Machine De Mise Sous Vide Machine A Sous Casino Gratuit Sans


Machine De Mise Sous Vide Machine A Sous Casino Gratuit Sans
MENDEZ, Jaime ................ 2
GUILFOYLE, John ............ 2
DODDATO, Cecile ............ 4
HAMILTON, Marilyn........ 4
RAUSCH, Eugene ............. 7
PARKER, Roxanna ............ 13
DERABERTES, Sandra ..... 15
TYLER, Al ......................... 17
DUNLEAVY, Marie...........17
FELDMAN, Marylee..........18
HALL, Bob..........................19
SPATES, James...................20
MIGLIN, Russell.................24
POWERS, Betty..................26
SPANO, Marie....................29
GAFFGA, James.................30
HOMAN, Peggy.................30
COLLINS, Veronica...........1
STEWART, Jean.................1
MOSIA, Peter......................2
CASEY, Kay.......................4
FARINHA, Edwina.............4
PARISE, Joe........................4
DeGROTTOLE, Anna.........5
HOPE, Laraine.....................5
VAN RIPER, Angie.............5
RANNO, Diane....................6
GREFE, Anna......................11
SCHMITT, Christine...........15
WINDSOR, Rosary.............15
KACZYNSKI, Sandy..........17
REILLY, Ken......................17
O’SHEA, Joseph..................20
POWERS, Ed.......................23
GREEN, Sharon...................26
TORCIVIA, Christine..........28
GRAHAM, Joe....................29
Only the 1st week
of December’s Birthdays &
Anniversaries are listed in this
issue – the full lists will be in the
next issue of the Foxtales.
If there are any changes,
misspelling or wrong information,
please inform Carolee Olsen
(591-1228) so appropriate
adjustments can be made.
If a member has since passed
away and their name is on the list,
please let us know and say a
prayer for them.
Thank You !
ANDREOTTA, Marta.........1
RANNO, Frank...................1
SIANO, Blanche.................1
STOLZ, Robert...................4
DODDATO, James.............4
DAUITO, Joseph................6
JOYCE, Denis....................6
PRAGER, Herman.............6
BRISOTTI, Al....................7
DUNLEAVY, Marie & John..............3
RANNO, Diane & Frank....................3
O’SHEA, Joan & Joseph....................8
HILLER, Mildred & Carl...................9
HURSTER, Dolores & Bill............... 11
KENNEDY, Mary Ann & John..........11
HOMAN, Peggy & Lester..................12
MAZZOLA, Dottie & Phil.................15
CATALANO, Yolanda & Mike..............16
DAUITO, Michelina & Joseph................20
CAPOBIANCO, Diane & Dominick.......21
MERJAVE, Brenda & Bob.................21
FELDMAN, Marylee & David...........24
HAUER, Kathleen & Joseph..............24
FALLON, Janise & John....................25
DeGROTTOLE, Anna & Nicholas.....29
LODDING, Robert & Agusta.............29
IOVINO, Joanne & Alfonse...............30
GUGLER, Helen & Robert..........2
ENGELS, Judy & Don................14
SHIODA, Toshiko & Yoshi........15
JOYCE, Denis & Kate.................20
LISOSKI, Gisela & Richards.......25
ARDOLINI, Jean & John.............26
FARINHA, Edwina & Victor....1
MOLLOY, Mady & James........7