CORINNE VIONNET - exhibitions.


CORINNE VIONNET - exhibitions.
© EAST WING 2014, #12 Limestone House, DIFC, Dubai, UAE
CORINNE VIONNET - exhibitions.
Solo Exhibitions
Di Lé, Espace Vallet, Vercorin, Switzerland
Photo Opportunities, Danziger Gallery, New York ,
PhotoPhnomPenh, (curated by Christian Caujolle), Cambodia
GetxoPhoto, (curated by Christian Caujolle), Spain
De la même étoffe que nos songes, Chapelle des Paulines, Estivales photographiques du Trégor,
Tréguier, France
Photo Opportunities, Oslo 8 gallery, Basel, Switzerland
Photo Opportunities, WM Turner gallery, Atlanta Celebrates Photography, curated by Susan Todd-Raque,
Atlanta, USA,
Recueil-Babylone, Galerie de la Ferme d’en haut, curated by ‘Destin Sensible’, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Photo Opportunities, The Empty Quarter Gallery, Dubai, UAE
Group Exhibitions (selection)
'Gelatin Silver Print is Dead!' (curated by Jonas Tebib), Hilger Next Galerie, Vienna, Austria
'Hit the Road", (Organised by Alison Nordstrom), Fotofestiwal Lodz, Poland
'Impermanence, le Valais en Mouvement', Musées Cantonaux, Le Pénitencier, Sion, Switzerland
'Seeing the Elephant', Sandra and David Bakalar Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
'Mijn Vlakke Land', FotoMuseum, Antwerp, Belgium
'Devenir Suisse', Maison Tavel, les Musées d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva, Switzerland
'Wonderful Lies', Danziger Gallery, New York, New York, USA
'Imagine Japan', Musée d'Ethnographie, Neuchatel, Switzerland
'Icones', Musées des Beaux-Arts de Liége, Pixels of Paradise, Image & Believe; 9th International Biennal
of photography and visual arts, Liége, Belgium
'Do You speak Tourist? Quand les Photographes décodent les clichés', Musée d’art de Pully, (curated by
Pauline Martin and Astrid Berglund, Switzerland
'Nouveau Paysage', Binome gallery, Paris
'Lemancolia', Musée Jenisch, (curated by Dominique Radrizzani), Vevey, Switzerland
'Panorama del Paisaje', Fotográfica Bogotá, Alonso Garcés galeria, Bogotá, Colombia
'D’Ara Endavant (From Here On)', Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona, Spain
'Les 10 Ans d’IMAGES, Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France
Jules Itier, Centre Culturel de Chine, Paris
'Future, Get It Louder', Biennal, (curated by Erik Kessels), Beijing, China
'Passage', Musée Départemental, Photaumnales, Beauvais, France
'Made In... Indentité et Art Contemporain', Valais Art Museum, Le Pénitencier, (curated by Diane
Antille), Sion, Switzerland,
'From Here On', FotoMuseum, Antwerp, Belgium
'Metropolis 2.0, City Life in the Urban Age', at The Empty Quarter, Dubai, (coproduction with
'From Here On', Les Rencontres d’Arles, (curated by Clément Chéroux, Joan Fontcuberta, Erik
Kessels, Martin Parr, Joachim Schmid), Arles, France
Month of Photography, Museum of Contemporary Art and Redline, (curated by Mark Sink), Denver,
The Collector's Guide to New Art Photography, Vol. 2 Chelsea ArtsFoundation, New York, USA
Collatéral, Les Journées Photographiques, Biel, Switzerland
SIPF08 in Manila, Silverlens gallery, Manila, Philippines,
Sasha Wolf Gallery, (curated by Nymphoto), New York, USA,
'Complete Desire', Opal Gallery, (collaboration with William Boling, curated by Susan
Todd-Raque), Atlanta, USA
Singapore International Photography Festival, LaSalle College of the Arts, Singapore
Fotonoviembre, IX Bienal international de fotograf.a, Tenerife, Spain
'Accrochages', Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, Switzerland
Europa l’Esprit des Villes, Septembre de la Photographie, Lyon, France
Renc’arts, Malves Castle, Malves-en-Minervois, France
Art Fairs
Photo London, Danziger Gallery, UK
AIPAD, Danziger Gallery, New York, USA
PULSE Miami, Danziger Gallery, Miami Florida, USA
Photo London, Danziger Gallery, UK
AIPD, Danziger Gallery, New York, USA
FOG Art + Design Fair, Danziger Gallery San Francisco, California, USA
PULSE Miami, Danziger Gallery, Miami, Florida USA
Paris Photo, Grand Palais, Danziger Gallery, Paris, France
Paris Photo, Los Angeles, Danziger, Gallery, Los Angeles California, USA
Unseen Photo Fair, East Wing / Dubai, Amsterdam, Netherlands
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California USA
Musée d'Art duValais, Sion, Switzerland
Musée d'Art, Pully, Switzerland
L'Imagerie, Lannion, France
Musée Francais de la Photographie, Biévres, France
Centro De Fotografia, Tenerife, Spain
Private Collections
'Hit the Road', Fotofestiwal Lodz (catalog)
'Di Lé, Du Glacier du Rhone au Lac Léman', Fondation Vallet, Vercorin, Switzerland (monologue
'Viajes', GetxoPhoto, by Christian Caujolle, Basque country, Spain, (catalog)
'Une Autre Histoire de la Photographie', Les Collections du Musée Francais de la
Photographie, Biévres, France, (catalog)
Devenir Suisse, Maison Tavel / Musées d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva, Switzerland, (catalog)
Photography Vol. 4: The Contemporary Era 1981-2013, by Charlotte Cotton (Author),
Okwui Enwezor (Author), Thomas Weski (Author), Francesco Zanot (Author), Walter
Guadagnini (Editor), published by Skira, 2014
Art and the Internet, by Phoebe Stubbs (Editor), Domenico Quaranta (Contributor), Joanne McNeil
(Contributor), Nick Lambert (Contributor), Black Dog Publishing
Les Hétérotopies Numériques de Corinne Vionnet et d’AES, Entre Monument et Indifférence
by Michéle Galéa, “Images numériques?”, Presse Universitaire de Provence
ScreenDump #2, by Suzan Geldhoff and Karin Krijgsman, Netherlands
'Pixels of Paradise. Image and Belief', 9th International Biennial of Photography and Visual
Arts, Liége, Belgium, (catalog)
Do you speak tourist? Art Museum, Pully, Switzerland, Infolio, (catalog)
'Imagine Japan, Ethnography Museum', Neuchatel, Switzerland, (catalog)
Visiteurs Photographes, sciences humaines et sociales, by Serge Chaumier, Anne Krebs,Mélanie
Roustan, Documentation Francaise
'From Here On, D’ara endavant'. RM Verlag, Barcelona, (catalog)
Lemancolia, trait. artistique du, de Dominique Radrizzani, Les Editions Noir Sur Blanc,
MAO, by Claude Hudelot and Guy Gallice, Horizons edition, UK
Extra, From Here On, FotoMuseum, Antwerp, (catalog)
Jules Itier, Premi.res photographies de la Chine - 1844, catalog for the exhibition at the Centre
Culturel de Chine in Paris and in Beijing, (catalog)
Light and Lens: Photography in the Digital Age, by Robert Hirsch, 2nd edition
'Photo Opportunities', published by Kehrer Verlag, foreword by Madeline Yale, (monograph)
From Here On, (catalog)
Les Rencontres d’Arles, France, (catalog)
The Collector’s Guide to New Art Photography, Vol.2, Humble Arts Foundation, USA
2008 Culturas, Madrid, Spain
Vevey, Ville d’Images, Switzerland
Singapore International Photography Festival, (catalog)
IX Bienal international de fotografía, Tenerife, Spain, (catalog), p.175-178