FIGARETO - Kanoni - Chronique des fouilles
FIGARETO - Kanoni - Chronique des fouilles
FIGARETO - Kanoni INFORMATIONS GÉNÉRALES CARTOGRAPHIE Numéro de notice 3292 Pays Année de l'opération 2002 Région Nature de Fouille - Sauvetage l'opération Η’ ΕΠΚΑ Institution(s) 2000 - 2000 - 2001 - 2001 2001 - 2002 Fiche(s) associée(s) Grèce Iles Ioniennes Préfecture Corfou Toponyme Corfou, Corcyra, Corfu, Korfu, Kerkyra Nom du site FIGARETO - Kanoni Secteur NOTICE Figareto, Kanoni (Konophaou B’ properties). A. Karamanou and J. Provata (Η’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on continuing excavation at a site which had previously revealed two building complexes on either side of an ancient main road. At least one further room of Building A was revealed, noting also walling of two building phases, plus further walls of building B including a well preserved doorway with a threshold block and lead clamps. Outside the buildings, beside the road, a wall likely belonged to an earlier construction phase. A central stone water channel covered with stone slabs ran east to west beneath the road. Finds include a bronze earring, sherds of Megarian bowls, numerous transport amphorae (not only Corfiot), a Classical lamp, a terracotta plaque with suspension holes, a round bone item probably from a musical instrument, and a terracotta dice. One hundred and sixty-two bronze coins were mostly from Corfu. Lampe - Monnaie - Parure/toilette - Os - Habitat Mots-clés Antiquité - Classique Chronologie BIBLIOGRAPHIE Référence bibliographique Auteur de la notice ADelt 56-59 (2001-2004) B5, 253-55. MORGAN Catherine IMAGES Fig. 1
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