Compétences à évaluer • Compétence


Compétences à évaluer • Compétence
Année scolaire 2010-2011
Composition du 1er trimestre
Classe : 2nde I
Durée : 2H
Compétences à évaluer
 Compétence disciplinaire n°2 : Réaction de façon précise et
appropriée à des messages lus ou entendus
 Compétence disciplinaire n°3 : Produire de façon appropriée des
textes de types et de fonctions variés
IRéaction à un texte écrit
Contexte :
Les ressources naturelles jouent un rôle très important dans la vie
quotidienne. Ici, tu auras à réagir par rapport aux modes de
conservation de ces ressources.
Tâche : Après avoir lu le texte tu montreras que tu l’as compris en :
- reconnaissant des détails du texte
- exprimant tes appréciations personnelles sur le texte ;
- manipulant ta maîtrise de certains mots du texte
- reformulant des passages du texte de façon personnelle
Text :
‘’What is conversation? Asked Mr Udoh. No one knew the answer. Mr
Udoh tried another question
‘’From where do we get coal, tin, diamonds, and oil ? he asked.
‘From under the ground, replied Chidi. All minerals are under the
ground and men dig mines or drill holes to reach them.
‘Correct, replied the teacher. Now from where do we get fish?
Many hands shot up. ‘From rivers, lakes and the sea, they all shouted.
‘And timber?’
‘From forests’.
‘Suppose we continue removing all these things at a fast rate than we
replace them’ asked the teacher. What happens then? Once again
everyone shouted out the answer.
‘There’ll be nothing left….. Everything will get used up …. No more fish
in the sea….. ‘’ No more trees ….. ‘’No more oil…..
Right, said Mr Udoh. Now in the past, we have only used small
quantities of these things, but in the last fifty years we have been using
up our resources at an alarming rate to make our lives more
comfortable. At last people are realising that this can’t go on. We must
replace the resources where possible as quickly as we use them up. This
is called ‘’conservation’’. How, for instance, can we conserve water?
‘’by building dams, sir, ‘’said Ada, ‘’like the one on the River Nile in
‘’Tell me more, ‘said Mr Udoh.
‘’Egypt is a very dry land, sir continued Ada. All the people depended
entirely on the annual flood for irrigation, but much of the water was
wasted because it all came at once. Therefore, it was important to store
the flood water so that it could be used gradually throughout the year.
As a result, the Aswan Dam was built. The reservoir created by this dam
extends for 200 km. It is used for irrigation and also to provide hydroelectric power. Also, it has improved fishing in that area.
‘’Well done, ‘’ said Mr Udoh. ‘’ Now in Nigeria we have a number of large
dams. The biggest is Kainji Dam but there is also a dam being built on
the Tige River and a small one at Gubi in Bauchi State. We shall need
many more to provide water and hydro-electric power for our people.’’
Item 1 : Say if these statements are true or false
1- fish and trees are not mineral resources
2- we can conserve timber by re-planting
3- dams conserve water for irrigation and hydro – electric power.
4- We are using our resources more quickly today than fifty years ago
Item 2 : answer these questions on the text
1- Give a short title to this text
2- How can we conserve water?
3- In which countries were dams built ?
4- What is the importance of dams?
Item 3: Find out from the underlined words in the text the opposite
of the following
1- wet
2- not give
3- not change
4- not protect
Item 4 : Write the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets
1- it is four years since Adèle (visit) us.
2- Before we (reach ) the station yesterday, he (leave).
3- Tell him to come as soon as you (see ) him
4- The class ( have ) a trip tomorrow
IILa production d’un texte de type particulier
Contexte :
Dans ton quartier, des individus se livrent à des activités
destructives d’arbres. Tu es invité (e ) à les convaincre à abandonner
cette activité.
Tu montreras ta compétence à produire un texte en
-respectant le contexte
-respectant la logique
-construisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes ;
-utilisant l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriées.
Consigne :
Write a paragraph to inform people about how useful trees are in
their lives
NB : No more than twenty (20) lines