Alliance Française de Cairns
Alliance Française de Cairns
Alliance Française de Cairns Website: Email: [email protected] May 2014 Tel.: 0488 765 550 The Alliance Francaise de Cairns 2014 French Film Festival The French Film Festival held recently was attended and enjoyed by over 600 people. (Ticket sales were 638). Very special thanks go to our sponsors – Motoco Group, Skindoc+or, End Credits and Visit my French Village. Congratulations and thank you to Annette Gaborit for organising a very successful Festival. ‘ French Card Night st Friday 23 May at 6.30pm The Environmental Centre at Edge Hill State School 254 Pease Street Please use the staff Car Park entrance on Russell Street Cost: $10 members - $15 non members Please book by Wednesday 21 May for catering purposes You can pay online to our account with Westpac: BSB 034 167 Account: 377 200 (Don't forget to mention your name so we can identify your payment!). Then email us at [email protected] giving us your name and seats required. Upcoming Events – Just a reminder our next event will be a Triva Night which will be held on Friday 20 June " To view photos in full size and for downloads, visit our website French Classes Classes commenced on the 28 April We have 29 students this term, 3 classes (French for Travelers, Level 4 & Advanced) Next term starts from July 21 (Deadline enrolments: 11 July) Check our website (Learn French page) for all details about classes. La France en OZ Les conseillers consulaires, de nouveaux représentants pour les Français de l’étranger Le scrutin 2014 pour les Français établis hors de France comporte une nouveauté avec l’élection de nouveaux représentants : les conseillers consulaires. Avant 2012, les Français de l’étranger étaient représentés par 12 sénateurs et 155 conseillers à l’Assemblée des Français de l’étranger. Lors des élections législatives de 2012, les Français établis hors de France ont pu, pour la première fois, élire 11 députés pour les représenter à l’Assemblée nationale. A partir de 2014, l’élection des conseillers consulaires complètera la représentation des Français de l’étranger par un dispositif de proximité. Ils siègeront dans des conseils consulaires réunis sous la présidence du chef de poste diplomatique ou consulaire au moins deux fois par an, en fonction du volume de sujets à traiter. Les conseils consulaires participeront à la mise en place des politiques conduites pour les Français de l’étranger (enseignement, aides sociales, emploi et formation professionnelle, etc.). Les 443 conseillers consulaires constitueront la majeure partie du collège électoral chargé d’élire les sénateurs des Français de l’étranger Lily of the Valley a French tradition. May 1st is Labor Day in France, and is also the day where the French celebrate spring by offering small sprigs of muguet (Lilies of the Valley) as a porte bonheur (good luck charm) to those who hold a special place in their hearts.. Since May 1st is the only time of the year when people can sell flowers on the street without having to buy a permit, muguets are everywhere The scent of the muguet actually makes the rush-hour metro ride bearable. FOR MORE NEWS & PHOTOS, JOIN US ON facebook … AND LIKE US! Regular Events and French News Café Blah Blah If you would like to join in on some fun French conversation and coffee, come down to Dundee’s (Harbour Lights) every Saturday morning from 11 am. Radio FM 89.1 Every Monday from 6 - 8pm, French news, current affairs. Music from France and French speaking countries, and everything French in Cairns. Tune in on Cairns FM 89.1. SBS Television – French News LE JOURNAL – French News SBS One: 8.40 am (Monday to Saturday) SBS Two: 5.00 am (Monday to Saturday) Full details of programs can be found at The Alliance Française de Cairns is proudly sponsored by… We thank them all for their ongoing support!
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Annual General Meeting – 22 February at Cominos House
Café Blah Blah Blah
If you would like to join in on
some fun French conversation
and coffee, come down to
Dundee’s (Harbour Lights)
every Saturday morning from
11 am.