Newsletter Term 4 Week 4 2016


Newsletter Term 4 Week 4 2016
Birkdale North School
Children Today
Leaders Tomorrow
Principal: Linda Low
3 November 2016
Principal’s Voice:
Hello everyone! Thank you so much to the organisers and participants in our
hugely successful Te Moana evening. What an amazing fire dancing show and
the creative dance show was world quality—thank you Sophie. The food and
entertainment were outstanding. Thanks to the team of workers who collected
items for the silent auction and raffles. The funds raised were shared between
the BNS and Richmond Road school camp funds and it is very reassuring for
schools to know well ahead of time that funds are available. The final amounts
are still being counted and will be available for next week’s newsletter. It is
very heart warming to see so many people working together for the benefit of
our schools.
Ka mau te wehi! Linda low
Please remember to bring your own hat to school every day !!!!
Apprentis stars ?? Venez chanter et réaliser un clip vidéo sur la chanson !
Rendez-vous tous les vendredis en salle 8 avec Valentine !
Future stars ?? Come sing and make a video
Âge : à partir de 8 ans / 8 yo and up
Prix : 10 dollars par enfant / 10 dollars per
On Thursdays – Room 9 Any age
Maximum 10 children 10 dollars per
child with Valentine
Les jeudis - Salle 9 Tous les âges
Maximum 10 enfants 10 dollars par
enfants avec Valentine
Besoin de se dépenser et de s’amuser ensemble après l’école ?? Jeux d’extérieur et
jeux de société, il y en aura pour tous les goûts !
You need to spend energy and have fun all together after school ?? Outdoor and
table games, everybody will have a good time !
TOUCH RUGBY—Summer Season:
Game times:
Year 1 & 2 start 5.30pm
Year 3 & 4 start 6.00pm
Year 5 & 6 start 6.30pm
SOCCER: - All Teams have a bye this week !
School Contact
Ph: 4838674 Fax: 4832495
M: 02102710564
M: 0278140340
Term Dates:
Fia Fia Dress Rehearsal
9 Nov
School Athletics Day 10 Nov
Onepoto Festival
18 Nov
School Market Day
Enterprise (Amended) 23 Nov
Inter-school Athletics 24 Nov
Rainbows End
25 Nov
Helpers’ Morning Tea 6 Dec
Mobile Dental Clinic 12 –16
Last day of term
15 Dec
Assembly this week
run by Takitimu
Leaders on Friday at
Community Notice;
School Banking Day with ASB
is Wednesday. For an
information pack please
contact the school office.
Highbury Butcher
supports our School
Many thanks to Grant for his
generous donation of the meat
Highbury Butcher is situated at
11 Mokoia Rd, Birkenhead
[email protected]
Be in to win a $30 meat pack
purchase your $2 tickets from
the office.
Drawn at assembly on Friday.