Blanket Raffle Information Package and Application
Blanket Raffle Information Package and Application
Blanket Raffle Lottery Information Package What is a Blanket Raffle Lottery? A blanket raffle licence allows eligible organizations to obtain a single lottery license to conduct and manage more than one type of raffle within a fixed time period within a capped prize amount of $5000.00. Enclosures: • Quick Guide to Lottery Licence Application • An Application to manage and conduct a Blanket Raffle Lottery • Town of South Bruce Peninsula questionnaire form • Lottery Licence Terms and Conditions • Raffle Licence Terms & Conditions • Rules Governing the Conduct of Raffle Draws (Aug 2008) Licence Application Checklist These items must be enclosed with each Licence Application form. (Do not send separately): • Licence fee: 3% of the Prize Value (Cheque payable to the Town of South Bruce Peninsula) • Completed questionnaire • Completed application form • A fully completed application must include: • The cut-off date for the sale of tickets by cheques and credit cards • A complete list of prizes, with their full retail value (plus taxes) and a detailed description of the sequence of the prize draws and in the case of 50/50 draws, the maximum value of the prize. In addition to the basic requirements above, your application must include: • Types of raffle lottery events to be conducted during the period; • The number of raffle events to be conducted; • The total number of tickets to be printed for each individual raffle event and the total value of all tickets printed for each of the events; • The cost per tickets for each event and the price per set of cards for "name the Raffle" lotteries; • The cots per ticket for each event • The location where the events will take place • The scheduled dates for each type of raffle event to be held; • A detailed explanation of the rules for each type of raffle event; • A detailed description of all prizes to be awarded for the period; and the license fee. • Total number of tickets to be printed Municipality may also request: • a business plan and budget for the raffle lottery • a detailed ticket sales plan, including where, when and how sales will take place, and • any other documentation deemed necessary by the municipality • a description of all the services to be obtained from each supplier • Rules for the draw and the collection of prizes First-time applicants must enclose copies of: • Location, date & time of the proposed draw (sporting event schedules may be used to provide this information for 50/50 draws to be held during sporting events) • The price of the tickets and a sample ticket • Copies of all receipts, invoices, purchase orders, bills of sale or letters of intent for prizes of S500.00 or more (including cases where multiples of the same item total more) supporting the stated retail value of the prizes, plus taxes • A full translation of the information to be printed on the tickets and advertisements (if other than English) and a copy of the text in the languages to be issued • A full explanation of how credit card sales and dishonoured cheques will be handled 04/13 • Governing Documents Constitution and/or by-laws, letters patent, charter, trust deed, memorandum of association, signed as required • Detailed Outline of programs/services What they are, how delivered to clients, specific costs, supporting materials, etc. • Organization's current operating budget • Organization's verified financial statements for last fiscal year • List of Board of directors • Latest report to the Public Guardian and Trustee, if applicable • Revenue Canada notification of registration letter If your organization is registered; • Membership list, if applicable; • Organization's Annual Report, if applicable. US Quick Guide to Lottery Licence Applications Are You Eligible for Charitable Gaming Licences? The eligibility of your organization will be determined by the licensing office you are applying to. Charitable registration with Revenue Canada or incorporation as a non-profit organization does NOT guarantee eligibility for licences. Your organization may be eligible if it: • has a purpose to provide charitable services to Ontario residents to: • relieve poverty • advance religion • advance education • benefit the community • has carried out activities consistent with its charitable purpose for at least 1 year • is located in Ontario • is non-profit Examples may include: • hospitals • service clubs e youth activities or sports • arts or culture Organizations that only promote the private interests of their members do NOT qualify for gaming event licences. This may include, but is NOT limited to: • adult recreation or sports • individual sport teams • unions or employee groups 6 social clubs • professional associations 8 political, government, lobbying or advocacy groups. Note to Applicants Ensure that you read and understand your event Licence Terms and Conditions before proceeding with the application package. This package is used to apply to the municipal office of Town of South Bruce Peninsula for charitable gaming event licences. Keep a copy of all licence application documents for your records. 04/13 • Activities are regulated by Criminal Code of Canada, Sections 206 & 207, Ontario Order in Gaming Control Act, 1992 and Regulations. • You can obtain copies of the Gaming Control Act and Regulations, Provincial Information Bulletins, and forms from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario's website at Licence Application Instructions • ' Your licence application is a legal document and will be returned or delayed if the Instructions (below) are not followed or if Checklist items (on Application) are missing. This may result in the cancellation of your charitable gaming event. • Type or legibly print all information. • Answer every question completely. • Only original forms and signatures will be accepted. • Persons signing any Licence Application must have a good knowledge of the applicable Licence Terms and Conditions. • It is illegal to print tickets, promote or conduct a charitable gaming event without a licence. Incomplete Applications Please note that all information including appropriate documentation and fees must be included in your application. Incomplete packages will be returned to your organization. Your organization cannot print or sell tickets until you are licensed and all tickets must indicate the licence number. It is your responsibility to notify the Lottery Licence Officer of any changes to your organization such as changes to your Board of Directors, changes in programs and services, etc. Application Changes • If you make changes to your Licence Application package before you submit it to your licensing office, each change must be initialed on each document by the Licence Application signors and other signors of that document, • Changes to your submitted Licence Application package must be made in writing on your organization's letterhead, signed by the Licence Application signors and include supporting documents that are affected. Application changes are NOT automatically approved and may NOT be permitted. Once your lottery licence is issued, requests for changes will NOT be considered. Expired Licences may NOT be amended or cancelled. 04/13 Renewal Applications Organizations must submit their renewal applications to the Town of South Bruce Peninsula prior to the expiry of the lottery licence. This will allow applications to be given full and proper consideration. If you require clarification on any of the above please feel free to contact the Lottery Licence Officer at: Town of South Bruce Peninsula 315 George St Wiarton, ON NOH 2T0 519-534-1400 Ext 120 [email protected] Application to Manage and Conduct a Blanket Raffle Lottery Demande relative a la mise sur pied et a ('administration de tombolas en vertu d'une licence generate Alcohol and Gaming Commission des alcools Commission of Ontario et des jeux de I'Ontario Inscription pour les jeux et loteries Gaming Registration & Lotteries 90 Sheppard Ave E, Suite 200 90, av. Sheppard E, bureau 200 Toronto ON M2N0A4 Toronto ON M2N0A4 (416) 326-8700 or/ou 1-800-522-2876 toll free in Ontario/sans frais en Ontario FOR OFFICE USE ONLY / RESERVE A L'USAGE INTERNE : Please print or type / Dactylographier ou ecrire I'information en lettres moulees 1. Information on organization / Renseignements sur I'organisme Name of organization / Nom de I'organisme GIN / N.I.O. I I I I ! City/Town / Ville Street address of organization / Numero et rue Telephone no. / Telephone Postal Code / Code postal I I 1 I I ( 1 1 ) 1 1 I Province Fax no. / Tel6copieur 1 1 1 I (11)1 2. Charitable or religious objects or purposes for which proceeds are to be raised I Objectifs reiigieux ou de bienfaisance se rattachant au produit des tombolas Please list the organization(s) to which you propose to donate the proceeds. / Veuillez indiquer le nom de I'organisme ou des organismes & qui vous proposez de donner le produit des tombolas. Please note that only organizations eligible to receive proceeds from charitable gaming can be listed. / Ces organismes doivent etre admissibles an produit de jeux a des fins de bienfaisance. 3. Details of Event / Details sur l'actlvit§ YY/AA MM/MM DD/JJ The licence period commences: / , , La periode couverte par la I I I I I licence commence le : Start date / Date du d6but and the licence period ends:/et prend fin le : YY/AA MM/MM DD/JJ , , I I I I I End date / Date de la fin b) Raffle Lottery Events schedule Please provide a detailed list of the proposed raffle lottery events you wish to manage and conduct during the above period. This period cannot exceed 6 months. Please list additional events on a separate sheet labelled Question 3b. Veuillez foumir la liste detaillee des tombolas que vous proposez de mettre sur pied et d'administrer pendant la periode indiquee ci-dessus. Cette periode ne peut depasser six mois. Si vous n'avez pas suffisamment d'espace, veuillez joindre une feuille portant la mention « Question 3b ». Event Date / Date de la tombola Prizes to be Awarded / Prix a attribuer Cost per Ticket / Cout du billet Type of Raffle conducted / Genre de tombola 4. Location at which the Blanket Raffle Lottery will be managed and c<snducted (if different from address above) / Endroit ou les tombolas seront mises sur pied et administrees en vertu d'une licence g£n§rale (si I'adresse est differente de celle indiquee ci-dessus) Telephone no. / Telephone Name of location / Nom de I'endroit ( Address / Adresse City/Town / Ville [ 1 ) 1 Fax no. / Telecopieur (II) Province 1 I 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 Postal Code / Code postal 1 3155 B (06/05) 1 l i 1 1 Page 1 of/de 2 5. Prizes I Prix a) The total value of all prizes to be awarded is: $ This figure includes the value of all cash prizes, merchandise or articles at retail market value. Valeur totale de tous les prix a attribuer: $. Ce montant englobe la valeur de tous les prix en esp^ces, ainsi que la valeur marchande au detail des marchandises ou des articles remis en guise de prix. Please list Merchandise prizes: Veuillez dresser la liste des marchandises : Please note that the total prize value for all Raffle events conducted under a Blanket Raffle licence cannot exceed $5,000.00. Veuillez prendre note que la valeur totale des prix pour toutes les tombolas mises sure pied en vertu d'une licence generate ne peut pas depasser 5 000 $. b) How will winners be notified? / Comment les gagnants seront-ils avises? Certificate I Attestation I / Je soussign§(e), and I / et je soussign6(e), name / nom of/de. name / nom Full name of organization / Nom complet de I'organisme hereby certify that: / atteste par les presentes que : hereby certify that: / atteste par les presentes que : a. I have read, have in my posession, and agree to comply with the provisions of the Raffle Terms and Conditions and policies governing a Blanket Raffle Licence to manage and conduct Lottery Schemes as indicated above. J'ai lu et j'ai en ma possession les modalites et les politiques regissant la licence generate de tombolas qui autorise la mise sur pied et I'administration des loteries indiquees prec6demment, et je conviens de m'y conformer. b. I have read over this application. J'ai lu la pr§sente demande. c. All facts stated, and information furnished herein, are true and correct. Tous les renseignements fournis sur la demande sont exacts et complets. d. I am the holder of the office with descriptive title as set out appearing under my signature below. J'occupe le poste correspondant au titre indiqu6 sous ma signature. e. If a licence is granted, I undertake to comply with all Terms and Conditions and Registrar's policies of such licence. Si une licence est delivree, je m'engage § respecter toutes les modalites et les politiques du registrateur regissant la licence. f. I, the undersigned, as a principal officer of the above-named organization, apply for a licence to manage and conduct the above lottery scheme on behalf of the organization. Je soussigne(e), en tant que dirigeant(e) principal(e) de I'organisme susmentionne, presente, au nom de I'organisme, une demande de licence pour la mise sur pied et I'administration des loteries indiquees prec6demment. Print name in full / Nom au complet en lettres mouses Title/ Titre Business/ Au bureau Phone Number/ T6l6phone Business/ Au bureau Fax/ T6!6copieur Fax/ T6tecopieur Year /Ann6e Month / Mois Day/Jour Date of Signing / Date Year /ArtnSe Month / Mois Day / Jour i Signature Witness / T6moin 3155 B (06/05) Page 2 of/de 2 Details of Eve nt(s) Blanket Licence January to March 2014 Type of Event(s) Meat Draw January Month February Draw Dates March Total 5, 8, 12, 15, 19,22, 26 1,5, 8,12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29 25 dates 200x7 200 x 9 200 x 25 (1800) (1400) (1800) (5000) $1.00 ea $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 40 x 9 40x7 40x9 40X25 $360.00 $280.00 $360.00 $1000.00 10.80 8.40 10.80 30.00 1,4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29 Total Tickets 200x9 Cost per Ticket/Set of Cards Prize Board Licence Fee For Official Use Only: Total Prize Board: Licence Fee: Period of Licence: Details of Event(s) Blanket Licence January to March 2014 Type of Event(s) 50/50 Month January Draw Dates 1,4,8,11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29 February March Total 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26 1,5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29 25 dates 2000 Total Tickets 2000 $2.00 each or 3/$5.00 $2.00 each or 3/$5.00 $2000.00 $2000.00 Licence Fee $60.00 $60.00 For Official Use Onlv: Total Prize Board: Licence Fee: Period of Licence: $2.00 each or 3/$5,00 $2.00 each or 3/$5.00 Cost per Ticket/Set of Cards Prize Board QUESTIONNAIRE RESPECTING APPLICANTS FOR LOTTERY LICENCE 1. Registered Name of Organization (as shown on Governing Documents): Operating Name, if different: Business Address: Telephone Number: Email Address: Fax No. Website: 2. Is the Organization incorporated as a non-profit organization with Ministry of Consumer & Business Services (Ontario)? • Yes • No Please provide registration date & number: 3. Is the Organization registered with Revenue Canada as a charity? • Yes n No Please provide registration date & number: 4. How long has the Organization been providing services? 5. What category best describes the Organization? • Advancement of Education • Relief of Poverty • Health and Welfare • Advancement of Religion n Other Charitable Purposes Beneficial to the Community: (Please specify sub-categoryV) .Culture & Arts _ Health & Welfare _ Amateur Sports Organizations _ Enhancement of Youth _ Public Safety Programs _ Community Service Organizations 6. Please list and describe the specific programs and services delivered by the Organization and associated cost (do not restate your mandate or mission statement): Services 1. Costs : : 1 2. 2. 3. 3. 4 4 5. 5. 7. Approximate total number of members in the organization: 8. Date of fiscal year-end 9. Does the Organization currently manage and conduct any gaming event (lotteries) within the City/Town of South Bruce Peninsula or other Municipalities? • Yes • No Please indicate last day of filing (date) 04/13 1 Please indicate type of gaming event and location (Municipality) • Bingo • Raffle* • Break Open Ticket n* Bazaars *Please include name and address of Supplier registered under Gaming Control Act, 1992. 10. For the purpose of lottery licensing, all organizations must have a lottery trust account. Please complete the following information: Name of Bank and Address; 11. Trust Account number: Date Opened: Would you like to pick up the Licence? Yes Telephone Number: ( No ) If no, licence will be mailed out. Contact Name and Mailing address: Designated Members in Charge All Designated Members in Charge must be bona fide members of the organization and are required to complete this form We, as active, bona fide members of (organization) hereby certify that as the incorporating documents are current and still in effect. hereby certify that as the designated members in charge of the lottery for which this application is made, will be responsible for the management and conduct of the lottery in accordance with the terms and conditions under which the lottery license is issued. We, as bona fide members, have signing authority, hold a senior position with the organization and will be present at the lottery events. (In addition to the three bona fide members listed below, please include a list of six to eight names, including positions within the organization and telephone numbers (during the day) in order to deal with scheduling and unscheduled absences.) Print Name in Full Title Other Position(s) held in Organization Home Address Phone Numbers Number and Street: City and Province: Postal Code: Business : Home : Date Signature 04/13 2 Print Name in Full Title Other Position(s) held in Organization Number and Street: Home Address Phone Numbers City and Province: Postal Code: Business: Home : Date Signature Print Name in Full Title Other Position(s) held in Organization Number and Street: Home Address Phone Numbers City and Province: Postal Code : Business: Home : Date Signature Names of additional volunteers : 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6 7 8 04/13 3 Alcohol and Gaining Commission of Ontario Gaming Registration & LntBries 90 SHEPPARD AVENUE EAST SUITE 200 TORONTO ON M2N QA4 Tel.: 416 326-8700 Fax:416326-5555 Alcohoi and Gaming Commission of Ontario 1 800 522-2876 toll free in Ontario Website: Lottery Licence Terms and Conditions These terms and conditions apply to all lottery licences issued under the authority of the Criminal Code (Canada).There are additional terms and conditions for each type of lottery scheme as well as Standards and Directives issued by the Registrar that must be followed. DEFINITIONS bingo hall means a type of charitable gaming site where a charitable organization conducts and manages a lottery scheme under the authority of a licence issued by a municipality or by the Registrar. Board of Directors means the individuals elected or appointed to manage the affairs of the licensee. | [ I bona fide member means an active member of an eligible organization in good standing, who has activities within the organization beyond conducting lottery events. "Members of convenience" whose only activity is to assist at lottery events are not considered bona fide members. I | | books and records means documents outlining financial details of lottery events and includes but is not limited to, ledgers, sub-ledgers, chequebooks, cheque stubs, deposit books, deposit slips, bank statements, cancelled cheques, receipts, invoices and control sheets. charitable gaming site means a gaming site where a charitable organization conducts and manages a lottery scheme under the authority of a licence issued by a municipality or by the Registrar. charitable organization means a corporation, organization, association or partnership which is created primarily for a charitable object or pur pose in Ontario, is operated not for profit, and includes a religious organization. 4240E (2015/06) © Queen's Printer of Ontario, 2015 consolidated designated trust account (CDTA) means an account designated as a trust account by the branch of a recognized financial institu tion within the Province of Ontario into which are deposited by the Hall Charities Association the proceeds derived from events conducted and managed pursuant to lottery licences. designated lottery trust account means an account designated as a trust account by the branch of a recognized financial institution within the Province of Ontario. Directive means a directive prescribed by the Registrar to one or more licensees or gaming suppliers directing the licensee or supplier to act or to cease acting in the manner specified in the Directive. Gaming-Related Supplier means a person who manufactures, provides, installs, tests, maintains or repairs gaming equipment or who provides consulting or similar services directly related to the playing of a lottery scheme or the operation of a gaming site. gaming site means premises or an electronic channel maintained for the purpose of playing or operating a lottery scheme. Hall Charities Association (HCA) means an asso ciation formed by ail the licensees conducting bingo and other lotteries within a bingo hall. licence means a licence issued to an eligible charitable organization under the Criminal Code (Canada) by or under the authority of the Lieutenant Governor in Council to conduct and manage a lottery scheme approved by the Registrar. licensee means a charitable organization to which a licence is issued. Disponible en Frangais Page 1 of 5 j f I | licensing authority means the authority specified by the Lieutenant Governor in Council as a licensing authority for the purposes of the Criminal Code (Canada). j | \ lottery means a scheme for which a licence is available pursuant to s. 207(1 ){b) of the Criminal Code (Canada), j I lottery event means an event at which a lottery is conducted and managed by a licensee. | [ Registrar means the Registrar of Alcohol and Gaming. I I Standards means standards prescribed by the i Registrar for gaming equipment or for gaming j services with which Gaming-Related Suppliers I must comply. Standards also include standards i prescribed by the Registrar with which licensees I must comply. v. ensuring that theseTerms and Conditions of licences, the applicable terms and conditions prescribed by the Registrar for the specific type of lottery scheme, the Standards and Directives prescribed by the Registrar and any additional terms and conditions imposed by the licensing authority are complied with; and i j i j j ) j j j vi. ensuring that all required books and records are kept and that all monies are deposited into the designated lottery trust account or consolidated designated trust account. j j j | j 1.3 The licensee must comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws including the Criminal Code (Canada) and the Gaming Control Act, 1992. j j j \ 1.4 The licensee must conduct and manage the lottery and ensure that the lottery is operated in accordance with the information supplied on the application and approved on the licence. | j j j | 1.5 The licensee must pay all fees or other charges that are established or prescribed by the Registrar or established under the Alcohol and Gaming Regulation and Public Protection Act, 1996 in such manner and time period specified. j j j | ) 1.6 The licensee must ensure that all lottery events are conducted in accordance with these terms and conditions of licences, the applicable terms prescribed by the Registrar for the specific type of lottery scheme, the Standards and Directives prescribed by the Registrar and any additional terms and conditions imposed by the licensing authority. j j j J j I | | | 1.7 As prescribed by the Registrar, the licensee must ensure that the original licence is displayed at the premises where the lottery is being conducted. j j i j j I j j i It is a condition of each licence that: j . i (1) CONDUCT AND MANAGEMENT 1.1 j j The licensee is responsible for and accountable for the overall conduct and management of the lottery. j 1.2 i j | a) The licensee must control and determine all operational, administrative and staffing requirements related to the conduct and management of the lottery. I | 1 | 1 b) The licensee must provide the required number of bona fide members prescribed by the Registrar to be in charge of and responsible for the conduct of the lottery on behalf of the licensee. | | i c) The designated members in charge must be at least 18 years of age and, on behalf of the licensee, be responsible for; i i. applying for the licence; 1j | j ii. supervising all activities related to the operation of the lottery; 1.8 I I ) iii. carrying out activities required for the conduct and management of the lottery; The licensee must conduct only those types of games approved in the application for licence. 1.9 The licensee must ensure that no person directly involved in or responsible for the conduct of the lottery event or involved in the sale of bingo paper, break open tickets j | iv. ensuring the completion and filing of the required reports; | j j , 4240E (2015/06) Page 2 of 5 licensee must pay separately each GamingRelated Supplier registered under the Gaming Control Act, 1992. or raffle tickets, as the case may be, pur chases any bingo paper, break open tickets or raffle tickets, or participates in the game which he or she is assisting to conduct, 1.10 The licensee must not allow any person under the age of 18 to participate in any way as a player in any lottery event. 1.11 The licensee must ensure that no person is extended credit for any gaming activities, Except as may be permitted in the terms prescribed by the Registrar for a specific type of lottery or premises, the licensee must not accept credit cards, employer cheques or personal cheques. 1.12 The licensee must not allow any person who currently has a registration under the Gaming Control Act, 1992 revoked, sus pended or refused to participate in any way in the conduct, management or operation of the lottery event. 1.13 The licensee may exclude persons from participating in games of chance at its discretion. (2) USE OF PROCEEDS 2.1 The net proceeds derived from the con duct of the lottery must be used for the charitable or religious purposes in Ontario that were approved on the application for licence. 2.2 All prizes and permitted expenses incurred as a result of conducting the lottery must be deducted and paid out from the gross receipts derived from the lottery. Unless otherwise permitted by the Registrar, the licensee must not use monies from any other source to pay for expenses related to the lottery. 2.3 2.4 2.5 (3) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION BOOKS AND RECORDS 3.1 The licensee must maintain detailed records of the disbursement of all proceeds derived from the conduct and manage ment of a lottery, including receipts for each expense incurred, and for the use of the proceeds for the purposes approved on the application. 3.2 The licensee must maintain books and records and other documents in support of all financial reports or statements.The books and records must be kept up to date and retained for no less than four (4) years from the latter of the date of the lottery event or until the date on which all proceeds have been expended for the pur poses approved on the application. 3.3 The licensee must: a} provide unencumbered access to the licensee's books and records and other documents including but not limited to, those related to the conduct and manage ment of a lottery within the bingo hall, the use of proceeds from a lottery and the licensee's non-lottery accounts to persons appointed by a licensing authority ar\d to all peace officers; and b) deliver to a licensing authority within the time period specified by the licensing authority the licensee's books and records and other documents described in (a) and such other materials as required by the licensing authority for inspection, audit and investigation purposes. All expenses must be directly related to the conduct of the lottery except as may be otherwise prescribed by the Registrar, 3.4 The Registrar may prescribe the method by which expenses will be calculated based on the type of lottery being conducted The licensee must hold all proceeds from the conduct and management of the lottery in trust. 3.5 In order to administer all proceeds from the lottery in accordance with the terms and conditions of licences, the applicable terms and conditions prescribed by the Registrar for the specific type of lottery Each expense must be individually calcu lated and paid in Canadian funds, drawn on the designated lottery trust account.The Page 3 of 5 type of lottery scheme, the Standards and Directives prescribed by the Registrar and any additional terms and conditions imposed by the licensing authority. scheme and any additional terms and con ditions imposed by the licensing authority, the licensee must: a) open and maintain a designated lottery trust account with cheque writing privi leges and monthly statements issued; b) ensure that the designated lottery trust account includes either the return of all cheques with the monthly statements or the return of electronically scanned images of the front and back of each cancelled cheque with the monthly statements; 3.9 All documents required by Section 3.8 must be reviewed and approved by the licensee's Board of Directors prior to filing with the licensing authorities. 3.10 A licensee that receives: a) less than $250,000 in gross annual revenues from all sources must prepare financial statements in accordance with the standards set out in the CICA Handbook; c) ensure that its designated lottery trust account requires that all cheques or with drawals have the signatures of at least two (2) bona fide members of the licensee; d) deposit all proceeds from the lottery, other than any prizes paid to players during the lottery event, into the designated lot tery trust account as soon as practicable; and b) $250,000 or more in gross annual revenues from all sources must prepare financial statements in accordance with the standards set out in the CICA Handbook which have been audited by a public accountant. 3.11 The licensee must provide to a licensing authority within the time period specified by the licensing authority, any information, materials, financial statements, audited financial statements, review engagement reports and compliance reports as the licensing authority may require. 3.12 The licensee may use proceeds from the lottery to pay the expenses of the finan cial statements and reports required by this section, with the prior approval of the licensing authority. e) use any interest that accrues in the designated lottery trust account for the charitable purposes approved in the application for licence, unless otherwise authorized by the Registrar. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 3.6 I j | 3.8 The licensee must provide a licensing authority with a financial report outlining the results of the lottery event it has con ducted and managed in the prescribed form. SECURITY FOR PAYMENT OF PRIZES The licensee must ensure that all required reports are prepared within the time period prescribed by the Registrar. 3.13 The licensing authority may require licens ees to provide security to ensure the payment of all proposed prizes. The licensee must provide to each licensing authority that issued it a licence or authorization, within the time period specified: 3.14 For prizes of up to $10,000, the security may be in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft, money order or an irrevoca ble letter of credit drawn on a Canadian chartered bank, payable to the licensing authority and which expires no sooner than 45 days after the last day of the lottery event specified in the licence. 3.15 For prizes of $10,000 or more, the secu rity must be an irrevocable letter of credit drawn on a Canadian chartered bank, pay able to the licensing authority and which a) financial statements prepared in accor dance with the Standards prescribed by the Registrar; and b) a summary of the licensee's compliance with these terms and conditions, the applicable terms and conditions pre scribed by the Registrar for the specific 4240E (2015/06) Page 4 of 5 expires no sooner than 45 days after the last day of the lottery event specified in the licence. 3.16 The security must be held by the licensing authority until such time as the licensing authority is satisfied that the lottery event has been completed and that all prizes have been paid or awarded. 3.17 Where the licensee refuses or fails to pay out prizes to winners at a lottery event, the licensing authority must realize on the licensee's security and use the proceeds to pay the prizes to the winners. 3.18 Where a prize is not claimed by a winner within a reasonable period of time and, where in the opinion of the licensing authority all reasonable attempts have been made by the licensee to contact the winner, the unclaimed prize must be held in trust by the licensee for a period not less than 12 months from the date the prize was awarded. At the end of the 12-month period, the total amount of the prize held in trust, including interest, must be included by the licensee in the gross proceeds of the lottery event. 4240E (2015/06) Page 5 of 5 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Gaming Registration & Lotems 90 SHEPPARD AVENUE EAST SOITE 200 TT0R0NTD 0N :M2.N 0A4 .: >M,;416:3ffii87C0 \ ' : Pax: 41B 326-5555 : : > , ;;t 800.522-2876 tall free in Ontario : : W6l)Site;:wi«w.agco,on,ca ; AGCO Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Raffle Licence Terms and Conditions DEFINITIONS (1) GENERAL bona fide member means a member in good standing of the licensee who has other duties, beyond conducting lotteries, within the organiza tion. "Members of convenience" whose only duty is to assist with the raffle lottery are not considered bona fide members. 1.1 The licensee is responsible and account able for the overall management and conduct of the raffle. 1.2 The licensee must control and decide all operational, administrative and staffing requirements related to the conduct of the raffle. 1.3 The licensee must comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws including the Criminal Code of Canada and the Gaming Control Act, 1992 and Regulations. 1.4 The licensee must conduct the raffle in accordance with the information supplied on the application and approved by the licence. 1.5 The licensee must produce the licence on demand. (2) STAFFING 2.1 The licensee must designate at least two (2) bona fide active members to be in charge of and responsible for the conduct of the raffle.The designated members in charge must be at least 18 years of age and be responsible for: books and records means documents outlining financial details of lottery events and includes, but is not limited to, ledgers, sub ledgers, cheque books, cheque stubs, deposit books, deposit slips, bank statements, cancelled cheques, receipts, invoices, and control sheets. licensee means an organization which has been issued a licence to conduct a lottery under Section 207 of the Criminal Code. licensing authority means a person or authority specified by Lieutenant Governor in Council as a licensing authority for purposes of section 207 of the Criminal Code of Canada. raffle means a lottery scheme where tickets are sold for a chance to win a prize at a draw, and includes 50/50 draws, elimination draws, calendar draws, sports raffles and "rubber duck" races. Registrar means the Registrar of Alcohol and Gaming. Any raffle licence issued is subject to the follow ing terms and conditions and the Lottery Licence Terms and Conditions (4240) and may be subject to audit and investigation by the licensing author ity, A breach of any term and condition can result in the cancellation or suspension of the licence or in prosecution. It is a condition of each licence that: 6004A E (2015/06) © Queen's Printer of Ontario, 2015 a) supervising all activities related to the conduct of the raffle; b) completing and filing the required financial report on the results of the event; c) ensuring that all terms and conditions of the licence and any additional conditions imposed by the licensing authority, are complied with; Disponible en Frangais Page 1 of 5 j d) supervising all ticket sellers; j I t e) keeping all required records and depositing all monies into the designated lottery trust account; j f) j 2,2 I j j 2.3 i I j j ! | 2,4 i 1 j j The licensee may recruit sufficient persons to assist with the sale of tickets. ii. the name of the licensee; iii. the location(s), date(s), and time(s) of the draw(s); ! ! I < iv. a description, including the j nature, number and value of the prize(s) ) to be awarded; j reconciling all tickets, v. the price of each ticket; vi. the number of the ticket, and; The licensee may use the services of a person to assist in the conduct of the raffle provided the person is registered under the Gaming Control Act, 1992 and Regulations or is otherwise exempt. The licensee must establish rules, consistent with these terms and conditions, governing the conduct of the raffle and the awarding of prizes. Rules must be made available to ticket purchasers and must be approved by the licensing authority. | 3,2 j j j ! Once the first ticket is sold, the licensee must complete the raffle and award the prize(s) as approved in the application for licence, whether or not all tickets have been sold. j j [ 1 Winner(s) must be determined in the manner set out and approved in the application. For stub draws, only the sold ticket stubs must be used for draw purposes. 3.3 I (4) j | 4,1 i | TICKET REQUIREMENTS i Tickets must be consecutively numbered, j 4.2 ( 4.3 j I ; |5 f j ii. the licence number and the name of the licensee; j j iii. adequate space for the name, address and telephone number of the ticket purchaser, j j ] ] 4.4 If tickets are to be discounted from the regular price (for example, $1.00 or 3 for $2,00), then the prices must be indicated and printed on each ticket. 4,5 At the request of the licensing authority, the licensee must provide a sample of the ticket. j j j j | ! j i<; 4.6 The licensee must not use any type of "scratch and win" ticket, j i 4.7 Where prizes are donated, and the donor and the licensee agree, the donor name or company name may be included on the ticket, provided that the name of the licensee is more prominent, j j j j j 4.8 Tickets must not bear any coupon, promotional or advertising material unless it is promoting the licensee and approved by the licensee. j ) I | (5) TICKET SALES j 5.1 The licensee must not allow any person apparently under the age of 18 to purchase a ticket. ; I ! The licensee must print only the number of tickets indicated and approved in the application for licence. a) The licensee must have tickets printed in two (2) parts which must contain the following information: j j i. the number of the ticket; CONDUCT 0FTHE EVENT j 3.1 j I | | | j b) On the part retained by the organization j (for draw or record purposes): ] The licensee must not allow any person who has had a registration under the Gaming Control Act, 1992 revoked or refused to participate in any way in the conduct of the event. | (3) ) I j vii, the total number of tickets printed. j j | i, the licence number; Page 2 of 5 | 5.2 j I | [ I The licensee may accept cheques or credit card payments and must be responsible for ensuring that the proceeds from the ticket sales are received. Any processing charges for these types of payments must form part of the expenses for the raffle. j The licensee must ensure that: j 5.3 {7} ADVERTISING 7.1 The licensee is responsible for the design, placement and payment of any advertisements. j i j j | 72 a) Print advertisements must clearly state: ] i. the name of the licensee; a) raffle ticket orders are not solicited or accepted from persons located outside of Ontario; | ; I j j | \ ) ( j b) the vendor and purchaser of raffle tickets must both be physically present in Ontario at the time the sale takes place; ! | I c) the raffle lottery scheme is not advertised, promoted or otherwise marketed to persons located outside of Ontario. iv. a description of the prizes to be awarded, including their value; j | ' { I l ; j PRIZES v. the total number of tickets to be printed and the price of the ticket. j j j (6) j I 6.1 { i The winner(s) of the prize(s) must be determined and publicized in the manner set out and approved in the application. j 6.2 | I [ The licensee must be responsible for awarding all prizes and for making all reasonable efforts to contact the prize winner(s), I 6.3 1 j i I j [ | Any prizes which are not claimed must be secured or placed in safekeeping for a period of one (1) year from the date of the draw. If at that time the prize has still not been claimed, the prize or monies equivalent to the fair market value of the prize must be donated to a beneficiary approved by the licensing authority. i 6.4 | | Only the prize(s) as described and approved in the licence application must be awarded. i 6.5 j | | j The value of the prize(s) must include the amount of any duty, tax, sales tax or other cost, Prize(s) must be awarded free and clear of any mortgage, lien or any other encumbrances. i i i I ii. the licence number(s) issued; Hi. the location, date and time at which the draw is to be held, including the location, date and time of each early bird draw and the cut-off time for each early bird draw; I b) Radio and television advertisements must provide, at a minimum, the name of the licensee and the licence number(s) issued. ] j j !; 7.3 The licensee must supply samples of advertising and promotional materials to be used in connection with the raffle if requested to do so for approval by the licensing authority. I j j j j 7.4 The licensee must not engage in any advertising that: I ! a) implies that participating in a lottery event promotes or is necessary for social acceptance, personal success, financial success or the resolution of any economic, social or personal problem; ) | I j j b) contains endorsements by well-known personalities that may appeal to persons under the 18 years of age; or j j j c) is specifically directed at encouraging individuals under the age of 18 to participate in a lottery event. 7.5 6004AE (2015/06) I Any advertising or promotional activities by celebrities must be provided at no cost to the licensee. j j ij ] | | j | i Page 3 of 5 (8) PROCEEDS AND EXPENSES 8.1 The net proceeds derived from the conduct of the raffle must be used for the charita ble and religious objects or purposes in Ontario as approved in the application for licence. 8.2 All prizes and expenses incurred as a result of conducting the raffle must be deducted and paid out from the gross receipts derived from the raffle.The licensee must not use monies from any other source to pay for raffle expenses. 8.3 The Registrar may limit the amount which may be paid for expenses. 8.4 Expenses must be directly related to the conduct of the raffle. 8.5 Each expense must be individually calcu lated and paid separately by cheque, drawn on the designated lottery trust account described in Section 10.The licensee must pay each Gaming-Related Supplier separately. 9.5 The licensee must maintain books, records and other documents in support of all financial reports or statements.These records must be kept up to date and be retained for no less than four (4) years from the date of the raffle. 9.6 The licensee must provide officers appointed by the licensing authority and all peace officers unencumbered access to all books and records related to the con duct of the raffle and must deliver these documents to the licensing authority when requested.The books and records may be retained by the licensing authority for audit and investigation purposes. (10) BANKING AND FINANCIAL 10.1 The licensee must open and maintain a separate designated lottery trust account to administer all funds related to the con duct of lottery events.The licensee has the option of: a) opening and maintaining one desig nated lottery trust account to administer all lotteries conducted by the licensee; or a) Ticket sellers may be paid a sales com mission not to exceed five (5) per cent of the price of each ticket sold. b) Sales commissions may be paid by cash provided they are supported by a receipt. (9) BOOKS AND RECORDS 9.1 A serial number record must be main tained showing the distribution of tickets, including the names of sellers, and the return of ticket stubs, cash, unsold or returned tickets to reconcile all tickets and cash at the end of the raffle. 9.2 The licensee must retain all unsold tickets, and stubs or counterfoils of sold tickets for a period of one (1) year from the date of the (last) draw. 9.3 The licensee must obtain receipts for each expense incurred. 9.4 The licensee must maintain a detailed record of how profits from the raffle have been dispersed. b) opening and maintaining separate des ignated lottery trust accounts for each type of lottery conducted by the licensee. 10.2 Each designated lottery trust account must be maintained in the name of the licensee, in trust, and must have the following features: a) cheque writing privileges and monthly statements issued; b) all cheques or electronic images of backs and fronts of cheques returned with monthly statement. 10.3 Any interest accrued on the lottery trust account must be used for the charitable purposes of the licensee. 10.4 In administering the lottery trust account, the licensee must: a) appoint a minimum of two (2) signing officers, who must be bona fide members of the licensee, to administer the account and write cheques; Page 4 of 5 I j i i • ! i j b) deposit into the account all monies derived from the operation of any and all lottery events; monies must be deposited as soon as it is practical to do so; j I I ! i d) ensure cheques are written only for the payment of the expenses incurred in the conduct of the lottery and the donation of net proceeds for the charitable purposes approved on the application for licence. c) ensure all withdrawals are made by cheque; j 10.5 a) copies of all deposit slips related to the event; j b) a list of winners. 11.2 11.3 The licensee must indicate any prizes which have been donated on the financial report. The value of the donated prizes must not be deducted from the gross receipts. j | j j ] j ! j j ) i i 11.4 The licensee must provide the licensing authorities with a verified financial statement on a yearly basis outlining the financial details of all lottery events conducted.The financial statement must be submitted within 180 days of the organization's year end. j j j j I J j 11.5 The type of financial review required will depend on the gross annual revenues derived from all sources. A licensee that receives; | j i i a) less than $250,000 in gross annual revenues from all sources must prepare financial statements in accordance with the standards set out in the CICA Handbook; | j 1 j b) $250,000 or more in gross annual revenues from all sources must prepare financial statements in accordance with the standards set out in the CICA Handbook which have been audited by a public accountant. j I j J | j 11.6 Where requested, the licensee must provide an audited financial statement to the licensing authority within 120 days of the request or such other time limit as may be imposed by the licensing authority. 11.7 The licensee may use lottery proceeds to pay for expenses related to the preparation of the yearly financial statements. This expense must not be included in any expense maximum within the terms and conditions. | I j ) j ( | | | j j ! The licensee must not: a) i. where only one designated lottery trust account is maintained, deposit monies received from any source other than lottery events conducted by the licensee into the designated trust account; or ii. where a separate designated trust account for raffle lotteries has been established, deposit monies received from any other source in the designated raffle lottery account; j j | b) transfer funds from the designated lottery trust account into an operating or general account of the licensee; j j | | [ c) close the designated lottery trust account until all monies have been donated to approved charitable purposes and a report has been submitted to the licensing authority, I 10.6 ! j I j i I | Where only one designated lottery trust account is maintained, the licensee must maintain separate ledgers outlining financial details of each lottery event conducted including proceeds derived from each, expenses paid in the conduct of each lottery event, and a list of how proceeds have been dispersed. (11) | 11.1 | | j | REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The licensee must provide the licensing authority with a financial report outlining the results of the raffle on the prescribed form.The following documents must accompany the financial report: 6004AE (2015/06) § j : I The financial report must be filed within 30 days of the date of the last draw. The licensing authority may request additional documents deemed necessary to substantiate the particulars of the event which may include receipts for each expense incurred, f 5 \ I | I j [ i : j I I | i I ) f | j Page 5 of 5 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Gaming Registration & Lotteries Commission des alcools et des jeux de I'Ontario Inscription pour les jeux et loteries 90 Sheppard Avenue East 90, avenue Sheppard Est Suite 200 Bureau 200 Toronto, ON M2N 0A4 Toronto ON M2N 0A4 416 326-8700 1 800 522-2876 toll free in Ontario / sans frais en Ontario Ontario August 2008 Aout 2008 IMPORTANT NOTICE AVIS IMPORTANT RULES GOVERNING THE CONDUCT OF RAFFLE DRAWS REGLEMENTS REGISSANT LE TIRAGE DES TOMBOLAS. Introduction: It has come to the attention of the Registrar of Alcohol and Gaming that licensees may not be following approved rules when conducting draws for raffle prizes. Introduction: Le Registrateur de la Commission des alcools et des jeux a appris que les titulaires de licences pourraient ne pas se conformer aux reglements approuves pour le tirage des tombolas. Licensing Policies: All licensees are required to conform with the following: Politiques relatives a 1'emission de licence: Tous les titulaires de licences sont assujettis aux conditions suivantes : Rules for the conduct of the event shall be submitted to the licensing authority and shall be made available to ticket purchasers. Les reglements relatifs a la tenue de la tombola doivent etre soumis a Pautorite delivrant les licences et tenus a la disposition des acheteurs de billets. Tickets must be printed in accordance with the requirements established in the Raffle Licence Terms and Conditions. Les billets doivent etre imprimes conformement aux modalites de la licence de tombola. All prizes must be awarded at the event(s) specified on the licence issued. Tous les prix doivent etre remis lors de l'evenement / des evenements specifie(s) sur la licence. Applicants for a licence must indicate the detailed procedures to be followed for all draws and for all prizes to be awarded. In determining draw procedures, applicants must ensure fairness and address issues such as: Les personnes requerant une licence doivent indiquer en detail les procedures qui seront suivies pour tous les tirages et la remise de tous les prix. En determinant les procedures de tirage, les requerants doivent garantir leur impartiality et en preciser toutes les etapes : The number of rotations of the drum after each stub is drawn. Le nombre de tours du contenant effectues apres le tirage de chaque talon. If the drum will be spun one or more times after each stub has been drawn. If not, the rules must indicate in detail the procedures to be followed. S'il y aura un ou plusieurs tours du contenant apres le tirage de chaque talon. Dans la negative, le reglement devra indiquer en detail la procedure qui sera suivie. Any other necessary procedures including those which a spectator may expect to see during the stub draws. Toutes autres procedures necessaires, y compris les procedures auxquelles un spectateur pourrait s'attendre a assister durant le tirage des talons. The licensee must ensure that the Terms and Conditions and the Rules of Play for the conduct of the event and the awarding of prizes are carefully followed. Any variation from the approved format would constitute a breach of the Terms and Conditions. Les titulaires de licence doivent veiller a ce que les modalites et les regies du jeu, tant pour la tenue de l'evenement que pour la remise des prix soient scrupuleusement respectees. Toute derogation a la procedure approuvee constitue une infraction aux modalites de la licence. Date: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Fax: Date : Contact: Tel.: Courriel: T61ec.: August 29, 2008 Peter Calabretta 416-326-3013 [email protected] 416-326-8711 le 29 aout 2008 Peter Calabretta 416 326-3013 [email protected] 416 326-8711 Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Gaming Registration and Lotteries Blanket Raffle Lottery Report Rapport de tombolas mises sur pied en vertu d'une licence generate Commission des alcools et des jeux de i'Ontario inscription pour ies jeux et toteries SO. avenue S<sepp3id Esi. bureau 200 90 Sheppara Ave £.. Suite 200 Toronto ON M2N 0A<1 416 3?;>-B70G 1 800 522-2H7S toll free is Group Identification Number (GIN) Numero d'identification d'organisme (N.I.O.) Name of Organization / Nom de I'organisme Address / Adresse Lottery Licence No. / N" de licence de loterie Licence Period / P6riode couverte par la licence From/Du: To/Au: 1. Typo of Lottery events managed and conducted during above period / Genre do lotories mises sur pied et administrees pendant cette pdriode : a. Stub Draws I Tirages des talons de billets Number of Draws/ Date of Oraw(s) / Tickets Printed / Nombre de tirages Date du ou des Biiiets imprimes tirages Cost per ticket / Cout du biiiet *Administrative Costs / Frais d'administration Totai Value of prizes / Vaieur totaie des prix Total Gross Net Proceeds Receipts / Recettes Derived / Produit brutes totaies net gener6 ^Administrative Costs / Frais d'administration Total Value of prizes / Vaieur totaie des prix Total Gross Net Proceeds Receipts/Recettes Derived / Produit brutes totaies net genere ^Administrative Costs / Frais d'administration Total Value of prizes / Vaieur totaie des prix Total Gross Net Proceeds Receipts / Recettes Derived / Produit brutes totaies net genere Total Value of prizes / Nfeleur Totai Gross Net Proceeds Receipts / Recettes Derived / Produit Total Cost / Cout total b. Elimination Draws / Tirages par Elimination Number of Draws/ Date of Draw(s) / Nombre de tirages Date du ou des tirages Tickets Printed / Biiiets imprimes Cost per ticket/ Cout du biiiet Total Cost/ Cout total c. "50/50" Draws / Tirages 50/50 Number of Draws/ Date of Draw(s) / Nombre de tirages Date du ou des tirages Tickets Printed / Billets imprimis Cost per ticket/ Cout du billet Total Cost / Cout totai d. Meat Spins/Turkey Rolls/Name the Raffle / Activity Meat Spins/Turkey Rolls Number of &)ins. Date of Spin(s), Draws / Nombre de Draws / Date des tirages, d'activites tirages, des activites Tickets Printed/ Bilietsimprimes Cost per ticket/ Coutdu biiiet *Administrative Costs / Frais Total Cost / Cout total "Attach an itemized list / Joindre une liste detaiiee 3156 B (06/05) Page 1 of/de 2 2. Total Gross Receipts derivedfrom lottery events /Recettes brutestotales decoulantdes loteries: 5 I * J Application of Funds /Utilisation des fonds : (a) Total vaiue of prizes awarded / Valeur totale des prix attribues : $ (b) Total administrative costs incurred / Frais d'administration totaux engages : $ (attach itemized list) / (liste detaiUee ci-jomie) Net proceeds derived / Produit net genera : 3. Details of donations (for proceeds actually donated) I Details sur les dons (prodults qui ont ete donnesj: Amount donated / Montant donne Address of Payee / Adresse de ia ou du beneficiaire Name of Payee / Nom de la ou du beneficiaire Total value of proceeds actually donated for charitable or religious purposes; / Valeur totale du produit donne & des fins religieuses ou de bienfaisance : $ 4. Details of Lottery Trust Account I Details sur lo compte do loterie en fiducie : (Attach copies of bank statements for report period / Joigiie: tim copie des etats de bancjues pour la periode du rapport.) Lottery Trust Account Number / Nc' du compte de loterie en fiducie Name of Bank, Loan/Trust Company or Province of Ontario Savings Office / Nom de la banque, de la societe de pret ou de fiducie ou de la succursaie de la Caisse d'epargne de I'Ontario Bank statement date/Date de i'etatde banque YY/AA MM/MM DO/JJ Branch Address / Adresse de la succursaie Current balance as per bank statement: / Solde actuel selon Petat de banque : $ We, the undersigned, as two Principal Officers of the above organization, certify that this report is a correct statement of the lottery funds herein. / Nous soussignes, en tant que dirigeants principaux de I'organisme susmentionne, attestons que le present rapport constitue une declaration exacte quant aux fonds de loterie. Principal Officer / Dirigeant(e) principal(e) Principal Officer / Dirigeant(e) principal(e) Signature Name in Full / Nom complet Title / Titre fill I ; « ! i I Business Telephone' Telephone au travail { 1 I ) 1 : 1 I i : Date of signing / Date de la signature INSTRUCTIONS TO LICENSEES I INSTRUCTIONS POUR LES TITULAIRES DE LICENCE You must: / Vous devez: e submit all deposit slips for the lottery trust account, specifying the date of the event. See Information Bulletin No, 032 "Blanket Raffle Licences" for details. I fournir tous les bordereaux de depot pour le compte de loterie en fiducie, pr6cisant la date de I'activit6. Pour plus de details, veuillez vous reporter au Bulletin d'information n° 032 sur les licences generates de tombolas. e attach a list of all prizes and prize winners for each lottery event reported above. I joindre la liste des prix et des gagnants des prix pour chaque loterie faisant I'objet du rapport. a attach an itemized list of all donated prizes (if any) for each event held. / joindre la liste dStaillee de tous les prix attribues (s'il y a lieu) pour chaque activite. 3156 8 (06/05) Page 2 of/de 2
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Application Package Raffle Licence Requirements
1 800 522-2876 toll free in 0ntario