Chers étudiants, Bonjour. Rendez-vous le 23 octobre 2013, de


Chers étudiants, Bonjour. Rendez-vous le 23 octobre 2013, de
Chers étudiants,
Bonjour. Rendez-vous le 23 octobre 2013, de 17h30 à 19h, amphithéâtre Chaunu à Clignancourt pour le lancement du
Conversation Friend Programme (CFP). Si vous n’avez pas encore de correspondant anglophone, venez quand même à la
réunion : 12 étudiants anglophones sans correspondant s’y rendront également. En revanche, sachez que votre participation à la
réunion ne vous assure pas la possibilité d’avoir un correspondant, puisque ce programme se fait sur la base du volontariat.
Lors de cette réunion, nous finaliserons les derniers tandems linguistiques, et procéderons aux inscriptions aux ateliers
conversationnels à thème. Ces ateliers se destinent surtout aux étudiants ayant des difficultés à s’imposer la discipline de retrouver
leur correspondant au moins 1 heure par semaine (minimum syndical pour faire vivre le tandem), mais chaque tandem du
programme est libre de s’y inscrire. Pour des questions d’organisation, vous pouvez changer d’atelier d’un semestre à l’autre, mais
pas en cours de semestre. Voici les thèmes et les horaires des ateliers, qui débuteront le 4 novembre :
Ateliers du CFP :
-lundi 12h30-13h30: Steff Daly and Elodie Audibert. Theme: English humour/l'humour français. Salle 217, Clignancourt.
-lundi 17h-18h: Francis Dilley and Guillaume Périssol. Theme: S1: living in Paris/vivre à Paris. S2: pop culture (songs, slogans, etc.,
including parody watching and writing). Salle: F671.
-mardi: 12h13h: Leah Geoghegan and Roman Van N'guyen, Clignancourt: salle 217. Theme: S1: #debating ; S2: storybuilding and
storytelling (TV series, films, scenarios, etc.).
-mardi, 13h-14h: Daniel Crutchfield and Lucile Hagège. Theme: S1: news you can use (and caricature via spoof news websites).
S2: conversation and acting. 217, Clignancourt.
-jeudi: 13h-14h: Barbara Le Lan and Rebecca Loxton. Theme: conversation and improvisation. Salle: 217, Clignancourt.
Un email en anglais a été envoyé à vos correspondants.
A bientôt,
B. Le Lan.
Hello dear English-speaking participants to the Conversation Friend Programme (CFP). The launching meeting will take place
Wednesday 23rd October at Clignancourt (2, rue Francis de Croisset, 75018 Paris, metro station “Porte de Clignancourt”, line 4),
amphitheatre Chaunu, from 5:30 to 7pm. If you don’t have a conversation friend yet, never mind, do come anyway. There will be
partnerless French students coming as well.
The meeting will consist in finalizing the last tandems and signing up for the conversation classes. These classes are primarily
meant to facilitate weekly meetings (to keep the conversation tandems alive) but any tandem can sign up. For organization-related
reasons, you can change classes between semester 1 and semester 2, but not during the semesters. Here are the themes and time
slots of the conversation workshops:
-lundi 12h30-13h30: Steff Daly and Elodie Audibert. Theme: English humour/l'humour français. Salle 217, Clignancourt.
-lundi 17h-18h: Francis Dilley and Guillaume Périssol. Theme: S1: living in Paris/vivre à Paris. S2: pop culture (songs, slogans, etc.,
including parody watching and writing). Salle: F671.
-mardi: 12h13h: Leah Geoghegan and Roman Van N'guyen, Clignancourt: salle 217. Theme: S1: #debating (following people on
Twitter and compare different viewpoints on self-chosen themes) ; S2: storybuilding and storytelling (TV series, films, scenarios,
-mardi, 13h-14h: Daniel Crutchfield and Lucile Hagège. Theme: S1: news you can use (and caricature via spoof news websites like and S2: conversation and acting. 217, Clignancourt.
-jeudi: 13h-14h: Barbara Le Lan and Rebecca Loxton. Theme: conversation and improvisation. Salle: 217, Clignancourt.
A similar email has been sent in French to your conversation partners. For the ULIP students, come with your ULIP student cards
as there is staff controlling students at the building entrance. To everyone: note that your coming to the meeting does not
guarantee that you will have a conversation partner, as all students sign up on a voluntary basis.
All the best,
B. Le Lan.