26 sur 114 2013-02-26 narrative function [2011] -- "For whenever I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12,10b) [2009] -Galatians. Critical reflections on Paul's "partisan ech" as recently presented by Don Garlington [2008] -Philippians. Paul's reasoning in Philippians 2,6-8 [2007] -- I Thessalonians. Lack of logic? : close reading of 1 Thessalonians 2,1-12 [2008] -- Dogmatic constitution. Dei verbum forty years later [2005]. BQT 137 L6A55 1936- 64 ISBN: 9789042926240 (pbk.) ISBN: 9042926244 (pbk.) Auteur: Uyttenhove, Lieve. Titre: Embraced by the Father and the Son in the unity of the Holy Spirit : a study of the Trinity and the mystical life in the works of Jan van Ruusbroec / Lieve Uyttenhove ; preface Rob Faesen ; [translation: Brian Doyle and David Kirchhoffer]. Éditeur: Leuven : Peeters, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xviii, 337 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Annua nuntia lovaniensia ; 65) Note générale: Originally presented as the author's (doctoral) thesis. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [315]-330) and index. BQT 137 L6A55 1936- 65 ISBN: 9789042926066 (pbk.) ISBN: 9042926066 (pbk.) Titre: Mystical anthropology : cross-religious perspectives : interdisciplinary reflections on the Arnhem Mystical Sermons and Sri Aurobindo / edited by Ineke Cornet, Rob Faesen and Martin Sebastian Kallungal. Éditeur: Leuven : Peeters, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xi, 200 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Annua nuntia lovaniensia ; 66) Note générale: International conference proceedings. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BQT 137 L6A55 1936- 66 ISBN: 9780697029843 (pbk.) ISBN: 0697029840 (pbk.) Titre: Catholic source book : a collection of prayers and information to help learn, renew, teach, and live the risen life of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church / edited by Peter Klein. Éditeur: Dubuque, Iowa : Brown Pub.-Roa Media, c1990. Desc. matérielle: vii, 471 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm. Note générale: Includes index. Note générale: Dons - BNC. BQT 186 C373K54 1990 Auteur: Thiébaut, Henri, 1882Titre: Le portier de Saint Joseph : le frère André, C.S.C., l'apôtre du Mont-Royal / Gille Phabrey Éditeur: Montréal ; Paris : Fides, 1958. Desc. matérielle: 204 p., [7] p. de pl. : ill., portr. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQT 1101 M61P42P6 1958 Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape (1939-1958 : Pie XII) Titre: Lettre encyclique Fulgens Corona de S.S. Pie XII. Éditeur: Sherbrooke, Québec : Apostolat de la Presse, 1954. Desc. matérielle: 31 p. ; 16 cm. Collection: (Encyclique) Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note générale: "1954 Centenaire de la proclamation du dogme de L'Immaculée conception déclarée par le Saint-Père le Pape Pie XII. Année Mariale."--Verso de la p. de t. BQT 1401 1954 Titre: Le mariage : le sacrement / [A.-M. Roguet ... et al.] Éditeur: [Rome] : CIPA., [1960] Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 27 sur 114 2013-02-26 Desc. matérielle: 158 p. ; 20 cm. Collection: (Cipa 1960 ; 4) Note générale: Dons - Varia. BQT 1423 M27R64 1960 Auteur: Gendron, Lionel, 1924Titre: L'adolescente veut savoir / Lionel Gendron. Éditeur: Montréal : Éditions de l'Homme, 1967, c1964. Desc. matérielle: 172 p. ; 21 cm. Note générale: Dons - Varia. BQT 1934 G45A33 1967 ISBN: 9782226242006 (br) ISBN: 2226242007 (br) Auteur: Standaert, Benoît, O.S.B., 1945Titre: Les trois colonnes du monde : un chemin vers l'essentiel / Benoît Standaert. Éditeur: Paris : A. Michel, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 277 p., [4] p. de pl. : ill. en coul. ; 19 cm. Note générale: Traduction de: De drie pijlers van de wereld. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQT 2140 S82D75F7 2012 Auteur: Juan de la Cruz, santo, 1542-1591. Titre: Obras de San Juan De la Cruz / Apostolado de la Prensa. Éditeur: Madrid : Apostolado de la Prensa, 1926. Desc. matérielle: 852 p. : portr. ; 19 cm. Note générale: Comprend un index. Note générale: Dons - Varia. BQT 2412 J82O37 1926 Auteur: Ignacio de Loyola, santo, 1491-1556. Titre: The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius : based on studies in the language of the autograph / [translated by] Louis J. Puhl. Éditeur: Chicago : Loyola University Press, c1951, 1952. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 216 p. ; 20 cm. Note générale: Includes index. Note générale: Translation of: Exercitia spiritualia. Note générale: Dons -- Varia. BQT 2543 E5P84 1952 ISBN: 2890395731 (br.) ISBN: 9782890395732 (br.) Auteur: Garneau, Jean-Yves, S.S.S., 1932Titre: En ta présence : célébrations sur les textes eucharistiques de saint Jean / Jean-Yves Garneau. Éditeur: Montréal : Éditions Paulines : Médiaspaul, 1992. Desc. matérielle: 229 p. ; 21 cm. Note générale: Dons -- Varia. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQT 2665 G27E5 1992 Titre uniforme: Morale et réalités sociales. English = Anglais Titre: The Christian social conscience / by a group of laymen ; [translation, Geoffrey Chapman]. Éditeur: Montreal : Palm publishers, 1965. Desc. matérielle: 112 p. ; 21 cm. Collection: (Saint Severin Catechism for adults ; v. 4) Note générale: Translation of: Morale et réalités sociales. Note générale: Dons - BNC - DG. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BQT 3161 M68C38S8 1965 4 ISBN: 9788878391680 (br.) ISBN: 8878391689 (br.) Auteur: Luka Lusala lu ne Nkuka, S.J., 1965Titre: Jésus-Christ et la religion africaine : réflexion christologique à partir de l'analyse des mythes d'Osiris, de Gueno, d'Obatala, de Kiranga et de Nzala Mpanda / Luka Lusala lu ne Nkuka. Éditeur: Roma : G&BP, Gregorian & Biblical Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: 185 p. ; 21 cm. Collection: (Documenta missionalia ; 36) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 28 sur 114 2013-02-26 Note générale: Présenté à l'origine comme thèse (de doctorat) de l'auteur--Pontificia Università gregoriana, 2009. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [171]-177) et un index. BQT 3215 S88M58 1964- 36 Auteur: Laforge, André. Titre: Convulsions marxistes dans l'Église / André Laforge. Éditeur: Paris : Cercle d'information civique et sociale, 1972. Desc. matérielle: 144 p. ; 21 cm. Note générale: Dons - BNC. Note générale: "Supplément au : "Bulletin du Cercle d'information civique et sociale", no 133. BQT 3463 L24C65 1972 Titre: Essener Gespräche zum Thema Staat und Kirche. Éditeur: Münster : Aschendorff, 1969Desc. matérielle: v. en ; 19-23 cm. Note générale: Herausgegeben von Joseph Krautscheidt und Heiner Marré. Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: v. 1-26, 33, 40 (Sans anal.) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des bibliographies. BQT 3464 E88K7 1969- 1-3 BQT 3464 E88K7 1969- 4-5 BQT 3464 E88K7 1969- 6-8 BQT 3464 E88K7 1969- 9-11 BQT 3464 E88K7 1969- 12-14 BQT 3464 E88K7 1969- 15-17 BQT 3464 E88K7 1969- 18-20 BQT 3464 E88K7 1969- 21-23 BQT 3464 E88K7 1969- 24-26 BQT 3464 E88K7 1969- 33 BQT 3464 E88K7 1969- 40 ISBN: 9782227484931 (br) ISBN: 2227484934 (br) Auteur: Pierre, abbé, 1912-2007. Titre: Testament-- ; suivi de, Dieu merci / Abbé Pierre. Partie du titre: Dieu Merci Éditeur: Montrouge : Bayard, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 266 p. ; 18 cm. Note générale: Nouvelle édition de poche de ses deux grands livres: Testament... paru en 1994, et Dieu merci en 1995 aux éditions Bayard/Centurion. BQT 3663 C45A2T4 2012 ISBN: 9789042925960 (pbk.) ISBN: 9042925965 (pbk.) Auteur: Madathummuriyil, Sebastian. Titre: Sacrament as gift : a pneumatological and phenomenological approach / by Madathummuriyil. Éditeur: Leuven : Peeters, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 345 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Textes et études liturgiques = Studies 25) Note générale: Revision of the author's (doctoral) thesis--Université catholique, Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references BQT 4005 T43 1932- 25 Sebastian in liturgy ; Louvain, 2008. (p. [320]-345). Auteur: Vogel, Cyrille, ptre, 1919-1982. Titre: Introduction aux sources de l'histoire du culte chrétien au Moyen Âge / Cyrille Vogel ; réédition anastatique préfacée par Bernard Botte. Éditeur: Spoleto : Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 1981. Desc. matérielle: xxv, 407 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Titre de coll.: (Biblioteca degli "Studi medievali" ; 1) Note générale: "Les deux premières parties du présent ouvrage ont paru sous forme d'articles dans les Studi medievali (3e série, t. III, 1962, pp. 1-98; t. IV, 1963, pp. 435-569); la troisième et dernière partie est publiée ici pour la première fois."--Avant-propos. Note générale: Dons - BNC. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 29 sur 114 2013-02-26 Note bibliogr.: Comprend des bibliographies et des index. BQT 4127 V64I5 1981 Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Titre: Célébration de la pénitence et de la réconciliation : livre de célébration. Éditeur: Montréal, Québec : Office national de Liturgie ; Ottawa, Ontario : Service de Éditions, 1979. Desc. matérielle: 239 p. ; 26 cm. Note générale: "Bulletin national de liturgie, 13(1979) nn. 70-71-72." Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQT 4446 A4F7C45 1979 Titre: The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom / [edited by Joseph Roll]. Variante du titre: Divine liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom Éditeur: Sloatsburg, N.Y. : Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, 1984. Desc. matérielle: iv, 235 p. : ill., music ; 22 cm. Collection: (The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection.) Note générale: The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection. Note générale: Previous ed. published: 1976. BQT 5244 A4R65 1984 Titre: The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom : Ruthenian form / historical background, introduction and commentary by Basil Shereghy. Titre de la couv.: Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom Partie du titre: Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom Partie du titre: Divine liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom Éditeur: Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, 1961. Desc. matérielle: 64 p. ; 19 cm. Collection: (The Baran Collection) Note générale: DONS - GIFTS - 2010-2011 BQT 5244 A4S44 1961 Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape. Titre: Le mariage / présentation et tables par les moines de Solesmes. Éditeur: [Tournai] : Desclée, [1954]. Desc. matérielle: ix, 417, 15, 69 p. ; 17 cm. Titre de coll.: (Les enseignements pontificaux ; [5]) Note générale: La Bibliothèque possède 2 exemplaires. Note générale: Deuxième exemplaire: tirage de 1956. Note générale: "Appendice": 15 p. à la suite des documents. Note générale: Textes depuis Benoit XIV (1740) jusqu'à Pie XII (25 mars 1954) BQV 5 A1S64E5 1952- 1967 5 EX.1 BQV 5 A1S64E5 1952- 1967 5 EX.2 Nom de collect.: Catholic Church. Pope (1878-1903 : Leo XIII). Titre: Immortale Dei : the Christian constitution of states : encyclical letter / Pope Leo XIII ; (with discussion club outline by Gerald C. Treacy) Partie du titre: Christian constitution of states Éditeur: New York : Paulist Press, 1941. Desc. matérielle: 32 p. ; 18 cm. Note générale: Cover title. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BQV 8 1878 I552T55E5 1941 Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape (1922-1939 : Pie XI) Titre: Quadragesimo anno de S.S. Pie XI sur la restauration de l'ordre social. Titre de la couv.: Lettre encyclique Quadragesimo anno du pape Pie XI sur la restauration de l'ordre social Éditeur: Montréal : Apostolat de la Presse, 1961. Desc. matérielle: 59 p. ; 17 cm. Collection: (Encyclique) Note générale: Dons - Varia. BQV 8 1922 Q832 1961 Nom de collect.: Catholic Church. Pope (1939-1958 : Pius XII) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 30 sur 114 2013-02-26 Titre: The mystical body of Christ : encyclical letter (Mystici Corporis) of Pope Pius XII ; with introduction and notes by Joseph Bluett. Éditeur: New York : America Press, 1962. Desc. matérielle: 56 p. ; 18 cm. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 54-56). BQV 8 1939 M972B58M9 1962 Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape (1922-1939 : Pie XI) Titre: "Summi pontificatus" : version française de la première encyclique de Sa Sainteté Pie XII. Éditeur: Montréal : l'Imprimerie populaire ltée, 1939. Desc. matérielle: 28 p. ; 17 cm. Collection: (Le Document ; no 32, novembre 1939) Note générale: Titre de la couv. Note générale: Titre de départ: "Summi pontificatus" : lettre encyclique aux patriarches, primats, archevêques, évêques et autres ordinaires, en paix et communion avec le Siège apostolique. Note générale: Sur la couv.: Collection de textes, publiés à intervalles irréguliers, par le Devoir de Montréal. Note générale: "Version française officielle, les sous-titres sont de la Croix, de Paris." Note générale: Dons - Varia. BQV 8 1939 S85 1939 Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape (1963-1978 : Paul VI) Titre: Lettre encyclique de sa sainteté le Pape Paul VI sur la régulation des naissances. Éditeur: Rome : [Impr. du Vatican], [1968?]. Desc. matérielle: 37 p. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note générale: Traduction de: Humanae vitae. BQV 8 1963 H852F7L4 1968 Nom de collect.: Catholic Church. Pope (1963-1978 : Paul VI) Titre: Mysterium fidei : encyclical letter of His Holiness Pope Paul VI : on Eucharistic doctrine and worship / commentary by Anthony T. Padovano ; with Study-Club Outline. Partie du titre: Encyclical letter of His Holiness Pope Paul VI : on Eucharistic doctrine and worship Partie du titre: Eucharistic doctrine and worship Éditeur: Glen Rock, NJ : Paulist Press, c1966 Desc. matérielle: 63 p. ; 18 cm. Note générale: On cover: Study-club edition. Note générale: Dons - Varia. BQV 8 1963 M982P3 1966 Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape (1978-2005 : Jean-Paul II) Titre: Exhortation apostolique Familiaris consortio de Sa Sainteté le pape Jean-Paul II à l'episcopat, au clergé et aux fidèles de toute l'Église catholique sur les tâches de la famille chrétienne dans le monde d'aujourd'hui. Éditeur: Ottawa, Ont. : Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada, [1981]. Desc. matérielle: 181 p. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Dons - BNC. Note générale: Traduction de: Familiaris consortio. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQV 8 1978 F352F7 1981 ISBN: 2890398609 (br.) ISBN: 9782890398603 (br.) Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape (1978-2005 : Jean-Paul II) Titre: C'est par le travail : encyclique Laborem exercens / Jean-Paul II. Éditeur: Montréal : Éditions Paulines, 1981. Desc. matérielle: 92 p. ; 17 cm. Collection: (Collection Vie chrétienne ; 17) Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQV 8 1978 L332F7 1981A Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 31 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 2204017892 Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape (1978-2005 : Jean-Paul II) Titre: Le travail humain : lettre encyclique de Jean-Paul II ; introduction de Marie-Dominique Chenu. Éditeur: Paris : Cana : Cerf, 1981. Desc. matérielle: xv, 109 p. ; 21 cm. Note générale: Titre de la couverture. Note générale: "... à l'occasion du 90e anniversaire de l'encyclique Rerum novarum." Note générale: Dons - Gifts - 2010-2011. BQV 8 1978 L332F7 1981B ISBN: 2762112605 (br) ISBN: 9782762112603 (br.) Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape (1978-2005 : Jean-Paul II) Titre: La réconciliation et la pénitence : exhortation apostolique post-synodale Reconciliatio et paenitentia de S.S. Jean-Paul II à l'épiscopat, au clergé et aux fidèles sur la réconciliation et la pénitence dans la mission de l'Église aujourd'hui. Éditeur: Montréal : Fides, 1985. Desc. matérielle: 146 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Collection L'Église aux quatre vents) Note générale: Traduction de: Reconciliatio et paenitentia. Note générale: Don reçu le: / Gift received on: 4-Sep-1997. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQV 8 1978 R412F7 1985A ISBN: 289039980X Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape (1978-2005 : Jean-Paul II) Titre: Réconciliation et pénitence : exhortation apostolique post-synodale Reconciliatio et paenitentia de Jean-Paul II à l'épiscopat, au clergé et aux fidèles sur la réconciliation et la pénitence dans la mission de l'Église aujourd'hui. Éditeur: Montréal : Éditions Paulines, c1985. Desc. matérielle: 150 p. ; 18 cm. Collection: (Collection Vie chrétienne ; 26) Note générale: Traduction de: Reconciliatio et paenitentia. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQV 8 1978 R412F7 1985B ISBN: 9782890396814 (br.) ISBN: 2890396819 (br.) Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape (1978-2005 : Jean-Paul II) Titre: Le Rédempteur de l'homme : première encyclique "Redemptor hominis" / de Jean-Paul II. Éditeur: Montréal : Éditions Paulines, c1979. Desc. matérielle: 59 p. ; 17 cm. Collection: (Collection Vie chrétienne ; 8) Note générale: Traduction de: Redemptor hominis. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQV 8 1978 R432F7 1979B ISBN: 0889971617 (br.) ISBN: 9780889971615 (br.) Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape (1978-2005 : Jean-Paul II) Titre: Lettre encyclique Redemptoris mater du souverain pontife Jean-Paul II sur la bienheureuse Vierge Marie dans la vie de l'Église en marche. Éditeur: Ottawa : Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada, [1987?] Desc. matérielle: 113 p. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note générale: Traduction de: Redemptoris mater. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQV 8 1978 R44214 1987 ISBN: 2762113644 (br.) ISBN: 9782762113648 (br.) Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Pape (1978-2005 : Jean-Paul II) Titre: La bienheureuse Vierge Marie dans la vie de l'Église en marche : lettre encyclique de S.S. Jean-Paul II, Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 32 sur 114 2013-02-26 Redemptoris mater. Éditeur: [Montréal] : Fides, 1987. Desc. matérielle: 113 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Collection L'Église aux quatre vents) Note générale: Traduction de: Redemptoris mater. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQV 8 1978 R442F5 1987 ISBN: 0918344158 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780918344151 (pbk.) Nom de réunion: Vatican Council (2nd : 1962-1965) Titre: Vatican Council II : the conciliar and post conciliar documents / general editor, Austin Flannery. Titre au dos: Vatican II Éditeur: Northport, NY : Costello, 1992. Desc. matérielle: xxiv, 1036 p. ; 18 cm. Titre de coll.: (The Vatican collection ; v. 1) Note générale: "A large number of corrections and changes have been made ... omitted [is] the lengthly appendix entitled 'Descriptive catalogue of the more important postconciliar documents' ..."--P. xxi. Note générale: "Index of first words of originals of documents": p. 1015-1016. Note générale: Dons - Gifts - 2010-2011. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. BQV 12 1962 A3E5F5 1992 Nom de réunion: Concile du Vatican (2e : 1962-1965) Titre: L'Église : constitution dogmatique / promulguée par Paul VI lors de la troisième session du Concile Vatican II. Éditeur: Montréal : Fides, 1965. Desc. matérielle: 143 p. ; 17 cm. Titre de coll.: (La pensée chrétienne) Note générale: Dons - Gifts - 2010-2011. Note générale: En appendice: Extrait des Actes du Concile. Note générale: "Traduction publiée par l'osservatore Romano, dans son édition hebdomadaire en langue française, 18 décembre 1964." BQV 12 1962 E32 1965 Nom de réunion: Concile du Vatican (2e : 1962-1965) Titre: Constitution pastorale "Gaudium et Spes" : sur l'Église dans le monde de ce temps (7 décembre 1965) / traduction élaborée par les soins de l'épiscopat français, révisé sur le texte latin publié dans l'Osservatore Romano, 19 décembre 1965. Éditeur: Montréal : Bellarmin, [1966]. Desc. matérielle: 128 p. ; 20 cm. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQV 12 1962 G382F7 1966 Nom de réunion: Concile du Vatican (2e : 1962-1965) Titre: Constitution dogmatique De Ecclesia / traduction du texte latin official par Jean-Marc Dufort et Gilles Langevin. Éditeur: [Montreal] : Bellarmin, [1966?]. Desc. matérielle: 105 p. ; 20 cm. Note générale: Dons - Varia. BQV 12 1962 L82D84 1966 Nom de réunion: Concile du Vatican (2e : 1962-1965) Titre: Constitution dogmatique "de l'Église" / [Concile du Vatican]. Éditeur: Montréal : Éditions Paulines, 1965. Desc. matérielle: 99 p. ; 17 cm. Collection: (Collection Encyclique) Note générale: Traduit du latin. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQV 12 1962 L86 1965 ISBN: 9782889180387 Auteur: Le Guillou, Marie-Joseph, O.P., 1920-1990. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 33 sur 114 2013-02-26 Titre: Le visage du Ressuscité / Marie-Joseph Le Guillou. Éditeur: [Paris] : Parole et silence, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 416 p. ; 24 cm. Note générale: Réédition d'un ouvrage paru en 1968. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQV 12 1962 Z6L44V5 2012 Titre: Roman replies and CLSA advisory opinions. Variante du titre: Canon Law Society of America advisory opinions Variante du titre: Roman replies & CLSA advisory opinions Partie du titre: CLSA advisory opinions Autre titre: Recent Roman replies 1981-1983 Éditeur: Washington, D.C. : Canon Law Society of America, 1981Desc. matérielle: v. in ; 23 cm. Note générale: Editors: William A. Schumacher et al. ; 2000 ed. by: F. Stephen Pedone, James I. Donlon, editors. Note générale: Vols. 1981-1986 bound in 1 v. Note générale: Vol. 2009: "25th anniversary edition" Note générale: Library has: 1981-2011 (Grouped : no anal.) BQV 13 R65 1981- 1986 BQV 13 R65 1987 BQV 13 R65 1988 BQV 13 R65 1989 BQV 13 R65 1990 BQV 13 R65 1991 BQV 13 R65 1992 BQV 13 R65 1993 BQV 13 R65 1994 BQV 13 R65 1995 BQV 13 R65 1996 BQV 13 R65 1997 BQV 13 R65 1998 BQV 13 R65 1999 BQV 13 R65 2000 BQV 13 R65 2001 BQV 13 R65 2002 BQV 13 R65 2003 BQV 13 R65 2004 BQV 13 R65 2005 BQV 13 R65 2006 BQV 13 R65 2007 BQV 13 R65 2008 BQV 13 R65 2009 BQV 13 R65 2010 BQV 13 R65 2011 Auteur: Paska, Walter, Msgr., 1923Titre: Sources of particular law for the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States / Walter Paska. Éditeur: Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America, 1975. Desc. matérielle: vi, 184 p. ; 23 cm. Titre de coll.: (Canon law studies ; no. 485) Note générale: Library has 2 copies. Note générale: Copy 2 publisher: Ann Arbor, MI : UMI, 1990, 285 leaves. Note de thèse: Thesis - Catholic University of America. School of Canon law. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BQV 104 W3C3 1916- 485 COPY-1 BQV 104 W3C3 1916- 485 COPY-2 Auteur: Besse, Jean-Claude. Titre: Histoire des textes du droit de l'Église au Moyen Âge de Denis à Gratien : Collectio Anselmo dedicata : étude et texte / Jean-Claude Besse. Éditeur: Paris : Sirey, 1957. Desc. matérielle: 62 p., [1] f. de pl. pliée : 24 cm. Note générale: Dons - BNC. Note de thèse: Thèse principale (extraits)--Paris. BQV 148 C6B48 1957 Auteur: Bouscaren, Timothy Lincoln, S.J., 1884-1971. Titre: Canon law : a text and commentary / by T. Lincoln Bouscaren and Adam C. Ellis. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 34 sur 114 2013-02-26 Éditeur: Milwaukee : Bruce Pub. Co., 1953, c1951. Desc. matérielle: xv, 1009 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (The Bilaniuk Collection) Note générale: The Bilaniuk Collection. Note générale: First ed.: 1946. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies. BQV 214 B65C3 1953 Auteur: Wrenn, Lawrence G., priest, 1928Titre: Annulments / Lawrence G. Wrenn. Éditeur: Toledo, Ohio : Canon Law Society of America, c1978. Desc. matérielle: 150 p. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Dons - BNC. Note bibliogr.: Bibliography: p. 144-150. BQV 230 1119 W74 A5 1978 ISBN: 0943616727 Auteur: Wrenn, Lawrence G., priest, 1928Titre: Annulments / Lawrence G. Wrenn. Éditeur: Washington, D.C. : Canon Law Society of America, c1996. Desc. matérielle: 232 p. ; 23 cm. Note générale: First ed. 1970. Note bibliogr.: Bibliography: p. 226-231. BQV 230 1119 W74A5 1996 Auteur: Paventi, Saverio M., mgr, 1902-1977. Titre: Breviarium iuris missionalis / Xaverius Paventi. Éditeur: Romae : Officium Libri Catholici, 1960. Desc. matérielle: ix, 320 p. ; 25 cm. Titre de coll.: (Bibliotheca missionalis ; n. 4) Note générale: Première éd.: 1952. Note générale: Dons - BNC. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index. BQV 235 P38B74 1960 ISBN: (ISBN invalid)9788810408831 ISBN: 9788810408841 (v. 2) ISBN: 8810408845 (v. 2) ISBN: 9788810408858 (v. 3) ISBN: 8810408853 (v. 3) ISBN: 9788810408834 (v. 1) ISBN: 8810408837 (vol. 1) Auteur: Chiappetta, Luigi, mgr. Titre: Il Codice di diritto canonico : commento giuridico-pastorale / Luigi Chiappetta ; a cura di Francesco Catozzella ... [et al.]. Éditeur: Bologna : EDB, 2011. Desc. matérielle: 3 v. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Sans anal. Note générale: Première éd.: 1986. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index. Dépouil. complet: 1. Libri I-II -- 2. Libri III-VI -- 3. Libro VII e indice analitico. Langue: Comprend le texte latin du Code, la traduction italienne et le commentaire. BQV 239 C45C63 2011 1 BQV 239 C45C63 2011 2 BQV 239 C45C63 2011 3 ISBN: 9788885042612 (br) ISBN: 8885042619 (br) Titre: La papauté contemporaine, XIXe-XXe siècles : hommage au chanoine Roger Aubert, professeur émérite à l'Université catholique de Louvain, pour ses 95 ans = Il papato contemporaneo, secoli XIX-XX : omaggio al canonico Roger Aubert, professore emerito all'Università cattolica di Lovanio, per i 95 anni / édité par Jean-Pierre Delville et Marko Jačov ; avec la collaboration de Luc Courtois, Francoise Rosart et Guy Zelis. Titre parallèle: Papato contemporaneo, secoli XIX-XX Variante du titre: Papauté contemporaine (dix-neuvième-vingtième Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 35 sur 114 2013-02-26 siècles) Variante du titre: Papato contemporaneo (secoli diciannovesimo-ventesimo) Éditeur: Louvain-la-Neuve : Collège Érasme ; Leuven : Universiteitsbiblioteek ; Città del Vaticano : Archivio segreto vaticano, 2009. Desc. matérielle: vii, 729 p. : portr. ; 26 cm. Collection: (Bibliothèque de la Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique ; 90) Collection: (Collectanea archivi Vaticani ; 68) Note générale: Textes en français et en italien, un en anglais. Note bibliogr.: "Bibliographie des travaux du professeur Roger Aubert (2004-2008)": p. [25]-27. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index. BQX 25 C65 1970- 68 Auteur: Hughes, Philip, Msgr., 1895-1967. Titre: The Church in crisis : a history of the general councils, 325-1870 / Philip Hughes. Éditeur: New York : Image Books 1964, c1961. Desc. matérielle: 438 p. ; 18 cm. Collection: (A Doubleday image book ; D168) Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [419]-421) and index. BQX 175 H84C48 1964 Auteur: Babin, Basile J. (Basile Joseph), C.J.M., 1914Titre: Entre le marteau et l'enclume : Pierre-Marie Dagnaud à la Pointe-de-l'Église, Nouvelle-Écosse, 1899-1908 : une page de l'histoire religieuse de l'Acadie au tournant du siècle / Basile J. Babin. Partie du titre: Pierre-Marie Dagnaud à la Pointe-de-l'Église, Nouvelle-Écosse, 1899-1908 : une page de l'histoire religieuse de l'Acadie au tournant du siècle Éditeur: Charlebourg, Québec : Maison des eudistes, c1982. Desc. matérielle: 406 p. : ill., portr. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 387-391) et un index. BQX 4123 B23E58 1982 Auteur: Tellier, René, 1921Titre: La Visitation du Sault-au-Récollet / René Tellier Éditeur: [Montréal?] : Photo-Litho Caro, [1983?] Desc. matérielle: 101 p. : ill., cartes, portr. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. BQX 4127 Z6V58T4 1983 Auteur: Gordillo, Mauricio, S.J., 1894-1961. Titre: Introductio in theologiam orientalem / Mauricius Gordillo. Éditeur: Rome, Italy : Pontificium Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, 1961. Desc. matérielle: v. ; 24 cm. Collection: (The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection) Note générale: The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection. Note générale: Library has: v. 2 (Sans anal.) Note générale: "Ad usum privatum auditorum." Dépouil. incompl.: Pars. II. Orientalium Litterae Theologicae a Costantinopoli capta usque ad Saec. XX. BQX 5442 G67I58 1961 Titre uniforme: Otkrovennye rasskazy strannika dukhovnomu svoemu ottsu. Français = French. Titre: Récits d'un pélerin à son père spirituel / traduits et présentés par Jean Laloy. Titre de la couv.: Récits d'un pèlerin russe Éditeur: Paris : Éditions de la Baconnière : Seuil, [1988?]. Desc. matérielle: 184 p. ; 18 cm. Titre de coll.: (Livre de vie ; 63) Note générale: Traduction de: Otkrovennye rasskazy strannika dukhovnomu svoemu ottsu. Note générale: L'édition russe a paru pour la première fois à Kazan en 1870. Une version correcte a paru à Kazan en Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 36 sur 114 2013-02-26 1881. Elle a été imprimée à partir d'une copie d'un manuscrit anonyme faite par Paisius, igumen du Monastère Saint Michel. Note générale: La Bibliothèque possède 2 exemplaires. BQX 6133 O85F7L2 1972 EX.1 BQX 6133 O85F7L2 1972 EX.2 Auteur: Abraham, Władysław, 1860-1941. Titre: Powstanie organizacyi kościola lacińskiego na Rusi / Władysław Abraham. Éditeur: We Lwowie : Nakł. Towarzystwa dla Popierania Nauki Polskiej, 1904Desc. matérielle: v. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection.) Note générale: Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection. Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: v. 1 (Sans anal.) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQX 6391 A37P68 1904- 1 Titre: Die ersten Opfer des Kommunismus : weisbuch über die religiosen Verfolgungen in der Ukraine. Éditeur: Müchen : Ukrainischer Pfadfinder Verlag, 1953. Desc. matérielle: 127 p. : ill., portr. ; 21 cm. Collection: (The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection.) Note générale: The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQX 6391 U4E715 1953 ISBN: 0281029466 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780281029464 (pbk.) Auteur: Moorman, John R. H. (John Richard Humpidge), 1905-1989. Titre: Saint Francis of Assisi / John R.H. Moorman. Éditeur: London : S.P.C.K., 1976. Desc. matérielle: x, 118 p. ; 19 cm. Note générale: First published in 1950. Note générale: DONS - GIFTS - 2009 Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 117-118). BQX 7385 M66S35 1976 ISBN: 0049220314 (hbk.) ISBN: 9780049220317 (hbk.) Auteur: Doyle, Eric, O.F.M., 1938-1984. Titre: St. Francis and the song of brotherhood / Eric Doyle. Variante du titre: Saint Francis and the song of brotherhood Éditeur: London ; Boston : Allen & Unwin, 1980. Desc. matérielle: 205 p. : music ; 23 cm. Note générale: DONS - GIFTS - 2008-2009 Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 190-204). BQX 7386 C35Z6D6 1980 Auteur: Wellens, St. C., P.B. Titre: La Société des Missionnaires d'Afrique (Pères blancs) : ses origines et le développement de son organisation jusqu'à la promulgation du Code de droit canonique / par St. C. Wellens. Éditeur: Louvain : Publications universitaires de Louvain, 1952. Desc. matérielle: 123 p. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Sylloge excerptorum e dissertationibus ad gradum doctoris in sacra theologia vel in iure canonico consequendum conscriptis / Universitas catholica Lovaniensis ; t. 24) Note générale: Dons - BNC. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [7]-9). BQX 7527 W45S63 1952 Titre: Dans une volonté de renouveau : introduction a une lecture des constitutions et des règles. Titre au dos: Introduction aux constitutions Éditeur: Rome : Maison générale, 1968. Desc. matérielle: xv, 337 p. ; 19 cm. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index. BQX 7559.7 I58 1968 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 37 sur 114 2013-02-26 Auteur: Poncet, François, ptre. Titre: Aux missions polaires : notes de voyage / François Poncet. Éditeur: Genève : Courrier de Genève, 1939. Desc. matérielle: 126 p. : ill., portr. ; 21 cm. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. BQX 7560 P65A89 1939 Auteur: Villeneuve, Ubald, O.M.I., 1907-2000. Titre: Le révérend Père Victor Lelièvre, Oblat de Marie Immaculée, 1876-1956 / Ubald Villeneuve. Éditeur: [Québec : Maison de la Retraites Fermées Jésus-Ouvrier], 1956. Desc. matérielle: [71] p. : ill., portr. ; 14 cm. Note générale: Titre de la couverture. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. BQX 7562 Q84L45 1956 Auteur: Petit, François, O.Praem., 1894-1990. Titre: The Norbertine Order : a short history / by François Petit ; translated and revised by Benjamin T. Mackin. Éditeur: De Pere [Wis.] : St. Norbert Abbey Press, 1963. Desc. matérielle: 213 p. ; 18 cm. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 212-213). BQX 7647 P48N67 1963 Auteur: Mitri, Angelo, O.M.I., 1924Titre: Mother Elisabeth Bruyère : foundress : Sisters of Charity at Ottawa / Angelo Mitri. Éditeur: [s.l.] : [s.n.], [1983?]. Desc. matérielle: 24 p. : port. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Dons - Gifts - 2007-2008. Note générale: Cover title. BQX 7930 C7Z3M58 1983 Auteur: Catherine-Aurélie du Précieux-Sang, mère, A.P.S., 1833-1905. Titre: Extraits choisis des écrits de mère Catherine-Aurélie-du-Précieux-Sang (Aurélie Caouette), fondatrice de l'Institut des soeurs adoratrices du Très-Précieux-Sang de Saint-Hyacinthe. Éditeur: [Québec (Province)] : [s.n.], 1955. Desc. matérielle: 169 p. : ill. ; 15 cm. Note générale: En tête du titre: Vive le sang de Jésus! Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [6]). BQX 7999 C3Z3C28 1955 Auteur: Cimichella, André-M., év., 1921Titre: Bienheureux et bienheureuses, saints et saintes, 1989 / André M. Cimichella. Éditeur: [Montréal] : Éducation chrétienne populaire, 1989. Desc. matérielle: 34 p. ; 18 cm Titre de coll.: (Saints de tous les temps ; 23) Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BQX 8215 C55B54 1989 ISBN: 9782758400943 (Peeters France) ISBN: 2758400944 (Peeters France) ISBN: 9789042923133 (Peeters Leuven) ISBN: 904292313X (Peeters Leuven) Auteur: Eusebius Emisenus, ep., ca 300-ca 359. Titre: Commentaire de la Genèse : texte arménien de l'édition de Venise (1980) ; fragments grecs et syriaques / Eusèbe d'Émèse ; avec traductions par Françoise Petit, Lucas van Rompay, Jos J.S. Weitenberg. Éditeur: Lovanii [Leuven, Belgium] ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, 2011. Desc. matérielle: xxxix, 442 p. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Traditio exegetica graeca ; 15) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 38 sur 114 2013-02-26 Note générale: Le texte arménien suit l'édition de Vahan Hovhannēsean et publiée en 1980. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [xi]-xxii) et des index. Langue: Texte en arménien, fragments en grec ou en syriaque avec traduction française en regard ; introduction en français. BR 65 E687C6 2011 ISBN: 9781592760336 ISBN: 1592760333 Auteur: Vogt, Brandon. Titre: The church and new media : blogging converts, online activists, and bishops who tweet / Brandon Vogt. Éditeur: Huntington, Ind. : Our Sunday Visitor, c2011. Desc. matérielle: 224 p. : ports. ; 21 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BR 99.74 V63 2011 ISBN: 9788483824450 (pbk.) ISBN: 8483824450 (pbk.) Auteur: Cabria Ortega, José Luis, 1963Titre: Dios, palabra, realidad : filosofía y teología al encuentro / José Luis Cabria Ortega. Éditeur: Santa Cruz de Tenerife : Idea, 2008 (tirage de 2012) Desc. matérielle: 325 p. ; 19 cm. Collection: (Estudio general) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 283-318). BR 100 C33 2012 ISBN: 9780881414035 (pbk.) ISBN: 0881414034 (pbk.) Auteur: McGuckin, John Anthony, 1952Titre: The ascent of Christian law : Patristic and Byzantine formulations of a new civilization / John A. McGuckin. Éditeur: Yonkers, New York : St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 279 p. ; 23 cm Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies. BR 115 L28M35 2012 ISBN: 9780802864918 (v. 1 : pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0802864910 (v. 1 : pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9780802866318 (v. 2 : pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 080286631X (v. 2 : pbk. : alk. paper) Titre: The Kuyper Center review / edited by Gordon Graham. Éditeur: Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2010Desc. matérielle: v. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Library has: v. 1-2 (no anal.) Note générale: "... revised versions of a small selection of papers delivered at the 2008 Kuyper Conference in Princeton."-- v.1, p. vii. Vol.2 "includes papers presented at conferences sponsored by the Abraham Kuyper Center for Public Theology over the last two years [2009-2010]." -- v.2 p., viii Note générale: v. 1: edited by Gordon Graham and v. 2: edited by John Bowlin. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. Dépouil. complet: v. 1. Politics, religion, and sphere sovereignty. -Reflections on pluralism / Oliver O'Donovan -- The concept of civil society and Christian social pluralism / Jonathan Chaplin -- Sphere sovereignty among Abraham Kuyper's other political theories / James D. Bratt -- Kuyper, neo-Calvinism, and contemporary political philosophy / Gordon Graham -Kuyper, sphere sovereignty, and the possibility of political friendship / Michael J. DeMoor -- Covenant theology for a secular society : Abraham Kuyper's De Leer der Verbonden (1880) as an experiment in modern theology / John Halsey Wood, Jr. -- Neo-Calvinism and the welfare state / George Harinck -- Neither ignore nor modify nor disrupt : the Kuyperian model of deliberation as applied to same-sex marriage / James Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 39 sur 114 2013-02-26 J.S. Foster -- Here the shoe pinches : Kuyper, tolerance, and the virtues / John R. Bowlin -- Kuyper on Islam : a summary and translation / Rimmer de Vries -Dépouil. complet: v. 2. Revelation and common grace / edited by John Bowlin. -- Revelation and grace in Herman Bavinck / Jan Veenhof -- Bavinck, Nietzsche, and secularization / Gordon Graham -- Why was Bavinck in need of a philosophy of revelation? / George Harinck -- An alternative approach to apologetics / Henk van den Belt -- The promise of Herman Bavinck's doctrine of revelation : theology beyond dogmatism and relativism / Jeffrey S. Hocking -- Restoration and renewal : the nature of grace in the theology of Herman Bavinck / Jon Stanley -- To be or to become, that is the question : locating the actualistic in Bavinck's ontology / James Eglinton -- Bavinck's "revelation and the future" : a centennial retrospective / Brian G. Mattson -- Love and law : some thoughts on Judaism and Calvinism / Leora Batnitzky -- Sharia and the (em)brace of difference : from theology to law to identity politics / Anver M. Emon -- Assessing the Christological foundation of Kuyper's doctrine of common grace / Cambria Janae Kaltwasser -- From talking about to speaking with : the Reformed churches in The Netherlands and Islam / Dirk van Keulen -Common grace : a distinctive resource for "a common word" / Emily Dumler-Winckler -- Simul humanitas et peccator : the Talmud's contribution to a Dutch Reformed notion of the imago Dei / Cory Willson -- How many Herman Bavincks? De gemeene genade and the "two Bavincks" hypothesis / James Eglinton -- Common grace and pagan virtue : is Kuyperian tolerance possible? / Andrew M. Harmon -- Advancing a neo-Calvinist pneumatology of religions : the role of recent Yongian contributions / Robert Covolo. BR 115 P7K89 2010- 1 BR 115 P7K89 2010- 2 ISBN: 9788430116850 (rel.) ISBN: 8430116850 (rel.) Auteur: González de Cardenal, Olegario, ptre, 1934Titre: El quehacer de la teología : Génesis. Estructura. Misión / Olegario González de Cardedal. Éditeur: Salamanca : Ediciones Sígueme, 2008. Desc. matérielle: 766 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Verdad e imagen ; 177) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [717]-720) et des index. BR 118 G66 2008 ISBN: 9782204098373 (br) ISBN: 220409837X (br) Auteur: Geffré, Claude, O.P., 1926Titre: Le christianisme comme religion de l'Évangile / Claude Geffré. Éditeur: Paris : Cerf, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 352 p. : portr. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Théologies) Note générale: Choix de textes, articles et conférences datés de 1990 à 2010. Note bibliogr.: "Bibliographie de Claude Géffré (1955-2012)": p. 307-342. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BR 127 G45 2012 ISBN: 9780061874628 (hbk.) ISBN: 0061874620 (hbk.) Auteur: Tutu, Desmond, 1931Titre: God is not a Christian : and other provocations / Desmond Mpilo Tutu ; edited by John Allen. Éditeur: New York, NY : HarperOne, c2011. Desc. matérielle: xv, 237 p. ; 20 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [219]-223) and index. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 40 sur 114 2013-02-26 Dépouil. complet: Pt. 1. Advocate of tolerance and respect -- God is clearly not a Christian : pleas for interfaith tolerance -- Ubuntu : on the nature of human community -- No future without forgiveness : a radical program for reconciliation -- What about justice? : arguments for restorative justice -- Our glorious diversity : why we should celebrate difference -- All, all are God's children : on including gays and lesbians in the church and society -- Pt. 2. International campaigner for justice -- Freedom is always cheaper than repression : on democracy in Africa -- Watch it! watch it! : on hope and human rights in situations of conflict -- Our salvation is of the Jews : on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- Pt. 3. Voice of South Africa's voiceless -- Why Black? : a defense of Black theology -- I stand here before you : why Christians must be involved in politics -- Utterly diabolical : appeal to the morality of a fellow Christian -Unbiblical, unChristian, immoral, and evil : when human laws clash with the law of God -- Pt. 4. South Africa's conscience -- We must turn the spotlight on ourselves : on hatred, revenge, and the culture of violence -- Naught for your comfort : a critique of comrades and friends -- What has happened to you, South Africa? : the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. BR 127 T88 2011 ISBN: 9780687027965 (pbk : alk. paper) ISBN: 0687027969 (pbk : alk. paper) Auteur: Hillerbrand, Hans Joachim, 1931Titre: A new history of Christianity / Hans J. Hillerbrand. Éditeur: Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2012. Desc. matérielle: xvii, 427 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 353-357) and indexes. BR 145.3 H55 2012 ISBN: 9780830827220 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0830827226 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Leithart, Peter J., 1959Titre: Defending Constantine : the twilight of an empire and the dawn of Christendom / Peter J. Leithart. Éditeur: Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Academic, c2010. Desc. matérielle: 373 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [343]-366) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Sanguinary edicts -- Jupiter on the throne -Instinctu divinitatus -- By this sign -- Liberator ecclesiae -- End of sacrifice -- Common bishop -Nicaea and after -- Seeds of evangelical law -Justice for all -- One God, one emperor -- Pacifist church? -- Christian empire, Christian mission -- Rome baptized. BR 180 L45 2010 ISBN: 9789004179769 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9004179763 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Halfond, Gregory I. Titre: Archaeology of Frankish Church Councils, AD 511-768 / by Gregory I. Halfond. Éditeur: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2010. Desc. matérielle: ix, 299 p. : map ; 25 cm. Collection: (Medieval law and its practice ; v. 6) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [267]-289) and index. Dépouil. complet: Abbreviations and note on translations -Introduction: A Roman institution in a post-Roman world -- Sources of conciliar history -- The physical world of the frankish councils -- The reflection of reality in conciliar legislation -- The enforcement of conciliar rulings -- From councils to canon law -Continuity and change in the eighth century -Conclusion -- Appendices -- A. Frankish Councils, 511-768 -- B. Contested and Dubious Councils, 511-768 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 41 sur 114 2013-02-26 -- Calendar of councils -- Map (ecclesiastical provinces and bishoprics of Merovingian Gaul). BR 200 H35 2010 Auteur: Watson, Philip Saville, 1909Titre: Let God be God! : an interpretation of the theology of Martin Luther / by Philips S. Watson. Éditeur: Philadelphia : Fortress Press, 1970, c1947. Desc. matérielle: 213 p. : port. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Includes bibliographical references (p. [190]-192) and index. Note générale: Dons - Varia. BR 333 W38L48 1970 ISBN: 9780664224707 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0664224709 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Janz, Denis, 1949Titre: The Westminster handbook to Martin Luther / Denis R. Janz. Partie du titre: Handbook to Martin Luther Partie du titre: Martin Luther Éditeur: Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xvii, 147 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (The Westminster handbooks to Christian theology) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 145-147). Dépouil. complet: Anfechtung -- Angels -- Apocrypha -- Ascension -Atonement -- Baptism -- Bible -- Christology -- Church -- Confirmation -- Councils -- Creation -- Creeds -Death -- Decalogue -- Descent into hell -- Devil -Divorce -- Eschatology -- Ethics -- Ethics, social/political -- Evil, Problem of -- Extreme unction -- Faith -- Free will -- God -- Gospel -Grace -- Heaven -- Hell -- Holy Spirit -Islam/Muslims -- Judaism/Jews -- Justification -- Law -- Lord's Supper -- Marriage -- Mary -Ministerial/pastoral office -- Monasticism -- Nature -- Ordination -- Papacy -- Penance -- Prayer -Predestination -- Reason -- Resurrection -- Sacraments (general) -- Sexuality -- Sin -- Theology -- Trinity -- Universal priesthood -- Vocation -- War -- Women -Worship. BR 333.3 J36 2010 ISBN: 9780199589487 (hbk.) ISBN: 0199589488 (hbk.) Auteur: Graybill, Gregory B. (Gregory Blair) Titre: Evangelical free will : Philipp Melanchthon's doctrinal journey on the origins of faith / Gregory B. Graybill. Éditeur: Oxford [England] ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 342 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Oxford theological monographs) Note générale: Revision of the author's (doctoral) thesis--University of Oxford, 2002 under title: The evolution of Philipp Melanchthon's thought on free will. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [320]-331) and index. Dépouil. complet: Doctrinal dialogue -- Luther -- 1519-1522 : Advent -1522-1526 : unrest -- 1526-1528 : philosophy -1529-1531 : Augsburg -- 1532-1535 : conversion -1536-1547 : tremors -- 1548-1553 : aftermath -1554-1560 : twilight. BR 339 G73 2010 ISBN: 9780754664703 (hbk. : alk. paper) $119.95 ISBN: 0754664708 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Halvorson, Michael. Titre: Heinrich Heshusius and confessional polemic in early Lutheran orthodoxy / Michael J. Halvorson. Éditeur: Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xviii, 263 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (St. Andrews studies in Reformation history) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 42 sur 114 2013-02-26 Dépouil. complet: Introduction : pastors and polemics in early Lutheran orthodoxy -- Heshusius and the University of Helmstedt circle -- The Psalms, catechism, and lay indoctrination in early orthodoxy -- Heshusius and Lutheran preaching : catechetical sermons -- Heshusius and Lutheran preaching : funeral and wedding sermons -- Confessional conflict in Hildesheim : struggles with Jews, Jesuits, and Rudolf II. BR 350 H39H35 2010 ISBN: 9780664236519 (pbk. : alk. paper) $19.95 ISBN: 0664236510 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Daniel, Ben. Titre: Neighbor : Christian encounters with "illegal" immigration / Ben Daniel. Éditeur: Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xxi, 166 p. ; 22 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Father Toribio's ghost -- Immigration as a biblical journey -- Immigration in church history -- On rendering to Caesar and God -- Reflection and action -- Zoe Lofgren and the politics of immigration reform -- The busiest (and kindest) federal judge in America -- Reflection and action -- Frontera de cristo -Water in the desert -- Liliana and the new sanctuary movement -- Good escuelas en la 'hood : immigrants and school -- Reflection and action. BR 517 D26 2010 ISBN: 9780300119084 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0300119089 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Lambert, Malcolm (Malcolm D.), 1931Titre: Christians and pagans : the conversion of Britain from Alban to Bede / Malcolm Lambert. Éditeur: New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xx, 329 p., [16] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: The lost church : Christianity in Roman Britain -British Christians and Germanic pagans -- The fate of the British -- The Irish dimension : Palladius, Patrick and Columba -- The mission from Rome -- Oswald and Oswiu -- Conflict and reconciliation : Wilfrid and Theodore -- Christian Britain. BR 748 L36 2010 ISBN: 9780674035966 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0674035968 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Menegon, Eugenio, 1966Titre: Ancestors, virgins, & friars : Christianity as a local religion in late Imperial China / Eugenio Menegon. Titre au dos: Ancestors, virgins, and friars Éditeur: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Asia Center for the Harvard-Yenching Institute : Distributed by Harvard University Press, 2009. Desc. matérielle: xx, 450 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm. Collection: (Harvard-Yenching Institute monograph series ; 69) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 385-426) and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction : "truly unfathomable"? -- Fuan literati, Jesuits, and Spanish friars -- Becoming local : conflict with gods and ancestors, 1634-1645 -- The golden age of opportunity, 1645-1723 -- Suppression and persistence, 1723-1840s -- The Christians of Fuan -- Christian religious fellowship in Mindong : priests, rituals, and lay institutions -- Filial piety, ancestral rituals, and salvation -- Virginity, chastity, and sex -- Conclusion : ruptures : Fuan after the Opium Wars. BR 1285 M46 2009 ISBN: 9780802867094 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 080286709X (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: McCarthy, David Matzko, 1962Titre: Sharing God's good company : a theology of the communion of saints / David Matzko McCarthy. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 43 sur 114 2013-02-26 Éditeur: Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012. Desc. matérielle: viii, 174 p. ; 23 cm. Dépouil. complet: Social desire -- Saints -- Realism -- Participation -Images -- Miracles -- Pilgrimage -- History -Hagiography. BR 1710 M36 2012 ISBN: 9780674055346 (vol. 1 ; hbk.) ISBN: 0674055349 (vol. 1) ISBN: 9780674996670 (vol. 2A) ISBN: 0674996674 (vol. 2A) ISBN: 9780674060777 (vol. 2B) ISBN: 0674060776 (vol. 2B) ISBN: 9780674996687 (vol. 3) ISBN: 0674996682 (vol. 3) ISBN: 9780674996694 (vol. 4) ISBN: 0674996690 (vol. 4) ISBN: 9780674066359 (v.5) Titre uniforme: Bible. English. Douai. 2010 Titre: The Vulgate Bible : Douay-Rheims translation / edited by Swift Edgar. Éditeur: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2010Desc. matérielle: v. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Dumbarton Oaks medieval library ; 1, 4-5, 8, 13, 17) Note générale: Library has: v. 1, 2(a-b), 3-5 (No anal.) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. Dépouil. incompl.: v. 1. The Pentateuch -- v. 2(part a-b) The historical books -- v. 3 The poetical books / edited by Swift Edgar with Angela K. Kinney -- v. 4. The major prophetical books / edited by Angela M. Kinney -- v. 5. The Minor Prophetical Books and Maccabees Langue: English and Latin text on facing pages. BS 180 2010- 1 BS 180 2010- 2A BS 180 2010- 2B BS 180 2010- 3 BS 180 2010- 4 BS 180 2010- 5 ISBN: 0199693013 (pbk.) $18.95 ISBN: 9780199693016 (pbk.) Auteur: Campbell, Gordon, 1944Titre: Bible : the story of the King James Version, 1611-2011 / Gordon Campbell. Éditeur: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 354 p. : ill., facsims. ; 20 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 314-332) and index. Dépouil. complet: The Bible in English -- The commissioning of the King James Version -- Translators and translating -- The translation -- The first edition -- The seventeenth century -- The eighteenth century -- The nineteenth century -- The Cambridge paragraph Bibles -- The Bible in America -- The Revised Version -- The early twentieth century -- The King James Version in the modern world -- Appendix 1. The companies and later revisers -- Appendix 2. The preliminaries to the KJV. BS 186 C36 2010 ISBN: 9004155589 (hbk.: alk. paper) ISBN: 9789004155589 (hbk. : alk. paper) Nom de réunion: Mingana Symposium on Arabic Christianity and Islam (5th : 2005 : Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre) Titre: The Bible in Arab Christianity / edited by David Thomas. Éditeur: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2007. Desc. matérielle: vi, 421 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Collection: (The history of Christian-Muslim relations ; v. 6) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [393]-414) and index. BS 315 A69M56 2007 ISBN: 9783631602102 (pbk.) ISBN: 3631602103 (pbk.) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 44 sur 114 2013-02-26 Auteur: Schulmeister, Irene. Titre: Israels Befreiung aus Ägypten : eine Formeluntersuchung zur Theologie des Deuteronomiums / Irene Schulmeister. Éditeur: Frankfurt am Main : Lang, c2010. Desc. matérielle: 343 p. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Österreichische biblische Studien ; Bd. 36) Note générale: Révision de la thèse (de doctorat) de l'auteure--Universität Wien, 2006. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 313-331) et un index. BS 413 O77 1979- 36 ISBN: 9781405167376 (pbk. : alk. paper) $59.95 ISBN: 1405167378 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Carr, David McLain, 1961Titre: An introduction to the Bible : sacred texts and imperial contexts / David M. Carr and Colleen M. Conway. Éditeur: Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xxi, 383 p. : ill. (some col.), col. maps ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Prologue: Orientation to multiple bibles and multiple translations -- Studying the Bible in its ancient context(s) -- The emergence of ancient Israel and its first oral traditions -- Echoes of empire in monarchal Israel -- Narrative and prophecy amidst the rise and fall of the Northern Kingdom -- Torah and other texts written in the wake of the Assyrian Empire -- Bible for exiles : promise and story in the neo-Babylonian Empire -- Persian Empire and the emergence of a temple-centered Jewish community -- Hellenistic empires and the formation of the Hebrew Bible -Studying the New Testament in its ancient context -Paul and his Letters in the Roman colonial context -Mark's story of Jesus in the midst of Roman retribution -- The Gospel of Matthew : defining community in the wake of destruction -- Negotiating the empire in Luke-Acts -- The Gospel of John and the Johannine Epistles : turning inward as a strategy for life in the empire -- Variations on responses to empire in other New Testament writings -- Epilogue: The final formation of the Jewish and Christian bibles. BS 445 C37 2010 ISBN: 9782227478046 (br.) Auteur: Wellens, Annie. Titre: Qui a peur de la Bible? : un manuscrit retrouvé / Annie Wellens ; préface de Sylvie Germain. Éditeur: Montrouge : Bayard, 2008. Desc. matérielle: 157 p. ; 18 cm. Collection: (Christus. Spiritualité et politique) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et des index. BS 475.3 W46 2008 ISBN: 9780802862358 (pbk. : alk. paper) $18.00 ISBN: 0802862357 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Billings, J. Todd, 1973Titre: The Word of God for the people of God : an entryway to the theological interpretation of Scripture / J. Todd Billings. Éditeur: Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2010. Desc. matérielle: xviii, 235 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Reading Scripture on the journey of faith seeking understanding -- Learning to read Scripture closely : a theological perspective on general hermeneutics and biblical criticism -- Revelation and Scriptural interpretation : theological decisions we (must) make -- The impact of the reader's context : discerning the Spirit's varied yet bounded work -- Treasures in jars of clay : the value of premodern biblical Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 45 sur 114 2013-02-26 interpretation -- Scriptural interpretation and practices : participation in the triune drama of salvation. BS 476 B555 2010 ISBN: 9782220064604 (br) ISBN: 2220064603 (br) Titre: La Bible entre culture et foi / sous la direction de Laurent Villemin ; [ouverture de Jean Delumeau]. Éditeur: Paris : Desclée De Brouwer, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 216 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Collection: (Essais bibliques) Note générale: Ouvrage issu d'un colloque organisé du 6 au 11 octobre 2008 par les bibliothèques et l'école doctorale "Religion Culture et Société" de l'Institut catholique de Paris. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BS 500 B53V55 2012 ISBN: 9783402128527 (rel.) ISBN: 3402128527 (rel.) Auteur: Heither, Theresia, soeur, O.S.B. Titre: Biblische Gestalten bei den Kirchenvätern : Mose / Theresia Heither. Partie du titre: Mose Éditeur: Münster : Aschendorff, 2010. Desc. matérielle: 326 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 305-310) et un index. BS 580 M6H45B5 2010 ISBN: 9782204092807 (br.) ISBN: 2204092800 (br) Auteur: Carretto, Carlo, P.F.J., 1910-1989. Titre: Et Dieu vit que cela était bon / Carlo Carretto ; traduit de l'italien par Hyacinthe Vulliez. Éditeur: Paris : Éditions du Cerf, 2010. Desc. matérielle: 140 p. ; 20 cm. Titre de coll.: (Trésors du christianisme) Note générale: Traduction de: E Dio vide che era cosa buona. BS 651 C33414 2010 ISBN: 9782712212100 (br) ISBN: 271221210X (br) Auteur: You, François, O.S.B. Titre: D'alliance en alliance Dieu se donne : à l'écoute de la pédagogie divine / François You. Éditeur: Paris : Médiaspaul, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 247 p. ; 20 cm. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 243-244). BS 680 C67Y68 2012 ISBN: 9781405184670 (pbk. : alk. paper) $39.95 ISBN: 1405184671 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Carr, David McClain, 1961Titre: An introduction to the Old Testament : sacred texts and imperial contexts of the Hebrew Bible / David M. Carr. Éditeur: Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xix, 276 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Prologue: Orientation to multiple bibles and multiple translations -- Studying the Bible in its ancient context(s) -- The emergence of ancient Israel and its first oral traditions -- The emergence of the monarchy and royal and Zion texts -- Echoes of past empires in biblical wisdom, love poetry, law, and narrative -Narrative and prophecy amidst the rise and fall of the Northern Kingdom -- Micah, Isaiah, and the southern prophetic encounter with Assyria -- Torah and history in the wake of the Assyrian Empire -- Prophecy in the transition from Assyrian to Babylonian domination -Laments, history, and prophecies after the destruction Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 46 sur 114 2013-02-26 of Jerusalem -- The Pentateuch and the exile -- The Torah, the Psalms, and the Persian-sponsored rebuilding of Judah -- Other texts formed in the crucible of post-exilic rebuilding -- Hellenistic empires and the formation of the Hebrew Bible. BS 1130 C37 2010 ISBN: 9782227483279 (br) ISBN: 222748327X (br) Auteur: Ska, Jean-Louis, S.J., 1946Titre: L'Ancien Testament expliqué à ceux qui n'y comprennent rien ou presque / Jean-Louis Ska ; traduit de l'italien par Jean-Pierre Prévost. Éditeur: Montrouge : Bayard, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 254 p. ; 19 cm. Note générale: Traduction de: L'Antico Testamento spiegato a chi ne sa poco o niente. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index. BS 1173.3 S5914 2012 ISBN: 9780521764629 (hbk. : alk. paper) $85.00 ISBN: 0521764629 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Schipper, Jeremy, 1975Titre: Parables and conflict in the Hebrew Bible / Jeremy Schipper. Éditeur: Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 168 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-158) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Devouring parables : introductory issues -- Devouring parables : Jotham's parabolic curse in Judges 9 -Overallegorizing and other Davidic misinterpretations in 2 Samuel 11-12 -- Changing face and saving face : parabolic petitions in 2 Samuel 14 -- Grasping the conflict : Ahab's negotiation of conflicts and parables in 1 Kings 20 -- Intellectual weapons : the parable's function in 2 Kings 14 and 2 Chronicles 25 -- Conclusions and implications for the study of Hebrew Bible parables. BS 1199 P3S35 2009 ISBN: 9780801039126 (pbk.) ISBN: 0801039126 (pbk.) Titre: A theological introduction to the Pentateuch : interpreting the Torah as Christian Scripture / edited by Richard S. Briggs and Joel N. Lohr. Éditeur: Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2012. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 210 p. : map ; 23 cm. Note générale: Festschrift for R. Walter L. Moberly. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 187-201) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: The book of Genesis / Richard S. Briggs -- The book of Exodus / Jo Bailey Wells -- The book of Leviticus / Joel N. Lohr -- The book of Numbers / Nathan MacDonald -- The book of Deuteronomy / Rob Barrett BS 1225.52 T54 2012 ISBN: 9780802867063 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0802867065 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Penchansky, David. Titre: Understanding wisdom literature : conflict and dissonance in the Hebrew text / David Penchansky. Éditeur: Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2012. Desc. matérielle: xii, 129 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 114-124) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Who are the sages? -- What unity in Proverbs? -- The meaning of the Book of Job -- Wisdom, madness, and folly : the three qoheleths -- Sounds of silence : the absence of covenantal theology in the wisdom literature -- Sophia and Simon : the two poles of Ben Sira's affection -- The conservatism of Pseudo-Solomon. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 47 sur 114 2013-02-26 BS 1455 P36 2012 ISBN: 9788497151351 (hbk.) ISBN: 8497151356 (hbk.) Titre uniforme: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. Espagnol = Spanish. Titre: Proverbios, Eclesiastés, Cantar de los Cantares / obra preparada por J. Robert Wright ; editor general Thomas C. Oden ; director de la edición en castellano Marcelo Merino Rodríguez. Éditeur: Madrid : Ciudad Nueva, c2008. Desc. matérielle: 533 p. : carte ; 25 cm. Collection: (La Biblia comentada por los Padres de la Iglesia y otros autores de la época patrística. Antiguo Testamento ; 10) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [17]-30) et des index. BS 1465.53 P7618 2008 ISBN: 061315575 ISBN: 9780060904425 ISBN: 0060904429 ISBN: 0061314218 Auteur: Heschel, Abraham Joshua, 1907-1972. Titre: The prophets / by Abraham J. Heschel. Éditeur: New York : Harper & Row, 1971. Desc. matérielle: 2 v. ; 21 cm. Collection: (Harper torchbooks ; TB1421, TB1557) Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. Note générale: Library has: v. 2 (No anal.) Note générale: "This book reprints the second half the Prophets, published in 1962." Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. BS 1502.2 H48P7 1971 2 ISBN: 9780809147632 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0809147637 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9781616431389 ISBN: 1616431385 Auteur: Branick, Vincent P., S.M., 1941Titre: Understanding the prophets and their books / Vincent P. Branick. Éditeur: New York : Paulist Press, c2012. Desc. matérielle: x, 341 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BS 1505.52 B73 2012 ISBN: 9783170215498 (hbk.) €40 ISBN: 3170215493 (hbk.) Auteur: Seybold, Klaus, 1936Titre: Poetik der prophetischen Literatur im Alten Testament / Klaus Seybold. Éditeur: Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, c2010. Desc. matérielle: 347 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Poetologische Studien zum Alten Testament ; Bd. 4) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [321]-331) and index. Dépouil. complet: Grudlegung : Prophetie und Poesie -- Early Hebrew prophecy -- Amos -- Hosea -- Jesaja -- Micha -- Nahum, Habakuk, Zefanja -- Jeremia -- Ezechiel -Deuterojesaja -- Tritojesaja -- Jerusalemer Kultprophetie -- Deuteroprophetische Texsammlungen -Andere prophetische Überlieferungen -- Prophetische Bücher -- Rückblick -- Nachwort. BS 1505.52 S49 2010 ISBN: 9780800699307 (pbk.) ISBN: 0800699300 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780800620400 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0800620402 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: O'Connor, Kathleen M., 1942Titre: Jeremiah : pain and promise / Kathleen M. O'Connor. Éditeur: Minneapolis : Fortress, 2012, c2011. Desc. matérielle: xii, 179 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 141-169) and Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 48 sur 114 2013-02-26 indexes. Dépouil. complet: Imagining lives : historical context -- Hearts of stone : disasters and their effects -- A relentless quest for meaning : the Book of Jeremiah -- A family comes undone : the metaphor of a broken family -Fragmented memories of trauma : the war poems -- If only tears were possible : the weeping poems -Telling a life : biographical stories -- Survive by praying : the confessions -- Encoding catastrophe : the sermons -- Rekindling hope : the little book of consolation -- Running out of strength : endings -Confusion as meaning-making : the composition of the book. BS 1525.52 O26 2012 ISBN: 1107027292 (hbk.) ISBN: 9781107027299 (hbk.) ISBN: 9781139550031 (electronic bk.) ISBN: 1139550039 (electronic bk.) Auteur: Jensen, Matthew D. Titre: Affirming the resurrection of the incarnate Christ : a reading of 1 John / Matthew D. Jensen. Éditeur: Cambridge, [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012. Desc. matérielle: viii, 227 p. Collection: (Monograph series / Society for New Testament Studies ; 153) Note générale: Revision of the author's (doctoral) thesis--University of Sydney, 2010. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 198-209) and index. Dépouil. complet: Part I. A Reading Method: 1. Methods of reading 1 John 11; 2. Circles and tangents: a reading strategy; Part II. A Reading of 1 John: 3. The resurrected incarnate Christ: 1 John 1:1-5; 4. The claimants: 1 John 1:6-2:11; 5. The historical situation: 1 John 2:15-2:27; 6. The audience: 1 John 2:28-3:24; 7. The confession: 1 John 4:1-6; 8. The resurrection of the crucified Jesus: 1 John 4:7-5:21; Conclusion; Appendix: the structure of 1 John. BS 2280 S63 1965- 153 Titre: Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt. Serie A. Éditeur: Freistadt : Drückerei Plöchl, 1976Desc. matérielle: v. en ; 23 cm. Note générale: Éditeur: v.1, Albert Fuchs. Note générale: Nos 1-3 ont un titre particulier. Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: v. 1-29, 35-36 (1-3 anal. : avec rappel). BS 2280 S882 1976- 1-2 BS 2280 S882 1976- 3-4 BS 2280 S882 1976- 5-7 BS 2280 S882 1976- 8-10 BS 2280 S882 1976- 11 BS 2280 S882 1976- 12 BS 2280 S882 1976- 13 BS 2280 S882 1976- 14 BS 2280 S882 1976- 15 BS 2280 S882 1976- 16 BS 2280 S882 1976- 17 BS 2280 S882 1976- 18 BS 2280 S882 1976- 19 BS 2280 S882 1976- 20 BS 2280 S882 1976- 21 BS 2280 S882 1976- 22 BS 2280 S882 1976- 23 BS 2280 S882 1976- 24 BS 2280 S882 1976- 25 BS 2280 S882 1976- 26 BS 2280 S882 1976- 27 BS 2280 S882 1976- 28 BS 2280 S882 1976- 29 BS 2280 S882 1976- 35 BS 2280 S882 1976- 36 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 49 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 9780715209042 (pbk.) ISBN: 0715209043 (pbk.) Auteur: Barclay, William, 1907-1978. Titre: The letters of John and Jude / William Barclay. Titre au dos: John and Jude Éditeur: Edinburgh : Saint Andrew Press, 2002 (2012 printing) Desc. matérielle: xxii, 236 p. ; 19 cm. Collection: (The new daily study Bible) Note générale: First ed. 1958. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BS 2341.2 B37D35N4 2012 ISBN: 9781556359293 (pbk.) $28.00 ISBN: 1556359292 (pbk.) Auteur: Witherington, Ben, 1951Titre: New Testament rhetoric : an introductory guide to the art of persuasion in and of the New Testament / Ben Witherington III. Éditeur: Eugene, Or. : Cascade Books, c2009. Desc. matérielle: x, 274 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-256) and index. Dépouil. complet: What is rhetoric? -- The oral cultures of the Biblical world -- Defining and refining the craft of persuasion: Mark and Luke -- Early Christian homilies: the rhetorical speech summaries in Acts -- Paul the rhetor and writer -- The elementary rhetoric of the pastorals -- The rhetoric of the general epistles -The difference rhetoric makes to NT interpretation -Postscript: the rhetoric of preaching, the preaching of rhetoric. BS 2380 W58 2009 ISBN: 9780199551231 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0199551235 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Hill, Charles E. (Charles Evan), 1956Titre: Who chose the Gospels? : probing the great Gospel conspiracy / C.E. Hill. Éditeur: Oxford [England] ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xi, 295 p. : ill., maps ; 21 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 256-288) and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction : drowning in a sea of Gospels -- The proof is in the papyri? : Gospel bestsellers from Egyptian garbage dumps -- Silencing the Bishop, part I : the lonely Irenaeus -- Silencing the Bishop, part II : the ugly Irenaeus -- Irenaeus' 'co-conspirators' : a teacher, a preacher, and a canon-list maker -'Packaging" the Gospels : of harmonies, synopses, and codices -- Preaching and teaching the Gospels : Justin Martyr and the Apostles' memoirs -- Justin's 'co-conspirators' : the Gospels as public documents -Some 'proto-conspirators' : two forgers and an apologist -- Some 'co-proto-conspirators' : the Apostolic Fathers -- The search for an 'arch-conspirator' : a bishop, an elder, and an elderly Apostle -- Who chose the Gospels? -- Appendix : dates of the earliest manuscripts of the canonical Gospels. BS 2555.52 H55 2010 ISBN: 2850496375 (t. 1) ISBN: 2850497819 (t. 2) ISBN: 9782712212537 (t. 4) Auteur: Philippe, Marie-Dominique, O.P., 1912-2006. Titre: Suivre l'agneau / Marie-Dominique Philippe. Éditeur: Versailles [France] : Éditions Saint-Paul, 1995Desc. matérielle: v. ; 23 cm. Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: v. 1-2, 4 (Sans anal.) Note générale: Vol. 4 publié par: Paris : Médiaspaul. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. Dépouil. incompl.: [1]. Retraite sur l'Évangile de saint Jean prêché à des jeunes -- t. 2. Partout où il va -- t. 4. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 50 sur 114 2013-02-26 De la Croix à la gloire. BS 2615.4 P45S85 1995- 1 BS 2615.4 P45S85 1995- 2 BS 2615.4 P45S85 1995- 4 ISBN: 9780664258146 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 066425814X (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Weidmann, Frederick W. Titre: Galatians / Frederick W. Weidmann. Éditeur: Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c2012. Desc. matérielle: viii, 137 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Westminster Bible companion) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BS 2685.53 W45 2012 ISBN: 9780805448412 (pbk.) Titre: Entrusted with the Gospel : Paul's theology in the Pastoral Epistles / edited by Andreas J. Köstenberger and Terry L. Wilder. Éditeur: Nashville, Tenn. : B&H Pub. Group, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xi, 340 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 313-324) and indexes. BS 2735.52 E58 2010 ISBN: 9780800663414 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0800663411 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9781451410211 (ebook) ISBN: 1451410212 (ebook) Titre: Onesimus, our brother : reading religion, race, and culture in Philemon / Matthew V. Johnson, James A. Noel, and Demetrius K. Williams, editors. Éditeur: Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c2012. Desc. matérielle: vii, 175 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Paul in critical contexts) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 161-174) and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction: Paul's relevance today -- "No longer as a slave" : reading the interpretation history of Paul's epistle to Philemon / Demetrius K. Williams -Utility, fraternity, and reconciliation : ancient slavery as a context for the return of Onesimus / Mitzi J. Smith -- Nat is back : the return of the re/oppressed in Philemon / James A. Noel -- Onesimus speaks : diagnosing the hys/terror of the text / Matthew V. Johnson -- "Ain't you marster?" : interrogating slavery and gender in Philemon / Margaret B. Wilkerson -- Enslaved by the text : the uses of Philemon / James W. Perkinson -- "Brother Saul" : an ambivalent witness to freedom / Allen Dwight Callahan. BS 2765.52 O54 2012 Auteur: Vanhoye, Albert, card., 1923Titre: Lectiones de sacerdotio Christi in Heb. 7, 1 sq. : Ad usum auditorum. Éditeur: Romae : P.I.B., 1970. Desc. matérielle: 112 p. ; 24 cm. Note générale: Dons -- Varia. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 2-4). BS 2775.52 V24K54 1970 ISBN: 9781936270408 Auteur: Farley, Lawrence R. Titre: The apocalypse of St. John : a revelation of love and power / Lawrence R. Farley. Éditeur: Chesterton, IN. : Conciliar Press ; 2011. Desc. matérielle: 233 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series.) BS 2825.53 F37 2011 ISBN: 9780801045394 (pbk.) ISBN: 0801045398 (pbk.) Auteur: O'Loughlin, Thomas, 1958Titre: The Didache : a window on the earliest Christians / Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 51 sur 114 2013-02-26 Thomas O'Loughlin. Éditeur: Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xvii, 185 p. : ill., map ; 22 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 172-177) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: A chance discovery -- Choosing a way -- Joining the group -- Prayer and fasting -- Meeting and eating -- A network of service -- Fears and hope -- The challenge of the Didache. BS 2940 T5O46 2010 ISBN: 8861240429 (pbk.) ISBN: 9788861240421 (pbk.) Titre: Patres ecclesíae : una introduzione alla teologia dei padri della Chiesa / Enrico Cattaneo ... [et al.]. Éditeur: Trapani : Il pozzo di Giacobbe, 2009, c2008. Desc. matérielle: 283 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Oí chrístíanoí ; 5) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BT 25 P38 2009 ISBN: 8816408596 (rel.) ISBN: 9788816408593 (rel.) Auteur: Biffi, Inos, 1934Titre: La filosofia monastica : sapere Gesù : [la costruzione della teologia medievale] / Inos Biffi. Éditeur: Milano : Jaca book, 2008. Desc. matérielle: xxxix, 668 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Opera omnia / Inos Biffi) Collection: (Di fronte e attraverso ; 859) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index. BT 26 B55 2008 ISBN: 9780881462012 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0881462012 (pbk. : alk. paper) Titre: By what authority? : the vital question of religious authority in Christianity / edited by Robert L. Millet. Éditeur: Macon, Ga. : Mercer University Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: x, 200 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Authority in the Catholic tradition / Peter A. Huff -The authority in question / Richard John Neuhaus -"Authority" in the Eastern Orthodox tradition / Bradley Nassif -- Apostles and bishops : puzzling over the problem of priesthood succession / Stephen D. Ricks -- Is Sola Scriptura really sola? : Edwards, Newman, Bultmann, and Wright on the Bible as religious authority / Gerald R. McDermott -- We speak where the Bible speaks : religious authority in Churches of Christ / Robert M. Randolph -- Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, and the legal administrator / Robert L. Millet -- Angels in the age of railways / Steven C. Harper -- Visions and the word : the authority of Ellen White in relation to the authority of scripture in the Seventh-Day Adventist movement / George R. Knight -- Living God's faith in a created world / David Neff -- On loving truth more than religion : confessions of a rebellious Christian mind / Roger E. Olson. BT 88 B78 2010 ISBN: 9780888444219 (hbk.) $80.00 ISBN: 0888444214 (hbk.) Auteur: Mackey, Louis. Titre: Faith order understanding : natural theology in the Augustinian tradition / Louis Mackey ; foreword by Robert Sweetman. Éditeur: Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, c2011. Desc. matérielle: xxiii, 170 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. Dépouil. complet: The idea of order at Hippo Regius : Augustine's proof of God's existence -- Of mere being : Anselm, Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 52 sur 114 2013-02-26 Gaunilon, and the fool -- The lover, the believer, and the poet : the imagination of order in Bonaventure's natural theology -- The first idea : Scotus on the forms of essential order. BT 98 M33 2011 ISBN: 9780521108669 (pbk.) ISBN: 0521108667 (pbk.) Auteur: Sobel, Jordan Howard, 1929Titre: Logic and theism : arguments for and against beliefs in God / Jordan Howard Sobel. Éditeur: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009, c2004. Desc. matérielle: xix, 652 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 630-646) and index. BT 103 S63 2009 ISBN: 9782204096935 (br) ISBN: 2204096938 (br) Auteur: Dîncă, Lucian, ptre, 1971Titre: Le Christ et la Trinité chez Athanase d'Alexandrie / Lucian Dîncă ; préface de Charles Kannengiesser. Éditeur: Paris : Cerf, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 399 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Patrimoines. Christianisme) Note générale: Texte remanié de la thèse (de doctorat) de l'auteur--Université Laval. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 385-394). BT 109 D56 2012 ISBN: 9780800696696 (pbk. : alk. paper) $32.00 ISBN: 0800696697 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Hinlicky, Paul R., 1952Titre: Divine complexity : the rise of creedal Christianity / Paul R. Hinlicky. Éditeur: Minneapolis, Minn. : Fortress Press, c2011. Desc. matérielle: xii, 284 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: The primacy of the gospel -- From resurrection kerygma to gospel narrative -- The scriptures' emergence as the church's canon -- The trinitarian rule of faith -The confrontation of biblical and philosophical monotheism -- The holy Trinity as the eternal life -Postscript: The "impassible passibility" of the Trinity. BT 111.3 H56 2011 ISBN: 184825170X (pbk.) ISBN: 9781848251700 (pbk.) Auteur: Mobsby, Ian. Titre: God unknown : the Trinity in contemporary spirituality and mission / Ian Mobsby. Variante du titre: Becoming of G-d Variante du titre: Becoming of God Éditeur: Norwich : Canterbury Press Norwich, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 187 p. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Published in 2008 by YTC Press under title : The becoming of G-d : what the Trinitarian nature of God has to do with church and a deep spirituality for the twenty first century. Note générale: Includes bibliographical references. Dépouil. complet: Knowing God : rational and trans-rational -Experiencing God -- Divine open-endeness -- Our becoming through God -- Models and lessons from the emerging church -- Ancient : future church -Orthopraxis and sacramentality -- The challenge of human community in a culture of individualism -Mission as participation in God -- Where from here? BT 111.3 M63 2012 ISBN: 000599974X (pbk.) ISBN: 9780005999745 (pbk.) Auteur: Domeris, William. Titre: Portraits of Jesus : Matthew : a contextual approach Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 53 sur 114 2013-02-26 to Bible study / William Domeris. Partie du titre: Matthew : a contextual approach to Bible study Éditeur: San Francisco : Collins, 1987. Desc. matérielle: 88 p. : ill., map ; 20 cm. Note générale: Dons -- Varia. BT 198 D63 1987 ISBN: 9780199576456 (hbk.) ISBN: 0199576459 (hbk.) Auteur: O'Collins, Gerald, S.J., 1931Titre: Jesus our priest : a Christian approach to the priesthood of Christ / Gerald O'Collins and Michael Keenan Jones. Éditeur: Oxford [England] ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: viii, 311 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [294]-296) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: The Jewish matrix and the gospels -- Paul, 1 Peter and Revelation -- Hebrews on Christ's priesthood -- Four questions for Hebrews -- Some church fathers on Christ's priesthood -- Aquinas on Christ's priesthood -- Luther and Calvin on Christ's priesthood -- Trent and the French School on Christ's priesthood -- Newman and others on Christ's priesthood -- Twelve theses on Christ's priesthood -- Sharing Christ's priesthood BT 254 O28 2010 ISBN: 9782204096690 (br) ISBN: 2204096695 (br) Auteur: Coste, René, P.S.S., 1922Titre: L'amitié avec Jésus / René Coste. Éditeur: Paris : Cerf, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 323 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Théologies) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BT 304.3 C67 2012 ISBN: 9782204098151 (br) ISBN: 2204098159 (br) Auteur: Torrell, Jean-Pierre, O.P., 1927Titre: Résurrection de Jésus et résurrection des morts : foi, histoire et théologie / Jean-Pierre Torrell,... Éditeur: Paris : Cerf, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 243 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Épiphanie) Note générale: En appendice, choix de textes théologiques sur la résurrection. Note générale: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [231]-239). BT 482 T67 2012 Auteur: Verbist, Henri, C.J. Titre: Le suaire de Turin devant la science / Henri Verbist. Éditeur: Bruxelle ; Paris : Éditions universitaires, 1954. Desc. matérielle: 97 p. ; 19 cm. Note générale: Dons - BNC. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [93]-97). BT 587 S4V4 1954 ISBN: 9782204098267 (br) ISBN: 2204098264 (br) Auteur: Bouyer, Louis, Orat., 1913-2004. Titre: Le trône de la sagesse : essai sur la signification du culte marial / Louis Bouyer. Éditeur: Paris : Cerf, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 296 p., [4] p. de pl. : ill. ; 20 cm. Collection: (Bibliothèque du Cerf) Note générale: Première éd.: 1957. BT 613 B68T76 2012 ISBN: 9780814659946 (pbk.) ISBN: 0814659942 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780814680001 (e-book) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 54 sur 114 2013-02-26 Auteur: Ross, Susan A. Titre: Anthropology : seeking light and beauty / Susan A. Ross ; Tatha Wiley, series editor. Éditeur: Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, c2012. Desc. matérielle: xvii, 166 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Engaging theology, Catholic perspectives) Note générale: "A Michael Glazier book." Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. struct.: Ancient resources on being human. Biblical resources -- Early Christianity on being human -- Resources from the medieval and Reformation periods. Medieval thought -- The Reformation -- Resources from modernity. The desire for knowledge -- The desire for freedom -Christian selfhood and postmodernity. Characteristics of postmodern selfhood -- Christian theological engagement with postmodernity -- The beauty of embodiment : body and sexuality. The body -- Sex -The human capacity for evil and the hope for salvation. The human capacity for and propensity to evil -- Understanding the perpetrators of evil -Victims of evil -- Witnesses to evil -- Theology, science, and human personhood. What makes us the imago Dei? -- Animals and human beings -- Human beings and the world around us -- Neuroscience and the human -Technology, medicine, and the human person -Conclusion : seeking light and beauty. BT 701.3 R68 2012 ISBN: 9780754629207 (hbk.) ISBN: 0754629201 (hbk.) Titre: Christianity / edited by Stephen Hunt. Éditeur: Farnham, UK : Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xxvii, 508 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Collection: (The library of essays on sexuality and religion) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. Dépouil. complet: The Bible and sexuality II / Raymond F. Collins -- Is the Bible good news for human sexuality? : Reflections on method in Biblical interpretation / Stephen C. Barton -- Sexuality and the family / Jack Dominian -The body's grace : 10th Michael Harding memorial address, London : Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement / Rowan Williams -- Our lady of the libido : towards a Marian theology of sexual liberation? / Sian Taylder -- Celibacy and free love in early Christianity / Richard M. Price -- Antifamilial tendencies in ancient Christianity / Elizabeth A. Clark -- The origins of clerical celibacy in the Western Church / Charles A. Frazee -- Sexual taboos and social boundaries / Christie Davies -- Children of disorder : clerical parentage, illegitimacy, and reform in the middle ages / Laura Wertheimer -- Paul and sexual mentality of his world / Wolfgang Stegemann -- The baptism of eros / Tina Beattie -- Fragments from a journal : reflections on celibacy and the role of women in the Church / Gillian Walker -- Deviance, agency, and the social control of women's bodies in a Mennonite community / Linda B. Arthur -- Young women, sexuality and Protestant Church community : oppression or empowerment? / Sonya Sharma -- The centrality of marriage : homosexuality and the Roman Catholic argument / Brian F. Linnane -- Ecumenism at a cost : women, ordination, and sexuality : "Disagree with the umpire-take the ball, and go home" / Leonie B. Liveris -- Sweet rapture : subliminal eroticism in contemporary charismatic worship / Martyn Percy -- Of gin and lace : sexuality, liturgy and identity among Anglo-Catholics in the mid-twentieth century / Martin Stringer -- "No more tea, Vicar" : an exploration of the discourses which inform the current debates about sexualities within the Church of England / David Nixon -- Negotiating a religious identity : the case of the gay evangelical / Scott Thumma -- State of mind versus concrete set of facts : the contrasting of transgender and intersex in Church documents on sexuality / Susannah Cornwall -- The Greek Orthodox position on Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 55 sur 114 2013-02-26 the ethics of assisted reproduction / Metropolitan Nikolaos -- The contest of moralities : negotiating compulsory celibacy and sexual intimacy in the Roman Catholic priesthood / Jane Anderson. BT 708 C4543 2010 ISBN: 9780809147731 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0809147734 (pbk. : alk. paper) Titre: The biblical foundations of the doctrine of justification : an ecumenical follow-up to the joint declaration on the doctrine of justification / Presented by a task force of biblical scholars and systematic theologians from the Lutheran World Federation, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, the World Communion of Reformed Churches, and the World Methodist Council. Éditeur: New York / Mahwah, NJ : Paulist Press, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 129 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-116) and index. Dépouil. complet: Hermeneutical aspects -- Traditions of biblical interpretation -- The Old Testament -- The New Testament -- The Bible and the JDDJ, conclusion. BT 764.3 B53 2012 ISBN: 9780771023156 (hbk.) ISBN: 0771023154 (hbk.) Auteur: Coren, Michael, 1959Titre: Heresy : ten lies they spread about Christianity / Michael Coren. Éditeur: Toronto : Signal, c2012. Desc. matérielle: 240 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 237-240). BT 1315.3 C67 2012 ISBN: 0567040623 (pbk.) $27.95 ISBN: 9780567040626 (pbk.) ISBN: 0567040720 (hbk.) ISBN: 9780567040725 (hbk.) Auteur: Logan, Alastair, H.B. Titre: The Gnostics : identifying an early Christian cult / Alastair H.B. Logan ; foreword by Rowan Williams. Éditeur: London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2006. Desc. matérielle: xvii, 150 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [124]-131) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Introduction -- The Gnostics : the evidence of the Fathers, the pagans and Nag Hammadi -- Celsus, Plotinus and Porphyry on the Gnostics -- Gnostics versus Catholics on Christian identity : (1) authority and tradition -- Gnostics versus Catholics on Christian identity : (2) ritual and lifestyle -- A Gnostic burial site? : the hypogeum of the Aurelii in Rome. BT 1390 L64 2006 ISBN: 9782896462926 (Novalis) ISBN: 2896462929 (Novalis) ISBN: 9782873243890 (Lumen vitae) ISBN: 2873243899 (Lumen Vitae) Auteur: Bourgeois, Henri, ptre, 1934-2001. Titre: Questions fondamentales de théologie pratique / Henri Bourgeois ; préface par Gilles Routhier Éditeur: Montréal : Novalis ; Bruxelles : Lumen vitae, 2010. Desc. matérielle: 96 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Les fondamentaux ; no 2) Note générale: Cet ouvrage présente la première partie d'un inédit d'Henri Bourgeois, accompagnée, en annexe, d'un chapitre de la seconde partie--P. [4] de la couv. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BV 3 B68 2010 ISBN: 9780801038747 (pbk.) ISBN: 080103874X (pbk.) Auteur: Cherry, Constance M., 1953- Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 56 sur 114 2013-02-26 Titre: The worship architect : a blueprint for designing culturally relevant and biblically faithful services / Constance M. Cherry. Éditeur: Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xvii, 302 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 276-295) and index. Dépouil. complet: Phase one: laying the foundations for worship. Establishing the foundation: biblical worship -Setting the cornerstone: worship is centered in Jesus Christ -- Phase two: building the structure for worship. Four rooms for encountering God: the general order of worship ; The first load-bearing wall: the gathering ; The second load-bearing wall: the word ; The third load-bearing wall: the table of the Lord ; The third load-bearing wall: the alternative response to the word ; The fourth load-bearing wall: the sending -- Phase three: creating doors and windows for encountering God. Encountering God in prayer: capturing the heart of worship ; Encountering God in music: singing the church's song ; Encountering God in music: offering "sound" musical leadership ; Encountering God in the Christian year: remembering the whole narrative -- Phase four: adding style to the worship event. Principles of worship style: expressing your corporate identity ; A more excellent way: exploring convergence -- Phase five: Nurturing hospitality at the worship event. The hospitable worship leader: engaging worshipers as participants -Appendix A: ten basic steps in designing vital worship -- Appendix B: checklist for designing vital worship. BV 15 C42 2010 ISBN: 9780800698850 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0800698851 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9781451424331 (ebook) ISBN: 1451424337 (ebook) Auteur: Senn, Frank C., 1943Titre: Introduction to Christian liturgy / Frank C. Senn. Partie du titre: Christian liturgy Éditeur: Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c2012. Desc. matérielle: ix, 244 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. BV 176.3 S46 2012 ISBN: 9782850403088 Titre: Prières pour chaque jour. Partie du titre: Prières Éditeur: Taizé [France] : Ateliers et Presses de Taizé, c2011 (tirage de c2012) Desc. matérielle: 246 p. ; 20 cm. Note générale: Comprend des index. Note générale: Première éd.: 1997. BV 245 P74C65 2012 ISBN: 9789004176577 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9004176578 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Osborne, Kenan B., O.F.M., 1930Titre: A theology of the church for the Third Millennium : a Franciscan approach / by Kenan Osborne. Éditeur: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2009. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 442 p. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Studies in systematic theology ; v. 2) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [433]-440) and index. Dépouil. complet: Preface: The structure of this volume -- Introductory clarifications -- A relational ecclesiology in the Third Millennium : what makes the Third Millennium different? -- The historical starting point : ecclesiology from 1500 to the beginning of the Third Millennium -- The philosophical starting point : relational being -- The theological starting point : an infinitely free relational God -- A relational theology of creation, incarnation, and the sending of the Spirit -- A relational theology of the church for Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 57 sur 114 2013-02-26 the Third Millennium. BV 600.3 O735 2009 ISBN: 9780754666059 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0754666050 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Percy, Martyn. Titre: Shaping the church : the promise of implicit theology / Martyn Percy. Éditeur: Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, c2010. Desc. matérielle: 193 p. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Explorations in practical, pastoral and empirical theology) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [177]-185) and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction: The promise of implicit theology -- pt. 1. Sacraments: spiritual life. Baptism: belief, practice and culture -- Confirmation and conversion : continuity and change -- Tripping down the aisle : churchgoing, culture and contemporary eucharistic practice -- pt. 2. Church : the nature of the body. Fresh expressions : a critique of consumerism -Alternative perspectives : can there be 'liberal' church growth? -- Organic church growth : some possibilties -- pt. 3. Ministry : practising theology. Herding cats? : leading the Church (of England) in a new age -- Sacred sagacity : the dynamics of formation -- Feeling for the church : emotion and anger in ecclesial polity -- Conclusion: Shaping the church. BV 600.3 P47 2010 ISBN: 9780830836536 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0830836535 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Woodward, J. R., 1963Titre: Creating a missional culture : equipping the church for the sake of the world / J.R. Woodward ; foreword by Alan Hirsch. Éditeur: Downers Grove, IL : Praxis-IVP Books, c2012. Desc. matérielle: 256 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Praxis) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [143]-256). Dépouil. complet: Power of culture -- What is missional culture and why does it matter? -- How culture works -- What's going on in the culture of the church you serve? -Polycentric leadership and missional culture -Leadership imagination that shapes missional culture -- Facing today's challenges -- Hearing the story -Deepening theological roots -- Embracing emotional health -- Relinquishing the need to control -- Culture creators -- Jesus the archetypical culture creator -Apostles: dream awakeners -- Prophets: heart revealers -- Evangelists: story tellers -- Pastors: soul healers -- Teachers: light givers -- Embodying a missional culture -- Cultural web and the neighborhood church -Cultivating missional environments -- Cultivating an equipping ethos -- Polycentric leadership at work -Equippers and their roles -- Equipper candidate reference form -- Equipper candidate interview. BV 600.3 W66 2012 ISBN: 9781118036587 (hbk.) ISBN: 1118036581 (hbk.) Auteur: Smith, Efrem (Efrem D.), 1969Titre: The post-Black and post-White church : becoming the beloved community in a multi-ethnic world / Efrem Smith. Éditeur: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2012. Desc. matérielle: xx, 220 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Leadership network) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. BV 639 M56S65 2012 ISBN: 9780805444902 (hbk.) ISBN: 0805444904 (hbk.) Titre: Church administration handbook / Bruce P. Powers, Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 58 sur 114 2013-02-26 editor. Éditeur: Nashville, Tenn. : B&H Academic, c2008. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 333 p. : ill., forms ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 330-333). Dépouil. complet: Transformational leadership in a technological age / Bruce P. Powers and J.T. Robertson Jr. -- Managing churches and not-for-profit organizations / Robert D. Dale -- Organizing for mission and ministry / Bruce P. Powers -- Working with people: the minister as team leader / Robert D. Dale -- Personnel administration / William G. Caldwell -- Office administration / Bruce P. Powers -- Financial policies and procedures / William G. Caldwell -- Planning and budgeting / Bob I. Johnson -- Designing and managing facilities / William G. Caldwell -- Planning special congregational events / Robert D. Dale -- Church publications / Bruce P. Powers -- Legal matters / William G. Caldwell -Ethical standards for the minister and the congregation / Judy J. Stamey -- Establishing a mission/starting new work / Bob I. Johnson -Cooperative relationships / Bruce P. Powers -Equipping the saints to serve / Judy J. Stamey -Staff relationships / William G. Caldwell -- The minister's personal life / Robert D. Dale -Leadership in small and rural congregations / Bob I. Johnson -- Getting started in a new ministry ; Finding fulfillment in ministry / Bruce P. Powers. BV 652 C48 2008 ISBN: 9781433673771 (pbk.) ISBN: 1433673770 (pbk.) Auteur: Welch, Robert H. Titre: Church administration : creating efficiency for effective ministry / Robert H. Welch. Éditeur: Nashville, Tenn. : B & H Academic, c2011. Desc. matérielle: xii, 399 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 389-393) and index. Dépouil. complet: An introduction to administration -- Basics for administration -- Documents for administration -Organizing the church -- Administering personnel resources -- Administering financial resources -Administering the physical resources -- Administering the office -- Administering risk management -Administering planning activities -- Administering program activities -- Administering support activities. BV 652 W45 2011 ISBN: 9781570759994 (pbk.) ISBN: 1570759995 (pbk.) Auteur: Sivalon, John C., M.M. Titre: God's mission and postmodern culture : the gift of uncertainty / John C. Sivalon. Éditeur: Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c2012. Desc. matérielle: 160 p. ; 21 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 123-152) and index. Dépouil. complet: Questioning the Legitimacy of Mission -- Political Change -- Academic Changes -- Vatican II -- Postmodern Culture -- Summary -- Rediscovering Mission in God -First Analogy: Trinity as a Paradigm Shift 36 -Second Analogy: Trinity as "Relationality" -- Third Analogy: Trinity as "Differe(a)nce" -- Fourth Analogy: Trinity as "Event" -- Summary -- Death, God, and Trinitarian Mission -- A God Who Suffers -- Death within the Trinity -- Summary -- Our Mission: A New Way of Being, a New Way of Doing -- Participation in God's Mission as a New Way of "Being" -- Participation in God's Mission as a New Way of "Doing" -- Summary -Mission Lived -- Prayer and Peace Presence in South Sudan by Theresa Baldini and Madeline McHugh -- What's Mission after Fifty Years? by Marty Shea -- Mission as Working with the Hired Hands by Doug Venne -- Gentle Service to the Poorest by Jim Noonan -- Summary -- Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 59 sur 114 2013-02-26 Mission and Ecclesial Existence -- Living Ecclesial Existence: Openness to the "Other" -- Living Ecclesial Existence: Looking Beyond -- Living Ecclesial Existence: Mutuality in Relationships -- Living Ecclesial Existence: Accepting Intimacy. BV 2180 S58 2012 ISBN: 9780334043751 (pbk.) ISBN: 0334043751 (pbk.) ISBN: (ISBN invalid)9780334044666 (Kindle) Auteur: Thompson, Ross, 1953Titre: Mindful ministry : creative, theological and practical perspectives / Ross and Judith Thompson. Éditeur: London : SCM Press, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xxv, 189 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 177-183) and indexes. BV 4011.3 T46 2012 Titre: The pastor and theological education : essays in memory of Rev. Derek Tan / editorial committee, Siga Arles ... [et al.]. Éditeur: Singapore : Trinity Christian Centre ; Bangalore : Asia Theological Association, 2007. Desc. matérielle: 208 p. : col. ill. ; 22 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies. Dépouil. complet: Notes of honour -- Preface / Siga Arles -Introduction / Lily Lim -- Chancellor's tribute / Naomi Dowdy -- Vice-Chancellor's tribute : behold a man in whom there is no guile / Henry K. Pillai -Rev. Derek Tan : an eternal friend of ATA / Sang-Bok David Kim -- Derek : Man of God - deeply in love with God's work / Narendra John -- A tribute from the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE) / Paul Sanders -- Tribute to Rev. Derek Tan / John F. Carter -- Personal tributes and reflections -- My tribute : the man, the towel and the basin / Tan-Chow MayLing -- Rev. Derek Tan, the man of God, through the eyes of a protégé / Joyce Williams -- My tribute to Pastor Derek Tan / Teresa Chai -- A living doxology / Kris Chong -- Single minded in purpose / Charmiane Choong -- Ingredients of leadership / Dominic Yeo -- Theological essays and reflections -- Theological education in Asia : present issues, challenges and future opportunities / Derek Tan -- When I am weak then I am strong (2 Corinthians 12:10) / Brian C. Wintle -- Language studies in theological education / Akio Hashimoto -- Pentecostal worship in Asia : its theological implications and contributions / Wonsuk Ma -- The application of Paul's principle of accommodation for the church in Singapore / Ruth Phua-Chng -- Engaging the ecclesial dimension : theological education that empowers the church / Carver Yu -- Informal workplace learning and blended ecclesiastical learning : some andragogical reflections / Liew Yoo Kiang. BV 4022 T36 2007 ISBN: 9782503528595 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 2503528597 (hbk. : alk. paper) Titre: Charisma and religious authority : Jewish, Christian, and Muslim preaching, 1200-1500 / edited by Katherine L. Jansen and Miri Rubin. Éditeur: Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xi, 260 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Europa sacra ; v. 4) Note générale: Papers from the conference 'Charisma and Religious Authority, ' held at Queen Mary University of London, July 2004. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction / Katherine L. Jansen and Miri Rubin -Prophetic performances : reproducing the charisma of the prophet in medieval Islamic preaching / Linda G. Jones -- Tauler's Minnenclich Meister : charisma and authority in the vernacular mystical tradition of the Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 60 sur 114 2013-02-26 Low Countries and the Rhineland / Geert Warnar -Crisis and charismatic authority in Hildegard of Bingen's preaching against the Cathars / Beverly Mayne Kienzle -- Attempts to control the pulpit : medieval Judaism and beyond / Marc Saperstein -- Audience and authority in medieval Islam : the case of popular preachers / Jonathan P. Berkey -- Italian pulpits : preaching, art, and spectacle / Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby -- Preaching and publicness : St John of Capestrano and the making of his charisma north of the Alps / Ottó Sándor Gecser -- 'Preaching to the people, dressed as a hermit' : the discreet charm of Italian hermits / George Ferzoco -- Places and gestures of women's preaching in Quattro- and Cinquecento Italy / Gabriella Zarri -- Virtue and the common good : moral discourse and political practice in the good parliament, 1376 / Christopher Fletcher -- Can Orthodoxy be charismatic? The preaching of Jean Gerson / Mishtooni Bose -- Rhetorics of transcendence : conflict and intercession in communal Italy, 1300-1500 / Stephen J. Milner. BV 4208 E85C53 2010 ISBN: 9782503523910 (hbk.) ISBN: 2503523919 (hbk.) Auteur: Fletcher, Alan J. (Alan John), 1952Titre: Late medieval popular preaching in Britain and Ireland : texts, studies, and interpretations / by Alan John Fletcher. Éditeur: Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, c2009. Desc. matérielle: xvii, 339 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Sermo ; v. 5) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [315]-331) and index. Dépouil. complet: Sermon manuscripts from late medieval Britain and Ireland : a codicological typology -- The friars : an anonymous sermon for the first Sunday in Advent -- The regulars : a sermon of Hugh Legat for the third Sunday in Lent -- The regular canons : two anonymous sermons for Lent and for Easter -- The secular canons : a sermon of Thomas Cyrcetur for Good Friday -- The seculars : four sermon variations on a theme attributed to Robert Holcot -- Preaching in late medieval Ireland : the English and the Latin traditions -- Literature and pulpit : the lyric in the sermon -- Good men and women. BV 4208 G7F54 2009 ISBN: 9781426751431 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 1426751435 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Lowry, Eugene L., 1933Titre: The homiletical beat : why all sermons are narrative / Eugene L. Lowry. Éditeur: Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2012. Desc. matérielle: xii, 114 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. Dépouil. complet: The three levels of narrativity -- Encountering the Aristotle blues -- Recovering the voices of orality. BV 4235 S76L695 2012 ISBN: 9781426753176 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 1426753179 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Witherington, Ben, 1951Titre: A shared Christian life / Ben Witherington III. Éditeur: Nashville : Abingdon Press, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xii, 186 p. ; 23 cm. Dépouil. complet: Forward Christian soldiers -- Spirituality as life in the body of Christ -- Loving and worshiping God wholeheartedly -- Root of spiritual formation: conversion -- Imitation of Christ, no, really -Salvation and spiritual formation -- Fruit of spiritual formation -- Individual context: the believer as a member of the body -- Believer and the means of grace -- Spiritual formation and searching the scripture -- Lord's supper as spiritual formation Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 61 sur 114 2013-02-26 -- Works of charity as spiritual formation -- What does a normal Christian life entail. BV 4501.3 W576 2012 ISBN: 9780801071638 (pbk.) ISBN: 0801071631 (pbk.) Auteur: Friesen, Dwight J., 1969Titre: Thy kingdom connected : what the church can learn from Facebook, the Internet, and other networks / Dwight J. Friesen ; [foreword by Leonard Sweet]. Éditeur: Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Books, 2009. Desc. matérielle: 189 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Emergent Village resources for communities of faith) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. Dépouil. complet: Cluster one: seeing connectively -- Introduction: readjusting our lenses -- Cluster two: god's networked kingdom -- The networked kingdom: harnessing the power of social -- Networks -- Links: different kinds of relationships and why they matter -- Nodes: unleashing the networked person -- Cluster three: leadership that connects -- Connective leaders: the parable of google -- Leading connectively: how chaordic life reorients leading -- Cluster four: networked church -Christ-commons: reimagining the body of the institutional -- Church -- Christ-clusters: reimagining the soul of the local church -- Cluster five: connective practices -- Missional and'ing: the sneeze effect and the viral gospel -- Network ecology: caring for the networks you are in -- Weaving a tapestry: networking spiritual formation -- Afterword by Dan Allender. BV 4597.52 F75 2009 ISBN: 9780802865366 (pbk. : alk. paper) $25.00 ISBN: 0802865364 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Melina, Livio, ptre, 1952Titre: The epiphany of love : toward a theological understanding of Christian action / Livio Melina. Éditeur: Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2010. Desc. matérielle: xx, 185 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Ressourcement) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-178) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Love, desire, action -- Acting for the good of communion -- The practical dimension of a believing reason -- Faith and the moral life : the ways for moral theology to overcome extrinsicism -- Christ as the fullness of the human good and morality -- The Church and the dynamism of action -- Christian moral action and the kingdom of Heaven. BV 4639 M417 2010 ISBN: 9780307885333 (hb.) ISBN: 030788533X (hb.) ISBN: (ISBN invalid)9780307885357 (ebook) Auteur: Donohue, William A., 1947Titre: Why Catholicism matters : how Catholic virtues can reshape society in the 21st century / Bill Donohue. Éditeur: New York : Image, c2012. Desc. matérielle: vii, 293 p. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 281-293). Dépouil. complet: Prudence -- Justice -- Fortitude -- Temperance. BV 4645 D656 2012 ISBN: 1894667778 (pbk.) ISBN: 9781894667777 (pbk.) Auteur: Bellous, Joyce Edith, 1948Titre: Gardening the heart : 40 devotions for thoughtful women / Joyce E. Bellous. Éditeur: Toronto : Clements Pub., 2005. Desc. matérielle: 104 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 103-104). BV 4844 B44 2005 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 62 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 0789029502 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9780789029508 (pbk.) Auteur: VanDuivendyk, Tim P. Titre: The unwanted gift of grief : a ministry approach / Tim P. VanDuivendyk ; [foreword by John Claypool]. Éditeur: New York : Haworth Pastoral Press, c2006. Desc. matérielle: xv, 192 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Religion and mental health) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 185-188) and index. Dépouil. complet: Foreword / John R. Claypool -- The unwanted gift -Grief as gratitude, grief as gift -- The wilderness of grief : the "way" to transformation -- Without facing the pain, growth may be limited -- Letting go of the past, we rise to new life -- Grief : a journey of wondering and wandering in the wilderness -- Everyone grieves differently -- How long will I grieve? -- The effects of family and culture on grieving -- Different pathways through grief : think people, feel people, and act people -- Introverts and extroverts -- Factors that affect the wilderness of grief -- The faith factor -- The need for sojourners : counselors, ministers, and friends -- Sudden loss or slow, unfolding loss -- Rejection and suicide -- The life cycle and development -- Differentiation and enmeshment -- The wilderness of grief -- Unbelievable darkness -- The dynamics of darkness -- Types of shock and disbelief -- Temporary or permanent amnesia -Frustration and anger amid "why"? -- Frustration and anger : part of the journey -- Frustration and anger as regret, remorse, or guilt -- Frustration and anger toward others -- Praying for a miracle -- Holy and earthly contracts : hope for healing and cure -Miracles and saying "yes" to death and suffering -Mom's good death -- Advance directives and DNR orders -- Abby's good miracle -- Wrestling with sadness and depression -- Sadness and depression : normal parts of healing -- Movement into light and healing -- Signs of when depression is too deep -- Getting help : when, what, and where -- Healing : experiencing the light again -- Turning points in the wilderness -- Caution : euphoria may be ahead! -- What does this healing transformation look or feel like? -- What is this mysterious spirit that transforms us through the wilderness? -- And yet-- we never forget! -- The return of grief : "peek-a-boo" experiences -Sojourners in the wilderness : how to help -- Being a sojourner -- What is a sojourner? -- Appendix: The sojourner process guide : walking with another through the wilderness of grief -- Sojourning with those in unbelievable darkness -- Sojourning with those frustrated and angry amid "why"? -- Sojourning with those praying for a miracle -- Sojourning with those wrestling with sadness and depression -- Sojourning with those in healing and light -- More ways toward transformation -- Marriage : tough enough without grief -- Couples and grieving -- Gender differences and grieving -- Complementarity in marriage and grief -- The gift of sexual closeness amid grief -Appendix: The grief date : a guide for couples and family members -- Ways of making it through the wilderness of grief. BV 4905.3 V38 2006 ISBN: 9780764821790 (pbk.) ISBN: 0764821792 (pbk.) Auteur: McDonald, Mary M. Titre: It draws me : the art of contemplation / Mary M. McDonald. Éditeur: Liguori, MO : Liguori Publications, c2012. Desc. matérielle: xx, 75 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BV 5091 C7M38 2012 ISBN: 9789042921245 (pbk.) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 63 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 9042921242 (pbk.) Auteur: Mommaers, Paul, 1935Titre: Jan van Ruusbroec : mystical union with God / Paul Mommaers. Éditeur: Leuven : Peeters, c2009. Desc. matérielle: 186 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. Dépouil. complet: The nature of mysticism. Mystical awareness, mystical texts -- Mystical objects, mystical marks -- Mystical union with God. Profiling the human -- Meeting the divine other -- Mystically one with God -- Natural mysticism : Ruusbroec's appreciation -- Natural mysticism : a critique. BV 5095 J3M6213 2009 ISBN: 9783825806378 (pbk.) €49,90 ISBN: 3825806375 (pbk.) Titre: Ecumenics from the Rim : explorations in honour of John D'Arcy May / edited by John O'Grady and Peter Scherle. Éditeur: Münster : Lit, 2007 Desc. matérielle: viii, 498 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Theology, ethics and interreligious relations : studies in ecumenics ; v.1) Note générale: Includes a list of published works by John D'Arcy May. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BX 2 E38 2008 ISBN: 9780802867056 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0802867057 (pbk. : alk. paper) Titre: Celebrating a century of ecumenism : exploring the achievements of international dialogue : in commemoration of the centenary of the 1910 Edinburgh World Missionary Conference / edited by John A. Radano ; [foreword by Walter Cardinal Kasper]. Éditeur: Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2011. Desc. matérielle: xxv, 330 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Achievements and limits of the World Council of Churches / S. Wesley Ariarajah -- The World Council of Churches : an Orthodox perspective / Peter C. Bouteneff -- Faith and Order : achievements of multilateral dialogue / Mary Tanner -- The achievements of Faith and Order : a Catholic perspective / William Henn (OFM Cap) -- Lutheran-Roman Catholic world-level dialogue : selected remarks / Jared Wicks (SJ) -- The history, methodology, and implications for ecumenical reception of the apostolicity study of the Lutheran-Roman Catholic international dialogue / William G. Rusch -Methodist-Roman Catholic international dialogue : mutual reassessment in a new context / Geoffrey Wainwright -- Church as koinonia in the Methodist-Roman Catholic international dialogue / Lorelei F. Fuchs (SA) -- Achievements of ARCIC and IARCCUM / Donna Geernaert (SC) -- Perspectives on Christ, the church, and Christian social witness / John A. Radano -- The achievements of the Pentecostal-Catholic international dialogue / Cecil M. Robeck Jr. -- Pentecostal-Catholic international dialogue : a Catholic perspective / Ralph Del Colle -Evangelical-Roman Catholic international dialogue : opening new frontiers / Jeffrey Gros (FSC) -Disciples of Christ-Roman Catholic International Commission for Dialogue : sharing the fruits / Margaret O'Gara -- The Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church / Ronald G. Roberson (CSP) -Two phases of Baptist-Roman Catholic international theological conversations / Susan K. Wood (SCL) -Catholics and Mennonites in search of "the spirit of unity in the bond of peace" / Helmut Harder -Oriental Orthodox-Catholic international dialogue / Ronald G. Roberson (CSP). BX 8.3 C45 2011 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 64 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 1617191663 (hbk.) ISBN: 9781617191664 (hbk.) Auteur: Armalah, Isḥāq, 1879-1954. Titre: Papal authority in the Syrian church / Isaac Armalet. Éditeur: Piscataway : Gorgias Press, 2011. Desc. matérielle: 200 p. : ill., ports. ; 26 cm. Collection: (Syriac Studies Library ; 76) Note générale: "Reprinted from the 1933 Beirut edition." Langue: Text in Syriac. BX 173.2 A763 2011 ISBN: 9780520260566 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0520260562 (pbk. : alk. paper) Titre: Eastern Christians in anthropological perspective / edited by Chris Hann and Hermann Goltz. Éditeur: Berkeley : University of California Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: x, 375 p. : ill., map, music ; 24 cm. Collection: (The anthropology of Christianity ; 9) Note générale: Chiefly rev. papers from a conference held in Sept. 2005 at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction : the other Christianity? / Chris Hann and Hermann Goltz -- Eastern Christians and religious objects : personal and material biographies entangled / Gabriel Hanganu -- A dual quarrel of images on the Middle Volga : icon veneration in the face of Protestant and pagan critique / Sonja Luehrmann -Icons and/or statues? The Greek Catholic divine liturgy in Hungary and Romania, between renewal and purification / Stéphanie Mahieu -- The acoustics and geopolitics of Orthodox practices in the Estonian-Russian border region / Jeffers Engelhardt -The spirit and the letter : monastic education in a Romanian Orthodix convent / Alice Forbess -Exorcising demons in post-Soviet Ukraine : a monastic community and its imagistic practice / Vlad Naumescu -- Monasteries, politics, and social memory : the revival of the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch in Syria during the Twentieth Century / Anna Poujeau -Orthodox-Muslim interactions as "mixed shrines" in Macedonia / Glenn Bowman -- Empire dust : the web of relations in Saint George's Festival on Princes Island in Istanbul / Maria Couroucli -- Pilgrimages as Kenotic Communities beyond the walls of the church / Inna Naletova -- Avtobusniki : Russian Orthodox pilgrims' longing for authenticity / Jeanne Kormina -Indigenous persons and imported individuals : changing paradigms of personal identity in contemporary Greece / Renée Hirschon -- Individual and collective identities in Russian Orthodoxy / Alexander Agadjanian and Kathy Rousselet -- The Russian Orthodox Church, the provision of social welfare, and changing ethics of benevolence / Melissa L. Caldwell -- Epilogue : ex oriente lux, once again / Douglas Rogers. BX 215 E28 2010 ISBN: 9782204097345 (br.) Auteur: Mahieu, Patrice, O.S.B., 1959Titre: Paul VI et les orthodoxes / Patrice Mahieu ; préface Emmanuel Adamakis. Éditeur: Paris : Cerf, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 304 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Orthodoxie ; 12) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 281-297). BX 324.3 M34 2012 Auteur: Peradze, Gregor, 1899-1942. Titre: An account of the Georgian monks and monasteries in Palestine : as revealed in the writings of non-Georgian pilgrims / by Gregory Peradze. Partie du titre: Georgian monks and monasteries in Palestine Éditeur: [London?] : Georgian Historical Society, [1937?] Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 65 sur 114 2013-02-26 Desc. matérielle: viii, p. 181-246, 3 leaves of plates : ill. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection) Note générale: Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection. Note générale: "Reprinted from Georgica, Autumn, 1937, nos. 4 & 5, pp. 181-246." Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BX 385 P3P47 1937 ISBN: 9780881414066 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0881414069 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Nasr, Constantine. Titre: Antony Bashir : metropolitan & missionary / Constantine Nasr. Éditeur: Yonkers, N.Y. : St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 210 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Orthodox Christan profiles series ; no. 3) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. BX 738 A759B274 2012 ISBN: 9780809142774 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0809142775 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Sullivan, Maureen, Sister, O.P. Titre: The road to Vatican II : key changes in theology / Maureen Sullivan. Éditeur: New York : Paulist Press, c2007. Desc. matérielle: x, 161 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 142-156) and index. Dépouil. complet: Theology in transition -- The church looks at the world -- The church looks at the laity -- The church looks at itself. BX 830 1962 S9153 2007 ISBN: 9788883332036 ISBN: 8883332032 Titre: Religious internet communication : facts, experiences and trands in the Catholic church / Daniel Arasa, Lorenzo Cantoni, Lucio Adrián Ruiz (eds.). Éditeur: Rome : EDUSC, c2010. Desc. matérielle: 250 p ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 243-250). BX 842.5 R45 2010 ISBN: 9780814634103 (pbk.) ISBN: 0814634109 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780814634110 (e-book) ISBN: 0814634117 (e-book) Auteur: Senander, Angela. Titre: Scandal : the Catholic Church and public life / Angela Senander ; foreword by James A. Coriden. Éditeur: Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, c2012. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 134 p. ; 21 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 104-126) and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction : scandal as a sign of the times -- Talk about scandal -- Scandal : stumbling block to faith -The Catholic Church and scandal -- Societal change, Catholic teaching, and scandal -- The Catholic Church in public life and the politics of scandal -Conclusion : beyond scandal. BX 891.3 S46 2012 ISBN: 9783643900272 (pbk.) ISBN: 3643900279 (pbk.) Titre: Pius XI : keywords : international conference Milan 2009 / edited by Alberto Guasco and Raffaella Perin. Éditeur: Berlin : Lit , 2010. Desc. matérielle: 430 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Christianity and history ; v. 7) Note générale: Selected conference papers. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Un papa in ombra? : le opportunità di un network europeo di ricerca su Pio XI / Hubert Wolf -- Il KADOC di Lovanio e il quadro delle ricerche su Pio XI / Vincent Viaene -- Un progetto di ricerca nazionale e Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 66 sur 114 2013-02-26 interdisciplinare : Il pontificato di Pio XI e l'Austria / Rupert Klieber -- L'edizione critica online dei rapporti delle Nunziature di Eugenio Pacelli (1917-1929) / Jorg Hörnschemeyer ... [et al.] -- L'École française de Rome e il progetto Pio XI / Jean-François Chauvard e Laura Pettinaroli -- La Iglesia y el catolicismo español durante el pontificado de Pío XI / Feliciano Montero -- Il pontificato di Pio XI : la storiografia contemporanea in Russia / Evgenia Tokareva -- Un termine e le sue declinazioni : chiesa cattolica e totalitarismi tra bibliografia e ricerca / Alberto Guasco -- Santa Sede e influenza nazista in Spagna durante la guerra civile nei documenti dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano : un ruolo anti-totalitario della Chiesa? / Alfonso Botti -- Santa Sede e impero fascista : contrasti, silenzi, fiancheggiamenti / Lucia Ceci -- Pregiudizio antiebraico e antiprotestante : alcuni riflessi sull'atteggiamento della chiesa verso il fascismo / Raffaella Perin -- La dottrina sulla famiglia nell'età di Pio X tra storiografia e ricerca / Emmanuel Betta -- Pie XI et la morale familiale / Martine Sevegrand -- Sulla limitazione volontaria delle nascite : rapporto di Agostino Gemelli / Lucia Pozzi -- Les défis du pontificat de Pie XI pour l'Action Catholique féminine en France et en Italie (1922-1939) / Magali Della Sudda -- La formazione delle élites cattoliche femminil tra le due guerre / Maria Malatesta -- Pio XI et l'orizzonte russo / Sergio Apruzzese -- Pie XI et la Russie : bref état de la question / Étienne Fouilloux -- Pio XI e Michel d'Herbigny : analisi d'una relazione al vertice della chiesa alla luce del materiale delle udienze pontificie (1922-1939) / Laura Pettinaroli -- L'Urss e la propaganda contro la religione : per una definizione dell'anticomunismo nella Santa Sede degli anni trenta / Filippo Frangioni -- Genesi della Mortalium Animos / Manuela Barbolla -- "Facendo nostra la parola di nostro Signore" : Pio XI di fronte alla politica della mano tesa in Francia / Marie Levant -Pio XI e la Cecoslovacchia : un rapporto difficile alla luce delle nuove fonti vaticane / Emilia Hrabovec -- Il Concordato tra la Santa Sede e il Regno di Romania : un'introduzione / Maria Dissegna -- Santa Sede, Stati Uniti e cattolicesimo americano negli anni di Pio XI / Giulia D'Alessio -- L'inchiesta sul comunismo in Cina / Elisa Giunipero -- Santa Sede e Società delle Nazioni / Liliosa Azara. Langue: Most articles in Italian, some in French. BX 1377 P57 2010 ISBN: 9780062089434 (hbk.) ISBN: 0062089439 (hbk.) Auteur: Tobin, Greg, 1954Titre: The good Pope : the making of a saint and the remaking of the church -- the story of John XXIII and Vatican II / by Greg Tobin. Éditeur: New York : HarperOne, 2012. Desc. matérielle: viv, 267 p. : ill. 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [253]-255) and index. BX 1378.2 T58 2012 ISBN: 9788846506344 (br.) ISBN: 8846506340 (br.) Auteur: Zema, Angela. Titre: Giovanni Paolo II parroco di Roma : le visite alle parrocchie della diocesi / Angela Zema. Éditeur: Città del Vaticano : Lateran university press, 2008. Desc. matérielle: 238 p. ; 21 cm. Collection: (Testimonianze ; 2) BX 1378.5 Z46 2008 ISBN: 8871808045 (br.) ISBN: 9788871808048 (br.) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 67 sur 114 2013-02-26 Auteur: Benoît XVI, pape, 1927Titre: Fede, ragione, verità e amore : la teologia di Joseph Ratzinger : un'antologia / Joseph Ratzinger (Benedetto XVI) ; a cura di Umberto Casale ; prefazione del card. Camillo Ruini. Éditeur: Torino : Lindau, 2009. Desc. matérielle: 818 p. ; 21 cm. Collection: (I pellicani) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BX 1378.6 F44 2009 ISBN: 9789052320847 (br.) ISBN: 9052320845 (br.) Auteur: Devillé, Rik, ptre, 1944Titre: La dernière dictature : plaidoyer pour des paroisses sans pape / Rik Devillé. Éditeur: Anvers : Éditions CODA, c1993. Desc. matérielle: 221 p. ; 20 cm. Note générale: Dons - BNC. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 221). BX 1390 D48 1993 ISBN: 9782847349849 (br) ISBN: 2847349847 (br) Auteur: Pedotti, Christine, 1960Titre: Faut-il faire Vatican III? / Christine Pedotti. Éditeur: Paris : Tallandier, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 213 p. ; 20 cm. BX 1390 P43 2012 ISBN: 9780674049130 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0674049136 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: McCartin, James P. Titre: Prayers of the faithful : the shifting spiritual life of American Catholics / James P. McCartin. Éditeur: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: 225 p. ; 22 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [185]-182) and index. Dépouil. complet: Praying in the immigrant church -- Praying in the American century -- Prayer becomes a crusade -- Prayer becomes secular -- Prayer becomes personal and political. BX 1406.3 M33 2010 ISBN: 9780719079061 (hbk.) ISBN: 0719079063 (hbk.) Titre: Catholic communities in Protestant states : Britain and the Netherlands c.1570-1720 / edited by Benjamin J. Kaplan ... [et al.]. Éditeur: Manchester, UK ; New York : Manchester University Press ; New York : Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 274 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Studies in early modern European history) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Shifting identities in hostile settings: towards a comparison of the Catholic communities in early modern Britain and the Northern Netherlands / Willem Frijhoff -- Cooperative confessionalisation: lay-clerical collaboration in Dutch Catholic communities during the Golden Age / Charles H. Parker -- 'So they become contemptible': clergy and laity in a mission territory / Michael Mullett -- Integration vs segregation: religiously mixed marriage and the 'verzuiling' model of Dutch Society / Benjamin Kaplan -- 'Getting on' and 'getting along' in parish and town: Catholics and their neighbours in England / William Sheils -Burying the dead; reliving the past: ritual, resentment and sacred space in the Dutch Republic / Judith Pollmann -- Beads, books and bare ruined choirs: transmutations of Catholic ritual life in Protestant England / Alexandra Walsham -- The Southern Netherlands connection: networks of support and patronage / Paul Arblaster -- Priests, nuns, presses Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 68 sur 114 2013-02-26 and prayers: the Southern Netherlands and the contours of English Catholicism / Claire Walker -- Second-class yet self-confident: Catholics in the Dutch Generality Lands / Charles de Mooi -- Between conflicts and coexistence: the Catholic community in Ireland as a 'visible underground church' in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries / Ute Lotz-Heumann -Orphans and students: recruiting boys and girls for the Holland Mission / Joke Spaans -- Harbourers and housekeepers: Catholic women in England 1570-1720 / Marie B. Rowlands -- Paintings for clandestine Catholic churches in the Republic: typically Dutch? / Xander van Eck -- Cultures of dissent: English Catholics and the visual arts / Richard L. Williams -Conclusion: Catholic communities in Protestant states, Britain and the Netherlands c. 1580-1720 / Benjamin Kaplan and Judith Pollmann. BX 1492 C283 2009 ISBN: 2227425415 (br.) ISBN: 9782227425415 (br.) Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Conférence des évêques de France. Assemblée plénière (1982 : Lourdes) Titre: Mission sans frontières : 25 ans de solidarité missionnaire : la pastorale de la santé : mission en monde ouvrier-- / Assemblée plénière de l'épiscopat français ; présentation de Gérard Defois. Éditeur: Paris : Le Centurion, 1982. Desc. matérielle: 207 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Documents d'Église) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BX 1530.2 A2 1982 ISBN: 9780674050815 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0674050819 (hbk.) Auteur: Wolf, Hubert. Titre: Pope and Devil : the Vatican's archives and the Third Reich / Hubert Wolf ; translated by Kenneth Kronenberg. Éditeur: Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: 325 p. : ill., map ; 25 cm. Note générale: Translation of: Papst & Teufel. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [205]-307) and index. Dépouil. complet: Neutralizing evil? Vatican prescriptions for Germany (1917-1929) -- Perfidious Jews? The battle in the Vatican over anti-Semitism (1928) -- The pact with the Devil? The Reichskonkordat (1930-1933) -- Molto delicato? The Roman Curia and the persecution of the Jews (1933-1939) -- Dogma or diplomacy? The Catholic worldview and Nazi ideology (1933-1939). Langue: Translated from the German. BX 1536 W6413 2010 Auteur: Schuver, Ursula, soeur, O.S.B. Titre: De Unie van Brest 1596 : Boeiende periode uit de Oekraiens Katholieke kerk / Domna Ursula M. Schuver. Éditeur: Maastricht : Ernest van Aelst, [1970], 1969. Desc. matérielle: 62 p., [1] f. de pl. pliée : ill., carte, portr. ; 24 cm. Collection: (The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection.) Note générale: The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BX 1559 U4S35 1970 ISBN: 9781935503118 (hbk. : alk. paper) $48.00 ISBN: 1935503111 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Fehleison, Jill, 1965Titre: Boundaries of faith : Catholics and Protestants in the Diocese of Geneva / Jill Fehleison. Éditeur: Kirksville, Mo. : Truman State University Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: viii, 269 p. : maps ; 24 cm. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 69 sur 114 2013-02-26 Collection: (Early modern studies series ; 5) Note générale: Title from label on t.p. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 239-251) and index. Dépouil. complet: The Reformation and the Diocese of Geneva -Understanding boundaries : landscape of Catholic reform -- Winning converts : the mission in the Duchy of Chablais -- Shifting borders : Savoyards become French -- Cleaning houses : reform of the clergy -Defining spaces : reform of the laity -- Reform ideals and reality. BX 1593 G4F4 2010 ISBN: 9781570759734 (pbk.) ISBN: 1570759731 (pbk.) Auteur: Seasoltz, R. Kevin, O.S.B., 1930Titre: A virtuous church : Catholic theology, ethics, and liturgy for the 21st Century / R. Kevin Seasoltz. Éditeur: Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c2012. Desc. matérielle: vi, 249 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 203-242) and index. Dépouil. complet: Cultures and the contemporary world -- Current trends and the church -- The Bible and Christian moral life -- Moral theology and ethics : a historical survey -A virtuous church -- A virtuous liturgy and sacramental practice. BX 1746 S38 2012 ISBN: 9782360400614 (v. 1) ISBN: 9782360400621 (v. 2) ISBN: 9782360400638 (v. 3) ISBN: 9782360400645 (v. 4) ISBN: 9782903242602 (v. 5) ISBN: 9782360400669 (v. 6) Auteur: Thabut, Marie-Noëlle. Titre: L'intelligence des Écritures : comprendre la parole de Dieu chaque dimanche en paroisse / Marie-Noëlle Thabut. Éditeur: Perpignan : Artège, 2011-2012. Desc. matérielle: 6 v. ; 24 cm. Note générale: Sans anal. Note générale: Comprend un index. Note générale: Première éd.: 1999-2001. Note générale: Tome 5: Socéval Éditions, c2004 (tirage de 2010) Dépouil. complet: t. 1. Année A: Dimanches du temps privilégiés - t. 2. Année A: Dimanche du temps ordinaire - - t. 3. Année B: Dimanches du temps privilégiés - - t. 4. Année B: Dimanches du temps ordinaire - - t. 5. Année C: Temps privilégiés - - t. 6. Année C: Temps ordinaire. BX 1756 T42I57 2011- 2012 1 BX 1756 T42I57 2011- 2012 2 BX 1756 T42I57 2011- 2012 3 BX 1756 T42I57 2011- 2012 4 BX 1756 T42I57 2011- 2012 5 BX 1756 T42I57 2011- 2012 6 ISBN: 9780739140895 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0739140892 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Llywelyn, Dorian, S.J., 1955Titre: Toward a Catholic theology of nationality / Dorian Llywelyn. Éditeur: Lanham, Md. ; Toronto : Lexington Books, c2010. Desc. matérielle: vii, 333 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 301-315) and index. Dépouil. complet: Pinning the jellyfish : the nation (un)defined -Longtime companions -- Biblical nations and dogmatic reticence -- The value of thisness -- Our lady of all nations -- From redeemer nations to redeemed humanity. BX 1793 L58 2010 ISBN: 9780813217314 (hbk.) ISBN: 0813217318 (hbk.) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 70 sur 114 2013-02-26 Auteur: Bychkov, O. V. Titre: Aesthetic revelation : reading ancient and medieval texts after Hans Urs von Balthasar / Oleg V. Bychkov. Éditeur: Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xvii, 349 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references p. (335-344) and index. Dépouil. complet: The hermeneutical problem -- The contemporary horizon -- The modern philosophical concept of the aesthetic -- The aesthetic in theology : Hans Urs von Balthasar -- Hans Urs von Balthasar : the aesthete and the hermeneut -- Retreading von Balthasar's path -- The ancient & medieval horizons -- The Platonic tradition -- The Stoic tradition -- The Augustinian tradition -Bonaventure and the late medieval tradition. BX 1795 A78B93 2010 ISBN: 9782896464036 (pbk.) ISBN: 2896464034 (pbk.) Auteur: Perrault, Leah, 1983Titre: Theology of the body for every body / Leah Perrault. Éditeur: Toronto : Novalis, c2012. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. BX 1795 B63P47 2012 Titre: Religions, development, and liberation in Asia : ethics and economics / Roberto Papini & Vincenzo Buonomo (editors) Éditeur: Manila : New City Press : Jacques Maritain International Institute, 1993. Desc. matérielle: 268 p. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Contains proceedings of an international conference organized by the Jacques Martain International Institute, held in Jakarta, Indonesia, Nove. 27-Dec. 1, 1990. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 259-265). BX 1795 E27R45 1993 ISBN: 9781934996140 (pbk.) $32.99 ISBN: 1934996149 (pbk.) Auteur: Bastianel, Sergio. Titre: Morality in social life / Sergio Bastianel ; translated by Liam Kelly. Éditeur: Miami, Fl. : Convivium Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: 357, [1] p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Episteme.) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 353-357). Dépouil. complet: The earth and the human person -- Responsibility for the other person -- The ethics of the beatitudes -The church's social doctrine as moral theology -- The relationship between charity and politics -- Human values, moral values and economic structures -Hunger, a challenge to united development -- Toward an ethic development -- Moral evil -- Structures of sin -- Punishment, morality, and the common good -- The reaction to evil -- Conscience: autonomy and community -- Freedom and responsibility in family life -Authority and obedience -- Freedom and responsibility in the ecclesial community. BX 1795 S62B3713 2010 ISBN: 9781554583560 (pbk.) ISBN: 155458356X (pbk.) Auteur: Trothen, Tracy J. (Tracy Joan), 1963Titre: Shattering the illusion : child sexual abuse and Canadian religious institutions / Tracy J. Trothen. Partie du titre: Child sexual abuse and Canadian religious institutions Éditeur: Waterloo, Ont. : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, c2012. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 197 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 155-186) and index. Dépouil. complet: 1. Child sexual abuse in religious institutions -- 2. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 71 sur 114 2013-02-26 The Roman Church of -- 5. The Canada -Unitarian pieces. Catholic Church in Canada -- 3. The United Canada -- 4. The Anglican Church in Canada Mennonite Church in Canada -- Islam in The Canadian Unitarian Council / The Universalist Association -- 8. Gathering the BX 1912.9 T76 2012 Auteur: Faltin, Daniel, O.F.M. Conv., 1927Titre: De legibus quibus baptizati acatholici Ritui Orientali adscripti tenentur / Daniel Faltin. Éditeur: [s.l.] : [s.n.], [1962?] Desc. matérielle: p. [238]-249 ; 24 cm. Collection: (The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection) Note générale: The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection. Note générale: Extrait de: "Commentarius Appollinaris XXXV (1962) pp. 238-249." BX 1935 A1 1962 Auteur: Chiaruttini, Aldo. Titre: Il Dossier del catechismo olandese / testi raccolti da Aldo Chiaruttini ; introduzione, note storiche e teologiche di Leo Alting von Geusau e di Fernando Vittorino Joannes. Éditeur: Milano : A. Mondadori, 1968. Desc. matérielle: 318 p. ; 19 cm. Collection: (Gli Oscar ; 162) BX 1966 D8N5715 1968 ISBN: 9781934996188 (pbk.) $8.95 ISBN: 1934996181 (pbk.) Auteur: Špidlík, Tomáš. Titre: The art of purifying the heart / Tomáš Špidlík ; translated by Liam Kelly ; edited by Rafael Luciani. Éditeur: Miami : Convivium Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: 108 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Series sapientia) Note générale: Translation of: L'arte di purificare il cuore. Dépouil. complet: Introduction -- 1. The mystery of good and evil -- 2. The serpent in the heart's paradise -- 3. Vigilance of the heart -- 4. The discernment of spirits -- 5. The eight evil thoughts -- 6. Personal experience -- 7. The psychophysical method of the Hesychasts -- 8. Praying "in the heart" -- Epilogue. BX 2350.2 S65 2010 ISBN: 9780761851936 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0761851933 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Maurer, Susan A. Titre: The spirit of enthusiasm : a history of the Catholic charismatic renewal, 1967-2000 / Susan A. Maurer. Éditeur: Lanham, Md. ; Toronto : University Press of America, c2010. Desc. matérielle: v, 90 p. : ill., ports. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Revision of author's thesis (D. A.)--St. John's University, 2009. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-83) and index. Dépouil. complet: The history of Pentecostalism in the 20th century -The Duquesne weekend and the Cursillo movement -Catholic charismatic renewal and its relationship the Church, the papacy, and Vatican II -- Changes the charismatic movement in the late 20th century Charismatic spiritualiy. BX 2350.57 M38 2010 The with in -- ISBN: 9783643107770 (pbk.) ISBN: 3643107773 (pbk.) Auteur: Constable, Giles, 1929Titre: The abbey of Cluny : a collection of essays to mark the eleven-hundredth anniversary of its foundation / Giles Constable. Éditeur: Berlin : Lit , c2010. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 568 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Vita regularis. Abhandlungen ; 43) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 72 sur 114 2013-02-26 Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Introduction -- Cluny before Cluny : the Carolingian legacy -- The early documents of Cluny -- Cluny and Rome -- Cluny in the monastic world of the tenth century -- Cluniac reform in the eleventh century -Seniores and pueri at Cluny -- Liturgical commemoration -- Monastic legislation at Cluny -Entrance to Cluny in the eleventh and twelfth centuries according to teh Cluniac customaries and statutes -- The reception-privilege of Cluny -- Cluny and the investiture controversy -- The interdict- and excommunication-privilege for Cluny in the Papal bulls of 1097 and 1100 -- Cluny and the First Crusade -Souvigny and Cluny -- From Cluny to Citeaux -- Cluny, Citeaux, La Chartreuse : San Bernardo e la diversità delle forme di vita religiosa nel xii secolo -- Cluny in the twelfth century : from Hugh I to Hugh V -- The monastic policy of Peter the Venerable -- The statutes of Peter the Venerable -- Commemoration and confraternity at Cluny during the abbacy of Peter the Venerable -- Cluniac administration and administrators in the twelfth century -- Il monachesimo cluniacense in Lombardia : alcune reflessioni sul Congresso di Pontida -- An unpublished letter by Peter the Venerable to the priors of Paray-le-Monial, Mesvres, and Luzy in 1147 -- Famuli and conversi at Cluny : a note on statute 24 of Peter the Venerable -- Baume and Cluny in the twelfth century -- Cluniac tithes and the controversy between Gigny and Le Miroir -- The abbot and townsmen of Cluny in the twelfth century -- The abbots and anti-abbot of Cluny during the papal schism of 1159 -- Cluny after Cluny. Langue: Chiefly in English, 2 essays in Italian. BX 2615 C63C66 2010 Nom de collect.: Marist Fathers. Titre: Constitutions of the Society of Mary. Éditeur: Rome : [s.n.], 1988 Padri maristi, Casa generalizia) Desc. matérielle: xvii,132 p. ; 18 cm. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note générale: Includes index. Langue: Text in English ; "Brief Omnium gentium" in Latin and English on facing pages. BX 3790 A3 1988 ISBN: 9781843835479 (hbk.) ISBN: 1843835479 (hbk.) Titre: Syon Abbey and its books : reading, writing and religion, c.1400-1700 / edited by E.A. Jones and Alexandra Walsham. Éditeur: Woodbridge, U.K. ; Rochester, N.Y. : Boydell, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 267 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Studies in modern British religious history ; v. 24) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. BX 4210 S96 2010 Auteur: Clément, Béatrice, 1905Titre: Marie de la Ferre, [1592-1652] / Béatrice Clément. Éditeur: Montréal : Hospitalières de Saint-Joseph, 1964. Desc. matérielle: 101, [1] p. ; 18 cm. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. Note bibliogr.: Bibliographie: p. [102]. BX 4429 Z8F473 1964 ISBN: 9781550175608 (hbk.) Auteur: Southwell, Darlene. Titre: Caring and compassion : a history of the Sisters of St. Ann in health care in British Columbia / Darlene Southwell. Éditeur: Madeira Park, B.C. : Harbour Pub., c2011. Desc. matérielle: 296 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 264-287) and index. BX 4486.4 Z6B7 2011 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 73 sur 114 2013-02-26 Auteur: Calvet, Jean, mgr, 1874-1965. Titre: Calendrier catholique / établi par J. Calvet et F. Martin. Éditeur: Paris : Grasset, 1953. Desc. matérielle: 413 p. ; 21 cm. Collection: (L'Église vivante) Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. BX 4655 C3 1953 ISBN: 9781586176204 (hbk.) ISBN: 158617620X (hbk.) Auteur: Benedict XVI, Pope, 1927Titre: Holy men and women of the Middle Ages and beyond : general audiences 13 January 2010 - 26 January 2011 / Pope Benedict XVI. Éditeur: San Francisco : Ignatius Press, c2012. Desc. matérielle: 243 p. ; 21 cm. Dépouil. complet: The Mendicant Orders -- Saint Francis of Assisi -Saint Dominic Guzmán -- Saint Anthony of Padua -Saint Bonaventure (1) -- Saint Bonaventure (2) -Saint Bonaventure (3) -- Saint Albert the Great -Saint Thomas Aquinas (1) -- Saint Thomas Aquinas (2) -- Saint Thomas Aquinas (3) -- John Duns Scotus -Saint Hidegard of Bingen (1) -- Saint Hidegard of Bingen (2) -- Saint Clare of Assisi -- Saint Matilda of Hackeborn -- Saint Gertrude the Great -- Blessed Angela of Foligno -- Saint Elizabeth of Hungary -Saint Bridget of Sweden -- Marguerite d'Oingt -- Saint Juliana of Cornillon -- Saint Catherine of Siena -Julian of Norwich -- Saint Catherine of Bologna -Saint Catherine of Genoa -- Saint Joan of Arc -- Saint Teresa of Avila -- Saint Peter Canisius -- Saint John of the Cross -- Saint Robert Bellarmine -- Saint Francis de Sales -- Saint Lawrence of Brindisi -Saint Alphonsus Liguori -- Saint Thérèse of Lisieux -- Holiness. BX 4655.3 B46 2012 ISBN: 9781589662131 (pbk.) ISBN: 158966213X (pbk.) Auteur: Cavazos-González, Gilberto, O.F.M., 1957Titre: Greater than a mother's love : the spirituality of Francis and Clare of Assisi / by Gilberto Cavazos-González ; foreword by Ingrid J. Peterson. Éditeur: Scranton [Pa.] : University of Scranton Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xix, 308 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-308). Dépouil. complet: European family of the High Middle Ages -- Francis, son of a merchant family -- Clare's noble family -Kinship in the opuscula of Francis -- Kinship in Clare's opuscula -- Conclusion. BX 4700 F6C38 2010 ISBN: 9782204092876 (v. 1) ISBN: 9782204095396 (v. 2) ISBN: 9782204096454 (v. 3) ISBN: 9782204098977 (v. 4) Auteur: Alvarez, Tomás, O.C.D., 1923Titre: Introduction aux oeuvres de Thérèse d'Avila / Tomas Alvarez ; traduit de l'espagnol par Nelly Dinnat ; préface et notes de Didier-Marie Golay. Éditeur: Paris : Cerf, 2010Desc. matérielle: v. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Initiations) Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: v. 1-4 (Sans anal.) Note générale: Traduction de: 100 fichas sobre Teresa de Jesús. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. Dépouil. incompl.: v. 1. Le livre de la vie -- v. 2. Le chemin de perfection -- v. 3. Le livre des fondations -- v. 4. Le château intérieur, ou, Les demeures BX 4700 T4A483 2010 1 BX 4700 T4A483 2010 2 BX 4700 T4A483 2010 3 BX 4700 T4A483 2010 4 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 74 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 8816407689 (rel.) ISBN: 9788816407688 (rel.) Auteur: Biffi, Inos, 1934Titre: Alla scuola di Tommaso d'Aquino, lumen Ecclesiae : intelligenza e amore del mistero cristiano / Inos Biffi. Éditeur: Milano : Jaca book, 2007. Desc. matérielle: xlii, 305 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Di fronte e attraverso ; 768) Collection: (Opera omnia. La costruzione della teologia medievale) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BX 4700 T6B544 2007 ISBN: 9789004176812 (hbk.) ISBN: 9004176810 (hbk.) Titre: A companion to Ælfric / edited by Hugh Magennis and Mary Swan. Partie du titre: Ælfric Éditeur: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2009. Desc. matérielle: xv, 466 p. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Brill's companions to the Christian tradition ; 18) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [423]-453) and index. BX 4705 A32C66 2009 ISBN: 9782763788739 (br.) ISBN: 2763788734 (br.) Auteur: Robillard, Denise, 1931Titre: Maurice Baudoux, 1902-1988 : une grande figure de l'Église et de la société dans l'Ouest canadien / Denise Robillard. Éditeur: Québec : Presses de l'Université Laval, 2009. Desc. matérielle: xii, 502 p. : ill., cartes, portr. ; 23 cm Note générale: La bibliothèque possède 2 exemplaires. Note bibliogr.: Bibliographie: p. [497]-[500]. BX 4705 B341R654 2009 EX.1 BX 4705 B341R654 2009 EX.2 Auteur: Grabowski, Tadeusz, 1871-1960. Titre: Piotr Skarga : na tle katolickiej literatury religijnej w Polsce wieku XVI, 1536-1612 / Tadeusz Grabowski. Éditeur: Krakow, Poland : Nakladem Akademii Umiejetnosci, 1913. Desc. matérielle: x, 647 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection) Note générale: Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BX 4705 G73P56 1913 ISBN: 9782980033414 (br.) ISBN: 2980033413 (br.) Auteur: Raymond, René, 1928Titre: Pasteur parmi les siens, Monseigneur Charles-Henri Lévesque, 1921-1984 / René Raymond ; présentation de Léon Bélanger. Titre de la couv.: Monseigneur Charles-Henri Lévesque, 1921-1984. Titre au dos: Mgr Charles-Henri Lévesque, 1921-1984 Éditeur: La Pocatière, Québec : R. Raymond, 1985. Desc. matérielle: 269 p. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 259-264). BX 4705 L6168R39 1985 ISBN: 9782896464722 (pbk.) ISBN: 2896464727 (pbk.) Auteur: Higgins, Michael W., 1948Titre: Genius born of anguish : the life & legacy of Henri Nouwen / Michael W. Higgins & Kevin Burns. Éditeur: New York : Paulist Press ; Toronto : Novalis, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 160 p., 16 p. of plates : ill., ports. ; 21 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 150-160). Dépouil. complet: Shoes -- Fall of the leaves -- Return of the prodigal son -- Afterword -- Listening to Henri -- Notes -Interviews -- Henri Nouwen resources. Books by Henri Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 75 sur 114 2013-02-26 Nouwen. Books with a foreword, preface, or introduction by Henri Nouwen. Excerpts and anthologies. Henri Nouwen on audio and video. Books about Henri Nouen. BX 4705 N87H53 2012 ISBN: 842771579X (br.) ISBN: 9788427715790 (br.) Auteur: Gómez Molleda, D. (Dolores) Titre: Cristianos en la sociedad laica : una lectura de los escritos espirituales de Pedro Poveda / Ma. Dolores Gómez Molleda. Éditeur: Madrid : Narcea, 2009 (tirage de 2012) Desc. matérielle: 254 p. ; 24 cm Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BX 4705 P6594G66 2012 ISBN: 9780567181602 (hbk.) ISBN: 056718160X (hbk.) Titre: Edward Schillebeeckx and contemporary theology / edited by Lieven Boeve, Frederiek Depoortere, Stephan van Erp. Éditeur: London ; New York : T & T Clark, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xxxiv, 297 p. : port. ; 24 cm. Note générale: "The present volume offers the results of the international symposium Theology for the 21st century: the enduring relevance of Edward Schillebeeckx for contemporary theology, ...in Leuven from 3-6 December 2008."--Préf. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 273-292) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: In memoriam Edward Schillebeeckx, OP (1914-2009) / Lieven Boeve and Ben Vedder -- Letter from Edward Schillebeeckx to the participants in the symposium 'Theology for the 21st century : the enduring relevance of Edward Schillebeeckx for contemporary theology' (Leuven - 3-6 December 2008) -Introduction: The enduring significance and relevance of Edward Schillebeeckx? : introducing the state of the question in medias res / Lieven Boeve -- Pt. I. 'God is new each moment' : the question of God in modernity. God, the luxury of our lives : Schillebeeckx and the argument / Anthony J. Godzieba -- Taking atheism seriously : a challenge for theology in the 21st century / Frederiek Depoortere -- Pt. II. 'Everything is politics but politics is not everything' : the social role of theology. When everything becomes political : reading Schillebeeckx on faith and politics in the contemporary United States / Vincent J. Miller -- New orientations of the political : on the contemporary challenge of political theology / Jürgen Manemann -- Pt. III. 'God is bigger than all religions put together' : the dialogue between the religions. God before us, God among us : itnerreligious dialogue from an intercultural feminist perspective / Gemma Tulud Cruz -- Which christological tools for the interreligious dialogue? / Jean-Louis Souletie -- Pt. IV. 'Deus humanissimus' : suffering and experiences of negative contrast. Suffering, resistance, and hope : women's experience of negative contrast and christology / Kathleen McManus -- The threatened humanum as imago dei : anthropology and Christian ethics / Mary Catherine Hilkert -- 'Dark light' : wrestling with the angel at the edge of history / Elizabeth Kennedy Tillar -- Pt. V. 'It began with an experience' : church and tradition in an age of globalization and liquidization. Pushed to a precarious flexibility : where to go if tradition has no answer and apocalypse is no alternative / Hans-Joachim Sander -- History and tradition : Catholicism and the challenge of globalized modernity / Oliver Davies -- The church with a human face / Marc Dumas -- Pt. VI. Philosophy and theology. Implicit faith : philosophical theology after Schillebeeckx / Stephan van Erp -- Conversation, identity and truth / Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 76 sur 114 2013-02-26 Benoît Bourgine -- Pt. VII. Looking backward, looking forward : the past and future of Schillebeeckx's theological project. Retrieving God's contemporary presence : the future of Edward Schillebeeckx's theology of culture / Erik Borgman -- Schillebeeckx and theology in the twenty-first century / Robert J. Schreiter -- Theology for the 21st century : a commentary on the symposium / Kathleen Dolphin. BX 4705 S51314E38 2010 Auteur: La Luzerne, César-Guillaume de, card., 1738-1821. Titre: Instruction pastorale sur le schisme de France / par César-Guillaume de La Luzerne. Éditeur: Langres : Laurent-Bournot, 1805. Desc. matérielle: 2 v. en 1 ; 17 cm. Note générale: Dons - BNC. BX 4737 L34I58 1805 Auteur: Ranke-Heinemann, Uta, 1927Titre: Het protestantisme Zijn wezen en zijn worden / U. Ranke-Heinemann ; met een woord vooraf door Karl Rahner. Éditeur: Utrecht : Desclée de Brouwer, 1962, c1963. Desc. matérielle: 237 p. ; 19 cm. Titre de coll.: (Ecclesia) Note générale: Traduction de: Der Protestantismus, Wesen und Werden. Note générale: Dons / Gifts Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index. BX 4805.2 R25P76F7 1963 Auteur: Bultmann, Rudolf Karl, 1884-1976. Titre: Eeuwigheid, hier en nu : geschiedenis en eschatologie / Rudolf Bultmann. Éditeur: Utrecht : Bijleveld, c1962. Desc. matérielle: 192 p. ; 20 cm. Note générale: Traduction de: History and eschatology. Note générale: Dons / Gifts Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. BX 4827 B783H58D8 1962 ISBN: 9783788724412 (pbk.) €19.90 ISBN: 3788724412 (pbk.) Titre: Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976) - Theologe der Gegenwart : Hermeneutik - Exegese - Theologie - Philosophie / Christof Landmesser / Andreas Klein (Hg.). Éditeur: Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener, 2010. Desc. matérielle: viii, 142 s. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Conference proceedings. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. Dépouil. complet: Vorwort V Inhalt VII Christof Landmesser Andreas Klein Zur Einführung Rudolf Bultmann als Theologe der Gegenwart I Hans Weder Gewitterte Ketzerei Zur Bedeutung der Hermeneutik Bultmanns für die gegenwärtige Theologie 17 Martin Hein Rudolf Bultmann, Jesus Re-Lecture des Buches, das mich zum Theologen machte 37 Konrad Hammann Rudolf Bultmann -Eine Biographie für die Gegenwart 49 Wilfried Härle Rudolf Bultmanns Theologie der Unverfugbarkeit 69 Christof Landmesser Der Mensch in der Entscheidung Anthropologie als Aufgabe der Theologie in der Auseinandersetzung mit Rudolf Bultmann 87 Stephan Grätzel Philosophische und theologische Hermeneutik Heidegger, Bultmann und die Perspektive Michel Henrys 111 Anhang 127 Andreas Lindemann Walter Schmithals (1923-2009) 127 Die Autoren 137. BX 4827 B78R83 2010 ISBN: 9781843835585 (hbk.) ISBN: 1843835584 (hbk.) Titre: From the Reformation to the permissive society : a miscellany in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Lambeth Palace Library / edited by Melanie Barber and Stephen Taylor with Gabriel Sewell. Éditeur: Woodbridge, Suffolk ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 77 sur 114 2013-02-26 2010. Desc. matérielle: xii, 709 p. : ill., facsims. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Church of England Record Society ; v. 18) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: The prophesyings and the downfall and sequestration of Archbishop Edmund Grindal, 1576-1583 / Patrick Collinson -- Accurately and exquisitely made : George Abbot's preface to the 1612 catalogue of Lambeth Palace Library / James P. Carley -- Annual accounts of the Church of England, 1632-1639 / Kenneth Fincham -Popish cut-throats against us : papists, protestants and the problem of allegiance in eighteenth-century Ireland / Robert G. Ingram -- George III's recovery from madness celebrated : precedent and innovation in the observance of royal celebrations and commemorations / Stephen Taylor -- My unfortunate parish : Anglican urban ministry in Bethnal Green, 1809-c.1850 / Arthur Burns -- Charles James Blomfield, Bishop of London, and church architecture and ordering / M.H. Port -- William Dodsworth : an autobiographical memoir / Richard Palmer -- Archbishop Davidson's visit to the Western front, May 1916 / Michael Snape -Lambeth 1920 : the appeal to All Christian People, an account by G.K.A. Bell and the redactions of the appeal / Charlotte Methuen -- Archbishop Temple's offer of a Lambeth degree to Dorothy L. Sayers / Peter Webster -- Improper and even unconstitutional : the involvement of the Church of England in the politics of the end of empire in Cyprus / Sarah Stockwell -Homosexual law reform, 1953-1967 / Hugh McLeod. BX 5055.3 F76 2010 ISBN: 9781570759925 (hbk.) ISBN: 1570759928 (hbk.) ISBN: 9781608332274 (hbk.) ISBN: 1608332276 (hbk.) Auteur: Lapsley, Michael. Titre: Redeeming the past : my journey from freedom fighter to healer / Michael Lapsley with Stephen Karakashian. Éditeur: Maryknoll, NY : Orbis Books, c2012. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 256 p. : ill., ports. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: The bombing -- Recovery -- Disability: accepting brokenness -- A home-grown faith -- South Africa: torn apart -- A crisis of faith -- Lesotho: living in exile -- Zimbabwe: the struggle is everything -- Returning to South Africa: forging a new identity -- Breaking the chain of history -- Truth, amnesty, and restitution -- Deceptively simple -- Founding the institute for healing of memories -- Cuba -- Rwanda and the genocide -- Australia's "stolen generation" -Zimbabwe: the agony continues -- Torture -- Healing memories in the United States -- The story of Pedro, a guerilla fighter for peace -- Looking forward: daring to hope. BX 5700.6 Z8L378 2012 Nom de collect.: Episcopal Church. Liturgical Commission. Titre: Prayer book studies. Éditeur: New York : Church Pension Fund, 1950Desc. matérielle: v. ; 19-21 cm. Note générale: Library has: v. 1-16, 21 (Grouped : no anal.) Note générale: Published irregularly. Note générale: No. 19- published: New York: Church Hymnal Corporation. Dépouil. incompl.: v. 1. Baptism and confirmation -- v. 2. The liturgical lectionary -- v. 3. The order for the ministration to the sick -- v. 4. The eucharistic liturgy -- v. 5. The litany -- v. 6. Morning and evening prayer -- v. 7. The penitential office -- v. 8. The ordinal -- v. 9. The calenda -- v. 10. The solemnization of matrimony -- v. 11. A thanksgiving for the birth of a child -v. 12. The propers for the minor holy days -- v. 13. The order for the burial of the dead -- v. 14. An office of institution of rectors into parishes -- v. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 78 sur 114 2013-02-26 BX BX BX BX 5945 5945 5945 5945 P76P73 P76P73 P76P73 P76P73 1950195019501950- 15. The problem and method of prayer book revision -v. 16. The calendar and the collects, Epistles, and Gospels for the lesser feasts and fasts, a supplementary revision of prayer book studies 9 and 12 -- v. 21. The holy eucharist -1-4 5-11 12-16 21 ISBN: 9781572336742 (hbk.) ISBN: 1572336749 (hbk.) Auteur: Kell, Carl L. Titre: Against the wind : the moderate voice in Baptist life / Carl L. Kell. Éditeur: Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press, c2009. Desc. matérielle: xlviii, 192 p. : ill., music ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [177]-183) and index. Dépouil. complet: In the beginning : voices of salvation and unity -Sons of thunder : voices of revival and renewal -- The Elliott controversy and the Broadman controversy : voices of attack and defense -- The rise of fundamentalism : voices of affirmation and apologia -The inerrancy idea : voices of truth and silence -Serving the Lord in a new world : voices of the moderate Baptist -- Why I am still a Baptist : voices of hope. BX 6462.3 K44 2009 ISBN: 0801027098 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780801027093 (pbk.) Titre: The New England theology : from Jonathan Edwards to Edwards Amasa Park / Douglas A. Sweeney and Allen C. Guelzo, editors. Éditeur: Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2006. Desc. matérielle: 320 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-317) and index. Dépouil. complet: Wellspring of the New England theology : the thought of Jonathan Edwards -- The emergence of a movement : early New Divinity thought -- The moral government of God : Edwardseans and the atonement -- Edwardsean ethics : antislavery and missions -- The exercisers and the tasters -- Theology in New Haven -- Finney and the new measures -- Last of the "consistent Calvinists" : Edwards Amasa Park -- Things sublime and eternal : the New England theology as remembered by Harriet Beecher Stowe. BX 7250 N49 2006 ISBN: 9780300140385 (pbk.) ISBN: 030014038X (pbk.) Auteur: Edwards, Jonathan, 1703-1758. Titre: Jonathan Edwards's Sinners in the hands of an angry God : a casebook / edited by Wilson H. Kimnach, Caleb J.D. Maskell, and Kenneth P. Minkema. Éditeur: New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xv, 204 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note générale: "Including the authoritative edition of the famous sermon". Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. Dépouil. complet: The story of sinners in the hands of an angry God / Wilson H. Kimnach -- A theological primer / Caleb J.D. Maskell -- Sinners in the hands of an angry God -Companion texts by Edwards -- Of being (1721) -- The mind (1723) -- The "spider letter" (1723) -- The justice of God in the damnation of sinners (1735) -An account of the late wonderful work of God (1735) -Personal narrative (1740) -- Letter to Deborah Hatheway, a young convert (1741) -- Letters to his children -- To Mary Edwards (1749) -- To Timothy Edwards (1753) -- Some thoughts concerning the revival in New England (1743) -- Letter to Lady Mary Pepperrell (1751) -- Original sin (1758) -- Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 79 sur 114 2013-02-26 Contemporary documents -- The danger of an unconverted ministry (1740) / Gilbert Tennent -- Letter from a visitor to Suffield, Connecticut (1741) -- Stephen Williams's eyewitness account of the preaching of sinners (1741) -- Eleazar Wheelock's pastoral letter about the preaching of sinners (1741) -- The late religious commotions in New England considered (1743) / William Rand -- Interpretations -- A complete history of Connecticut (1818) / Benjamin Trumbull -The great awakening (1842) / Joseph Tracy -- The minister's wooing (1859) / Harriett Beecher Stowe -Reflects on Edwards (1880) / Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. -- The tear-stained pages of Sinners (1897) / Alexander B. Grosart -- Mark Twain reads Edwards on the will (1902) -- Theodore Roosevelt on his wife's ancestor Jonathan Edwards (1916) -- Vernon l. Parrington on the tragedy of Edwards (1927) -- "Mr. Edwards and the spider" (1946) / Robert Lowell -- "The artistry of Jonathan Edwards" (1949) / Edwin H. Cady -- Perry Miller creates an Edwards for the twentieth century (1949) -- Billy Graham re-preaches Sinners (1949) -- "The anachronism of Jonathan Edwards" (1958) / H. Richard Niebuhr -- Two views of the Toronto Blessing and Edwards's place in the twenty-first century -- Catch the fire (1994) / Guy Chevreau -Counterfeit revival (1997) / Hank Hanegraaff -"Credo" (2008) / Marilynne Robinson. BX 7260 E3E37 2010 ISBN: 9781606084823 (pbk.) $24.00 ISBN: 1606084828 (pbk.) Auteur: Stahle, Rachel S Titre: The great work of providence : Jonathan Edwards for life today / Rachel S. Stahle. Éditeur: Eugene, Or. : Cascade Books/Wipf and Stock Publishers, c2010 Desc. matérielle: xv, 202 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 193-195) and index. Dépouil. complet: The Trinitarian God, through Edwards's eyes -- The Trinity revealed through creation -- God's solution to the problem of sin -- Personal experience of God -The religious experience of Christ's church -Spiritual renewal of the church -- The end of the world, and beyond -- Sinners in the hands of an angry God? BX 7260 E3S73 2010 ISBN: 9780691143590 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0691143595 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Valeri, Mark R. Titre: Heavenly merchandize : how religion shaped commerce in Puritan America / Mark Valeri. Éditeur: Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 337 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Robert Keayne's gift -- Robert Keayne's trials -- John Hull's accounts -- Samuel Sewall's windows -- Hugh Hall's scheme -- Epilogue: Religious revival. BX 9323 V35 2010 ISBN: 2600006877 (hbk.) ISBN: 9782600006873 (hbk.) Auteur: Oberman, Heiko Augustinus, 1930-2001. Titre: John Calvin and the reformation of the refugees / Heiko A. Oberman ; introduction by Peter A. Dykema. Éditeur: Genève : Librairie Droz, 2009. Desc. matérielle: 226 p. ; 26 cm. Collection: (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance ; no 464) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Via Calvini : unlocking the enigma of John Calvin's impact -- John Calvin : the mystery of his impact -Toward the recovery of the historical Calvin : redrawing the map of Reformation Europe -- Initia Calvini : the matrix of Calvin's Reformation -- Subita Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 80 sur 114 2013-02-26 conversio : the conversion of John Calvin -- The pursuit of happiness : Calvin between Humanism and Reformation -- Europa afflicta : the Reformation of the refugees -- Calvin and Farel : the dynamics of legitimation in early Calvinism. BX 9418 O243 2009 ISBN: 9782889010615 (br) ISBN: 2889010619 (br) Auteur: Bruening, Michael W. Titre: Le premier champs de bataille du calvinisme : conflits et Réforme dans le Pays de Vaud, 1528-1559 / Michael W. Bruening ; traduit de l'anglais par Marianne Enckell. Éditeur: Lausanne : Éd. Antipodes ; [Charenton-le-Pont] : [diff. CID], 2011. Desc. matérielle: 309 p. : cartes ; 21 cm. Collection: (Collection Histoire moderne) Note générale: Traduction de: Calvinism's first battleground. Note générale: Comprend un index. Note bibliogr.: Bibliographie: p. 281-298. BX 9436 V3B7914 2011 ISBN: 9780807046814 (pbk.) ISBN: 0807046817 (pbk.) Auteur: Huizinga, Johan, 1872-1945. Titre: Homo ludens : a study of the play-element in culture / by J. Huizinga. Éditeur: Boston : Beacon Press, 1950, c1955. Desc. matérielle: 220 p. ; 21 cm. Collection: (Beacon paperback ; 15 . Sociology) Note générale: Translation of: Homo ludens. Note générale: Dons - BNC - DG. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. CB 151 H813 1955 Nom de réunion: Symposium on Science and Culture for the 21st Century: Agenda for Survival (1989 : Vancouver, B.-C.) Titre: Symposium on Science and Culture for the 21st Century : Agenda for Survival : Vancouver, Canada, 10-15 September 1989 / United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, Canadian Commission for UNESCO. Titre de la couv.: Vancouver declaration : final report of the UNESCO Symposium on Science and Culture for the 21st Century: Agenda for Survival Partie du titre: Science and Culture for the 21st Century : Agenda for Survival Éditeur: [Ottawa?] : Canadian Commission for UNESCO, 1990. Desc. matérielle: 322 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Note générale: At head of title: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Note générale: Dons - BNC - DG. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies. CB 478 S967 1990 ISBN: 2760507815 Auteur: Rousseau, Jean-Yves, 1948Titre: Les fondements de la discipline archivistique / Jean-Yves Rousseau, Carol Couture, avec la collaboration de Florence Arès ... [et al.]. Éditeur: Sainte-Foy, Québec : Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1994. Desc. matérielle: xxii, 348 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Titre de coll.: (Collection Gestion de l'information) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [295]-333) et un index. CD 953 R68 1994 Auteur: Laroza, Olivier, 1905Titre: La découverte des basiliques romaines à travers les blasons des papes / Olivier Laroza. Éditeur: Bourges : Éditions Tardy, 1975. Desc. matérielle: 16 p. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Dons - BNC. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 81 sur 114 2013-02-26 CR 1115 L27D43 1975 ISBN: 9782130563969 (br) ISBN: 2130563961 (br) Auteur: Mimouni, Simon Claude. Titre: Le judaïsme ancien du VIe siècle avant notre ère au IIIe siècle de notre ère : des prêtres aux rabbins / Simon Claude Mimouni. Éditeur: Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 960 p. : cartes ; 22 cm. Collection: (Nouvelle Clio ; [54]) Note générale: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 859-874) et un index. D 20 C56N68 1965- 54 ISBN: 9780754665755 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0754665755 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, ca. 1123-1190. Titre: The crusade of Frederick Barbarossa : the history of the expedition of the Emperor Frederick and related texts / translated by G.A. Loud. Éditeur: Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2010. Desc. matérielle: viii, 225 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm. Collection: (Crusade texts in translation ; 19) Note générale: Translation of: Historia de expeditione Frederici Imperatoris. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [213]-220) and index. Dépouil. complet: The history of the expedition of the Emperor Frederick -- The history of the pilgrims -- The chronicle of Magnus of Reichersberg -- A letter concerning the death of the Emperor Frederick -- The chronicle of Otto of St Blasien 1187-1197 -- An account of the seaborne journey of the pilgrims heading to Jerusalem who captured Silves in 1189 -- Frederick I's imperial "Land Peace" (issued at Nuremberg, 29 December 1188). D 163 A3F7413 2010 Titre: Décisions au Conseil suprême sur la Galicie orientale : les plus importants documents / avec introduction par Michel Lozynsky. Éditeur: Paris : Bureau Ukrainien, 1919. Desc. matérielle: 77 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection) Note générale: Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection. D 651 D43L69 1919 ISBN: 9780881414189 (pbk.) ISBN: 0881414182 (pbk.) Auteur: Lossky, Vladimir, 1903-1958. Titre: Seven days on the roads of France, June 1940 / Vladimir Lossky ; edited by Nicholas Lossky ; translated by Michael Donley. Éditeur: Yonkers, N.Y. : St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 122 p. ; 22 cm. Collection: (Orthodox Christian profiles series ; no. 2) Note générale: Translation of: Sept jours dans les routes de France, Juin 1940. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. D 811.5 L62A3 2012 Auteur: Pollard, Albert Frederick, 1869-1948. Titre: Henry VIII / by A.F. Pollard ; introduction to the Torchbook edition by A.G. Dickens. Éditeur: New York : Harper & Row, 1966. Desc. matérielle: xxx, 385 p. : ports. ; 21 cm. Collection: (The Academy library ; TB1249Q) Collection: (Harper Torchbooks) Note générale: Originally published in 1902. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. xxiv-xxv) and index. DA 332 P64H45 1902 Auteur: Udziela, Seweryn, 1857- Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 82 sur 114 2013-02-26 Titre: Ziemia Lemkowska przed polwieczem : zapiski i wspomnienia z lat 1888-1893 / Seweryn Udziela ; z 12 rycinami. Éditeur: Lwów : Nakł. Tow. Ludoznawczego, 1934. Desc. matérielle: 83 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Wydawn. Tow. Ludoznawczego we Lwowie. Prace Etnograficzne ; nr. 1) Collection: (Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection) Note générale: Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection. DB 350.7 U213 1934 Titre: Répertoire des documents nécrologiques français / publié sous la direction de Pierre Marot par Jean-Loup Lemaître. Éditeur: Paris : Imprimerie nationale, 1980-1987. Desc. matérielle: v. : fac-similés ; 28 cm sauf Vol7/1 et 7/2. 29 cm. Titre de coll.: (Recueil des historiens de la France. Obituaires ; t. 7) Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: v. 1-3,5 (Sans anal.) Note générale: Vol 7/1 et 7/2 dans FOLIO. Note générale: Titre des vol. 3-5: Supplément. Note générale: Editeurs varient. DC 3 R43H58O3 1902- 7/3 DC 3 R43H58O3 1902- 7/5 FOLIO DC 3 R43H58O3 1902- 7/1 FOLIO DC 3 R43H58O3 1902- 7/2 ISBN: 9782877542159 (br.) ISBN: 2877542157 (br.) Auteur: Henri Ier, comte de Champagne et de Brie, 1127-1182. Titre: Recueil des actes d'Henri le Libéral, comte de Champagne (1152-1181) / commencé par John Benton, achevé par Michel Bur ; avec la collaboration de Dominique Devaux ... [et al.]. Éditeur: Paris : Diffusion De Boccard, 2009Desc. matérielle: v. : fac-sim. ; 28 cm. Collection: (Chartes et diplômes relatifs à l'histoire de France) Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: t. 1 (Sans anal.) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. Dépouil. incompl.: T. 1. Chartes -Langue: Texte en latin, avec analyse en français. DC 89.7 H46A25 2009- 1 ISBN: 2877541738 (t. 6) Titre: Recueil des actes de Philippe Auguste, roi de France / publié sous la direction de Élie Berger par H.-François Delaborde. Éditeur: Paris : Impr. nationale, 1916Desc. matérielle: v. ; 28 cm. Titre de coll.: (Chartes et diplômes relatifs à l'histoire de France) Note générale: Adresse bibliographique du tome 6: Paris : Diffusion de Boccard, 2005. Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: v. 6 (Sans anal.) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. Dépouil. incompl.: t. 1. Années du règne I à XV (1er novembre 1179 31 octobre 1194) -- t. 2. Années du règne XVI à XXVII (1er novembre 1194 - 31 octobre 1206) / publié sous la direction de Clovis Brunel par H.-Fr. Delaborde et Ch. Petit-Dutaillis et J. Monicat. -- t. 3. Années du règne XXVIII à XXXVI (1 novembre 1206 - 31 octobre 1215) -- t. 5. Supplément d'actes, actes perdus, additions et corrections aux précédents volumes -- t. 6. Lettres mises sous le nom de Philippe Auguste dans les recueils de formulaires d'école / publié sous la direction de Jean Favier par Michel Nortier. Langue: Textes en français et en latin. DC 90 A2R43D4 1916- 6 ISBN: 2717105344 (br.) ISBN: 9782717105346 (br.) Auteur: Caise, Albert. Titre: Histoire de Saint-Vallier, de son abbaye, de ses Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 83 sur 114 2013-02-26 seigneurs et de ses habitants / par Albert Caise. Éditeur: Roanne : Horvath, 1988. Desc. matérielle: 300 p., [4] f. de pl. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note générale: "Réédition de 1876." Note générale: Dons -- Varia. DC 801 S338C25H5 1988 Auteur: Tacitus, Cornelius, fl. 78-112. Titre: La Germanie / Tacite ; texte établi et traduit par Jacques Perret. Éditeur: Paris : Belles lettres, 1949. Desc. matérielle: 111 p. : carte pliée ; 20 cm. Titre de coll.: (Collection des universités de France) Note générale: Dons - Varia. Langue: Texte latin avec traductions françaises en regard. DD 62 T33G47F7 1949 ISBN: 9780227173275 (pbk.) ISBN: 0227173279 (pbk.) Auteur: Smith, Leonard S. (Leonard Sander), 1932Titre: Religion and the rise of history : Martin Luther and the cultural revolution in Germany, 1760-1810 / Leonard S. Smith. Éditeur: Camgridge, U.K. : James Clarke & Co., 2010, c2009. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 290 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 263-286) and index. Dépouil. complet: A typology of classical and Christian historiography -- Martin Luther and the foundations of a Lutheran ethos -- Two forerunners of the cultural revolution in Germany and modern historical thought : Leibniz and Chladenius -- The cultural revolution in Germany and the rise of a new historial consciousness, 1760-1810 -- From a holy hieroglyph to a Wissenschaft alone : history as a calling and a profession from Ranke to Hintze. DD 86 S65 2010 ISBN: 9789004187313 (hbk. : acid-free paper) ISBN: 9004187316 (hbk. : acid-free paper) Auteur: Shean, John F. Titre: Soldiering for God : Christianity and the Roman army / by John F. Shean. Éditeur: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xviii, 452 p. ; 25 cm. Collection: (History of warfare ; v. 61) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [415]-437) and index. Dépouil. complet: The warrior's path to God -- Roman army religion -Christian attitudes toward the Roman state, war, and military service -- Sociology of early Christianity -Evidence for the presence of Christians in the Roman army -- The thirteenth apostle -- Church and state in the fourth century -- The impact of "barbarization" on the Roman army -- Consequences of convesion. DG 89 S47 2010 Auteur: Caesar, Caius Julius, 100-44 a. Chr Titre: La guerre civile / texte établi et traduit par Pierre Fabre. Éditeur: Paris : Belles lettres, 1959-1961. Desc. matérielle: 2 v. : cartes pliées ; 20 cm. Collection: (Collection des universités de France) Note générale: Sans anal. Note générale: Tome I: 5e éd., 1961. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index. Dépouil. complet: t. 1. Livres I et II. -- t. 2. Livre troisième. Langue: Texte original latin avec la traduction française en regard ; introduction en français. DG 266 B3F123 1959- 1961 1 DG 266 B3F123 1959- 1961 2 Auteur: Bugiel, V. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 84 sur 114 2013-02-26 Titre: La Pologne et les Polonais : avec une carte / V. Bugiel. Éditeur: Paris : Bossard, 1921. Desc. matérielle: 390 p., [1] f. de pl. pliée : carte ; 17 cm. Collection: (Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection.) Note générale: Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection. DK 404 B8 1921 ISBN: 9789519380728 (pbk.) ISBN: 9519380728 (pbk.) Titre: Of god(s), trees, kings, and scholars : Neo-Assyrian and related studies in honour of Simo Parpola / edited by Mikko Luukko, Saana Svärd and Raija Mattila. Variante du titre: Of God, trees, kings, and scholars : Neo-Assyrian and related studies in honour of Simo Parpola Éditeur: Helsinki : Finnish Oriental Society, 2009. Desc. matérielle: xxiv, 503 p. : ill., col. port. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Studia Orientalia ; 106) Note générale: "Bibliography of the publications of Simon Parpola": p. [xv]-xxiv. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [445]-501). Dépouil. complet: Eunuchen als Thronprätendenten und Herrscher im alten Orient / Claus Ambos -- Origins of the artistic interactions between the Assyrian Empire and North Syria revisited / Sanna Aro -- Aramaic loanwords in Neo-Assyrian : rejecting some proposals / Zack Cherry -- "To speak kindly to him/them" as item of Assyrian political discourse / Frederick Mario Fales -Osservazioni sull'orticoltura di epoca neo-assira / Sabrina Favaro -- Assurbanipal at Der / Eckart Frahm -- A "new" cylinder inscription of Sargon II of Assyria from Melid / Grant Frame -- "Wiping the pot clean" : on cooking pots and polishing operations in Neo-Assyrian sources / Salvatore Gaspa -- The camels of Tiglath-pileser III and the Arabic definite article / Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila -- Informationen aus der assyriscchen Provinz Dūr-Šarrukku im nördlichen Babylonien / Karlheinz Kessler -- A Neo-Assyrian royal funerary text / Theodore Kwasman -- A happy son of the king of Assyria : Warikas and the Çineköy bilingual (Cilicia) / Giovanni B. Lanfranchi -- Remembrance at Assur : the case of the dated Aramaic memorials / Alasdair Livingstone -- The chief singer and other late eponyms / Raija Mattila -- Family ties : Assurbanipal's family revisited / Jamie Novotny, Jennifer Singletary -- Ašipâ again : a microhistory of an Assyrian provincial administrator / Bradley J. Parker -- Neo-Assyrian texts from Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon : a preliminary report / Olof Pedersén -Noseless in Nimrud : more figurative responses to Assyrian domination / Barbara Nevling Porter -Assyrian king and his scholars : the Syro-Anatolian and the Egyptian schools / Karen Radner -- Fez, diadem, turban, chaplet : power-dressing at the Assyrian court / Julian Reade -- Inschriften des Ninurta-bēlu-uṣur, Statthalters von Kār-Salmānu-ašarēd. Teil 1 / Wolfgang Röllig -Who were the "ladies of the house" in the Assyrian Empire? / Saana Svärd, Mikko Luukko -- I feared the snow and turned back / Greta Van Buylaere -Remembrance at Assur : the case of the dated Aramaic memorials / Alasdair Livingstone -- The chief singer and other late eponyms / Raija Mattila -- Family ties : Assurbanipal's family revisited / Jamie Novotny, Jennifer Singletary -- Ašipâ again : a microhistory of an Assyrian provincial administrator / Bradley J. Parker -- Neo-Assyrian texts from Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon : a preliminary report / Olof Pedersén -Noseless in Nimrud : more figurative responses to Assyrian domination / Barbara Nevling Porter -Assyrian king and his scholars : the Syro-Anatolian and the Egyptian schools / Karen Radner -- Fez, diadem, turban, chaplet : power-dressing at the Assyrian court / Julian Reade -- Inschriften des Ninurta-bēlu-uṣur, Statthalters von Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 85 sur 114 2013-02-26 Kār-Salmānu-ašarēd. Teil 1 / Wolfgang Röllig -Who were the "ladies of the house" in the Assyrian Empire? / Saana Svärd, Mikko Luukko -- I feared the snow and turned back / Greta Van Buylaere. Dépouil. complet: Remembrance at Assur : the case of the dated Aramaic memorials / Alasdair Livingstone -- The chief singer and other late eponyms / Raija Mattila -- Family ties : Assurbanipal's family revisited / Jamie Novotny, Jennifer Singletary -- Ašipâ again : a microhistory of an Assyrian provincial administrator / Bradley J. Parker -- Neo-Assyrian texts from Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon : a preliminary report / Olof Pedersén -Noseless in Nimrud : more figurative responses to Assyrian domination / Barbara Nevling Porter -Assyrian king and his scholars : the Syro-Anatolian and the Egyptian schools / Karen Radner -- Fez, diadem, turban, chaplet : power-dressing at the Assyrian court / Julian Reade -- Inschriften des Ninurta-bēlu-uṣur, Statthalters von Kār-Salmānu-ašarēd. Teil 1 / Wolfgang Röllig -Who were the "ladies of the house" in the Assyrian Empire? / Saana Svärd, Mikko Luukko -- I feared the snow and turned back / Greta Van Buylaere. Langue: Articles in English, with five contributions in German and one in Italian; Includes abstracts in English. DS 69.5 O346 2009 ISBN: 1554588359 (pbk) ISBN: 9781554588350 (pbk.) Titre: Africa's deadliest conflict : media coverage of the humanitarian disaster in the Congo & the United Nations response, 1997-2008 / Walter C. Soderlund ... [et al.]. Éditeur: Waterloo, Ont : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, c2012. Desc. matérielle: xix, 237 p. : ill., maps. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p.195-225) and index. DT 546.284 A37 2012 ISBN: 9780807871454 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0807871451 (pbk. : alk. paper) Titre: Native Americans, Christianity, and the reshaping of the American religious landscape / edited by Joel W. Martin and Mark A. Nicholas ; foreword by Michelene Pesantubbee. Éditeur: Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 325 p. : map ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Negotiating conversion. Hard feelings : Samson Occom contemplates his Christian mentors / Joanna Brooks -Eager partners in reform : Indians and Frederick Baylies in southern New England, 1780-1840 / Daniel Mandell -- Crisscrossing projects of sovereignty and conversion : Cherokee Christians and New England missionaries during the 1820s / Joel W. Martin -Practicing religion. Native American popular religion in New England's Old Colony, 1670-1770 / Douglas L. Winiarski -- Blood, fire, and "baptism" : three perspectives on the death of Jean de Brébeuf, seventeenth-century Jesuit "martyr" / Emma Anderson -The Catholic rosary, gendered practice, and female power in French-Indian spiritual encounters / Tracy Neal Leavelle -- Circulating texts. The souls of Highlanders, the salvation of Indians : Scottish mission and eighteenth-century British empire / Laura M. Stevens -- Print culture and the power of native literacy in California and New England missions / Steven W. Hackel and Hilary E. Wyss -- Creating communities -- Hendrick Aupaumut : Christian-Mahican prophet / Rachel Wheeler -- To become a chosen people : the missionary work and missionary spirit of the Brotherton and Stockbridge Indians, 1775-1835 / David J. Silverman -- Turns and common grounds / Mark A. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 86 sur 114 2013-02-26 Nicholas -- Naming the legacy of native Christian missionary encounters / Michael D. McNally. E 98 M6N38 2010 ISBN: 9780802063151 (pbk.) ISBN: 0802063152 (pbk.) ISBN: 0-8020-2264-2 Titre: Dene Nation, the colony within / edited by Mel Watkins for the University League for Social Reform. Éditeur: Toronto, Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, c1977. Desc. matérielle: xii, 189 p. : maps. ; 23 cm. Note générale: A revision and abridgement of material presented at the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry (Berger Inquiry) by the Dene themselves and by others on their behalf. Note générale: Dons - BNC - DG. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies. Dépouil. struct.: The Dene speak.--Dene declaration: Blake, P., T'Seleie, F. & Lamothe, R. Statements of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry.--Resources: Nahanni, P. The mapping project. Snowshoe, C. A trapper's life. Rushforth, S. Country food. Asch, M. The Dene economy. Jellies, A. D. The loss of economic rents. Helliwell, J. F. The distribution of economic rents from a pipeline. Watkins, M. From underdevelopment to development.--Rights: Puxley, P. The Colonial experience. Barnaby, G., Kurszewski, G. & Cheezie, G. The political system and the Dene. Bean, W. Colonialism in the communities. Kakfwi, S. & Overvold, B. The schools. Sutton, C. G. Aboriginal rights. Russell, P. H. The Dene Nation and Confederation.--Conclusion: Erasmus, G. We the Dene. E 99 T56D46 1977 ISBN: 9780691145211 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0691145210 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Tyrrell, Ian R., 1947Titre: Reforming the world : the creation of America's moral empire / Ian Tyrrell. Éditeur: Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: x, 322 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (America in the world) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [247]-308) and index. Dépouil. complet: pt. 1. Networks of empire -- Webs of communication -Missionary lives, transnational networks: the Misses Margaret and Mary Leitch -- pt. 2. Origins of American empire -- The missionary impulse -- The matrix of moral reform -- Blood, souls, and power: American humanitarianism abroad in the 1890s -- pt. 3. The challenge of American colonialism -- Reforming colonialism -- Opium and the fashioning of the American moral empire -- Ida Wells and others: radical protest and the networks of American expansion -- pt. 4. The era of World War I and the Wilsonian new world order -- States of faith: missions and morality in government -- To make a dry world: the new world order of prohibition -- Conclusion: The judgments of heaven: change and continuity in moral reform. E 183.7 T97 2010 ISBN: 9782081228771 ISBN: 2081228777 Auteur: Taylor, Charles, 1931Titre: Multiculturalisme : différence et démocratie / Charles Taylor ; avec des commentaires de Amy Gutmann ... [et al.] ; traduit de l'américain par Denis-Armand Canal. Éditeur: Paris : Flammarion, c2009. Desc. matérielle: 144 p. ; 18 cm. Collection: (Champs ; 372. Essais) Note générale: Traduction de: Multiculturalism and "the Politics if Recognition" Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. E 184 A1T23914 2009 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 87 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 9780800697440 (pbk. : alk. paper) $16.95 ISBN: 0800697448 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Baldwin, Lewis V., 1949Titre: Never to leave us alone : the prayer life of Martin Luther King, Jr. / by Lewis V. Baldwin. Éditeur: Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xviii, 159 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: An inward journey : in the wellsprings of the Black prayer tradition -- From shadowed places : echoes of prayer from student days, 1948-54 -- Trembles in the breast : prayer and the art of preaching, 1954-68 -Before whom angels bow : the potencies of pastoral prayers, 1954-68 -- Spirits soaring upward : prayer and the sounds of struggle, 1955-68 -- Toward an harmonious whole : prayer and praying in the Kingian spirit. E 185.97 K5B349 2010 ISBN: 9780807136997 (hbk. : alk. paper) $36.00 ISBN: 0807136999 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Fountain, Daniel L., 1967Titre: Slavery, Civil War, and salvation : African American slaves and Christianity, 1830-1870 / Daniel L. Fountain. Éditeur: Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xi, 159 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Conflicting worlds) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Afro-Christianity by the numbers -- Christ in chains -- Alternatives to Christianity within the Antebellum slave community -- Christ unchained. E 443 F68 2010 ISBN: 9781451613513 (hbk.) ISBN: 1451613512 (hbk.) Auteur: Stone, Oliver, 1946Titre: The untold history of the United States / Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick. Éditeur: New York ; Toronto : Gallery Books, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xxxiii, 750 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note générale: Companion to the documentary series of the same name. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [619]-709) and index. Dépouil. complet: World War I -- The New Deal -- World War II -- The Bomb -- The Cold The New Deal -- World War II -- The Bomb -- The Cold War -- Eisenhower -- JFK -- LBJ -Nixon and Kissinger -- Collapse of detente -- The Reagan years -- The Cold War ends -- The Bush-Cheny debacle -- Obama. E 741 S76 2012 Titre: Ukrainians in Pennsylvania : a contribution to the growth of the Commonwealth /[editor-in-chief, Alexander Lushnycky ; associate editors, Nadia Diakun, Lew Shankowsky ; editorial committee, Ollie Cherniahivsky ... et al.]. Éditeur: Philadelphia : Ukrainian Bicentennial Committee-Philadelphia, 1976. Desc. matérielle: 134 p. : ill., map, ports. ; 24 cm. Collection: (The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection.) Note générale: The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection. F 160 U5U38 1976 ISBN: 9782980483202 (br.) ISBN: 2980483206 (br.) Auteur: Lescop, Marguerite, 1915Titre: Le tour de ma vie en 80 ans / [Marguerite Lescop]. Autre titre: Tour de ma vie en quatre-vingts ans Éditeur: [Montréal] : M. Lescop, 1996. Desc. matérielle: 172 p. : ill., portr. ; 22 cm Note générale: Dons - Varia. FC 27 L626 1996 ISBN: 9782980341908 (br.) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 88 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 2980341908 (br.) Titre: Deux cents ans d'histoire : album souvenir. Éditeur: [Havre-Aubert, Québec] : Musée de la mer, Îles-de-la-Madeleine, 1993. Desc. matérielle: 212 p. : ill., portr. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Sur la couv.: Bicentenaire de l'établissement des Îles-de-la-Madeleine. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques. FC 2945 I45D48 1993 ISBN: 9782980032806 (br.) ISBN: 2980032808 (br.) Titre: Paroisse Saint-Damase-de-Matane, 1884-1984, 100 : hommage aux pionniers et à tous les paroissiens. Titre de la couv.: Centenaire de Saint-Damase, 1884-1984 Partie du titre: Saint-Damase-de-Matane Éditeur: Saint-Damase-de-Matane [Québec] : Comité du centenaire, 1984. Desc. matérielle: 383 p. : ill., fac-sim., portr. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. FC 2949 D25C65 1984 ISBN: 9780199571390 (hbk.) ISBN: 0199571392 (hbk.) Titre: Oxford textbook of spirituality in healthcare / edited by Mark Cobb, Christina M. Puchalski and Bruce Rumbold. Partie du titre: Spirituality in healthcare Éditeur: Oxford [England] ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 501 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. Collection: (Oxford textbooks in public health) Note générale: Includes Internet access card bound inside front matter. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. FOLIO BL 65 M4O94 2012 Titre uniforme: Dead Sea scrolls. 4Q. Selections. Titre: Qumrân cave 4. Autre titre: Qumrân grotte 4 Éditeur: Oxford [England] : Clarendon Press, 1968Desc. matérielle: v. : ill., facsims. ; 29-32 cm. Collection: (Discoveries in the Judaean desert of Jordan ; 5) Collection: (Discoveries in the Judaean desert ; 6-) Note générale: Vols. 2-<3 > have title: Qumrân grotte 4. Note générale: At head of title: Palestine Archaeological Museum. École biblique et archéologique française. Note générale: Library has: v. 1-5,7,11-13,15,18,21-25,27-28 (No anal.) Dépouil. incompl.: 1. 4Q158-4Q186 / by John M. Allegro with the collaboration of Arnold A. Anderson -- 2. I. Archéologie / par R. de Vaux avec des contributions de J.W.B. Barns et J. Carswell, II. Tefillin Muzuzot et Targums (4Q128-4Q157) / par J.T. Milik -- 3. 4Q482-4Q520 / par M. Baillet -- 4. Palaeo-Hebrew and Greek biblical manuscripts / by Patrick W. Skehan, Eugene Ulrich, Judith E. Sanderson ; with a contribution by P.J. Parsons -- 5. Miqṣat maʻaśe ha-Torah / by Elisha Qimron and John Strugnell ; in consultation with Y. Sussmann and in contributions by Y. Sussmann and A. Yardeni -- 6. Poetical and liturgical texts, part 1 / by Esther Eshel ... [et al.] -- 7. Genesis to Numbers / by Eugene Ulrich ... [et al.] -- 8. Parabiblical texts, part 1 / by Harold Attridge ... [et al.]. -- 9. Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Kings / by Eugene Ulrich ... [et al.] -- 10. The prophets / by Eugene Ulrich ... [et al.] -- 11. Psalms to Chronicles / by Eugene Ulrich ... [et al.] -- 12. 1-2 Samuel / by Frank Moore Cross ... [et al.] -- 13. The Damascus document (4Q266-273) / by Joseph M. Baumgarten ; on the basis of transcriptions by Jozef T. Milik ; with contributions by Stephen Pfann and Ada Yardeni -- 14. Parabiblical texts, part 2 / by Magen Broshi ... [et al.] -- 15. Sapiential texts, Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 89 sur 114 2013-02-26 FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO FOLIO BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM BM 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 A1D5 part 1 / by Torleif Elgvin ... [et al.] -- 16. Calendrical texts / by Shemaryahu Talmon, Jonathan Ben-Dov, Uwe Glessmer -- 17. Parabiblical texts, part 3 / by George Brooke ... [et al.] -- 18. Textes hébreux (4Q521-4Q528, 4Q576-4Q579) / par Émile Puech -- 19. Serekh ha-Yahad and two related texts / by Philip S. Alexander and Geza Vermes -- 20. Poetical and liturgical texts, part 2 / by Esther Chazon ... [et al.] ; in consultation with James Vanderkam and Monica Brady ; based in part on earlier transcriptions and comments by John Strugnell -- 21. Parabiblical texts, part 4: Pseudo-prophetic texts / by Devorah Dimant ; partially based on earlier transcriptions by John Strugnell -- 22. Textes Araméens, première partie 4Q529-549 / par Émile Puech -- 23. Unidentified fragments / by Dana M. Pike and Andrew C. Skinner -- 24. Sapiential texts, part 2, 4Qinstruction (Mûsar lĕ Mēvîn): 4Q415 ff. / with a re-edition of 1Q26 by John Strugnell and Daniel J. Harrington ;and an edition of 4Q423 by Torleif Elgvin, in consultation with Joseph A. Fitzmeyer -- 25. Halakhic texts / by Joseph Baumgarten ... [et al.] -- 26. Cryptic texts / by Stephen J. Pfann and Miscellanea, Part 1, by Philip Alexander ... [et al.]. -- 27. Textes Araméens, deuxième partie : 4Q550-4Q575a, 4Q580-4Q587 et appendices / par Émile Puech -- 28. Wadi Daliyeh II : the Samaria papyri from Wadi Daliyeh / by Douglas M. Gropp and Qumran Cave 4, Miscellanea, Part 2, by Moshe Bernstein ... [et al.]. ; in consultation with James Vanderkam and Monica Brady. 1955- 5 1955- 6 1955- 7 1955- 9 1955- 10 1955- 11 1955- 12 1955- 13 1955- 14 1955- 15 1955- 16 1955- 17 1955- 18 1955- 19 1955- 20 1955- 21 1955- 22 1955- 25 1955- 26 1955- 29 1955- 30 1955- 31 1955- 33 1955- 34 1955- 35 1955- 36 1955- 37 Titre: Matrimonial decisions for Great Britain and Ireland. Variante du titre: Matrimonial decisions of Great Britain and Ireland 1990Éditeur: London : Circulated by the Canon Law Society of Great Britain, 1967Desc. matérielle: Vol. 1-15, 20-25 28 cm; Vol. 16-19, 26-45 30cm. Note générale: Editors: v.1: Ralph Brown. Note générale: Mimeographed. Note générale: Library has: v. 1-47 (No anal.) Note générale: Vol 16-19, 26-46 dans la collection Folio. BQV 230 1119 C35M3 1967- 1 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 1967- 2 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 1967- 3 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 1967- 4 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 1967- 5 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 1967- 6 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 1967- 7 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 90 sur 114 2013-02-26 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 BQV 230 1119 C35M3 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 FOLIO BQV 230 1119 196719671967196719671967196719671967196719671967C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 C35M3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20-22 23-25 46 47 19671967196719671967196719671967196719671967196719671967196719671967196719671967196719671967- 16-19 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Nom de collect.: Église catholique. Rota romana. Titre: Recueil canonique d'Arras. Traductions de jurisprudence rotale. Partie du titre: Traductions de jurisprudence rotale Autre titre: Recueil canonique d'Arras. Fascicule Éditeur: Arras : Officialité du diocèse d'Arras, 1976Desc. matérielle: v. en ; 30 cm. Note générale: En tête du titre: Officialité du Diocèse d'Arras. Note générale: La Bibliothèque a: fasc. 1-39 ; + 4 tables analytique des fasc. 1-36 (Groupé : sans anal.) Note générale: Traductions de jurisprudence rotale de la revue Monitor ecclesiasticus. FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 1-8 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 9-13 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 14-16 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 17 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 18 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 19 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 20 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 21 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 22 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 23 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 24 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 25 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 26 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 27 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 28 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 29 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 30 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 31 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 32 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 33 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 34 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 35 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 36 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 37 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 38 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- 39 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- TABLES 1-16 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 91 sur 114 2013-02-26 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- TABLES 17-25 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- TABLES 26-32 FOLIO BQV 75 R43T73 1976- TABLES 33-36 ISBN: 1599620359 ISBN: 9781599620350 Titre uniforme: Bible. O.T. Exodus. Hebrew. 2007. Titre: The book of Exodus / inscribed and illustrated by Sam Fink. Éditeur: New York : Welcome Books, 2007. Desc. matérielle: 1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 34 x 45 cm. Langue: Introduction in English; text in Hebrew and English. FOLIO BS 1243 F55 2007 ISBN: 9782220064833 (rel.) Auteur: Pecklers, Keith F., S.J., 1958Titre: Atlas historique de la liturgie / Keith F. Pecklers ; [traduction francophone, Éléonore Mongiat]. Éditeur: Paris : Desclée De Brouwer ; Cité du Vatican : Vaticana, 2012 Desc. matérielle: 253 p. : ill. (principalement en coul.), cartes ; 32 cm. Note générale: Traduction de: Atlante storico della liturgia. FOLIO BV 5 P4314 2012 ISBN: 9783775255080 (hbk.) ISBN: 3775255087 (hbk.) Titre: Das älteste "Necrolog" des Klosters St. Maximin vor Trier / herausgegeben von Francesco Roberg. Variante du titre: Älteste Nekrolog des Klosters St. Maximin vor Trier Éditeur: Hannover : Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2008. Desc. matérielle: xxxvi; 176 p.; [27] p. de pl. : fac-sim en coul. ; 32 cm. Titre de coll.: (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Libri memoriales et necrologia. Nova series ; 8) Note générale: Édition critique, histoire et fac-sim. de la partie nécrologique (folios 1-7) du "Handschrift Manchester, John Rylands University Library, Latin 116". Note générale: Paru en liaison avec un vol. de commentaire du même auteur sous le titre: Gefälschte Memoria : diplomatisch-historische Studien zum ältesten "Necrolog" des Klosters St. Maximin vor Trier (Monumenta Germaniae historica. Studien und Texte ; Bd. 43). Note générale: Présenté à l'origine comme une partie de la thèse (de doctorat) de l'éditeur--Universität Bonn, 2005. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. xiv-xxxvi) et un index. Langue: En latin ; avec introduction en allemand. FOLIO DD 3 M6L54N6 1979- 8 ISBN: 9783775255394 ISBN: 3775255397 Auteur: Bartholomaeus de Lucca, ep., ca 1236-1327. Titre: Historia ecclesiastica nova : nebst Fortsetzungen bis 1329 / Tholomeus von Lucca ; herausgegeben von Ottavio Clavuot nach Vorarbeiten von Ludwig Schmugge. Titre au dos: Tholomeus Lucensis Historia ecclesiastica nova Éditeur: Hannover : Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2009. Desc. matérielle: lxxviii; 784 p. ; 30 cm. Titre de coll.: (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores ; t. 39) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. lxii-lxxviii) et des index. Langue: Texte en latin; introduction et notes en allemand. FOLIO DD 3 M6S3 1826- 39 ISBN: 9607905296 ISBN: 9789607905291 Titre: Rois, cités, nécropoles : institutions, rites et monuments en Macédoine : actes des colloques de Nanterre (décembre 2002) et d'Athènes (janvier 2004) / édités par Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets, Miltiade B. Hatzopoulos et Yvette Morizot. Éditeur: Athènes : Centre de recherches de l'antiquité grecque et romaine, 2006. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 92 sur 114 2013-02-26 Desc. matérielle: 366 p.; 65 p. de pl. : ill. (certaines en coul.), cartes ; 29 cm. Titre de coll.: (Meletēmata ; 45) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index. Langue: Textes des communications en français et en anglais ; résumés en anglais et en grec. FOLIO DF 261 M2R65G8 2006 ISBN: 8854005223 (hbk.) ISBN: 9788854005228 (hbk.) Titre: Roma : storia e tesori di un'antica civiltà / [testi di Maria Teresa Guaitoli]. Éditeur: Vercelli : White star, c2006. Desc. matérielle: 207 p. : ill. (principalement en coul.), cartes ; 33 cm. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 206) et un index. FOLIO DG 63 R65G82 2006 ISBN: 9788886752329 ISBN: 8886752326 Titre: Dalla villa romana all'abitato altomedievale : scavi archeologici in località Faustinella-S. Cipriano a Desenzano / a cura di Elisabetta Roffia. Éditeur: Milano : ET, 2007. Desc. matérielle: 87 p. : ill. (principalement en coul.), cartes ; 29 cm. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des bibliographies. FOLIO DG 70 D48D25R6 2007 ISBN: 9780903472241 (hbk.) $80.00 ISBN: 0903472244 (hbk.) Nom de réunion: Nimrud Conference (2002 : London, England) Titre: New Light on Nimrud : proceedings of the Nimrud Conference 11th-13th March 2002 / edited by J. E. Curtis, ... [et al.] Éditeur: London : British Institute for the Study of Iraq, in association with the British Museum, 2008. Desc. matérielle: xvii, 297 p. : ill. (some col.), maps ; 30 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [279]-288) and index. FOLIO DS 70.5 C3N56 2008 ISBN: 9780903472272 (pbk.) $50.00 ISBN: 0903472279 (pbk.) Auteur: McMahon, Augusta. Titre: Once there was a place : settlement archaeology at Chagar Bazar, 1999-2002 / Augusta McMahon ; with Carlo Colantoni, Julia Frane and Arkadiusz Sołtysiak. Éditeur: London : British Institute for the Study of Iraq, c2009. Desc. matérielle: 427 p. : ill., maps ; 30 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. Langue: Summary in English and Arabic. FOLIO DS 94.5 M36 2009 ISBN: 9042925361 (hbk.) ISBN: 9789042925366 (hbk.) Auteur: Kroesen, J. E. A. (Justin E. A.), 1975Titre: The interior of the medieval village church / text and photographs, Justin E.A. Kroesen & Regnerus Steensma. Éditeur: Leuven ; Paris ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, 2012. Desc. matérielle: 388 p. : col. ill. ; 32 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index of places. FOLIO NK 2192 E85K76 2012 ISBN: 9781843835073 (pbk.) ISBN: 184383507X (pbk.) Auteur: Ohler, Norbert, 1935Titre: The medieval traveller / Norbert Ohler ; translated by Caroline Hillier. Éditeur: Woodbridge, UK : Boydell Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xv, 296 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 93 sur 114 2013-02-26 Note générale: This translation originally published: Woodbridge, UK : Boydell Press, 1989. Note générale: Translation of: Reisen im Mittelalter. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 291-296). G 82 O4413 2010 Auteur: Miller, Mykhaĭlo, 1883Titre: Paleolit Nadporizhzhia / Mykhailo Oleksandrovych Miller. Éditeur: Ausburg, Gemany : Nakladom Tovarystva prykhylʹnykiv UVAN, 1948. Desc. matérielle: 19, [4] p. : map. ; 26 cm. Collection: (Seriia arkheolohichna ; 1 ; Zbirnyk "Paleolit Ukrainy" ; 2) Collection: (Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection.) Note générale: Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Collection. Note bibliogr.: Bibliography: p. [22]. GN 776.22 U4M55 1948 ISBN: 9782890075191(br.) ISBN: 2890075192 (br.) Auteur: Thomas, Gerald, 1940Titre: Les deux traditions : le conte populaire chez les Franco-Terreneuviens / par Gerald Thomas. Éditeur: Montréal : Éditions Bellarmin, 1983. Desc. matérielle: 479 p. : ill., cartes, portr. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Dons - BNC - DG. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [453]-459) et un index. Langue: Comprend du texte en anglais. GR 113.7 F73T5 1983 ISBN: 0230606784 (hbk.) ISBN: 9780230606784 (hbk.) Titre: On becoming a leadership coach : a holistic approach to coaching excellence / edited by Christine Wahl, Clarice Scriber, and Beth Bloomfield. Éditeur: New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 227 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. HD 30.4 O5 2008 ISBN: 1576750493 (pbk) ISBN: 9781576750490 (pbk) Auteur: Robinson, Alan (Alan G.), 1958Titre: Corporate creativity : how innovation and improvement actually happen / Alan G. Robinson & Sam Stern. Éditeur: San Francisco : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, c1998. Desc. matérielle: ix, 277 p. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 249-258) and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction: The power of the unexpected -- The true nature of corporate creativity -- How preconceptions limit corporate creativity -- What do we really know about creativity? -- The decline of the simple suggestion system and the rise of a new generation -How misalignment shuts down creativity -- Alignment: the first essential element -- Self-initiated activity -- Unofficial activity -- Serendipity -- Diverse stimuli -- Within-company communication -- Unleashing corporate creativity: where to start. HD 53 R6 1998 ISBN: 9780814480601 (hbk.) ISBN: 0814480608 (hbk.) Auteur: Davis, Marvin A. Titre: Take no prisoners : a no-holds-barred approach to corporate excellence / Marvin A. Davis. Éditeur: New York : AMACOM American Management Association, c2008. Desc. matérielle: x, 230 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note générale: Includes index. Dépouil. complet: Setting objectives -- Common lies companies tell themselves -- Market strategy -- The customer -Pricing -- People -- Controls -- Growth -- Keeping the Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 94 sur 114 2013-02-26 balance sheet balanced -- Analyzing the profit and loss statement (P & L) -- Systems / the Computer / the Internet -- Sales -- Sourcing and globalization -Special analysis tools -- Productivity -- Research and development -- Banking -- Fraud -- Bankruptcy as a tool -- Cashing out -- The board -- Implementation. HD 56 D38 2008 ISBN: 0787976253 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9780787976255 (hbk. : alk. paper) Titre: Best practices in leadership development and organization change : how the best companies ensure meaningful change and sustainable leadership / Louis Carter, David Ulrich, Marshall Goldsmith, editors. Éditeur: San Francisco : Pfeiffer, c2005. Desc. matérielle: xxix, 475 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Agilent Technologies, Inc. -- Corning -- Delnor Hospital -- Emmis Communications -- First Consulting Group -- GE Capital -- Hewlett Packard -- Honeywell Aerospace -- Intel -- Lockheed Martin -- Mattel -McDonald's Corporation -- MIT -- Motorola -- Praxair -- St. Luke's Hospital and Health Network -StorageTek -- Windber Medical Center -Conclusion--practitioner trends and findings. HD 57.7 B476 2005 ISBN: 9780230280939 (hbk.) ISBN: 0230280935 (hbk.) Auteur: Derungs, Isabelle My Hanh. Titre: Trans-cultural leadership for transformation / Isabelle My Hanh Derungs. Éditeur: Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Desc. matérielle: xv, 255 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 230-240) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Introduction -- Culture -- Leadership -Organizational change and development -Trans-cultural leadership -- The image of leadership -- Trans-cultural leadership development -- Epilogue. HD 57.7 D47 2011 ISBN: 9780313393310 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0313393311 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Fairholm, Gilbert W. Titre: Real leadership : how spiritual values give leadership meaning / Gilbert W. Fairholm. Éditeur: Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, 2011. Desc. matérielle: xxi, 240 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [215]-234) and index. Dépouil. complet: Globalization, its impact and implications -Understanding leadership -- Understanding modern management practice -- Comparing real leadership and modern management practice -- Past generations of theory inappropriately combine leadership with management -- The fourth generation of leadership is values leadership -- The values leadership perspectives model -- Spiritual leadership is the fifth generation of values leadership -- Spiritual leadership in action. HD 57.7 F3523 2011 ISBN: 0787968676 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9780787968670 (hbk. : paper) Auteur: Hughes, Richard L., 1946Titre: Becoming a strategic leader : your role in your organization's enduring success / Richard L. Hughes, Katherine Colarelli Beatty. Éditeur: San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass ; [Greensboro, NC] : Center for Creative Leadership, 2005. Desc. matérielle: xviii, 268 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Jossey-Bass business & management series) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 249-251) and index. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 95 sur 114 2013-02-26 Dépouil. complet: What Is Strategic Leadership? -- Strategic Thinking -Strategic Acting -- Strategic Influence -- Strategic Leadership Teams -- Making Strategy a Learning Process in Your Organization -- Becoming a Strategic Leader -Strategic Driver Paired-Voting Form -- Strat: Strategic Team Review and Action Tool -- Strat Items and the Learning Process -- Using Strat to Develop Your SLT -- Strat Norm Data -- About the Center for Creative Leadership. HD 57.7 H84 2005 ISBN: 0230314236 (hbk) ISBN: 9780230314238 (hbk.) Auteur: Muna, Farid A. Titre: Developing multicultural leaders : the journey to leadership success / Farid A. Muna and Ziad A. Zennie ; foreword by Charles Handy. Éditeur: Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Desc. matérielle: xviii, 234 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Note générale: Originally published: 2010. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 216-225) and index. HD 57.7 M8566 2011 ISBN: 2747591778 (br.) Auteur: Schmauch, Dominique. Titre: Les conditions du leadership : la question de la promesse, de la tension et de l'être / Dominique Schmauch ; préface de Pascal Chaigneau. Éditeur: Paris : L'Harmattan, 2005 (tirage de 2012) Desc. matérielle: 434 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Titre de coll.: (Entreprises et management) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 406-423). HD 57.7 S355 2012 ISBN: 9780814414347 (hbk.) ISBN: 0814414346 (hbk.) Auteur: Tracy, Brian, 1944Titre: How the best leaders lead : proven secrets to getting the most out of yourself and others / Brian Tracy. Éditeur: New York ; Toronto : American Management Association, c2010. Desc. matérielle: viii, 248 p. ; 24 cm. Note générale: Includes index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction : the race is on -- The heart of a leader -- Leaders know themselves -- Counterattack! : business lessons of military strategy -- Masterful management! -- Hire and keep the best people -Building winning teams -- Problem solving and decision making -- Communicate with power -- The leader's questionnaire -- Simplify your life. HD 57.7 T724 2010 ISBN: 9780143114031 (pbk.) ISBN: 0143114034 (pbk.) Auteur: Wilson, Marie (Marie C.) Titre: Closing the leadership gap : why women can and must help run the world / Marie C. Wilson. Variante du titre: Other title information on cover: Add women, change everything Éditeur: New York, N.Y. : Penguin Books, 2007. Desc. matérielle: xviii, 220 p. ; 21 cm. Note générale: First ed.: 2004. Note générale: "With a new afterwood"--Cover. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [207]-210) and index. Dépouil. complet: Why women matter -- Barriers to leadership -Authority -- Ambition -- Ability -- Authenticity -Culture -- The business of transformation -- Parting words: the voice of experience. HD 57.7 W544 2007 ISBN: 9780132771863 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 96 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 0132771861 Auteur: Yukl, Gary A., 1940Titre: Leadership in organizations / Gary Yukl. Éditeur: Boston ; Toronto : Pearson, c2013. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 511 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Nature of managerial work -- Effective leadership behavior -- Leading change and innovation -Participative leadership and empowerment -- Leadership traits and skills -- Contingency theories and adaptive leadership -- Power and influence tactics -- Dyadic relations and followers -- Leadership in teams and decision groups -- Strategic leadership in organizations -- Charismatic and transformational leadership -- Ethical, servant, spiritual, and authentic leadership -- Cross-cultural leadership and diversity -- Developing leadership skills -- Overview and integration. HD 57.7 Y85 2013 ISBN: 9780804758758 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN: 0804771790 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780804771795 (pbk.) Auteur: Herold, David M. Titre: Change the way you lead change : leadership strategies that really work / David M. Herold and Donald B. Fedor. Éditeur: Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2008. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 155 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [145]-148) and index. Dépouil. complet: The realities of change -- Reframing the change dilemma -- What is changing, and where? -- Leading others through change -- Leaders don't all lead from the same place -- People's motivation to change -People's capacity for change -- Change does not occur in a vacuum -- Putting the pieces together -- Smart change leaders, they get it! HD 58.8 H485 2008 ISBN: 9780199639649 (pbk.) ISBN: 0199639647 (pbk.) Auteur: Argyris, Chris, 1923Titre: Organizational traps : leadership, culture, organizational design / by Chris Argyris. Éditeur: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012, c2010. Desc. matérielle: 224 p. ; 22 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 201-206) and index. HD 58.7 A74 2012 ISBN: 9781405160308 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 1405160306 (pbk. : alk. paper) Titre: The emotional organization : passions and power / edited by Stephen Fineman. Éditeur: Malden, MA ; Oxford : Blackwell Pub., 2008. Desc. matérielle: viii, 230 p. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. Dépouil. complet: Introducing the emotional organization / Stephen Fineman -- Me, morphine and humanity : experiencing the emotional community on Ward 8 / Sharon C. Bolton -- Power, paradox, social support, and prestige : a critical approach to addressing correctional officer burnout / Sarah J. Tracy -- Rape work : emotional dilemmas in work with victims / Patricia Yancey Martin, Douglas Schrock, Margaret Leaf, & Carmen von Rohr -- In the gym : peer pressure and emotional management among co-workers / Mary Haman & Linda L. Putman -- Abuse, violence, and fear on the front line : implications for the rise of the enchanting myth of customer sovereignty / Marek Korczynski & Victoria Bishop -- Enactments of class and nationality in transnational call centres / Kiran Mirchandani -- The gendering of emotions and perceived work time : chicks and geeks at I.com / Nicole L. Kangas & Debra E. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 97 sur 114 2013-02-26 Meyerson -- Managing the emotional boundaries of telework / Gill Musson & Katy Marsh -- Management consultancy and humor in action and context / Andrew Sturdy, Timothy Clark, Robin Fincham, & Karen Handley -- Becoming a successful corporate character and the role of emotional management / Caroline Hatcher -Gender and the emotion politics of emotional intelligence / Stephanie A. Shields & Leah R. Warner -- Feeling out of place? : towards the transnationalizations of emotions / Jeff Hearn -- It's all too beautiful : emotion and organization in the aesthetic economy / Philip Hancock & Melissa Tyler. HD 58.7 E4375 2008 ISBN: 0805843337 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9780805843330 (pbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Ṿardi, Yoʼav, 1944Titre: Misbehavior in organizations : theory, research, and management / Yoav Vardi, Ely Weitz. Éditeur: Mahwah, N.J. : L. Erlbaum, 2004. Desc. matérielle: xxi, 337 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Series in applied psychology) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 261-288) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Series Foreword / Edwin A. Fleishman, Jeanette N. Cleveland -- Organizational Misbehavior -Organizational Behavior and Misbehavior -- Prevalence of Misbehavior at Work -- Misbehavior in OB Discourse -- A Historical Perspective -- Toward a Framework for Misbehavior -- A General Framework for OMB Analysis -Need for Conceptual Clarification -- Definitional Implications -- OMB as Intentional Behavior -Antecedents of Misbehavior -- OMB Manifestations and Antecedents -- Individual-Level Manifestations of OMB -- Intrapersonal Manifestations -- Interpersonal Manifestations -- Production and Political Manifestations -- Counterproductive Workplace Behavior -- Political Manifestations -- Property Manifestations -- Physical Manifestations -- Intellectual Manifestations -- Individual-Level Antecedents of OMB -- Personality Traits -- Intentions and Attitudes -Affect and Emotion -- Others' Influence -- Position and Group-Level Antecedents -- Job-Level Antecedents -- Group-Level Influences -- Organization-Level Antecedents -- Organization Type -- Organization Culture and Climate -- Behavior Control Systems -Implications for Research and Management -- Managerial Ethics: An OMB Perspective -- A Framework for Unethical Managerial Behavior -- Models of Ethical Decision Making -- An OMB Perspective of Unethical Decisions -- The Israeli Bank Shares Regulation Affair -- The Enron Affair -- Commentary--The Organizationthink Phenomenon -- General Propositions on Managerial Ethics -- A Sad Epilogue -- Measurement Dilemmas in OMB Research. HD 58.7 V367 2004 ISBN: 0765615207 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780765615206 (pbk.) Auteur: Allcorn, Seth, 1946Titre: Organizational dynamics and intervention : tools for changing the workplace / Seth Allcorn. Éditeur: Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, Inc., c2005. Desc. matérielle: ix, 245 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 235-238) and index. Dépouil. complet: Organizational resistance to change -- Organizational fragmentation -- Goals within the workplace -Incentives -- Leadership pathology -- Cultures of organizational violence -- The human psyche at work -Selecting in and out: creating organizational homogeneity -- The surface of organizational experience -- Mysticism in the workplace -- Uncommon commonality -- The narrative of workplace histories -Organizational diagnosis and intervention -- The final Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 98 sur 114 2013-02-26 analysis: the compound eye's world view. HD 58.8 A6776 2005 ISBN: 0749440333 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780749440336 (pbk.) Auteur: Cook, Sarah, 1955Titre: Change management excellence : using the four intelligences for successful organizational change / Sarah Cook, Steve Macaulay, and Hilary Coldicott. Éditeur: London ; Sterling, VA : Kogan Page, 2009, c2004. Desc. matérielle: viii, 230 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 220-223) and index. HD 58.8 C6565 2009 ISBN: 1405135751 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9781405135757 (pbk. : alk. paper) Titre: Dynamic capabilities : understanding strategic change in organizations / by Constance E. Helfat ... [et al.]. Éditeur: Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2007. Desc. matérielle: xii, 147 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [124]-137) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: 1. Dynamic Capabilities: Foundations. -- 2. Managers, Markets, and Dynamic Capabilities. -- 3. Dynamic Capabilities and Organizational Processes. -- 4. Executives, Dynamic Capabilities, and Strategic Change. -- 5. Relational Capabilities: Drivers and Implications. -- 6. Acquisition-Based Dynamic Capabilities. -- 7. Firm Growth and Dynamic Capabilities. -- 8. Dynamic Capabilities: Future Paths and Possibilities. HD 58.8 D935 2007 ISBN: 9781422117361 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 1422117367 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Kegan, Robert, 1946Titre: Immunity to change : how to overcome it and unlock potential in yourself and your organization / Robert Kegan, Lisa Laskow Lahey. Éditeur: Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business Press, c2009. Desc. matérielle: xvii, 340 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Leadership for the common good) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [325]-328) and index. Dépouil. complet: Pt. I. Uncovering a hidden dynamic in the challenge of change -- 1. Reconceiving the challenge of change -2. Uncovering the immunity to change -- 3. "We never had a language for it" : engaging the emotional life of the organization -- Pt. II. Overcoming the immunity to change in organizations, individuals, and teams -4. Overcoming the groupwide immunity to change : a Collective approach -- 5. David doesn't delegate : overcoming an individual's immunity to change -- 6. Cathy can't contain herself : overcoming an individual's immunity to change -- 7. The case of Nascent Pharmaceuticals : overcoming individual immunities to help a team succeed -- Pt. III. Over to you : diagnosing and overcoming immunities in yourself and your organization -- 8. Unlocking potential : three necessary ingredients -- 9. Diagnosing your own immunity to change -- 10. Overcoming your immunity to change -- 11. Surfacing your collective immunity to change -- Conclusion : growing your own : how to lead so people develop. HD 58.8 K44 2009 ISBN: 9780805855593 (hbk.) ISBN: 0805855599 (hbk.) Titre: Learning, training, and development in organizations / edited by Steve W.J. Kozlowski, Eduardo Salas. Éditeur: New York : Routledge, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xxvii, 517 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: ([The organizational frontiers series]) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 99 sur 114 2013-02-26 Note générale: Series statement from jacket. Note générale: "This is the 30th book in the Organizational frontiers series of books"--P. xiii. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Individual differences, attribute-treatment interactions, and training outcomes / Stan Gully and Gilad Chen -- Motivation in training and development : a phase perspective / Margaret E. Beier and Ruth Kanfer -- Experts at work : principles for developing expertise in organizations / Eduardo Salas and Michael A. Rosen -- An updated review of the multidimensionality of training outcomes : new directions for training evaluation research / J. Kevin Ford, Kurt Kraiger, and Stephanie M. Merritt -Cognitive science-based principles for the design and delivery of training / Nancy J. Cooke and Stephen M. Fiore -- Research-based solutions to three problems in web-based training / Richard E. Mayer -- Synthetic learning environments : on developing a science of simulation, games, and virtual worlds for training / Jan Cannon-Bowers and Clint Bowers -- Toward a theory of learner-centered training design : an integrative framework of active learning / Bradford S. Bell and Steve W.J. Kozlowski -- Informal learning and development in organizations / Scott I. Tannenbaum ... [et al.] -- "Learning" a living : continuous learning for survival in today's talent market / Janice C. Molloy and Raymond A. Noe -- Building an infrastructure for organizational learning : a multilevel approach / Steve W.J. Kozlowski, Georgia T. Chao, and Jaclyn M. Jensen -- A multilevel perspective on training and development effectiveness / John E. Mathieu and Paul E. Tesluk -- Where have we been, and where are we going? / Paul W. Thayer and Irwin L. Goldstein -- Learning, training, and development in organizations : much progress and a peek over the horizon / Eduardo Salas and Steve W.J. Kozlowski. HD 58.82 L425 2010 ISBN: 0791802515 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780791802519 (pbk.) Auteur: Gonçalves, Marcus. Titre: Team building / by Marcus Goncalves. Éditeur: New York : ASME Press, c2006. Desc. matérielle: ix, 140 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Collection: (The technical manager's survival guides) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 139-140). HD 66 G65 2006 ISBN: 9780805858815 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0805858814 (hbk. : alk. paper) Titre: Team effectiveness in complex organizations : cross-disciplinary perspectives and approaches / edited by Eduardo Salas, Gerald F. Goodwin, C. Shawn Burke. Éditeur: New York : Routledge, c2009. Desc. matérielle: xxxiv, 589 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (The organizational frontiers series) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Team effectiveness in complex organizations : an overview / Gerald F. Goodwin ... [et al.] -- Building bridges to improve theory and research on small groups / Richard L. Moreland and John M. Levine -- The wisdom of collectives in organizations : an update of the teamwork competencies / Eduardo Salas ... [et al.] -Team leadership and team effectiveness / Stephen J. Zaccaro, Beth Heinen, and Marissa Shuffler -Developing adaptive teams : a theory of dynamic team leadership / Steve W.J. Kozlowski ... [et al.] -- An ecological perspective on team cognition / Nancy J. Cooke, Jamie C. Gorman, and Leah J. Rowe -- Overcoming barriers to collaboration : psychological safety and learning in diverse teams / Amy C. Edmondson and Kathryn S. Roloff -- Understanding the cognitive processes in adaptive multicultural teams : a Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 100 sur 114 2013-02-26 framework / C. Shawn Burke ... [et al.] -- Cognitive similarity configurations in teams : in search of the team mindmeld / Joan R. Rentsch, Lisa A. Delise, and Scott Hutchison -- Thinking in terms of multiteam systems / Leslie A. DeChurch and John E. Mathieu -Team effectiveness in complex settings : a framework / Peter J.M.D. Essens ... [et al.] -- The incorporation of time in team research : past, current, and future / Susan Mohammed, Katherine Hamilton, and Audrey Lim -Measuring teams in action : automated performance measurement and feedback in simulation-based training / David Dorsey ... [et al.] -- Assessing team processes in complex environments : challenges in transitioning research to practice / Kelley J. Krokos ... [et al.] -- Automated communication analysis of teams / Peter W. Foltz and Melanie J. Martin -- Social network analysis : understanding the role of context in small groups and organizations / Andrew J. Slaughter, Janie Yu, and Laura M. Koehly -Computational representations and methods for modeling teams / Wayne Zachary, Benjamin Bell, and Joan Ryder -- Measuring team-related cognition : the devil is in the details / Kimberley A. Smith-Jentsch -- Teams research in the 21st century : a case for theory consolidation / Laurie R. Weingart and Matthew A. Cronin -- Ten critical research questions : the need for new and deeper explorations / Eduardo Salas and Jessica L. Wildman. HD 66 T4234 2009 ISBN: 9780596517717 (pbk.) ISBN: 0596517718 (pbk.) Auteur: Berkun, Scott. Titre: Making things happen : mastering project management / Scott Berkun. Éditeur: Beijing ; Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, c2008. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 392 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Theory in practice) Note générale: Rev. ed. of: The art of project management. 2005. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 361-367) and index. Dépouil. complet: A brief history of project management (and why you should care) -- The truth about schedules -- How to figure out what to do -- Writing the good vision -Where ideas come from -- What to do with ideas once you have them -- Writing good specifications -- How to make good decisions -- Communication and relationships -- How not to annoy people : process, email, and meetings -- What to do when things go wrong -- Why leadership is based on trust -- Making things happen -- Middle-game strategy -- End-game strategy -- Power and politics -- Appendix: A guide for discussion groups. HD 69 P75B47 2008 ISBN: 9780300123524 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0300123523 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Pepper, John, 1938Titre: What really matters : service, leadership, people, and values / John Pepper. Éditeur: New Haven : Yale University Press, 2007. Desc. matérielle: xii, 305 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Note générale: "Material from this book was first published in an earlier edition by Procter & Gamble in 2005"--T.p. verso. Note générale: Perspectives from the president, CEO, and chairman of Procter & Gamble. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [283]-288) and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction: My early years in business -Foundations for success. Creating leadership brands-and keeping them young ; Let the consumer decide ; Going for the big win -- Staying in the lead. The rewards of doing good ; The power of community -How we live our lives. A passionate sense of ownership Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 101 sur 114 2013-02-26 ; The benefits of diversity and the challenge of achieving it ; A personal model for living ; A family affair -- Conclusion: Enduring values in an age of innovation -- Appendix 1: Biographies of key leaders -- Appendix 2: Redesigning your organizational structure to achieve your purpose. HD 9999 S74P745 2007 ISBN: 9780521737791 (pbk.) ISBN: 0521737796 (pbk.) Titre: Organizational trust : a cultural perspective / edited by Mark N.K. Saunders ... [et al.]. Éditeur: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xxi, 430 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Cambridge companions to management) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. Dépouil. complet: Unraveling the complexities of trust and culture / Graham Dietz, Nicole Gillespie and Georgia Chao -Trust differences across national-societal cultures : much to do or much ado about nothing? / Donald L. Ferrin and Nicole Gillespie -- Towards a context-sensitive approach to researching trust in inter-organizational relationships / Reinhard Bachmann / Making sense of trust across cultural contexts / Alex Wright and Ina Ehnert -- Examining the relationship between trust and culture in the consultant-client relationship / Stephanos Avakian, Timothy Clark and Joanne Roberts -- Checking, not trusting : trust, distrust and cultural experience in the auditing profession / Mark R. Dibben and Jacob M. Rose -- Trust barriers in cross-cultural negotiations : a social psychological analysis / Roderick M. Kramer -- Trust development in German-Ukrainian business relationships : dealing with cultural differences in an uncertain institutional context / Guido Möllering and Florian Stache -- Culture and trust in contractual relationships : a French-Lebanese cooperation / Hèla Yousf -- Evolving institutions of trust : personalized and institutional bases of trust in Nigerian and Ghanaian food trading / Fergus Lyon and Gina Porter -The role of trust in international cooperation in crisis areas : a comparison of German and US-American NGO partnership strategies / L. Ripley Smith and Ulrike Schwegler -- Antecedents of supervisor trust in collectivist cultures: evidence from Turkey and China / S. Arzu Wasti and Hwee Hoon Tan -- Trust in turbulent times : organizational change and the consequences for intra-organizational trust / Veronica Hope-Hailey, Elaine Farndale and Clare Kelliher -- The implications of language boundaries on the development of trust in international management teams / Jane Kassis Henderson -- The dynamics of trust across cultures in family firms / Isabelle Mari -- Emerging themes, implications for practice, and directions for research / Mark N.K. Saunders, Denise Skinner and Roy J. Lewicki. HF 5387 O74 2010 ISBN: 0814740065 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 9780814740064 (hbk. : alk. paper) Auteur: Silverthorne, Colin P. (Colin Patric) Titre: Organizational psychology in cross-cultural perspective / Colin P. Silverthorne. Éditeur: New York : New York University Press, c2005. Desc. matérielle: viii, 343 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 265-320) and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Foundations of organization and culture -- Culture and organizations -- Organizational and national culture -- Leadership in organizations -- Leadership in other cultures -- Work motivation -- Managerial values and skills -- The impact of cultural values on problem solving, teams, gender, stress, and ethics -- Job satisfaction and organizational commitment -- Conflict and power -- Communication and negotiation -- Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 102 sur 114 2013-02-26 Personnel psychology and human resource management -Some final thoughts. HF 5548.8 S519 2005 ISBN: 0131409956 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780131409958 (pbk.) Auteur: Lubit, Roy H. Titre: Coping with toxic managers, subordinates --and other difficult people / Roy H. Lubit. Éditeur: Upper Saddle River, NJ : FT Prentice Hall, c2004 (2008 printing) Desc. matérielle: xxxi, 368 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Financial Times Prentice Hall books) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. Dépouil. complet: Ch. 1. Emotional Intelligence Approach to Coping with Toxic Managers and Subordinates -- I. Narcissistic Managers -- Ch. 2. Grandiose Managers -- Ch. 3. Control Freaks -- Ch. 4. Paranoid Managers -- II. Unethical Managers -- Ch. 5. Antisocial Managers -Ch. 6. Unethical Opportunists -- III. Aggressive Managers -- Ch. 7. Ruthless Managers -- Ch. 8. Bullying Managers -- Ch. 9. Homicidal Managers -- Ch. 10. Sexual Harassment -- Ch. 11. Chauvinists Needing Diversity Training -- Ch. 12. Volatile Managers -- Ch. 13. Frantic Colleagues -- Ch. 14. Underpinnings of Aggression -- Ch. 15. Surviving Aggression -- IV. Rigid Managers -- Ch. 16. Compulsive Managers -- Ch. 17. Authoritarian Managers -- Ch. 18. Dictatorial Managers -- Ch. 19. Oppositional Coworkers -- Ch. 20. Passive-Aggressive Managers -- Ch. 21. Organizational Impact of Rigid Managers -- V. Impaired Managers -Ch. 22. ADHD -- Ch. 23. Anxiety -- Ch. 24. Depression -- Ch. 25. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder -- Ch. 26. Burnout. HF 5548.83 L83 2008 ISBN: 1412905761 (pbk.) ISBN: 9781412905763 (pbk.) Auteur: Hunt, James M. (James Michael) Titre: The coaching organization : a strategy for developing leaders / James M. Hunt, Joseph R. Weintraub. Éditeur: Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, c2007. Desc. matérielle: xvi, 252 p. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 217-221) and index. Dépouil. complet: The coaching organization? -- An overview of developmental coaching -- The coaching organization assessment -- A strategic approach to coaching -Driving strategic transformation through executive coaching at Whirlpool -- Building and leading a coaching capacity -- The internal coaching capability -- The ELP internal coaching program at Wachovia Corporation -- Building a coaching manager capability -- The coaching manager in nursing -- Peer coaching at Citizen's Financial Group (CFG). HF 5549.5 C53H86 2007 ISBN: 9780415802147 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0415802148 (pbk.) Auteur: Lennard, Diane, 1953Titre: Coaching models : a cultural perspective : a guide to model development for practitioners and students of coaching / Diane Lennard. Éditeur: New York : Routledge, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xii, 139 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 131-134) and index. HF 5549.5 C53L53 2010 ISBN: 9781412972352 (pbk. : acid-free paper) ISBN: 1412972353 (pbk. : acid-free paper) Auteur: Mor-Barak, Michàlle E. Titre: Managing diversity : toward a globally inclusive workplace / Michàlle E. Mor Barak. Éditeur: Los Angeles : SAGE, c2011. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 103 sur 114 2013-02-26 Desc. matérielle: xviii, 389 p. : ill., map ; 23 cm. Note générale: First ed.: 2005. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 333-371) and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction and conceptual framework -- Diversity legislation in a global perspective : equality and fairness in employment -- Discrimination, equality, and fairness in employment : social policies and affirmative/positive action programs -- Global demographic trends : impact on workforce diversity / Martha Farnsworth Riche and Michàlle E. Mor Barak -Socioeconomic transitions : the new realities of the global workforce / Martha Farnsworth Riche and Michàlle E. Mor Barak -- Defining diversity in a global context : prejudice and discrimination -- Vive la différence? Theoretical perspectives on diversity and exclusion in the workplace -- Culture and communication in the global workplace -- Interpersonal relationships in a global work context / Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks and Michàlle E. Mor Barak -- Diversity management : paradigms, rationale, and key elements -An overview of the inclusive workplace model : managing the globalized workforce diversity -- The inclusive workplace : level I : inclusion through diversity within the work organization -- The inclusive workplace : level II : inclusion through corporate-community collaborations -- The inclusive workplace : level III : inclusion through state/national collaborations -- The inclusive workplace : level IV : inclusion through international collaborations -- Toward a globally inclusive workplace ; putting the pieces together. HF 5549.5 M5M662 2011 ISBN: 0814404804 (hbk.) ISBN: 9780814404805 (hbk.) Auteur: Zemke, Ron, 1942-2004. Titre: Generations at work : managing the clash of veterans, boomers, xers, and nexters in your workplace / Ron Zemke, Claire Raines, Bob Filipczak. Éditeur: New York ; Toronto : AMACOM, c2000. Desc. matérielle: vi, 280 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 265-269) and index. Dépouil. complet: Dynamics of the multigenerational workplace. Old farts and upstarts: crisis in the cross-generational workplace -- The veterans: what will the Colonel do now - work? retire? consult? -- The baby boomers: Peter Pan grays at the temple -- The gen Xers: absence and malice -- The nexters: chilling out and cheering up -- Case studies in generational peace. Where mixed generations work well together -- Advice-o-plenty. The plight of Charlie Roth: a cross-generational workforce case study -- Making the cross-generational workplace work: twenty-one often-asked questions - and some very practical answers -- Afterword. Predicting the cross-generational future -- Appendix A. Inventory: How cross-generationally friendly is your work group, department, business, or organization? -- Appendix B. Web resources across the generations. HF 5549.5 M5Z45 2000 ISBN: 9780660921013 (br.) ISBN: 0660921014 Auteur: McCullough, A. B. (Alan Bruce), 1945Titre: La monnaie et le change au Canada des premiers temps jusqu'à 1900 / A.B. McCullough ; traduit de l'anglais. Éditeur: Ottawa : Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Environnement Canada--Parcs, 1987. Desc. matérielle: 316 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Titre de coll.: (Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire) Note générale: Traduction de: Money and exchange in Canada to 1900. Note générale: Dons - BNC. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 104 sur 114 2013-02-26 293-310) et un index. HG 652 M133 1987 ISBN: 2213594961 (br.) Auteur: Bayart, Jean-François, 1950Titre: L'illusion identitaire / Jean-François Bayart. Éditeur: [Paris] : Fayard, c1996. Desc. matérielle: 306 p. ; 24 cm. Titre de coll.: (L'espace du politique) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [249]-292) et un index. HM 131 B385 1996 ISBN: 9780199569915 (pbk.) ISBN: 0199569916 (pbk.) Auteur: Grint, Keith, 1952Titre: Leadership : a very short introduction / Keith Grint. Éditeur: Oxford [England] ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: 142 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. Collection: (Very short introductions ; 237) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 127-132) and index. Dépouil. complet: 1. What is leadership? -- 2. What isn't leadership? -- 3. What was leadership? -- 4. Are leaders born or bred? -- 5. Who are the leaders? -- 6. How do leaders lead? -- 7. What about the followers? -- 8. Can we do without leaders? HM 1261 G757 2010 ISBN: 9781605092775 (pbk.) ISBN: 1605092770 (pbk.) Auteur: Block, Peter, 1939Titre: Community : the structure of belonging / Peter Block. Éditeur: San Francisco, Calif. : Berrett-Koehler, c2009. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 240 p. : port. ; 21 cm. Note générale: Originally published: 2008. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 187-222) and index. Dépouil. complet: pt. 1. The fabric of community. Insights into transformation -- Shifting the context for community -- The stuck community -- The restorative community -Taking back our projections -- What it means to be a citizen -- The transforming community -- pt. 2. The alchemy of belonging. Leadership is convening -- The small group is the unit of transformation -- Questions are more transforming than answers -- Invitation -The possibility, ownership, dissent, commitment, and gifts conversations -- Bringing hospitality into the world -- Designing physical space that supports community -- The end of unnecessary suffering. HN 49 C6B59 2009 Auteur: Honoré, Léon, S.J. Titre: Lui-- et toi, jeune fille / L. Honoré. Éditeur: Paris : Casterman, 1934. Desc. matérielle: 270 p. ; 19 cm. Note générale: Dons - Varia. HQ 35 H65E5 1934 ISBN: 0938743007 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780938743002 (pbk.) Auteur: Perry, Troy D. Titre: The Lord is my shepherd and he knows I'm gay : the autobiography of the Reverend Troy D. Perry, as told to Charles L. Lucas. Éditeur: Austin, Tex. : Liberty Press, 1987, c1972. Desc. matérielle: vi, 209 p. ; 22 cm. Note générale: "Foreword to the new edition" / Troy D. Perry. HQ 76 P47L67 1987 ISBN: 2890910407 Titre uniforme: Take back the night. Français = French Titre: L'envers de la nuit : les femmes contre la pornographie / textes réunis par Laura Lederer ; Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 105 sur 114 2013-02-26 traduit par Monique Audy avec la collaboration de Martin Dufresne. Éditeur: Montréal : Remue-ménage, 1983. Desc. matérielle: 405 p. ; 21 cm. Collection: (Les entêtées) Note générale: Traduction de: Take back the night : women on pornography. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 387-405). HQ 471 T3414 1983 ISBN: 9780521527231 (pbk.) ISBN: 0521527236 (pbk.) ISBN: 0521820219 (hbk.) Auteur: Schorsch, Jonathan, 1963Titre: Jews and blacks in the early modern world / Jonathan Schorsch. Éditeur: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009, c2004. Desc. matérielle: xiii, 546 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 479-529) and index. HT 921 S36 2009 ISBN: 9780521198882 (hbk.) $85.00 ISBN: 0521198887 (hbk.) Auteur: Kisner, Matthew J., 1974Titre: Spinoza on human freedom : reason, autonomy and the good life / Matthew J. Kisner. Éditeur: Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011. Desc. matérielle: xi, 261 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 248-256) and index. Dépouil. complet: Introduction: beyond therapy -- 1. Freedom as rationality -- 2. Justifying Spinoza's conception of freedom -- 3. Autonomy and responsibility -- 4. Freedom and happiness -- 5. The good -- 6. The natural law -- 7. Benevolence -- 8. The free man -- 9. Rational deliberation -- 10. The character of freedom -- 11. The freedom of the citizen -- Conclusion: 'the true freedom of man'. JC 585 K57 2011 ISBN: 9788884837936 (br.) ISBN: 8884837936 (br.) Auteur: Vinale, Adriano. Titre: Organismo democratico : tre saggi spinoziani / Adriano Vinale. Éditeur: Milano : Ghibli, c2008. Desc. matérielle: 150 p. ; 21 cm. Collection: (Spinoziana ; 15) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 139-150). JS 163 S8V56 2008 Nom de collect.: Law Reform Commission of Ireland. Titre: Report on recognition of foreign divorces and legal separations / The Law Reform Commission = An Coimisiún um Athchóiriú an Dlí. Éditeur: Dublin : Law Reform Commission, 1985. Desc. matérielle: v, 38 p. ; 21 cm. Collection: (LRC / The Law Reform Commission ; 10, 1985) Note générale: Includes the text of the 1970 Convention on the Recognition of Divorces and Legal Separations. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 38). KDK 180 D59I74 1985 ISBN: 1552210065 Auteur: Pirie, Andrew J. Titre: Alternative dispute resolution : skills, science, and the law / Andrew J. Pirie. Éditeur: Toronto : Irwin Law, 2000. Desc. matérielle: xvii, 437 p. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Canadian legal skills) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 106 sur 114 2013-02-26 Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. KE 8615 P57 2000 ISBN: 9780674046542 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 0674046544 (pbk. : alk paper) Auteur: Gordon, Sarah Barringer, 1955Titre: The spirit of the law : religious voices and the Constitution in modern America / Sarah Barringer Gordon. Éditeur: Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: x, 316 p., [20] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-297) and index. Dépouil. complet: The new constitutional world -- The worship of idols -- The almighty and the dollar -- Faith as liberation -- Holy war -- Covenants of love. KF 358 G67 2010 ISBN: 0779838343 ISBN: 9780779838349 Titre: The law standards, and ethics in the practice of psychology / [edited by] David R. Evans. Éditeur: Toronto : Carswell, c2011. Desc. matérielle: xxxv, 581 p. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Previous ed. published by E. Montgomery. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Law, standards, and ethics in the practice of of psychology / David R. Evans -- The regulation of psychology in Alberta / Michael C. King -- The regulation of psychology in British Columbia / Andrea M. Kowaz and Amy S. Janeck -- Regulation of psychology in Newfoundland and Laborador / John C. Garland -- The regulation of psychology in Ontario / Catherine J. S. Yarrows and Peter J. Osborne -- Dual relationships: managing the boundaries / Margaret T. Hearn -Informed consent / David R. Evans -- Confidentiality / Nina Josefowitz -- Client information and records / David R. Evans -- Practice in the custody and access domain / David R. Evans -- Practice with young offenders and adult correctional clients / Alan D. W. Leschied and J. Stephen Wormith -- Business aspects of practice / Daivd R. Evans -- The practioner as expert witness / Michele S. Macartney-Filgate and W. Gary Snow -- Malpractice: action and counteraction / M. Michele Koyle. KF 2910 P75E92 2011 Auteur: Gourdon, Claude. Titre: La notion de cause de divorce étudiée dans ses rapports avec la faute / par Claude Gourdon ; préface de J. Carbonnier. Éditeur: Paris : Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1963. Desc. matérielle: 289 p. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Bibliothèque de droit privé ; t. 45) Note générale: Dons - BNC. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [273]-280). KJV 834 F38G68 1963 ISBN: 9780415560825 (pbk.) ISBN: 0415560829 (pbk.) Auteur: Macfarlane, Bruce, 1961Titre: Intellectual leadership in higher education : renewing the role of the university professor / Bruce Macfarlane. Éditeur: Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge ; London : Together with the Society for Research into Higher Education, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xii, 160 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Research into higher education) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [141]-150) and index. LB 1778 M24 2012 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 107 sur 114 2013-02-26 Auteur: Thums, Jorge. Titre: Estudo dos sentimentos de professores universitários do Rio Grande do Sul sobre a realização profissional docente : uma análise psicopedagógica / Jorge Thums. Éditeur: Salamanca : Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Facultad de Ciencias da Educación, 1998. Desc. matérielle: 154 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note générale: "Extracto de la tesis presentada para la obtención del grado de Doctor. Facultad de Ciencias Da Educación." Note générale: Extrait de thèse (de doctorat) de l'auteur--Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 1998. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [135]-146). LB 2331.65 B6T48 1998 ISBN: 9780470531075 (pbk.) ISBN: 047053107X (pbk.) Titre: The handbook for student leadership development / Susan R. Komives ... [et al.]. Partie du titre: Student leadership development Éditeur: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2011. Desc. matérielle: xxviii, 416 p. ; 28 cm. Collection: (The Jossey-Bass Higher and adult education series) Note générale: "National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs"--Cover. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and indexes. Dépouil. complet: Advancing Leadership Education / Susan R. Komives -Part 1: Foundations of Leadership Education -Leadership Theories / John P. Dugan, Susan R. Komives -- Research on College Student Leadership Development / John P. Dugan -- Considerations of Student Development in Leadership / Wendy Wagner -Considerations of Student Learning in Leadership / Julie E. Owen -- Part 2: Program Design -Establishing and Advancing a Leadership Program / Jan Arminio -- Inclusive Design / Art Munin, John P. Dugan -- Assessment and Evaluation / Julie E. Owen -Funding Leadership Program Models / Paige Haber -Curricular Programs / Felicia Mainella, Marlena Martinez Love -- Cocurricular Programs / Jennifer A. Smist -- Part 4: Program Delivery -- Powerful Pedagogies / Cara Meixner, Dave Rosch -Considerations for Culture and Social Identity Dimensions / Daniel T. Ostick, Vernon A. Wall -Contemporary Topics in Leadership / Wendy Wagner, Kristan Cilente. LB 2342.92 K65 2011 ISBN: 9781412974271 (pbk.) ISBN: 1412974275 (pbk.) Auteur: Lumby, Jacky. Titre: Leadership as lunacy : and other metaphors for educational leadership / Jacky Lumby and Fenwick W. English. Éditeur: Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xiv, 156 p. ; 26 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 129-146) and index. Dépouil. complet: The presence and power of metaphors -- Leadership as machine -- Leadership as accounting -- Leadership as war -- Leadership as sport -- Leadership as theater -Leadership as religion -- Leadership as lunacy -Metaphors of leadership. LB 2806 L84 2010 ISBN: 9781848930384 (hbk.) ISBN: 1848930380 (hbk.) Auteur: Tenbus, Eric G. Titre: English Catholics and the education of the poor, 1847-1902 / by Eric G. Tenbus. Éditeur: London : Pickering & Chatto, 2010. Desc. matérielle: viii, 209 p. ; 24 cm. Collection: (Perspectives in economic and social history ; 5) Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 108 sur 114 2013-02-26 Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 191-202) and index. LC 506 G7T45 2010 Auteur: Côté, Wilfrid, 1921Titre: L'éducation ouvrière dans les syndicats catholiques du diocèse de Sherbrooke de 1918 à 1956 / auctore, R.D. Wilphrido Côté. Éditeur: Roma : Typis Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae, 1965. Desc. matérielle: xx, 115 p. ; 24 cm. Note générale: En tête de titre: Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana. Institutum Scientiarum Socialium. Note générale: Extrait de la thèse de l'auteur. Note générale: "Excerpta ex dissertatione ad Lauream in Instituto Scientiarum Socialium. Pontificae Universitatis Gregorianae." Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [xiii]-xvii). LC 5054 C6 1965 ISBN: 0787975249 (paper/CD) $47.00 ISBN: 9780787975241 (paper/CD) Auteur: Barbazette, Jean, 1943Titre: The art of great training delivery : strategies, tools, and tactics / Jean Barbazette. Éditeur: San Francisco, CA : Pfeiffer, c2006. Desc. matérielle: xvii, 228 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.) Collection: (The skilled trainer series) Collection: (Pfeiffer essential resources for training and HR professionals) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 221-222) and index. Dépouil. complet: Facilitate the Best Learning Experiences -- How Effective Is Your Training Style? -- Climate Setting -- Why Lecturing Is Not Always Appropriate -Discussion and Facilitation -- Facilitating Inventories, Activities, Games, and Simulations -- How to Facilitate Case Studies -- Facilitate Role Playing for Success -- How to Conduct Effective and Safe Demonstrations -- Conduct, Administer, and Facilitate Tests -- Audiovisual Support -- Online Facilitation -Handle Problem Learners Effectively -- What Trainers Need to Do Outside the Classroom. LC 5225 L42B37 2006 LC 5225 L42B37 2006 ISBN: 1606080679 (pbk.) ISBN: 9781606080672 (pbk.) Auteur: Smith, Brett H. Titre: Labor's millennium : Christianity, industrial education, and the founding of the University of Illinois / Brett H. Smith. Éditeur: Eugene, Or. : Pickwick Publications, c2010. Desc. matérielle: xi, 188 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Collection: (Princeton theological monograph series ; 124) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 173-188). Dépouil. complet: A good time coming on the blessed green earth -Reversing the curse -- Men, not monks -- Liturgies for learning and labor -- Preaching labor's millennium. LD 2378 S65 2010 Auteur: Kortschmaryk, Frank B. Titre: The Kievan Academy and its role in the organization of education in Russia at the turn of the seventeenth century / by Frank B. Kortschmaryk. Éditeur: New York : Shevchenko Scientific Society, 1976. Desc. matérielle: 95 p. : ill., facsims. ; 25 cm. Collection: (Shevchenko Scientific Society. Ukrainian studies. English Section ; v. 13) Collection: (The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection) Note générale: The Ukrainian Redemptorist Fathers Collection. Note générale: At head of title: Shevchenko Scientific Society = Société scientifique Sevcenko = Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 109 sur 114 2013-02-26 Sevcenko-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 89-91) and index. LF 4449.27 K67 1976 ISBN: 9788437625867 (br) ISBN: 8437625866 (br) Auteur: Blázquez, José María. Titre: Cristianismo y mitos clásicos en el arte moderno / José María Blázquez. Éditeur: Madrid : Cátedra, 2009. Desc. matérielle: 400 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Collection: (Historia. Serie menor) Note bibliogr.: Comprend des bibliographies. N 6490 B538 2009 ISBN: 9781570759727 (pbk.) ISBN: 1570759723 (pbk.) Auteur: Beckett, Wendy, Sister, 1930Titre: Sister Wendy's Bible treasury : stories and wisdom through the eyes of the world's great painters / Sister Wendy Beckett. Éditeur: Maryknoll, New York : Orbis Books, 2012. Desc. matérielle: x, 228 p. : col. ill. ; 19 cm Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references. ND 1430 B375 2012 ISBN: 9780199573004 (hbk) ISBN: 019957300X (hbk) Titre: Assertion : new philosophical essays / edited by Jessica Brown and Herman Cappelen. Éditeur: Oxford [England] ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 2011. Desc. matérielle: 300 p. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographies and index. Dépouil. complet: Assertion : an introduction and overview / Jessica Brown and Herman Cappelen -- Against Assertion / Herman Cappelen -- Conversational Score, Assertion, and Testimony / Max Kölbel -- What Is Assertion? / John MacFarlane -- Information and Assertoric Force / Peter Pagin -- The Essential Contextual / Sanford Goldberg -- Fallibilism and the Knowledge Norm for Assertion and Practical Reasoning / Jessica Brown -Putting the Norm of Assertion to Work : The Case of Testimony / Sanford Goldberg -- Truth-Relativism, Norm-Relativism, and Assertion / Patrick Greenough -Norms of Assertion / Jonathan L. Kvanvig -- Assertion and Isolated Second-Hand Knowledge / Jennifer Lackey -- Assertion, Norms, and Games / Ishani Maitra. P 95.55 A87 2011 ISBN: 1565846346 (pbk) ISBN: 9781565846340 (pbk) Auteur: McChesney, Robert Waterman, 1952Titre: Rich media, poor democracy : communication politics in dubious times; with a new preface by the author / Robert W. McChesney. Éditeur: New York: The New Press, 2000, c1999. Desc. matérielle: xii, 427 p. ; 25 cm. Collection: (History of communication) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [321]-394) and index. P 95.82 U6M38 2000 ISBN: 9782761729727 (br.) ISBN: 2761729722 (br.) Auteur: Fortier, Dominique, 1969Titre: Parce que : un guide d'autocorrection du français écrit / Dominique Fortier, Suzanne Beauchemin. Éditeur: Anjou, Québec : Éditions CEC, 2011. Desc. matérielle: viii, 190 p. ; 28 cm. Note générale: Comprend un index. Note bibliogr.: Bibliographie: p. 183-184. PC 2112.5 F67 2011 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 110 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 9782757811795 (br.) ISBN: 2757811797 (br.) Auteur: Confucius, ca 551-ca 479. Titre: Préceptes de vie / Confucius ; textes choisis par Alexis Lavis. Éditeur: Paris : Presses du Châtelet, C2008. Desc. matérielle: 209 p. ; 18 cm. Collection: (Sagesses ; 251) Note bibliogr.: Bibliographie: p. 209-[210]. PL 2479 C7 2008 ISBN: 9781557258014 (pbk.) ISBN: 1557258015 (pbk.) Auteur: Gorday, Peter J. Titre: François Fénelon : a biography--the apostle of pure love / Peter J. Gorday. Éditeur: Brewster, Massachusetts : Paraclete Press, 2012. Desc. matérielle: xxix, 255 p. ; 23 cm Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-250) and index. PQ 1796 G55 2012 ISBN: 9782896462728 (br.) Auteur: Vigneault, Gilles, 1928Titre: Vigneault : un pays intérieur / Pierre Maisonneuve ; en collaboration avec Josée Latulippe. Éditeur: Montréal : Novalis, c2012. Desc. matérielle: 142, [2] p. : ill. ; 23 cm Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. [143]). PQ 3919.2 V5Z76 2012 ISBN: 0345404475 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780345404473 (pbk.) Auteur: Dick, Philip K., 1928-1982. Titre: Do androids dream of electric sheep? / Philip K. Dick ; [Introduction by Roger Zelazny.] Éditeur: New York : Ballantine Books, 1996, c1968. Desc. matérielle: x, 244 p. ; 21 cm. Note générale: "A Del Rey book." Note générale: "The inspiration for Blade runner"--Cover. PS 3554.13 D6 1996 ISBN: 0920080537 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780920080535 (pbk.) Titre: Women and words : the anthology = Les femmes et les mots : une anthologie / edited by the West Coast Editorial Collective. Titre de la couv.: Women & words Éditeur: Madeira Park, B.C. : Harbour Pub. Co., 1984. Desc. matérielle: 264 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Note générale: English and French. PS 8235 F4W872 1984 ISBN: 9782923694115 (br.) ISBN: 2923694112 (br.) Auteur: Gagnon, Claude, 1944Titre: L'image de Dieu : la véritable histoire du Suaire de Turin / Claude Gagnon, Jean Lauzon. Éditeur: [Montréal] : Bellarmin, 2009. Desc. matérielle: 248 p. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Sur la couv.: Roman. PS 8563 A2957I42 2009 ISBN: 038001159X (pbk.) ISBN: 9780380011599 (pbk.) Auteur: Clark, Ronald William, 1916-1987. Titre: Einstein : the life and times / Ronald W. Clark. Éditeur: New York : Avon Books, 1972, c1971. Desc. matérielle: 878 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. Note générale: Dons - Varia. Note générale: "A Discus book." Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 765-783) and index. QC 16 E5C5 1972 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 111 sur 114 2013-02-26 ISBN: 9780792325550 (hbk.) ISBN: 0792325559 (hbk.) Titre: Theological developments in bioethics : 1990-1992 / the Center for Ethics, Medicine and Public Issues ; edited by B. Andrew Lustig ...[et al.]. Éditeur: Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1993. Desc. matérielle: xii, 306 p. ; 26 cm. Collection: (Bioethics yearbook ; v. 3) Note générale: Dons - BNC - DG. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. QH 332 B56Y42 1991- 3 ISBN: 9780262516594 (pbk.) ISBN: 0262516594 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780262123105 (hbk. : alk. paper) ISBN: 026212310X (hbk. : alk. paper) Titre: The anatomy of bias : how neural circuits weigh the options / Jan Lauwereyns. Éditeur: Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2010. Desc. matérielle: xviii, 262 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [233]-254) and index. Dépouil. complet: Prelude: a double inheritance, a single question -Bayes and bias -- Wish come true -- Fear materialized -- The familiarity fallacy -- The proximity trap -Less is more -- Utopia -- a world without bias -Coda: the pleasure of prediction error. QP 363.3 L38 2010 Titre: History of the Mattawa General Hospital, 1878-1978 / by the ladies of the Mattawa Hospital Auxiliary = L'histoire de l'Hôpital général de Mattawa, 1878-1978 / par les dames auxiliaires de l'Hôpital général de Mattawa. Titre parallèle: Histoire de l'Hôpital général de Mattawa, 1878-1978 Éditeur: [Mattawa, Ont.] : [Mattawa Hospital Auxiliary], [1978] Desc. matérielle: 27, 27 p. : ill., ports. ; 22 cm. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. Langue: Text in French on inverted pages. RA 983 M2 1978 Titre: Un héritage de courage et d'amour, 1873-1973, ou, La petite histoire de l'Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu à Longue Pointe. Partie du titre: Petite histoire de l'Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu à Longue Pointe Éditeur: [Montréal] : [Soeurs de la Providence], 1975. Desc. matérielle: 119 p. : ill., portr., fac-sim. ; 21 cm. Note générale: Dons - B.N.C. RC 448 Q43M65S64 1975 ISBN: 9780195374216 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN: 0195374215 (cloth : alk. paper) Titre: Oxford textbook of psychopathology / edited by Paul H. Blaney & Theodore Millon. Partie du titre: Textbook of psychopathology Éditeur: New York ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 2009. Desc. matérielle: xii, 826 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. Collection: (Oxford series in clinical psychology) Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references and index. Dépouil. complet: Pt. I. Foundations -- 1. Brief History of Psychopathology / Theodore Millon -- 2. Classification / Roger K. Blashfield, Jared W. Keeley and Danny R. Burgess -- 3. Developmental Pathogenesis / Theodore Millon -- 4. Studying Psychopathology / Michael L. Raulin and Scott O. Lilienfeld -- Pt. II. Major Axis I Syndromes -- 5. Anxiety Disorders: Panic and Phobias / Steven Taylor, Brian J. Cox and Gordon J. G. Asmundson -- 6. Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder / Timothy A. Brown and Amy E. Lawrence -- 7. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder / Richard J. McNally -- 8. Mood Disorders: Biological Bases / Sheri L. Johnson, Jutta Joormann, Joelle LeMoult and Christopher Miller -- 9. Depression: Social and Cognitive Aspects / Rick E. Ingram, Walter Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 112 sur 114 2013-02-26 D. Scott and Sarah Hamill -- 10. Substance Abuse: Etiological Considerations / Robert O. Pihl -- 11. Substance Abuse: Diagnosis, Cornorbidiry, and Psychopathology / Susan R. Tate, Michelle L. Dropkin and Sandra A. Brown -- 12. Schizophrenia: Etiology and Neurocognition / Barbara A. Comblatt, Michael F. Green, Elaine F. Walker and Vijay A. Mittal -- 13. Schizophrenia: Interpersonal Functioning / Jill M. Hooley -- 14. Paranoid and Delusional Disorders / Paul H. Blaney -- Pt. III. Other Axis I Syndromes -- 15. Sexual Dysfunctions / Donald S. Strassberg and Michael A. Perelman -- 16. Eating Disorders / Howard Steiger and Kenneth R. Bruce -- 17. Dissociative Disorders / Onno van der Hart and Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis -- 18. Somatoform Disorders / Thea K. Bouman and Georg H. Eifert -- 19. Sleep/Wake Disorders / Charles M. Morin and Jack D. Edinger -- 20. Sexual Disorders / James M. Cantor, Ray Blanchard and Howard Barbaree -- Pt. IV. Axis II Disorders -- 21. Personality and Its Disorders: Structural Models, Mathematical Methods, and Theoretical Conceptions / Theodore Millon -- 22. Schizoid and Avoidant Personality Disorders / David P. Bernstein, Arnaud Arntz and Laura Travaglini -- 23. Dependent and Histrionic Personality Disorders / Robert F. Bornstein and Iris L. Maika -- 24. Psychopathy / Robert D. Hare and Craig S. Neumann -25. Sadistic Personality Disorder / Michael H. Stone, Jeremy R. Butler and Kathleen M. Young -- 26. Obsessive-Compulsive and Negativistic Personality Disorders / Joseph T. McCann -- 27. Schizotypic Psychopathology: Theory, Evidence, and Future Directions / Mark F. Lenzenweger -- 28. Borderline Personality Disorder / Joel Paris -- 29. Depressive Personality Disorder / Daniel N. Klein and Melissa L. Bessaha -- 30. Narcissistic Personality Disorder / Elsa Ronningstam. RC 454 O94 2009 ISBN: 9781433804298 (hbk.) ISBN: 1433804298 (hbk.) Auteur: Plante, Thomas G. Titre: Spiritual practices in psychotherapy / Thomas G. Plante. Éditeur: Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, c2009. Desc. matérielle: xx, 241 p. ; 26 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 183-230) and index. Dépouil. complet: Religion-spirituality in the practice and science of psychology -- Thirteen tools from religious-spiritual thought : definitions and philosophical grounding -Assessment issues -- Internal religious-spiritual tools -- External and other religious-spiritual tools -- Five ethical values to guide professional behavior -- Special circumstances : seven types of clients -Consultation with religious professionals : an often-overlooked tool -- Best practices in action -Next steps : focused research and training. RC 455.4 R4P63 2009 ISBN: 1593851391 (alk. paper) ISBN: 9781593851392 (alk. paper) Titre: Mindfulness and psychotherapy / edited by Christopher K. Germer, Ronald D. Siegel, Paul R. Fulton. Éditeur: New York : Guilford Press, c2005. Desc. matérielle: xviii, 333 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Note bibliogr.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 297-321) and index. Dépouil. complet: Mindfulness : what is it? What does it matter? / Christopher K. Germer -- Buddhist and Western psychology : seeking common ground / Paul R. Fulton and Ronald D. Siegel -- Mindfulness as clinical training / Paul R. Fulton -- Cultivating attention and empathy / William D. Morgan and Susan T. Morgan -Relational psychotherapy, relational mindfulness / Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 113 sur 114 2013-02-26 Janet L. Surrey -- Teaching mindfulness in therapy / Christopher K. Germer -- Depression : turning toward life / Stephanie P. Morgan -- Anxiety disorders, befriending fear / Christopher K. Germer -Psychological disorders : embracing pain / Ronald D. Siegel -- Working with children : beginner's mind / Trudy A. Goodman -- Mindfulness research / Sara W. Lazer -- Roots of mindfulness / Andrew Olendzki -Positive psychology : awakening to the fullness of life / Charles W. Styron. RC 489 M43M56 2005 Auteur: Dalsace, Jean, 1893-1970. Titre: La contraception : problèmes biologiques et psychologiques / par Jean Dalsace et Raoul Palmer. Éditeur: Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1967. Desc. matérielle: viii, 215 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. Collection: (La science vivante) Note générale: Dons - BNC. Note bibliogr.: Comprend des références bibliographiques (p. 211-213). RG 136 D25C65 1967 Nouveautés – New Arrivals Page 114 sur 114 2013-02-26