The Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of


The Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of
 The Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland and the Lausanne
University Hospital (CHUV) invite applications for a position of:
Associate professor, Senior Physician of the Division of Thoracic Surgery responsible for
the lung transplantation program Vaud-Geneva
Starting date : to be agreed
The successful candidate will be responsible for:
The surgical program of lung transplantation Vaud-Geneva.
Collaboration with the clinicians and the research groups of both hospital sites CHUV and
HUG (Centre de Chirurgie Thoracique Romand CURCT), supervision of the lung
transplantation program and its clinical and research protocols.
Further development of the lung transplantation program in the French-speaking part of
Switzerland with implementation of the ex-vivo perfusion and donation after cardiac
determination of death program (DCDD) including clinical protocols.
Further expansion of the experimental and translational research with particular focus on
the ex-vivo lung perfusion field.
Realization of all thoracic surgery interventions including minimal-invasive approaches as
well as emergency interventions.
Taking calls for the service and supervision of all clinical and interventional care
(transplantations, emergencies, thoracic surgery).
Participation in pre- and post-graduate teaching and in training of MD / PhD candidates.
Managerial and administrative tasks of the thoracic surgery service.
Representation of the surgical lung transplantation program at a national level.
The candidate must:
Have a Swiss Medical Association diploma (FMH) with specialty degree in thoracic surgery
or equivalent.
Have a large clinical experience in all aspects of thoracic surgery, including minimalinvasive procedures and lung transplantation. Have realized a specialized training in lung
transplantation, preferably in a recognized center of excellence.
Have a current position as a staff surgeon in a University Hospital.
Possess an academic title (Privat-Docent or equivalent).
Be able to conduct a translational research program with the support of external funds, in
field of lung transplantation.
Have demonstrated a capacity for interdisciplinary collaboration and networking.
Have undergone a managerial training and be able to lead a team.
Have a good knowledge of French and German languages.
The job description as well as a description of the Division are available on the Web at the address «Postes académiques». For further information, please contact Prof. HansBeat Ris ([email protected]), Head of Service.
The applications, in English language, must include the curriculum vitae, the list of publications
with a copy of the five most relevant ones, the list of external funding obtained, a brief description
of the research program and of teaching experience and a copy of diplomas. They should be sent
by September 1st, 2016 to as a single pdf file.
Seeking to promote an equitable representation of women and men among their staff, the University
and the Lausanne University Hospital encourage applications from women.
Descriptif du Service de chirurgie thoracique
Le service de chirurgie thoracique est un service universitaire de l’Université de Lausanne et fait
part du Département de chirurgie et anesthésie du CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
Vaudois). Il dispose d’un chef de service (professeur ordinaire), 2 médecins cadres, 2 chefs de
clinique et 5 médecins assistants, ainsi que 18 lits y.c. 4 lits de soins continus. Le service traite
toutes les pathologies de chirurgie thoracique y.c. les techniques mini-invasives, la chirurgie
oncologique thoracique et les transplantations pulmonaires (20-25/année) et totalise environ 600
interventions par année. Le service dispose d’un laboratoire de recherche translationnelle avec
des sujets concernant la chirurgie thoracique oncologique ainsi que la transplantation pulmonaire
(perfusion ex vivo du poumon). Le service dispose d’un vaste réseau de collaboration à l’intérieur
(tumorboard avec >1500cas/année, empysema-board, transplantation-board) et à l’extérieur
(collaboration avec l’hôpital universitaire de Genève, HUG), l’hôpital neuchâtelois) de l’Institution.
Plus récemment, un regroupement des services de chirurgie thoracique CHUV-HUG a été réalisé
avec la création d’un Centre Universitaire Romand de Chirurgie Thoracique (CURCT).