S9 AMM - Catalogue des Formations


S9 AMM - Catalogue des Formations
Responsable / Responsible :
Ingénieur ENAC
Année scolaire
Minor « Aircraft Maintenance
Management »
Cette mineure est consacrée à préparer les futurs managers de l’industrie de l’entretien des avions
de la communauté aéronautique internationale à faire face aux défis techniques et économiques
d'aujourd'hui et futurs.
Compétences :
Techniques ;
Economiques ;
Commerciales ;
Marché :
Constructeurs avions et systèmes principalement pour les organisations d’après-vente
(support clients et services), bureau d’études ;
Autorités Aéronautiques ;
Opérateurs et leurs organisations techniques ;
Sociétés d’entretien des avions et leurs composants (MRO) ;
Sociétés de services qui travaillent dans le marché de l’entretien avion.
This minor is dedicated to prepare the future managers of the International Aviation Maintenance
Community to the industry today and future challenges.
Are of competences :
Main market :
Aircraft and System Manufacturers mainly for their Customer Support & Services
organizations but also for the design organization;
Airworthiness Authorities;
Operators for their Technical Organizations;
MRO (Maintenance and Repairs Organizations);
Service companies involved in the Maintenance business.
Pour en savoir plus / For more information : http://formations.enac.fr/fr/formations/feuilleter-le-catalogue/sciencestechnologies-sante-STS/formation-d-ingenieur-classique-FI/ingenieur-enac-program-47517.html
La plupart des sujets seront enseignés par des professionnels de haut niveau en provenance du milieu
international de la maintenance avion (Airbus, ATR, Thales, Snecma, AgustaWestland, Air France
Industries, IATA, l'EASA etc ....). Des visites seront organisées pour les installations d'entretien et
Le cours est divisé en trois sujets et un projet de synthèse :
MN5021 – Introduction à la gestion de l’entretien des avions ;
MN5022 – Organisation après ventes des constructeurs avions et systèmes ;
MN5023 – Organisation techniques des opérateurs et sociétés d’entretiens avions ;
MN5920 - Project de Synthèses.
Most of the subjects will be thought by senior professionals coming from the Toulouse and International
Maintenance Aviation Community (Airbus, ATR, Thales, Snecma, Agusta Westland, Air France
Industries, IATA, EASA etc….). Visits will be organized to local Maintenance and Customer Services
The course is divided in three main subjects and one guided project:
MN5021 - Aircraft Maintenance Management Introduction
MN5022 – Aircraft and Systems (OEM) Customer Support & Services Organization
MN5023 - Airline Engineering and MRO
MN5920 - Synthesis Project
MN5021 - Aircraft Maintenance Management Introduction
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
– Integrate the general principles of aircraft maintenance and the associated economics;
Describe which the main maintenance actors are, how they operate and their business
MN5022 – Aircraft and Systems (OEM) Customer Support & Services Organization
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
– Describe the organization and the tools implemented by aircraft and systems manufacturers to
support their products;
Illustrate the fundamental principles of logistics and management of spare parts in Civil and
Military aviation.
MN5023 - Airline Engineering and MRO
At the end of the course, the student will be able to describe Aircraft operators’ organization and tasks
for the technical management of the aircraft and its continuing airworthiness.
MN5920 - Synthesis Project
Students will develop a practical exercise with the preparation of a workpakage for a maintenance
check on an Airbus 320 and simulate the organization of the working party on the aircraft. They will
also prepare a 5 years budget for the maintenance operations of two aircraft.