La Mouette mai 2014


La Mouette mai 2014
No. 279
mai 2014
Bonne fête du premier mai!
1er mai : les origines de la fête du muguet et
du travail:
La fête du 1er mai a en réalité deux origines et
deux histoires. La première remonte au MoyenAge tandis que la seconde trouve ses origines à
Chicago en 1886.
Pourquoi le 1er mai est la fête du muguet ?
Depuis le Moyen-Age. Il semble que le muguet
aussi appelé lys des vallées, une plante originaire
du Japon, soit présente en Europe depuis le
Moyen-Age. La plante à clochettes a toujours symbolisé le printemps et les Celtes qui lui accordaient des
vertus porte-bonheur.
Le 1er mai 1561, le roi Charles IX officialisa les choses : ayant reçu à cette date un brin de muguet en
guise de porte-bonheur, il décida d'en offrir chaque année aux dames de la cour. La tradition était née.
La fleur est aussi celle des rencontres amoureuses. Longtemps, furent organisés en Europe des "bals du
muguet". C'était d'ailleurs l'un des seuls bals de l'année où les parents n'avaient pas le droit de cité. Ce
jour-là, les jeunes filles s'habillaient de blanc et les garçons ornaient leur boutonnière d'un brin de
Fête de la Bastille
The Drystone Restaurant at Mimosa Winery is booked for another memorable Bastille Day lunch. Due to
the owners being in Paris on July 14th, we are celebrating the event on July 6th. Negotiations are
currently being undertaken regarding the menu, and we are confident of another memorable lunch in the
beautiful surrounds of the Mimosa Winery.
Members will once again receive a generous subsidy towards their meals, and plans are underway to
provide a bus for members who want to be able to enjoy a glass or two of wine with lunch.
Details will be provided in next month’s La Mouette, but please put the 6th of July in your diary.
Conversation au café
With effect from the May Conversation (17 May), it will be a 10am start for beginners with more
experienced speakers joining in from 10.30am. At the Rockpool Café, 3rd Saturday of each month.
Please note that these conversation mornings are limited to members only.
This edition compiled by Neil Porter.
Calendrier 2014
Weekend in May Petanque visit to Canberra - 17/18 May but not yet confirmed
Saturday 3 May Tour de Mandeni
Sunday 6 July Bastille Day lunch at Dry Stone Restaurant Mimosa Winery
Monday September 8 AGM and Dinner
Sunday 12 October Moules Frites at the Wharf
Sunday November 30 Christmas function and Coupe d’Antibes.
Tina Arena singing in Canberra
A legend in Australia and a star in France (where she
has sold more than 4 million albums), Tina Arena is a
quality performer in any language. She will be
performing in Canberra (the Llewellyn Hall, notable
for it’s excellent acoustics) on Saturday, 06 September
2014 at 19:00. It should be a great show, hopefully
including some of her French hits.
Alliance members
meet to play pétanque on the second Friday and the last Saturday of
every month. No prior experience is needed. Just come along, bring
your morning coffee and have fun playing this challenging game.
Many members stay and have a BBQ or picnic lunch, so bring along
something to eat and drink (BBQ provided) and join in the
Bring your own equipment or borrow ours. If you have any questions
please ring Kerry Hunting either on 6495 9463 (h) or on 0409 589
301 (mob).
Details for May are:
Friday 9th May and Saturday 31st May at 10 am at Mandeni Resort,
Sapphire Coast Drive, North of Tura Beach, turn off next to “Za’s
Stonehouse”, just after the flags.
Visit to Canberra For Pétanque
Last year we had a most enjoyable weekend when the Capital pétanquers from Canberra joined us for a
day of pétanque and our Bastille Day celebrations. We’ve accepted their kind invitation to visit them and
are planning to join them for 2 afternoons of pétanque (from 2pm each day) in Canberra on the 17th and
18th May. You will need to organise your own transport and accommodation, although we will try to
assist with shared transport once we know who is going.
We’ll need to know the numbers as soon as possible, so if you are interested or have any questions,
please email Kerry as soon as possible on [email protected]
This edition compiled by Neil Porter.
Tour de Mandeni Triathlon
We are holding our very popular triathlon again this year – it includes archery, pétanque and mini golf.
No prior experience is necessary, as instruction in all sports will be provided. Small teams will be formed
to compete for prizes. In addition to the ‘competitive sports’, many other activities are available at
Mandeni, such as bike hire, golf, pitch and putt, paddle-boats,
jumping pillow or one of the many walks. Please bring your own
food and drinks for a barbeque (gas BBQ provided) or picnic.
When: Saturday 3 May starting at 10am and finishing
approximately 3pm
Where: Mandeni Resort, Sapphire Coast Drive, north of Tura
Beach, turn off just
next to the
“Stonehouse Cafe”, at
the fork in the road
take the right-hand
Cost: The entry fee, which covers the cost of the activities at
Mandeni will be $10 for members (subsidised) and $15 for
non-members. There is no cost to non-competitors. The
jumping pillow and all walks are free. Normal Mandeni costs
apply for all other activities.
Bring: Hat, sunscreen, picnic
or BBQ lunch, family and friends! This is a good opportunity for
anyone interested in joining our Alliance Française to get to know us a
bit better.
Please contact Kerry Hunting on 6295 9463 or [email protected]
before Wednesday 30 April if you are interested so we can confirm
numbers with Mandeni.
Payment: Please pay in advance, as you register with Kerry. You can
either send a cheque to The Treasurer, Alliance Française de la Côte
de Saphir, PO Box 3, Merimbula 2548 - or pay by EFT: Acc name:
Alliance Française de la Côte de Saphir Acc No: 168 279 527 BSB:
082 697 (Please add your name as reference on the transfer.)
La blague du mois:
C'est une petite fille qui va voir son père et lui demande :
- Papa qu'est ce qu'on devient quand on est mort?
Son père lui répond :
- Bin de la poussière.
Ensuite la petite dit :
- Papa je pense qu'il y a un mort en dessous de mon lit.
This edition compiled by Neil Porter.
Discounts are offered to our members at the following 5 local businesses:
Alexander & Adams, Veterinary Surgeons, 149 Auckland Street, BEGA '6492 1837 and 56 Moruya
Street, COBARGO 6493 6442 – 10% discount.
Brief Affairs, Lingerie Boutique, Shop 12, The Promenade, MERIMBULA – 10% discount
Caterer’s Choice Catering, Val Russell, PO Box 28, MERIMBULA '6494 3301, mobile 0429 338 715 –
10% discount.
Peter Dunne Gallery: 2/ 101 Pacific Way, TURA BEACH '6495 9082 at least 10% discount to current
members. Opening hours are nearly every Saturday and Sunday from 2pm till 5pm.
The Thyme Garden Gallery, 336 Sapphire Coast Drive, TURA BEACH '0428 469 461 – 10% discount,
excluding books.
Membership 2014
For those renewing their membership, this year we won't be issuing new cards. Instead you will receive a
sticker for 2014 to add to your current card. Can you please bring your membership card to any Alliance
functions you attend so your card can be updated.
Members’ benefits include regular information via La Mouette, a standing invitation to play pétanque and
to participate in French conversation, access to our library.
La Mouette will be sent by email as far as possible. If you require a printed copy please inform Kerry
Hunting. Please complete this form in clear print and mail it to: "
The Membership Officer, Alliance Française de la Côte de Saphir, P. O. Box 3, MERIMBULA 2548 "
Pay either by cheque or - preferably – by EFT: Account name: 'Alliance Française de la Côte de
Saphir' Account No: 168279527, BSB: 082 697. Please add your name to the deposit. "
Alliance Française MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION for 2014
RENEWAL/ NEW (Please circle one)
"ADDRESS……………………………………………………………………….…… POSTCODE…………….
"SUBSCRIPTION (Please circle one)….FAMILY $40…………SINGLE $ 25………..SCHOOL $ 25………….
This edition compiled by Neil Porter.