4th Annual Hip Hop Dance Party!


4th Annual Hip Hop Dance Party!
a not-for-profit organization
4 Annual Hip
Hop Dance Party!
NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Austin Dailey from Red Supreme Productions teaches girls about freestyle
Hip Hop, party dance moves, break dancing, and more! Taught in a fun, easy way for Girl Scouts of all ages.
Plus, we’re throwing in dinner!
Monday, November 3rd
6:00pm- 8:00pm (no school the next day!)
Girl Scout troops with their leaders
North Stratfield School, 190 Putting Green Rd, Fairfield
$15.00 per girl, $5 per adult - Reg today!
Pizza, lemonade, Hip Hop dance class, fun patch for girls
Dress in clothes you can move in! Veterans Card Making from 6-6:30, Dinner from 6:30-7:00, dancing from 7:00-8:00
Red Supreme Productions has appeared on Channel 8 News, Telemundo TV, CTV, CT Hip Hop Magazine, New Haven Register,
Hartford Currant, and many other Connecticut local town newspapers! Don’t miss out on the fun!
Questions: contact Tammy Martin [email protected] 203-333-8979
Girl Scouts Hip Hop Registration Form
Troop # ______________ School___________________________ Phone ____________________
Leader name_________________________________Email________________________________
Attach a roster of scouts and adults attending with check or cash
Payable to GS of CT MT Laurel SU
Girls _________ X $15.00 = $ ________
Adults__________ x $5.00 = $__________
Total enclosed: $____________
Return registration and pmt by Friday Oct 31 to Tammy Martin, 165 Brookview Ave, Fairfield, 06825