Assemblée générale de la CICA General Assembly of CICA
Assemblée générale de la CICA General Assembly of CICA
Assemblée générale de la CICA General Assembly of CICA Lisbonne, du 9 au 10 octobre 2009 Sommaire / Summary René Carron Président de la CICA, Président de Crédit Agricole SA Discours d’ouverture Dr Paulo Macedo Chairman of Fenacam, Federation of Co-operative banks, Portugal Welcome address Dr António Monteiro Ambassador Portugal’s geopolitics Dr João da Costa Pinto Chairman of the Executive Board of the Central Co-operative bank The co-operative banking system in Portugal Dr João Salgueiro Economist The national banking system Dr Carlos Costa Vice-President of European Investment Bank (BEI) Banking syste: recent evolution, financing of the economy and regulation Prof Pedro Duarte Neves Vice Governor of the Bank of Portugal Banks and the financing of the economy CICA. Confédération Internationale du Crédit Agricole, Staubstrasse 1, 8038 Zurich +41 44 291 05 75 (phone) + 41 44 291 07 66 (fax) [email protected] Dr Luis Capoulas Santos Eurodeputy and member of the Agriculture and Rural Development Commission, former Minister of Agriculture and Fishing industry Development policy for the agricultural sector Enga Teresa Mata Expert for the National Federation of Cooperative Wine Cellars The Portuguese wine sector Climate change risks – The main issues of the Copenhagen summit What challenges and responsibilities will the agricultural sector face tomorrow? Round table discussion Mme Amy Dahan Directeur de recherche au CNRS et directeur adjoint du Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris Domenico Vento General Coordinator of the Agroscenarios Project, Rome Stepahne Bellon Agronome, Ingénieur de recherche INRA (Institut national pour la recherche agronomique) et coordonnateur de projets nationaux, Avignon Dr. Manuel Canaveira de Campos Honourable member of OCPLP, Cooperative Organisation of Portuguese-speaking countries and former President of the Institute of the Portuguese Cooperative Sector Strategic cooperation with Portuguese speaking African countries Dr Fernando Garcia Representative of the General Secretariat Ibero-American (SEGIB), Madrid The Ibero-American cooperation Ing Vicente Caruz Middleton Chairman of Inversiones Norte Sur, President of the European Community-Chilean Centre and former Chairman of Banco del Desarollo de Chile Cooperation between Europe and Latin America Dr Rui Boavista Marques Representative of the Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal Cooperation with Latin America, focus on Portugal’s privileged relations with Brazil CICA. Confédération Internationale du Crédit Agricole, Staubstrasse 1, 8038 Zurich +41 44 291 05 75 (phone) + 41 44 291 07 66 (fax) [email protected]