

Entreprise etTechnologies de l'Information
Equipe enseignante : Prof M. Wentland Forte, Christophe Giraud-Carrier, Arnaud Dufour, Julie Kouzmina, Mélanie
Le "Manage Net"
Interesting Websites
- Searching on Internet
- Webcrawling with Yahoo
- Searching with Alta Vista
- Exploring the Net - Looking at the News
- Excite - Large database - Reviews of over 60,000 sites
- SpringerLink is the award-winning online database comprised of a growing roster of journals and book series in
Science, Technology and Medicine
- Lycos - Provides a large number of relevant hits
- MetaFind - Meta-Search Engine
- Pressed - Recherche dans la presse française
- Le Monde - Ce service d'archives vous permet d'avoir accès à l'ensemble des articles publiés dans le quotidien Le
Monde depuis 1987
- Google. - recherche par catégorie
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- Glancing at the Business Headlines
- New Economy Portal
- Business20.com
- Useit.com
- 1to1.com
- Uml.org
- Oreillynet.com
- Rational.com
- Extremeprogramming.org
- Finance
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- Paris Stock Exchange
- General science
- Scientific American
- Nature
- Banking
- Yahoo search on banking
(merci à Andréas Von Kaenel)
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