1. My main reason for learning English is… to learn 2.


1. My main reason for learning English is… to learn 2.
My main reason for learning English is…
to learn
- In my opinion, what matters most is to understand spoken English.
importer, avoir de
- It’s all right, it doesn’t matter.
I’d like to be able to speak English fluently.
pouvoir / couramment
I like studying foreign languages.
langues étrangères
French is my mother tongue.
langue maternelle
- I really want to improve my English!
= to make sth better
- My English has improved a lot over the past few years.
= to get better
I’ve made much progress this year.
faire des progrès
I expect to use English in ordinary conversation.
s’attendre à, espérer
I find it difficult to understand native speakers.
les locuteurs natifs
10. I expect to use English mostly for professional purposes.
(à) des fins (buts)
11. A wide vocabulary is very important for me.
large, étendu
12. Correct spelling is very important too.
13. Oral practice is what I need most.
la pratique
14. Do you often have the opportunity to practise your English?
15. I need to be able to use English in all kinds of situations.
avoir besoin de
16. Have you ever read a novel in English?
17. Your level in English: 0 beginner
0 intermediate
0 advanced
18. I sometimes make mistakes but I can make myself understood.
faire /se faire comprendre
19. Are you afraid of making mistakes?
peur de faire
20. What matters is to get a message across.
« faire passer »
21. It depends on the speaker’s accent.
dépendre de
22. - Can you speak at natural speed?
la vitesse
- They speak too fast / quickly!
23. I can speak English fluently = My English is fluent.
couramment / courant
24. Are you good at languages / learning languages? (bad at)
bon en
Have you got a natural gift for languages?
 He is really gifted (for)
don, talent
 doué
25. She speaks English very badly, her English is poor.
mal/« pauvre »
26. How long have you been studying English?
Depuis cmb de temps
 for 5 years. (since 2005)
27. For me the best way to learn English is to go abroad and stay with an English-speaking
28. Most British people assume they can manage / cope / get by in foreign countries by
apprends-tu l’anglais?
manière de/aller à l’étranger
se débrouiller
speaking English.
29. Don’t forget that whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever you do, you’ll need
English one day!
qui que tu sois/où que tu
sois/quoi que tu fasses